Hockey clubs vhl teams logo. Calendar and new logotype approved. Dmitry Kurbatov, executive director of FHR

The Russian Ice Hockey Federation has approved the calendar of matches for the All-Russian Ice Hockey Competition - "Championship of the Higher Hockey League" for the 2017/18 season. 27 clubs will perform in the new season.

In the regular season, the teams will have to hold a two-round tournament according to the system, each with each "home" and "away". In total, at the first stage, each team will play 52 matches.

In the playoffs, the fight for the main trophy of the VHL - the Vladimir Petrov Cup - will be continued by the sixteen strongest teams, which at each stage will form pairs according to the principle: the highest seeded number against the lowest (the team that took 1st place in the regular season will meet with 16 1st, 2nd from 15th, etc.).

Hockey clubs Gornyak (Uchaly), Metallurg (Novokuznetsk), CSK VVS (Samara), as well as two Chinese teams Kunlun Red Star Heilongjiang (Harbin) and Tseng Tou (Jilin) \u200b\u200bwill take part in the tournament for the first time.

The VHL regular season will continue 165 calendar days, the New Year's pause will be 8 days. There will be only 15 non-game days in the championship (up from 21 a year earlier). Almost a third of the regular season matches will be played on weekends.

When compiling the calendar, the load of sports facilities was taken into account, especially difficult situations were in Kazan, Penza, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Izhevsk and St. Petersburg. In order to popularize hockey, the matches of the VHL teams were divorced to the maximum with the games of the KHL.

Despite all the difficulties, the calendar takes into account the interests of the clubs, their logistics needs when moving from city to city, and also adheres to the sports principle of equal conditions for all participants in the VHL Championship.

The opening match will take place September 8, 2017... The winner of the last season's regular season "Torpedo" from Ust-Kamenogorsk will host the silver medalist of the 2016/17 All-Russian ice hockey competition "Trans-Urals" from Kurgan at home.

In addition to the calendar, a new VHL logo was approved. It is an improved version of the previous logo of the organization, which allows to convey the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuity of goals and management philosophy with its significant modernization.

The logo has the shape of a shield and is made in a minimalist style using black and white colors. The refusal to use the colors of the Russian flag underlines the international status of the organization.

Stylistically, the new logo differs from the previous logo by a stiffer shield outline and modern lines font.

Dmitry Kurbatov, executive Director FHR:

The past season in the Major Hockey League was successful and we can definitely write it down as a plus to the development of the league, but at the same time we have big and ambitious plans for the future. The next season is significant for us: we are entering it with a new logo, with a new lineup of clubs, with an expanded representation of foreign clubs, with an updated website and an old-new cup, which was named after Vladimir Vladimirovich Petrov. This will new season for the new Major Hockey League, which is making a big step forward in its development.


The Russian Ice Hockey Federation has approved the calendar of matches for the All-Russian Ice Hockey Competition - "Championship of the Higher Hockey League" for the 2017/18 season.

In the regular season, the teams will have to hold a two-round tournament according to the system, each with each "home" and "away". In total, at the first stage, each team will play 52 matches. In the playoffs, the fight for the main trophy of the VHL - the Vladimir Petrov Cup - will be continued by the sixteen strongest teams, which at each stage will form pairs according to the principle: the highest seeded number against the lowest (the team that took 1st place in the regular season will meet with 16 1st, 2nd from 15th, etc.).

HC Dynamo St. Petersburg will start the regular season with an away derby against SKA-Neva 9th of September, then will play two matches at a visit to the Moscow Region “Zvezda” and “Chemist” and travel to China, where he will play the first ever games against the newcomers of the league “Kunlun Red Star Heilongjiang” (Harbin) and “Tseng Tou” (Jilin). The first home match of the blue-and-white in the Yubileiny sports complex will take place 24 september, the rival will be Izhstal from Izhevsk.

In addition to the calendar, a new VHL logo was approved. It is an improved version of the previous logo of the organization, which allows to convey the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuity of goals and management philosophy with its significant modernization. The logo has the shape of a shield and is made in a minimalist style using black and white colors. The refusal to use the colors of the Russian flag underlines the international status of the organization.

The Russian Ice Hockey Federation has approved the calendar of matches for the All-Russian Ice Hockey Competition - "Championship of the Higher Hockey League" for the 2017/18 season. 27 clubs will perform in the new season.

In the regular season, the teams will have to hold a two-round tournament according to the system, each with each "home" and "away". In total, at the first stage, each team will play 52 matches.

In the playoffs, the fight for the main trophy of the VHL - the Vladimir Petrov Cup will be continued by the sixteen strongest teams, which at each stage will form pairs according to the principle: the highest seeded number against the lowest (the team that took 1st place in the regular season will meet with 16 1st, 2nd from 15th, etc.).

Hockey clubs Gornyak (Uchaly), Metallurg (Novokuznetsk), CSK VVS (Samara), as well as two Chinese teams Kunlun Red Star Heilongjiang (Harbin) and Tseng Tou (Jilin) \u200b\u200bwill take part in the tournament for the first time.

The regular championship of the VHL will last 165 calendar days, the New Year pause will be 8 days. There will be only 15 non-game days in the championship (up from 21 a year earlier). Almost a third of the regular season matches will be played on weekends.

When compiling the calendar, the load of sports facilities was taken into account, especially difficult situations were in Kazan, Penza, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Izhevsk and St. Petersburg. In order to popularize hockey, the matches of the VHL teams were divorced to the maximum with the games of the KHL.

Despite all the difficulties, the calendar takes into account the interests of the clubs, their logistics needs when moving from city to city, and also adheres to the sports principle of equal conditions for all participants in the VHL Championship.

The opening match will take place September 8, 2017... The winner of the last season's regular season "Torpedo" from Ust-Kamenogorsk will host the silver medalist of the 2016/17 All-Russian ice hockey competition "Trans-Urals" from Kurgan at home.

In addition to the calendar, a new VHL logo was approved. It is an improved version of the previous logo of the organization, which allows to convey the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuity of goals and management philosophy with its significant modernization.

The logo has the shape of a shield and is made in a minimalist style using black and white colors. The refusal to use the colors of the Russian flag underlines the international status of the organization.

Stylistically, the new logo differs from the previous logo with a stiffer shield outline and modern font lines.

Dmitry Kurbatov, FHR executive director:

The past season in the Major Hockey League was successful and we can definitely write it down as a plus to the development of the league, but at the same time we have big and ambitious plans for the future. The next season is significant for us: we are entering it with a new logo, with a new lineup of clubs, with an expanded representation of foreign clubs, with an updated website and an old-new cup, which was named after Vladimir Vladimirovich Petrov. This will be a new season for the new Major Hockey League, which is taking a big step forward in its development.

VHL Press Service


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