Problems of personnel adaptation at the present stage. Adaptation of personnel in organizing the problems of adaptation of employees in the organization

Adaptation staff - This is a complex of efforts and activities aimed at the newly appointed employee who has come to new or newly appointed employee as soon as possible to new working conditions, corporate culture, adopted standards and rules, and came out to the normal level of performance.

Problems of personnel adaptation
Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees in the life of the organization. Studies show that 90% of people who fired from work during the first year took this decision on the first day of their stay in the new position. What reasons make newcomers encourage such a decision?
1. A large discrepancy between reality with those promises to pay for labor and its conditions that were given to candidates by the employer with their selection.
2. The new employee is thrown to the arbitrariness of fate without any support and training, he spends a lot of efforts to overcome not only objective, but also subjective, no more justified difficulties that suggest his thoughts on the dismissal.
3. A new employee, having familiarized himself with the situation in the enterprise, it comes to the conclusion about the absence of prospects for further professional and career growth.
4. The new employee did not help to overcome psychological barriers, he had a tense relationship with colleagues, a newcomer rejection began with a team.
5. The new employee did not have a relation with immediate The boss, its rigidity, ill-gratefulness and permanent soldiers poison their lives.
6. The new employee did not fit in organizational The culture of the enterprise, did not accept those standards, traditions and values \u200b\u200bthat share his work colleagues.
7. The new employee overestimated his abilities and did not cope with official duties assigned to him.

The main objectives of the personnel adaptation:
Reducing the costs of the enterprise by reducing the deadlines to achieve new employees of the established standards of work;
Reducing the influence of anxiety and insecurity of the behavior of new employees;
Reducing staff yields in the enterprise in the category of new employees;
Development in new employees of professional knowledge and skills necessary for them to successfully fulfill work;
Formation of a new employee of a sense of involvement in an organization, cohesion of a labor collective;
The formation of a correct understanding of the new employee of official duties and tasks facing him;
Formation of a new employee of a high level of motivation to work and understanding his role in the success of the organization;
Involving experienced employees in the learning process and education of new frames.

Organization of the personnel adaptation process
Who is responsible for the process of personnel adaptation? This is not a celebrating question, as it may seem at first glance. In some companies, such responsibility is assigned to HR service, in others on executives structural divisions, thirdly on the training department. All listed Figures take part in the process of adapting new employees, but any process should have their own owner. The authority of the head of the division is limited to his framework, he cannot be responsible for adapting staff throughout the enterprise. If you "smear" This responsibility between all the leaders, they will lose control and get in each division of their own version of adaptation. The training department performs only a part of the functions of adaptation of personnel, his head does not have the ability to manage the entire process. The head of the HR service is suitable for the position of the host of the process, especially since the personnel adaptation is its main function. With one organizational question, we dealt with, but the second question remained with delegation Powers for effective management of staff adaptation process. These powers HR managers are lacking at most domestic enterprises, and without them it is impossible to effectively implement the basic management functions: planning, organization, control and coordination. Procedures related to personnel adaptation are desirable to formalize in a separate document or standard.

Main types of personnel adaptation
Types of personnel adaptation are component elements of the general process of labor adaptation, determined by the peculiarities of the production and economic system and social relations in the organization. Distinguish:
Psychophysiological adaptation;
Socio-psychological adaptation;
Professional adaptation;
Organizational Adaptation.
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Relevance of the topic. Adaptation of personnel in the organization is a necessary personnel management link. Indeed, becoming an employee of a particular enterprise, the beginner finds itself before the need to adopt organizational requirements: labor and recreation regime, provisions, job descriptions, orders, administration orders, etc. He also takes a combination of socio-economic conditions provided by the company. He is forced to appreciate his views in a new way, habits, to relate them to the norms adopted in the team and the rules of conduct, enshrined traditions, develop a corresponding line of behavior.

Unfortunately, the importance of measures to adapt workers in our country is not seriously perceived by personnel services throughout the long period. So far, many state enterprises and commercial organizations do not even have basic adaptation programs. Meanwhile, in the conditions of introducing a new mechanism of management, self-financing and self-sufficiency, which is accompanied by a significant release and, consequently, the redistribution of labor, an increase in the number of employees who were forced to emerge new professions, or change their workplace and the team, the importance of the adaptation problem increases even more .

The implementation of the adaptation management system in the enterprise is a rather complicated task, but it does not depend on it to the solution of such important tasks for the enterprise, as: a reduction in starting costs, reducing the flow of personnel; Perhaps a faster achievement of work indicators acceptable to an employer - employer; Employee's entry into the working team, in its informal structure and feeling a member of the team; Reducing the anxiety and uncertainty experienced by the new employee. Anxiety and uncertainty in this case means fear of failures in work and incomplete orientation in the work situation. This is a normal fear of new and unknown, saving time of direct supervisor and ordinary workers, the development of a new employee satisfaction with work, a positive attitude to work and realism in expectations. The adaptation system is designed to solve the above problems.

In this regard, it is relevant to identifying the entity of adaptation, describing it as a system, defining areas, stages, studying indicators of assessing the status of adaptation work, the development of adaptation programs.

purpose of work: Studying adaptation as one of the modern staff management technologies and its integral part.

As part of the goal, the following are set tasks:

    determine the essence and purpose of adaptation;

    determine the components of the employee adaptation control system at the enterprise;

    examine the methods of personnel adaptation.

The subject of test work is the personnel adaptation system.

Work structure:work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and literature of the used literature.

Chapter 1. The essence and purpose of adaptation

One of the problems of working with personnel in the organization while attracting new frames is to manage labor adaptation. During the interaction of the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation occurs, the basis of which is the gradual entry of workers in new professional and socio-economic working conditions.

The term "adaptation" is used in various fields of science. In sociology and psychology allocate social and production adaptation. To a certain extent, these two types of adaptation intersect with each other, but each of them has independent areas of application: social activities are not closed in production, and production - includes technical, and biological, social aspects.

Social adaptation - (from Lat. Adapto - adapt and socialis - environment) - the inclusion of the person in a new substantive and social environment for it. 1 When a person goes to work, it is included in the system of intra-corporate labor relations, which simultaneously occupies several positions in it. By entering the enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms, behavior installation. In accordance with them, the employee presents the requirements for the organization for working conditions, to pay, content, growth opportunities, to the social environment.

Thus, adaptation is a mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization based on the gradual work of the employee in new professional, social and organizational and economic conditions of labor 2.

The term "adaptation" is extremely wide and applied in various fields of science. In sociology and psychology allocate social and production (labor) adaptation. To a certain extent, these two types of adaptation intersect with each other, but each of them has independent areas of application: social activities are not closed in production, and production - includes technical, and biological, social aspects.

From the position of personnel management, the production adaptation is the greatest interest. It is she who is a tool in solving such a problem as the formation of the new working required level of productivity and quality of labor in a shorter time.

The reasons for changing the conditions of labor activity are diverse: admission to a new place of work, the transition to another unit, to a new position, the introduction of new forms of labor organization, its payment, etc.

Therefore, in the conditions of introducing a new mechanism of management, the transition to the entry, self-financing and self-sufficiency, which is accompanied by a significant release and, consequently, the redistribution of labor, an increase in the number of employees who were forced to emerge new professions, or change their workplace and the team, the importance of the problem of adaptation is still It increases more.

This problem is of one way or another concerns all categories of working, but it is most acute for young workers and young professionals.

The change of the workplace implies not only the change in working conditions, the change of the collective, but also is often associated with a change in the profession, the type of activity, which gives adaptation new, more complex character 3

When a person goes to work, it is included in the system of intra-corporate relations, in it simultaneously several positions. Each position corresponds to the set of requirements, norms, rules of behavior that determine the social role of a person in the team as an employee, colleagues, subordinate, head, public organization, etc. from a person who occupies each of these positions, the corresponding behavior is expected. Going to work in a particular organization, a person has certain goals, needs, norms of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee places certain requirements for the organization: to working conditions and its motivation.

The process of mutual adaptation, or labor adaptation, employee and organization will be all the more successful than a largely norm and value of the team are or become the norms and values \u200b\u200bof a separate employee, the faster and better it takes, assisters its social roles in the team. four

Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees in the life of the organization. Practice shows that 90% of people who fired from work during the first year took this decision on the first day of their stay in the new organization. As a rule, a beginner in the organization faces a large number of difficulties, the main mass of which is generated precisely the lack of information on the order of work, location, features of colleagues, etc. That is, a special procedure for introducing a new employee to the organization can contribute to the removal of more problems arising at the beginning of work. five

The principal objectives of adaptation are:

1. Reducing starting costs, since while the new employee does not know his workplace poorly, it works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

2. Reducing concerns and uncertainty in new employees;

3. Reducing the flow of labor, as if newcomers feel uncomfortable on a new job and unnecessary, then they can respond to this dismissal;

4. Saving time of the head and employees, since the work carried out under the program helps save the time of each of them;

5. Development of a positive attitude to work, satisfaction with work.

In addition, the ways to include new employees in the life of an organization can significantly intensify the creative potential of already working employees and strengthen their inclusion in the corporate culture of the organization.

For the head of the same information on how organized in its division, the process of adapting new employees can say a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration. 6.

Chapter 2.Adaptation process management

Management of the process of adaptation is an active impact on factors that predetermining its course, deadlines, reduction of adverse effects, etc. 7

The need to control adaptation is predetermined by great damage both for production and employees, and its ability has been proven with the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations.

Development of measures positively influencing adaptation implies knowledge of both the subjective characteristics of the worker (floor, age, its psychophysiological characteristics, as well as education, experience, etc.), and the factors of the production environment, the nature of their influence (direct or indirect) on indicators and results adaptation. Therefore, when optimizing the adaptation process, it should be processed from the existing opportunities of the enterprise (in terms of working conditions, flexible working hours, organization of labor, etc.) and restrictions in the change in the working (in the development of certain abilities, in exemption from negative habits, etc. P), it is also necessary to take into account the differences in the new and in the former place of work, the features of the new and former professions, because they may be significant, which will serve as a serious barrier for professional mobility and holding the enterprise's personnel policy.

Adaptation of the employee in production, effective management of this process requires a large organizational work. Therefore, many enterprises of the country are created by specialized personnel adaptation services. However, this is done in different ways: depending on the number of enterprise personnel, the enterprise management structure, the availability and organization of the personnel management system, the aiming of the enterprise administration to solve social problems in the field of production management and other points.

The employee adaptation services can act as independent structural units (department, laboratory) or to enter into other functional units (as a bureau, group and individual employees) - to the personnel department, sociological laboratory, department of labor and wages, etc. Sometimes the position of adaptation specialist is introduced into the staffing schedule of workshop management structures. It is important that the adaptation service is a composite link of general systems, management of personnel in the enterprise.

Tasks Divisions or specialist in managing adaptation in the field of the organization of the technology of the process of adaptation, in the Kibbanov, are:

    organization of seminars, courses on various adaptation issues;

    conducting individual conversations of the supervisor, a mentor with a new employee;

    intensive short-term courses for managers who are re-entitled;

    special courses for preparing mentors;

    the use of the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by the newcomer;

    performing one-time public instructions to establish contacts of a new employee with a team; eight

  1. Adaptation personnel in organizations (2)

    Essay \u003e\u003e State and Law

    Adaptation personnel in organizations Adaptation personnel - means the inclusion of ... specific persons working in organizations. Organization expects from an employee of manifestation ... in organizations Conduct standards, regulations and managing orders. Process adaptation will be...

  2. Office employed adaptation personnel in organizations

    Essay \u003e\u003e State and Law

    41. Labor management adaptation personnel in organizations. Labor adaptation personnel - Mutual adaptation of the employee and organizationsbased on the gradual inclusion ...

  3. Adaptation personnel (8)

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Management

    Labor adaptation 1.1 Labor adaptation: Concept, goals and its stages. Types of labor adaptation..................................................................... 5 1.2 Management adaptation

In modern Russian conditions, maturity issues encourage representatives of student youth to actively search for earnings. Labor activities of students acquire a massive character. Therefore, labor adaptation problems come to the first plan in the study of their social functioning.

Youth is a special social group. It is beneficial from other age categories to a faster adaptation to changing external conditions, dynamism, relatively high level of general education, specific psychophysiological qualities. In addition, people are typical for this demographic group, people take on new social roles, on the basis of which vital values \u200b\u200bare formed, plans. In modern society, its representatives are experiencing a number of difficulties in the process of inclusion in labor relations. Difficulty is due, in particular, for such reasons as: the absence of the relationship between the Institute of Education and enterprises both relative to the level of demand for professionals in the labor market and the lack of a system of distribution of university graduates, high demands of young people regarding the prospects for their employment, inadequate assessment of their own labor qualities, and others .

In sociology, the problems of adaptation of young people are particularly relevant. This topic dedicated to the work of E. Durkheim, M. Weber, A.I. Kravchenko, V.T. Lisovsky, B.A.Rukchkin, P.A. Sorokina, M. Mida, V.A. Yadov, J.T. Tishchenko, P.D. Pavlok, O.V. Romashova, A.I. Kovalevoy and many others.

Special difficulties in the process of adaptation experienced young people in the post-reformal period. The main problem was that representatives of this social group of that time needed to form a new approach to labor relations and labor values, without being based on the experience of previous generations. The transition to market relations began to demand from the individuals of the style of thinking, behavior, other competencies and skills other than those focused in past decades. Over the years, the Soviet society has prepared a "performer man", while at present the main task of society is the upbringing of the "Creator Man", a competitive person.

So during the domination of industrial capitalism from the employee, it was necessary to learn a certain set of techniques, sufficient for stable work for many years. While at the present, the employee must be ready for retraining and constant mastering new skills. The modern worker should have the so-called design type of thinking, which is based on a career not aspiration, but the interest of work and recognition among fellow professionals. Your career, according to employers, a person does himself.

Modern socio-economic conditions forcing young people to enter the labor market, still studying at the university. According to G.A. Cherednichenko, the process of consistently changing learning activities towards labor increasingly goes into the past, and at the present stage there are widespread extensions among young people have non-standard forms of employment and new forms of flexible use of labor, allowing to combine study and work. According to sociological research, the number of working students over the past decade fluctuates within 40-45%.

Motives of young people contributing to employment and employment are different. Korzh N.V. Allocate two groups of employment of student young people. To the first group, sociologist relates common values \u200b\u200bfor all working students, such as the need to earn money for vital things and achieving material well-being. The second group refers the motives that are associated with the material wealth of their family. Labor activity for representatives of medium-associated and highly protected students has such value as a need for professional self-realization. While for low-income students, the mainstream is a material incentive that allows you to make money to ensure yourself and your family in essentials.

In general, analyzing the current position of young people in the labor market, it should be noted that they have a weak level of competitiveness, which is due to the low level of professional knowledge, qualifying skills and experience. In this regard, employers when admission to work give the advantage of qualified employees who have practical experience. Employers also hold back the need to provide a number of benefits stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation against adolescents and the prospect of the dismissal of young workers. In addition, employers are not always ready to carry additional organizational and financial difficulties associated with the professional training of young personnel.

The success of the labor adaptation process has a dependence first of all from individual and labor values, as well as on the level of development of human and labor qualities of personality, mastering professional skills and skills, skills sufficient for the qualitative performance of functional duties and creativity in labor. The process of social adaptation of a young worker is a complex process. A young employee must familiarize himself with professional work, acquire professional skills, enter the team, learn to reproduce the norms of labor relations characteristic of a particular organization, coordinate their individual position with the objectives and objectives of the organization. The labor adaptation process can be held both successfully and unsuccessful. This is due to the fact that the nature of the relationship of relations in the labor team may not comply with the expectations of young employees.

The process of incorporating student youth in labor relations is still in the process of learning has a dual value. On the one hand, creating a prerequisite for the professional formation, the accumulation of experience, and on another negatively reflecting at the level of the quality of education. The personality is the process of labor adaptation every time when working work, changing work or raising the career ladder. In general, labor adaptation contributes to the development of such qualities as activity, initiative, competence, independence. The importance of successful work adaptation of young people is that this process will be successfully socialized and participate in vertical social mobility.


1. Abrahamova E.M., Verpakhovskaya Yu.B. Employers and graduates of universities in the labor market: mutual expectations // Sociological studies, 2006, No. 4.

2. Andronova E.V. Social adaptation of young people to the regional market

3. Weber M. Selected works. - M.: Progress, 1990.

4. Durkheim E. Sociology. Its object, method, purpose. - M.,

5. Korzh N. V. Labor values \u200b\u200bof modern student youth

6. MF M. Culture and world of childhood. - M.: Science, 1988.

7. Pavlek P.D. Sociology. - M., 2002.

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E. S. Chicherina.

student SPBGUT

In recent decades, the management and staff has become a family activity, and management personnel is one of the most massive components of labor. This is due to the fact that improving the efficiency of management in the acceleration of the use of achievements of scientific and technological progress, more complete use of personnel opportunities has become crucial for the successful activities of corporations in the faster competitive struggle. The main factors of competitiveness were the security of a qualified workforce, the degree of its motivation, organizational structures and forms of work that determine the efficiency of the use of personnel.

Intensification of management and improving the quality of labor of personnel is likely only in the subsequent application of fundamentally new approaches to work with personnel, and in particular with employees engaged in managerial labor. New approaches to work with people are in its integrated nature, wider use of planning elements, the use of individual forms of work. An inherent condition for the successful activity of the enterprise is to increase the funds allocated to work with personnel.

A theoretical substantiation of new forms of working with personnel is developed - the concept of "human resources". It is based on the recognition of the economic feasibility of investments related to the recruitment of personnel, maintaining it in working condition, continuously learning and identifying the qualities, potential opportunities and abilities laid in the personality of the employee, with the subsequent development of qualities important for his professional activities. Distinctive features of concepts are:

the use of economic criteria to assess the role of the human factor in production in modern conditions;

intrafyrna control;

rearrangement of the entire system of work with frames.

High quality workforce is only a prerequisite for high production efficiency. It is necessary for its implementation that the work of the employee is well organized so that he does not have breaks in the work on organizational and technical reasons, so that the work entrusted to him consistent with the professional training and level of qualification. In order for the employee not to be distracted by the fulfillment of the functions unusual, the more non-relevant level of qualification, so that normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions are created, ensuring the normal level of labor intensity, etc. A social and psychological situation that promotes the interaction of performers in the process of work is played a big role in the emergence of incentives for high-performance and efficient operation. It is also important to be the proper fulfillment by the employee of their production duties, strictly observing the discipline (labor, industrial, technological), labor activity and creative initiative.

The basis of any modern organization is certainly people, since it is people who provide the effective use of any kind of resources available to the Organization and determine its economic indicators and competitiveness. The contribution of human resources to achieving the goals of the organization and quality of products or services provided primarily on how effectively work is being taken on the selection of personnel. But even the best selection system is not able to provide a proper result, unless paying enough attention to the issue of adaptation of new employees.

The dismissal of the employee due to its inability to master the new job or fit into the team will be reduced to no results of the selection and lead to additional material costs and search for another employee. A good organization seeks to maximize the potential of its employees as profitable as possible, creating conditions for their effective work. The employee assesses the organization from the point of view of what role she plays in his life, which gives him well-being. The establishment of organic human and organization interaction provides the basis for the effective functioning of any enterprise.

The first step in this direction is the process of adaptation, i.e., the adaptation of the needs and values \u200b\u200bof the employee to the requirements imposed on it to the organization in accordance with its strategic objectives.

The purpose of this appearance is to develop proposals for improving the personnel adaptation system in the Russian Information Channel. To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been solved:

1. The concept and essence of the adaptation process is disclosed, its main stages are characterized;

2. The world and domestic experience of personnel adaptation is analyzed;

3. Reveal the essence of modern approaches to labor adaptation and their effectiveness;

4. An analysis of the existing personnel and adaptation management system has been analyzed;

5. Developed proposals for improving the system of adaptation of RIC personnel and their effectiveness is determined.

Thus, the object of this study is the company "Russian Information Channel", the subject - the personnel adaptation system in the enterprise.

Hypothesis - the use of mentoring as the sole adaptation method is inefficient and leads to a lack of degree of adaptation to the team. To increase the degree of adaptation and reducing psychological tension, it is necessary to use other socio-psychological approaches to adaptation in combination with mentoring.

Ideally, the correct adaptation process should lead:

To a decrease in start-up costs by reducing the timing of achieving new employee-established work standards;

Reduction in personnel turnover;

Saving time of direct supervisor and ordinary workers;

The emergence of a new member of the team sense of satisfaction with work, a decrease in anxiety and uncertainty.

Adaptation is a process with a complex structure that includes the following interrelated aspects:




Adaptation is one of the criteria for the efficiency of the enterprise and has an impact on the ability of the company to produce the maximum volume of products of acceptable quality with minimal costs of human, temporary, information and other production resources.

Adaptation means the inclusion of a person in a new substantive and social environment for it. When a person goes to work, it is included in the system of intra-organizational labor relations, which simultaneously occupies several positions in it. By entering the enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms, behavior installation. In accordance with them, the developer places and requirements for the organization to work conditions, to pay, content, growth opportunities, to the social environment.

The organization presents the requirements for education, qualifications, performance, discipline, the ability to work in a team, willingness to positively perceive the existing production conditions. In the course of the interaction of the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation occurs, the process of adaptation proceeds.

Adopted allotment primary and secondary Adaptation. Primary takes place at the initial entry of a young man in real labor activity. The secondary occurs in two cases: when moving an employee to a new workplace, with a change or without changing the profession, as well as with significant changes in the production environment, its technical, economic or social elements.

Labor adaptation has a complex structure. Psychophysiological, social and psychological and professional aspects are distinguished in it:

1. Psychophysical adaptation is the process of mastering the totality of all the conditions necessary for the employee during labor.

2. Socio-psychological adaptation is the inclusion of an employee into the collective relationship system with its traditions, life standards, value orientations.

3. Professional adaptation is expressed at a certain level of mastering by professional skills and skills, in the formation of some professional qualities, in the development of the positive attitude of the employee to their profession.

Adaptation means the inclusion of a person in a new substantive and social environment for it. When a person goes to work, it is included in the system of intra-organizational labor relations, which simultaneously occupies several positions in it. By entering the enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms, behavior installation. In accordance with them, the developer places and requirements for the organization to work conditions, to pay, content, growth opportunities, to the social environment.

It can be drawn by a generalizing efficiency scheme, conventionally dividing its criteria for psychological and non-psychological (Fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1.1 - Efficiency Criteria

Labor quality is one of the criteria for efficiency. Under it is a reaction of people to working conditions and life in organizational systems. We judge the quality of labor life to satisfy people working conditions, sense of security, confidence, etc., in other words, in terms of adaptation of a person in the labor collective.

Thus, adaptation is one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the enterprise and has an impact on the ability of the company to produce the maximum volume of products of acceptable quality with minimal costs of human, temporary, information and other production resources.

It is customary to allocate primary and secondary adaptation. Primary takes place at the initial entry of a young man in real labor activity. The secondary occurs in two cases: when moving an employee to a new workplace, with a change or without changing the profession, as well as with significant changes in the production environment, its technical, economic or social elements.

The degree of labor adaptation of employees is affected by various factors associated with one side with the actual state of public labor elements, and on the other hand, with the level of requirements working to these elements.

Labor adaptation factors - These are the conditions affecting the course, deadlines, pace and the result of this process. Since adaptation is a bilateral process between the person and the production environment in which it turns on, all adaptation factors can be divided into two groups: personal and production.

Table 1.1.

Labor adaptation factors




1. Experience, age


2. Education

2. Labor conditions and rules

3. Qualification

internal regulations

4. Social origin

organization of labor, management


3. Ability to increase

5. Level of attractions

qualifications, participation in

6. Perception of yourself

discussion of decision-made decisions


4.Vids and movement methods

7. Professional degree

to work, duration


movement to work

8. Degree of interest

5.Available fee

in its own earnings

6. Psychological climate

9. Availability of installation on

a team

continuation of education

10. Production knowledge


The source of information on the indicators of adaptation is the documentation of the enterprise and the results of surveys as the adapters themselves and their immediate leaders. Socially economic forms of manifestation of satisfaction with the work of a social group is determined primarily by the place of this group in the structure of society, a public organization and division of labor, its legal and moral status in society. These diverse forms of manifestation of satisfaction work can be combined into three main groups of indicators:

1) in the process of labor activity

2) in the movement of labor

3) in the structure of the qualitative characteristics of the aggregate employee, the "quality of the employee". The first group of indicators of the degree of satisfaction with labor can be represented by the coefficient of use of the general working time fund (Cof) and its components.

I. An assessment of the level of novice preparedness is necessary to develop the most efficient adaptation program. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience in similar divisions of other companies, then the period of its adaptation will be minimal.

II. Orientation is a practical acquaintance of a new employee with its duties and requirements that are presented to him by the organization. As a rule, the orientation program includes a number of small lectures, excursions, workshops. During this stage, questions should be addressed about the policies of the organization, pay, additional benefits, safety, economic factors, procedures, rules, regulations, reporting forms, working responsibilities and responsibilities.

III. Effective adaptation is a stage that consists in the adaptation of a novice to its status and is largely due to its inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. Within the framework of this stage, it is necessary to give a newcomer to actively act in various fields, checking on itself and testing the knowledge gained on the organization, it is important to provide maximum support for a new employee, to regularly implement the effectiveness of the activities and features of interaction with colleagues.

IV. Functioning is the final stage of the adaptation process. We can characterize it as the stage of gradual overcoming production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable operation. As a rule, with the spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage occurs after 1-1.5 years of work. If the process of adapting is to regulate, then the step of effective functioning may occur in a few months.

Reducing the adaptation period is able to bring significant financial benefits, especially if a large number of personnel are involved in the organization.

Traditionally, in the adaptation program of workers, three main directions are distinguished:

1) introduction to the organization;

2) introduction to the division;

3) Introduction to the position.

Introduction to the organization is a rather long process that occupies the first month of work. The procedure for introducing into the organization should contribute to the assimilation of adopted standards and rules and provide employees with the information that they need and which they strive to have. From the process of introducing into the organization largely depends, whether employees will assimilate the approval by the organization, installation whether they will feel a sense of commitment to her or they will have a negative understanding of the company. Planned work on the introduction of an employee to the organization involves ensuring its full information about it and prospects that he can have working in it. The employee reports information about the history of the organization, its prospects, policies and rules. This also includes information about the structure of the company, organization of work of divisions and their interaction, the order of work, the number and location of units and branches, etc. The employee is introduced to the organization's policy regarding personnel: the principles of hiring, disciplinary requirements, established orders, benefits, opportunities to promote and etc.

In the process of introducing the organization, not only the positive attitude of employees to the new place of work is ensured, but also an understanding of the principles of the organization, clarification of the requirements and expectations from the Company. Many organizations publish booklets containing all the necessary information associated with the introduction of workers in the organization.

Introduction to the position - the immediate supervisor of the new employee begins to communicate with newcomers after the head of the division is talked. He is responsible for his familiarization with the work and its main functional duties. The immediate supervisor discloses the main content of professional activity and how the contribution to the work of the new employee contributes to the overall success of the unit and the organization as a whole. The direct supervisor should be taken into account that the process of adaptation to position is hampered by the difficulties associated with the disadvantage of the necessary information, uncertainty and fears that may arise on the first day of work. The head must consider what measures could help a newcomer to gain the necessary confidence.

With the introduction to the position, it is important to pay attention to the following issues:

Colleagues of a new employee and their tasks. Is everything done to effectively cooperate?

The overall type of tasks that it will perform during the first few days. Is a new worker ready to fulfill them?

Requirements for its work (quality, performance, etc.), the degree of responsibility for the results of the work. Is there a new worker enough good idea about them?

Who is responsible for his training in the division. Is a clearly new employee sees this connection?

The start and end time, the time of lunch break and regulated breaks, if provided for. How well is aware of a new employee about the basic requirements of the internal regulation?

Salary size and when the new employee will receive its first salary. Is there a clarity or an employee have certain questions important for him?

Where should his personal belongings be kept?

It should be reminded that it will be not bad if the immediate leader will pay at the end of the first working day time for conversation with a newcomer. This will solve three tasks:

1. The employee is given the opportunity to ask questions, clarify what remains unclear.

2. emphasizes the interest of the manager in providing a new employee any necessary assistance.

3. Helps consolidate the faithful installations and the attitude to the hard work.

A warm welcome and a properly planned and well-organized program for adapting a new employee will allow him to quickly go to the necessary level of professional indicators, send its motivation and installation to the right direction - to work with the full return for the benefit of the organization.

The professional development of young professionals is largely influenced by the first years of work, since it is this period that it is a kind of "probation period", which further defines the position of a specialist in a social and professional environment.

Professional adaptation of specialists can be determined as a process of entering a new labor situation in which the personality and working environment mutually influence each other, forming a new system of interactions and relations within the team. Going to work, the young specialist is actively involved in the system of professional and socio-psychological relations inside the organization, assimilates new norms and values, coordinates its individual position with the objectives and objectives of production.

As the main elements of the adaptation of a young specialist, the following can be distinguished:

· Mastering the system of professional knowledge and skills;

· Mastering a professional role;

· Performance of the requirements of labor and performing discipline;

· Independence when performing official functions;

· Satisfaction with the work performed;

· Interest in work, the possibility of implementing its potential;

· The desire for improvement within the framework of the profession;

· Awareness on the most important issues of work;

· Setting good relationships with colleagues;

· Feeling of psychological comfort;

· Feeling fair remuneration for work;

· Understanding with the leader.

The process of adaptation in general consists of professional and socio-psychological adaptation. Professional adaptation is expressed at a certain level of mastering by professional skills and skills, formation of professionally necessary qualities of personality, the development of a sustainable positive attitude of the employee to their profession. Socio-psychological adaptation is to master the socio-psychological characteristics of the organization, entering the system of relations, positive interaction with other employees, etc.

Table 1.2.

The degree of satisfaction with various parties to professional activities

The adaptation of a person to the labor environment is manifested in its real behavior, as well as in such specific performance indicators, as labor efficiency, the assimilation of social information and its practical implementation, the growth of all types of activity, satisfaction with various parties to work activities.

The main role in the process of successful professional and psychological adaptation is played by the personnel management of the company and psychologists developing a set of activities that reduces both temporary and psychological costs for adapting new employees.

On the basis of the sectoral center of psychological research, a study was conducted to identify the factors of adaptation of young specialists from various enterprises. The study involved young specialists under the age of 25 (52.6%) and from 25 to 30 years old (47.4%). Work experience in the specialty in 33% was less than a year, at 31% of the year to two years, in 36% of two to three years. At the same time, 82.6% amounted to men and 17.4% of women.

Fig. 1.1 - satisfaction with the selected specialty

One of the most important components of professional formation for young professionals is satisfaction with the chosen specialty. As studies show, 93% are satisfied with their professional choice and only 5% of young professionals experienced disappointment in the chosen profession (Fig. 1.1).

An important element of the adaptation process is also vocational training. 66% of young professionals are prepared, poorly prepared 16% (Fig.1.2). At the same time, 57% of young professionals had a rather real idea of \u200b\u200btheir future work, and for 30% of expectations, they did not meet the responsibilities (Fig. 1.3).

Fig. 1.2 - Evaluation of its preparation for work after graduation

Fig. 1.3 - compliance with the real situation at work expectations

Of course, a low level of training complicates adaptation, increases its terms and requires more financial investments. In addition, the inconsistency of real work expectations may talk about the insufficient number of practical training in the process of training of specialists. The degree of satisfaction of young specialists in various parties to work is characterized by the data given in the table.

Presentations about the future, knowledge of the possibilities of career growth are one of the most important factors of adaptation (Fig. 1.4). However, only 35% of young professionals are aware of the prospects for professional growth and their possible business career, the remaining 65% is not at all familiar with this, or are familiar in general terms. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the work on the familiarization of young professionals with the possibilities of their promotion on the career ladder, as the solution of these issues concerns not only adaptation, but is a stimulating mechanism of production activities. The studies held in the Center showed that 25% of respondents were not satisfied with the prospect of professional growth (Fig. 1.5). At the same time, 71% of young professionals who dissatisfied the prospect of professional growth did not know about it, and 70% were not satisfied with the payment and, perhaps, therefore, they do not see their future perspective.

Fig. 1.4 - awareness of a possible career, growth prospects

Fig. 1.5 - Satisfaction with the prospect of professional growth

A significant role in the process of labor adaptation plays the presence of a mentor. The unconditional importance of the influence of the mentor to the process of adaptation is noted by 91% of young professionals (Fig. 1.6). At the same time, it should be paid to the fact that 50% of young professionals who do not have a mentor are deprived of help with adaptation. In addition, the presence of a mentor affects the satisfaction of professional growth. So, 53% of young specialists who have mentors are satisfied with the prospect of their professional growth, and among those who work without a mentor, they are only 29%.

The relationships of young professionals with colleagues are a favorable factor for adaptation, as well as satisfaction with the management relationship (Fig. 1.7). So, almost 76% of young specialists are satisfied with the relationship with the management of the enterprise.

Fig. 1.6 - Assessment of the assistance of the mentor in adaptation in the opinion of young professionals

Fig. 1.7 - satisfaction with the relationship with the management of the enterprise

Fig. 1.8 - wage satisfaction

Fig. 1.9 - Regularity of the performance of work not included in the circle of direct duties of young professionals

One of the main factors of the speedy adaptation of young professionals in production is the satisfaction of labor. Studies conducted in the Center showed that a significant part of young specialists (42%) are not satisfied with the amount of remuneration (Fig. 1.8).

However, it should be noted that, despite the dissatisfaction with the wage, people hold good relations in the team (84%), positive relations with the direct supervisor (76%) and with the management of the enterprise (60%). In addition, for many respondents, the continuation of the professional dynasty (68%) and satisfaction with the work as a whole (46%) is important.

One of the problems that interfere with the adaptation of young professionals in production is the performance of a large amount of work that are not included in their direct duties (Fig. 1.9). For example, more than 50% of respondents note that they have to do this work quite often.

Evaluating factors to help adaptations, young professionals themselves as the most effective, identified motivational (desire to work and interest in work), support for colleagues and personal qualities (Fig. 1.10).

The most significant aspects that prevent specialists and successfully adapt to work are:

· Lack of practice during training (33%);

· Lack of general information on the purposes and objectives of the organization (30%);

· Weak training in the educational institution to the actual working conditions (23%);

· Inattentive relationship from the leadership (22%).

Dissatisfaction with housing conditions also applies to the number of factors that interfere with adaptation. Studies have shown that 63% of young professionals are not satisfied with their housing conditions. This demonstrates the need and relevance of the development of actually working social programs for young professionals.

Fig. 1.10 - Labor Activities Helping Young Specialists Adapt to Work

Fig. 1.11 - Events needed to consolidate young professionals in the enterprise

In this regard, young specialists themselves proposed a set of activities aimed at securing personnel (Fig. 1.11). First of all, this concerns the material sphere - wages and provide housing. This suggests that the social determinant is not dominant in the first years of work.

An analysis made in the sectoral center of psychological research showed that for most young professionals, satisfaction is characterized by a professional choice, and this is definitely a positive factor in their entry into a professional environment, making his professional role, a really relevant work environment.

However, the process of adapting young professionals complicates a number of factors. First, it is discrepancies of expectations and real work that you have to do.

Secondly, weak preparation in the university to work conditions, lack of practice during training. To solve this problem, it is necessary to combine the efforts of industrial and educational institutions to adjust industrial practice programs in order to create optimal conditions for obtaining specific practical knowledge, with the involvement of students to solve real production tasks.

Thirdly, this is a lack of general information about the objectives and objectives of the organization. Undoubtedly, such information will help young professionals to correctly understand the meaning of their activities and their professional tasks. In order for this process to not be spontaneously, it is necessary to clearly define who, when and where such information gives young professionals.

Fourth, weak awareness of a possible career and growth prospects. In order for the factor "career growth prospects" performed its stimulating function, the developed planning schemes of official careers should not remain on paper, and in a timely manner to young professionals.

Positively, the process of adapting young professionals is influenced by relations in the team, assistance and support of colleagues, mutual understanding and good contact with the leadership, as well as the presence of a professional mentor. It can be assumed that the value of these factors to some extent compensates for dissatisfaction with wages.

Once again, it is necessary to emphasize the positive value in the adaptation process of young professionals of the motivational component. Interest in work, the content of activity is the driving force that helps to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period.

Domestic and foreign organizations have sufficient experience in developing and implementing special adaptation programs.

In the US, adaptation activities are customary called "orientation". In-depth orientation programs of workers are used on medium and large US companies. In the process of their holding, both personnel management managers and line managers are participating. In small firms, the adaptation program is carried out by the manual - practitioner, sometimes - with the inclusion of the worker of the trade union. The most different programs are used - from programs providing mainly oral information to formalized procedures that bind oral views with written and graphic installations.

Adaptation programs often use equipment, slides, photos. Programs are divided into general and specialized. As a rule, the issues of the general program concern information about the company as a whole. Here are some questions affected by this program:

1) general ideas about the company, welcome, goals, priorities, traditions, norms, products, activities, data on management, internal relations;

2) strategic policy;

3) labor payment;

4) additional benefits;

5) labor protection and safety;

6) an employee and his relationship with the trade union;

7) the service of life;

8) Economic factors: profits, labor cost, cost of equipment, damage from absenteeism, desemination, accidents.

The specialized program affects the issues relating to a specific division or company. For example, the function of the unit: responsibilities and responsibilities, the required reporting, rules and regulations, the inspection of the unit, the submission of employees.

In the German company "Siemens" all young specialists with higher education claiming work receive a special form where the following information is contained: a summary of the work; necessary preparation; payment, working time; opportunities to promote and the average period of stay in office; Opportunities for advanced training. A common adaptation method is a sequential change of the workplace (within the site or the entire company, depending on the qualifications). Often the rotation occurs at lower positions (but according to the profile of the diploma), as the basis of the final practical recognition of the qualifications obtained in the educational institution is created. It is believed that the residence time at lower positions stimulates to self-development. At the end of the adaptation period and, depending on its results, a vertical promotion can be immediately carried out (even through discharges and positions). The change of jobs is applied to adapt to aggregate with the active use of educational methods.

The system of social and professional adaptation of young people, developed and implemented in the Dnepropetrovsk Machine-Building Plant, involves working with an adaptant for 1.5 to 2 years. During this period, adaptation cards are underway, according to which the work satisfaction is determined, the level of wages, participation in public life, housing conditions. Data processing is carried out on a computer. At least once a quarter, sociologists hold conversations with each new employee about the results of his work activity, about relationships with mentor, in the team, about emerging difficulties and difficulties at this stage. The identified disadvantages are reported to the personnel and management department and is taken under control of their elimination. The constant and systematic work of sociologists with newbies is preventive in nature, which allows you to solve the painful questions in advance, without bringing to dismissal.

The system includes 3 stages of becoming, for each of which concrete measures are defined in order to complete the professional and social adaptation.

At the first stage, acquaintance with the labor team, with the boss, with the location of the enterprise services. Special attention is paid to familiarization with the profession, with the provision of a workplace.

In the third, final stage, there is an inclusion of a worker in labor life. It provides for measures to improve the professional and educational level.

Evaluation of the adaptation of employees is carried out in two directions: based on self-assessment data and according to the results of the assessment by its direct supervisor.

Despite some differences in specific forms and techniques used in individual enterprises, a number of key directions for managing adaptation can be distinguished:

1) The most complete acquaintance of the team with a newcomer and a novice with a team. It is supposed already in the first weeks to give a young worker the necessary minimum of social and economic information that facilitates the process of adaptation.

2) Development of special information and reference materials that help adaptant correctly focus on the system of requirements and relationships in the main spheres of the band's vital activity.

3) Mentoring. A new person involuntarily looking for a team of responsive people who can help him master work and navigate in relationships with people.

4) Strict systematic control over the progress of adaptation.

Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees in the life of the organization. Practice shows that 90% of people who fired from work during the first year took this decision on the first day of their stay in the new organization. As a rule, a beginner in the organization faces a large number of difficulties, the main mass of which is generated precisely the lack of information on the order of work, location, features of colleagues, etc. That is, a special procedure for introducing a new employee to the organization can contribute to the removal of more problems arising at the beginning of work.

In addition, the ways to include new employees in the life of an organization can significantly intensify the creative potential of already working employees and strengthen their inclusion in the corporate culture of the organization.

For the head of the same information on how organized in its division, the process of adapting new employees can say a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration.

Conditionally, the adaptation process can be divided into four stages.

Stage 1. Evaluation of the level of novice preparedness It is necessary to develop the most efficient adaptation program. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience in similar divisions of other companies, its adaptation period will be minimal. However, it should be remembered that even in these cases in the organization are possible unusual options for it to solve the tasks already known to him. Since the organizational structure depends on a number of parameters, such as the technology of activity, external infrastructure and staff, the newcomer inevitably falls into some extent to the situation unfamiliar to him. Adaptation should assume both acquaintance with the production features of the organization and the inclusion in communicative networks, familiarity with the staff, corporate features of communication, the rules of behavior, etc.

Stage 2. Orientation - The practical acquaintance of the new employee with its responsibilities and requirements that are presented to it by the organization. Considerable attention, for example, in US companies, is given a newcomer adaptation to the conditions of the organization. This work is involved both direct managers of newcomers and employees of personnel management services. Usually the duties between them are distributed as follows:

Table 1.3.

Personnel Management Services

Functions and orientation activities






Preparation of the orientation program



Familiarization of newcomers with the firm and its history, personnel policies, working conditions and rules


Explanation of tasks and requirements for work


Introduction of an employee to the Working Group


Encouraging assistance to newcomers by experienced workers


Usually orientation program Includes a number of small lectures, excursions, workshops (work in separate workplaces or with certain equipment).

Often, during the orientation program, the following questions are addressed:

1. General view of the company:

goals, priorities, problems;

Traditions, norms, standards;

Products and its consumers, the stages of bringing products to the consumer;

A variety of activities;

Organization, structure, company connection;

Information about the leaders.

2. Organization policy:

Principles of personnel policy;

Principles of staff selection;

Directions of vocational training and advanced training;

Assistance to employees in case of bringing them to judicial liability;

Rules for using the phone inside the enterprise;

Rules for using various working time modes;

Rules for the protection of commercial secrets and technical documentation.

3. Salary:

rules and forms of wages and ranking employees;

Payment of weekends, overtime.

4. Fringe benefits:

Insurance, accounting of work experience;

Manuals for temporary disability, weekend benefits, family disease benefits, in the event of severe losses, maternity benefits;

Support in case of dismissal or retirement;

Training opportunities at work;

The presence of dining room, buffets;

Other organizations of the organization for their employees.

5. Labor protection and safety compliance:

first medical care sites;


Warning about possible hazards in production;

Fire safety rules;

The rules of behavior in accidents and the procedure for alerts about them.

6. Worker and his relationship with the trade union:

Terms and conditions of hiring;

Appointment, movement, promotion;


Management work;

Informing about failures at work and finding a job;

The rights and obligations of the employee;

Right of direct supervisor;

Organization of workers;

Decisions of trade unions and the policy of the company;

Management and evaluation of performance;

Discipline and recovery, registration of complaints;

Communication: Communication channels, postal materials, distribution of new ideas.

7. Life service:


Availability of service entrances;

Conditions for parking personal cars;

8. Economic forces:

labor cost;

Cost of equipment;

Damage from absenteeism, desemination, accidents.

After passing a common orientation program can be held special program Implemented both in the forms of special conversations with the staff of the unit, which came newcomers and interviews with the leader (direct and higher). Typically, the following questions are addressed in the Special Program:

1. Functions:

goals and priorities, organization and structure;


Relationships with other divisions;

Relationships inside the division.

2. Working responsibilities and responsibilities:

A detailed description of the current work and expected results;

Clarification of the importance of this work, as it correlates with others in the division and in the enterprise as a whole;

Quality standards for performing the work and the basis for an assessment of execution;

Duration of the day and schedule;

Additional expectations (for example, the replacement of the missing employee).

3. Required reporting:

types of assistance that can be rendered when and how to ask for her;

Relations with local and nationwide inspections.

4. Procedures, Rules, Regulations:

Rules characteristic only for this type of work or this unit;

Behavior in case of accidents, safety regulations;

Informing accidents and dangers;

Hygienic standards;

Protection and challenges related to theft;

Relationships with workers who do not belong to this subdivision;

Rules of behavior in the workplace;

Removal of things from the division;

Monitoring of violations;

Breaks (surprises, lunch);

Personal telephone conversations during working hours;

Use of equipment;

Control and evaluation of execution.

5. Representation of employees of the division.

Stage 3. Effective adaptation. This stage consists in the adaptation of the novice to its status and is much due to its inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. As part of this stage, it is necessary to give a newcomer to actively act in various fields, checking on itself and taking the knowledge gained on the organization. It is important as part of this stage to provide maximum support for a new employee, regularly with it to assess the effectiveness of activities and features of interaction with colleagues.

Stage 4. Functioning. This stage is completed by the process of adaptation, it is characterized by gradual overcoming of industrial and interpersonal problems and transition to stable operation. As a rule, with the spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage occurs after 1-1.5 years of work. If the process of adapting is to regulate, then the step of effective functioning may occur in a few months. Such a reduction in the adaptation period is able to bring significant financial benefits, especially if a large number of personnel are involved in the organization.

1. The work adaptation of the employee is the process of its interaction with the socio-production environment for the development of a new work situation. Adaptation begins with the establishment of information communication with production in the process of vocational guidance and trade protection (deduction), it continues with the beginning of work at the enterprise and is completed by the rupture of information and personal relationships with the enterprise (dezadaption).

2. The basis of the mechanism of production adaptation lies the adaptive need of an individual, mediated by the interaction with the need for its labor self-realization. At the same time, on the one hand, an estimated behavior behavior is formed, which encourages an individual to acquire information on the work situation, expand contacts with a socio-production environment, assessing the nature of the adaptive situation. On the other hand, the motive of the development of specific labor activities and the achievement of optimal interaction with the production will mediate the content of the information and the focus of personal contacts. As a result of complex polymotivation, production adaptation is carried out, taking into account the ability to implement the life objectives of the employee at the enterprise.

3. Based on a holistic understanding of the essence of the employee, the production adaptation is not limited to a professional sphere, but covers a combination of socio-labor relations caused by its structure. The main structural elements of production adaptation include professional, organizational, logistical, socio-psychological, as well as adaptation in the field of leisure.

4. The effectiveness of the management of the employee's production adaptation depends on the impact on the set of structural elements of adaptation with emphasis on the most significant conditions for specific types of adaptation types, from the skill of managers to use effective technologies of social adaptation management technologies.

5. The management of the employee of its own production adaptation (self-standard) is based on the knowledge of the socio-psychological mechanism of adaptation, identifying and evaluating its own adaptive potential and its subsequent development and training.

6. Formation of personnel composition is one of the most essential areas of the work of the personnel manager.

7. In order to provide an organization with a necessary personnel resource, it is important to develop adequate tasks of the situation in the external environment and the technology of activity, the structure of the company; Calculate the need for personnel.

8. To develop hiring programs, it is necessary to analyze the personnel situation in the region, develop procedures for attracting and evaluating candidates, conduct adaptation activities to include new employees in the organization.

The Russian information channel is a Russian-speaking news channel broadcast in Russia and abroad, covering the main national and international events. The Russian information channel seeks to reflect all spectra of life in Russian regions from Kaliningrad in Vladivostok.

News - part of the RTR, the greatest Russian media corporation. The speakers of the Russian TV and Radio Company (RTR) are the main suppliers of operational information, covering their broadcasting of 87 regional offices and has 3 multinational channels (Russia, culture and sports) and two international RTR-Planet and Planet-Sports.

The main reason for the inefficient functioning of the Russian information channel is a high personnel turnover, which is largely due to the unsatisfactory employee adaptation system. As a result, most of the employees are dismissed from the company during the first year of work.

This entails many negative points in the work - increasing the cost of searching and attracting new frames, training and internship. In addition, the labor productivity "Novik" is definitely lower than the performance of an experienced employee, which also negatively affects the economic performance of the enterprise.

Also reduced productivity and experienced workers, as they are forced to spend time on learning "newbies", correct the mistakes and shortcomings behind them.

Thus, the correctly supplied personnel adaptation system will reduce personnel turnover, which will certainly lead to positive changes in the system of economic indicators of the company.

The system of measures for the introduction of new employees to the position, encouraging mentoring and familiarizing the entire personnel composition with the materials of ideological content are an integral part of the technology of adaptation and corporate culture of the enterprise.

One of the effective ways to transfer professional experience is mentoring, the competent organization of which removes many problems arising at the stage of adaptation of new employees. This method allows to quickly overcome the gap between staff training and the application of the surveyed skills in real work at the enterprise.

In the company, the Russian Information Channel has developed a mentoring technology that regulates the adaptation period of the new employee. In addition, mentoring allows you to include in the adaptive process of experienced employees of the enterprise, to reduce material, temporary and moral costs, to achieve the necessary efficiency of the new employee in the shortest possible time.

The process of adapting employees in the company includes three stages:

Socio-psychological adaptation;

Professional adaptation;

Summing up the adaptation and exam.

In order for the adaptation process of newcomers as efficiently as possible, two options for the material remuneration of mentors have been developed, while the intensity and intensity of their work are taken into account, depending on the specifics of the activities in the enterprise.

The process of adapting employees and mentoring contribute to the formation of such qualities in new employees as a sense of involvement in the affairs of other departments and the company as a whole, the correct understanding of tasks and duties, their role in the team, the interest of the entire personnel composition in the company's life activity.

Newbies not only must be included in the position, but also to imbued with the ideology of the company, which forms in them a special way to work and certain behavioral principles. For these purposes, Rick released a booklet containing a description of the company's role, the history of its creation, branded standards (Corporate Code) and the appeal of the company's head for a novice.

Despite the fact that the company has existed on the market for a very long time, usually the process of adaptation and training of its employees passed spontaneously. However, over time, with the development of the Company and the exacerbation of competition, there is an acute need not only in attracting qualified personnel, but also to consolidate them in the enterprise. One of the solutions of the named problems was the introduction of a mentoring system.

Initially, the main purpose of creating this technology was the desire to streamline the entry into the position of the most "mobile" personnel of the company - sales managers. It's no secret that it is among this category of employees there is a high fluidity of frames.

The experience of the developed mentoring technology in the adaptation system of sales managers was successful. Considering it, the personnel service proposed a new project, universal to adapt the staff of all categories and posts. Currently, the company uses the proposed toolkit for each new employee, regardless of its profession.

The main tasks of mentoring in the company:

1. Regulation of the adaptation process of a new employee. For a new employee, the employee is being developed for the work plan at the time of adaptation "(Appendix 1), which allows you to streamline the activities to familiarize themselves with the necessary documents, catalogs, programs, processes, the specifics of the department, the entire enterprise, etc. The plan is filled individually for each employee And corresponds to its appointment and position.

2. Regulation of the inclusion in the adaptation process of experienced employees of the enterprise. In accordance with the "plan" for each event, the most competent profile employee is responsible, which must familiarize the newcomer with this or that process.

3. Reducing the material, temporary and moral costs of the enterprise. "An employee's work plan at the time of adaptation" allows you to establish new contacts and connections and accelerates the study of the material.

4. Achieving the necessary efficiency of the new employee in the shortest possible time. The optimal adaptation of the employee and the organization to each other happens with the participation in the adaptation of the new employee of the most competent and responsible employees of the enterprise.

The process of adaptation in the enterprise includes three stages:

1. Socio-psychological adaptation;

2. Professional adaptation;

3. Summing up adaptation and exam.

Consider more each of them.

Socio-psychological adaptation.

At this stage, the newcomer is adapted to the team, the requirements of the organization and the existing standards in it.

Personnel service introduces a new employee:

With job description;

Employment contract;

Safety instructions;

A brief description of the structure of the enterprise;

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

Personal Regulations;

Regulations on commercial secrecy;

Scheme of work and interaction of departments;

Location of cabinets and workshops;

Wage system;

Employees of the enterprise.

At this stage, each employee has a mentor who oversees a young specialist throughout the adaptation period and is responsible for the implementation of activities prescribed in "Plan". The mentor is appointed either the immediate head of the future specialist or the senior manager.

Professional adaptation.

At the second stage, a plan for newcomers is performed for the beginner, the responsible persons put the mark in the "Opening Plan of the employee at the time of adaptation". Professional adaptation of the employee is expressed in mastering them with specialty, professional skills.

Upon completion of the fulfillment of all activities and the expiration of the adaptation period, the mentor submits to the service of the personnel "Feedback" (Appendix 2) to consider the issue of conducting the exam and the early completion of the test period (the adaptation period is less than 3-4 weeks).

If you receive unsatisfactory results on the exam or the unpretentiousness of the new employee, it is granted a chance to fill out missing knowledge.

The mentor gives the "review" to the personnel service at the specified period and in the Count "Recommendations" notes the level of readiness of a young specialist.

Summing up adaptation.

Before the exam, the personnel service examines "feedback", spends a conversation with a mentor and a new employee to accept one of the solutions:

About the possibility of holding the exam and the removal of the probationary period;

On further professional training;

On the non-compliance of the employee due to the unsatisfactory completion of the adaptation period.

When making a decision on the examination of the personnel service forms the examination commission, which is usually included:


Head of the Department in which a new employee is inhabited;

Head or personnel officer;

Head of the enterprise.

In addition to the list of the Commission, the personnel service together with the head of the department or mentor prepares the alleged list of issues.

Three days before the scheduled date of the exam, the new employee introduces professional requirements for his knowledge. For example, for personnel involved in the sale of goods, exam questions traditionally contain topics such as knowledge of product range, document management, the ability to work with the client (in this case the corresponding scene can be played).

Upon completion of the exam, the Commission's decision is made to the "Conclusion" form on the results of the professional knowledge assessment (Appendix 3).

In the event of an unsatisfactory examination of the exam or with a negative "revocation" of the mentor, a new employee is offered dismissal at their own request or as not as kept trial period. With the successful result, a new employee is approved in positions and its probationary period is considered passed. Personnel service provides a copy of the "concluding" to the accounting department for changing remuneration.

All materials obtained are transferred to the personnel service to form a personal business of a new employee.

The process of adapting employees and mentoring as part of this process in the company contribute to the formation of such qualities in new employees as:

Sense of involvement in the affairs of other divisions and companies in general;

Proper understanding of tasks and duties;

Understanding your role in the team.

This adaptation program works at the enterprise for the second year. It is important not only to introduce new professionals. Newbies should penetrate the ideology of the company, which would have formed a special attitude to work and laid certain behavioral principles. Therefore, it was decided to create a booklet containing:

Description of the company's role;

The history of its creation;

Branded standards (corporate code);

Appeal by the company's head for a newcomer.

The system of measures for the introduction of new employees to the position, encouraging mentoring and familiarizing the entire personnel composition with the materials of ideological content is an integral part of the adaptation technology, reflection of the corporate culture of the enterprise.

The adaptation program is a set of specific actions that need to be carried out by an employee responsible for adaptation. In various textbooks, there are different synonyms of adaptation programs - they are also called orientation programs or simply orientation. The essence of these phenomena is about the same. We will use the term "adaptation program", as we consider the adaptation by the basic and all-encompassing process, subordinating the imposition and orientation.

The most fully, from our point of view, is set out the essence of the general adaptation program in the textbook of Bazarov and Eremin. According to him, during the program, the following questions should be addressed:

4. Additional benefits: Insurance, accounting of work experience; manuals for temporary disability, weekend benefits, family disease benefits, in the event of severe losses, maternity benefits; support in case of dismissal or retirement; training opportunities at work; the presence of dining room, buffets; Other organizations of the organization for their employees.

8. Economic factors: the cost of labor; cost of equipment; Damage from absenteeism, desemination, accidents.

Special adaptation needs are experiencing older staff. They also need learning and their needs somewhere similar to the needs of young workers, and they are often harder to fit into the team. The adaptation of persons with disabilities, employees who returned after passing training courses has its own characteristics.

During the entire adaptation period, the head must informally discuss with an employee of his relationship with the team of the unit, its degree of adaptation, control the implementation of an individual plan.

The personnel management service to clarify the true causes of dismissal collects and analyzes the relevant information. At the same time, the effectiveness of the recruitment of personnel is estimated.

The success of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the production environment and the employee itself. The more complicated the environment, the more difference from it from the usual environment at the same place of work, the more changes with it, the harder the adaptation process passes.

Adaptation as a process is characterized by a certain duration, and therefore, has its beginning and ending. If no question arises in relation to the beginning of adaptation (this is the beginning of the employee's activities in the new conditions), then it is very difficult to determine its ending. The fact is that adaptation is the process that flows constantly in the measure of changes in the external activities of the employee, and the changes in the person himself. Therefore, adaptation is related to a person who has not changed the workplace.

From the standpoint of personnel management, the formation of labor potential, determining the deadlines of adaptation is of great importance to find out such a concept as the adaptation limit.

When determining the deadlines for adaptation (A with them and possible damage) as its limit, or the point of reference to it as a process, certain quantitative indicators can be used, characterizing individual aspects of adaptation, or indicators. In particular, it is possible to allocate: objective indicators - the level and stability of the quantitative indicators of labor; Subjective indicators are the level of satisfaction with their profession, working conditions, team, etc.

The listed indicators are related to the immediate results of work, while it is often necessary to analyze the specific work of each division involved in adaptation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators (as they are presented in the training aid of Kibanov): drawing up programs for adaptation; lectures, seminars; work with young people; drawing up adaptation programs; acquaintance with the enterprise; acquaintance with the workplace; Explanation of tasks, requirements for work; introduction to the team; promoting assistance to novice from mentors; Training of young workers.

Another approach to the assessment of production adaptation proceeds from the characteristics and results of each of its parties.

So, for the characteristics of psychophysiological adaptation, especially on works with a large physical voltage (for example, to evaluate the degree of training, as one of the results of adaptation), rates of production and energy consumption are used, as well as indicators of the condition of the cardiovascular system, blood circulation function, respiratory, recovery rate etc.

Professional adaptation, as a complete and successful mastering of the profession, characterize such indicators as the degree of development of the time standards (their implementation, the achievement of the average percentage of the team), exit to the average level of product marriage of the employee, etc.

The indicators characterizing socio-psychological adaptation include the level of psychological satisfaction with the production environment for a person as a whole and its most important components for it, the nature of relationships with comrades, the administration, satisfaction with its position in the team, the level of satisfaction of life aspirations, etc.

Get a response from an employee to many of these questions can help a variety of questionnaires, which should be brought by an employee after the intended completion of the adaptation period. One of these questionnaires is proposed by Kibananov. His main questions:

10. Do you have conflicts with the head of the unit, with the Deputy Head, with the performers?

13. Housing conditions:

14. Interest in promotion:

15. To what extent in your work the following factors are pronounced: the security of work; compliance with the work of the profession; compliance of the qualifications of work; diversity of work; compliance with the nature of the work and inclinations; possibility of advanced training; awareness of the team's business; good salary; the possibility of promotion; assistance and support of the head; good relations with the administration; good relationship with colleagues at work; Successful mode of operation; Good workplace?

The survey was conducted among the employees of the enterprise occupied by various positions. 25 people were surveyed and the following issues presented in Table 2.1 were considered.

Table 2.1

Results of the study "The level of adaptation in the company"



in percents

number, people

1. Work term at the enterprise

6 months-1 year

more than a year

2. Position held before entering the company, or place of study

still learns or has already finished

occupies the same position

occupies another position

3. Periods when the leader is needed

when solving issues related to the performance of official duties

in case of personal questions

4. How often do you need help colleagues

5. Deadline for the development of professional skills

more than 6 months

Throughout work

6. The period of entry into the team

more than 6 months

7. Does the place arrange in the team

8. We would return to the company after a while

the desire for deep knowledge of cases in the organization

interest in business prospects and prospects

attention to events related to professional duties

the desire to take the most active part in decision making

the desire began to bring to the end

feeling belonging to the team

active attitude to others

11. Who provided tangible assistance in the process of adaptation

employee of the personnel department

linear leader


a colleague

someone else

12. What helped in the adaptation process

lectures, seminars

special literature

films, slides

Based on the table, an analysis was carried out for each issue.

Lifetime at the enterprise. As a result of the survey it turned out that 56% of employees of the company worked for more than a year, 28% - 3-6 months, 12% - 6 months - 1 year. The results of the study can be viewed in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Life term in the company

Here we can conclude that the largest percentage of employees of the enterprise have experience in working, which speaks of their competence in various issues of this sphere.

Experience of employees. The experience of the staff was identified due to the question of his position, before the employee's admission to the enterprise, the Russian Information Channel: 76% occupy the same position as previously occupied; 16% - occupy another position and only 8% still learn or finished, and did not have experience before entering the enterprise. The results of the study can be viewed in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - Experience of employees

It can be concluded that the largest percentage of employees (76%) of RIC enterprises have experience in the position of office, but at the same time 8% of employees did not have experience before entering the enterprise, therefore, on the company there is the possibility of learning and acquiring special skills Thereby accumulate experience and experience.

Periods when the head assistance is needed. 56% of respondents answered that the assistance of the head is needed only when solving personal questions, 44% - in solving issues related to the performance of official duties, and 24% proposed their own version of the answer that the head assistance is required in the case of providing material assistance. The results are presented in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 - When the help of the head of the company employees is necessary

Here we can conclude that employees more (56%) turn to the head of the enterprise on personal matters, mainly issues related to vacation, both administrative and the next, as well as on wages regarding wages.

As far as the help of colleagues is needed. The greatest percentage of respondents (52%) approved that the assistance of colleagues they need extremely rarely. 40% of employees of the enterprise help colleagues need much more often. 8% of 100% approved that the help of colleagues do not need.

Figure 2.4 - As far as the help of colleagues need

Here we can conclude that the help is more often needed by those employees who work as a team.

The term of mastering professional skills. The greatest percentage of respondents (52%) professional skills were mastered within 1 month. This suggests that Rick employees have experience in similar divisions, and experience in this position.

8% of employees surveyed answered that they acquire skills throughout the work.

24% of respondents Professional skills acquired within 1-3 months. These employees were trained. The results of the study are presented in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 - Mastering the professional skills

The period of entry into the team. The period of entry into the team among the greatest number of respondents surveyed (84%) amounted to less than 1 month. So the workers who have worked out from the beginning of the company's creation or who have worked for more than 3 years. The results of the study are presented in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 - Period of entering the team

Fast adaptation in the team is the positive side of the work of the enterprise and the whole team.

Would returned to the enterprise after care. 64% said affirmatively - yes, they would be returned to the enterprise. So the workers who worked for more than 1 year answered, mainly this is an accountant, chiefs. 20% - they did not return, the operators, licensing managers, and 16% were answered, which is possible, only to another position, here include: movers, drivers. The results of the study can be viewed in Figure 7.

Figure 2.7 - Would you return to the company

Here we can conclude that those workers who work from the basis of the organization will be returned to the company and occupy the level of medium-sized managers.

Do conflicts arise with the governing formation arise. 84% of respondents answered that the conflicts with the governing maker do not arise. This is due to the fact that the greatest percentage of employees (56%) work in the company more than a year, or from the basis of the enterprise. The results of the study can be viewed in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8 - Do conflicts arise with the governing

The main criteria for staff. 100% of employees surveyed identified the main criterion in their work: bring the work started to the end. This indicates the discipline of employees of the enterprise.

Attention to events that are directly related to professional duties - this criterion was allocated 88% of respondents. This indicates the competence of employees, about the knowledge of the work performed by them and the tasks.

Only 15% of the workers answered that they were interested in the work and prospects of the team. Here we conclude that employees give a lot of time to work and fulfill official duties, and little pays attention to the creation of the Unified Spirit of the Group's team. This includes an active attitude towards others - 12% of respondents. The results of the study are presented in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9 - Personnel Criteria

Rendering assistance in adaptation. The most assistance in the adaptation of employees of the enterprise is provided by a colleague on work (60%), 36% - Linear leader, 32% - employee of the personnel department. This is due to the fact that the employment contract concluded between the employer and the employee includes the item: the execution of the order of the head or the direct chief - here is to assist in the adaptation of a new employee. Basically assistance comes from a colleague for work. The results of the study are presented in Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10 - Assistance in adaptation

What helped in the adaptation process. 76% of respondents responded that the experience gained earlier was helped in the process of adaptation. 12% - they answered that lectures and seminars helped: employees who studied the program on the computer. The results of the study are presented in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11 - What helped in the process of adaptation

Here we conclude that mostly employees of the enterprise have experience and competent in various matters regarding their position. In the course of its work, employees, of course, read the necessary literature, laws, legal acts, changes in the Labor Code, in the Tax Code, directly related to the issues of work performed.

The analysis has shown that in the enterprise Rick there is a system of adaptation. The system includes such stages as familiarity with the general provisions of the enterprise, familiarity with the team, learning if necessary.

Main conclusions:

1. The largest percentage of enterprise employees (56%) have experience in this area more than a year, which indicates their competence in various issues of this area.

2. The largest percentage of employees (76%) of RIC enterprises have experience in the position of office, but at the same time 8% of employees did not have experience before entering the enterprise, therefore, on the company there is the possibility of learning and acquiring special skills, thereby Accumulation of experience and work experience.

3. Employees to a greater degree (56%) turn to the head of the enterprise on personal matters, mainly questions regarding vacation, both administrative and the next, as well as on issues related to remuneration.

4. Help is more often needed by those employees who work as a team: movers, drivers. Employees of such a category as an accountant, operators, specialists, representatives in helping colleagues need much less often.

5. The greatest percentage of respondents (52%) professional skills were mastered within 1 month. This suggests that Rick employees have experience in similar divisions, and experience in this position.

6. The period of entry into the team among the greatest number of respondents surveyed (84%) amounted to less than 1 month.

7. A colleague on work (60%) has the greatest assistance in the adaptation of employees of the enterprise.

Analysis showed that Rick's enterprise a set of employees carry out on certain criteria: education, experience, the ability to work (this is determined during the test period), but at the same time provides the possibility of learning and development. This is a professional adaptation. Psychophysiological adaptation is also related to the types of manufacturing adaptation, it provides for the provision of workers with good working conditions.

An oral survey of office staff and warehouses was conducted. It was revealed that the office workers do not suit the sludge in the cabinets, increased humidity.

Warehouse workers do not suit the lack of hygiene room. Loaders after work may be frozen under the crane located on the territory of the base in an open place, but it is not convenient. Therefore, it can be concluded that the enterprise does not provide for the development of psychophysiological adaptation and does not care about establishing good working conditions for its employees.

But there must be a socio-psychological adaptation. This includes a socio-psychological climate in the team, relations with colleagues.

The company has no motivational factors for the convergence of the collective: corporate parties, meetings about the company's achievements for certain periods. It would be a good adaptation factor inside the team, especially for a new employee.

The analysis showed that in Rick a professional adaptation system, but, unfortunately, it is completely unreought-after. The positive parties to the production adaptation is: advanced training, the possibility of learning, gaining experience and experience. Negative factor here are bad working conditions.

The practical absence of socio-psychological adaptation entails the fluidity of personnel.

As with the recruitment and the introduction of newcomers, it is important to understand the main motives that determine the need for them, as well as related hopes and fears. Most people starting to work, they want to master it faster and show that they can handle her well. However, regardless of whether the first is their work or not, new employees come on the first working day with many natural fears. To prevent such situations, a well-thought-out procedure for introducing or, in other words, the personnel adaptation program is needed.

During the program, the following questions should be addressed:

1. General view of the company: goals, priorities, problems; traditions, norms, standards; Products and its consumers, the stages of bringing products to the consumer; a variety of activities; organization, structure, company connection; Information about the leaders.

2. Organization policy: Personnel Policy Principles; Principles of staff selection; Directions of vocational training and advanced training; assistance to employees in case of bringing them to judicial liability; rules for using the phone inside the enterprise; rules for using various working time modes; Rules for the protection of commercial secrets and technical documentation.

3. Labor payment: norms and forms of wages and ranking employees; Payment of weekends, overtime.

4. Additional benefits: Insurance, accounting of work experience; manuals for temporary disability, weekend benefits, family disease benefits, in the event of severe losses, maternity benefits; support in case of dismissal or retirement; training opportunities at work; the presence of dining room, buffets; Other organizations of the organization for their employees.

5. Labor protection and safety monitoring: the provision of first aid; precautions; warning about possible hazards in production; Fire safety rules; The rules of behavior in accidents and the procedure for alerts about them.

6. Worker and his relationship with the trade union: terms and conditions of hiring; appointment, movement, promotion; probation; management work; informing about failures at work and finding a job; the rights and obligations of the employee; right of direct supervisor; organization of workers; Decisions of trade unions and the policy of the company; management and evaluation of performance; discipline and recovery, registration of complaints; Communication: Communication channels, postal materials, distribution of new ideas.

7. Life service: food organization; availability of service entrances; Conditions for parking personal cars;

8. Economic factors: the cost of labor; cost of equipment; Damage from absenteeism, desemination, accidents.

After the implementation of the common program should go to a special (specialized). It covers issues related specifically with any unit or workplace and is carried out both in the forms of special conversations with the staff of the unit, which came newcomers and interviews with the leader (immediate and higher). The following questions should be included in it:

1. Functions of the unit: goals and priorities, organization and structure; activities; relationships with other divisions; Relationships inside the division.

2. Performance and responsibilities: a detailed description of the current work and expected results; clarification of the importance of this work, as it correlates with others in the division and in the enterprise as a whole; quality standards for performing the work and the basis for an assessment of execution; duration of the day and schedule; Additional expectations (for example, the replacement of the missing employee).

3. Required reporting: types of assistance that can be rendered when and how to ask for it; Relations with local and nationwide inspections.

4. Procedures, rules, prescriptions: Rules characteristic only for this type of work or this division; behavior in case of accidents, safety regulations; informing accidents and dangers; hygienic standards; protection and challenges related to theft; Relationships with workers who do not belong to this subdivision; rules of behavior in the workplace; removal of things from the division; monitoring of violations; Breaks (surprises, lunch); personal telephone conversations during working hours; use of equipment; Control and evaluation of execution.

5. Representation of the department's staff.

Program data can be used for both primary and secondary adaptation. Since the adaptation of young workers who still do not have professional experience, it is distinguished by the fact that it lies not only in the assimilation of information about the organization, but also in teaching the work itself, therefore, adaptation must be trained in the adaptation program.

Special adaptation needs are experiencing older staff. They also need learning and their needs somewhere similar to the needs of young workers, and they are often harder to fit into the team. The adaptation of persons with disabilities, employees who returned after passing training courses has its own characteristics.

Especially it should be noted the adaptation of women leaving work after the childcare leave. The longer she is at home, the harder it is to engage in labor rhythm. This is due to the fact that, firstly, after its employment, a large gap in knowledge is usually detected (for three years it can change a lot, for example, new software or new technologies appear). Secondly, the rhythm of life is disturbed: during the vacation, the woman herself planned his time, going to work, it is forced to be the amount of time in one place. Thirdly, a psychological barrier arises, in which the woman should again take the status of the subordinate.

All this can not be ignored and must be taken into account when drawing up adaptation programs.

Assessment of the status of adaptation

During the entire adaptation period, the head must informally discuss with an employee of his relationship with the team of the unit, its degree of adaptation, control the implementation of an individual plan.

Periodically (at least two times in the first month and once in subsequent) control of the adaptation process should be carried out by a personnel specialist.

In the case of the dismissal of an employee during the adaptation period, the head must send it within two weeks to the personnel service for the interview.

The personnel management service to clarify the true causes of dismissal collects and analyzes the relevant information. At the same time, the effectiveness of the recruitment of personnel is estimated.

Get a response from an employee to many of these questions can help a variety of questionnaires, which should be brought by an employee after the intended completion of the adaptation period. One of these questionnaires is proposed by Kibananov. His main questions:

1. Specify the period of work in this organization:

2. Your place of work or study before entering the organization.

3. Who influenced your choice of profession?

4. Which periods do you need the help of the manager?

5. How often do you need help your colleagues?

6. In what period of your activity did you feel professional skills in yourself?

7. For what period did you feel that they entered the team?

8. Is it suitable for a place occupied in the team?

9. Imagine that for some reason you quit from the organization. Would you be back in some time on your former job?

10. Do you have conflicts with the head of the unit, with the Deputy Head, with the performers?

11. To what the following criteria are expressed in your work: the desire for deep knowledge of affairs in the organization; interest in the business and prospects of the team; attention to events that are directly related to professional duties; The desire to take the most active part in decision making; The desire began to bring to the end; sense of belonging to the team; Active attitude to others?

12. Material assistance from parents:

13. Housing conditions:

14. Interest in promotion:

15. To what extent in your work the following factors are pronounced: the security of work; compliance with the work of the profession; compliance of the qualifications of work; diversity of work; compliance with the nature of the work and inclinations; possibility of advanced training; awareness of the team's business; good salary; the possibility of promotion; assistance and support of the head; good relations with the administration; good relationship with colleagues at work; Successful mode of operation; Good workplace?

16. Who provided you with the most tangible assistance in the process of adaptation: employee of the personnel department, linear leader, mentor, colleague on work or someone else?

17. What helped you in the process of adaptation: lectures, seminars, special literature, films, slides?

Based on the answers to these questions, the degree and effectiveness of employee adaptation is determined.

With all the many methods and theories of modern management, in this work an attempt was made to allocate only those of them who would actually help solve issues related to improving the enterprise's activities on personnel management. Using the experience of modern authors to solve the tasks of group dynamics, the management of the organization has to be in constant search for the right decisions. And the risks associated with this are inevitable, but, undoubtedly, this work does not pass without a trace. At the same time, constant changes, both quantitative composition and qualitative, and the main thing in this activity, constantly monitor both negative and positive trends in these processes in this activity, occur in groups of both formal and informal groups. It is necessary to control the process of group formation process, and if possible, by command solutions, find the most appropriate option. Managers should understand that group decisions require special accuracy and caution when adopting them, it is necessary to take into account many factors affecting these decisions. In the interaction of the governing link with informal organizations, the synthesis of management actions with socio-psychological, as in this case, the usual mechanisms are already not valid in this case.

The main problem in managing personnel for any enterprise, of course, is funding. And therefore, management should most correctly dispose of funds allocated to the reorganization process of the personnel management system. An important collective quality here is the ability to work in a team and solve the tasks set not only successfully and quickly, but also with the smallest financial losses for the budget of the enterprise. And it is in this painstaking and challenging work that such specialists in the field of personnel management that with the least temporary and economic costs will be able to solve the tasks set before them. It is very difficult to override the personnel management system overnight, especially since the leaders, as a rule, do not want to change anything radically.

With complex collective objectives, unusual for members of the group, requiring joint coordinated efforts that do not generate increased emotional tensions, emotional-interpersonal relations should not significantly affect the success of the work of groups and teams. In case of complex collective objectives, unusual for members of a group that require joint coordinated efforts generating increased emotional tensions, more developed in socially psychological groups should work better, and the more group activities are expressed, the greater the advantage of highly developed above the relatively underdeveloped.

The expansion of the sphere of emotional - interpersonal contacts, an increase in the intensity of free communication, an increase in the number of mutual sympathies and other relations of the external layer of intragrance activity in the developed team, probably contribute to the success of its activities. In just organized (which is possible in reorganization events), as well as in underdeveloped groups and groups, the expansion of the sphere of emotionally interpersonal bonds may not affect and even lead to a decrease in the productivity of collaboration. Hypertrophies to emotionally interpersonal relations and their strengthening in this kind of groups and groups may damage the formation of a system of business relations mediated by the content of activities. The latter may be replaced relations of a circular place, panibrates, etc. Strengthening the system of inclined interpersonal relations in the team should be based on a system of relations mediated by the content of the main activity, and not to be discovered this system.

If we talk about specific actions in matters of group cooperation, then it is worth saying that if you choose between individual work and collective, then with many categories of work, it is preferable to choose the collective form of the organization of group labor. But when working creative, non-standard requiring a certain logical sequence, only an individual form of group work is acceptable for its solution. Being properly used, these forms increase the possibilities of mobilization of intellectual, physical and emotional resources of the Group; Improve the possibilities of perception, assessment and processing by a group of various information. Group solutions developed in the conditions of the collective form of labor organization turn out to be more accurate than individual, more objective in correcting individual errors. The best results in creative work gives probably a reasonable combination of collective and individual forms of group work organization.

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Attachment 1

Employee work plan at the time of adaptation

For the period from ___________________ on _________________


The Department ____________________________________________________________________________

The start date of work _________________________________________________________________________

Date of the end of the trial period _______________________________________________________

FULL NAME. Mentor _________________________________________________________________________

Position of the mentor _________________________________________________________________________

With a work plan, you are familiar with:

Worker ___________________________ "___" ________________ 200_g.

Mentor __________________________ "___" ________________ 200_g.

Head of Department ____________________ "___" _______________ 200_

Appendix 2.


(filled with a mentor after the expiration of mentoring and is considered when the trial period is completed)

FULL NAME. new employee __________________________________________________

The Department _____________________________________________________________________________

Position _____________________________________________________________________________

Employment date ____________________

Revocation Filling Date ____________________

FULL NAME. Mentor ________________________________________________________________

Fully ready;

Insufficient preparation;



The need for additional training, advanced training (indicate what) _____________________________________________________________________________


Mentor: ________________________ "___" __________________ 200__

Appendix 3.

Conclusion According to the results of the assessment of professional knowledge

"___" ___________ 200__.

FULL NAME. Employee ________________________________________________________

The Department _____________________________________________________________________________

Approval in office __________________________________________________

Evaluate the level of conformity of professional knowledge acquired during the trial period, the requirements of the position. The solution is made collegially. Note the appropriate position:

Magun V.S., Gimpelson V.E. Strategies for adapting an employee in the labor market // Sociological studies, 1993, №3.

Any change in a person's life is always a way out of the comfort zone, from comfortable and usual circumstances. Even positive changes are accompanied by a serious stress, which, of course, has an impact on the efficiency of activity and the psychological attitude of each person. Additional stress factors are fears, concerns, insecurity or lack of knowledge and skills on the threshold of new events.

An employee who first started to work in another organization or in a different position, tests all this to the fullest. And since it depends on its activities not only his personal success, but also the effectiveness of the enterprise itself, management is interested in the speedy and successful adaptation in a new place.

The issue of labor adaptation takes an increasingly serious place in modern personnel politics. Approaches to this problem are constantly varying due to the requirements of a changing market. Consider modern approaches to the work adaptation process of personnel.

Adaptation - effective mechanism

The term "adaptation" came to the personnel management from biology, where he literally meant "fixture". Under adaptation, the mutual "adjustment" of the environment and the body is understood to each other.

In relation to professional activity we can determine labor adaptation As an organization's influence on the behavior of the employee who appeared in it in order to include in its operation with the most efficient interaction. It includes the return process: the employee also adapts to itself some moments in the organization's activities.

Types of adaptation

Since the conditions for the existence of a person are multifaceted, it is necessary to adapt to a variety of different factors. From here you can allocate various types of adaptation. Consider those of them who relate to his professional activities.

Depending on previous experience, you can select two adaptive forms:

  • primary - Man acquired a new employee status for himself for the first time, only released from an educational institution or starting to work for the first time in life;
  • secondary - Man's experience has, but has changed the conditions of activity (another position, higher rank, a new team, possibly different specialization).

Depending on whether the terms of the sphere are forced to apply or try to "bend" them under them, such types of adaptation:

  • professional - the employee "embedded" into a new scope of skills and skills, the development of opportunities, assesses his professional "baggage" in terms of compliance with the new work;
  • production - The employee in the new organization is included in the unusual organization of activity, assimilates new rules and, oriented in the workplace, finds a "common language" with instruments, documents, mechanisms, etc. production factors;
  • social - getting a new psychological "role" for himself, namely a member of the team, colleagues, as well as a subordinate, a person must learn and new for himself the rules of this "game", take the values \u200b\u200bof the new environment and, in turn, also begin to influence it (in everyday life, it is called "to become your");
  • financial- the economic component of the human life changes with new responsibilities, it will be necessary to take into account not only the wage factor (its size and timeliness) and other budget increments, but also additional costs, for example, to travel to the place of work;
  • psychophysiological - not only the human mental is rebuilt, but also the features of its biological functioning in the new environment, where it will conduct a significant part of its time. For ourselves, you need to solve many issues related to physical existence. We'll have to adapt to a new regime and features, for example, lifting and waste schedule for sleep, time and conditions of food, get used to wearing overalls (if provided), and even get used to the nuances of the departure of natural needs.

Why is the adaptation of personnel in the organization

Since the adaptation is "built-in" a biological and psychological mechanism in humans, he is in most cases itself. A question may be asked why, in this case, focus on the problem of adaptation, develop its programs, seeks to increase its effectiveness?

Indeed, a person most often sooner or later, one way or another adapts to any conditions or adapts them to itself. For this, he needs several factors: enough time, motivation, will to change and their natural capabilities. But in the process of professional activity, all these factors can be too expensive to cost the employer, so he seeks to reduce and relieve this complex process as much as possible.

REFERENCE! Studies show that 9 out of 10 faded, without worrying and years, accepted this decision in their first days of stay in the service.

Main problems of newcomers

What can be complicated by a person life in his first days at the new job? What should be in the first to pay attention to specialists engaged in the problems of personnel adaptation? Studies show that the prevailing negative moments that prevent themselves "in their place" again came to employees are:

  • lack of organizational knowledge;
  • inability to navigate in the new environment;
  • stiffness before leadership and colleagues;
  • lack of practical experience.

Subjective experiences are added to these objective factors, even more complicating adaptation, such as:

  • fear seem incompetent and not cope with its duties;
  • fear of work loss (or passionate desire as quickly as possible to "move");
  • concerns not to become respected in the team;
  • lack of contact with the bosses (antipathetic leader or, on the contrary, he does not like fear);
  • the inability to "fit out" into the team (Outcasts turn out to be rejected or not want to get closer on its initiative), etc.

Personal adaptation methods

Different organizations use different approaches to the problem of personnel adaptation. Most often one of three ways prevails.

  1. "Swim, if you give up." The manual gives the mechanism of adaptation "on the otkup" by the employee itself, providing him to cope independently in the new situation. Such an approach, basically, allows themselves to apply managers in the overall conditions of the market, if they are not so interested in this employee or if his position is not too prestigious and easily replaceable. Sometimes this approach is still exacerbated by the type of type: "You start working, and we will see what you are suitable, then let's talk about your remuneration and prospects."
  2. "The strongest survives". If the organization aims to select only the best, it is the opportunity to enter into its ranks as a certain privilege that heavier labor and difficult tests should be earned. It is in such firms that the newcomers are tested with strict conditions and complex tasks. The team does not accept a new member for a long time, looking closely to him and sometimes even discriminating. The bosses are severe, sometimes even overly. If the employee passes such a "draconian" selection, it occupies "his" place in the organization.
  3. "Hello, partner". The most democratic and effective approach requiring, however, the greatest effort from the leadership. If organizations require many different employees, besides, it seeks to provide themselves with good personnel, it will suit the issue of adaptation responsibly. In accordance with such an approach, it is better to invest in the "upbringing" of your employee, how to constantly "cross" the sand of frames in the hope of finding something worthwhile, and echoing, start the process first. Search, hiring and permanent training of new workers, ultimately, will cost greater loss of time, strength and finance than the competent organization of personnel policy.

Objectives of work adaptation

If your organization has assigned a task to implement a competent personnel adaptation program, you need to start clearly understanding its goals. In their quality, as a rule, protruding:

  • reducing the loss of effectiveness "at the start" (while the employee is poorly prepared for its duties, the quality of his work is much less, it is necessary to spend time and sometimes finance);
  • reducing anxiety and psychological discomfort (this not only helps reduce the "framework of personnel", but also significantly affect the quality of work);
  • saving time resources (if the organization has a well-established adaptation program, the head and colleagues do not have to spend time on disordered explanations with the new employee);
  • the development of a good attitude towards a new place of work (when staff feels care, he works more efficiently).

The main "steps" of adaptation

In its mutual adaptation to the professional environment, the employee passes 4 consecutive stages. Help at any stage will significantly reduce the time of adaptation and make it easier to reduce the costs of the organization.

  1. Information Stage. To help a person, you must first find out what exactly he needs help. At the first stage, it is necessary to collect information about the experience of the employee itself, the level of his knowledge, preparedness. Even with a high value of these indicators, unusual factors will be shown in one area or another, which will help to identify the most "problem" moments, which should be given priority on adaptation. This can be both the production process and communicative moments.
  2. Course choice. This is the primary orientation of the employee in a new place. He needs to "lay a fairway" in an unfamiliar bed of new circumstances. At this stage, the employee needs briefing, practical familiarization with its new responsibilities, requirements, norms. In practice, an internship, mentoring, curability, or simply direct participation of leadership and colleagues is used. The activities of adaptation programs occur at most on this stage.
  3. Inclusion in activities. Having received the primary adaptation set, the employee begins to "run up" in real conditions, directly, in terms of production activities and interpersonal communication. At first, the process will be accompanied by tensions and, possibly, errors, but as we move, adaptation will be rotated. It is at this stage that the "turning point" takes place of adaptation - the employee succeeds to adapt to new conditions or he will decide to leave these attempts.
  4. "Become your among your own - or go". An example of a successful adaptation passage, when an employee is fully fused into life and communicate inside the organization, performing production functions and supporting communication with colleagues. In practice, with spontaneous adaptation of the 4th level, the employee reaches the end of the first working year, with professional assistance to it, it is possible to exit after several months later. In case the adaptation failed, the last step can be dismissal.

Varieties of adapted employees

Adapt - it means to successfully accept major values, norms, rules and requirements of the organization:

  • the main - concerning production processes;
  • minor - relating to intra-smile communications and behavior.

Depending on which the norms and how accepted, 4 types of adapted personnel can be distinguished.

  1. "That's not mine". The main, and minor values \u200b\u200bare denied. The worker does not cope with the duties and is learning with difficulty, it is hard with him in communication, he himself is also uncomfortable. The expectations of both sides were far from reality. Adaptation did not actually happen. Dismissal soon after the employment.
  2. "Good mine with a bad game." The worker accepted the main, but denies secondary values. A good employee who hardly fits into the team. This is a single individualist who can be an excellent specialist under certain conditions. With a competent organization, fruitful cooperation is possible.
  3. "A good person is not a profession." Full division of secondary demands, but difficulties with the main. Pleasant in communication, no complaints of discipline and corporate culture, but the employee is weak in professional terms. A complex adaptation form in which the absence of progress may be fraught with a termination of an employment contract or loss. It is recommended to organize training.
  4. "Adapted". The best option in which the staff is generally adequately perceived and the main, and the minor norms of the company. As a rule, it is representatives of this species that occupy the prevailing position in any organization and are the ultimate goal of the adaptation process.

Orientation program

The most effective assistance measures in the adaptation of the employee can be taken at the stage of the selection of the course or orientation in a new place. This activity is within the competence of the direct leadership of a new employee. He has the right to impose it on the personnel management manager or to reverse with other specialists, but the responsibility still lies on the shoulders of the nearest chief. Many are limited to the primary instruction in the labor code. However, to improve the effectiveness of the adaptation program, more advanced ways of its implementation can be provided. In the process of adaptation assistance, the following events will be effective.

  1. General acquaintance with the enterprise. He can hold a boss or personnel servant in class, lectures, during a conversation or excursion. Such questions should be included in the Review Program:
    • the goal and the main aspirations of the company;
    • requirements, norms and traditions adopted;
    • target audience (consumers of the company's products);
    • directions of the enterprise;
    • its structural units and relations between them;
    • hierarchy (management "Staircase").
  2. Management policy in the organization. An employee must understand exactly how the structure is functioning in which he fell. To do this, he will need to explain:
    • principles of staff selection;
    • disciplinary moments;
    • as organized advanced training and training of employees;
    • work mode;
    • features of working with documentation and other nuances.
  3. Financial questions.Any employee worries the motivational component of its operational. Therefore, it is better that he does not have ambiguities about:
    • payment of his labor;
    • composite parts of salary (salary, premiums, taxes, deductions, etc.);
    • factors that can affect monetary remuneration (depreciation, possible increase in salary, etc.);
    • payment overtime, business trips, weekends and holidays, etc.
  4. Pack of benefits. An employee needs to clarify what social prospects he has the right to happen in this organization, for example:
    • payment of profile training;
    • medical services (sometimes for family members);
    • benefits and assistance in case of injury, disease, retirement care, etc.;
    • attitude to possible motherhood;
    • other moments, such as travel, food, additional services.
  5. Safety technique - Mandatory mode of occupational safety measures and ensuring its safe conditions. Even if all other items are missed, it disseminates the law.
  6. Acquaintance with the division. A deeper step of adaptation that helps the employee will directly engage in the life of its structural division. To help implement this process, the head of the structural link or the curator-mentor appointed to them, but to alleviate it - the internship period. At this stage it is worth tuping such moments:
    • detailed guide to actions in their immediate obligations;
    • voicing expectations and required results;
    • procedure for monitoring work and / or reporting;
    • the operation mode of the unit;
    • all sorts of standards, requirements, prescriptions, prohibitions concerning direct activities;
    • representation of the team of the structural unit.

It is important to share approaches to primary and secondary adaptation: different times will be time, the range of issues and the degree of their lighting, the methods used.

How to plan the adaptation program

If the leadership decided to influence the effectiveness of the employee's implementation into the team, the process should be planned - draw up a list of actions that will need to consistently take to this goal. This can be done even before the process of selection and hiring frames.

At the same time, it is worth making an exemplary adaptation plan that will depend on:

  • specific characteristics of the organization;
  • posts of the future employee;
  • priority qualities required from it.

Separately, you need to schedule actions for primary and secondary adaptation.

Guide Action Program for Adaptation Model Planning

  1. Create a department, position or impress a specific person responsible for adapting personnel and his training. It can be a personnel manager, a personnel council, etc.
  2. Determine the "teachers" -nuters from among experienced workers who will be attached to supervise newcomers in different departments (or entrust this task to the heads of units).
  3. Distribute specific tasks among authorized employees.
  4. Establishing a communication system and hierarchy, for example: The mentor is responsible for adapting an employee to the head of the department, those before the responsible personnel manager, it provides information together and reports to the management.
  5. Informing the entire personnel on the features of adaptation in this organization.
  6. Feedback establishment: Newbie at work should be able to seek advice at any time.


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