Certificate of visual inspection of welded seams. How to draw up an act of visual inspection and control of welded seams correctly? Required information for entering the Certificate of visual measurement control of welded seams

Appendix G to the Instructions for visual and measurement control (recommended)

_________________________ (organization) ACT No. _____ from ____________ visual and measuring control 1. In accordance with the order-order (application) _______ completed _________ number indicate the type of ______________________________________________________________________ control _____________________________ control _______________________________ (visual, measuring) name and dimensions of the controlled object, ______________________________________________________________________ code of documentation, TU, drawing, melting ( batch), number of the controlled object The control was carried out according to ___________________________________________ name and / or code of the technical documentation 2. During the inspection, the following defects were revealed ___________________________ characteristics of defects (shape, ______________________________________________________________________ dimensions, location and / or orientation for specific objects) ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Conclusion on the results of visual and measuring control ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Control performed by ____________________________________________________ Qualification level, Surname, initials, signature No. qualification certificate Head of work on visual and measuring control ____________________________________________ Surname, initials, signature

Explanations for the design "Certificate of visual and / or measurement control"

1. Clause 1 specifies the type of control - visual, measuring or visual-measuring, as well as the name of the controlled object: semi-finished product, workpiece, part, structure, preparation of the edge of the part for welding, joint assembled for welding, finished welded joint, sampling of the defective area in the material and / or welded joint, the product, as well as the name and / or codes of the production control document (Incoming control program, Map or control scheme, Routing control, Map or chart of operational control) and regulatory document, regulating the requirements for assessing the quality of the controlled object during visual and measuring control.

When inspecting materials (semi-finished products, blanks, forgings), item 1 indicates the material grade, dimensions (diameter, thickness) and batch number.

When inspecting parts and assembly units, step 1 indicates the drawing number, dimensions, material grade (only for parts), its code according to the drawing (standard).

When controlling the preparation of the edges of the parts, the assembly of the joint for welding and finished welded joints in clause 1, the numbers of the joints are indicated according to the welding form or the layout of the welded joints, as well as the dimensions of the joint parts (diameter, thickness), the material grade and the welding method (for finished welded joints). connections).

When inspecting samples of defective spots, the name, grade of material and dimensions of the object (diameter, thickness), as well as the location of the sample are indicated.

2. When filling out clause 2 of the Act, it indicates all deviations from the normative documents identified during the control of specific objects (sections, connections, etc.) in relation to their numbers according to the welding form, layout or control scheme.

In cases where the object of control meets the requirements of the ND, a note is made in the act - "there are no defects". At the same time, the numbers of specific objects are indicated in accordance with the documents given above.

Note. It is allowed to issue one Act for a batch of the same type of semi-finished products, blanks, parts, structures.

______________________ (organization)

1. Clause 1 specifies the type of control - visual, measuring or visual-measuring, as well as the name of the controlled object: semi-finished product, workpiece, part, structure, preparation of the edge of the part for welding, joint assembled for welding, finished welded joint, sampling of the defective area in the material and / or welded joint, the product, as well as the name and / or codes of the production control document (Incoming control program, Control card or chart, Control flow chart, Operational control chart or chart) and the regulatory document governing the quality assessment requirements controlled object during visual and measuring control.

When inspecting materials (semi-finished products, blanks, forgings), item 1 indicates the material grade, dimensions (diameter, thickness) and batch number.

When inspecting parts and assembly units, step 1 indicates the drawing number, dimensions, material grade (only for parts), its code according to the drawing (standard).

When controlling the preparation of the edges of the parts, the assembly of the joint for welding and finished welded joints in clause 1, the numbers of the joints are indicated according to the welding form or the layout of the welded joints, as well as the dimensions of the joint parts (diameter, thickness), the material grade and the welding method (for finished welded joints). connections).

When inspecting samples of defective spots, the name, grade of material and dimensions of the object (diameter, thickness), as well as the location of the sample are indicated.

2. When filling out clause 2 of the Act, it indicates all deviations from the normative documents identified during the control of specific objects (sections, connections, etc.) in relation to their numbers according to the welding form, layout or control scheme.

In cases where the object of control meets the requirements of ND, a note is made in the act - "There are no defects". At the same time, the numbers of specific objects are indicated in accordance with the documents given above.

Note: It is allowed to issue one Act for a batch of the same type of semi-finished products, blanks, parts, structures.


ACT No. _____ dated _____

visual and / or measuring quality control

welds in the process of welding the joint

(product name and connection number)

1. This act certifies the fact that the welder has performed

full name, stamp


(see welding form),

type (s) of connections


specify welding method and position

in accordance with the requirements of the welding technology

indicate technology code

and out of control

indicate the method of control prescribed

design documentation

2. With layer-by-layer visual and measuring control with quality assessment according to the standards ___________________ for the category

(code or name of ND)

found that the welded joint was found to be suitable and meets the requirements

(specify ND or design documentation)

Control performed

Qualification level, qualification number


Surname, initials,

Note: An act is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints), which is inspected during the welding process.

ACT No. _____ from __________ visual and / or measuring quality control welds in the process of welding the joint

______________________________________________________________________ (product name and connection number)

1. This act certifies the fact that the welder has performed ______________________________________________________________________ full name, stamp

Connections _________ (see welding form), type (s) of connections

Completed _________________________________________________________ specify the welding method and position

In accordance with the requirements of the welding technology ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ indicate the technology code

And unavailable for control __________________________________________ indicate the method of control prescribed

Design documentation

2. With layer-by-layer visual and measuring control with quality assessment according to the standards _____________________________________ for the category ______________________________________________________________________ (code or name of ND)

It was found that the welded joint was recognized as suitable and meets the requirements of __________________________________________________________ (specify ND or design documentation)

Control performed by: ___________________________________________________ Qualification level, Surname, initials, signature No. qualification certificate

Head of work on visual and measuring control: ____________________________________________________________ Surname, initials, signature

Note. An act is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints) that is inspected during the welding process.

Requirements for the design of the "Protocol of dimensions _____________" (product)

The size protocol is drawn up only if it is indicated in the ND or PKD for the controlled product. The product dimensions protocol (table) must contain the actual product dimensions, made in certain sections, which are set by the "Measurement scheme ____________". The form of the Dimension Protocol is determined by (product)

During design and technological preparation control works... The protocol is signed by the persons who performed the measurements and by the head of work on visual and measuring control, indicating the surname and initials.

Requirements for the content of the "Work Log

and recording the results of visual

and measuring control "

The results of control of products, products and objects are recorded in the "Journal of work accounting and registration of the results of visual and measuring control", which indicates:

1) the name and type (type) of the controlled object, its number or code;

2) the location and, if necessary, the size of the controlled areas at the controlled object;

3) the conditions of the control;

4) production control document, its number;

5) the method of measuring control and the instruments (tools) used;

6) the brand and batch number of the material of the object of control, as well as the designation of the standard, or technical conditions for the material and drawing number of the object (the latter is only for parts and assembly units);

7) the main characteristics of defects identified during testing (shape, size, location or orientation relative to the basic axes or testing surfaces);

8) the name or code of the normative document according to which the quality assessment was carried out;

9) assessment of control results;

10) date of control.

Note. It is allowed to use instead of the given other forms of documents developed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, which ensure the identification and traceability of parts, assemblies, products in the manufacturing process (installation, repair), fixation of controlled parameters, volumes and control methods, registration and accounting documentation for visual and measuring control.

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DECISION of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of 11-06-2003 92 ON APPROVAL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR VISUAL AND MEASUREMENT CONTROL (2020) Actual in 2018


______________________ (organization) ACT N _____ from __________ visual and / or measuring control of the quality of welded seams during welding of the joint __________________________________________________________________ (product name and number of the joint) 1. This act certifies the fact that the welder has performed __________________________________________________________________ full name, stamp _____________________ of the connection _______ (see welding form), type (types) of joints made _____________________________________________________ indicate the welding method and position in accordance with the requirements of the welding technology __________________ __________________________________________________________________ indicate the code of the technology and cannot be controlled ______________________________________ indicate the control method prescribed by __________________________________________________________________ in the design documentation 2. With layer-by-layer visual and measurement control with quality assessment according to the norms of _________________________________ for the category __________________________________________________________________ (code or name of ND) it was found that the welded joint was found to be suitable and meets the requirements of ________________________________________ (specify ND or design documentation) The control was performed by: _______________________________________________ Qualification level, Surname, initials, signature N of the qualification certificate Head of work on visual and measuring control: ________________________________________________________ Surname, initials, signature Note. An act is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints) that is inspected during the welding process. Requirements for the design of the "Protocol of dimensions _____________" (product) The protocol of dimensions is drawn up only if it is indicated in the ND or PKD for the controlled product. The product dimensions protocol (table) must contain the actual product dimensions, made in certain sections, which are set by the "Measurement scheme _____________". The form of the Protocol (product) dimensions is determined during the design and technological preparation of control works. The protocol is signed by the persons who performed the measurements and by the head of work on visual and measuring control, indicating the surname and initials. Requirements for the content of the "Journal of work and registration of the results of visual and measuring control" object, its number or code; 2) the location and, if necessary, the size of the controlled areas at the controlled object; 3) the conditions of the control; 4) production control document, its number; 5) the method of measuring control and the instruments (tools) used; 6) the brand and batch number of the material of the object of control, as well as the designation of the standard or technical specifications for the material and the drawing number of the object (the latter is only for parts and assembly units); 7) the main characteristics of defects identified during testing (shape, size, location or orientation relative to the basic axes or testing surfaces); 8) the name or code of the normative document according to which the quality assessment was carried out; 9) assessment of control results; 10) date of control. Note. It is allowed to use instead of the given other forms of documents developed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, which ensure the identification and traceability of parts, assemblies, products during the manufacturing process (installation, repair), fixing the controlled parameters, volumes and control methods, drawing up the reporting and accounting documentation for visual and measuring control.


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