Why Buzova and Samburskaya don't get along. Olga Buzova continued the scandal with Nastasya Samburskaya. Why Buzova and Samburskaya are in conflict

Nastasya Samburskaya did not disregard Olga Buzova's breakdown, which occurred during her interview with Andrei Razygraev. The infamous actress, apparently, decided to finish off the star of "House-2" by posting a rather malicious appeal to Olga in the stories of her Instagram account.


Samburskaya wrote the address of Buzova's page on the same social network and accompanied him with such a mocking text: "I licked the flute yesterday, and today I have a tap in my ass. I like to press on pity, a million likes on Instagram." time of one of the broadcasts of "House-2".

Then Buzova, with a languid look, began stroking the flute along its entire length, from which even the most persistent participants in the reality show were embarrassed. Men and girls began to giggle together and covered their faces with their hands. Olga finished her "performance" by licking her flute with relish, and then, bending erotically, she stepped aside.

The presenter's behavior caused a violent reaction on the web. So, the audience called the actions of Buzova "dirty trick" and said that in the pursuit of popularity and success, she crossed all reasonable boundaries. However, there were commentators who suggested that Olga Buzova and Nastasya Samburskaya (together with her producer Viktor Drobysh) simply conspired and decided to "promote each other."

Allegedly, this whole story, starting with Drobysh's criticism of Buzova and ending with Samburskaya's snide commentary, is just a carefully planned action aimed at achieving scandalous popularity and fame. Indeed, in our time, you can instantly become recognizable only thanks to an extraordinary incident. A striking example of such a scenario is the story of Diana Shurygina.

Actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya performed at the "Star Factory" with a parody of Olga Buzova, in which she portrayed singing to a phonogram. Nastasya's producer Viktor Drobysh, who is also the producer of the program, added that Buzova could work as a cashier or a nurse, but definitely not sing. Olga answered both that her work is much more popular than everything that Drobysh and Samburskaya do.

Actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya performed in the new "Star Factory" on the TVC channel as a guest star. In the style of the cartoon "Corpse Bride" she began to grimace and pretend to sing when the soundtrack was playing, and at the end lifted her skirt and showed the words "No to plywood".

Many decided that in this way Nastasya parodied Olga Buzova, with whom she has long been in conflict in public space. This idea was confirmed by the producer of Samburskaya Viktor Drobysh. He wrote on his Instagram that "Star Factory" is the best place to make fun of Olga Buzova. He called the singer "an impudent phenomenon."

She is undoubtedly a talented person, only until now no one knows what her talent is. As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strongest side.

Victor Drobysh.

The producer criticized Olga for singing to the soundtrack and said that by doing this she was harming the Russian show business.

She is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!

Victor Drobysh.

Olga Buzova responded to the accusations on her Instagram. She wrote that while someone is doing parodies, her album "To the Sound of Kisses" 15 minutes after its release broke into the top iTunes.

Post from SLAVA (@nastya_slava) Oct 8 2017 at 5:21 PDT

Why Buzova and Samburskaya are in conflict

Difficulties in the relationship between Samburskaya and Buzova began in February 2017. Producer Maxim Fadeev at the press breakfast of the MUZ TV award said that in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination he would vote not Samburskaya, but Buzova. “This girl does everything sincerely, it can be seen,” Fadeev explained his choice.

In response, Samburskaya wrote a long post and accused Fadeev of intentionally speaking badly about her, because Nastasya refused to appear in the video of his ward Olga Seryabkina (Molly). According to Nastasya, both she and Buzova sing poorly, but Samburskaya at least does not work with a phonogram.

If I am nominated for "Breakthrough of the Year" along with Olga, I will gladly withdraw my candidacy from participation in favor of Olga Buzova. And I’ll take “Naryv of the Year” for myself, because I am in showbiz for many people, with my uncomfortable character is no worse than a chiria on my ass

Nastasya Samburskaya.

Buzova came in the commentary and invited Samburskaya to learn singing from her.

In an interview shortly after this comment, Buzova stated that she had met with Samburskaya only twice and did not know about the reasons for her antipathy.

On the eve of the parody of the "Star Factory" Nastasya, together with her colleagues at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, made a parody of Buzova's song "Few halves".

Publication from Nastasya Samburskaya (@samburskaya) Oct 2 2017 at 12:17 pm PDT

At the end of September, Olga Buzova was noticed driving around the city on a bed attached to a car. Olga's assistant said that the strange sight was part of the filming of the project. Later, information appeared in the media that the singer could be punished for violating traffic rules - she did not receive any permits to go to bed in the city.

Nastasya Samburskaya was outraged by the words of the famous producer, who expressed the opinion that the artist should not expect to receive an award from the music channel. In his opinion, it would be better to give the Breakthrough of the Year award to Olga Buzova, who, according to Maxim Fadeev, really deserved it. Obviously, these words greatly touched Samburskaya and she replied that she did not have any singing talent, but, unlike the host of "House-2", she does it with a soul and is not at all afraid to seem ridiculous. At the same time, she stressed that they have a completely different audience with the TV personality, so it is at least silly to subject them to comparison.

For some time, Olga Buzova did not react in any way to Nastasya's post on Instagram. The first to answer was Maxim Fadeev, who very succinctly stated his point of view. “I am sympathetic to the desire of Nastasya Samburskaya to promote herself next to my name. She mentioned that I was taking revenge on her. So, you can only take revenge on an equal and in an equal position. Certainly not for her, "- said Fadeev on the social network. Soon after that, the TV presenter herself joined the battle. She left a comment under the Samburskaya record.

So far, Nastasya has not reacted in any way to Olga Buzova's comment. Obviously, the girl has something to answer both her and the producer of the group "SEREBRO". It is interesting that Maxim Fadeev believes that in this way the actress is trying to assert herself, at the same time the host of the TV set makes fun, stating that she is not on friendly terms with Samburskaya, so she has nothing to share with the artist.

Recall that the accusatory post of Nastasya Samburskaya was associated with the fact that Maxim Fadeev refused to vote for her at the music award. According to the celebrity, the man did this because she refused to star in the video of the group SEREBRO for health reasons. The actress found an excuse for this, so there could be no complaints against her.

“Maxim Fadeev, let's praise Olga, just because I refused to appear in Seryabkina’s video for health reasons. Heavy training is needed there, every other day, but for the time being I was prohibited from physical activity, and I explained that. Petty revenge on your part, Maxim, ”wrote the star in the microblog.

Note that at the same time, Samburskaya is ready to say goodbye to the award. It was with this thought that she ended her post on Instagram. “I will gladly withdraw my candidacy from participation in favor of Olga Buzova. I don’t owe you anything, just as you don’t owe me anything. Let's just work. You can not be friends with anyone, the main thing is not to quarrel with anyone, ”wrote Nastasya.

It is worth remembering that over the past few months Olga Buzova has released two songs - "To the Sound of Kisses" and "I'm Getting Used". She also shot a video for the second song. It is noteworthy that the TV presenter's hits were on the first lines of the Russian-language iTunes for several weeks in a row. Now the woman is preparing another job. At the same time, Nastasya Samburskaya presented the song "Bad Boys", shot a daring video and is also preparing another hit. With her compositions Nastasya performed at a concert of Viktor Drobysh at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, and Olga Buzova presented her creations at the Big Love Show in the Northern Capital and Moscow.

"On the MUZ-TV channel, caused by the insults at her by Viktor Drobysh, the producer's ward decided to speak out Nastasya Samburskaya... On Instagram, Nastasya published an appeal to Buzova, insulting her: “I licked a flute yesterday, and today there is a tap in my ass. I love to press on pity, a million likes on Instagram. Samburskaya's harsh statement further exacerbated the conflict and divided social media users into two, literally, warring camps. Some pounced on Nastasya with accusations, others stood up as a wall to protect poor Olya, who is being persecuted by her colleagues in the shop.

In Samburskaya's microblog on Instagram, comments were poured in which followers urged Nastya to conscience and sanity: “Nastya, maybe it makes sense to move forward using her talent ?! Well, do not stoop to the point that, humiliating others, catch temporary popularity! You are a talented person! Respect yourself! " And there and then harsh criticism of Buzova and appeals to her defenders sounds: “And you didn’t think why EVERYONE is laughing at your star? They laugh, not insult! In contrast to her, the very same thing !!! "Good" so-called! Yes, because anyone who understands at least something in music is really funny to watch this “working” PHENOMENON! "

Nastasya Samburskaya accused Olga Buzova that the star of "House-2" puts pressure on pity

Let us remind you that yesterday Olga Buzova became a guest of the Star Interrogation program on the MUZ-TV channel. The singer was in an excellent mood and answered the questions of the presenter with humor in her usual manner. Andrey Razygraev... However, when the topic of the recent scandal with Drobysh was raised, Olga could not contain her emotions and burst into tears on the air. The star admitted that she was tired of being bullied by her colleagues.

“By offending me and my work, first of all they offend my people. This is an act unworthy of a man. How can you insult a girl ?! I just don't have a person who could stand up for me. Who would have come and simply “dragged” him for the fact that he publicly and for the umpteenth time insults me, ”Buzova was indignant.

Later, Olga spoke about what happened in her microblog on Instagram. The girl apologized for showing her emotions and noted that she was not a character, as the host of the program called her, but a girl who needed protection from the stronger sex (the author's spelling and punctuation were given unchanged - Approx. ed.): “I am not a robot, and no matter how I smile on stage, the public scorned by my colleagues in show business, they hurt me. I shouldn't give such a reaction, I know that spiteful critics will only be glad, BUT !!! I am offended for my fans, for those who love me and believe in me ... after all, humiliating my work, they, first of all, humiliate my people. Aya will tear for them, as for my family and friends. Anyone! Anyone. Any ".

Olga Buzova burst into tears during an interview with the MUZ-TV channel


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