When discounts start in the spring. Seasonal discounts: what? where? when? Chinese New Year awaits everyone in spring

The desire to save their hard-earned money is a normal and understandable phenomenon both for the inhabitants of Russia and for the spenders-Americans or tight-fisted Europeans. But at the same time, everyone wants to eat well, dress and rest. Combining business with pleasure, that is, indulging yourself in any little things, but at the same time not letting cunning sellers cash in on satisfying their own needs is quite simple if you know the general principles of economy.

It is very important to buy good things not at overpriced, but at their real price. If you know when the winter sales start and how long they last, you can make this rule a reality. "Why exactly winter, and not any other seasonal?" an inexperienced shopaholic will ask. The fact is that it is during the cold season of the year that such big and important holidays as New Year and Christmas occur, and everyone considers it necessary to prepare for these important celebrations. Buying gifts for family and friends, replenishing your wardrobe with fancy clothes or simply purchasing expensive winter clothes is always a costly event, so it's best to know for sure when the winter sales start. Moscow, St. Petersburg, capitals and large cities of European countries, the USA, Japan and the United Arab Emirates have their own schemes for attracting buyers, different rules and dates of promotions have been set, so it is wiser to prepare for sales in advance.

Perfect time to shop

Statisticians report that in a fairly short period of time before the New Year and Christmas holidays, people spend three times more money than at any other time of the year. There is no need to explain why customers themselves should do this, but not everyone understands why stores agree to arrange mega-sales, because when the winter sales start, some boutiques, chain stores and shopping centers give customers half of the initial cost of the goods.

The fact is that the buyer in any case will make purchases, and it is vital for sellers to attract him to their point of sale and at the same time not to let go empty-handed. They go for different tricks: they offer gifts, discounts, bonuses and privileges (compensation for future costs, gift certificates in partner stores, entertainment venues, the ability to purchase several units of goods at a reduced price, etc.).

Winter promotions, sales and other methods of attracting buyers truly know no boundaries. However, the buyer should carefully monitor what the sales consultants are trying to impose on him, because very often the “gift” turns out to be a fiction or is simply not worth the money spent on the purchase.

Season is open

The first day of winter discounts falls on the end of autumn, but keep in mind that this sale day is the most important event of the year for a true shopaholic. His name is "Black Friday". The tradition of organizing a mega-sale on the last Friday of November originated in the United States. On this day, customers besiege stores, occupying kilometer-long lines from the night, and literally sweep everything that comes to their hand from the windows. For one weekend, sellers receive revenue equal to a quarter of the annual turnover. Such a success of the event prompted the authorities of other countries to create their own "day of grand sales." So, in London on December 2, the movement of cars in the West End area is closed, 600 stores are extending their work by 2-3 hours so that customers can fully spend the money accumulated over the year. The main Parisian sale takes place on the night of January 18-19.

When the Black Friday winter sales begin, you don't have to personally visit the noisy and crowded shopping malls. The trend of recent years is online shopping. The ability to make purchases without getting up from a comfortable home chair, not only within your country, but also abroad, while attracting buyers all over the world with great benefits. In addition to discounts, online stores reward customers with free shipping, no duties on certain product groups, and the ability to return or exchange an unsuitable or illiquid product.

We grow beyond our years

Winter discounts begin to operate most often from the first decade of December. The fact is that in Europe and the USA the more important event is Christmas, which is celebrated in the West on December 24, and it is customary to prepare for this holiday with the utmost responsibility. Two weeks before an important event, outlets post advertisements that they can offer their customers discounts of 10-15%. The closer the holidays are, the more significant the purchase benefit becomes. So, on the eve of prices are reduced by 25-30%.

After the New Year, or rather January 7-10, total sales begin, and they last until Valentine's Day. The peak of the discount can be minus 80-90% on the price tag. It should be borne in mind that when the sale reaches this level, it is almost impossible to find shoes or clothes of the required size, cosmetics or perfume of the most popular brands and types in the store. When the sale of winter clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories begins (from mid-January), the goods are very quickly sold off the store shelves. But miracles do happen, and why not take the risk of waiting for the final offer from the store?

US sales

Americans are renowned for their high purchasing power and passion for spending money. Even when they do not have their own funds, the inhabitants of this overseas country do not see anything shameful in purchasing goods on credit.

The retailers are feeding this passion for shopaholism, and to further stimulate their customers, they have created a schedule of discounts and promotions, so Americans know not only the date when the winter sales start, but also which days are the most profitable for shopping.

  • Christmas;
  • New Year;
  • King's Day;
  • Valentine's Day;
  • Day of Presidents.

Winter bargaining in Europe

Almost every inhabitant of our country has heard about such a phenomenon as shopping tours in Western Europe. The global renewal of the wardrobe and the purchase of New Year's gifts abroad has become a routine for the residents of Russia. This is not surprising, because when the winter sales begin in Moscow, Milan, Paris, London and Madrid are already selling off last year's assortment with might and main. Their total sales take place at approximately the same time and the expiration date is identical:

  • France has set the time of sales at the official level and does not change the dates - from January 6 to February 16.
  • Italy - January 7 - February 28. Shopping in different cities of this country can please in different ways, for example, shopping in Milan and Bologna will be more expensive than in Rome.
  • Winter is the longest (all December and January), here is a paradise for lovers of casual clothing and everyday goods, for such a product there are always reasonable prices, and the choice is very diverse.
  • The countries of Eastern Europe have become equally popular destinations for shopping tourists. Poland starts a total sale after finishing the New Year celebrations, Lithuania - after Catholic Christmas, the "red days" last in stores in these countries until the end of February.

Ours can afford everything

Unlike European or American traditions, sales in Russia have their own mental flavor and flavor. From mid-December, when winter sales begin in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities of the country, and until the end of the calendar winter, buyers are unlikely to be able to find price tags with marks of minus fifty percent or more. The most favorable time for shopping will be February, because in our country it is customary to stretch it for the whole January, and stores do not want to lose their profits at all.

Unfortunately, it is more profitable for domestic buyers to go abroad to buy branded items and buy them there. But as for the mass market, casual clothes and footwear, these products are sold much more readily than from brands with a worldwide reputation.

Here it is not worth delaying until the end of winter, it is best to go shopping immediately after the New Year, otherwise the running positions will go past you.

Shopping without borders

Online commerce has been gaining momentum in recent years. Even inexperienced netizens have the luxury of shopping abroad. Special intermediary organizations help in this. Moreover, large online stores create their resources, including for Russian-speaking customers.

Virtual stores follow global trends and offer sales at the same level as traditional boutiques. It should also be noted that the prices there are much lower, because the organization of online trade is a less costly enterprise than the creation of a real store.

When do clothing sales usually start? Best regards, Julia.

Fashionistas are often worried about when the summer sales begin, or vice versa, the winter ones. After all, this is a great opportunity to purchase a favorite thing at a much more pleasant price than at the height of the season. But how not to miss this event?

In fact, there is no single timeframe for when prices begin to decline. The dates are influenced by the leftovers of the collection in stock, its popularity and other factors.

Summer discounts

But there are still certain periods when discounts can be expected. In summer, this is usually the second half of June to August.

It should be noted that some brands carry out sales in several stages. The first wave occurs in June. Discounts at this time are minimal, do not exceed 30%. However, you should not ignore them. After all, right now there is a great chance to find the necessary basic thing or the looked after dress. Running sizes are selling out quickly, so for the next wave of price cuts, the choice will be pretty limited.

Some brands have specially designated places in stores, the so-called corners, for the remnants of past collections. There you can find discounted and off-season items.

At the beginning of July and until August, the second stage begins, discounts reach 70%. Now there is a chance to get a stylish new thing at a very nice price. But to find something worth the right size, you have to work hard. In selected stores, sales take place in one stage, and begin just in July. Discounts for such brands are maximum immediately.

Information about sales in the shopping center

Black Friday

In the last week of November, it is worth getting ready for the first discounts of new collections. In all stores, the so-called "Black Friday", and in some the sale starts on Thursday, the opening hours are increased. Do not miss the opportunity to buy "your size" of the clothes you like at a discount.

Winter discounts

If you are wondering when the winter sales start, then you should be on the lookout by mid-December. The decline in prices may continue until mid-February. Stores do not have a unified system, as in the summer. Some offer discounts early, while others seek to squeeze more out of the excitement before the New Year. Therefore, you need to keep track of your favorite brands.

How to find out about the start of the sale

What to do in order not to miss the long-awaited moment? Stores are often slow to provide information on such events. Some brands change shop windows overnight without any prior notice. You can find out about the start of discounts only by coming to the store.

To avoid such a situation, it makes sense to get a loyalty card. Of course, this applies primarily to favorite brands. Sometimes such cards are issued simply upon request, in other cases a purchase for a certain amount may be required. But the cardholder gets an advantage not only in the form of discounts upon purchase. He can be informed by phone about the dates of the sale. You just need to remember to leave the number. In addition, closed sales are practiced in selected stores. They are carried out exclusively for regular customers and before a massive price cut. So there is a higher chance of finding a good thing in your size.

Most brands have their own websites. On them you can view the collection, as well as subscribe to the newsletter. Then the information about the beginning of discounts will be sent by e-mail. If you have already tried on the kit and decided on the size and color, then it is better to place an order through the online store.

How to make shopping fun

During the sales period, it is easy to lose your head, because shop windows beckon with tempting offers.

In order not to regret the wasted time or money later, you should adhere to simple recommendations:

  • The most important rule is to make a shopping list before going shopping. During a period of low prices, you can get carried away with the study of the assortment and forget about what is really necessary.
  • It is worth planning a budget: how much is allowed to spend on essentials and how much is left for spontaneous decisions.
  • Before purchasing the selected item, you must carefully examine it in order to notice a possible defect.
  • It is recommended to thoroughly examine the contents of the shelves. Due to the large number of people, the correct size may not be in the right place.
  • You shouldn't think too long about the thing you like. If you put it off even for a little while, then it is quite possible that someone else will like it.
  • If there is any doubt that a thing is suitable, you need to critically examine yourself. You should not completely trust the opinion of sellers or friends; you need to focus on your feelings.

Clothes for a pleasant shopping

To make shopping a pleasure, you need to take care of the right clothes. This is especially true during the sales period, when the shopping trip will probably take a lot of time. It is worth planning your route so that you can take a break, for example, drink tea in a cafe or have a snack.

The main requirement for clothes is that they should be comfortable enough free, easy to take off. Items with intricate locks and ties are best left for another occasion. After all, even if you are planning to buy trousers, it is possible that you will really want to try on a pretty blouse. Therefore, the entire kit should be easily removable.

You also need to choose comfortable shoes. Your best bet is to choose a pair of flat heels. In this case, it is worth wearing slip-ons, and not sneakers or sneakers, because then you will not have to fiddle with laces.

If you need to choose shoes for certain trousers, then it makes sense to go to the store in them. In different models of shoes, the proportions may vary slightly, you cannot see this without trying on.

It is recommended to wear a minimum of accessories to the store. A watch or bracelet with an original shape can leave a clue on a new item during the fitting process. Large earrings can also cling to fabric. In addition, bright decorations influence the appraisal of the item being used. And if you take them off, then there is a risk of forgetting them in the booth.

There are not very many requirements for the bag. It is undesirable for this accessory to be large, as it will hinder movement. It is best to choose a medium-sized bag that is roomy enough to hold all the things you need. Lovers of small handbags can limit themselves to a miniature clutch. Anyway, the store will pack the purchase in a branded package.

Make-up when shopping is minimal. War paint can stain the item selected for fitting. Any hairstyle you are comfortable with should be done. Long hair is recommended to be pulled into a bun or braided so that it does not get in the way.

Shopping is a great way to relieve stress and lift your spirits. But you also need to approach it correctly. Make a plan, choose the right clothes and of course keep an eye on the summer and winter sales.

I will allow myself to take an expert position in this dialogue. I have been working with clients as a personal procurement assistant in European countries for 7 years (400 hours or 2.5 weeks is just the time I spent in the air during the flights). We are talking about seasonal sales, which means, first of all, sales of clothing and footwear at a discount, which are held at the end of any season, both summer and winter. I propose to discuss Russian retail, since during this period it has significant differences from European.

Seasonal sales rules

If the real goal of your shopping is budget saving, then seasonal discounts are the real source of savings for the patient shopper. The red tag with the word "Discount" works magically, and the audience immediately appears on the item marked "Sale", ready to purchase it. Everyone wins here: the buyer is satisfied with both the price and the purchase, and the seller is happy that he sold the stale goods and made room for a new delivery.

Sales are certainly beneficial to all sides of the process, but, as you can imagine, there are pitfalls here. Only with a competent approach, the process of shopping at sales can be used for your own good.

The first problem that will have to be faced: most often the slow-moving sizes XS and XXL remain, or those models that did not arouse interest among buyers. And if you see an interesting thing that you really need, then do not wait for a sale, since most likely it will not be there by that time. Therefore, my advice to you: have a list of necessary purchases at hand and strictly adhere to it, without deceiving yourself in the shopping process that you will "soon lose weight and this dress will just fit you."

The second important piece of advice: in the season of discounts, sellers have a so-called “ideal buyer”, who is already fueled by the very idea of ​​taking at least something faster, until a competitor in shopping has emerged. The situation itself is impulsive, and a person does not have time to think about such a thing as justifying the price. Take a few minutes to check the reality of the quoted prices. To do this, you just need to go through the phone to the Yandex.Market application and specify the initial price. It is not uncommon for retailers to inflate the initial price in order to attract buyers with a larger price difference, which in fact does not exist. Even if you are lured by the words "90% discount!", Do not be so naive: no one will miss out on their benefits.

Another important point that can be encountered during the sales season, especially towards the end, is the quality of the product. Pay attention to defects in fabric or cut, because if even a few weeks, provided the price of the product was reduced, it was not taken, then it is possible that the thing has significant shortcomings.

In this regard, let me give some advice from the "seasoned" shopaholic:

  1. On the eve of the start date of sales, monitor the places of your planned shopping in order to gain time and, possibly, negotiate with the sellers.
  2. Try not to waste time. Come among the first buyers and choose what you really need, otherwise you will have to buy things that others did not need. Do not expect maximum discounts: only those goods that have not been sold for years reach them.
  3. Do not buy expensive items on sales. Plan their purchase for the season and try to use, for example, a discount card, which also makes it possible to save some amount.
  4. Not necessarily, on sales, stores get rid of substandard or bad items. It's just that their commercial appeal is lower than that of those models that were bought at full price. They may have a less functional cut or a model that is difficult to combine.
  5. Think if you really need a new swimsuit at the end of summer? Or is it better to set aside this amount to buy warm clothes for the next cooler and longer season?
  6. Each item you purchase (not necessarily during the sales period) should be really necessary for you. Remember this!

But all the same, sales and sales sometimes have a hypnotic effect on us, and then we buy things, which then uselessly lie in the closet and create the very situation: the closet is full - there is nothing to wear.

  • buy only those things that you really like and need, which means they will not lie in the closet;
  • it is better to spend money on quality things, then they will last a long time;
  • all personal belongings should decorate you, emphasize your merits, and, of course, hide flaws.

It is better to create a wardrobe in which every item of the costume ensemble is a favorite. Then only this fact will cheer you up. You will feel natural and comfortable, which others will definitely notice. Good luck with your sales!

is a near-earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid was no longer visible through telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance to which the asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach Earth on 09.09.2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not at all on the 9th, but on a different date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will collide with Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - collision probability is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of crossing the orbit of an asteroid with our planet as 1 in 7300 (0,00014 % ). ESA ranked 2006 QV89 in 4th place among the celestial bodies that pose a potential danger to the Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of the "flight" of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Great Lent, which begins 48 days before the Bright Feast. And after 50 days, Trinity is celebrated.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making cakes and cottage cheese puffs.

Easter treats are consecrated in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the very day of the Feast.

One should greet each other on Easter with the words "Christ is Risen", and answer - "Truly He is Risen".

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings Russia lost 1: 3 to Belgium “at the start”, and after that it won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4: 0) and over San Marino (9: 0). The last victory was the largest ever in the history of the Russian national football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to the bookmakers, the Russian national team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, it should be borne in mind that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises can await us.

The Russia - Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and at what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Location of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* The start time of the game is 21:45 Moscow time.

In this life hack you will find out when do Steam sales start in 2019.

For those in the tank, Steam is the largest online video game store where you can buy almost any electronic toy. Like any other IM, he arranges promotions with discounts on goods. Every day you can buy dozens of games at a discounted price, but several times a year there are really large sales, and we'll talk about them.

2019 Steam Sale Dates

They take place on the most significant international (Western) holidays such as Christmas. There are only three seasons when they happen (you will not see anything like this in the spring). Let's start with the earliest or the latest, depending on how you look at it.

Steam Winter Sale 2019-2020

The longest promotion of all of the year, lasting about a half moon. Winter sale in Steam 2019 captures two holidays - Western Christmas and New Year. Starts on the eve of the first. The date changes from year to year, but we should expect it around December 20-22, and the end on January 3-5.

Summer sale Steam 2019 (schedule)

During the holidays, one cannot do without a decline in interest in buying games, because decent products, as a rule, do not appear in the summer, so marketers are trying to attract consumers in this way. We're better off.

Summer Sale inSteam in 2019 It will start approximately on June 19-22 and will take about two weeks, until July 1-5 inclusive. If you didn't manage to buy spring fresh food, then it's time for that!

Autumn sale Steam 2019 (dates)

Autumn sale inSteam 2019 divided into two parts, according to the events on halloween sale inSteam 2019 and Black Friday. There is a short break between them and each of them lasts about a week, which in total results in a standard two weeks, like other large stocks.

H e lluin sale at Steam 2019

Begins on All Saints' Day on October 26-30 and ends on November 1. Sometimes it's just a couple of days, and sometimes a whole week, so get ready.

Black Friday

This is the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States. Already many countries are adopting this tradition and making crazy discounts on this day. Distributors of computer games are also not lagging behind, so expect good discounts from November 22-24 to November 28-30.

Now you know when sales in Steam(Steam) in 2019 (autumn, winter, summer), and if you want to know the exact dates, then subscribe to our Vkontakte group and you will be aware of these and many other events.


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