Mikhail kozlov psychologist house 2 biography. “Irina, would you agree to sleep with a Moscow oligarch? What they say at the Russian Embassy in Belarus

25-year-old Natalya told how her husband, in search of success, began to go to strange trainings. I had to pay 800 dollars for training, and during classes I had to walk half naked, beg for bananas in the supermarket, insult each other. The correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" decided to check how they are lured to such trainings.

"They're all going crazy over there."

Sensational training PROvocation - the shocking truth about love, money and sex, read the headline. The crossed out price of 400,000 rubles - they say, only today it is free. After attending the training, I supposedly have to find out why only 10% of people are both happily married and financially successful, how to get courage and get out of their “groundhog day”, how to succeed in work and personal life at the same time, to achieve love and harmony in relationships.

A respectable man in a black jacket and white shirt was looking at me from the monitor. This is the leader of the training, Russian nin Mikhail Kozlov. It is written that he has four higher educations, a beautiful wife and three children, and behind him - more than two hundred conducted trainings and a bunch of TV appearances. Even below is the section “Achievements of training participants” with photos of three glamorous girls. The captions to the photos read: one after the training became "Mrs. Russia 2013", the second from the postman turned into the TV presenter of the "Good Morning" program, and the third became the finalist of the TV show "Holidays in Mexico". I specifically googled: the characters are real. True, I did not undertake to judge why these girls "got out into the people" - let's leave it to the regulars of Moscow bohemian parties.

In general, I signed up. “You’re going to the lion’s mouth”, “It’s better not to take money with you at all”, “All the spectators there are decoys”, “They all go crazy there” - this is how my friends and colleagues admonished me. I did not believe at all that some sect could be in the 21st century in the center of Europe. And I went to the meeting, which was scheduled for a weekday evening in the conference room of one of the Minsk hotels.

“Sofya Viktorovna? You will be just Sonya! "

Cars drove into the parking lot, some of which were quite expensive.

Exactly, it is the decoy participants who demonstrate their income and success! - I think. Indeed, people who got out of expensive cars did not go to the hotel or to the restaurant, but to the conference hall. Smiling girls register everyone who comes by hanging a piece of masking tape with a name on their chest. The name is specially written incomplete - they say, it will be easier to communicate this way. Therefore, with the light hand of the master's assistants, all Tatyana Alexandrovna turn into Tanya, Nikolai Petrovichi - into Kol, and Zinaida Eduardovna - into Zin. Not everyone agrees to this:

Sofya Viktorovna, - an elderly woman introduces herself at the reception.

Can I just Sonya? - the girl asks by rote.

No, it is Sofya Viktorovna, - she insists.

About 200 - 250 people gathered in the hall. I consider those around me: the overwhelming majority are women, many are young and beautiful. It can be seen that someone came alone, someone with girlfriends, someone took a companion with them. There are middle-aged men and women, a dozen of retirees. While waiting for the start of the lecture, someone is digging into a smartphone, someone is whispering, and someone, like me, turns his head around, examines others.

Finally, the guru himself, Mikhail Kozlov, rises on the stage:

Yesterday I read comments on the Internet - many are unhappy with my arrogance and rudeness, - he says from the start. “You may not like what I say. But since you've come here, please play my game for the next three hours, according to my rules. Having organized a free training session, I spent four dollars on each of you today.

Interestingly, both to a specific listener and to the audience as a whole, Mikhail addresses only you. And it is quite obvious that his target audience is women ("since you came here").

Why did you come here, pickup? - he talks to the young man in the front row. - You don't have to say anything, I immediately see that you are a pick-up artist. Did you find out that there are many beautiful girls here, and came? If you are not interested in me, the door is there!

Mikhail's speech looks quite frank. He does not hesitate to say that the task of today's lecture is to tell about the paid course that he conducts.

Miracles do not happen, you will not learn any secrets today, ”he says. “According to my estimates, today will be a turning point for only twenty percent of you. The rest will leave here today with nothing. Here you are, for example, Raya - clearly not my audience - the guru communicates in a middle-aged woman. - Therefore, you will not be interested, I will no longer detain you.

Works well, speaks fluently, - my neighbor in the row is whispering with her friends.

It turned out that she works in the field of trade and had a long history of such lectures.

"You open your Facebook and subscribe to familiar millionaires from there"

As befits a real coach, Mikhail clearly holds the audience during his speech. Sometimes he interrupts the thread of the narrative, being distracted by some living moment:

What are you recording there all the time, are you a spy? - he turns to the guy.

I’m making a summary, ”he replies.

Well, look there I have ....

Mikhail's general reasoning about relationships, about family and about money is often interrupted by some examples or questions:

Irina, for the sake of your financial well-being, would you agree to sleep with a Moscow oligarch? - In response, middle-aged Irina shakes her head in disgust.

That's right, because you are too spiritual. And it's hard for people like you to achieve anything. You have, you know, spirituality. This is especially felt in Belarus, Russia has already gone through this.

An ideal recipe, for example, in the search for a rich husband, Kozlov formulates as follows:

You open your Facebook and subscribe from there the familiar millionaires, - at this time, laughter rolls through the hall, they say, where do we, ordinary people, have millionaires on Facebook!

It seems so to you, but they are! - retorts Kozlov. - Remember who it could be? Your classmate's rich husband? The owner of the club that you are friends after the glamorous party? An acquaintance of an acquaintance who runs his own company? Write them out in a separate file and start working on them.

Like this?

That's how! Collect information about them, find out how they live, in order to then drive up to them with an interesting topic, - says Mikhail. - This is the only way you can hook a millionaire for the first time. What to do next is already a paid advice.

I catch myself thinking: Kozlov's speech reminds me of a stand-up show on the TNT channel. Here is a man talking from the stage about seemingly ordinary things. But he says some amazing things that nevertheless concern everyone. Periodically twists some harsh word or humor, causing the audience to grin or other sincere reaction.

Mikhail often draws parallels between life in Belarus and in Russia. He says that he knows a lot about Belarus:

My current wife is from Minsk, I have lived with you for eight years, - he says. However, some nuances betray Mikhail: well, for example, after living so much time in Minsk, how can you not learn the name of the stalls "Khutka-savory", saying instead something like "Smachnu-khutka"? On the other hand, maybe this is such a delicate move - they say, a successful and wealthy person is not obliged to know such "not lordly" names.

"When will the main course already begin, when will it already start hovering its paid course?" - I was waiting for Mikhail to go on the offensive. But there was no attack: by the end of his speech, Kozlov mentioned the paid course several times, talked about the incredible $ 200 discount and the opportunity to withdraw money, “if at the end of the paid course you realize that you were all in vain”. Some people, realizing that they would not hear anything interesting today, rushed to the exit.

And some immediately carried money to Kozlov's assistants. And there were about a dozen of them! People signed a contract and paid for the course directly in dollars! It was not possible to find out whether they were fake or real customers - they did not comment on their decision. True, there were also dissatisfied:

I don’t know what I’m doing here at all, ”the boy shares his emotions as he leaves the hall. - You heard, he said that I was a nerd and a nerd just because I was in a plaid shirt!

The very personality of the lecturer instantly caused rejection, - shares her impressions Ksenia, a psychologist by training. - It was more like a cheap stand-up than a meeting with a guru who is ready to change my life. Kozlov's achievements, not supported by anything in real life, personally did not convince me to agree to paid training. All that I managed to learn during these few hours: to send everyone three letters and show everyone their breasts - this is the way to change your life and expand the boundaries. At the same time, I did not wait for theoretical and practical discoveries from Mikhail Kozlov. Only a pretentious plagiarism on Maslow's pyramid and Ponomarenko's practical characterology.

Other listeners reacted better to Kozlov:

Cool, intelligent guy, - says Nikolai. - I will definitely plan my budget, and somehow I will go to a paid training and "reformat". Kozlov's methods are clear: such trainings help to get out of the comfort zone, to look at the world without glasses - it doesn't matter whether they are pink or black. But someone is simply not ready for this. Therefore, negative assessments of people can be understood: Kozlov delves into your past, in your views, pulls out the whole truth about you. Sometimes people don't like this truth. They lie to themselves and live in a world invented by themselves. Therefore, faced with such a truth, a person resists it, and people who deny his methods simply cannot stand the reality.

Well, personally, I did not succumb to the mythical charms of Mikhail Kozlov. Yes, and mythical, in fact, there is nothing there - no one really crushes. Any sane person who has refused the distributors of weight loss products or water filters at least once can say “no”. But trying to look beyond your “groundhog day” is still interesting. What if there is something interesting there? That's just $ 300 for such an attempt, for some reason, it's a pity.

Among the diverse personalities to whom my posts are dedicated, there are truly unique people. Honest, brave, strong - and, most importantly, so modest.

Thanks to the moderator of the site Sektam.net, I recently met in absentia a man who has become a real embodiment of all the merits. And today I want to open your eyes wide to you too.

It is not for nothing that one of the best trainers for educating leaders in cattle is considered Mikhail Kozlov.
Mikhail Kozlov is a trainer with 10 years of experience in recruiting and managing personnel, family relations, and improving personal efficiency. He conducted over 200 trainings, which were attended by over 10 thousand people. His clients are the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Russian Federation, Rusfinancebank, Coca-cola, Inform Mobil, Aviva, FosbornHome, Adamant, MusaMotors and about 30 other companies.

This is a unique person, truly unique. Mikhail Kozlov went down in history worse than Abraham Maslow, creating his own pyramid "Pyramid of Kozlow". It reflects seven levels of income of the population.
Minimum level - income less
Mikhail recommends sticking to the middle - fourth level. He is the most comfortable and secure. You can still get to the 4th level while remaining a relatively decent person. At higher levels (for example, the 3rd level corresponds to an income of 500 thousand dollars per month), it is impossible to maintain decency.

As my friend said shootenok , it's funny that Kozlov's pyramid consists of cabbage.

It is difficult to say at what level of the Kozlow pyramid Mr. Kozlov himself is. He said half an hour ago that he earns from five to twenty thousand dollars a month.
But, judging by the fact that the return debt to brother is set first as a goal, and then an achievement, then I have bad news for Mr. Kozlov.

Mikhail Kozlov is a man who is capable of making literally anyone a superman. And he does it just like everything else - modestly, honestly and sincerely.
The forge of cadres of leaders and geniuses is Mikhail Kozlov's leadership training "Provocation".

I think everyone will agree with me and with Mr. Mikhail Kozlov that such recognized leaders of Russia as Putin, Shoigu, Lavrov were able to develop leadership qualities in themselves exclusively according to the method of Mikhail Kozlov.
After all, otherwise they do not become leaders - and since these people have become leaders, then what?
That's just it, friends.

Mikhail Kozlov himself, I want to warn you, is an incredibly modest person. He is so humble that he managed to get the praise of his training removed from the Sectam.net website.

Therefore, unfortunately, you will not be able to read the vaunted reviews of Mikhail Kozlov's trainings posted on the website sectam.net. What I quoted is the Yandex cache.
Perhaps my post will sooner or later be removed due to the exorbitant modesty of Mr. Mikhail Kozlov.

So, my friends.
I don’t know about you, but I believe that modesty should not interfere with the glory of such a great and intelligent person. Let's spread the stories about the wonderful trainings of Mikhail Kozlov on our blogs, tell all our friends about Mikhail Kozlov.
Well, is it right when one of the greatest people of our time remains in the shadow of the god Kuzi, Akhinevich, Shlakhter and Denis Baiguzhin? Of course it is wrong, and it depends only on us whether we can overcome the situation or not.

Let's join hands, friends. After all, Mikhail Kozlov is worthy of this.

The modern world, in which everyone is trying to sell something, is overflowing with pseudo-gurus, the most diverse "psychologists" and simply charlatans. Another adherent of this "cult" of mass planting of information into the heads of immature young people was the Russian psychologist Mikhail Kozlov, who became famous for his participation in the television project "Dom-2". This person gives public lectures on emancipation and "personal growth", as he himself puts it, although many participants in his trainings would call it, rather, moral and moral degradation.

Pretend psychologist

Mikhail Kozlov is a specific psychologist, you can put it that way.

"Specific" is a term that gently smoothes out the true picture. Mikhail Kozlov is a psychologist, author of numerous trainings, an expert in financial psychology, a participant in the Dom-2 TV project, in addition to participating in the TV project, he was remembered by the press and law enforcement agencies in connection with his arrest at the request of a Minsk girl named Anna. She participated in his motivational trainings as she was looking for a source of inspiration for the next year. Before that, she already had the experience of attending personal growth trainings, and each time she learned something useful from them. But this training came at the cost of psychological trauma, not to mention the $ 250 paid for these dances with a tambourine for three days.

Psychologist Mikhail Kozlov, whose books and brochures were scattered around Russian courts 10 years ago, quickly won the trust of his fellow citizens. However, just as suddenly, the blunders in his activities unsettled his entire career in Russia. Then the enterprising personal growth coach redirected his energies to the Belarusian platform.

Psychologist Mikhail Kozlov: biography

This man also distinguished himself by the fact that there is not so much reliable information about him. During his free lectures, he manages to advertise himself and his training, select the target audience and confidently wind up noodles on her ears. According to the information on his website, Mikhail Kozlov is a psychologist and a person with 4 higher educations! And also a happy husband and father of the family (four children: one from his first marriage, three from a marriage with his Belarusian wife). But this is just an illusion. Rumor has it that psychologist Mikhail Kozlov and his wife have not lived together for a long time.

The personal site of this scammer indicates that its owner has conducted more than 500 successful trainings in ten years, and the track record says: an expert in business psychology on TVC, Pervy, NTV, a psychologist on the reality show Dom- 2 ". He was even nominated for the post of President of the Russian Federation. It would seem that such a person would be worth trusting. But it was not there.

Complaints and accusations

Russian psychologist Mikhail Kozlov was detained in Minsk on charges of fraud in July 2017.

The story, which even got into the British edition of the Daily Mail, was dubbed the "striptease incident." This action was a kind of revenge on the employees of Sberbank for the fact that for a whole month he could not get a corporate card from them. The wounded psychologist Mikhail Kozlov showed up at the Moscow branch of the bank, accompanied by two strippers. He managed to shoot a provocative video that pretty much excited the networks.

In addition to this incident, this person was repeatedly accused of demoralizing society, organizing orgies and assault on his trainings.

The starting point that served to detain this subject by law enforcement agencies was the complaint of Anna from Minsk, who began to worry about her mental state from the very first lecture. The manipulator managed to get her payment for the three-day training in the amount of $ 250. This fact became known thanks to the husband of a desperate woman, who immediately suspected something was wrong in his wife's behavior, followed her and took her away from the hall where the training was held.

Be blunt and decisive!

This is the motto of the trainings of the former participant of the reality show "Dom-2". The pseudo-psychologist Kozlov assures that spirituality leads to the disintegration of the personality, does not allow a person to rise above his capabilities and bypass stupid believers. For his trainings, he selects only a young audience of atheists, demonstratively expelling aged people, male pick-up artists and people with principles from the hall. The participants in his lectures, speaking about their impressions of his activities, give far from flattering reviews.

Mikhail Kozlov: "Dom-2" did not turn him into a hero

Psychological trauma, depression, inappropriate behavior and a bunch of other hard-hitting consequences are the results of his self-realization trainings. As one of the former participants in his course writes in the reviews, she came to this event purely out of curiosity, and left there with deep psychological trauma, which will now take years to resolve.

There were also numerous complaints that psychologist Mikhail Kozlov behaved aggressively, violated their personal boundaries, summoned people to the stage, forced them to undress, humiliate themselves, and asked incriminating questions about their personal life.


In his lectures and trainings, Kozlov emphasizes the rejection of moral and ethical qualities. Psychologist Mikhail Kozlov willingly gives recommendations to young girls on how to arrange their lives, advising them to profitably trade in their bodies, offer themselves for a "decent" payment, and this has incurred suspicions of human trafficking. He calls short-sighted and pathetic girls who have sex with a man just like that, for love and for free. He says the following about Belarusian girls: “Belarus is distinguished by an abundance of beautiful girls, of which a large percentage is far from being pragmatic. Such are capable of loving sincerely and giving themselves to a man without a trace ... But is this reasonable? Some advice from psychologist Mikhail Kozlov does seem worthwhile, but this is just a grain in the endless stream of his destructive sayings.


During his speeches, Kozlov vehemently insists that many people simply "suck barberries", that is, in his understanding, "earn little", living day after day the life of a groundhog. This progressive thinker classified people earning less than $ 500 in the 7th step of his own invented Kozlow table of success, as he jokingly calls it, drawing an analogy with Maslow's table of needs. He considers the 4th level to be the optimal location on this table, that is, earnings from $ 50,000. It is this level, in his opinion, that can be considered comfortable and safe.

The three pillars on which a person's life is built according to "Kozlow" are relationships, money, personal growth. Through the harmonization of all these points, one can become happy and successful, says Mikhail, and it is difficult to argue with that. Unlike his methods ...

Further, you can hear that people in the world are divided into normal and abnormal, that only abnormal (leaders) can climb up the "Kozlow" ladder without murder or theft and become successful. Such people, says the psychologist, are able to plan their lives for several years ahead, and then divide the large-scale plan into quarterly, monthly, and so on. Only by prescribing each step in your head can you achieve perfection. Essential for Kozlov is a "positive" environment - that is, people with an already advanced level who motivate others to act. He categorically denies the effect of rendering, calling it rubbish, since no one, as he himself put it, "has not yet started rendering an elite car."

The girl's body, in the eyes of psychologist Mikhail Kozlov, is "a credit card with an inexhaustible balance." He, unlike naive girls, knows where to find an oligarch and how to seduce him. Thus, he encourages women to almost outright prostitution, offering the only "correct" way to earn money - to sleep with a millionaire a couple of times a month. Well, the main thing here is not to sell too cheap.

Working scheme

It all starts with a bright response, overwhelmed with emotions, such as: "The training is enchanting, I advise everyone, come immediately to the" guest evening ", it's free!" A group of people already prepared by the psychologist unconsciously takes his side, thereby attracting the masses to training. And then, according to the knurled scheme - an introduction, input of primary information free of charge, and then selling the training at a fabulous price - 200-300 dollars in 3 days! Thinking, insolvent and old are immediately swept aside at the first meeting. It can be seen that the eye is trained. Didn't like him outwardly - please leave the audience, because you do not meet his standards. And, yes, you cannot be distracted. There is also an unwritten regulation of "forbidden actions", for example, the use of a mobile phone (a fine of 20 rubles - you have to earn money somehow).


Despite the cynical approach, swagger, "poking" clients, unconventional techniques for transforming personality, unjustified high cost of trainings, this psychologist has gathered his army of fans and money-grubbers who are happy to act "stupidly and decisively" going through life ahead. It doesn't matter if you hit a couple of heads, break a couple of hearts, and trip along the way. What do these "marmots" understand in life when success is right there, right in your hands. Conscience, honor, spirituality are no longer self-development. This is now called mental masturbation. Finance, egocentrism, success are the slogans of the new society. You decide.


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