What an event in. How to organize an event. Security by law enforcement officers

Irina Prokofieva, Operations Manager of the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Program, spoke about the key points to which the organizer of the event should pay attention.

When I was preparing my first event, I was told about the funny "Duck Face" rule ( The duck face rule ). This means that outwardly you should be calm and peaceful. In fact, you actively paddle underwater to stay afloat, but no one should know about it. Until now, I consider this to be the most valuable rule.

Organizing an event is not an easy task, but I can highlight 10 key points that you need to pay attention to in order for everything to go well.

1. Determine goals and format.

It seems obvious, but this issue should be approached critically. Formulate a goal as specific as possible: do you want to convey knowledge to the participants, thank partners, raise money for a project or give guests an aesthetic pleasure? The format of the event will depend on the answer: concept, timing and duration, roles in the team, hall decoration, food and sound.

Try not to get hung up on traditional formats. Pay attention to the "(not) conferences", the "pecha-heap" format, TED -format, themed breakfasts, online events, outdoor activities. The main thing is that the format contributes to the achievement of the goal of the event.

2. Pay attention to planning.

Consider the logistics, content and promotion of the event in terms of your plan. Create a document that is accessible to the whole team, in which everyone can see each other's tasks and the big picture. First, prepare a list of the main tasks, and then detail as much as possible in the form of specific steps that need to be taken. It is important to include in the plan the time it takes to complete the task. It is often underestimated and preparation is slower than you expect.

For planning you can usetemplates Google , programs such asAsana, Trello, Podio, GanttPro, Teamweek... An ordinary document will not fail either. Excel.

3. Make a budget for unforeseen situations.

Look at your list of tasks and budget them. It is also worth considering contingency reserves. For example, in my practice there was a case when, on the day of an outdoor event, it suddenly began to rain. I had to urgently change the location and transport all the equipment and furniture. It is better to think over such situations in advance and prepare for them financially.

Alternatively, you can usesuch a patternbudget, but you can adapt it or come up with your own.

4. The devil is in the details.

If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, think over everything to the smallest detail: how is the registration going, who meets the participants and in what form, what kind of music is playing, do you have an interesting photo angle, how your presentations are designed and how the team is dressed, how the breaks are filled.

For example, during registration, participants can be given the opportunity to attend a short workshop, play games, or watch informative videos.

Try to surprise people and create wow -effect, exceed their expectations in the most mundane things. This is what creates the atmosphere of the event.

5. Check the location and think over a plan "B".

Always check the location personally at the stage of its selection. At the most unexpected moment, it may turn out that the air conditioner does not work well in the hall, there is no toilet for people with special needs, or the width of the doorway does not allow bringing the equipment inside. Therefore, test such moments in advance.

Once I was hosting a conference for 50 participants, and an hour after the start, the owner of the premises asked us to leave without giving any reason. As a result, we held an hour-long training with the participants in a nearby park until we found a new premises. It seems that this situation will not happen to you, but it is better to always have a "B" plan.

6. Assign areas of responsibility.

It is very important to distribute tasks between team members, not only during the preparation phase, but also during the event. Distribute the responsibilities of people by zones. For example, someone is responsible for the registration area, someone for the meeting of speakers, someone for the equipment, someone for catering, someone for interaction with the media, etc. Everyone should have their own area that needs to be monitored at all times of the event.

Distribute the responsibilities document to the entire team so everyone knows who to contact with what issue.

7. Tell your audience about the event.

Don't underestimate the time it takes to successfully promote your event. The type of event, its target audience, internal resources and budget will determine your marketing approach. When choosing media partners, focus on those who communicate specifically with your audience. It is better to have few partners, but targeted, than to tell absolutely everyone about the event.

It is also important to create one key message that will be broadcast across all channels. Make sure it concisely and accurately conveys the message of the event to your audience.

8. Pay attention to the service.

Make sure your team follows the Duckface Rule. Be nice to all attendees, speakers and partners. Try to resolve their problem or question and meet expectations, even if you feel tired and not going according to plan. Ultimately, people will remember exactly how they were treated and what kind of atmosphere they created, and not what the speaker was saying from the stage.

9. Make a final check the day before the event.

Make sure you tell the participants how to get to the location, invite all important guests, prepare printed materials, audio and video content. Check if everyone correctly understands their tasks and areas of responsibility, whether the premises are ready. To do this, make a checklist, for example,such.

Similar checklists can be drawn up to check the readiness on the day of the event: is everything in place, is everything working, is everything going according to schedule.

Be sure to print out the program of the event, let all team members and volunteers have it. Also provide everyone with the main contact numbers for communication with each other or in case of emergencies.

10. Ask for feedback.

You will most likely be tired and happy after the event, but it will be difficult for you to objectively assess how it went. Therefore, ask participants to complete the printed scorecards at the end of the event or the online form upon returning home. Let them evaluate different aspects: logistics, speakers, venue and organizers' work. This information will help you avoid mistakes in the future and improve the quality of your events. If possible, collect feedback through social media or record video responses at the end of the event. This will come in handy if your event will be hosted again.

Whatever event you organize, be optimistic and don't be afraid of surprises, and then your event will be successful!


Irina Prokofieva, Operations manager of the EU-Eastern Partnership Program "Culture and Creativity", certified project manager ( IPMA, level C ), co-author of the project Start2 Go ... Worked at the global and national levels of an international organization AIESEC ... We have experience in holding events of various formats: from one-day trainings to international conferences and festivals.

We all know what the word "event" means. But sometimes, when we are asked to express our knowledge in words, we do not get very smooth speech. This is due to the fact that we are not very clear about the subject of the conversation. After all, if a person cannot describe something, it means that he does not understand it. In this article, we will understand the terminology and find out what it is - an event.

Meaning of the word

An event is an action of people who are united by some common goal. This is a general definition that has several nuances. For example, a group of teenagers gathering for a beer at the entrance cannot call their meeting an event. And this happens not because the vocabulary of this stratum of society is sometimes scarce, but because this gathering does not set cultural development as its goal.

Thus, we can conclude that an event is a meeting of a group of people who have gathered to enlighten themselves culturally, learn something new or tell others their point of view. And also an event is called a meeting of people in the number of more than two persons.

Public event

From the last part of the article, we understood what an event is called when a small group of people gathers for the purpose of enlightenment or a useful pastime. Now you need to understand when an event can be called public. Most often, this definition can be found at a demonstration, rally, theatrical evening, exhibition opening, etc.

We can conclude that a public event is a gathering of a large number of people who do not know each other, who are united by a common goal.

But, for example, a fair that fits the definition perfectly can hardly be called a public event. All people have the same goal to buy food, but everyone does it for themselves.

Another example is theater. At the show, people also enjoy themselves, and each one for himself. But this is a public event. The thing is that in the second example the actors play for the whole audience, give their time and give talent so that the audience gets aesthetic pleasure.

Children's event

Matinees, creative evenings or games in the children's park - all this fits our definition. A children's event is an adult activity aimed at entertaining their little spectators. An organized children's party will differ from the game of classmates in that in the first case there is a visible leader who sets the rules. The animator dictates the conditions and makes sure that they are met.

Of course, adults do not need to entertain the children; they can arrange activities by the children themselves. Vivid examples of this: matinees, school concerts and theatrical performances. All this instills in the young members of society a team spirit, responsibility for their actions. Children get rid of complexes, overcome modesty, learn to demonstrate their many talents. In fact, the statement that children's holidays differ from adults only by their age contingent is fundamentally wrong, we have seen this with you from the above theses.

So, as they say, trust but verify. And the next time the conversation comes up with event culture, you can give a well thought out answer.

Today we will not touch on all the points (there are more than 100 of them). But I promise that we will consider the most basic and those in which they most often make mistakes.

How to organize a public event:

Step 1. Define the purpose of the event.

The first thing that is important to do in any business, especially business-related: to understand who the event is dedicated to and for what purpose? Maybe you sell dry closets and you need to attract partners. Maybe you have a network of dental clinics and you want to put on a showcase to find new clients / patients.

Think about it, who you need and why. Why should they give up all their business and book a place with you? And from here you will understand what the conference / exhibition / master class should be about and how it should be presented.

Step 2. Choose a location.

Before choosing a place, it is important to: a) calculate the approximate number of people who will attend your event, b) cut the resulting number by 30%. Why is this necessary? Firstly, some people will not be able to come (even if they paid for the ticket). Secondly, it is better to have a small but crowded hall than a huge auditorium, but half empty.

Step 3. Make quality flyers / invitations.

There are a few simple rules to get your flyer right:

  1. large leaflet (approximately A5),
  2. large and easily readable font (preferably simple fonts that we read every day, for example, Arial).

There should be a minimum of text, a maximum of bright and stylish pictures. The purpose of the flyer is to raise questions and a desire to learn more. In no case should she give all the details.

* Important: be sure to check that the leaflet contains the exact address, phone number, date and time of the event.

Having a pack of such flyers, you can post and distribute them wherever you want (except for places that are protected by law from illegal posting). At public appearances, with partners at events, at pickets, exhibitions, on store shelves - in general, wherever your target audience may be.

Step 4. Invite and approve the list of speakers.

Once you've decided on a date, it's time to invite speakers. If the speakers come to you from another city, then it is necessary to agree at least 4 weeks before the event.

Step 5. Shout about your event everywhere, campaigning to shout about it and others.

We're not going to talk about advertising today. But it is important to mention that your task is to attract maximum attention to this event. For this, both your advertising campaign and PR from: speakers, partners, participants must act.
The speakers shoot video invitations, send letters to subscribers and talk about the event on social networks. Partners are the same, plus their own media channels. Participants share their emotions and talk about the event, for example, for a gift (simple, but most importantly - easily accessible).

Step 7. Whenever possible, use mass media

You can also broadcast your event on radio or TV. To do this, it is enough, for example, to arrange an interview or report with one of the speakers at your event.

Step 8. Prepare all materials for the event

Your event must have banners with partners, a table with literature on the topic of the event (your books, books of partners, speakers) and handouts. In handouts, people will be able to take notes, but this is not the main thing. Their purpose is to remind you of you after the event is over.

When people leave the room, as a rule, after 20 minutes they will change their minds to other things. The likelihood that they themselves will remember you in a week is incredible negligible.

But when they see a bag with your logo, a notebook, a calendar or a pen from your event, they will certainly remember you. Therefore, take it responsibly.

Step 9. Appoint a moderator.

You should definitely have someone who will follow and correct the performances. Speakers often do not follow the clock, so a moderator is needed who will control and direct this.

Perhaps he will raise some signs with the inscription "5 minutes", or an alarm clock will be displayed on the computer, which will signal the end of the speech in 10 minutes.

Let's summarize:

If you're aiming to actually host a big event, at the very least, you might want to watch others do it. For example, at our last Infoconference-2014, almost 3,000 people were packed into the hall. Is this a good result? I think yes.

Very soon, Infobusiness2.ru will host the next large-scale event for businessmen - the All-Russian Conference on Business-2015. With such speakers as: Andrey Parabellum, Konstantin Benko, Radislav Gandapas, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, representatives of VTB Bank and Euroset, and many others.

Be sure to read more about this conference by going to the website, because in a nutshell, I cannot convey the full scale and power of this event to you.

From January 31 to February 1, Andrey Parabellum with the entire Infobusiness2.ru company and partners is holding the All-Russian Conference on Business-2015. And you must be, without fail. And the rest you will find out on the website, which you will be redirected to by clicking the button below.

Your master class, workshop or battle of scientists is only half the battle: it is important that the audience for which it is intended is known about the project in a timely manner. Head of SMM department of Sterno.Ru company Maria Vul on how to attract opinion leaders and use hashtags, which in no case should be done in your public page and why Odnoklassniki is not as hopeless as it seems. T&P publishes the video and the main theses of the master class.

You decided to hold a lecture, master class, seminar or any other educational event - prepared a lecture, imagine what audience it is intended for, but no one came to the lecture - simply because they did not know about it. To avoid this kind of fatal mistakes, you need to learn how to inform the public about your brilliant ideas. After all, the entire blogosphere with forums and sites, social networks Facebook and Vkontakte and many others is at your complete disposal.

Before starting the process of promoting your event, you need to imagine the target audience and ask a few simple questions:

Who do you need to attract?

Where to find them?

How to talk to them?

What do they want?

How to give it to them?

Explore social media

It is important to understand that cliches and stereotypes about social networks have nothing to do with reality. The legend that old sad aunts are sitting, for example, in Odnoklassniki is a myth, cheerful people of 25–35 years old prevail there. You need to focus not on outdated clichés, but on what is really going on in social networks today. In addition, often when people promote an educational event, they forget about social networks like Instagram, Twitter, Foursquare. They, too, can greatly assist you in promoting your project.

Where to start and where to go?

If you don't have a lot of money and can't afford to contact a content promotion company, there is a set of actions that are quite effective for promoting an event on your own:

Submit your events to free poster resources;

Get in touch with free city pubs and publics on the topic of the event;

Contact the administration of niche sites;

Invite influencers who are REALLY interested in your event;

The same goes for your friend list.

In all places where you will post an announcement about your event, you need to leave a home link where the user can come to you. Then, using the Yandex Metrics service, you can find out where people came from, which worked more efficiently. On social media, you should always use the "I'll go" or "maybe" button to roughly imagine how many people will come to you.

You can immediately leave messages about your events on Lookatme.ru, Exchang.es services, but it makes sense to negotiate with Afisha, Mail.Ru or Yandex.ru services in advance.

Let's say your lecture is about unicorns. Find forums and publics for unicorn lovers, find all the places where these people sit, do not forget about links to those places where you want to accumulate your audience. Find out where your target audience is.

Influencers receive many invitations every day - you need to interest the people you need with your master class, prove to them that you are unique. Even if the person does not come, he can recommend your event, and this will already be a great advertisement. Remember: you don’t need to spam your entire friend feed with an event message 15 times a day, you don’t need to do the same with your target audience, otherwise they will quietly hate you.

Report the event in advance, but within reasonable limits - about a week in advance. If you need to buy tickets, then you need to report a little earlier. If you have information about the events that you have already organized on this topic, post a report and photos.

When informing about your future event, be always original and varied:

Show people what awaits them at the event;

Come up with hashtags and always use them!

Always include links in your posts so that people know where to go if the picture is shared. Use hashtags everywhere - on social media, on the splash screen, and on the banner. If you have your own groups, blogs, etc., use them to advertise your event.

Collect and accumulate your audience. When, for example, we are promoting the lecture hall of the Higher School of Economics, for each lecture we create an event and an email alert for people who on Facebook previously said “I will go” to our previous lectures.

When talking about the place where the lecture will take place, make a map - make life easier for people who come to you.

You don’t need to write “we have a very cool lecture, please come”, etc. a hundred times a day, you don’t need to bother people. The event can be reminded once a day or every two days using different pictures, a list of references for the lecture, links to films on the topic, you can draw a picture, give a quote.

The importance of intonation

You cannot speak the same language in different networks. You can make a poll, picture, discussion for Vkontakte or Facebook. If you are planning to give a serious scientific lecture, you will scare people away by posting funny pictures on social networks about quantum physics. You need to understand who you want to hook up with and how they are used to communicating with them.

If you have money, you can promote your post on social networks - Facebook is very convenient in this sense, it will guide you through all stages of creating an advertising post. Both Facebook and Vkontakte have clear tools to help you understand how your ad works and change the picture or text of your ad if you are not happy with the effect. At Vkontakte, the text-graphic block does not always work effectively - you can order the placement of an announcement or contact the editors of the Vkontakte public if the main audience of this public corresponds to the interests of your lecture.


When the lecture is over, don't forget about social networks - you need a loyal audience in the future as well. Do not relax: say thank you very much to people for coming to the lecture, offer to ask questions, if they still have them, post a photo and presentation.

Ask people to leave comments, reply to them, don't leave them hanging alone. You can do a little research: in Yandex, enter a hashtag, your last name, the title of the lecture and see what people write about you. Remind people of the hashtag so that when they write or post something, they use it.

You can share pictures, questions, lecture topics, and discussion topics that require a response. Always say “thank you very much for your constructive criticism” and answer the questions asked. Use additional useful content in your event. Create content that you yourself want to repost.

Don't do that!

Call the entire friend feed to the event indiscriminately;

Tag people in photos without their permission;

Update the event endlessly;

Announce an event in ten pubs at the same time;

Forget about profiles, the physical presence of the hashtag at the event;

Ignore negative reviews, delete comments.

During the event, you can broadcast twitter, you can combine the lecture into a small video so that a person who was not present at it understands everything in three minutes. All the time while we are holding the event, and after that we monitor reviews by hashtags, by last names, by keywords.

Use Instagram even if you have nothing to photograph. You can always get something out of the area of ​​expertise. Look at General Electric's Instagram - few people are interested in watching photos about motors, but they just magically drive their Instagram.

A short-term non-formalized set of works aimed at obtaining the specified results. The event can be considered as a project to which a simplified document flow is applied due to its short duration and low labor intensity. ... ... Technical translator's guide

EVENT, activities, cf. (book.official.). An action aimed at the implementation of something, for the implementation of some goal. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

EVENT, me, cf. A set of actions united by one socially significant task. Conduct an important m. Cultural and educational activities. M. for show (carried out formally, without interest; colloquial neod.). Explanatory dictionary … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

An organized action or a set of actions aimed at the implementation of any l. goals. Dictionary of business terms. Academic.ru. 2001 ... Business glossary

event-, oya, cf. An organized action or a set of actions aimed at achieving specific goals. ◘ For a dozen years already, an event called “Writers for Workers” has been systematically organized in Kaunas. Sov. Lit., 106. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

event- to plan an event modality, planning an event are held passively, an organization to schedule an event modality, planning to conduct an event organization are held events passively, an organization ... ... Verb collocation of non-subject names

event- a major event ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Event- a conventional generalized name for any more or less organized interaction between children and teachers, which has a goal, content and the corresponding implementation methodology. It is customary to refer to extracurricular forms of organization as activities at school ... ... Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture (Teacher's Encyclopedic Dictionary)

event- renginys statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Tam tikrą programą ir vidinę struktūrą turinti ugdymo forma. Organizuojami didaktiniai, auklėjamieji, meninės saviveiklos, sporto ir kt. renginiai. Šis terminas plačiau vartojamas užklasinės veiklos ... Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas


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