How to stay positive in any situation. How to maintain a positive attitude. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

03.07.2015 7 811 4 Reading time: 21 min.

Today I want to continue talking about, and separately consider one of the most important, in my opinion, criteria for success - positive thinking and positive attitude. In this article, we will talk about why it is so important to think positively, how to positive mood contributes to the achievement of the goal, and also consider separately how to develop positive thinking in yourself. I'm sure it's very important topic I think it will be useful and interesting for you too.

Why is it so important to have a positive mood?

Many different scientists have proved many times that a positive attitude and a positive attitude towards life make a person healthier, happier and more successful. I am sure that if you look around and watch people, you will notice for yourself that those who think positively go through life easily, achieve their goals faster and easier, are always in good mood and they look great. They have a vibrant life, full of various activities and events, they have many hobbies and manage to devote time to them. Positive people are smart and well-read, it is interesting and easy to communicate with them, you can learn a lot of new and useful information from them, get good advice or even just nice words, which make it easier in a difficult situation. “Life is beautiful and amazing!”, “Take everything from life!”, “Rejoice in every day you live!” - here life principles a positive person.

Now look at the opposite people who think pessimistically and are always unhappy with everything. Their life runs according to the scheme home-work-home, they spend weekends and evenings loaded with household chores, and relax, lying on the sofa in front of the TV and scolding the politicians shown there. They walk downcast and look terrible, they are angry and irritable, they hate their jobs and sometimes even their lives! “Why do I need all this?”, “Will it ever end?”, “I have no more strength” - these are typical expressions that can be heard from these gloomy people.

Both those and other people live in the same environment, in the same conditions, initially have absolutely equal opportunity. But their lives are completely different! Why? The reason for all this is the positive thinking of some and the negative of others.

To be successful and happy, you need to develop a positive attitude, a positive attitude towards life, learn to think positively. This is one of the most important foundations of a life position, which, along with activity and constants, can lead a person to great success, gives him the opportunity to achieve all life goals, become what he dreams of, and have what he wants. And I'm not exaggerating here!

How is the human mind formed? Based on his upbringing, his own experience, attitude to life developed over the years, as well as by adopting views from people who are authorities for him.

Have you heard the expression “like attracts like”? It says that how a person will perceive his life, what he will think about it - this is how he will have it. If a person constantly thinks that he is unhappy, that he cannot achieve anything, that everything is bad for him - this is how everything will develop, and from this he will only think this way even more. Vicious circle! And you can get out of it only by developing positive thinking in yourself.

In order for positive thinking to have any positive effect, it must prevail in a person. That is, if a person forces himself to be happy for 10 minutes, and then plunges into his gloomy thoughts again for the whole day, this will not work.

By the way, a positive mood is contagious. A positive-minded person, as it were, radiates positive and conveys some part of his positive mood to others. Thus, having positive thinking, a person benefits not only himself, but also other people who are close to him.

What is positive thinking?

So, let's say I managed to convince you that positive thinking and a positive attitude are simply vital things. Then let's figure out what it is in general, how to understand these concepts? I will not write something abstruse, but I will say in a simple and understandable language:

Positive thinking is the ability of a person to see in the world around him, in environment, in the people around him, in the events and processes taking place in his life, the positive aspects and focus his attention on them, while not focusing his thoughts on the negative aspects.

Positive thinking does not mean that a person should constantly wear "rose-colored glasses" and not notice all the bad things that are happening around. Also, this does not mean that he should call black white, should not react at all to negativity and pretend that it does not exist, especially if it concerns him.

Positive thinking means that a person should change your attitude to negative events. He must perceive them as an inevitable part of his life, an absolutely normal and familiar phenomenon, the same as eating, sleeping, breathing. Negative things should not throw him off balance and should not occupy a large part of his thought processes. A person should not think that everything is bad with him, but that everything will be fine with him, and concentrate his thinking precisely on such thoughts. This is the positive attitude.

How to learn to think positively?

Well, now let's move on to the most important thing: how to develop positive thinking in yourself, how to learn to think positively? I must say right away: faced daily with a huge amount of negativity (as it happens with us), it is very difficult to do this. But probably! To learn to think positively, you need to follow a number of rules and recommendations that will simplify this process and gradually come to the desired effect. Let's take a look at them.

1. Make your speech positive. Namely, try to exclude from it not only frankly negative words and expressions, but also everything that is connected with denials, doubts, uncertainty, regret, sadness, etc. At the same time, use optimistic, affirmative, positive phrases as often as possible, especially in relation to yourself, your actions, your future.

For example, instead of “I will try to do it” - “I will definitely do it”, instead of “I don’t know what will come of it” - “I will succeed”, instead of “I have lived in vain for so many years and lost so much” - “I gained invaluable experience that will help me in a new, successful life.

2. Visualize your success and positivity. To learn to think positively, as often as possible, paint in your mind a detailed picture of your successful future, your achieved goal. As you know, thoughts are material (but for this they must be supported by actions!). You will see - after visualization, you will always have a positive mood.

3. Read, watch, listen to positive works. Motivating books, motivational movies, motivational websites on the Internet - these are all that will help you develop positive thinking and a positive attitude.

4. Fight time wasters. That is, on the contrary, do not read, do not watch, do not listen to everything that does not bring any benefit, but simply kills time, which is why it is called -. Try especially to avoid receiving information that is predominantly negative, such as news. Do not read news sites, do not watch news on TV, or at least reduce the time allotted for news to a minimum. It is extremely rare to extract something useful from there, but there is more than enough negativity!

5. Choose a positive social circle for yourself. As I already wrote, a positive attitude is transmitted from one person to another. Therefore, you should surround yourself with as many positive-minded people as possible who will give you pieces of their positive mood, and, conversely, limit your communication with disgruntled and gloomy people, as they will take away your positive.

6. Make people happy, just like that. Get into the healthy habit of complimenting and doing "nice things" to other people. Do it when you want to do it, sincerely, from the heart, do not be shy and do not hold back your noble impulses (many people refrain because they are afraid that they will be misunderstood or something else). It is always very good to charge with positive, moreover, both sides: both the one who is doing something nice, and the one who is doing something nice.

7. Take positive examples. If you don’t know how to learn to think positively, take examples from those who have succeeded. Adopt those qualities that you like, what you would like to develop in yourself. Associate yourself with people you would like to be like in different areas of your life.

8. Watch your positive posture. To develop a positive mindset, it is necessary not only to speak correctly, but also to hold your body correctly. Look at positive people: they always have a straight back, straightened shoulders, heads held high, looking forward. And on the gloomy ones - they are drooping, wrinkled, looking down. Watch your posture - it also affects a positive attitude.

9. Do something positive that you love. A very important point! In most cases, the reason for the lack of positive is unloved job. I strongly recommend that you change it to something that you like, and you will see how a positive attitude will appear in you. There is no need to be afraid of this - they are inevitable, and the one who does not wait for them to come to him themselves, but stimulates them, achieves the greatest success.

10. Make your appearance positive. First of all, this applies to girls and women, but also to men. For the fair sex, a positive mood largely depends on how they look, whether they are satisfied with their appearance. And, on the contrary, girls with a positive attitude to life always look more beautiful, brighter and more attractive than their gloomy "competitors". Therefore, watch your appearance, and a positive attitude will not keep you waiting, and with it you will become even more interesting and attractive. Isn't it worth it?

11. Don't show your feelings. We are all human, and everyone in life can experience unpleasant or even tragic events. Try to experience them in such a way that others do not know about it, with the exception of the closest people with whom you share all your joy and sorrow. In no case do not tell everyone how bad and hard it is for you, do not complain about life - in fact, to be honest, most people absolutely do not care what problems you have, but in their eyes you will immediately become a miserable and gloomy person. And this should not be allowed, despite what is inside you, they should see your positive attitude.

12. Dress positively. A positive mood also depends a lot on how you are dressed, this again especially applies to the representatives of the fair half. Bright, juicy and even moderately crazy clothes will always give you a positive mood. Moreover, not only in public, but also at home. Even if your work and environment require a certain strictness in the style of clothing, you can always decorate it with a small bright and positive detail.

13. Thank everyone for everything. Say thanks more often to both acquaintances and strangers, and not only directly, but also mentally. Thank every day you live for what he gave you, your friends and loved ones for what you have, and even your enemies and envious people for making you stronger and giving you an incentive to. All this contributes to the formation of a positive attitude and positive thinking.

14. Lead healthy lifestyle life. This greatly affects the mood and thinking of a person. Eat healthy foods, exercise, get rid of bad habits, walk more, and you will see how positive thinking will form in you. By the way, it also greatly affects the state of personal finances.

15. Don't worry about what others think of you. Dependence on the opinions of other people is one of the main enemies of positive thinking and positive mood. Try to finally and irrevocably rid yourself of this dependence. The more a person has achieved, the more interesting he is as a person, the more rumors and negative thoughts will spread about him. So take it as your advantage. It would be much worse if no one was interested in you at all.

16. Smile! And finally, remember that the main and invariable symbol of positive is a smile! Therefore, smile as often as possible, even to strangers. And then a positive attitude will always come from you, people will mirror it, and “infect” you with the same. A smile is generally an invincible weapon in many life situations, learn how to use it correctly, and you will definitely achieve great success.

I have given you as many as 16 tips on how to learn to think positively, you just have to start applying them in life, developing your positive thinking.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize once again that a positive attitude towards life is a quality that is very difficult to achieve, but also very important. For example, I still do not always manage to keep a positive attitude, my positive thinking is not developed to the extent that I would like it to be. But I have definitely achieved considerable success in this, and I continue to develop in this direction, following the recommendations that I give you. I think that according to my articles I cannot be attributed to people with negative thinking, or am I wrong?

As always, I will be glad to hear any of your opinions, comments and wishes in the comments. See you at! Learn to think positively - this will definitely help you in life!



To maintain a positive attitude, start each day with a smile. Smile at your reflection. It will charge you with positivity for the whole day. If you feel sad, tired or exhausted, angry and annoyed, just try to smile. Internal changes can also come through external changes.

Your mood directly depends on your thoughts. If you are immersed in sad thoughts, scolding yourself or thinking about a situation in a negative way, naturally you cannot be in a good mood. Follow the flow of your consciousness. There are many practices to control your thoughts. Master a few of them and keep a positive attitude with the right thoughts.

To maintain a positive attitude, pamper yourself every day. commit pleasant shopping, visit beauty salons, watch interesting films and read fascinating books. Any little thing can affect your mood. Therefore, try to make sure that at the end of the day there are much more pluses than minuses.

Do not rush after one difficult task to immediately take on another. Give yourself time to rest. For example, when you come home from work, you should not immediately do housework. Take a quarter of an hour to relax. Turn on pleasant music, relax, do a little stretching or drink a cup of tea.

To maintain a positive attitude, say nice things to people, give compliments. If you are friendly towards others, your mood will be on top. Call your loved ones, chat with friends. Get positivity from others.

If we can create a positive attitude for every day we will achieve amazing results! Let's see, a positive attitude - what it is, how to be positive and set yourself up for it. A positive attitude must be created by ourselves, unlike a pessimistic one, which has a habit of forming automatically in our minds.

Positive attitude - what is it and how is it formed?

Ours instruct our thoughts and then our body to act in a certain way. Thanks to them, we perceive the world around us from a certain point of view. In the end, all our success in life depends on which point of view to look at this world to choose.

A positive attitude is a state when a person is confident in the positive outcome of a business or the occurrence of an event.

Our beliefs are so rooted in our consciousness that changing them is a rather long and painstaking process of working on ourselves, unlike changing our mood. If you believe in something, then you will act in accordance with your belief. If you are convinced that the goal is real for you, that you deserve it, then you are guaranteed to achieve it.

How to be positive every day?

Many of you are interested in how to always be positive. Let's see how to do it.

A daily positive attitude will help us create and deeply imprint positive beliefs, give us faith in our strength, in the achievability of plans and intentions. The negative that was planted in our minds in childhood due to pain or negative experience can be replaced with a positive one. To do this, every day you need to force yourself to believe that all your plans are up to you!

Faith in your own strength, in your abilities and ability to achieve what you want means much more to achieve success than luck, circumstances, consultations with a coach combined. The positive belief that there is a way out in any situation makes you look for options, appeals to the subconscious, intuition, memory, thereby activating your nervous system, taking it out of your comfort zone to a new level.

Remember: “According to your faith, be it to you!”?

Believe in yourself! Be positive!

If you want to become a successful person, think positively, believe in yourself. The way you see yourself, how you evaluate yourself, how you evaluate your talents, human qualities, knowledge and experience, yours - all this determines your behavior, and hence the results of your work, and hence your success in life. Confidence and frequent repetition of thoughts, such as "I - good seller”, “I am an excellent organizer”, have a strong impact on our subconscious, then on actions, and in the end - on results.

There are very good example the impact of our beliefs on a person. Imagine an iceberg floating in the ocean. The tip of the iceberg is our behavior, and its underwater, hidden part is our beliefs, which are not visible and whose load carries us in a certain direction. Moreover, there is a direct relationship: the deeper our belief is rooted, the stronger it has an impact on our subconscious.

How to be positive day by day? Instill in yourself positive thoughts, faith in your own strength or let everything take its course - it's up to you. Just do not forget that beliefs have a habit of unexpectedly coming true. Therefore, it will be better if beliefs are directed in the right direction, in the direction we need, helping to achieve the goal in short time and without much effort.

People tend to seek confirmation of their beliefs. Just think, if you think badly of yourself, then you yourself will create situations where you will show yourself on the bad side !!! And the more sensory experience we have that confirms the belief, the stronger the belief becomes.

How to understand yourself?

To understand in which direction you are moving and what needs to be changed, follow these steps:

  • Be clear about your core beliefs.
  • Analyze beliefs one by one. To what extent do your beliefs help you achieve your goals?
  • Analyze what behaviors the chosen beliefs entail.
  • If the beliefs seem negative to you, replace them with positive ones that are most relevant to your goals.

So, in order to identify your own negative beliefs and create a positive attitude for each day, you need to write down on a piece of paper all the actions that you did during the day. Then think about what prompted you to commit these acts and remember what you were thinking at that moment - what internal dialogue you heard. Write everything down on paper.

The next day, write down your actions again. Do their analysis. Repeat for a few more days.

After a while, you will notice that your beliefs are repeated and cause similar actions. Beliefs can be different, for example:

  • “I don’t feel comfortable in companies where there are a lot of people”
  • "I suffer from my loneliness."
  • "I have a bad memory"
  • "I concentrate with great difficulty"
  • "I will never get a promotion"
  • "I don't understand math because I'm a humanist"
  • "I do everything slowly"
  • "I will never succeed like my parents"
  • "I'm late all the time."

Now ask yourself, are your beliefs aligned with your life goals? If not, then you need to urgently change your mood to a positive one, otherwise your beliefs will influence your will more and more strongly and weaken it day by day.

Now let's transform the will-debilitating negative statement into a positive one with the help of the following exercise.

Belief Substitution Exercise

  1. We start by deciding what belief we will work on and how exactly it prevents you from moving towards your goal.
  2. Come up with a new positive belief to replace the previous one. Ask your inner voice if you really want this? State the statement in dynamic form, i.e. in the form of an action (study, sell, get slimmer ...), and not a statement.
  3. Take 6 sheets of A4 paper and on each of them write one line: 1 - current belief, 2 - ready for criticism, 3 - museum of outdated beliefs, 4 - desirable beliefs (what beliefs are needed), 5 - ready to accept new beliefs (life lessons), 6-holy (high significance).
  4. Lay the sheets on the floor in a counterclockwise direction.
  5. Stepping on each of the pieces of paper, try to remember your experiences in each of these situations.
  6. Going to the “current belief” sheet, think about how exactly this belief weakens your will.
  7. Go to the “ready for criticism” sheet and look for at least 3 judgmental remarks about the current belief.
  8. Go to the "museum of obsolete beliefs" and imagine how your belief is transferred to the museum. Now it is in the past.
  9. Go to the "desirable beliefs" sheet. Think about the belief as it should be. Now imagine that you have this belief.
  10. Now go to the “Ready to Adopt a New Belief” sheet and imagine yourself ready for a life change due to a change in belief.
  11. Then go to the “holy” sheet and think about how important and meaningful the new belief is to you.
  12. Now move back to the “current beliefs” sheet and note the changes that have happened to you.

This exercise is especially effective if you have been able to feel strong experiences. It can be used to change any beliefs, both individually and in groups.

Everyone probably knows the phrase that a person's thoughts are material. The more human, the easier his life, the better he manages to deal with cases and cope with problems. Today, there are techniques on how to set yourself up for positive and subsequently improve your life and attitude towards it.

Thoughts in the right way

To set yourself up for a positive, the main thing is to start responding to what is happening with a smile. You need to stop delving into yourself with discontent, looking for flaws. For a qualitative change in your life, it is important to start believing in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities. You should never compare yourself and your successes with the achievements of other people, this will not lead to anything good. And you need to learn how to turn personal shortcomings into virtues, while simultaneously working on your person.

Understanding how to set yourself up for positive, you need to learn to appreciate everything that is in life: from the smallest things to really important details and events. There will always be a person who is much worse, so you should never blame fate and complain about life to higher powers.

Methodology "diary of success"

In addition to the general mental attitude towards positive, you can also use the methods for establishing the right position in life, which are practiced by many psychologists of our time. One of these psychotechnics is keeping a kind of diary that will record all the positive things that happen in life. To do this, you just need to start a notebook in which you need to write down every day all the good things that happen during the day, as well as all the good deeds done during the day. You can also enter statuses about positive there, they will be very useful for right attitude. At first, this activity can be a burden, but for some time daily forcing yourself to write down good moments, you can get used to it and keep a diary without much stress. Such a diary will become a very great helper in moments or depression, so it will be much easier to tune in to the positive, remembering all the good moments that have previously happened in life.

Purple bracelet technique

Another one effective methodology how to set yourself up for positive - the priest Will Bowen's "purple bracelet" method. Its essence is that for three weeks you need to give up negative thoughts and statements about any person, creature, object. The bracelet is needed just as a reminder. It can be any jewelry or bauble, favorite watch or ring, but this item must be worn on one hand for as long as the person stays on a positive note, up to 21 days. If a person breaks loose and is rude to someone, the bracelet is put on the other hand, the period of abstinence from negativity begins anew. According to statistics, many people who actively used this positive mindset technique changed in better side helping to subsequently change both their relatives and close people. Among other things, the “purple bracelet” also teaches you to control your thoughts and negative emotions and helps you to better study and, if necessary, re-educate yourself.

All methods of how to set yourself up for positive are good in their own way. They can be used both in combination and separately. But the main thing is to understand a simple thing: positive is life position, which over time can become an excellent companion for life.

We all periodically lose heart, losing hope, thinking that everything will never change for the better, and it begins to seem to us that we will no longer be able to live the life we ​​have always dreamed of.

But it's not. Don't let yourself live in the prison of your own feelings and depression due to sad events, other people, everyday problems or external factors.

You can stay positive all year round, and when such an attitude to life, you will become much more satisfied with yourself and the way things work out. You will smile, you will focus on the good things in your life, and this will make you much more satisfied and peaceful.

Here are some good beliefs that will remind you how good life really is:

1. Everything that you don't like about yourself and.

2. Happiness is right now, in the present moment.

3. You are born to be happy.

4. Your actions inspire people.

5. Every one you face makes you stronger.

6. Your mistakes are your experience, and now you know what not to do next time. Which puts you several steps ahead of the others.

7. At any moment you can meet a person who will change your life.

8. No matter how bad you feel and at what stage you are now, always remember two things: - it could be worse; - it's temporary.

9. Success does not depend on age, nationality, gender, appearance, connections, capital, education and religion. These are just external, secondary factors. If you have a goal, stay focused and consistent, believe in yourself and in your dreams, it is in your power to make them a reality.

10. It's just a bad day and it doesn't mean your life sucks. Just wait until tomorrow.

11. After every shower comes a rainbow. And after every sunset - Sunrise.

12. Many people try to rate you without even knowing you.

13. No good deed is ever wasted. Continue to help, give and support. It's worth it.

14. Whatever you think about, you attract it. So stay positive and live a happy life.

15. Let the result of your efforts motivate you to keep going.

16. Only when you build yours - start loving, listening, accepting and appreciating yourself for who you are - only then can you also begin to build wonderful relationships with other people.

17. The future is uncertain (This is the only definite fact about the future). But you can think positively about him and be sure that whatever happens will be right. And at the same time, enjoy life in the present moment.

18. You can still have the body you want - proper nutrition+ training + consistency is the only formula that always works. This is your choice.

19. Bad things from the past have no place in the present. Learn from what has already happened, let it go and make room for new amazing memories.

20. Focus on the things you already have in your life. You will soon realize how rich you are and begin to appreciate the wealth in which you live.

21. At the moment everything is as it should be. Trust the natural flow of life and let it flow. The next moment everything will be different, but still the way it should be.

22. All diseases come from stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Change your habits and you can live a healthier life.

23. You are unique. And no one can take that away from you.

24. Life is full of possibilities. You just need to take them and give yourself a chance.

25. You can turn your hobby into a career and find a way to make money from it. Then you will never have to work a single day in your life, because all your time will be devoted to your passion - the thing that you love to do the most.

26. You have enough time. Drop the revs. But don't waste it either.

27. You don't have to work at a job you hate. You are your own boss, and you can just leave her and find something better.

28. You don't have to live by someone else's standards. Play by own rules and do what you want.

29. If you can't do something right, you can always try again tomorrow.

All these things are simple and obvious, and we all know them. But we tend to forget them because we are surrounded by distractions. So it's never too late to remind yourself of all 30 (maybe even more) and look at life through the eyes of a positive person.

What thoughts help YOU stay positive? Please share in the comments, don't be greedy 😉


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