How to love your job advice from a psychologist? How to love your job: psychologist's advice How to force yourself to go to an unloved job

Who doesn't dream of one day getting the job of their dreams? There are no such? Not smart! Alas, people who would like their work in 24/7/12/365 mode, and even 100%, simply do not exist. However, there are ways to make work enjoyable and not… ahem… well, let's not talk about the sad stuff! How can you change your attitude towards work? Read this article, it's all there.


Part 1

Have more fun at work

    Don't forget gratitude. Whether your work is loved, hated, or not at all, it’s hard to constantly remember what you should be grateful for. Difficult, but necessary. If you don't love your job, then think about all the things you should be grateful for the job - it will help you not to break loose. If you see the work in a more positive light, then this will not be superfluous either.

    • You can even keep a special diary in which you write down everything for which you are grateful for your work. Every day, you should enter at least 3 gratitude points in the diary. Here are examples: “The sun is shining through my window”, “A pretty courier girl looks at me”, “Today I got a promotion”. Even if there is nothing special to thank for your work, then make an effort on yourself and find three reasons to make an entry in your diary.
    • Try to figure out what works for you. Maybe the salary is decent, but such that it is enough for the books that you have dreamed of since childhood? Or do you work close to home, saving a couple of hours that could be spent on the road?
  1. Find at least one reason to love your work. Even if the work is not to your liking at all and even somewhere against wool, you need to try to find at least one reason to go to work every day. Believe me, it will only benefit you! Even if this occasion is the assortment in the dining room, where you go at lunchtime.

    • Of course, here you need not just find something for which you are grateful. You need to find exactly what reason to get out of bed and go to work again and again.
    • Example: just waking up, but not yet getting out of bed, lie down for a minute and think about that very reason (let's say the reason for you is the opportunity to flirt with a pretty intern). In the afternoon, having flirted with all your heart, stop for a second and say to yourself, "That's why I'm grateful for my work."
  2. Think about what you have learned on the job. Maybe you, hardened by a tyrant boss, can now work in any team? Maybe you have become a more effective manager? Maybe you have learned to manage your own time better? Any job teaches us something, even if at first glance it seems that the only conclusion that can be drawn is the conclusion that you hate your job.

    • Some people focus on the skills they get in a particular position - this is supposed to help their career. And even if you are stuck in the position of “junior assistant to a not-so-senior manager,” take comfort in the thought that the skills you gain will still help you one day break out into big, big bosses.
    • Others, in turn, focus on the knowledge that they receive at work. Yes, let's be objective, most of the vacancies these days are about nothing. The salary, as they say, is small, but the work is hard. What knowledge is there, you ask? And very important - you learned what you do not want to do for the rest of your days. And this is already a motivation to find a better job, to start doing what the soul lies in.
  3. Think about the importance of the work itself. Think about why the work you do is important. Think also about what your presence in the workplace means for the enterprise. You can always talk about something here, even if it's just professional ethics or, say, the ability to quickly make a sandwich.

    • Remember, every employee, that is, part of the team, is important in some way. Accordingly, think about what you are doing that is so important, and this will allow you to look at work a little ... warmer.
    • Do not forget that all professions are important, all professions are needed. Any work is important, if, of course, you know from which side to look. Do you work in a coffee shop? Yes, you help people to cheer up and do their job!
  4. Be realistic. You won't love your job if you force yourself. Well, not a bit. Not for a penny. Don't even expect it won't work. What you will succeed is only to discover around you more and more difficulties and unpleasant moments associated with your work.

    • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of sometimes waking up and realizing that you don’t want to go to work, that you don’t love your job – even when you are trying to find something for which you could be grateful for this work. Know that white stripes will inevitably be replaced by black ones.
    • If something happens that makes you angry or annoying, try to remember that the problem is in the situation, and not in the whole work. This will help you hold on and not slide into the abyss of melancholy and irritation with work.
  5. Find something for yourself that you could do professionally outside of work. Sometimes we all just need a break. Someone keeps a blog, someone comes up with how to optimize the structure of the enterprise ...

    • Think about how you could make your work better. Maybe you can work more efficiently? Faster? Better? All this will allow you to show your creativity and initiative, give you a goal - in general, it will not hurt.
  6. Do your job better. Sometimes there are ways to turn a torture job into a dream job (or, more likely, into a job that can-and-tolerate). Maybe it's just enough to talk to the boss about switching to a more convenient work schedule?

    • Example: your colleague or even your boss is constantly pestering you. Talk to them about it tete-a-tete. They may not even know how this all affects you! If they understand, then try to reach out to their conscience (and give them reasons to change their behavior) - this can change everything for the better!
    • Designate the limits and boundaries of what is acceptable. If you are recycling, and thank you, then discuss it with your management. If the work is such that processing is implied, run away from there!
  7. If work is still a bone in your throat - quit and do not regret it, because life is one, and even that is short. Yes, sometimes you and work are simply incompatible for one reason or another. Well, just find yourself new job- the one you like best.

    • Consider whether it is really worth quitting. If the work hits your well-being, physical or mental, if your colleagues humiliate you, and you can’t do anything about it, yes, it’s time to quit.
    • Try not to quit anywhere, that is, without finding a new job. However, remember - it is not at all a fact that you will immediately return to the previous level. You may have to start from the beginning. But, of course, this does not mean that you need to continue to grow weak at an unloved job.

    Part 2

    Make your workplace it is better
    1. Appreciate your colleagues. Even if you do not really appreciate them, remember that the working atmosphere in the team will be better if you treat them at least professionally. Understand and acknowledge that all your colleagues are doing something useful for the firm.

      • Don't forget to say "thank you" to your colleagues. You can thank both for something in common (thanks for not forgetting to turn off the light in the kitchen), and for the work done (thanks for working on the presentation - it’s a real masterpiece).
      • Recognize that each of your colleagues is important. Actually, it is true - we are all valuable as workers producing this or that product (even if it is intangible). Support service? The face of the company. Canteen workers? They feed you. Cleaning woman? Thanks to her, you are not working in a barn! Appreciate and respect other people's work.
    2. Try to remember the names of colleagues and use them in conversation. Instead of the formulaic “Hi, how are you?” Learn to address co-workers by their first names. The mechanism is simple: people like to hear their name, people are warmer to those who know them by name. And we know that how pleasant you see the place of work depends largely on the team, and relations with the team can be improved just by remembering the names of colleagues. It's simple - say their names more often, and people will reach out to you!

      Help each other, support each other. A more positive working atmosphere is based on mutual assistance and support, on a sense of shoulder and elbow, so to speak! You understand, you are with these people to spend day and night, so do not complicate your life.

      Try to find something in your work that could inspire you. Even if your job is cleaning hotel rooms, or selling sandwiches on the street, or an important position in big bank. Whatever you earn for your daily bread, try to find in it an inspiring moment - even if only for yourself. You decide how important your work is.

      • Look to people who inspire you, including celebrities. It is not necessary to become a second mother Teresa, but you can help one or two people!
      • Start some creative project at work or outside (but in a way that is related to it). This will serve as a great way to not lose inspiration. You can come up with new ways of doing work - it will do.
    3. Don't forget to have fun with your colleagues. Even if you don't really like what you have to do at work, a little humor and fun will make time fly by faster. To do this, by the way, you do not need to be lazy or cruel!

      • Write on the whiteboard the funniest sayings of the day written by colleagues.
      • Organize a really bad joke contest and offer some stupid prize for winning it. It is desirable, of course, to avoid rude and malicious jokes.

    Part 3

    Live more than just work
    1. remember, that Working life affects the personal, and the personal affects the work. What we do at work is also important when we come home. How we feel at home becomes how we feel at work. This is a cycle, and an eternal one, where both parts influence each other. Try to maintain a work-life balance. More on this later.

    2. Spend time with family and friends. People tend to withdraw into themselves and their work. And then they suddenly realize that it's been a year since they last saw their friends! And all why? But because they gave all their time and all their energy to work, hoping to earn a promotion.

      • The support of family and friends is very healthy. People who have strong friendships and family ties live longer and richer, and therefore, as a result, happier.
      • Meet up with friends at least once a month. Even if someone does not come one day, that person can come another day!
      • Be sure to spend time with your family. Even if you are tired, at least talk about how their day went, help them with household chores, and so on.
    3. Don't forget about your hobbies. Most of us are not destined to do what we love at work. Of course, this does not mean that you should forget about hobbies! You need to find a way to do them outside of work, unless, of course, you can do it at work.

      • For example, if you are into rock climbing, then it is not necessary to become an instructor at a climbing school or look for a similar profession. You can find a job that will give you enough money to conquer all the Himalayas! Yes, twice!
      • Find a creative hobby for yourself. Maybe you like knitting? Or drawing? Believe me, the way to let creative energy out productively will only benefit you.
    4. Get out of your comfort zone. Discover something new for yourself, it significantly brightens up life and allows you to discover more and more new sources of inspiration!

      • It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on, say, a round-the-world trip or skydiving courses (although if you have the opportunity and desire, then why not?). You can also discover something new on a budget - for example, by signing up for cooking classes or starting to grow flowers in a flower bed under the window.
      • You can do volunteer work. Why not? This will take you out of your comfort zone at once, and at the same time it will allow you to remember that you should be grateful for everything in this life that you have.
    5. Watch your health. Stress at work and outside of it undermines health, both mental and physical. Accordingly, this issue must be addressed! There are many ways to stay healthy even in the face of stress and challenges.

      • Exercise is one of the most important aspects of good health, mental and physical. Exercise allows the brain to release endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Exercise for at least half an hour a day, every day. If you're feeling sleepy at work, get up and take a walk (even if it's just up the stairs or around the building) - it's better than another shot of caffeine!
      • Proper nutrition is also important, because the body needs healthy food to cope with business. Frequent consumption of foods rich in fat, sugar or salt will not do you any good. You need proteins (meat, to be precise), you need fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates (and high-quality ones)!
      • Get enough sleep. Many people these days suffer from sleep deprivation, which makes them work less efficiently and feel unhappy in general. You need to sleep at least 8 hours, and preferably at night. The more hours you can sleep before midnight, the more rested you will wake up. Half an hour before going to bed, you need to turn off everything that will distract you.
    6. Take a vacation. Many people, even those who are entitled to paid leave, seem to forget about it - of course, to their own detriment. Vacation is always useful, it is an opportunity to take a break from work, look at it with fresh eyes and think about whether it is worth continuing to spend time and effort on it.

      • At least a week, but you need to rest. Take this time to rest, rest and rest again.
    • You can, of course, complain about work, it helps to get rid of stress. However, everything is fine here, when in moderation. If your job constantly gives you cause for complaint, you need to change something in it ...
    • Reward yourself for being efficient. Let's say buy yourself new book or cookies. Such awards are an incentive for the brain to work better, and they are just nice little things!


    • Nothing is "forever". Your work is also not for life. If it seems to you that you will never get rid of it, then you will only complicate your life, and it will be more difficult to quit. In addition, if you remember that your dream job is not forever, then you will appreciate it more.
    • Do not replace your personality with a position and work, no matter how much you like your work. Remember that work is just work, and you are you. Do not confuse warm with soft, friends.

At the beginning, think about why you continue to work at a job you hate? Sometimes it seems that everything is very clear to us, however, when you start to understand in detail, there are not so many arguments. Take a piece of paper and divide it into 2 columns. In the first let there be "pluses", in the second - "cons". List all the things for which you can appreciate your work, and for which you dislike. If there are many more minuses in it than pluses, then you should seriously think about replacing this work. You, as a reasonable person, understand that dismissal is not fatal, and you can always find an alternative. Another question is how long it will take to find a new place.

But, if your "pluses" are quantitatively larger, but the "minuses" haunt you, you can try to fall in love with work by willpower. Some ways to fall in love with your job all over again:

1. Once you came to this place, with your expectations. Something attracted you to this company, to this position. Remember what exactly? What has changed now? Maybe the company still provides you with certain benefits, but now you are used to them and they have become less noticeable to you. But after all, they have not gone away, these are still positive bonuses, without which you would be worse off. In addition, over the years of work, most likely, new opportunities have appeared. If earlier you were a novice employee, now, every day you grow as a professional, improve your skills, gain experience. You go through various situations in the work field, and thereby your work hardening grows. Think about it.

2. Make 2 photo collages. Hang them above your workspace. Visualization is your good friend.

  • In the first, you need to collect pictures that show the merits of your work. The opportunity to earn money, a social package, interaction with new, interesting people (the ability to learn from their experience, develop new skills, create so-called "connections"), the possibility of training (companies often conduct trainings where expensive "success coaches" are invited, would you be able to afford such a coach without your office?), a favorable environment in the team (everyone loves comfort in relationships, a person is a social being), corporate property free of charge (you may be provided with a car, a laptop, going to the pool at the expense of the organization), the social usefulness of your work (of course, this argument is not suitable for everyone, but for someone, knowing that their activity helps someone brings satisfaction) .
  • On the second collage, make the theme "What do I want to buy with the money I earn?". Money is the strongest motivator. After all, no one works "thank you". Holidays abroad, real estate, car, Appliances, beautiful brand clothes, gifts for loved ones and so on.

3. Set goals. If the boss gives you only routine work, and it seems to you that this does not lead to your development, then develop yourself. Set one big goal (do not be afraid to dream), then small goals, each of which will be a step towards the main one. As well as tasks, the implementation of which will be your steps to future achievements.

4. Try to enjoy even the little things during the working day. It will bring a positive attitude into your life. For example, you had several tasks in your schedule, you completed one of them, praise yourself. Take a short break to gain strength and also to allow your brain to recognize the progress. "I'm fine fellow!" - Speak out loud. And then labor day You can reward yourself with more than just words.

5. Try to keep your desktop always tidy. To not have too much on it. Your phone, keys, let them lie in a bag or a special box. Papers are arranged in folders, pens are in a stationery set.

6. If it seems to you that too many things have piled on you at once, try to draw up an action plan and sequence for yourself. Write it down, follow it. So systemicity will come into your activity and chaos will recede. And with it, the boundaries of your consciousness will also expand.

7. There is also a purely feminine way. It's no secret that a girl periodically updates her wardrobe and, of course, she wants to show a beautiful thing. When you know that tomorrow at work everyone will see you in a chic suit that makes you slim, you know that they will look at you with envy, will make compliments, then the desire to go to work (at least for the sake of it) appears. Even if you don’t buy clothes often, it’s enough just to do a beautiful make-up or hairstyle. This can be learned over the Internet. There are a lot of videos on the net. Let colleagues see you every day in a new way, and you feel attractive and successful.

8. Try not to think about business outside of work hours. Working moments remained within the walls of your organization. You are at home, among close people, why load your brain with depressing thoughts about problems? Your work revolves around your life, not life around your work. Therefore, on the weekend, occupy your thoughts and hands with something not related to your main activity.

  • Do you have a cottage? Make repairs there, or invite friends to barbecue.
  • In general, arrange gatherings with friends and family more often. Who to invite? Where to collect? What will be the menu for the evening? What to wear? Maybe you should think over the script of the party so that it is busy not only with conversations? In general, let your thoughts be occupied with these questions, and not with what you have there at work.
  • Hobbies. Nothing gives strength to a new work breakthrough like a hobby. The charge of positive emotions that a person receives from a few hours of doing what he loves can give a huge influx of energy and a great mood for working week. Even if you don't like your job, good mood You won't feel like she's that bad.
  • Learn something new every day. Read books, they will help you develop, expand your horizons. And interesting facts read or viewed can be discussed with colleagues during a break, thereby distracting again from the problem area.
  • If you are single, then go on dates. What to wear? What to talk about? When? What time? Where is the best place to meet? And what will happen after dinner? Noticed? Not a single thought of a hateful job!
  • If you are a family person, then you can think about what kind of surprise to make your loved one. Maybe you would like to arrange something like that? Again, no negative thoughts about oppressive work. You think only about the business (you need to edit the data, check the documents, make a presentation, etc.), and in the breaks about a romantic evening with your loved one.
  • Get yourself a pet. You will always know that once you have done all the work, you will go home, where you are already waiting. Besides, the thought of a cute kitten always makes you smile. And this is a signal for our body that "everything is fine!"

We will also discuss aspects that are related to well-being in general in life (which contribute to an emotional attitude and to work):

9. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

10. Exercise.

11. Every morning when you get up - turn on the radio or just energetic music. Gather to the joyful, invigorating sounds.

12. Try to walk every day, at least for an hour.

13. Eat right, enrich your diet with vitamins.

I wish you success!

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Not all people love their work, but due to certain circumstances, they are simply forced to do it. It happens that you do not want to work, but you force yourself to do at least something literally through force. After all, only by working, you have the opportunity to earn money, provide for your family.

For those who want to change everything for the better and finally fall in love with their work, we suggest reading our article.

Why we do not like our work - the main reasons

In life, it happens that it is impossible to love work. There are many, many reasons why this happens. If you want to change your life, you must love your job in any way. Here is a list of the top reasons why people really don't like what they do for a living. These reasons can be called objective and try to fix everything.

1) Small salary

Very often conducted opinion polls show that people most of all dislike their work because of low wages. The level of salary can affect a person's interest in work. Agree, because if a person is paid little money, will he work diligently? The answer is unequivocal - no. But all people have different concepts of wages. For example, a top manager may also be dissatisfied with his salary, even though someone never even dreamed of it.

And people, in principle, can be understood. After all, everyone wants to receive such an amount of money that would correspond to the efforts expended. It also happens that someone is paid more than you. Here you have to think: what are you working for? Some work solely for the paycheck. Then you should start looking for a higher paying job. Others, on the contrary, are not interested in the material side of the issue - they are ready to work for the sake of recording in work book. Yes, there are few of them, but even this happens in our world. Therefore, it is up to you to decide - if you want, you can look for another job, but if your job suits you completely, then you should not complain about the salary level. As you can see, a coin always has two sides. And in the matter of work, this principle works really indicatively.

2) Little free time

The second very popular reason why people do not like their work is the lack of free time. Too often busy with work people cannot find a single minute of free time for themselves or their families. Agree, it's very annoying. Modern realities force many to work 14-16 hours a day. Of course, not everyone will like such a work schedule when you have to go to bed before you get home. But at home, many are still waiting for homework, from which there is no escape.

In such a case, you should not despair. Find yourself something different profitable job but giving more free time. Believe me, with such work you will feel freer.

3) Tyrant boss

Many people can't stand their bosses. Those, in turn, are also not stingy to show their “love” for their subordinates in the form of exactingness and intractability. Understand that you don't become a leader all at once. Often these people have come a long way career ladder, some went, as they say, "over the heads" of employees. And all in order to take their "place in the sun."

If you can't adjust to your boss's style of communication, then you need to rethink how you communicate not only with him, but with other "problem" people as well. You must accept that every person you know can help at some point. And there is a chance that your tyrant boss will be among them.

4) Bad team

Newcomers often complain about a bad team. It happens that a girl just came to a new job, as she already called the team a real “serpentarium”. Especially this concept is the best suited to the women's team. Do not be too surprised - women are used to competing with each other in life. And it doesn’t matter at all where exactly such rivalry takes place - at home or in a team. It should be noted that few people like to see this in work collective. However, you should not be discouraged. In such a situation, no matter how strange it may sound, there are also advantages. For example, after a working day, no one can force you to stay to gossip with colleagues. After all, you prefer your relatives and family to them, don't you? Another plus is that you have to treat it like a game. Well, let someone try to show their superiority, but this is just a game that adult aunts have played. Perhaps, over time, she will get tired of them and everything will fall into place.

5) No prospects for career development

There are no people in the world who would like to stand still without improving their professionalism. But it happens that your work may not imply a promotion career ladder. For example, the boss clings too tightly to his place and therefore does not allow subordinates to remove him. If you want to develop further, not stand still, but are faced with such obstacles, then you should think about changing jobs to one that allows you to unleash your full creative potential, and not stay in place for years.

6) Constant hassle

There are situations in life when you want - you don’t want, but you start to worry and get nervous. It may happen that you will be loaded with work so much that you will not even have time to raise your head. At the same time, the boss will still scoff and say that you are not working well. Absolutely no one is immune from such situations. Some people take everything too personally. But you must understand that it is simply impossible to react to what is happening in this way. To begin with, you should think about why this happened to you. Perhaps you should take a vacation, relax, that is, switch your attention to something else, but not to work. You also need to understand that you should not ruin your health for the sake of career growth. Health is still more important.

7) This work is green longing ...

If you are bored at work, then know that you are not alone - many people do get bored at work. Everything happens because they perceive their work as something meaningless and not at all useful.

Let's take an example. You work as a journalist, your life is full of new acquaintances, impressions, trips and everything new. But then in life there comes a moment when you have to choose: either leave your job or transfer and become, for example, an accountant. And although you know this field of activity very well, very soon you will become bored among all these numbers, reports and general monotony. In such cases, you must understand that this is also work, and you must treat it with due respect.

How to love the job you do

Above, we outlined the main reasons why a person may not like a job. Having learned about these reasons, you should not rush things and immediately write a letter of resignation. We are sure that you will still love your work. How exactly? Read on.

First of all, you must imagine perfect job. You need to think about who you want to work, what to do.

You must learn to understand that you are contributing to the common cause. It's no secret that some people volunteer. At the same time it is absolutely free. Of course, this activity is by no means simple. It often takes a lot of time and effort. But agree that it's worth it! After all, there is nothing better when you see that someone needs your work. You need to think about what you are doing not only for yourself, but also for your superiors and colleagues. It is because you work that you get paid. As you develop your personal qualities, you must begin to realize that you are valuable employee. In no case should you consider yourself a bad worker, because after a while others may notice this.

Sometimes, in order to understand how much you love your job, you need to go on a business trip. That's the only way you can see reverse side, that is, to see how other people work, to gain new experience, which you, perhaps, just lacked for complete confidence in yourself as a specialist.

The worst case scenario is when a person pretends to be a victim. No need to complain to everyone and everyone, so to speak, look for a "vest" ready to listen and regret. If you really complain all the time, then get ready to radically change the way you feel about your own life. Perhaps you should start to take the initiative, and also remember to take responsibility for what happens in your life. Do not forget to find a way out of any professional situation, do not try to let everything take its course. It will only make things worse for you and no one else.

Interest in work will return if you arrange some kind of competition between employees. Agree that it is more interesting to work in a team where there are both strong and weak opponents than to try to do something yourself. It is not necessary to tell everyone that you have decided to hold such a competition. Let only you know about it, but this way you can push yourself, make you work even better in order to achieve your goal. If you can arouse interest in your work, consider that half the work is already done. Now all that remains is to tune in to the desired “wave”, and you will see that everything will work out.

In order to overcome difficulties, you must definitely make friends with colleagues. After all, difficulties are always easier to overcome together, together, and not alone. We are sure that in your team there is a nice person for you. Feel free to make friends with him. It is not necessary to talk with a colleague only about work. You can discuss all the topics that interest you, the main thing is to find a common language with a person. Understand that the better you get to know your colleagues, the easier it will be for you to prioritize communication and find an individual approach to each of them. As soon as this happens, you will notice that the work has become easier and more interesting.

An important factor that directly affects the performance is considered to be appearance. Get creative with your clothing choices. Even if the office has a strict “dress code”, find an opportunity to look beautiful without going beyond the accepted framework.

Work must be loved!

All professions bring money, but not every job is to your liking. It happens that a person is dissatisfied with his work. Why is this happening? Why do so many people hate their job?

In order to love your job, you must clearly define what its positive and negative points. It happens that a person seems to receive not too much salary, but at the same time he loves his job very much.

If you're thinking about quitting your job, ask yourself a few questions. Will it future work as interesting as before? Can you get along with the team?

As soon as you decide to look for a new job, carefully weigh all the arguments, do not rush, because later you may regret it very much. When you love your job, you will be happy to come to your workplace. Returning home, you will feel proud that you did not live another day in vain, that you have become something useful to people.

As you can see, our advice is very simple. And even if you are 100% sure that you need to leave, try to follow our recommendations for at least 1 month. Did not help? Then look for a new job, one that will really bring real pleasure. Believe and you will definitely find it.

Cases when a person chooses a job not to his liking, but in connection with an acceptable monetary reward or out of hopelessness, are not uncommon in modern society. Experts note that a long stay at an unloved job can even lead a person into a state of depression. And only work that brings pleasure can help a person grow, develop and improve himself. Leading psychologists share tips on how to love your job.

Career growth, salary increase, other prospects are impossible a priori at a job that a person did not like. It must be remembered that work activity takes up most of the time in life, and being in a state of dislike and even hatred is fraught with psycho-emotional disorders. It is quite possible to change the situation if you follow a few recommendations from psychologists.

The first thing to remember is that work is an important part of every person's life, as according to statistics, it takes from 40 to 60 hours a week. By calculating how much time is spent per month and per year, you can get staggering numbers. In this regard, one should not underestimate the harm from painful and tiring work, which takes 70-80% of one's entire life.. Psychologists note Negative influence not only on the psycho-emotional background, but also on the physical state.

The causes and consequences of dislike for work can be as follows:

  1. Accumulation of the stress hormone in the body. Spending every day in a tense state, bringing negativity home, all this is a cycle of stress in a person's life. Thus, life expectancy is reduced, the functioning of the brain, nervous system and other systems deteriorates.
  2. Assistance bad habits . Most often, this is overeating and improper diet, smoking and drinking alcohol to calm and relax, taking sleeping pills due to insomnia due to stress, and much more.
  3. lack of sleep. Most people, due to hard and tiring work, sleep less than the prescribed 8 hours, which affects their performance and health.
  4. Negative impact on other areas of life. Hard work reduces motivation for other goals and achievements, takes away strength and desire for other activities in life.
  5. Missing moments in life. The wrong choice of work takes up most of the time, resulting in missed important events in life, leisure, travel, raising children, etc.

Expert opinion

Viktor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

According to statistics, only 13% of the world's population is engaged in their life's work, that is, work activity which they want, and it brings only pleasure and positive emotions. The rest of the people spend their health and life on earning money, after which the rest of their lives they spend this money on restoring health, being in a vicious circle.

How can you learn to love your job?

The advice of a psychologist can help in solving such problems, as well as own wish changes in life. First you need to be aware of the problems, for this you need to write on a piece of paper everything that a person does not like in his work - the boss, salary, team, working conditions, schedule, etc. Next, you need to think about whether it is possible to somehow neutralize these items or change your attitude to the situation, come to terms with something.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists, as well as people who have reached great heights in their labor activity publish books and collections of advice on how to love the job you hate.

Some of the simplest and most effective tips can be taken out of them, namely:

  1. Initiative- if you show initiative in your work, you can revive interest and purposefulness in your field of activity.
  2. Competition– competition and motivation in the form of “who is faster” will help make boring duties exciting and alive. You can set yourself goals and reward yourself in some way to prove your abilities and talents.
  3. Self improvement- if the position has already become uninteresting and monotonous, you can go to refresher courses to acquire new skills.
  4. Positive effect- Performing your duties, you should not go in cycles purely in salary. On the contrary, it is necessary to understand what benefits the activity brings to society as a whole.
  5. Refusal of haste- do not chop off the shoulder, wanting to leave work. First, you should make a lot of efforts to solve the problem, reevaluate your attitude to negative aspects, try to change the situation.

And above all, you need to remember that work is not the whole life of a person, the light has not converged on it like a wedge. If the work forces you to day and night at the workplace, it is clear that it will cause almost a gag reflex. You need to give yourself and the body time for rest, other activities and entertainment.

Collection of Methods

A collection of articles from well-known psychologists and psychotherapists will teach each person to treat their work only from a positive point of view. Many of the specialists conduct trainings and seminars, sharing invaluable experience with other people. The most popular ways to love your job are as follows:

  • awareness of the importance of work, because no work can be insignificant and aimless;
  • self-improvement, manifestation of ingenuity and creativity;
  • the value of what is available, not every person manages to find a job in a modern competitive society;
  • thoughts about yourself, you can not take on insurmountable tasks, and the workplace should be comfortable and cozy.

Do you love your work?


You also need to mentally imagine that work is the activity that a person dreamed of. Psychologists insist that thoughts materialize, and you can coordinate your attitude to any things and actions on your own. By changing your attitude to work, you can make sure that in fact everything is not as bad as it seems.

How to love homework

The main technique is awareness of the importance of homework. Unsanitary conditions, dirt, poor nutrition and unfavorable living conditions - all this is an excellent opportunity for the reproduction of microbes, pathogens, which entails a danger to human health. Therefore, when cleaning, washing, cooking and other duties, you need to understand that a person stands guard over the health and life of his family, being her protector.


Regardless of the type of activity and working conditions, each person should periodically arrange rest and entertainment for himself. Unloved work can lead to negative thinking, depression, apathy and quarrels in the family. Therefore, it is important to rethink your attitude, look at yourself and your activities from the outside, and then follow the advice of psychologists in order to subsequently fall in love with your work.

I wonder how many of us answer the question “Do you love your job?” they will answer in the affirmative ... In fact, doing what you love is a great happiness. Not everyone is so lucky in life: they chose the wrong profession, they got into the wrong conditions, they needed to earn money, and so on. How not to go crazy in the walls of a hated place and love your job?

If only you could change jobs like gloves! If you don't like the boss, quit! They did not show due respect for our person - we will write a statement! Now wake yourself up. Apparently, you have to try to love your job, no matter what.

Hateful work exhausts mentally. It takes away the joy of life. Man ceases to enjoy the new day. This even leads to health problems (the risk of acquiring anemia, neuroses, stomach diseases increases).
Often we hate not so much our duties as the environment that surrounds us at work. For example, professions that require active communication in a team, participation in public events are contraindicated for unsociable misanthropes. In this case, it is advisable to choose a job, the specifics of which will be privacy. Of course, not so drastically as to get a job as a lighthouse keeper somewhere in the Arctic! There are many quiet and unfussy workplaces: archives, reading rooms, etc. Those who hate working with numbers will never become a happy accountant. If someone likes it when there is a lot of activity around, you can go to the service sector.

Work is just work. But she demands to give her a third of the day at least (such are the statistics). It turns out that we are obliged to turn these hours not into hard labor, but into normal and.

How can you love your job? Here are three helpful tips.

1. Answer yourself: why you love your job and why you can’t stand it

Help yourself leading questions: "I want to quit because of ...", "The work flatters my pride, because ...", "In this workplace, I grew up in terms of ...". Take a sheet of paper and write it down in two columns: “I like it for ...” and “I can’t stand it ...”. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages and decide if you should work in this position. If not, change jobs. If so, focus on the good and put up with what you don't like.

2. Find a balance between advantages and disadvantages

For any person, the performance of a certain job gives pleasure, and some duties are just like a bone in the throat. Analyze: what you are praised for and what you are scolded for. Consider how you can strengthen your strengths and reduce the influence of the weak (or get rid of them altogether). Perhaps then you will be able to love your job.

3. If unsympathetic employees are the cause of a negative attitude towards work, try to minimize the time of communication with them

In the end, you come to work, not to bicker and sort things out. It is useful to learn for ourselves such an axiom: we are not obliged to love our own. Enough correct and restrained attitude towards each other. There is not a single team in which there would be no pitfalls. Rivalry, careerism, envy, gossip - you will find all this in any workplace. So don't try to fix things. Just avoid them and go about your immediate duties.

Our successes bring us satisfaction and joy. They develop self-esteem and a sense of being needed. If a person understands the business he is engaged in, this indicates that he was able to realize himself. Strive for new achievements. This will make your life rich and fruitful.

Well, and if you can’t fall in love with your business and work, change your profession.


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