About Mercedes-Benz. History of the Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz brand in Russia

For the 4th year in a row, Mercedes Benz has been breaking its own car sales records. In the previous year, sales of Mercedes around the world totaled 1,650,010 vehicles, which is 12.8% more than in 2013. Also this year 2 world historical records were set.

Mercedes records in 2014:

  • Best monthly sales by 163 172 car;
  • The best sales for the quarter, which amounted to 454 853 car;

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In this photo, you see how in December 2014, at the factory, it rolled off the Chinese conveyor 500 000 automobile Mercedes Benz.

The leading place traditionally goes to the new S-Classa model, sales of which increased by 82,3% , sales of more compact models of the type (A-, B-, CLA-, GLA-Class) also increased by 24,6% .

Contrary to skeptical forecasts, in the Sport Utility Vehicles for sale (SUV) market, sales are still gaining momentum. So Mercedes Benz Company, which offers its customers a wide range of models, in 2014 reached SUV sales records (+5,4% ) - 341,789 cars of this class. Sales of GLK-Class cars increased by 7,6% , M-Class - 8,6% , and the legendary G-Class became the leader - 10,5% .

Main sales market in 2014 are USA330 390 cars and China - 281 589 ... This, in turn, in percentage terms was 5,7 and 29,1% respectively. In addition to all this, countries such as Japan, Germany, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom have achieved good results.

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The history of Mercedes-Benz is not just the history of another car brand, it is the history of the entire automotive industry. At the origins of the legendary company were two companies - Benz and Daimler. They are significant in that their creators, in fact, invented the car in the form in which it is known to this day. Perhaps we would now be driving a different vehicle if it were not for this manufacturer.


"Mercedes" was created in Germany - a country with a pedantic and pragmatic outlook on things. As is known, Special attention here is paid to the little things. As a result, this company did not become the only German concern that makes high-quality cars. However, she retained her leadership position.

The origin of a legend


In 1963, the Mercedes-Benz 600 rolled off the assembly line - the same legendary "six hundredth Mercedes". It has earned the status of the most prestigious sedan of the 20th century. This car was driven by extremely wealthy people: heads of state, business leaders, movie stars and mafia leaders.

In 1976, the model went on sale. It is undoubtedly considered one of the most successful and reliable models of the company. About 2.7 million of these machines were produced. Today they can be found on the roads of many countries, including the countries of the former USSR.

In 1991, the S W140 appeared. It is considered cult for the entire post-Soviet space of the 1990s. By the way, the first Russian who bought this car was V. Zhirinovsky.


In 1979, the world saw the civilian version of the iconic army SUV Mercedes. The manufacturing country is still proud of this model. As you already understood, we are talking about the Mercedes-Benz G-class "Geländewagen". This model turned out to be a real long-liver. It is now considered a luxury SUV, but it was once only reliable " workhorse". This car is still in production, and its popularity is only growing.

Company history in Russia

It's hard to believe, but in 1901 in tsarist Russia it was already possible to meet a Mercedes car. The country of origin was selling trucks for the Russian army. After the Second World War, it was rather actively imported into the territory of the USSR. In the period from 1946 to 1969. at least 600 cars (cars, trucks and buses) were imported.

At exhibitions of the 70s, which took place in the USSR, "Mercedes" presented equipment mainly for cargo. In the 80s, only L. Brezhny and V. Vysotsky had new "Mercedes". In 1978, a German company was the official supplier of the Moscow Olympics. And two years later, the first Mercedes-Benz dealership was opened in the capital. Two more later, after the collapse of the Union, the first official dealer appeared - "LogoVAZ-Belyaevo". In 1994, the official representative office of the Stuttgart company was opened.

In 2010, on the basis of the KamAZ enterprise, they began to produce Mercedes trucks. The country of origin, city and some production features have changed, but the quality has remained the same, because the German company puts forward special requirements for it. Three years later, the production of Mercedes Sprinter commercial vehicles was launched at the facilities of the GAZ enterprise. Soon, perhaps, on the territory of the Russian Federation they will collect and a car Mercedes. The country of origin is resolving this issue with Russia.

In the 1990s, the cult models for Russia were the W123, W124, W140 (the same "six hundredth") and "Gelentvagen". Since then and to this day, cars of this brand are considered the most prestigious, including among politicians. Today the Mercedes lineup consists of 16 classes.

The inventors of the first modern car - Daimler and Benz - lived only 100 kilometers from each other, but never met until they created the Mercedes Benz concern. The country of origin - Germany clearly - has succeeded in nurturing talented engineers.

There is a version that before choosing a three-pointed star as an emblem, the management of the Daimler company wanted to give preference to an elephant or an orange. Imagine a black tinted G-Wagen with an elephant on the hood. But it could have happened.

In 2007, Mercedes-Benz launched its own Internet TV.

Mercedes-Benz is the only auto company that allows its safety expertise to be used in third-party vehicles. The German automaker was the first to launch production of cars with independent suspension on all wheels and with a diesel engine. Also, these cars were first equipped with ABS in 1978, airbags in 1981 and ESP in 1995.

The Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR in 1955 set a speed record in an endurance race - 159.65 km / h, which was not beaten. This year this model got into the biggest disaster in motor sports history. On that day, 80 spectators and the pilot of the car were injured.

The model "Gelentvagen" is officially in service with the Swiss army.

The Mercedes-Benz firm appeared so long ago that gasoline was then sold in pharmacies.

Mercedes and famous people

Mercedes 300 SL 1954, had doors "gull wing", for which Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe were very fond of. In addition, in 1999, the model was recognized as the best sports car of the twentieth century.

Steve Jobs - Founder Apple- regularly bought a new one just to drive without numbers. The fact is that, according to the laws of California, a new car may not be registered for 6 months after purchase.

In the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", Stirlitz drives a Mercedes MV-230.

Vladimir Vysotsky loved high-speed driving. He once rolled over in his Mercedes 17 times. The fact that he survived speaks of the high level of safety in Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The manufacturing country is extremely serious about car safety, and this applies not only to the company that became the hero of our conversation, but also to other German auto giants.


So, we found out what makes the Mercedes company stand out, which country of manufacture gives the world these wonderful cars, what stages the more than a century history of the company consisted of, and what interesting happened during this time. Now we can draw a small conclusion about the Stuttgart concern.

The history of the leading automobile brand "Mercedes" was rather complicated and eventful. The country of manufacture of passenger cars - Germany definitely knows how to make high-quality cars. Despite the conservative design, German models are very popular among any age categories motorists. They are a sign of prestige and wealth. But it all began, as often happens, with simple household developments and innovative ideas of two ordinary engineers. And it is not known what we would be driving now, if not the developments of the Mercedes company. The country of origin of these cars - Germany - has become a symbol of high-quality and advanced automotive industry. Let's see how she will delight us further.

Mercedes-Benz, often referred to in Russia simply as Mercedes, is a brand of cars produced by the German auto giant Daimler AG. The company is known for its premium cars, vans, buses and trucks. The company is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, and was founded in 1926. Currently, Mercedes-Benz is the third largest luxury car manufacturer in the world after and one of the most recognizable car brands in the world.

It was Karl Benz, who stood at the origins of the company, who created the world's first car with a gasoline engine - the 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen. Other founders include engineers Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, who created a petrol-powered car a year later. The Mercedes-Benz brand is one of the oldest functioning car brands in the world. Continuing the tradition of the "founding fathers", the company owns many innovations in terms of technology and vehicle safety, which then found wide application in other brands of cars.

Mercedes-Benz is a German car manufacturing company. It is the main asset of the Daimler AG concern. Today the capitalization of Daimler AG is € 74 billion. In the rating of The World's Biggest Public Companies, published by Forbes magazine, the concern occupies 24th position. Mercedes-Benz's turnover in 2016 exceeded € 89 billion, which was about 50% of the turnover of the entire group. According to analysts, in 2016 the company sold over 2 million vehicles.

The history of the company dates back to two inventors who initially acted separately from each other. On January 29, 1886, the German Karl Benz patented his invention - a car with a four-stroke gasoline engine. During the same period, another engineer, Gottlieb Daimler, assembled a motorized carriage with an internal combustion engine. Both engineers founded their own companies: K. Benz called his Benz & Cie, and G. Daimler - Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG).

Interesting fact! Mercedes cars appeared in 1901 by DMG. The cars were named in honor of the daughter of Emil Jellinek, a businessman who was interested in technology and was a representative of the French branch of the company G. Daimler.

The first Mercedes car developed a speed of 60 km / h and was one of the fastest cars of its time. After the defeat of Germany in the First World War and the onset of a difficult economic situation in the country, car sales began to plummet. Under these conditions, competing Benz & Cie and DMG first signed a cooperation agreement in 1924, and in the summer of 1926 they officially merged into the Daimler-Benz company. The products were manufactured under the Mercedes-Benz brand.

The emblem of the new company received a three-pointed star (transferred from Daimler), framed by a wreath (this element it received from Benz & Cie). Later, the wreath in the emblem was turned into a circle.

10 interesting facts you can learn about the brand from the video.

Company development stages

Ferdinand Porsche became the head of the new company. Under his leadership, there was a series of cars with compressor unit and a six-cylinder engine, which became the basis for the future S-series. F. Porsche worked at Daimler-Benz for 2 years, during which he managed to lay the foundation for the stable development of the company.

Period 1926-1940 was very successful for the company. During this time, she was able to release the first mass-produced passenger car equipped with a diesel engine, and return to auto racing, participation in which has always become a sign of a successful company.

Mercedes-Benz 180, photo: pixabay

World War II negatively affected the development of Daimler-Benz: most of the factories were destroyed and skilled workers were in short supply. It took about a year to restore production capacity and release the first car. The complete restoration of the factories and their modernization were completed in 1949.

Early 50s the company's management made a decision on a large-scale development of the production base. For this, several new models have been developed aimed at different price segments. The most successful car was the Mercedes-220, sales of which amounted to 18.5 thousand units in nine years.

Before the early 1980s the Daimler-Benz concern has developed steadily, practically without competition from foreign manufacturers. During this time, the company has released a number of successful models in all segments: premium (Mercedes-300S and Mercedes-W189 "Adenauer"), sports (Mercedes-Benz W196 and Mercedes-Benz 300SL) and middle class (Mercedes W180, Mercedes W128 and Mercedes 190SL ).

In the early 80s, Japanese manufacturers began to crowd out German companies in the global automotive market. They offered a quality product for a significantly lower price. This situation prompted Daimler-Benz's management to adopt a new development model for the company. The company's engineers and designers have completely redesigned the brand's lineup. The new S-class was launched and opened new niche- SUVs (W460, or Geländewagen).

Interesting fact! The appearance of the Geländewagen was somewhat spontaneous. At first, this car was developed personally for the Iranian Shah Mohammed Pahlavi. However, during the 1977 revolution, he lost power, and the German company lost its customer. Therefore, it was decided to turn the Geländewagen into a civilian SUV.

The beginning of the 80s was marked by another important decision of the Daimler-Benz management - preparations began for the expansion of the US market, which has always been hostile to foreign manufacturers. Also at this time, tuning companies (Brabus and AMG) entered the concern, and the Mercedes 500E series was released together with Porsche.

In the 90s, the company continued to work on the development of new models and decided to improve its car classification. In 1998, one of the largest deals of the decade happened: Daimler-Benz merged with the American concern Chrysler Corporation. The new concern, named DaimlerChrysler, has become the world leader in the automobile market.

By the early 2000s, the company's lineup of cars consisted of 12 models, thanks to which DaimlerChrysler was represented in almost every price segment.

In spring 2007, the board of directors of DaimlerChrysler accepted the offer of the investment fund Cerberus Capital Management to sell the Chrysler Group. The deal value exceeded $ 7 billion. The concern returned to its previous name, Daimler AG.

In winter 2008, Daimler AG became shareholders of the Russian KAMAZ. For 10% of the shares, the German company paid about $ 250-300 million.

One of the latest investments by Daimler AG is an entry into the capital of the electric car manufacturer TeslaMotors. Today the German concern owns 10% of the shares of the American company.

Mercedes-Benz competitors

The automotive market is one of the most competitive in the world. The absolute leader of the world market is the Japanese Toyota, which sold more than 7 million vehicles in 2016.

Mercedes is focused on the production of medium, high and luxury cars. The company's sales in 2016 amounted to 2 million units, which is 9% higher than in 2015. Among brands with a similar price orientation, the main competitors of Mercedes-Benz are German BMWs (1.94 million cars sold in 2016) and Audi (1.84 million cars sold), Japanese Lexus (0.63 million cars sold) and Swedish Volvo (0.53 million cars sold).

Mercedes-Benz in Russia

Photo: pixabay

The history of Mercedes' work in Russia begins at the time of the USSR. In 1973 the company signed a cooperation agreement with the authorities Soviet Union, after which the products of the concern were presented at a special exhibition. In the winter of 1974, an official representative office of the company was opened in Moscow.

At the 1980 Olympics, Daimler-Benz AG was the official supplier of transport equipment, providing the organizing committee with buses and cars.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Daimler-Benz AG became the first foreign company, officially opened in Russia. In 2005, the company's office moved to Leningradsky Prospekt. The first Daimler AG dealership in Russia was also opened there. Today the Mercedes dealer network in Russia has more than 50 partners.

Company today

In 2017, the following products are produced under the Mercedes brand:

  • cars Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Maybach, Mercedes-AMG and Smart;
  • trucks;
  • buses.

The concern also includes two financial divisions - Mercedes-Benz Bank AG and Mercedes-Benz Financial.

Thanks to a high-profile scandal with one of the main competitors of Volkswagen AG (engine emissions rigging) and good sales figures over the past year, the value of Daimler AG shares has risen from € 63 / unit. up to € 69 / unit.

The Mercedes factories currently employ 140,000 people, and the company's operating profit for 2016 exceeded € 8 billion.In the Global 500 rating, compiled by Brand Finance, the Mercedes brand was placed in 21 positions with an estimate of € 35.5 billion.

You can watch the history of the Mercedes-Benz brand in the video.

Mercedes-Benz is a German company founded in 1926 that specializes in the production of engines and passenger cars. Mercedes is now subsidiary concern "Daimler-Benz", its headquarters is located in the German city of Stuttgart. Mercedes Jelinek is the daughter of a wealthy Austrian businessman who had a great passion for cars. In October 1901, when the girl was only eleven years old, she demanded from her father that the cars he wanted to buy bear her name.

The history of the German company Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, which produced Mercedes cars, dates back to 1900. In addition to cars, it also produced aircraft and marine engines, which prompted the adoption of the three-pointed star logo in 1909 as a symbol of the brand's success on water, land and air.

This brand is known all over the world, it is sold in cities, megacities, regions, political entities such as Thailand, Poland, Kazakhstan, Finland, the European Union, India, USSR, Vietnam, Japan, Lithuania, Turkey, Israel, Georgia, North Ossetia, Libya, Ingushetia, Malaysia, Russia, Moldova, Iran, Asia, Spain, Cuba, USA, Petersburg, Dominican Republic, Australia, Italy, Great Britain, Moscow, Chechnya, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Europe, Canada, Africa , Belarus, Montenegro, Switzerland, Croatia, Tunisia, Abkhazia, France, Indonesia, Greece, Egypt, Bulgaria, Latvia, Singapore, Estonia, Armenia, Philippines, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan, China, Brazil, Ukraine, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Australia ...

Each country has its own currency, there are a lot of them, for example, Australian dollars, yuan, euros, Canadian dollars, hryvnia, Singapore dollars, New Zealand dollars, Swiss francs, litas, British pounds, Japanese yens, tenge, US dollars, rubles, Belarusian rubles ... Any of these currencies can be used to buy a car from Mercedes.

In 1926, the companies "Benz" and "Daimler" merged into one, so the star was inscribed in the ring, it was a tribute to the past achievements of cars "Benz" on the races. That's right, the emblem is often used today.

The first model "Mercedes-35R5" with a four-cylinder engine with a volume of 5913 cubic centimeters had a classic arrangement of units. The engine was placed in the front and the drive wheels were rear.

This car became the basis for the development of all future models that have been produced since 1902 under the Mercedes-Simplex brand. The most famous representatives of this series include the models "60PS" and "40 / 45PS" with motors of 6785 and 9235 cubic centimeters, moreover, the latter of them could reach speeds of up to ninety kilometers per hour.

News about the Mercedes company, as well as exchange rates and other useful data, can be found by visiting the page of the Market Leader magazine, or by reading press releases from Russian banks (VTB, Rosselkhozbank, bank, B&N Bank, Sberbank, Bank of Moscow, Raiffeisenbank, Citibank, URALSIB, TransCreditBank, Alfa Bank, Promsvyazbank), financial companies and banks in Europe, financial institutions and banks of Switzerland, investment banks of Ukraine, companies and the banking sector of the USA, banks of Belarus. It is possible to buy this model using electronic payment systems: Western Union, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, E-gold, Rupay, Unistream, Qiwi (Qiwi), Rapida, PayPal, LiqPay, [email protected], Leader.

Payment systems were invented in order to pay for various goods and services. With their help, you can purchase cars of the brands Nissan, Opel, Ford, VAZ, Mazda, Peugeot, Volvo, Audi, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Toyota, Fiat, BMW, Kia, Renault, UAZ, Porsche, Chevrolet, as well as computers, phones, watches, games for the computer (GTA, simulators, RPGs), elite dog breeds, laptops, diamonds, smartphones, yachts, real estate, office equipment, mobile equipment.

Later, the Daimler company produced a whole series of passenger cars with engines ranging from 1568 to 9575 cm3, including magnificent cars with a body that was completely closed.

Some of them were equipped with Knight valveless motors, which had a spool distribution, Mercedes-Knight with a 4055 cm3 engine was produced until 1924. Sports "Mercedes" were winners in many international competitions that were held even before the outbreak of the First World War.

The most massive production of the company was the middle class model "W-110/111", which in 1967 was replaced by a large series of cars from "200" to "280E", "W-114/115".
This family of cars was produced not only in the body of a four-door sedan, but also in a five-door station wagon, two-door coupes and a hardtop (with window openings without intermediate pillars). Great popularity was with diesel engines these cars. Further development led to the emergence of the series "W-124" (1984-1995) and "W-123" (1976).

Cars of compact size, which the company abandoned in the fifties, began to be produced again only in 1982 ("W-201). This series includes models" 190 "in several configurations with engines that had a displacement of 1.8-2 , 6 liters and power 75-185 hp In the nineties, there was a big change in the Mercedes-Benz program. The company presented its products in new areas of the automotive market.

However, the base of the company's program is still cars of the classic series "E" and "C". The range of Mercedes-Benz models in 1998 was very extensive. Buyers were offered dozens of modifications and models of twelve separate families.

Mercedes cars are popular with poets, writers, artists, employees of embassies and consulates, investors, lawyers, politicians, employees travel agencies and insurance companies, lawyers from visa departments, actors, financiers, athletes, models, businessmen, people from the world of show business, including Ksenia Sobchak, Verka Serduchka, Nikolai Baskov, Oleg Gazmanov, Ani Lorak, Joseph Kobzon, Anastasia Volochkova, Pavel Volia, Christina Orbakaite, Vladimir Presnyakov, Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontiev, Alla Pugacheva, Mikhail Shufutinsky.

For the sake of such high-quality and good cars, many motorists sell sugar, coffee, gasoline, coal, cotton, wheat, gold, silver, oil, gas, and other goods.

By purchasing press kiosks from foreign publications: TheWashingtonPost, TheFinancialTimes, Forbes, TheDailyTelegraph, TheTimes, TheNewYorkTimes, TheGuardian, or media newspapers from Russia and the CIS, you can always get interesting information. In these magazines and newspapers, you can get useful information, for example, reports, analytical forecasts, which are created by analysts from investment companies: ATON, BCS, Finam, ZERICH Capital Management, Troika Dialog, ALOR Group. In this press you can also read about the rating of Forex brokers from brokers, analysts, banks, ECN Forex, traders, mutual funds, experts.

Almost all media have their own sites where you can get acquainted with data about cars, stocks, equipment, options, finance, quotes, futures, economics, investments, ecology, SP 500, politics. News portals also often publish stock news on the CAC 40, SMI, DAX, MICEX, FTSE, RTS, Nasdaq, Dow Jones indices.

Since 1997, they began to produce small-sized models of class A. They are one of the most popular classes of cars among Europeans. The cars have front-wheel drive and are equipped with engines with a displacement from 1397 to 1689, their power ranged from 60 to 102 hp.

The compact C-class "W-202" (4-door sedan and 5-door station wagon) appeared in 1993, and in 1997 was greatly modernized. The displacement of engines for models from "C 180" to "C43AMG" is from 1799 to 4266 cm3, and the power is from 95 to 306 hp.

The E-class, which is considered intermediate ("W-210"), began to be produced in 1995. A wide range of motors of different displacement and type, from 1998 to 5439 cm3, with power from 95 to 354 hp, is able to attract many customers. Models from "E200" to "E55AMG" are available in the offers.

The S-class, which is representative ("W-140"), began to be produced in 1991, these are models from "S290" to "560". The cars are equipped with 6-, 8- and twelve-cylinder engines with a displacement from 2799 to 5987 cm3, and a power from 177 to 394 hp.

At the end of 1998, a new generation of S-class cars appeared. They are slightly smaller in size and weight in comparison with the "W-220" series. They are equipped with V6, V8 and V12 engines with a volume of 2.8-5.8 liters.

"SLK" - sporty, light, short, it is a group of sports cars with 2-door bodies.
The roadster and coupe were shown for the first time in the spring of 1996. Their characteristic feature is the presence of an all-metal top, which is automatically collected in the trunk in twenty-five seconds. These models use only four-cylinder engines with a volume of 1998 and 2295 cm3, and a power of 136-193 hp.

Since 1997, CLK-type coupes with 4-, 6- and 8-cylinder power units with a volume of 1998 to 4266 cm3 and a capacity of 136 to 279 hp have been produced on the chassis of C-class cars. Cars of the "SL" type, these are two-seater coupes and roadsters, as well as "CL" (4-, 5-seater luxury coupes), which have been produced since 1989 and 1992.

In terms of power units and chassis, they were unified with the S-class family and equipped with 193-394 hp engines. The G-class family, which appeared in 1979, is also included in the all-wheel drive and multi-purpose vehicles. Cars of 1998 have diesel and gasoline engines with a working volume of 2874-3199 cubic centimeters with a capacity of 122-215 hp.

New four-wheel drive comfortable ML-class models have been produced in the USA since 1997 and are equipped with gasoline engines that have a power of up to 270 hp. Since 1996, the family of station wagons includes V-class cars with turbocharged and gasoline and diesel power units with a volume of 2.3 liters, and with a capacity of 143 and 98 hp. In 2000, the S, C, and CL class models were updated.


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