Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy. Mixed capital company Mixed capital company assumes federal ownership

9.4. Nationalization of non-state entrepreneurial firms

V In the end, after several decades of the existence of an almost completely nationalized Russian (Soviet) economy - for its euphony, it was called the “single national economic complex of the country” - its low efficiency became evident, which led to the mass denationalization (denationalization) of the subjects in the early 1990s. Russian entrepreneurial business.

The grounds for nationalization, conditioned by the interests of increasing the revenue items of the state budget, usually arise against the background of political extremism, which is not associated with a radical change of the state system. So,

v In pre-war Germany (1930s), the “company combing” tool was widely used. Its purpose was to reduce the number of small and medium-sized companies and to increase the property of large entrepreneurial firms, the members of which, as a rule, included the state.

This entailed a large-scale release work force... Some of the freed up human resources were sent to the army, and some were sent to work for the largest semi-state enterprises, which provided financial support to the state and the ruling National Socialist Party.

The results of these measures were, along with a reduction in the number of small and medium-sized firms, the consolidation of enterprises engaged in the production of military equipment and weapons. Having become the founder of large entrepreneurial firms or tied the latter to itself with guaranteed state orders, the German state considered that thanks to these measures it was able to ensure the necessary volumes of revenues to the state budget and was able to exert a decisive influence on the national market of goods, works and services.

However, the defeat of Germany during the Second World War demonstrated, among other things, the low effectiveness of such nationalization "in the name of the treasury." And the subsequent recovery of the German economy began precisely with the denationalization of business entities.

v most branches of the national economy. The nationalization of business entities can be

and the goal of demonopolizing markets. This is the establishment of state control over monopolies through the compulsory purchase of controlling stakes in their shares by the state.

University series

Nationalization can be carried out in order to improve the manageability of large entrepreneurial firms. The application of this basis for nationalization is most effective when carrying out financial rehabilitation (reorganization) of problem entrepreneurial firms. In the process of voluntary reorganization, it is often envisaged that it is the state budget (or regional, local budgets) that is the main financial donor in favor of the problematic company, and, therefore, it is the state’s possession that is transferred upon completion of the financial restructuring procedure. this business, his duties and rights.

The practice of state

establishment of firms under the pretext of creating "natural

monopolies ”. These are, for example,

Gazprom, TV channel ORT (First Channel), a number of others large companies with mixed capital and a controlling stake in the hands of the state. Data

that the transformation of profitable (or potentially profitable) business entities into "natural monopolies" controlled by the state will certainly contribute to the prosperity of the national economy, are absent. On the contrary, “natural monopolists” have the opportunity to significantly destabilize the country's economy as a result of limiting clients in the use of resources or overstating the selling prices for resources.

Sometimes you can hear that the status of "natural monopolies", within which state ownership would dominate, should be given to entire industries Russian economy... For example, calls for the nationalization of all enterprises without exception are not uncommon. military & industrial complex, whose activities significantly affect the level of security of the country.

Such ideas are not based on the experience of development of countries with market economies. The latter testifies to the fact that the non-state status of entrepreneurial firms engaged in the production of weapons and military equipment encourages these firms to fight for government orders and is important factor development of this sector of the economy, and, consequently, an important condition for maintaining and strengthening the defense capability of the state. Therefore, the idea that the military industrial complex Russia should consist of state unitary enterprises and mixed companies controlled by government officials, which under no circumstances can be denationalized, are illusory and erroneous.

University series

9.4. Nationalization of non-state entrepreneurial firms

Illusions of "greater controllability" of state-owned enterprises in comparison with non-state business entities sometimes accompany the activities of not only large entrepreneurial firms, but also small manufacturing and innovation companies, as well as entrepreneurs working in the service sector. Often, from the lips of highly placed government officials, one can hear that public hospitals are always supposedly better than private clinics, state educational establishments- are better than non-state, and state travel companies give clients more attention than LLCs or CJSCs operating in the tourism business.

The experience of countries with market-oriented economies demonstrates exactly the opposite, especially the experience of the United States, on whose territory there are no state university, not a single state travel agency, and the number of public hospitals does not exceed, on average, 20% of the total number of business entities in healthcare across the country.

The nationalization of business entities is often initiated under the influence of the personal interests of individual officials of the state apparatus. The reason for this interest is that none of these officials has the right to

to deal with the law entrepreneurial business concurrently with work in the authorities and administration. Therefore, some of them have to find compelling reasons for the nationalization of non-state firms, in the course of which they could acquire informal control over the new state-owned enterprise. In practice, this kind of nationalization means hidden privatization subjects of entrepreneurial business by officials of the state apparatus, skillfully using the tools of state intervention in the national economy.

The most significant reason for nationalization is still real organizational and financial support for problematic subjects of entrepreneurial business working in socially significant areas of business. In this case, the goal of nationalization is to ensure the survival of certain sectors of the national economy that find themselves in a zone of unfavorable development.

This type of nationalization:

is a "reassignment" process legal entities, the transfer of controlling stakes in their shares (stakes, units) to state ownership;

University series

Chapter 9. State entrepreneurship

has a compensatory character and is compulsory only in terms of the content of the act itself, but not in the sense of the consequences caused by the violent seizure of property;

carried out only on the basis of the relevant regulations;

is carried out to ensure the functioning of the industry or the entire national economy only in emergency conditions, with the overcoming of which it can be replaced by denationalization (denationalization).

Nationalization of this type is carried out, as a rule, on a reimbursable basis, through the buyout of a troubled firm from its previous owners. The government can reorganize such firms, it can liquidate them, but it can also buy them. In most countries with market-oriented economies, the nationalization of the largest entrepreneurial firms is usually carried out by exchanging shares of these firms for state securities with a fixed income. In this case, the benefit to the shareholders is that they get the right to generate permanent income, and the state benefits from the opportunity to exert a significant influence on the development of the nationalized enterprise.

Mass nationalization of business entities on a reimbursable basis was observed in the countries of Western Europe, which were members of the anti-Hitler coalition, immediately after the Second World War. In England, for example, nationalization encompassed electricity, coal and gas industry, ferrous metallurgy, as well as internal transport - railways, air, road and river transport. In France, nationalization spread during the specified period not only to the basic sectors of the economy, but also to such manufacturing industries as aircraft and automobile construction. Subsequently, 80% of the nationalized enterprises, after turning them into profitable business thanks to government subsidies and financial investments, were again returned, also on a reimbursable basis, to their previous owners or privatized again ( reprivatized).


Task 1. After studying section 9.1, answer the questions: What is state entrepreneurship in Russia and abroad? What is full and partial state ownership?

University series

Task 2. After studying section 9.2 and the content of situation 1, answer the questions: How do unitary enterprises come about? For what purposes are they created? How are they managed? What are the differences between unitary enterprises on the right to

economic management and on the right operational management?

Task 3. After studying section 9.3 and the content of situation 2, answer the questions: For what purpose was Russian Railways established? Is JSC Russian Railways a state corporation?

How can the state influence the decisions made by Russian Railways? What is state joint stock entrepreneurship in Russia and abroad?

Task 4. After studying section 9.4, answer the question: What are the reasons for the nationalization of non-state entrepreneurial firms?

1. State entrepreneurship is:

2. The public sector of the economy is:

3. The basis state entrepreneurship is an:

state ownership of the means of production;

4. Full state ownership of the means of production is:

property of joint stock companies;

municipal property;

own business companies;

federal property;

property of business partnerships.

5. A mixed-capital company assumes:

6. The criteria for the effective functioning of state-owned enterprises include:

a) low risks;

7. The state administration system includes enterprises:

a) private; b) joint stock;

c) budgetary; d) financial.

8. A commercial organization not endowed with ownership of the property assigned to it by the owner is:

a) a commercial enterprise;

b) a unitary enterprise; c) an independent enterprise;

d) a business partnership.

9. State unitary enterprises are established:

a) shareholders; b) full comrades;

c) the Ministry economic development and trade Russian Federation; d) authorized bodies.

10. State and municipal institutions- this is:

a) commercial organizations; b) non-profit organizations;

c) privatized enterprises; d) cooperatives.

11. An enterprise created on the basis of federal property is called:

a) joint stock; b) privatized; c) municipal; d) state-owned.

University series

12. The constituent documents of unitary enterprises are:

a) order; b) the charter;

v) memorandum of association; d) regulations.

13. The head of a unitary enterprise is appointed:

a) general meeting founders; b) the owner; c) advisory bodies; d) guardianship authorities.

14. A state corporation in the Russian Federation is recognized as:

a) commercial organization; b) non-profit organization;

c) joint stock company; d) business partnership.

15. Majority shareholders are shareholders who own:

a) one share; b) 50% of shares;

c) a controlling stake.

16. State joint stock entrepreneurship in Russia is represented by:

a) majority shareholders;

18. Departmental enterprises have:

a) legal independence; b) economic independence;

c) structurally included in state system administration.

19. Federal agency on the property of the Russian Federation is:

a) a shareholder of budgetary enterprises;

20. Budget enterprises are:

temporary education;

departmental enterprises;

joint stock companies;

limited partnerships;

analogue of unitary enterprises.

21. Budget enterprises:

a) pay taxes;

23. Property of a unitary enterprise:

a) is indivisible;

24. In the form of unitary enterprises ... enterprises can be created:

a) joint stock; b) state; c) municipal; d) offshore.

25. Organs government controlled budget enterprises are:

a) ministries; b) the prosecutor's office; c) departments; d) city hall.

26. Russian law prohibits unitary enterprises:

a) do business;

University series

27. State-owned enterprises can carry out:

all types of activities;

permitted activities;

exceptional activities.

28. Unitary enterprises can build activities:

on the right of economic management;

on the customs of business turnover;

on the right of operational management.

29. Unitary enterprise on the right of economic management:

the property is used without the consent of the owner.

30. Unitary enterprise on the basis of operational management:

created by the state or municipal authority;

created only by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation;

the property is used without the consent of the owner;

the use of the property must be agreed with the owner.


Formation professional competencies business firms

Variety of professional competencies in entrepreneurial firms

The eternal questions of business: the entrepreneurial mission and the demand for it

Eternal Business Questions: Goal Setting and Achievement in Business

The strategic core of the business of entrepreneurial firms

The tactical core of the business of entrepreneurial firms. Entrepreneurial conjuncture

10.1. Formation of professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms

The professional competencies of individual business entities are the basis of the professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms. The terms "professional competence of firms" and " key competencies firms ”is used by many English-speaking authors1. At the same time, the reader is often confronted with completely different definitions of them. In the "Course of Professional Entrepreneurship" under professional competence of an entrepreneurial company(institutional entity of entrepreneurial business) is understood as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that are used by firms in the process of professional activity in selected types of business, provide the necessary level of its competitiveness.

Entrepreneurial firms are created to develop new institutional professional competencies. The professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms are the competitive features of these firms, and their high level is one of their key competitive advantages, a tool for creating and strengthening other competitive advantages of these firms. Therefore, the creation of a company means institutionalization of professional competences of entrepreneurs.

1 See, for example: E. Campbell. Development of core skills // E. Campbell, K. Lachs. Strategic synergy. 2nd ed. SPb .: Peter, 2004.S. 263-288; Hamel G., Praha & Lad K., Thomas G., O'Neill D. Strategic flexibility. SPb .: Peter, 2005.S. 281-356; Hu & Lei G., Saunders D., Pearcey N. Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning. Dnepropetrovsk: Balance Business Books, 2005.S. 188-189.

University series

- (company) various forms business companies partnerships, joint stock companies (corporations in the United States), state joint stock enterprises v Western countries, which are created by several founders by concluding an agreement reflecting ... ... Foreign economic explanatory dictionary

Bank of Japan- (Bank of Japan) Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan which aims to ensure price stability and stability financial system Japan Bank of Japan: the monetary system of Japan, the law on national banks, the emergence of banking ... ... Investor encyclopedia

Zaire. Historical sketch- Zaire from ancient times to the 1870s. Archaeological excavations were carried out mainly in the lower reaches of the river. Congo (Zaire) and in the Shaba region. The sites of the Lower Paleolithic were discovered (in the upper reaches of the Kasai, Lualaba, Luapula). The Upper Paleolithic is represented by ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "Africa"

Yemen- Republic of Yemen, state in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. The state is named after the history. region Yemen, and its name is from Arab, Penen, Right. The emergence of the name is associated with the ancient system of orientation, in which V. was the front, side, and Y. ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Finland- This term has other meanings, see Finland (disambiguation). Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta (Fin.) Republiken Finland (Swedish) ... Wikipedia

holding- (Holding) Definition of a holding, types of holdings, holding companies Information on the definition of a holding, types of holdings, holding companies Contents Contents Specific traits holdings Types of holdings Holdings Problems of bank holdings ... ... Investor encyclopedia

Banks- I in the modern economic system, bills are the highest form of credit intermediation and the most important organs of bill and money circulation. The purpose of banking: firstly, to create a credit system (see this sl.), Which would provide ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Bank- (Bank) A bank is a financial and credit institution that deals with money, securities and precious metals. Structure, activity and monetary policy of the banking system, essence, functions and types of banks, active and ... ... Investor encyclopedia

Wholesale- (Wholesale) Definition wholesale trade, role and functions of wholesale trade Information on the definition of wholesale trade, role and functions of wholesale trade Contents Contents Essence. The role and functions of the wholesale trade. Wholesale exchange form ... ... Investor encyclopedia

BRAZIL - federal Republic Brazil, the largest country in terms of area and population in South America. Brazil is bordered in the north by the French overseas department of Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia; in the west with Peru; on… … Collier's Encyclopedia

Brazil- 1) the capital of Brazil. The new city, built specifically as the capital of the state of Brasil, was named Brasilia, derived from the name of the state. In Russian. the language of the name of the capital is transmitted with the ending ia Brazil, that is, the differences that exist in Portuguese ... Geographical encyclopedia

9.4. Nationalization of non-state entrepreneurial firms

V In the end, after several decades of the existence of an almost completely nationalized Russian (Soviet) economy - for its euphony, it was called the “single national economic complex of the country” - its low efficiency became evident, which led to the mass denationalization (denationalization) of the subjects in the early 1990s. Russian entrepreneurial business.

The grounds for nationalization, conditioned by the interests of increasing the revenue items of the state budget, usually arise against the background of political extremism, which is not associated with a radical change of the state system. So,

v In pre-war Germany (1930s), the “company combing” tool was widely used. Its purpose was to reduce the number of small and medium-sized companies and to increase the property of large entrepreneurial firms, the members of which, as a rule, included the state.

This entailed a large-scale release of labor. Some of the freed up human resources were sent to the army, and some were sent to work for the largest semi-state enterprises, which provided financial support to the state and the ruling National Socialist Party.

The results of these measures were, along with a reduction in the number of small and medium-sized firms, the enlargement of enterprises engaged in the production of military equipment and weapons. Having become the founder of large entrepreneurial firms or tied the latter to itself with guaranteed state orders, the German state considered that thanks to these measures it was able to ensure the necessary volumes of revenues to the state budget and was able to exert a decisive influence on the national market of goods, works and services.

However, the defeat of Germany during the Second World War demonstrated, among other things, the low effectiveness of such nationalization "in the name of the treasury." And the subsequent recovery of the German economy began precisely with the denationalization of business entities.

v most branches of the national economy. The nationalization of business entities can be

and the goal of demonopolizing markets. This is the establishment of state control over monopolies through the compulsory purchase of controlling stakes in their shares by the state.

University series

Nationalization can be carried out in order to improve the manageability of large entrepreneurial firms. The application of this basis for nationalization is most effective when carrying out financial rehabilitation (reorganization) of problem entrepreneurial firms. In the process of voluntary reorganization, it is often envisaged that it is the state budget (or regional, local budgets) that is the main financial donor in favor of the problematic company, and, therefore, it is the state’s possession of this business, its responsibilities and rights, upon completion of the financial restructuring procedure. ...

The practice of state

establishment of firms under the pretext of creating "natural

monopolies ”. These are, for example,

Gazprom, the ORT television channel (First Channel), a number of other large companies with mixed capital and a controlling stake in the hands of the state. Data

that the transformation of profitable (or potentially profitable) business entities into "natural monopolies" controlled by the state will certainly contribute to the prosperity of the national economy, are absent. On the contrary, “natural monopolists” have the opportunity to significantly destabilize the country's economy as a result of limiting clients in the use of resources or overstating the selling prices for resources.

Sometimes one hears that the status of “natural monopolies”, within which state property would dominate, should be given to entire sectors of the Russian economy. For example, calls for the nationalization of all enterprises without exception are not uncommon. military & industrial complex, whose activities significantly affect the level of security of the country.

Such ideas are not based on the experience of development of countries with market economies. The latter indicates that the non-state status of entrepreneurial firms engaged in the production of weapons and military equipment prompts these firms to fight for government orders and is an important factor in the development of this sector of the economy, and, consequently, an important condition for maintaining and strengthening the defense capability of the state. ... Therefore, the idea that the military industrial complex of Russia should consist of state unitary enterprises and mixed companies controlled by government officials, which under no circumstances can be denationalized, are illusory and erroneous.

University series

9.4. Nationalization of non-state entrepreneurial firms

Illusions of "greater controllability" of state-owned enterprises in comparison with non-state business entities sometimes accompany the activities of not only large entrepreneurial firms, but also small manufacturing and innovation companies, as well as entrepreneurs working in the service sector. Often, from the lips of highly placed government officials, one can hear that government hospitals are always supposedly better than private clinics, government educational institutions are better than non-government ones, and government travel companies pay more attention to clients than LLCs or CJSCs working in the tourism business.

The experience of countries with market-oriented economies demonstrates exactly the opposite, especially the experience of the United States, on the territory of which there is not a single state university, not a single state travel company, and the number of public hospitals does not exceed 20% of the total number of subjects in the country on average. business in healthcare.

The nationalization of business entities is often initiated under the influence of the personal interests of individual officials of the state apparatus. The reason for this interest is that none of these officials has the right to

the law to engage in entrepreneurial business in combination with work in government and administration. Therefore, some of them have to find compelling reasons for the nationalization of non-state firms, in the course of which they could acquire informal control over the new state-owned enterprise. In practice, this kind of nationalization means hidden privatization subjects of entrepreneurial business by officials of the state apparatus, skillfully using the tools of state intervention in the national economy.

The most significant reason for nationalization is still real organizational and financial support for problematic subjects of entrepreneurial business working in socially significant areas of business. In this case, the goal of nationalization is to ensure the survival of certain sectors of the national economy that find themselves in a zone of unfavorable development.

This type of nationalization:

is a process of "reassignment" of legal entities, the transfer of controlling stakes in their shares (stakes, units) into state ownership;

University series

Chapter 9. State entrepreneurship

has a compensatory character and is compulsory only in terms of the content of the act itself, but not in the sense of the consequences caused by the violent seizure of property;

carried out only on the basis of the relevant regulations;

is carried out to ensure the functioning of the industry or the entire national economy only in emergency conditions, with the overcoming of which it can be replaced by denationalization (denationalization).

Nationalization of this type is carried out, as a rule, on a reimbursable basis, through the buyout of a troubled firm from its previous owners. The government can reorganize such firms, it can liquidate them, but it can also buy them. In most countries with market-oriented economies, the nationalization of the largest entrepreneurial firms is usually carried out by exchanging the shares of these firms for government securities with a fixed income. In this case, the benefit to the shareholders is that they get the right to generate permanent income, and the state benefits from the opportunity to exert a significant influence on the development of the nationalized enterprise.

Mass nationalization of business entities on a reimbursable basis was observed in the countries of Western Europe, which were members of the anti-Hitler coalition, immediately after the Second World War. In England, for example, nationalization encompassed the electric power industry, coal and gas industries, ferrous metallurgy, as well as internal transport - railways, air, road and river transport. In France, nationalization spread during the specified period not only to the basic sectors of the economy, but also to such manufacturing industries as aircraft and automobile construction. Subsequently, 80% of the nationalized enterprises, after turning them into a profitable business thanks to state subsidies and financial investments, were returned again, also on a reimbursable basis, to their former owners or privatized again ( reprivatized).


Task 1. After studying section 9.1, answer the questions: What is state entrepreneurship in Russia and abroad? What is full and partial state ownership?

University series

Task 2. After studying section 9.2 and the content of situation 1, answer the questions: How do unitary enterprises come about? For what purposes are they created? How are they managed? What are the differences between unitary enterprises on the right to

economic management and on the right of operational management?

Task 3. After studying section 9.3 and the content of situation 2, answer the questions: For what purpose was Russian Railways established? Is JSC Russian Railways a state corporation?

How can the state influence the decisions made by Russian Railways? What is state joint stock entrepreneurship in Russia and abroad?

Task 4. After studying section 9.4, answer the question: What are the reasons for the nationalization of non-state entrepreneurial firms?

1. State entrepreneurship is:

2. The public sector of the economy is:

3. The basis of state entrepreneurship is:

state ownership of the means of production;

4. Full state ownership of the means of production is:

property of joint stock companies;

municipal property;

property of business entities;

federal property;

property of business partnerships.

5. A mixed-capital company assumes:

6. The criteria for the effective functioning of state-owned enterprises include:

a) low risks;

7. The state administration system includes enterprises:

a) private; b) joint stock;

c) budgetary; d) financial.

8. A commercial organization not endowed with ownership of the property assigned to it by the owner is:

a) a commercial enterprise;

b) a unitary enterprise; c) an independent enterprise;

d) a business partnership.

9. State unitary enterprises are established:

a) shareholders; b) full comrades;

c) the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation; d) authorized bodies.

10. State and municipal institutions are:

a) commercial organizations; b) non-profit organizations;

c) privatized enterprises; d) cooperatives.

11. An enterprise created on the basis of federal property is called:

a) joint stock; b) privatized; c) municipal; d) state-owned.

University series

12. The constituent documents of unitary enterprises are:

a) order; b) the charter;

c) memorandum of association; d) regulations.

13. The head of a unitary enterprise is appointed:

a) by the general meeting of founders; b) the owner; c) advisory bodies; d) guardianship authorities.

14. A state corporation in the Russian Federation is recognized as:

a) commercial organization; b) non-profit organization;

c) joint stock company; d) business partnership.

15. Majority shareholders are shareholders who own:

a) one share; b) 50% of shares;

c) a controlling stake.

16. State joint stock entrepreneurship in Russia is represented by:

a) majority shareholders;

18. Departmental enterprises have:

a) legal independence; b) economic independence;

c) structurally included in the state administration system.

19. The Federal Property Agency of the Russian Federation is:

a) a shareholder of budgetary enterprises;

20. Budget enterprises are:

temporary education;

departmental enterprises;

joint stock companies;

limited partnerships;

analogue of unitary enterprises.

21. Budget enterprises:

a) pay taxes;

23. Property of a unitary enterprise:

a) is indivisible;

24. In the form of unitary enterprises ... enterprises can be created:

a) joint stock; b) state; c) municipal; d) offshore.

25. State administration bodies of budgetary enterprises are:

a) ministries; b) the prosecutor's office; c) departments; d) city hall.

26. Russian law prohibits unitary enterprises:

a) do business;

University series

27. State-owned enterprises can carry out:

all types of activities;

permitted activities;

exceptional activities.

28. Unitary enterprises can build activities:

on the right of economic management;

on the customs of business turnover;

on the right of operational management.

29. Unitary enterprise on the right of economic management:

the property is used without the consent of the owner.

30. Unitary enterprise on the basis of operational management:

created by a state or municipal authority;

created only by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation;

the property is used without the consent of the owner;

the use of the property must be agreed with the owner.


Formation of professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms

Variety of professional competencies in entrepreneurial firms

The eternal questions of business: the entrepreneurial mission and the demand for it

Eternal Business Questions: Goal Setting and Achievement in Business

The strategic core of the business of entrepreneurial firms

The tactical core of the business of entrepreneurial firms. Entrepreneurial conjuncture

10.1. Formation of professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms

The professional competencies of individual business entities are the basis of the professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms. The terms “professional competence of firms” and “core competence of firms” are used by many English-speaking authors1. At the same time, the reader is often confronted with completely different definitions of them. In the "Course of Professional Entrepreneurship" under professional competence of an entrepreneurial company(institutional entity of entrepreneurial business) is understood as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that are used by firms in the process of professional activity in selected types of business, provide the necessary level of its competitiveness.

Entrepreneurial firms are created to develop new institutional professional competencies. The professional competencies of entrepreneurial firms are the competitive features of these firms, and their high level is one of their key competitive advantages, a tool for creating and strengthening other competitive advantages of these firms. Therefore, the creation of a company means institutionalization of professional competences of entrepreneurs.

1 See, for example: E. Campbell. Development of core skills // E. Campbell, K. Lachs. Strategic synergy. 2nd ed. SPb .: Peter, 2004.S. 263-288; Hamel G., Praha & Lad K., Thomas G., O'Neill D. Strategic flexibility. SPb .: Peter, 2005.S. 281-356; Hu & Lei G., Saunders D., Pearcey N. Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning. Dnepropetrovsk: Balance Business Books, 2005.S. 188-189.

University series

By ownership of capital and, accordingly, by control over the enterprise, national, foreign and joint (mixed) enterprises are distinguished.

National enterprise- an enterprise whose capital belongs to the entrepreneurs of their country. Nationality is also determined by the location and registration of the parent company.

Foreign company- an enterprise, the capital of which belongs to foreign entrepreneurs, fully or in a certain part, ensuring their control.

Foreign enterprises are formed either by creating joint stock company or by buying up controlling stakes in local firms, leading to foreign control. The latter method has become the most widespread in modern conditions, since it allows using the existing apparatus, communications, clientele and market knowledge by local firms.

Mixed enterprises- enterprises, the capital of which belongs to entrepreneurs of two or more countries. Registration of a mixed enterprise is carried out in the country of one of the founders on the basis of the legislation in force in it, which determines the location of its headquarters... Mixed enterprises are one of the varieties of the international interweaving of capital. Mixed ventures are called joint ventures when the purpose of their establishment is joint entrepreneurial activity ... The forms of companies with mixed capital are very diverse. Most often, international associations are created in the form of mixed companies: cartels, syndicates, trusts, concerns.

Multinational enterprises- enterprises whose capital belongs to entrepreneurs of several countries are called multinational. Multinational companies are formed by merging the assets of the merging firms different countries and issuing shares of the newly formed company. Other forms of formation of mixed-capital companies are: exchange of shares between firms that retain legal independence; creation of joint companies, share capital owned by the founders on an equal footing or distributed in certain proportions, established by law country of registration; acquisition foreign company a share of a block of shares in a national firm that does not give it control rights.

In modern conditions, the largest industrial firms are focusing on the creation of joint manufacturing enterprises, as well as enterprises for the implementation of scientific and technical cooperation, including for the joint use of patents and licenses, as well as the implementation of agreements on cooperation and specialization of production. Especially numerous joint ventures in new and rapidly growing industries requiring huge one-time investments, - in oil refining, petrochemistry, chemical industry, the production of plastics, synthetic rubber, aluminum, in nuclear power... Joint ventures are also created as temporary associations for the implementation of large contracts for the construction of ports, dams, pipelines, irrigation and transport facilities, power plants, railways etc.

By ownership of capital and, accordingly, by control over the enterprise, national, foreign and joint (mixed) enterprises are distinguished.

National enterprise- an enterprise whose capital belongs to the entrepreneurs of their country. Nationality is also determined by the location and registration of the parent company.

Foreign company- an enterprise, the capital of which belongs to foreign entrepreneurs, fully or in a certain part, ensuring their control.

Foreign enterprises are formed either through the creation of a joint stock company or through the purchase of controlling stakes in local firms, leading to the emergence of foreign control. The latter method has become the most widespread in modern conditions, since it allows using the existing apparatus, communications, clientele and market knowledge by local firms.

Mixed enterprises- enterprises, the capital of which belongs to entrepreneurs of two or more countries. Registration of a mixed enterprise is carried out in the country of one of the founders on the basis of the legislation in force in it, which determines the location of its headquarters. Mixed enterprises are one of the varieties of the international interweaving of capital. Mixed ventures are called joint ventures when the purpose of their establishment is joint business activities... The forms of companies with mixed capital are very diverse. Most often, international associations are created in the form of mixed companies: cartels, syndicates, trusts, concerns.

Multinational enterprises- enterprises whose capital belongs to entrepreneurs of several countries are called multinational. Multinational companies are formed by the amalgamation of the assets of the merging firms of different countries and the issue of shares in the newly formed company. Other forms of formation of mixed-capital companies are: exchange of shares between firms that retain legal independence; creation of joint companies, the share capital of which belongs to the founders on a parity basis or is distributed in certain proportions established by the legislation of the country of registration; the acquisition by a foreign company of a stake in a national firm that does not give it the right to control.

In modern conditions, the largest industrial firms are focusing on the creation of joint production enterprises, as well as enterprises for scientific and technical cooperation, including for the joint use of patents and licenses, as well as the implementation of agreements on cooperation and specialization of production. Especially numerous joint ventures in new and rapidly growing industries requiring huge one-time investments, - in oil refining, petrochemistry, chemical industry, production of plastics, synthetic rubber, aluminum, in nuclear power. Joint ventures are also created as temporary associations to fulfill large contracts for the construction of ports, dams, pipelines, irrigation and transport facilities, power plants, railways, etc.

Organization goals

Complex organizations, as a rule, have not one goal, but a set of interrelated goals, the implementation of which is ensured as a result of the interaction of various parts of the organization.

The key, inherent in any really operating organization, the goal is its own reproduction... If the organization has lost the goal of self-reproduction or deliberately suppressed, then it can cease to exist. An organization that does not have an internal orientation towards survival can only survive under the influence of sufficiently powerful external forces... But in this case, much more effort will be required to reproduce.

  1. Description of the "planning" function.

Planning is focused.

· Planning is done to achieve the desired business goal.

· The creation of goals must be universally recognized, otherwise individual efforts and energy will go away incorrectly and erroneously.

· Planning identifies actions that will lead to a desired goal quickly and economically.

· It provides a sense of direction in different types activities. For example, Maruti Udhyog is trying to re-take the lead in the Indian car market by launching diesel models.

Planning looks ahead.


· It must look into the future, analyzing and predicting it.

· Thus, forecasting is the basis for planning.

· The plan is a synthesis of forecasts.

· It is a mental predisposition to things that will happen in the future.

Planning is an intelligent process.

· Planning is a mental study involving creative thinking, common sense and imagination.

· This is not just guesswork, it is a spinning of thinking.

· A manager can only prepare sound plans if he has common sense, foresight and imagination.

· Planning is always based on goals and facts.

Planning involves choice and decision making.

· Planning essentially involves choosing between different alternatives.

· Therefore, if there is only one possible course of action, there is no need for planning because there is no choice.

· Thus, decision making is an integral part of planning.

· The manager is surrounded by alternative solutions, but he must choose the best depending on the requirements and resources of the enterprises.

Planning is the main management function.

· Planning lays the foundation for other management functions.

· It serves as a guide for the organization, staffing table, management and control.

· All management functions are carried out within the framework of the laid out plans.

· Therefore, planning is the main management function.

Planning is an ongoing process.

· Planning is an endless function due to a dynamic business environment.

· Planning is prepared for a specific period, during the period and at the end of this period, plans are revaluated and revised to reflect new requirements and changing conditions.

· Planning never comes at the end of a certain enterprise, since there are many issues and problems during this enterprise and they must be resolved through effective planning.

Planning is pervasive.

· This is necessary at all levels of management and in all divisions of the enterprise.

· Of course, the amount of planning can differ from one level to the next.

· The upper tier may be more concerned with planning the organization as a whole, while the middle tier may be more specific in departmental plans and the lower tier with the same plans.

Planning is for efficiency.

· Planning leads to accompishment goals at minimal cost.

· This avoids wasteful use of resources and ensures adequate and optimal use of resources.

· A plan is worthless or even useless if he does not appreciate the costs incurred in putting it together.

· Therefore, planning should lead to savings in time, effort and money.

· Planning leads to the correct use of people, money, materials and machines.

Scheduling is flexible.

· Planning is for the future.

· Since the future is unpredictable, planning must provide enough room to cope with changes in customer demand, competition, government, policy, etc.

· In changed circumstances, the original action plan must be revised and updated to continually make it more practical.

  1. Choosing a strategy.

The choice of the firm's strategy is carried out by management based on the analysis of key factors characterizing the state of the firm, taking into account the results of the analysis of the product portfolio, as well as the nature and essence of the strategies being implemented.

The main key factors which first of all should be taken into account when choosing a strategy are the following.

Industry strengths and strengths firms can often play a decisive role in choosing a firm's growth strategy. Leading, strong firms should strive to maximize and reinforce the opportunities offered by their leadership position. At the same time, it is important to look for opportunities for business deployment in industries that are new to the firm and have great makings for growth. Leading firms, depending on the state of the industry, must choose different growth strategies. So, for example, if the industry is heading towards decline, then you should rely on diversification strategies, but if the industry is developing rapidly, then the choice of a growth strategy should fall on the strategy concentrated growth or an integrated growth strategy.

Weak firms must behave differently. They should choose strategies that can increase their strength. If there are no such strategies, then they should leave the industry. For example, if attempts to gain strength in a fast-growing industry through concentrated growth strategies do not lead to the desired state, the firm must implement one of the downsizing strategies.

A. Thompson and A. Strickland proposed the following matrix for choosing a strategy depending on the dynamics of market growth for products (equivalent to industry growth) and the competitive position of the firm (Fig. 5.1).

Firm's goals give uniqueness and originality to the choice of strategy in relation to each specific company. The goals reflect what the firm is striving for. If, for example, the goals do not imply intensive growth of the firm, then the appropriate growth strategies cannot be chosen, even though there are all the prerequisites for this both in the market, in the industry, and in the potential of the firm.

Slow market growth

Note: The strategies are written in the possible order of preference.

Rice. 5.1. Thompson and Strickland Matrix

Interests and attitudes of senior management play a very important role in the choice of the development strategy of the company. Management may like to take risks, or, on the contrary, seek to avoid risk in any way. And this attitude can be decisive in choosing a development strategy. Personal likes or dislikes on the part of leaders can also greatly influence the choice of strategy.

Financial resources of the company also have a significant impact on the choice of strategy. Any changes in the behavior of a firm, such as entering new markets, developing a new product, and moving to a new industry, require large financial costs.

Qualification of workers, as well as financial resources, is a strong limiting factor when choosing a strategy for the development of a firm. Without sufficiently complete information about the qualification potential, the management cannot make the right choice of the firm's strategy.

Obligations of the firm according to the previous strategies, they create a certain inertia in the development of the company. It is impossible to completely abandon all previous commitments in connection with the transition to new strategies. Therefore, when choosing new strategies, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for some time the obligations of previous years will be in force, which, accordingly, will restrain or adjust the possibilities of implementing new strategies.

  1. Management principles (A. Fayol).

Management concept


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