San glucosamine chondroitin msm. For joints SAN Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. Treatment of all diseases

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Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM from SAN

Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM SAN is an effective supplement not only for the treatment of diseases of the joints and ligaments, but also for the prevention and prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Systematic exercise with weights or regular repetition of the same movements very often lead to wear and tear of joints and cartilage. This is a common problem for athletes of all skill levels. As a result of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, the training process is limited or completely stopped until motor functions are restored. The composition of Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM is carefully selected and contains only the most necessary and effective components.

Main components of Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM SAN:

  • Glucosamine is considered an important ingredient in connective tissue. Even a slight lack of glucosamine in the body can cause degenerative diseases in the joints. This substance is actively produced in the body, but after 35 years its production steadily declines. The main task of glucosamine is to restore damaged connective tissue and cartilage, which prevents various injuries.
  • Chondroitin is a powerful chondroprotective substance, which is also responsible for the elasticity of joints and ligaments. It is a high molecular weight polysaccharide and takes part in the production of chondrotin-sulfuric acid, which in turn promotes the accumulation of calcium in bone tissue.
  • Methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM) is an indispensable remedy for inflammatory processes in joints and ligaments. It effectively eliminates pain and relieves inflammation in joints and ligaments.
    These three components play a major role in the treatment and prevention of injuries and sprains of the musculoskeletal system. The effectiveness of the Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM SAN supplement has been proven both in a number of clinical studies and in thousands of reviews from real athletes for whom Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM helped recover from injuries.

This supplement is suitable for absolutely everyone, no matter what sport you do. It has no contraindications or side effects, and its safety has been proven international certificates quality. You can buy Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM in the online store sports nutrition Sportsfood.

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The complex helps strengthen joints and ligaments through special nutrients that have been proven to activate the anti-inflammatory defense mechanism in our body. Every three tablets of SAN Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM contain a clinically proven dose of glucosamine (1500 mg), chondroitin (1200 mg) and methylsulfonylmethane (1200 mg).

  • Supports healthy joints and bones;
  • Reduces the manifestations of inflammatory processes;
  • Maintains acid-base balance;
  • Contains clinically proven servings of essential ingredients;
  • Received HPLC certificate.

This complex is aimed at maintaining the optimal functioning of joints and bones, since the quality of our life, in particular our physical activity, depends on their health. In order for all processes in our musculoskeletal system to proceed at five plus levels, we must ensure that the body receives nutrients, on which the health of the joint system, which, in fact, bears the main load, depends. As part of the SAN Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM complex, this role is played by glucosamine, chondroitin and methylsulfonylmethane, which together help support healthy joints and bone tissue

Methylsulfonylmethane has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces acidity in the body. In addition, this substance is important for maintaining the acid-base balance and is an activator of thiamine, vitamin C, biotin and pantothenic acid.

Glucosamine is a natural component of the cartilage tissue of joints and a component of chondroitin, and is also part of the synovial fluid. It stimulates the formation and restoration of articular cartilage, as it promotes the production of glucosamine glucans, which are involved in the restoration of cartilage tissue. Thus, glucosamine acts as a stimulator of repair processes in damaged cartilage. Moreover, it affects the metabolism in cartilage tissue, thereby preventing its decomposition. Glucosamine also has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, its ability to relieve pain is explained primarily by the fact that it restores damaged joints, which cause pain. Moreover, glucosamine causes cartilage tissue to better absorb liquid, which promotes a more active flow of nutrients and softens the cartilage tissue.

Chondroitin, a necessary building element of which is glucosamine, also takes an active part in ensuring the strength of cartilage and bone tissue. It promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue and the restoration of cartilage cells, namely chondroocytes. By inhibiting the activity of enzymes that lead to the onset of degenerative processes, chondroitin stimulates restoration and metabolic processes. In addition, it helps strengthen bone tissue by reducing calcium loss. It has been proven that chondroitin increases the production of joint synovial fluid, which is of great importance for the protection of bones and joints, since it acts as an intra-articular lubricant, preventing friction on the surface of the joints, increasing their mobility and providing them with nutrition.

It is a pity that many people, believing in advertising, throw away money to purchase another gel at the pharmacy to eliminate pain in joints and ligaments. Trying to buy the best pain reliever, few people resort to full treatment. But in the 21st century there are no problems with this. There are special drugs that can restore the full functioning of ligaments and joints, as evidenced by thousands of reviews. Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM is the full name of the product that will be discussed in this article.

Medical point of view

Several factors lead to joint pain, including physical damage or wear and tear. After all, as you know, any composition consists of cartilage, joint fluid and tissue. For these purposes, the body has processes that synthesize special substances that ensure the functioning of joints and ligaments.

  1. Glucosamine. Corrector of cartilage and bone metabolism. Part of the joint fluid.
  2. Chondroitin. A component of cartilage from the joint fluid. Able to accumulate calcium and strengthens connective tissues of the joint.
  3. Methylsulfonium methane (MSM). The organosulfur compound is involved in the metabolism of cartilage tissue. Participates in cell renewal and preservation of muscles and tissues from damage.

Not only physical activity, but also age leads to the fact that the components that regulate the functionality of joints and cartilage begin to be produced by the body in smaller proportions. This is the first step towards purchasing drugs for treatment. So that people do not look for components separately, many pharmaceutical companies have created a complex medicine that only has positive reviews- Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM.

"Tasting" in sports

In our country, professional athletes - athletes and fighters from all contact sports - were the first to learn about the complex drug. The recommendations of the last century for treating injuries with all sorts of ointments have become obsolete, people are actively searching for life-saving medicines. Ultimate Nutrition Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM was the first drug that gave positive results in treatment. The product is presented in the form of tablets or capsules, which, in addition to the main components, contain ingredients involved in the metabolism of cartilage joints, components to enhance the effect of the drug and taste sweeteners. The initial purpose of the medication, which in our country is sold as a dietary supplement (BAA), is to eliminate pain in the joints and back. It is also recommended to use to relieve inflammatory processes occurring in the knee joints.

Dietary supplement or medicine?

All over the world it is generally accepted that dietary supplements are a placebo. And there is no benefit to the body in this. It is not clear for what reasons in the post-Soviet space, all sports nutrition including protein, vitamins and amino acids are classified as “dietary supplements”. This also applies to Ultimate Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM, reviews of which mostly speak of it as medical product highly effective than placebo. In any case, trust begins with the brand. A world-famous sports nutrition manufacturer will not produce a product that does not work, because this way it will lose consumers. Advertising in the media is always questioned, you can’t argue with that. But reviews from people who have tried the drug themselves have enormous power and influence. You can check the veracity of a review in different ways. One of them is to search for the author in in social networks followed by communication through correspondence. The second way would be to purchase, because the price of 1000 rubles is not the amount for which it is worth saving on your own health.

Unprofitable competitor

Around the dietary supplement Ultimate Nutrition Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM, which was the first to appear on our market, controversy regarding the effectiveness of the treatment continues to persist. First of all, the dosage is questioned, which is five times higher than recommended for use in pharmaceutical preparations. So, one serving contains 1.5 grams of glucosamine and 1.2 g of chondroitin with MSM. In other cases, the complex consumption of three components at once is questioned. After all, pharmaceutical drugs offer all components for sale separately. In such situations, only one conclusion suggests itself - for someone it is unprofitable to have a competitor on the market who offers the same product, but at a much lower price. Take for example the pharmaceutical drug "Solgar" (Extra Strength Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM 60 tab), reviews of which can be found on any medical resource. Grateful patients got rid of joint pain and But if you compare the composition of servings of both products, it turns out that their composition and dosage are identical. The only difference is the price - Solgar costs about 3,000 rubles, and Ultimate is three times cheaper!

Questions for the market leader

Even from the happiest customers Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM Ultimate Nutrition reviews positive qualities the drug ends with several questions to the manufacturer regarding the discomfort of taking the miracle drug. Firstly, the tablets are huge, and not everyone can swallow them the first time. Naturally, during the reception the person experiences discomfort. And considering that the daily dosage consists of three giant tablets, there is a great desire to stop treatment. The second question concerns recommendations for use. Apart from instructions about taking three capsules daily, nothing is said about the duration of treatment. It’s quite difficult to guess for yourself, because the manufacturer presented packages of 30, 60 and 90 capsules on the market. On the official website of the manufacturer, in addition to advertising posts, find detailed information the course of treatment will not be possible, so patients have to solve this problem themselves. As a result, people who leave numerous reviews recommend taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM for at least one month.

Treatment of all diseases

It's funny that the product Maxler Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM, reviews of which can be found in the media, is positioned not only as a product intended to eliminate joint pain. The drug, according to the manufacturer, can improve the condition of the walls of the bronchi and eliminate the disorder digestive system, enhance the regeneration of muscle fibers and improve the lives of many patients suffering from spinal diseases. This is not to mention the minor “side” effects of the drug that can improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

The composition of this drug, unique in its actions, is interesting. Glucosamine - 1.5 g, chondroitin and MSM 1.2 grams each in one serving, which consists of three tablets. Almost no different from its cheaper competitor Ultimate. As one famous athlete said popular publication among athletes: “For every buyer there is always the necessary product in the right place price category, and no one needs the truth of pricing.”

Good offer

The buyer may be interested in the product Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM SAN, the reviews of which are quite good. A serious manufacturer in the field of professional sports nutrition can rightfully be considered a competitor, because at a price of 700 rubles there are no analogues. SAN technologists did not invent their own dosage, trusting the Ultimate company. This also affected the price - it is the same as that of the competitor. What then is the buyer's interest? Firstly, sports nutrition from SAN, along with high quality, has a competitive price that attracts athletes. Naturally, attachment to one brand will force the buyer to purchase goods from the same manufacturer. Secondly, unlike Ultimate Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM, SAN provides customers with the option of purchasing a pack of 180 capsules. Naturally, the cost of one serving is reduced, which allows the athlete to save considerable money.

Low cost solution

In Russian pharmacies you can find a drug called “Doctor Best” at a price of 2400-2800 rubles per jar. Its cost, naturally, is higher compared to its competitor Ultimate Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM. The reviews are mostly negative. Indeed, in addition to the main function - the treatment of joints and cartilage, the manufacturer decided to expand the list of capabilities of the drug, making it “manna from heaven”.

  1. Improves blood circulation and reduces cholesterol.
  2. Removing toxins and lactic acid from cells and introducing minerals and vitamins.
  3. Treatment of varicose veins and heart defects.

This is just the beginning of a huge list of human diseases that a miracle drug can treat. Naturally, the price for such a drug is several times higher than that of competitors. There are a lot of questions for this manufacturer, which are unlikely to ever be answered by the users who asked them.

Collagen hydrolyzate

But collagen, which was looked at askance just a few years ago, has gained enormous popularity among athletes. In fact, it is a protein that is found in human connective tissue, or more precisely, in cartilage, joints and bones. In its own way, collagen hydrolyzate is a building material. And if the product Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM Ultimate Nutrition, reviews of which are in no way in doubt, provides an increase in synthesis to create a building material with which a ligament, cartilage or tendon will be restored, then collagen, like construction material, V finished form enters the body. Being absorbed by 95-98%, it reaches those organs where the need is felt, almost unchanged. Judging by chemical composition, collagen hydrolyzate is 90% protein, but in no case can it replace protein - these proteins are not comparable. Numerous reviews of patients who were prescribed 10 grams of collagen per day after surgery indicate the complete elimination of scars on the human body after one month of use.

Touching on the topic of gelatin

Advertising is the engine of progress, but most people’s purchases are driven by reviews. Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM are no exception. After all, having entered our market at the beginning of the century, it became popular precisely because of the numerous reviews of people who were cured of ailments. It is in demand not only among athletes, but also among many people suffering from pain in the knee and elbow joints.

Along with taking medications, traditional medicine is widely known, which keeps up with the times. Thus, many traditional healers recommend using 10 grams of gelatin dissolved in water on an empty stomach. In many sports publications, such a solution is positioned with a placebo, but there is an opinion that this is being done at the behest of sports nutrition manufacturers. After all, many reviews of people who have solved their joint problems with the help of gelatin say the opposite.


Anyway to the final consumer decide what to give preference to - gelatin, collagen or preparations based on Glucosamine & Chondroitin & MSM. Reviews when choosing are only a target indicator, and the decision always remains with the person. In addition to numerous reviews, there is historical information, expert opinions, analyzes and scientific works. Anyone can find useful information and draw the desired conclusion. In addition, we must not forget that our bodies are not the same. Everyone has their own metabolism and tolerance to foods.

Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM is a supplement to support bone and joint health, prevent injury and speed recovery. Manufactured by renowned American company SAN Nutrition.

Key Product Features

  • Supports healthy bone tissue and joints;
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Contains adjusted proportions of active components.
  • Has the necessary certificates.

Benefits of SAN Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM for ligaments and joints

Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM from SAN Nutrition contains three main components (as the name implies). And here are the beneficial effects they have.

  1. Glucosamine is a natural component of cartilage and is found in synovial fluid. Stimulates the formation and regeneration of cartilage tissue.
  2. Chondroitin is a large gel-forming molecule similar in functional properties for glucosamine. Helps strengthen bone tissue. Increases the production of synovial fluid.
  3. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) has anti-inflammatory effects. Important for normal acid-base balance.

How to use SAN Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM

Take 3 tablets of the supplement daily with meals.


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