International certification of HR-specialists. CIPD - qualifications for managers and specialists in the field of personnel management (HR) International certificate hr

About the program

CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development) is the world-renowned and largest professional organization for professionals in the field of HR and training and development. It has over 135,000 members. The goal of the CIPD is to ensure the sustainability of the organization through its people, and to foster strategic thinking and best practices in the HR profession.

CIPD not only provides courses for the HR director, but also promotes new methods of HR management and shows what an HR professional should look like, know, do and deliver to the business.

CIPD provides HR and L&D managers with professional competence and worldwide recognition, provides enhanced career prospects and access to the rich experience of colleagues from the global HR community.

Each year, over 13,000 students attend CIPD programs to expand their knowledge of the latest best practices and research on HR best practices.

Program Structure

Why PwC Academy

  • PwC - network consulting companies providing HR services for businesses. Our training is also business oriented. Unlike educational institutions with an academic approach, we know exactly what businesses need today and what they will need tomorrow. As the official representative of CIPD in Russia, the PwC Academy includes in its program the most up-to-date practical tools tested by PwC specialists on HR projects in Russian and foreign companies.
  • The Academy annually trains more than 4,000 specialists in different directions, including personnel management. Our teachers are leading consultants in the field of HR, with practical experience CIPD-certified papers with practical skills in teaching and interpersonal communication.

The target audience

HR Directors, HR Business Partners, HR Managers, Compensation and Benefits Specialists, Recruitment Specialists, HR Administration Specialists, Talent Managers, Training and Development Managers, Heads of Corporate Universities, Academies and training centers, business coaches

What listeners get

    Value for the employer
    Everything more companies are integrated into the international environment, where HR technologies operate, which are not familiar to many Russian companies. You can be sure that the CIPD qualification will raise your professional status in the eyes of the employer, as it will allow you to solve HR tasks that involve entire teams of consultants.

    Value for you
    You will learn to look at the work of HR with a glance strategic partner you can talk to CEO, shareholders and top managers in the same language, influence company decision making, confidently defend your position with business arguments, and transform from a cost center into a strategic partner and advisor to management and employees.

  • Access to unique knowledge
    Today, over 135,000 HR and L&D professionals are members of the CIPD. A unique database of cases from program participants around the world, a large number of materials, studies, articles that you get access to by becoming a member of CIPD will allow you to be “on the cutting edge” of knowledge, quickly find the answer to any question, and keep abreast of the latest HR trends .
  • Status
    The CIPD diploma is recognized all over the world. Even if you decide to work in another country, CIPD will always be a mark of quality that sets you apart from the HR community and provides you with status. The signature "Associate CIPD" after the last name will add respect and recognition in the eyes of partners and colleagues.

When reviewing requirements for human resource management jobs it soon becomes evident that HR certification is quickly moving from being preferred to being required. This is a telltale sign that organizations, whether in the for-profit or non-profit sector, are viewing professional certification with an increasing level of respect.

In fact, HR certification is now seen as a fundamental addition to any HR professional’s resume, particularly as today’s professionals in human resource management face complex challenges such as a lack of qualified talent and the globalization of business.



The HR Certification Institute commissioned in independent research company to conduct a study (2010) that detailed the value of professional certification in human resources. The study revealed that:

  • Professional certification is the second most valued credential after graduate degrees
  • Perceptions of professional certification are far more positive than those of management certificate programs
  • Professional certification is seen as the best opportunity for professionals looking to continue their education
  • Professional certification is considered a highly valued and quality-based credential by HR professionals
  • Professional certification is viewed by employers as an opportunity to advance the positioning and growth of the organization
  • Professional certification was the only type of credential that employers showed a “high willingness” to pay for

Understanding the Value of Professional Certification in Human Resources

Professional certification is generally identified as an exam-based credential that requires work experience and educational eligibility. Certifying bodies generally supply students with exam prep material that is created using a professionally developed and validated knowledge base.

Recertification requires the completion of professional development courses and experience in the field. Recertification is viewed as valuable among human resources professionals and employers, as it:

  • Keeps the HR professional's knowledge current
  • Continues education
  • sharpens skills
  • Keep certification relevant and valid

The HR Certification Institute’s survey found that the vast majority of HR professionals (96 percent) believed that professional certification is important.

The survey also found that for U.S. human resources employers, professional certification in HR:

  • Demonstrates an employee's commitment to the HR profession
  • Adds validity and credibility to the HR department
  • Assures that the employee possesses current and up-to-date knowledge
  • Provides opportunities for development

U.S. employees, according to the survey, cite the following advantages of professional certification:

  • Being seen as more valuable to the company
  • Having an advantage when applying for a new job
  • Being able to demonstrate their commitment and understanding of the HR profession
  • Being able to show their dedicated to continuing their education

Employees named the following as personal benefits for professional certification:

  • To increase my knowledge: 55 percent
  • To strengthen my resume: 58 percent
  • To ensure that my HR knowledge is up to date: 57 percent
  • To demonstrate my commitment to HR: 51 percent
  • To increase my confidence in my ability to do my job: 36 percent
  • To demonstrate my commitment to lifelong learning /development: 39 percent

Employers named the following as benefits for professional certification to the organization:

  • It increases the employee's knowledge: 77 percent
  • It ensures the employee’s HR knowledge is up to date: 72 percent
  • It demonstrates the employee's commitment to HR: 68 percent
  • It demonstrates the employee's commitment to learning: 61 percent
  • It's good for the reputation of the organization: 55 percent

About the program

International Qualification Certificate in Management human resources Accredited institute of personnel management and personnel development(CIPD) is an ideal platform for further career development in the field of personnel management. At the end of the training, you will have a broader perspective on the organizational issues facing the HR function. You will learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of HR models and practices, develop skills in business planning, analysis and problem solving.

This international qualification aims to develop an entrepreneurial approach in HR professionals. Its task is to redirect them from the narrow practical activities within the HR function to activities directly related to the organization's business.

You need a CHRM qualification if you currently:

  • work in the field of personnel management, performing management functions (i.e. managing projects or people),
  • want to deepen your knowledge and develop the skills necessary for career development,
  • enlist international recognition and trust

The ideal candidate will be responsible for implementing HR policy and strategy, who needs to understand the role of the HR function within the broader context of the organization and environment who seeks to learn, study, discuss, share experience and knowledge and grow further as a professional.

Program learning outcomes

As a result of the program, you:

  • understand how to become an effective and efficient HR professional capable of self-management, active participation and collaboration in working groups and senior management teams,
  • learn how to effectively manage the recruitment and selection, reduction and dismissal of staff, taking into account legislation and best practices,
  • understand the economic aspects of the philosophy of total remuneration and the use of remuneration data,
  • learn to identify and carefully check the necessary data sources for conducting research on personnel management,
  • learn how to do the basics personnel planning, get to know the maximum effective ways employee retention,
  • learn to draw meaningful conclusions and evaluate options for necessary changes, as well as present them to the Board,
  • learn about the most important trends in the labor market and their implications for various kinds organizations, taking into account the characteristics of different countries.
  • learn about different approaches to the development of leaders and managers;
  • get a bank of assessment tools (HOGAN, SDI, DISC etc) and learn how to use them for staff development.

This qualification also provides the knowledge necessary to become a member in the future. professional organization(certified member of the Institute of Chartered Personnel Management and Development - MCIPD).

What is included in the price

  • A set of training materials developed by CIPD specialists;
    • a package of materials for seminars on each section;
    • tutorial"CIPD Flexible Learning" for each section for self-study;
    • a study guide that covers the basic sections of the course;
  • Individual access to the Virtual Learning Environment, which allows you to submit completed assignments online, as well as receive assessments and feedback from a Personal Tutor;
  • Access to the CIPD and EBSCO online libraries and a range of related resources on the CIPD website, including additional reading material, podcasts and reference publications
  • Additional training materials developed by PwC Academy specialists;
  • Lunches and coffee breaks;
  • Full support from teachers.

Discounts: when registering 2 participants from the company, a 5% discount, when registering 3 or more participants, a 10% discount.

Language: study materials are provided at English language. Classes are held in Russian. Intermediate control of knowledge is carried out in English.

Introduction to the course. (Webinar, 90 minutes).
Module I Personnel management system. Professional competencies and skills. (1 day)

Module II. Personnel management strategy. Change management and corporate culture. (2 days)

Module III. Analytics and databases in HR. (2 days)

Module IV. Management of the reward system. (2 days)

Module V Recruitment and talent management. (2 days)

Module VI. Assessment tools in the development of leadership and management skills. (2 days)

Schedule and prices

Flow Class dates Information Price
CHRM group spring 2020
  • Module 1:
  • Module 2:
  • Module 3:
  • Module 4:
  • Module 5:
  • Module 6:

  • ?Price:
    Flow CHRM group spring 2020
    Class dates March 20, April 17-18, May 22-23, June 26-27, July 31-August 1, September 11-12
  • Module 1: Introduction to the course. Development of HR professional skills - March 20, 2020
  • Module 2: Business Aspects in Human Resources - April 17-18, 2020
  • Module 3: Use of information in HR - May 22-23, 2020
  • Module 4: Staff Compensation - June 26-27, 2020
  • Module 5: Recruitment and development personnel reserve- July 31 - August 1, 2020
  • Module 6: Assessment tools in the development of leadership and management skills - September 11-12, 2020

  • The cost of the course is 4400 pounds sterling.
  • Price ?Price:

    SOFIA DANILKINA, Chairman of the VKK - the National Union of Personnel Officers

    The National Union of Personnel Officers announced the start of voluntary certification in the field of personnel management. Most HR professionals will probably be interested in this information. Please tell us more about the certification system and the idea of ​​its implementation.

    I am pleased to announce that now it will finally be possible for Russian personnel officers to obtain the status of a certified specialist, which in any professional field is a factor that increases the value and authority of a representative of the profession.

    The voluntary certification system was developed by the National Union of Personnel Officers - an all-Russian association of specialists in the field of personnel management, which has been operating for 7 years and represents our country in the European HR Association. The certification came into force on July 1, 2009. This is a significant event. And I mean not just the appearance of a certificate of a national professional organization, which serves as a recognition and guarantee of a high level of specialists.

    It is important that by creating the certification system itself, we have made a colossal leap forward in the professionalization of Russian personnel management. Among the main tasks of any professional organization is to create conditions for strengthening the authority of the profession and the formation of a positive attitude towards it in society and the business environment and to ensure a high level of training of specialists. From the very foundation of the Union, we have been moving in this direction and we are well aware that only active actions and only the common efforts of all Russian personnel officers will lead us to our goals.

    Our work involves not only members of the NSC, of ​​which there are now more than 8,000 throughout the country, there are many more specialists who support the work of the Union. The personnel officers themselves took the initiative to develop the Standards professional activity in the field of personnel management, which were approved in 2007 and became the first step towards the creation of a certification system. The standards were designed to solve such problems, in particular, as the lack of criteria for assessing the qualifications of HR specialists and the isolation of professional education from practice.

    Thousands of specialists took part in the preparation of standards, in research projects, in their discussion at different stages. At the same time, the NSC acted as a coordinator of actions, consolidated forces for the implementation of all important undertakings of the professional community. Working on the standards, for the first time we compiled a systematic description of the profession, identified and recorded areas of activity, skill levels, a complex necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Then a mechanism was needed to determine compliance with the specified requirements and a document that would be a clear confirmation of a certain professional level of a specialist. The foundation had already been laid. Based on it, we were able to begin the formation of a system and procedures for assessment and certification, which became a logical continuation of the work begun.

    We actively cooperate with foreign personnel associations, where certification systems are well established and have been operating for a long time. For HR associations in most countries, this is a normal practice of confirming the level of representatives of the profession. The introduction of a certification system for us is one of the ways to show not only to Russian employers, but also to the whole world that we are not inferior in professionalism to Western colleagues. The bar set by us when developing the certification system is quite high, but we are confident that Russian specialists fully comply with it, and the certificates received will confirm this.

    To whom will certificates be issued? Is membership in the NSC required to receive them? Will the experience of the specialist, the direction of his work, the level of the position be taken into account?

    Not only members of the Union can receive certificates, but every specialist who wants to confirm their knowledge and experience in the field of HR management with a document from an authoritative professional organization. There are several certificates. In accordance with the Standards of professional activity adopted by the members of the NSC, there is a level gradation in the certification system. The first step is the operational level. On it, certificates differ in specializations: personnel office work or personnel management. At the next, tactical level, a certificate in personnel management is issued.

    Certification according to the highest level of standards - strategic - has not yet been carried out. But she is in the plans. The principles of its construction and implementation will differ significantly, and preparations are already underway. The specialist himself chooses for himself the level for which he claims. There is only one condition. If applicants for an operational-level certificate suffice with secondary specialized or vocational education, then at the tactical level, at least three years of experience in personnel management is also required. At the same time, regardless of the experience, diplomas, certificates of advanced training, in order to obtain a professional certificate, you need to successfully pass the certification exam.

    What is a certification exam?

    It was important for us to make the certification system democratic and the possibility of passing certification tests affordable. These principles can be fully observed by organizing an exam in the format of computer testing. Such a system will allow conducting examinations centrally, according to a single scheme with a common assessment procedure in all regions of Russia. Specialists from different parts of the country who want to get certified will not have to go, for example, to Moscow. Testing can be taken in your city, in a classroom specially equipped with computers, online. Data on the results will be transferred to the Certification Center, where they are recorded and processed.

    The developers of the certification system have formed a base in which more than 300 thousand control and test tasks that test the general and special professional knowledge, skills and abilities of a candidate for a certificate. For each, a unique test version is compiled - a set of tasks is generated by random sampling from a database of nine thematic blocks: organizational development, legislation, personnel records management and personnel records, internal communications, selection and adaptation of personnel, training and development, personnel assessment, motivation and stimulation, organization and remuneration.

    The degree of difficulty of the questions is determined by the level declared by the candidate. The system takes into account the difference in the requirements for the amount of knowledge at each level and, based on this, evaluates the answers. According to the points received for each answer, in accordance with the given algorithm, the final result is issued - whether the test was passed successfully or not. If the result is negative, the candidate is given the opportunity, having prepared, to take the certification exam again. There is no limit on the number of attempts.

    That is, the answers are checked not by people, but by a computer system? And who made the assignments, and how objective, in your opinion, are the certification tests and their evaluation?

    Yes, examiners do not participate in the verification of control and test tasks, and at least for this reason, subjectivity in the verification is excluded. Computer testing provides an unbiased assessment - this is another advantage of this format. If we talk about the content of the tasks themselves, then it is just the opposite: the guarantee of their correctness, fullness of factual material, validity and objectivity is the authority, experience and knowledge of professionals - those who participated in the development.

    Based on the Institute professional development The NSC formed a coordination center, which included a scientific group to create an algorithm and methodology for the system, as well as a working group that developed control and evaluation procedures. in scientific and working group included leading practitioners in the field of personnel management and labor relations well-known people in the professional community. All experts have many years of experience in personnel management in Russian and international companies, teaching or consulting practice. Information about the developers of the System for voluntary certification of specialists in the field of personnel management is in the public domain, on the website . In the same place, by the way, everyone can get acquainted with the detailed characteristics of the levels and the corresponding knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by professional standards and the certification system.

    What is the practical benefit of certification - not only from the point of view of the formation of a civilized professional community, but directly for each specialist?

    In any field, the status of a certified specialist, certified by a professional association, affects the credibility among colleagues and helps to declare oneself in the labor market as a competent professional. As the experience of our foreign colleagues, which we carefully studied, shows that with a thoughtful, detailed and objective system, as well as with a well-organized process of obtaining a certificate, it becomes one of the most authoritative signs of trust in a specialist. Considering that in our country professional education in the field of personnel management is still developing, the "weight" of various diplomas of higher education is not the same, and many specialists generally learned exclusively from their own experience - the introduction of an assessment system based on uniform, generally accepted, objective criteria is especially important.

    Now the certification system is just starting to work with us, but in the future, we are sure, the competitiveness of specialists in the labor market will depend on the availability of certificates. The certificate will be an additional plus in the eyes of potential employers, a guarantee of the candidate's professional level, the ability to solve assigned tasks.

    In addition, passing the exam for obtaining a certificate is an opportunity to streamline and expand your stock of knowledge and skills, to determine a program for further development. After all, obtaining a certificate is usually preceded by a preparation stage, during which existing knowledge is structured and consolidated and new ones appear. And the official confirmation of professionalism increases self-esteem, gives additional self-confidence.

    We consider the voluntariness of certification testing to be a fundamental point. In many countries, becoming a certified specialist for HR managers is considered mandatory. Without this, it is extremely difficult to get a job, you cannot count on career growth. The approach of the National Union of Personnel Officers to the certification system is different. It becomes a necessary element in the development of professionalism and career, when you yourself see its benefits and can choose whether to receive a certificate or not.

    Certification of specialists in the field of personnel management is now only taking its first steps. How do you see its prospects, and are there any plans for further development of the certification system?

    It is still difficult to calculate the growth rate of the number of certified HR managers. But I can say that applications are already coming in. There is a need for certification among Russian personnel officers, therefore, in fact, the NSC began its development and implementation. And the certification system, of course, will develop. The database of control and test tasks will be replenished and updated. The technical component can also be further improved.

    In the near future - the expansion of geography - the organization of certification centers in as many Russian cities as possible. As mentioned above, the development of methodology, algorithms and certification procedures for specialists whose level corresponds to the strategic level of professional activity standards has begun. So there is still a lot of work to be done.

    If an HR manager decides to take certification testing, where can he do it? Where should he apply?

    Testing is carried out on the basis of the Institute for Professional Development of the National Union of Personnel Officers. Now you can go through it only in Moscow. In the future, after the successful testing of the system, specialists from other cities will have the opportunity to take certification tests in their region. Applications for participation in testing are accepted both from specialists themselves and from companies that want to evaluate and certify their personnel officers. By calling the NSC or visiting the websites and , everyone can get full information about the application procedure, dates and testing procedure.

    The start of certification is given! I want to wish success to all who are already preparing for the test, the first candidates for the Certificate in Human Resources Management.

    Alexander, HR director of a network of car dealerships, dreamed of working in international company. He followed the market, and when a similar vacancy appeared, he immediately sent his resume. The manager successfully passed the interview. But another candidate got the job, a CIPD HR-certificate holder. What are the benefits of this program for HR professionals? Is it possible to get CIPD in Moscow? Summary of the magazine "Director of Human Resources".

    CertificateCIPD - international, very popular in Europe. Issued by educational institutions in England. CIPD HR certificate holder enjoys clear advantage compared to an HR specialist who does not have such a certificate. For many employers, the document acts as a guarantee of the high professionalism of the applicant for the position of HR Director.

    There are two international HR certificates: American - SHRM, which is designed for HR directors to work in the US or supervise branches American companies, and British - CIPD (Chartered Institute for Personnel Development). The latter is more valued in Europe, since the program is based on a European approach, and the emphasis is on methods and theoretical knowledge.

    To get a certificateCIPD, no need to go to London - there are already two in Moscow educational institutions who offer such a program:

    • Company PricewaterhouseCoopers together with the Nottingham Business School, he conducts training at his Academy.
    • CIPD training and certification program also implemented Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in collaboration with Kingston Business School (Kingston Business School), which is the center of excellence for CIPD .

    To enter the academy PricewaterhouseCoopers, it is necessary to pass three stages of testing: two interviews are held in English, and you need to write an essay. During the tests, not only knowledge of the English language is checked, but also the level of training in the field of HR. The teacher also determines the correctness of the expectations of future students of the program. Tuition is paid, and when making a final decision, CIPD students should not be disappointed if the tuition does not meet their needs.

    Three stages of selection in the RANH and GS:

    Stage 1. Conversation with the curator of the program, who is located in Russia. The conversation is conducted in English. A minimum of four years of experience in HR is required.

    Stage 2. The applicant writes an essay in English, which tells about the solved business problem. At the end of the essay, he outlines his expectations from learning

    Stage 3.Skype interview with the program director based in London.

    The interview takes approximately one hour. During the conversation, HR-work is discussed. Based on the results of the interview and essay, it will become clear whether the candidate will be a student or not.

    Benefits of the CIPD Program

    1. Most teachers of the CIPD program are practitioners

    V educational system Russia is dominated by academicism. In the CIPD program, on the contrary, classes are taught by professors who are familiar with the HR service firsthand. In the classroom practical approach felt immediately.

    2. Training for the CIPD certificate takes only two years.

    The program consists of eight modules, each lasting up to five days, including weekends. The training is for two years. Modules are replaced every two months after a small "exam" - students are invited to solve a group case. The task is completed for several days, then presented to the teacher and students. Based on the results, the winning team is chosen. This format of tasks is not only an exchange of experience, but also a good practice of the English language.

    Of course, the students of the program did not have days off both during their studies and between modules. But there is also an indisputable advantage of such a non-stop study - the ability to systematize existing knowledge and acquire new ones, as well as receive two CIPD diplomas and a diploma from Kingston University.

    3. CIPD students in Russia receive an additional Russian day ("Russian day").

    Teaching on Russian Day is conducted by HR directors Russian companies, practicing consultants and trainers. Such a seminar helps to understand how the acquired knowledge is applied in practice in domestic organizations.

    4. Textbooks in CIPD are offered to choose from - in electronic form or on paper.

    For each of the modules at the beginning of the academic year, students are given textbooks that contain basic information and are compiled specifically for CIPD certification. Students choose according to their taste which media to use. Some prefer paper, considering it more convenient (you can make notes in the margins of books, highlighting the important). During the course, all students have access to electronic libraries leading scientific journals and centers around the world from the Kingston Business School. You can remotely access good sources of information.

    5. The CIPD program involves mandatory and intermediate tests: cases, essays, exams.

    When classes for a particular module are completed, students receive homework, in the form of a case or essay. These forms of knowledge assessment predominate, but occasionally teachers arrange written examinations in the classroom. Listeners are usually offered to solve some business problem with HR issues.

    Control tasks help to evaluate, is it right for the listeners strategic understandingHR functions how they think, whether they are able to cover the problem on a large scale (helicopter view), as well as prepare students for the final work - for a year of study, write a study on HR topics in English with a volume of 5000 words.

    6. Internship in London after the first year of study.

    The cost of a week trip to England is included in the total amount for the course. During the field session, students from Russia get to know their English colleagues, exchange experiences, and attend lectures at the Kingston Business School.

    7. Interesting training: "live cases", business workshops.

    Business workshops are practical seminars where students learn to identify their strengths, develop communication skills, master ways of managing conflicts. In the classroom, there is a constant rotation in groups so that HR specialists from different areas of production, both HR directors and HR function heads, collide.

    In 2013, the practice of "live cases" was introduced. Students solve a real case-problem received from a partner company. The solution found in five days is presented to the HR director of the partner company. Listeners receive feedback from customers.

    8. Thesis under the guidance of a mentor from England instead of the final exam.

    The volume of the thesis is small - 7000 words - but very high requirements. Research, in fact, is written throughout the second year of study. When the listener has decided on a topic, they find a mentor from England, a specialist in the field that the CIPD student is going to write about. The HR problem is being worked out both at the theoretical and practical levels. The research is checked very carefully, including through the Turnitin program of Kingston Business School (to check for the possibility of plagiarism). If the work is not accepted, the training is not considered completed.

    9. Both novice HR workers and experienced HR directors can get CIPD.

    Successful graduates are awarded several educational documents and a CIPD club card. The number of diplomas and certificates depends on where the student will be studying - at the PwC Academy or at the RANEPA.

    Graduates of the PwC Academy with a degree in HR management receive two documents - "CIPD Certificate in HR Management" from Nottingham Business School and certificate of professional development from the PwC Academy

    Three diplomas are issued at RANEPA:

    • diploma "MasterofScienceinIHRM (Master of Science in Human Resources) from Kingston Business School;
    • diploma "CIPDAdvancedLevel” (diploma of the Institute of Personnel Development of the highest degree);
    • Diploma of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

    Certificate CIPD - perpetual. The term of study is 2 years. The cost of training is 700 thousand rubles.


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