How to clean the documents from mold. How to get rid of mold: comprehensive guide. What is mold

Mold may appear in any room: basement, extensions, even in the house. There are professional ways to deal with mold, which can be found in Mellerud. But we are ready to help you defeat the mold at home. What you need to know about mold. First of all, the fact that it appears in a humid environment and often its victims are primarily books that have been kept in rooms with high humidity for a long period of time. But we have several tips that you can use to remove mold. Use these simple methods for cleaning mold without damaging things and damage to health or environment.

In order to clear the books from mold you need: respirator, soft brush, fan, alcohol. Put the mask to prevent inhaling the dispute of mold. Take the injured books and remove the soft brush all traces of mold. It is better to do this outdoor surgery. If the pages are wet, then place them in a ventilated place, for example, under the fan or outdoors in the wind, to give them to dry completely.

Also get rid of mold on books can help a microwave. The book in the microwave must be placed for 10 seconds, no more. Repeat this procedure with each of the affected books to kill all the remaining livestock disputes. In addition, you can place books in the freezer at night to kill the mold, if you cannot put the books in the microwave or undesirable.

Remove books from a microwave or freezing chamber. Estate the newspaper and treat a tampon moistened in alcohol, affected areas of books to remove mold. You can process pages and covers, but do not forget that it is impossible to wet the paper.

Place the cleaned books outdoors in a sunny place for drying. You can use the fan. Leave the books to dry for several hours and the whole mold should disappear.

Often the mold appears on soft toys, from where it is not so easy to remove it. If the mold is removed from simple tissue with a bleach or disinfectant solution, then with soft toys this method may not be applicable. Soft toys from processing with such means can be deformed and forever lose shape and beauty. Get rid of mold on soft toys can be, but it is much more difficult than to keep stuffed Toys in a dry room. Do not forget about it!

In order to clean up soft toys from mold. Spreads clean towels in a sunny outdoor sunbathing. Install the mold-affected soft toys on the towels so that the sun rays fall right on them. Holding toys in the sun is recommended for a few hours to kill mold finally.

After sunny baths toys should be pretty treated with a vacuum cleaner. Well, or let out. Throw away the vacuum bag when you finish.

Next you need to dissolve a little ammonia in clean water. A bottle of sprayer will be required, where to pour water and ammonia. Be careful. Ammonia pour in gloves in a ventilated room. The bubble is quite enough. Treat the resulting surfaces of your soft toys. Wipe the toys with a clean, dry cloth.

Dry soft toys outdoors. Take the package and pour some food soda there. Put the toy and thoroughly shake the package. Let the soda absorb all the smell and unnecessary particles. Then pull the toy, shake it and thoroughly spend.

Attention! If your toys can be erased, you can get rid of mold during washing. You just need to add a glass of vinegar to kill mold.

The appearance of mold on the walls in the apartment is real disaster for the owners, which not only spoils even the most expensive repair, but also adversely affects the health of the inhabitants. Today we are talking about how to get rid of mold in a residential room, which disinfection to choose, and how to kill an unpleasant smell. About everything short and in the case.

What is mold?

Mold is a rather noticeable flaw, which form mold mushrooms. They are literally omnipresent, grow almost on all materials and in any climatic conditions. The fungus is manifested not only on the surface of objects or walls, but also microscopic threads penetrate inside the surfaces, so it is not always easy to remove the mold.

Most often, mold in the house can be divided into several types:

  • Green. Often it affects the food, spreading and infecting food.
  • White. You can meet in pots for flowers, on wooden furniture, bread.

  • Blue. Amazing window Rama, Doors, parquet floors or furniture.
  • Black. The most dangerous type of fungus, which appears everywhere: tile in the bathroom, wallpapers in the room, walls, ceiling.

Causes of the appearance of mold

Mold at home begins to actively multiply and grow only when it gets into the appropriate environment.

  • The ideal level of humidity is 60-80%. Such a level can be in the bathroom or shower.
  • The flight survives both at very high temperatures and with excessively low. The most optimal interval from 4 to 20 ° C.
  • Difficulties in air circulation: chopped furniture, heaps of different things, closed windows - the air is increasingly infected with disputes, and the fungus becomes much easier to multiply.

The first signs of appearance

The first sign of the appearance of mold is a raw, acute, specific smell, and then stains of gray, whitish and black shades appear. If an uninvited guest appeared in your house, then it is necessary immediately, without postponing, get rid of it.

It is necessary to solve the problem in the complex. It is not enough to simply physically removing the plaque, it is necessary to resolve the issue with ventilation and control of humidity.

What you need to prepare for a successful struggle

Before starting an unequal battle with an ubiquitous fungus, army with such a means:

  • For its defense: mittens, glasses, respirator.
  • For mechanical removal: sponge, brush, rag, scraper, sandpaper, water tank, detergent or cleaning agent, garbage package.
  • For ultimate processing: Varnish for wood, means of killing disputes.
  • Before you break to processing, put on glasses, gloves, respirator, will not be superfluous and a special suit.

Important! Remember that inhalation dispute is very harmful to health. Respiratory and leather organs take the main blow. After the procedure, wash your hands and body. In the first senses, consult a doctor.

How to get rid of mold

Mold in the apartment is destroyed by the next simple algorithm:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of the affected area from the raid appeared.
  2. Mold processing with a special means over the entire surface with capturing nearby meters.
  3. Dried surface and air ventilation.
  4. Prevention of re-formation of plaque by controlling humidity and air circulation.

  • The most important thing is to remove the visible flare. If the layer is fresh and appeared recently, it is possible to eliminate mold from the walls with a sponge or brush using a conventional soap solution.
  • Display mold from wallpaper seems possible only at first. If the layer was eaten, then it is necessary to delete it by creating before plaster.

Important! It is impossible to slow, because the homemade mold literally per year can penetrate the plaster to concrete and brick.

  • In the process of removal, wet the wall, it will not give disputes to spread through the air.
  • Remove the fungus on the wall layered by lime, can be used as a scraper or sandpaper. Do not forget before starting to moisten the ceiling or wall.
  • Mold in the bathroom prefers to settle in the seams between the cafeter or in the joints near the plumbing. Scraper to consider the affected area, go through the seams of sandpaper. Dry, apply a disinfectant, re-roaster areas between tiles and joints with sealant and grout.

Important! All dirty remnants immediately fold into the sealed package, and do not scatter on the floor. It will not give fungus in the bath spread further.

What remedy for fungus to choose?

Go to the main question: What kind of mold on the walls is better to choose that it does not manifest itself with time again? Your attention list of the most effective drugs, each of them perfectly copes with all types of fungus. Your task is to choose exactly the tool that is suitable for you.

  • Bleach. It will help clean the mold from tiles or glasses, but not suitable for all porous materials. Toxic, so it is necessary to use it with extreme caution. You need to breed a bleach with water in a ratio of 1/10. Apply a better brush or spraying with a spray gun.
  • Vinegar. Helps fight mold on all surfaces and materials. Differs in a sharp smell, can spoil furniture or wallpaper, affecting the color. Spray vinegar or apply it to the surface with a cloth. After a week for prevention, repeat the manipulation.

  • Lemon juice or citric acid. It has the same properties as vinegar, but besides that, it smells like. Processing is amenable to any materials, and the tile is quashed the most qualitatively. A glass of water takes 1 tbsp of juice or acid. After that, complete surface treatment is performed.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Optimal tool, as we remove mold in this way convenient and safely. The peroxide is applied to any surfaces, except for actively painted (color may be faded). Get carried out with a rag or sprayer. A week later, repeat the procedure.
  • Baking soda. Removal of mold soda effectively and safely. Soda table spoon solubinate in a glass of water. Spray or scroll through the infected area. After an hour, re-wipe the wall with water to avoid the appearance of divorces.

  • Prepare an interesting and very effective solution. Take 100 ml of water, 50 ml of vinegar, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 25 ml of boric acid. These components are connected in the tank and heat up to 50-70 degrees. This means spray or scroll through the infected area. Once a couple of days, repeat the manipulation with the purpose of prevention. This method It is most effective for cleaning tile seams.

How to get rid of the smell of mold

If you have successfully coped with fungus, and the smell of mold is still felt, use:

  • Food soda. Crumble thin layer Powder to the place where the fungus grew. Leave not 3-4 hours, then remove or collect a vacuum cleaner.
  • Charcoal. Several tanks with coal, spread around the perimeter of the room. After a couple of days, the unpleasant smell will disappear.
  • Improved ventilation, aerosols and other incense. These funds finally delated the air in the apartment.

How to do that the fungus does not appear?

If you have already promoted all the traces of the plaque, the next step is to prevent the re-appearance of it. To do this, examine such tips:

  • Purchase a specialized product. Apply antimicrobial spray to those places where the fungus was on the wall in the bathroom or any other room. This will prevent repetitive bacteria and dispute. In the housekeeping stores sold anti-flap paint.
  • If the room is wet, thereby it is the most vulnerable to the dispute, then take care of the purchase of an electric air dehydrator. This option is ideal for long-term deliverance from black plaque.
  • Refresh the thermal insulation system in your home. Often it is bad thermal insulation becomes the root of the problem. If your walls and gears are susceptible to condensate, then the problem is in the violation of heat exchange.

How to "overlap oxygen" mold

A faithful solution to the problem is to get rid of moisture that fungi adore:

  • Pretty straightening shower curtains and hang towels for drying.
  • Keep the bathroom, kitchen and other wet rooms clean and dry. Carry the room.
  • If the "mushrooms" was covered with riser or drain, then somewhere passes the pipe. You need to deal with the flowing communications at once.

Dangerous mold is only when the situation is launched, and the path of struggle and difficult. Armed with our advice, you will deal with fungus in two bills.

Video: Checking funds against fungus

An important document can easily be spoiled by being filled with tea, coffee, gas. Even more sad option: on the paper Appeared fat or oil stain.In the event that the duplicate does not work in any way, you can try remove stains from paper folk remedies. However, it is necessary to act extremely careful.

Ways to remove spot with paper:

  • Fat or oil spots on paper are easy to remove as follows: On top of the spot and under it, a clock paper is put on top of it, which is stroken several times with a hot iron until it is absorbed. Warming paper is changed several times.
  • Old fat stains lubricate with magnesium gasoline. After 2-3 hours, the kashitz gently scrape with a knife and paper shake.
  • Plots from mold with paper remove the ammonia alcohol.
  • Spots from flies and spiders are submitted by vinegar.
  • Footprints from dirty fingers are rubbed with wet soap, which is then removed with a damp cloth or sponge. The wet page is paved with wetting paper and the book is put under the press.
  • Ink (from handle) spots on papercan display Twenty percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. After the stain disappears, the page should be laid with wwing paper.
  • It is possible to neutralize the ink on a paper surface possible and a simple chemical method: mix 9% vinegar and several crystals of mangartage in a small container (in a cover, for example). Mix your cotton wand in solution and process them ink stain on paper. At the end of the experiment, it remained to moisten the rut in the peroxide and apply to the spot. It disappeared! On the Internet there are quite a few videos in confirmation of this fact. Sweep the sleet with a soft cloth.
  • An effective way to remove ink spots from clothing is a solution of glycerol and ethyl alcohol in equal shares. They are sold at the pharmacy and cost a kopeck. With a cotton wand, moistened in solution, processed traces from the ballpoint handle.

How to remove a stain with paper peroxide with hydrogen?

Not so easy display, and discouraget spots on paper from coffee, Tea and soda is capable of hydrogen peroxide (hydroperite). The solution is prepared either of 4 tablets of hydroperite by 50 milliliters of water, or they take peroxide from the pharmacy. In the peroxide wet your cotton wand and processed the stain on paper on both sides, trying not to go beyond the borders of the spot.

The processed sheet is put on a blank sheet of paper and top above the other pure sheet. It turned out that the document is clamped between two pure sheets Paper.

For special lovers of books, the old books can be a serious problem! Fault mold on books. Throw a book - a crime! Leave - also scary, as the mold "devours" nearby books. How to be? Especially if the books are very old and thereby surprisingly valuable! It often happens that antique books infected with mold sell at auctions. The value of their content is difficult to overestimate. But also to buy the publication affected by fungus I would not really like. How to be? Is there any way to get rid of such a misfortune like mold on books? The answer is yes. You ask how? Here are some tips.

First, the book needs to be isolate from other publications. You do not want "infection" to spread throughout the bookcase!

Secondly, the book needs to be dried. For this paper friend in sunny weather, it is best to place somewhere in the shadow and in a well-ventilated place. It can be a box with holes, a suspended grid for vegetables, perhaps just a windowsill with an open window.

Thirdly, it is necessary to take a cotton napkin and moisten it with a solution of formalin (2 - 3%). The solution is sold in pharmacies. Alternatively, there is sometimes ammonia alcohol. The napkin needs to be squeezed and carefully wiped the infected place of the book. Next, it is necessary to impose a dry, tight sheet of white paper, which absorbs the surplus of moisture.

Fourth, the book is once again dried.

It happens that mold is so entrusted to paper that one rubbing for the full destruction is not enough. In this case, the entire procedure should be repeated. Here I would like to note that many are mistaken, thinking that mold can be removed by simple wiping book wet cloth. Alas! In a similar way, you can only help the further spread of mold. Pores fungus more deeply penetrate into the paper and will continue the "eating" of the book.

Mold on books It is often accompanied by an unpleasant smell of dampness and the old "patient" paper. Is there a way to get rid of such a smell? Yes there is. True, in contrast to the fight against mold, it takes more time.

First, it is necessary to dry the book in the same way that it has already been described.

Secondly, carefully examine the publication for mold. And if it is detected, then "cure" your book friend.

Thirdly, find or make a box or box size with a book. Pour two packs of food soda to the bottom and dissolve.

Fourth, put the book into the grid and hang over soda. Either put the stand for books in the box with the book. You can construct support for the book. The main condition here - the book should be above soda, but not touch it. And the air in the drawer should move freely.

Typically, the smell disappears after 3 to 4 weeks. During this procedure, the book is desirable to check once a week for the appearance of a new mold.

At the end of the article I would like to add that the mold may appear on relatively new books. To avoid such a sad result, you need to carry out the prevention of the bookcase at least once a month: vacuuming the shelves, wipe the books with a wet cloth, sometimes it would not hurt to wipe them with a solution of formalin (2 - 3%), to air the room and generally monitor the storage conditions.

It is impossible to place books in rooms with high humidity. For example, in the garage. It should be remembered that for book friends, very favorable living conditions then when humidity is from 55 to 65 percent, and the temperature from +15 to +21 degrees Celsius.

Have a good treatment for your favorite books!

Mold is a visible tax that form microscopic mold mushrooms. They are omnipresent: can grow on any materials and in all conditions. It appears not only on the surface of the items, but also penetrates the threads of the mushrooms inside them, so it will not always get rid of it.

What happens?

Most often, the mold in the apartment is the following types:
  • White mold. Loves flower pots, wood, bread and some products.
  • Green mold. Prefers food.
  • Blue. Appears on wooden surfaces, giving them a blue shade. May be touched upon furniture, parquet or window frames.
  • Black mold. The most malicious kind of fungus, which thrives everywhere: from paper wallpapers in the bedroom to the tile in the bathroom.

Why does the mold appear?

Mold begins to multiply when it gets into a suitable environment.

  • Humidity. The perfect level is 60-80%. In the house, so many moisture can be in a bathroom or shower rooms, if you recently flooded the neighbors or if condensate appeared after changing the weather on the windows.
  • Temperature. Mold survives both at very low and high temperatures. The most favorable interval from 4 to 20 ° C.
  • Ventilation. Closed windows, a jet of furniture, a heap of scattered things - and now the air is difficult to circulate around the room, it is increasingly saturated with mold disputes, and the fungus becomes easier to multiply.

How to understand that the mold has already appeared?

At first, the mold can be detected by smell - sharp, raw and specific. In the future, the fungus issues itself with appropriate raids.

What is needed to fight mold?

  • For own protection: glasses, gloves, respirator.
  • To remove a climb: Brush / sponge / scraper / rag / sandpaper, water capacity, any detergent, trash can
  • For final processing: Cutting fungus, wood varnish.

Before starting the processing of the room, put on glasses, gloves, respirator, does not hurt the protective suit. When working with amazed objects, be careful not to spread the spores of the mold around the house.

Inhalation dispute may be dangerous to health. Be sure to use personal protective equipment.

The algorithm is extremely simple:

  1. Mechanically clean the affected surface from the climb.
  2. Process in any means of mold.
  3. Dry the surface and ventilate the room.
  4. Do not allow re-formation of mold.

The most important thing is to carefully remove the visible tax. If the mold layer is recent, it is easy to fly with the help of sponge, brushes and warm soapy water.

Mold on wallpaper can be successfully removed only in the early stages. Later, it is desirable to clean part of the wall to the plaster. Do not slow! Literally per year, the fungus is able to hit concrete and brick, passing through the plaster. Use the sandpaper for reliability and do not forget to moisten the walls to prevent the spread of the dispute.

If the mold appeared on the ceiling and struck the blots, consider it with a scraper or sandpaper. Only first moisten the surface.

Mold in the bathroom loves seams between tiles and joints. Square the amazed sealant, clean the seams. After drying, treat the disinfectant, take it out the seams and joints with a new sealant and grout.

Waste remaining after processing, immediately throw out into the sealed package. It will not give to spread mold.

What remedy for mold to choose?

The main question is: what exactly to treat the surface, so that the mold does not appear again? We have compiled a list of the most effective funds, each of which acts on all kinds of fungus. Choose the most suitable for you.


Suitable for tiles, braid, but not for porous materials. Toxic, you need to use with caution. It is divorced by water in proportion 1: 10. It is applied with a brush or with a spray gun.

Table vinegar

Suitable for all surfaces and materials. Has the smell. May discolor wallpaper or furniture. Applied using a spray or rag. For prevention, the procedure is repeated in a week.

Lemon acid or juice

It has the same properties as vinegar, has a pleasant smell. You can process any materials, best suited for tiles. One tablespoon of citric acid is divorced in a glass of water. The solution is applied to the surface with a sprayer or cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Safe and convenient to work. You can apply on any surface, with caution - on painted and tissues, not to discolor. Applied using a spray or rag. For prevention, the procedure is repeated in a week.

Baking soda

Safe, does not have a sharp smell. Can be used on any surfaces. The tablespoon of soda is divorced in a glass of water. The surface is processed using a sprayer or rag. An hour later everything is wiping with water to avoid divorces.

Essential oils

Tea tree oils, lavender and rosemary have antibacterial properties and a pleasant smell, safe. You can process any surface. It is enough to add 10-20 drops of oil into a glass of water and apply a solution with a sprayer. Repeat the procedure better times in a couple of days for prophylaxis.

How to remove the smell of mold?

If there is no mold, but still feeling, use:
  • Food soda. Put a thin layer in the place where the mold grew, leave for several hours, and then remove the vacuum cleaner.
  • Charcoal. Establish several capacities with coal around the perimeter of the room - a day or two, the smell will disappear.
  • Good ventilation and any aromatic candles, aerosols or incense. This will help finally enjoy the air in the house.

How to make the mold no longer appear?

  • Control the humidity of the premises. Warm walls and take care of waterproofing. Install the air conditioning that will dry the air. When cooking, turn the hood, more often ventilate the apartment, especially if you dry the lingerie in the bathroom.
  • Maintain a stable temperature. Heated windows and working heating will not allow condensate to form, which loves fungus so much.
  • Make a permutation, disassemble the antlesoli. Free circulating air will not give mold to develop.
  • Carefully treat colors in pots, especially to geraniums and violets. Do not overflow them or use unverified fertilizers.

The best assistant in the discovery and warning of mold in the apartment will be easy regular cleaning.


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