What can be opened in the garage in the city. Production ideas in a garage from China. Wooden window frames

There are a lot of ways to start your business without significant investment. And excellent starting capital can serve as your garage. We offer you 40 business ideas from Europe and not only on the organization of mini production in the garage.

The garage is very good to use not only directly intended. There you can successfully place the production of furniture.

1. Cabinet furniture.First of all, this is the manufacture and assembly of cabinet furniture: wardrobes, kitchen heads, wardrobe, etc. For such work, there will be minor financial costs, the presence of tools and, of course, experience with chipboard and wood. The margin on the cabinet furniture is at least 100%.

2. Hauling upholstered furniture.Many people want to save on buying a new sofa or chairs in the living room. And so the hauling of old furniture is a popular and very popular service. In addition, this service enjoy people who have expensive antique furniture, and they are ready to pay well for high-quality work. You can earn not only on the tighter itself, but also on the sale of upholstery materials.

3. Tailoring covers for furniture.Upholstered furniture is often dirty due to small children and domestic animals. And to help out this question can be a removable case on a sofa or chair. It can not only be easily wrapped, but also replaced with a new one. Tailoring such a cover for an individual order will cost many times cheaper than buying a new sofa.

4. Frameless furniture.In addition to the "tough" you can establish the release of frameless furniture. Now the demand for it continues to grow. According to manufacturers, it is one of the most successful starts allowing the starting attachments completely for the first six months. For this mini production you will need a sewing machine, two types of fabrics: for the inner shell and for the cover, as well as a filler (foam polystyrene is best). On the initial stage Finished products can be implemented via the Internet.

5. Garden furniture from coriation and branches.Another interesting idea of \u200b\u200bproduction in the garage is the manufacture of garden furniture from Korag and branches. In the production of such furniture, costs are minimized (finding suitable snags, branches, stumps, old boards even in the city is easy) and only special impregnations and moisture-resistant varnishes will be needed. After all, it must be borne in mind that such furniture will be outdoors and it should be carefully treated so that it does not lose its appearance.

6. Decoupage, painting, formation.Modern furniture industry does not have time for fast-mounted consumer tastes. There is always the demand for originally decorated furniture. Here your skills may be very by the way. By the way, at the design of the interior in the style of Provence, artificially aged furniture is used.

Decor for home and souvenirs

Europeans and residents of the United States are actively earning their hobbies. Since the demand for handmade products is only grows, this direction is very promising and with us. We invite you to consider several interesting ideas from Europe for the production in the garage.

7. Holders for books.We are accustomed to the fact that books should be located in bookcases, well, in extreme cases, on special shelves. In Europe, you can often see special holders for books. It is a beautiful and fashionable accessory that can revive any interior. Now it becomes a popular element of the decor of the room. The most important thing in such holders their exclusivity and originality of the idea. Material for the holder can be any: wood, ceramics, liquid stone, gypsum, shape, plastic - choice for you.

8. Christmas and New Year's decorations.These holidays are customary to meet in a family circle, and I want that the atmosphere in the house was appropriate. The best way to decorate your home on such days - handmade decorations. Naturally, the production of Christmas wreaths, candle holders, baskets, garlands and Christmas toys will allow you to earn additional funds.

9. Watch. Another productive idea is the manufacture of original wall clocks. Hourly mechanisms can be easily found at a table price. You will only need to apply your hand to the drawing of the dial and framing. The return on this project is quite high, and the investment is minimal.

10. Souvenir magnets.The production of souvenir magnets is one of the least costly and as quickly as possible. The main thing is to make them as original as possible so that they are not lost in a number of similar products and necessarily found their buyer. There are several production technologies and you can choose any of them, as any equipment can be fitted on a small garage area.

11. Decorative candles.Not in vain Father Fedor dreamed of his little candle covered. With a minimum of costs and effort, such a wonderful result. For the manufacture of candles, you can use both ready-made molds and make them yourself (significantly increases demand). With the purchase of consumables and sales of products, it also does not arise difficult.

12. Handmade soap.The demand for handmade soap continues to grow. The use of natural ingredients, the original shape and packaging will allow you to find our customers easy enough. In addition, this soap is an excellent gift for mom, girlfriend or colleagues at work. Soap production technology is very simple and does not require large investments.

13. Ceramics. Small pottery workshop - fruitful idea for business in the garage. You can establish the release of VAZ, original statuettes and dishes. Although it requires certain costs for the acquisition of materials - the payback is quite high. In addition, you can make a variety of souvenir products and take it to the realization in gifts.

14. Suspended bells on the door.If you know how and love working with the metal, the manufacture of "wind music" is the idea for sure for you. However, these bells can be not only metallic. Traditionally, they are made of bamboo, but the hollow sprigs of light trees can be used. Such products can be implemented through a network of souvenir shops.

15. Wine stands and racks.Its working skills with wood can also be implemented in the production of original wine supports and special racks. The number of bars, cafes and restaurants that open every day, instigrates optimism. Qualitative original products can be successfully sold, they can also be made to order.

16. Souvenirs from children's things.The relatively new idea for business in the garage from Europe is the production of souvenirs from children's things. Baby shoes, booties, nipples, any things are covered with bronze or copper. The only difficulty in the "launch" of this business project is the duration of the production process. The bronzing of the product leaves two weeks to a month. They work only under the order, because the future souvenir is a purely individual thing.

17. Weaving baskets.This folk fishery is experiencing another revival. If you successfully position your products as an environmentally friendly, maintenance environment, you can easily find buyers not only on the Internet, but also in the departments of supermarkets and in souvenir shops (the demand for baskets is traditionally increasing before Easter holidays).

18. Designer pillows.Making interesting furniture pillows will allow you to expand the circle of consumers through cooperation with furniture salons and interior designers. Offer their products to them, and you will have the need for renting premises for your own store - orders to you will come from furnituremers and designers. You can also quite successfully sell such pillows over the Internet.

19. Production of mirrors to order.It is clear that in the conditions of the garage to cover the glass of amalgam - the undertaking is not the most successful. But cutting the already existing mirror canvas, it is easy to carry it into the original frame. All you need is a ready-made mirror and buglet blanks. You can easily compete with professional baguette workshops and offer customers more attractive price.

20. Popourry (compositions of dry flowers).Production of drying compositions is an interesting way to show your creative potential and earn. To compile compositions, you can use both dried flowers (plants that do not require additional processing) and conventional flowers. They are pre-dried, then collected in a single ensemble. The original interior decoration can be offered not only to individual connoisseurs, but also in small cafes or restaurants to decorate the room.

21. Carnism, curtains and blinds.In the garage can also be engaged in the manufacture of cornices, blinds, rolled curtains and curtains Plistes. It is possible not only independent work, but also fruitful cooperation with the salons on the sewing curtains. The manufacturing technology is completely simple and coming down to working with ready-made systems. All you need is to fit cornice and trim the curtain cloth under the desired size.

22. Garden sculptures.To establish a small production of garden sculptures and vases in the garage is quite simple. The most popular materials in this industry are concrete and gypsum. Production technology is completely simple and does not require large investment. You can sell your products both directly and give to the implementation of the stores.


In its garage, you can start the production of pets.

23. Cattakers for cats.Pet shop willingly will cooperate with you if you offer them sustainable, from natural materials for cats for cats. In addition, the game complexes can be made. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the product. They can be both stationary and portable.

24. Lena and houses for cats and dogs.Soft beds, cozy houses for cats, original booths for dogs are still in demand. People are ready to spend impressive sums on the comfort of their pets. Production of such goods can be established easily in its own garage, and sell ready-made products via the Internet. In addition, cooperation with pet stores will help significantly expand the client's circle.

25. Cells for birds, birdhouses and feeders.Perfate lovers can offer interesting birdhouses, feeders and cells for birds. In pet stores it is difficult to find a truly original and beautiful cage for birds. And here you can offer your cells on the production of cells according to individual sizes and according to the wishes of the customer. The cost of production is small. And originality is always in price.

Products for children

Parents always want their best for their children. Therefore, it is a good opportunity to start your business and receive a stable income.

26. Sandboxes. Customers from cottage settlements will gladly acquire original frames for their children. It is best to do them from wood. You can develop several ready-made designs, as well as make sandboxes according to individual sketches. In this case, it is important not only the quality of work, but also the original and bright design.

27. Aerial snakes.Another type of production that does not require special permits and correspondence to the GOST - air snakes. These light volatile designs are becoming popular again. This is a great view of the outdoor relaxation, which will be equally interesting, both adults and children. Aerial snakes can be different design and size, everything is limited to your fantasy.

Construction and repair

Additionally, on construction and repair, you can earn not only the plaster and spitting. You can organize the manufacture of canopies and awnings. Light prefabricated designs willingly buy not only dacms and lovers of "wild rest" in nature. Its services can be offered a cafe with summer sites, summer holiday homes and boarding houses.

28. Countertops. Now the demand for products from liquid stone. Fairly costly production, requiring special equipment and certain skills. If producing consumables Alone, the payback of the cost of equipment will be about six months. When buying materials from suppliers, payback period is reduced to 2-3 months, depending on the region of residence and quantity potential customers.

Countertops can also be made by individual orders from glass, wood, combine these materials with metal. The choice is great.

29. Production of stained glass.In the garage you can organize a small stained glass workshop. This is an interesting business. But you need to take into account several features. Stained glass production is divided into classic, film and modern.

The classic way of manufacture of stained glass is the most time-consuming and cost: you need a lead, bright durable glass, mastic, and without special equipment and special knowledge can not do.

Film stained glass windows are the simplest, although they require a certain skill. A thin patterned film is applied to the usual glass, with which the doors of furniture, interior doors, balcony windows are applied.

Modern methods Stained glass manufacturers are divided into such types: Tiffany, sandblasting and fusing. From the selected technology will depend on the size of the starting investment and the rate of payback rate.

30. Making shop windows.Decorating shop windows - well forgotten old way additional earnings. Unitarity Showcases of Soviet stores has sunk in the fly, now the owners of trading areas are thirsty to attract customers with the original approach to advertising their goods. Having a sufficient artistic taste you can find customers and embody their ideas.

31. Wood carving.Carved products can be not only an element of home decor, but also fit well into the interior of office space, catering facilities. Consequently, customers on such miniatures, or large works can be found among the owners of cafes and restaurants, "Vork-shops" (relevant for large cities), clubs. The cost of production is small, and the income is stable.

32. Manual stamping.From fiberglass, reinforced plastic, artificial marble, liquid stone can be made both non-standard products with small series and exclusive goods. Products are made by special stamp forms manually, additional equipment is not required, the market is not yet filled and finding their niche is quite easy.

From artificial marble and liquid stone, you can make electrolytic baths, portals of fireplaces, countertops, facing and floor tiles. From fiberglass, carbon fiber and arrow can be quickly (1 week) to organize the production of blades of cheerful, boat housings, boats, hydrocycles and snowmobiles, drainage trays, roof elements and much more.

33. Art forging.Connoisseurs of work with metal can do in the garage by the production of small forged productsThese are in constant demand: lattices, balcony fences, cachep, stands for floral vases, lamps, candlesticks. Of course, the garage equipment under a small forge will cost you somehow, but this business quickly pays off.

34. Printing on ceramic tiles.There are several types of printing on ceramic tiles. The most popular are two ways: digital and sublimation. With digital printing, large images are applied to the tile, then it burns. Such tile calmly transfers the wet medium and the effects of chemicals. With sublimation printing, the drawing is small (in size of one tile) and applied with thermal phase. The first are used for the design of bathrooms and kitchens (aprons), the second - souvenir products that can be "planted" on a magnetic tape. Both are in demand. But at high payback, it requires appropriate equipment costs.

Fashion accessories and promotional products

If you are a creative person, you can try your strength in the field of fashion accessories and promotional products.

35. Production of design bags.In the garage you can successfully place a small workshop for the production of design bags. Materials are easy, and the choice of fittings is great. If you are additionally engaged in ceramics or manual stamping, then these artistic miniatures can become successful decor elements. Playback of production - up to 3 months.

36. Original belts and buckles.You can also establish the release of unusual belts and buckles. The choice of material is unlimited. It is a tree, plastic, and skin, and various types of fabric and metals. Everything that your fantasy will tell you. In this matter, the main thing is the original idea and qualitative execution. Such designer things are easily sold via the Internet, as well as fashion boutiques.

37. Silk-screen printing on T-shirts.About the new kind Business activities that do not require special costs and large premises. As an idea for mini production in the garage is simply wonderful. Special equipment and consumables can be easily purchased from suppliers. There are always orders for such products. Even in small cities, where it would seem, Niche is already busy - with the right approach you can find your regular clientele. And the realization opportunities of the Internet are completely limitless.

38. Print posters.Traditionally, printing houses are engaged in print jobs. But, in most cases, they refuse to perform small orders. On the revenue to customers who need limited circulation of printing products you can come. Equipment for printing posters can be bought at a reasonable price. For a start, it will be suitable even used. Payback - until six months.

39. Aerography. Very interesting idea to use the garage on its direct purpose. Even if you do not have the challenges of the artist, on special occupations and with ready-made sketches you can deal with the transformation of the standard machine into the work of art. In addition, drawings on airbrushing technology can be applied to almost any items and give them individuality.

40. Production of keyfobs.Above mentioned the production of souvenir products, manual stamping. In such a technique, it is possible to produce key rings. But they can be knitted, wicker, ceramic, silicone, metal. Try yourself in different techniques, different styles and directions. From your choice will depend on the cost of goods, and the rate of payback rate.

This is only a small list of possible goods and services whose production can be organized, not leaseing a separate room. Ideas for mini production in the garage great set. Perhaps, having acquainted with this article, you will come up with something else and it will become an interesting know-how, which will bring you profit.

Business in the garage is the opening of your business in the territory of the garage room. There is a lot of money ideas, for the implementation of which a small area is quite a few square meters. "Garage" entrepreneurs are more often male. Many of them do not have a weighty starting capitalAnd the commercial activity of the garage format becomes a real chance to earn decent money. It is for those who have not yet decided on the idea of \u200b\u200ba business, we have collected in one article a description of the best types of earnings in the garage.

Garage business: what it is

Business in the garage was widely popular in the 70s of the last century.

In the room for parking cars, it was literally everything: from a banal car repair shop to a stable. In most cases, a "garage" businessman is a middle-aged man (35-45 years old) from the province, a representative of the working class.

But young startupovtsy meet with innovative ideas that use a garage for experiences and scientific developments. For example, the legendary "apple corporation" Steve Jobs Apple was born in a garage.

According to statistics, today in Russia about 15% of the adult population has a business in the garage, which is their main earnings. Moreover, some of them work illegally, others undergo legal registration and draw up IP or LLC. What is attractive work in the garage:

  • lack of spending on rent;
  • minimum initial investments (from 20 000 r.);
  • comfortable conditions for doing business;
  • per month can be earned from 20 to 250 tons.

But in addition to explicit advantages, there are also underwater stones of the use of a garage for commercial purposes:

  • the complexity of compliance with the standards of the SES and the fire inspection, if it is necessary to obtain permission from the data of instances;
  • in most cases, the consent of the neighbors is desirable;
  • unsuccessful location, remoteness from densely populated areas, large roads, streets with good pedestrian crossroads;
  • the probability of demolition of the garage can lead to the end of work.

But if these nuances do not stop you, and you are customized to open a business in the garage, start with the study of the market and the demand of potential consumers. In the conditions of the garage, you can not only repair cars and store products, but also smoke fish, growing a poultry, organize a hotel for animals or equip the gym.

The choice of business ideas is large and depends on the imagination of the "grocery" and its material opportunities.

Car service

Car business is the first thing that comes to mind with the word garage. The organization of a small auto repair shop is an excellent idea for a new businessman. Ideally, if the entrepreneur "Golden Hands" and he understands the technique. In the absence of the necessary skills, you will have to hire an intelligent auto mechanic.

What services can be provided:

  • replacing the oil in the engine, gearbox;
  • change of air and fuel filter, candle, brake pads;
  • richtovka, Painting;
  • casting glasses with toning film;
  • engine repair, replacement of automotive parts.

It is desirable that this list is as much as possible. The income of the business in the garage will depend on the number of services provided. On average, it will be 60 tons. With initial investments from 33 tons. What you need to purchase for a garage car service:

  • crane-beam - from 7 tons.
  • repair kit dents - from 10 tons.
  • table - 6 tons.
  • set of keys - from 2.5 tons.
  • jack - from 1.5 tons.
  • other consumables - 6 tons.

Cars of any models periodically require repair, so there will be no customers. A high level of service in a complex with a good advertising campaign will provide a car service an excellent reputation and loyalty of motorists.


An ever-growing number of cars every year increases demand for tire workshops.

In the peak of the "Perevoolevka" season, tires such a business brings up to 800 tons. It is considered to be highly profitable (35-40%), easy to organize and do not require astronomical sums to start work.

Opening Cost:

  • tire machine - 60 000
  • balancing machine - 120,000
  • vulcanizer - 25 000
  • compressor - 35 000
  • jack - 15,000
  • wrench - 4 000
  • vistak - 16,000
  • pneumoshroke - 3,000
  • tools - 25 000
  • consumables - 25 000

Total: on equipment 327 000 rubles + business registration, like IP - 8000 rubles.

If we talk about profits, then it is mainly generated in a high season, but also in months, when demand is sharply reduced, the tire workshop works on the verge of break-even. The average size of the check begins from 500 rubles, in large cities reaches 1500 rubles. Revenue in months of peak load (March, November) - 400-700 t. R., In the offseason, it is reduced to 50-150 tons. Attachments pay off in 1-2 years.

Comprehensive STR

If the dimensions of the garage room and financial capabilities allow you to open a full-fledged maintenance station. When choosing this type of business in the garage, the basic spending will go to the equipment, the list of which depends on the list of services. The standard set includes:

  • compressor - 10,000
  • garage crane - 9,500
  • lift - 60 000

Diagnostics of cars is carried out in any normal service station, the cost of hardware is different:

  • simple diagnostic scanner - 11 000
  • multifunctional complex device - 220,000

The presence of the trouble-convergence service in the spectrum of work hours, significantly increases the revenue of the garage enterprise. The cost of a set for 3D collapse begins from 650,000 rubles. You will additionally need a tire and balancing machine, tools for the integrated car repair, painting and drying. In general, the equipment of one hundred will cost 1-1.6 million rubles.

With an accumulated client base, the income will be at least 400,000 rubles per month. After deducting monthly expenses, net profit will remain - 200,000 rubles. Amounts can be higher, everything will depend on your hard work and professionalism.

Dry car wash

Car wash with a dry way is gaining increasing popularity, which is explained by good profitability (11.5%), the lack of need for special skills and ease of execution. The low cost of the service and the need to care for the car, ensures a constant stream of customers.

An additional advantage is saving for electricity and water. These resources are not used in the process of manipulation. A significant minus is the impossibility of working at temperatures below 3 heat degrees. Therefore, the possibility of heating the garage is better to think over in advance.

You can start earning money, having 30,000 rubles in your pocket. They are needed to purchase inventory and detergents:

  • special shampoos;
  • polyrolol;
  • glass liquids;
  • automotive synthetic napkins made of artificial suede, microfiber;
  • cleaners;
  • ink;
  • sprayers.

The processing of one car uses funds per 100 rubles. Given that the cost of the service is 300 rubles, from one car wash you will earn 200 rubles.

If you wash 5 cars per day, 30,000 rubles of pure income will be obtained a month.

Production of non-freezing fluid

Independent production of fluid for washing of glasses in the cold season or cooling of the engine is a promising direction of entrepreneurial activity. It brings good profits, but only in the cold season. In the warm time, motorists have no need to use non-freeze, and instead of antifreeze can use distilled water in order to save.

In the Pic Sales this business In the garage brings up to 400,000 rubles net profit. To get such an income, it is enough to produce 5 tons of non-freezers per day. At the cost of 1 liter of fluid in the area of \u200b\u200b20 rubles, the company's turnover will be 1.5 million rubles per month.

What you need to open:

  • registration IP - 800
  • permits - 20,000
  • advertising - 10 000
  • equipment and raw materials - from 350,000

Initial investments - from 388,000 rubles, which, with the established market, are justified in the first 3 months of work.

Sale of auto parts

For business on the sale of auto parts, the garage must comply with the following indicators:

  • the construction must be overhaul (on the foundation with thermal insulation);
  • minimum distance from the residential sector - 50 m;
  • connect to electrocommunications;
  • a fairly spacious room area.

For security reasons, it is desirable to have a spare output. If the garage is in the private sector, there should be a high fence around it. Opening full-fledged trading point Starts with business registration.

Independent preparation and submission of an application for registration as an IP will cost 800 rubles.

Re-equipment of the garage and equipping will require money infants:

  • repair - 20 000
  • furniture, office equipment, online box office - 90 000
  • purchase of goods for sale - from 100 000

Payments to pay for electricity (2-3 thousand rubles), tax deductions (3-5 thousand rubles) will be added monthly. Taking into account active advertising, it will take about 240,000 rubles for the start. With a competent organization, trade in auto parts brings 20-30 thousand rubles per month, investments are justified after the first 12 months of work.

Modular pictures

A person with a sense of style and creative vest, you can organize a profitable business for creating and selling modular paintings. Make it under the power of any "garage", which has a print skills on the printer. The skill of the designer will be useful only when creating an original and high-quality image. In other cases, the technology is made according to the template.

What can be offered to potential customers:

  • creating paintings with subsequent installation;
  • development of design image;
  • application on the canvas drawing created by the client.

To open the production of modular paintings, you will need special equipment and consumables:

  • computer with images for working with images - 25 000
  • textile plotter - from 150,000
  • paper and fabric - 30 000
  • wooden subframes - from 200 rubles per 1 piece.

Additionally, you should be set as a set of oil paints and gouash. It is necessary to create the effect of the present work of art to emphasize the details manually. The cost of 1 square. M Pictures - 4500 rubles. For 8 hours you can make 6 square meters. m., What will make 27,000 rubles.

Working 5 days a week, it will be possible to create pictures of 540,000 rubles. If all of them will be sold, net profit after the deduction of consumables will be about 230,000 rubles.

Toilet paper production

The Russian market of hygienic products is one of the most actively developing. For the manufacture of toilet paper requires expensive equipment, but on the scale of business in the garage you can use the line of medium performance (1 ton per day) for 1.5 million rubles. If financial capabilities are limited, production can be launched on a used machine worth up to 300,000 rubles.

The standard manufacturing line includes:

  • paper machine;
  • device for cutting rolls;
  • unwinding machine;
  • machine for packaging;
  • half table.

The organization of production in the garage will cost 700,000 rubles, the equipment and raw material base will be included in the expense. The cost of one roll of toilet paper is 1.5-2 rubles at a wholesale price - 4-5 rubles. These are good profitability indicators that allow empty the costs during the first year of work, provided that the product sales channels have established.

Point of printing on T-shirts and circles

Drawing drawings on T-shirts and circles - great idea To create an individual gift. Having organized such a business in the garage, financial indicators will depend on the creativity and fantasy of the businessman. The project has the prospect of good income at the minimum cost of manufacturing piece goods. But it does not have to count on light profits. Competition in this area is high, so it will have to make great efforts to have a stable income.

To begin with, you will need to buy:

  • computer - 20 000
  • printer - 12,000
  • scanner - 4 000
  • thermopress for mugs with nozzles - 16 000
  • thermopress for printing on T-shirts - 20 000

Total: 72,000 rubles.

From consumables will be required:

  • sublimation paper - 600 p. for 100 sheets;
  • white mugs - 6 000 r. for 120 pieces;
  • t-shirts for applying a picture - 12 000 r. for 100 pieces;
  • set of textile ink - 13 000 r.

The total amount of investment (equipping + consumables) - 103,600 rubles. The profit of the point depends on the number of customers and the complexity of orders. On average, when printing on one circle brings 200 rubles, and a T-shirt - 300 rubles.

Belts production

The manufacture of exquisite accessories is one of the appropriate business directions. For the workshop for the production of belts, there are no special conditions and a large room, 6-8 square meters are enough. m.

The cost of equipment of the garage depend on the choice of equipment. Meets:

  • automatic (more than 400 000 r.) - allows you to speed up the process of manufacturing one product;
  • manual (about 220 000 r.) - The temporary costs of the production of one accessory increase significantly, but the cost of the belt due to the exclusive "handmade" increases at times.

Belts are mostly manufactured from the skin, the purchase of which will cost 30,000 rubles. An even 10,000 will leave for buckles and accessories. Promotional costs will be 15,000 rubles, it will not be superfluous to create your own website. By increasing the budget for 30,000 for Internet promotion, sales will increase significantly.

On average, you can count on the revenue of 50,000 rubles every month. Increase profits can be achieved if you install an automated line and increase sales channels.

Brick manufacture

The number of buildings in Russia is constantly growing, which explains the high demand for building materials, in particular brick. This industry is increasingly interested in ambitious novice entrepreneurs who have no impressive initial capital, but there is an opportunity to open a business in the garage.

The lion's share of initial capital is necessary for the purchase of equipment. Its choice depends on the technology that the businessman plans to use during production. For a start in the garage, you can put a simple machine worth 250 thousand rubles with a capacity of 100 pcs. at one o'clock. Subsequently, the organization of a mini-plant producing 500 bricks per hour is possible, but this will require a semi-automatic production line. Its price is about 1.7 million rubles.

At 8-hour working shift per day, bricks will be made by 32,000 rubles (at the retail value of 8 rubles per piece). The monthly revenue will be 736,000 rubles, after deducting the necessary costs, net profit will be 200,000 rubles.

If there is an established sales, the enterprise will pay off after 1-1.5 years, in the worst case - after 3 years.

Manufacture of nails

Another sought-after building product - nails. For their manufacture of the fastener, you do not need large production facilities and highly technological equipment. Therefore, the production of nails can be considered as an idea for productive business in the garage.

The technology of producing round construction, slate nails is simple:

  • billets of the desired size of a suitable wire are cut;
  • a hat is formed, tip, notches;
  • the finished product is packaged.

The wire is used as a raw material in large bobbins (0.6-1.8 tons). Its value depends on the composition, colors - 23-35 thousand rubles. For 1 ton. The most primitive equipment includes:

  • telfer - is designed to straighten the wire, for garage conditions, a manual is suitable - from 20 000 r.;
  • mini-machine - new one can be purchased for 350 000 r., Used for 120,000 p.

On average, 400-450 thousand rubles are enough to launch production. If you make 4.5 tons of nails month, production will pay off for 12 months.

Cutting glass

Glass business in the garage is a fairly profitable start. You can earn on cutting glasses for windows, balconies, doors, stained glass windows. The average surcharge on the products is 40%. Separately, cutting - about 50 rubles. It will take from the equipment:

  • table - 5 000
  • professional glass cutters - 16 000
  • purchase of raw materials (glass of various thicknesses) - 100 000

If large-scale and complex manipulations are planned, a special machine and additional installations are needed. Minimum costs On the opening of the glass cutting shop will be 125,000 rubles (taking into account the registration of business and repair of the garage). If the use of special equipment is planned, the size of the initial capital increases to 625,000 rubles. Market value Sliced \u200b\u200bglass - 500 rubles per 1 square meter. M. A small "garage" enterprise a month will pronounce about 200,000 rubles.

Frames for greenhouses

Growing vegetables, berries, colors, most of the country's population is engaged. In order to collect a harvest as early as possible, each self-respecting agriculture establishes a greenhouse on his homeland. Therefore, for a good welder, which decided to work "on itself", the manufacture of metal frames for greenhouses is a great idea for business.

In addition to professional skills and hard work, the entrepreneur will need to have a certain amount of money for the launch of production:

  • 15 000 r. - to buy a flexible tube tool manually at a given angle and a radius of curvature;
  • 35 000 r. - for cutting metal structures;
  • 9 000 r. - welding machine.

Total: 59,000 rubles.

The retail cost of the carcass for the greenhouse - 8 - 10 thousand rubles, its production is derived by 3-4 thousand rubles. Solving only a few designs, you can quickly recoup the initial attachments and work in a plus. The profitability of such a business will be 100-150%, and the investment return after 3-4 months of work.

Valenok production

Having a high creative potential and business veil, in the garage you can organize a business for the manufacture of boots. This production of decorated or souvenir shoes for adults and people brings not only good profits, but also satisfaction from interesting work.

The cost of a couple of boots varies in large limits - from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. The price depends on the type of wool, the presence of soles, embroidery and other decorative elements. To manufacture 1 model is enough 1 kg of raw materials, its price is 200-700 rubles. It will take from the equipment:

  • electronic scales - 8 000
  • charging machine - 85 000
  • steam press - 20 000
  • washing machine - 68 000
  • pads - 6 000
  • rock - 600.
  • rubel - 1400.
  • trapped - 1000.

The total amount of equipment is 190,000 rubles.

The most favorable direction is the manufacture of souvenir felt boots. Their price is high, and they enjoy great demand among tourists or local patriots. Profit will depend on the number of orders and sales channels. If you produce 5 couples per day (115 couples per month), you can earn 345,000 rubles "dirty". Net profit of the company will be 150,000 rubles.

Rent a garage

The owners of empty garage premises have the opportunity not only to open a business in the garage, but also to receive. Earn, not making effort, perhaps on renting a garage for rent:

  • for the long-term period;
  • hourly rental for motorists who independently want to replace the oil or repair the car.

Such a business implies zero investment. Attachments will be required if the room is in a deplorable state and requires repair. It takes about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Customers will find you ourselves, it is only worth advertising on the site-aggregator or in print media. Monthly rental income depends on the city district and the garage location region. On average, the owner can count on 10-15 thousand rubles.

Tea business

In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has become a kind of trend with simultaneous popularization of healthy food products. Phytokeas equal to them, the production of which can be safely viewed as an idea for business in the garage.

The most difficult thing in this case is the purchase of truly high-quality raw materials. After all, it is the filling of a tea bag that will determine the benefit of a popular herbal drink. The modest shop on packing tea can be organized, having 180,000 rubles of free funds. Their part of them will be aimed at buying equipment and raw materials.

The sale of finished products is carried out through pharmacies, small and large retail Stores. The expected profit is 30 000 r. per month. To raise sales, you can run the deployed advertising campaign, Create a brand, inventing the "highlight" to enhance the recognition of your behalf. These may be bizarre forms of tea bags, an unusual slogan or a memorable logo.

Joinery workshop

Wood products are a classic that will never come out of fashion and will not lose its relevance. Subject to the right organization, their manufacturer, as a business in the garage, can bring good dividends. For this, you do not need large investments and special skills, anyone who understands wood will be able to open a joinery workshop.

What can be produced:

  • obsite Objects (Combs, Dishes and Other);
  • wooden Toys;
  • massagers;
  • furniture items.

In the equipping of a small joinery workshop included:

  • machine - 60 000
  • vice - 5 000
  • fantasy saw - 30 000
  • fuganok - 12 000
  • sprayer - 8,000
  • standelectricirkul - 800.
  • raysmus - 80 000
  • moisture meter - 700.
  • electrode - 4 000
  • electrolzik - 2,500
  • hand tools - 10 000
  • electrolake - 2,500
  • screwdriver - 3 000
  • grinding machine - 2,500

Total: 221 000 rubles. For the start, it is enough to purchase raw materials by 25,000 rubles (glue, oil, tassels, grinding paper, antiseptics, varnishes). Predicted profit from the enterprise - 30-50 thousand rubles.


For lovers of extraordinary ideas with "golden hands", we can offer a business in the garage - a workshop by pyrography. Burning to order portraits and piroprints - a profitable undertaking. For 3 hours of quality work, you can get from 2 500 rubles. Approximately so much time goes to the manufacture of one masterpiece.

The cost of equipment is 60,000 rubles. For "Plywood" a plywood is suitable from any construction store. In general, the cost of 1 portrait is 80-140 rubles. According to statistics, it is one of the most attractive microbusiness with a low investment threshold of entry and high profitability.

Common earnings will depend on the number of orders. Into the no-season is 1 order per day, their number increases sharply before the holidays when everyone is thinking about unusual gift For a loved one. Having organized a good advertising campaign, 25-30 thousand rubles will be released at the start, while working out a reputation and a good name, revenues will increase to 50-120 thousand rubles.

Covers for iPhonov

Today, when mobile phones are almost every person, the demand for various accessories. These are basically covers for iPhones, which are purchased to protect the product from damage. The other function is decorative, which allows the owner to give his phone an exclusive view.

According to observations, one consumer is not limited to the purchase of one cover. The desire of "something new and unusual" makes the owners of iPhones borrow interesting models. Therefore, anyone who has a fantasy and some money, can work well on this.

Before starting a business in the garage on the manufacture of telephone covers, it is worth deciding on the production option. It can be:

  • sewing covers (mainly from the skin);
  • apply pictures on the workpiece.

The size of the starting attachments and the financial efficiency of the project will depend on the choice. The opening of the business will cost 100,000 rubles. For independent manufacture Covers need:

  • sewing machine;
  • punch;
  • machine for setting buttons;
  • device for stamping pattern.

To apply prints on the workpiece:

  • thermopress;
  • printer;
  • ink;
  • paper for sublimation.

It is more profitable to engage in printing on the workpiece, and sew case cases individual orders. Predicted monthly earnings - from 25,000 rubles, project payback - from 4 months.

Production of advertising signs

What is it impossible to present the streets of small and large cities today? Of course, without a bright, attractive look, outdoor advertising - glowing signs, banners, advertising shields. By the way, the manufacture of advertising signs is a great idea for business.

We buy:

  • furniture (table, chair, racks, shelves) - 35 000
  • equipment: laptop, scanner, widescreen inkjet printer, plotter, laminator, sprayers - 190 000
  • primary materials - 30 000

Additionally, you can equip the shifter on the manufacture of neon signs. The cost of equipment is from 130,000 rubles.

  • light screens;
  • shields and banners;
  • lightboards;
  • pointers;
  • elements for facades of buildings;
  • firewalls.

Repair bicycles

Is there a free garage room, a huge desire and traction for bicycle engineering? Then the opening of a bicycle system can be safely regarded as a business with small investments. To earn some money, you don't need to "invent a bike", you just need to be able to repair it.

The average check "Veloservis" - 500-1000 rubles. A workshop will bring from 25,000 rubles per month. The disadvantage of such an endeavor is its seasonality. In winter, clients are much smaller. But an additional bicycle storage service will help to correct the situation.

What you need to open:

  • registration as IP - 800
  • cosmetic Garage Repair - 10 000
  • furniture - 10 000
  • tools - 15,000

Initial investments: 35,800 rubles. Additionally, you can purchase running parts for a bike. So you will receive an additional revenue from their resale and increase the speed of execution of the order.

Manufacture of sandpaper

Grinding (emery) paper is one of the demanded materials used in construction. Good demand makes the production of "sandwich" by a profitable enterprise, which can be organized on a small scale.

The production technology of emery skins implies the purchase of special equipment:

  • ribbon conveyor - 20 000
  • drive and return station - 110 000
  • covering machine - 400 000
  • drying chamber - 65 000
  • bunker for abrasive - 5000
  • electric furnace - 80 000

Starting attachments include procurement of raw materials:

  • glue - 220 p. For 1 kg
  • silicon carbide - from 33,000 per 1 t
  • fabric - 25 r. For 1 M.

Initial investments will be 800,000 rubles. The average cost of sandpaper - 270 rubles. For 1 square. m. If you sell 1000 square meters per month. M, revenue will be 270,000 rubles, and net profit of about 80,000 rubles.

Dry mixes

Continuing construction themes, it is impossible not to mention the production of building mixtures. This is a convenient material that has many varieties depending on the purpose of its use in the process of building and finishing the premises. To receive good profits not necessarily have powerful production, it is quite possible to build a promising business in the garage. To do this, it is enough to create a mini shop and establish contacts with consumers and suppliers of raw materials.

Initial investments on the purchase of a production line with the possibility of manufacturing 5 tons of a mixture per hour - 1.5 million rubles. It includes:

  • vibrosito;
  • lift;
  • dispenser;
  • screw;
  • packing bunker;
  • mixer.

For full equipment, we need scales, storage pallets, specialized equipment. Raw materials are purchased taking into account the types of mixes that will be produced. For example, for gypsum plaster, construction adhesives, putty, are needed:

  • calcium carbonate - 240 rubles per 1 kg;
  • sand - 3000 rubles per 1 t;
  • lime - 9000 rubles per 1 t;
  • additives - 20-180 p. per 1 kg;
  • portland cement - 230 rubles per 50 kg.

With a full sales and full load, such enterprises can bring up to 600,000 rubles per month.

Production of keys

If you are looking for a simple idea for organizing a business in a garage, this is the provision of small household services to the population. In addition, the manufacture of keys is included in the list of projects with a minimum financial input threshold. To go on earnings in 70,000 rubles, it is desirable to have a garage in a crowded place, possess high ability to work and have 150,000 rubles.

The initial capital is needed to purchase specialized equipment. It can be 1 multifunctional machine, but it will be cheaper to purchase 3 narrow-oriented aggregates. Choosing machines, it is advisable to pay attention to the country in which they are produced.

The cheapest is Chinese, but given the life of their operation, they simply eat start-up capital. High quality is characterized by Germanic equipment, but they are expensive. To begin with, the optimal will be the domestic machine:

  • vertical - 31,000;
  • universal - 52,000;
  • for the manufacture of duplicate keys from the intercom - 24,000.

To earn normal money, it is advisable to maintain 30-50 people on the day. With the average cost of the order of 200 rubles, theoretically will be obtained up to 10,000 rubles per day. Of course, in practice, the numbers are much more modest, but it is quite realistic to raise 4,000 per day. After deducting all costs, the workshop will bring about 50,000 rubles per month.

Watering systems

Business in the garage for the manufacture and further installation of irrigation systems is very popular. Designs are in demand not only by dacms and farmers in countryside. To care for lawns in the city, automatic systems are also used everywhere. Competition I am high in this area, but thanks to high-quality products, adequate prices and competent advertising campaign, you can reach a decent level of income.

To learn the subtleties of the selected craft, you must pass training courses. You can learn technology on the Internet or in professionals who have sufficient experience in the manufacture of watering systems. For work it is worth stockwork with the necessary components, the assembly tool. To start a business, you will need:

  • equipment for 80,000;
  • business registration - 800;
  • advertising - 5,000.

Increase the number of orders will help creating your own single-page site to widely reach the target audience. Earnings will depend on the season and the number of customers. In the "hot" months will get earned from 60,000 rubles.

Production of hammakov

Such an element of furniture, like a hammock, has long ceased to be perceived as something exotic. Residents of country houses actively use it for short-term recreation in the yard, and some in the house. Interestingly, the cost of a hammock from natural tissue begins from 1600 rubles, and the cost of such a product barely reaches 500 rubles.

The process of manufacturing a hammock is simple, and if desired, anyone can master it. If you sew a suspension bed on your own, the income from the implementation of one product will be from 1100 rubles. Business can be organized in the garage. About 24,000 rubles will go to the employment facilities:

  • folding table - 17 000 r.;
  • sewing machine - 4,500 r.;
  • chair - 1,500;
  • lighting device - 1 000 r.

To sew 1 hammock takes:

  • tight fabric base (2m) - from 300 p.
  • cord - 16 m (Cost 200-meter Bobbins - 1 800 r.)
  • threads - 60 r.

If desired, you can enable fantasy and arrange a hammock, embroidery, decorate lace, fringe, decorated with small pillows. This will increase consumer interest, and at the same time the profit of the entrepreneur.

Ceramic products

Despite the widespread modernization, the pottery craft has not yet lost its relevance. Ceramic dishes, figurines and other souvenirs "Handmade" certainly find their buyer. Pottery production is a profitable and affordable direction. But one desire to open this business in the garage is not enough. It is necessary to learn, not only the basics, but also the intricacies of the ancient craft to attract a large number of buyers of professional and high-quality work.

For opening a business on ceramic products, you will need:

  • potter's wheel;
  • polymer clay;
  • mesh for form;
  • paints for painting the product.

It will all go about 40,000 rubles. In modern performance, the potted circle is a powerful equipment designed for masters of different levels. And in the absence of experience with it, it is possible to start with the manufacture of stucco ceramics.

The first products are desirable to do according to preliminary sketches. For advertising and presentation of their talent of a pottery wizard, make some unusual products. Do not be afraid to experiment. Surely among potential customers there are connoisseurs of not only classics, but also of unique things. In the first months, there should not be a big profit. Financial success will definitely come after the development of reputation and a large client base.

Ban production

Today, you can rarely meet a person who does not know about the benefits of the Russian bath. This is an excellent way to prevent and get rid of diseases. Therefore, this structure is a mandatory attribute of any country ownership. Making a turnkey bath is an excellent opportunity to open your business in the garage.

Of course, we are not talking about chic capital buildings, but about budget wooden bantas constructors. In the garage conditions, the components of the profiled bar are preparing with the subsequent sale of the complete set to the customer. An additional service can be the assembly and installation of the bath, as the independent installation is very difficult to be lack of skills and specialized tools.

To launch the Ban Manufacturing Project, carpentry tools will be required. The full set will cost 200,000 rubles. In addition to initial investments, you will need to decide on the team. If the entrepreneur does not engage in the installation of the construction and is not afraid of heavy physical labor, you can cope with the work yourself.

When expanding production it is more profitable to hire employees, so the manufacturing process is moving faster, and the order execution timing is reduced. The approximate cost of the transported bathroom designer (without equipment) is 8 square meters. M - 185 000 rubles. After deducting the material spent, net profit is 90,000 rubles. Earnings will depend on the number of orders and the speed of work.

Mini smoking

For those who want to master culinary craftsmanship, it is possible to organize a business in a garage on smoke. The process is carried out in a smoking closet that takes a little space and has good performance. If desired, in the garage, you can easily place 3-4 such installations. This will significantly increase the volume of products manufactured, and, therefore, income from production.

Before starting a business, think about obtaining a hygienic certificate and permits in all instances. If the garage meets the established standards, buy equipment. The cost of 1 smoked cabinet - from 10,000 rubles. You will additionally need various kitchenware - knives, boards, trays for finished products.

The purchase of the first batch of semi-finished products for smoking will require 10,000 rubles. The choice of the supplier is one of the most responsible moments. If you use low-quality raw materials, you can earn money, but a stained reputation. Return the buyer's confidence will be quite difficult. Therefore, about the impeccability of the quality of raw materials is better to take care in advance.

You can sell products on the market, in stores or wholesale buyers. According to observations, 1 kg of smoked products brings 30-120 rubles. With the right approach, the mini-smoke will bring monthly income from 50,000 rubles.

Production of aquariums

The desire to create a home underwater world in an apartment or office, dictates modern fashion on the aquariums. Their manufacture can be started with meager investments within the business in the garage. Gradually, increasing the client base, the project will start to large scale.

To organize the production of aquariums, you will need:

  • table - 5 000 r.;
  • pistol for mounting - from 8 000 r.;
  • glass cutting tool - from 2 000 r.;
  • grinding machine - 20 000 r.

The garage should be well ventilated so that the toxic substances used in the manufacturing process did not harm their health. The standard set of materials includes:

  • glass different species - 160-1900 rubles;
  • glue - 135 rubles;
  • ribbon for decoration of seams - 100 r.;
  • acetone and gasoline.

Making a medium-sized aquarium costs 1,500 rubles. With a retail price of 4,800 rubles, net income will be 3,300 rubles. If you do 1 aquarium per day, you can reach income - 76,000 rubles.

Candle production

For those who have 10,000 rubles of free money and a standing garage room, we suggest to consider the idea of \u200b\u200ba business in the garage on the spuriousness. Few people know that the owners of fantasy and the desire to work, there is a real opportunity to earn at the work of 40,000 rubles per month. All that is needed is a lot of hardworking and a detailed study of candle production technologies.

With procurement of raw materials, problems will not arise. Paraffin, wax briquettes, phytilites are sold in any specialized store. For dyeing in different colors, cosmetic pigments use, for aromatization - essential oils.

The cost of decorative candle - 70 rubles. Price for the consumer - 250-300 rubles. Paying for 3 hours a day, you can make 500 simple candles. If the product is complex, their number will decrease roughly.

Facing manufacturing

For the heating of giving in winter or the formation of steam in the bath can not do without a heating device. Heating devices are metallic and brick, but in most cases there are small metal furnaces, which are fully coping with the task.

Furnace furnace - profitable nicherequiring the ability to handle the welding machine. The rapid manufacturing process and small investments are heated by the interest of novice entrepreneurs to this idea for business in the garage. And, despite the need for severe physical labor, this case with a "male character" has not been losing its popularity among the "garage" businessmen.

To fulfill your first order, you will need starting attachments:

  • apparatus for welding - 5000 r.;
  • protective (welding) mask - 400 p.;
  • bulgarian - 1800 r.;
  • electrodel - 2000 p.;
  • auxiliary tools - 1200 p.

Total: 10,400 rubles.

Consumables: Sheet iron, electrodes, hinges, discs, reinforcement for grate, paint heat-resistant, respirators, brushes - by 7,500 rubles. They can be purchased for their money, or on an advance left by the customer. Furnace cost 75 cm height 45 cm - 15,000 rubles. Of these, net income will be 7,500 rubles.

Gypsum lepnel

Gypsum is the cheapest and popular finishing material. It is used for external and internal design of buildings. The interior uses decorative elements that adorn the ceilings, walls that are less popular with figurines, souvenirs, garden figures. The technology of manufacturing gypsum products is simple and does not require the purchase of specialized equipment. By the way, this idea is perfect for business in the garage, especially for entrepreneurs with great creative potential.

35,000 rubles are enough for the start. They are purchased:

  • drill with a nozzle for mixing a gypsum solution;
  • lobzik;
  • machine for grinding surfaces;
  • screwdriver;
  • bulgarian;
  • bormashin;
  • forms for products;
  • electronic balance.

For small products, there will be chisels, knives, stacks of wood, blades. In the process of manufacture, we need sandpaper of varying degrees of grain. Raw (bag of gypsum 40 kg) will cost 200-500 rubles. Gypsum products have a different value. We want to note that business on large ornamental details is more profitable than selling small piece parts. On average, the monthly income will be from 25,000 rubles.

Window blinds

Another simple look - the production of window blinds. If it is competent to organize a production process, it will bring good income, and with the established sales markets, investments will pay off for several months.

You can make blinds using a manual tool or automatic machine. To automate the process, 100,000 rubles will be required, for manual manufacture:

  • sewing machine - 5000;
  • circular saw - 15000;
  • pobbler for plastic - 1500;
  • press scissors - 4500;
  • screwdriver set - 600.

The main material for the manufacture is an aluminum tape (150 r. For 1 m). Working alone, per month the master will earn about 50,000 rubles. To increase income in price, you can enable the installation service.

Metal products

Manufacture of metal products - "Stern" business in the garage, to implement that under the power of men who are not afraid of working with the metal. In the conditions of mini-shop, you can make details of house decoration details, decorative ramps, visors in front of the entrance, racks and much more. Ideas can be drawn from our own fantasy, the Internet or sketches of customers.

Most often by customers are private tickets or construction stores. Entrance ticket to business - 100 000 rubles. They will spend on:

  • milling machine;
  • apparatus inverter for welding;
  • drill;
  • angle Grinder;
  • metal melt fixture.

The cost of manufacturing the product is 2 times lower than their price for the consumer. Income not less than 30 000 rubles.

Production of leather accessories

It is profitable to engage in the manufacture of leather products. This business can be guided in the garage, the main thing is that it is well ventilated. Demand for leather bags, purses, wallets, belts, is always stable and not exposed to seasonality.

A creative master, sewing beautiful leather products can bring a stable income - from 30,000 rubles. And with an increase in experience and customer base, profits increase and depends only on your originality and quality of products.

If the entrepreneur does not have skin skills, before purchasing equipment and materials, it is worth consulting specialists. To improve the workplace, it will be necessary:

  • big table - 10,000;
  • sewing machine for sewing skin - 42000;
  • knives - 700;
  • set for working with skin - 4000.

Genuine leather is sold with skins or small pieces. The cost of 1 square. Decimeter - 10-150 rubles. Additionally need accessories, paints, varnishes and other decor elements. The exact list depends on the imagination and the model of the leather product. The total amount of initial investment does not exceed 60,000 rubles. The experimental master they will return after a couple of months of work.

Production of animal houses

Currently, many city inhabitants have pets and try to create comfortable living conditions for them. Various loungers are presented in pet stores, "houses", brates. They are not suiced, and for those who know how to make crash, will not be difficult for one day to sew 10 soft dwellings. Price for end consumer It starts from 1200 rubles. Considering the cost of the cost (700 p.), Net profit from each product will be 500 rubles, and the day revenue is 5,000 rubles.

Business can be started in the garage, it will take:

  • tools: electric saw, stapler, screwdriver, electric lobby, line, pencils;
  • materials: plywood, fabric, thread, needles, foam rubber.

Animal houses can be custom-made or sell through pet stores, sites, communities in social networks. Additionally, you can produce dog-booths, as well as carrying bags for the transport of animals.

Photo books

Despite the widespread introduction of information technologies, many still prefer to "store memories", printing photos. Therefore, if you need a simple and creative idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness in the garage - this is the manufacture of photo books that came to replace the traditional photo albums.

General characteristics of this type of business:

  • fast start;
  • high financial indicators;
  • prospects for rapid development.

Manufacturing is made by manual or automated way. Its selection depends on the financial capabilities of a businessman. For manual assembly, you will need 120000 rubles for:

  • device for assembling books;
  • table for assembling books;
  • machine for folds;
  • printer;
  • corners rounder.

If you have photos editing skills, you can pre-create a photo book. To do this, you will need a laptop or stationary computer. The cost of the finished instance depends on the size, number of pages, the binding of the photo book. The cost of a simple product does not exceed 500 rubles, and the price for the end user is 1500 rubles and higher.

Dry cleaning Kovrov

Cleaning carpets - troublesome and time consuming, sometimes with an unpredictable result of the occupation. Few people like to do it on their own. Most appeals to cleaning companies whose services are currently in trend.

The organization of the chemical cleaning point of carpets is a sought-after direction that will always find its client. To accommodate the business, the garage is suitable for the opening of which at first you can do the minimal starting capital. It will take less than 100,000 rubles for the purchase of equipment and chemicals. And with the right approach to doing business, starting attachments will pay off in 2-3 months.

At first, the shop for cleaning carpet will bring the owner of 20-30 thousand rubles. Over time, it turns out to expand the range of services and equip the garage with better equipment.

Modernization of technology and development of the database of regular customers will allow you to reach a high level of income. Revenue of "garage" dry cleaning in a major city can reach 0.7 million rubles.

Assessing the diversity of business ideas, we can safely say that the garage is a profitable place. If the room is in bold and active hands, there will always be an option for good earnings. For those who still doubt their own or not chosen a suitable idea, we have prepared several useful advice:

  1. To make sure whether the direction of future activities is chosen correctly, evaluate the condition and format of the garage room, its location, the number of settlements in which business will function.
  2. Pay attention to your favorite lesson, it is possible that it is the monetization of a hobby and will be the best idea to open your business.
  3. Before the start, do not neglect the detailed study of all available information on this field. Improve professionalism and consistently important.
  4. Plan future activity carefully, set specific time, analyze the results. This will help make sure that the selected strategy is correct and adjusted on time if necessary.
  5. Do not wait for instant results, unjustified expectations can break the will and lead to the collapse of the business. To achieve financial success, continue to carefully work and believe in your strength.
  6. [Total votes: 8 Middle: 5/5] (Votes: 8, Average 5 out of 5)

    Freelancer, Creative and Business

Business in the garage can start almost everyone. Consider how to organize production in the garage, ideas from China, Europe and other countries.

What a garage equipment will be required. Here you can find answers to all important questions. We have collected the most relevant ideas for the garage, which will certainly bring the success of the owners of this business.

Why should I open a business in the garage

Its case in the garage should be started at least because it is a good alternative earnings, and production can bring human activity to a new level. The equipment for the garage must be selected strictly by calculation. Mini production in the garage requires compliance with serious economy, because the final amount of costs is formed precisely from the little things. Competent adherence to all requirements will help to open a small business in the garage. Ideas working Everywhere, it's not so difficult to find.Garage business is a good start to create something more promising.

In a few words - it is profitable and entertaining. Have your business, develop it, create something new is always more interesting than to stive day after day in the office at a fixed rate. Each businessman himself manages his life and is responsible for its quality. No bosses will not dare to increase the voice or behave not on equal. Moreover, business in the garage does not require low contributions.

Selection of activities

Ideas for the garage with your own hands can be borrowed from other, more successful businessmen. The main thing to remember that it is impossible to use patented ideas.

If the reader is a qualified master, it is capable of making quality products, it will not even notice that it was done in the garage. Success is practically guaranteed. It will be needed to make good advertising and organize implementation.

Most novice entrepreneurs ask what can be produced in the garage for sale. It all depends on the fantasy of the future manufacturer. If many people were able to find what can be carried out at home, then the ideas for the garage are already extinguished in a considerable amount.

The choice must be made on the basis of your own preferences and skills.. No matter how trite it sounded, but you need to strive for where the heart tells. It is in this field that a person will be able to reveal his potential and achieve great success.

Development of a successful business strategy in the garage

Business success directly depends on the quality of the strategy. No matter what direction was elected. The main criterion for success is the right execution and implementation. About what production can be opened in the garage is written below. From this article, you can learn many practical advice to create, business, and successful implementation Product.

The basic strategy plan includes the following items:

  • selection of direction;
  • purchase of the necessary tools, preparing the premises to work;
  • check in legal entity, the fulfillment of contributions to the funds - Pension and Social Insurance;
  • advertising;
  • search for partners and investors;
  • finding methods for sales and sales of products.

Uncomplicated actions, right? Nevertheless, the fulfillment of everyone is necessary, otherwise the business can simply not develop.

Special attention should be paid to the tax inspection.

Recall that the quarterly tax reporting, including zero, must be handed over every 3 months (and once 4 times a year), and the annual one - in January.

The contribution to the pension and insurance funds must be made monthly.

What production can be started in the garage

In the garage can be organized, in fact, any production: cosmetic products, clothes, baking, devices and appliances, software can be made and so on. Opportunities are not limited. Just imagine for a second that you are the owner of a miniature factory that should grow. The room can be leased, you can select the placement for the production or provision of any services.

As an example, I would like to bring one of the largest modern game developer companies: Id Software. Probably, everyone heard about the series of the Doom Games, which became the source of all modern shooters. The current headquarters consists of thousands of developers, the company's turnover is calculated by billions, films with Hollywood stars are filmed. And where did the history of this giant begin? From the garage.

Where to start a business in the garage that for this you need

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the room, equipment, raw materials, as well as labor.

In preparation, you may need anything, depending on the scope of the organization.

Each case requires separate consideration and study, without a detailed plan, it is impossible to do without a detailed plan.

For help you can refer to business consultants who can give real tips, relevant to your region.

Important:Be sure to go on a consultation on the maintenance of tax accounting and control of funds. This will help avoid fatal business errors.

So, you have a garage, minimal capital (the amount may be very different, the necessary investments are considered at the bottom), and, of course, the desire to act. You can do anything (combine several ideas or generate a new one, if it turns out) if there is a garage.

Production in the garage: 10 ideas from Europe

European businessmen know a lot about making money, so they have something to learn. Below is 10 tips from different countries Europe that can be used.

1. Forge

You can engage in artistic forging or creating other metal products. It will be easy to produce forged lattices, gates, fences, artistic elements for the design of the exterior. You will need a blacksmith machine, horn, anvil, vice and metallic raw materials.

2. New Year and Christmas decorations

With minimal investments (from 10,000 rubles), a business can develop to large scale. Decorations can be made of plastic blanks, clean toys without jewelry can be ordered in China at a rush price, after which they decorate them on their own based on folk fairy tales, according to traditions.

3. Magnets for refrigerators

Billets of magnets can be ordered from China. For initial investments, there will be about 15,000 rubles, it is necessary to purchase both the magnets themselves and raw materials for their decoration. This business is actively developing in tourist areas. It will be left to find a profitable place to implement.

4. Decorative and Aromasveti

Natural and decorative aromasters are popular all over the world. It will be necessary to create this business from 30000 rubles. The technologies for the production of such candles set, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate for itself and proceed to work. You can implement the manufactured goods online.

5. Homemade soap

Homemade soap is gaining popularity no less actively than candles. On this business will also need investment from 30000 rubles, payback periods range from six months. As in the case of candles, several production technologies can be used. Handwork is popular using natural components predominate in the region.

Slight advice: Buyers are loyal to products that are produced in the native region. It is necessary to convey information about the territory of the manufacturing as clearly.

6. Wicker baskets

Weaving baskets is a business that has always been popular. Despite the fact that the practical need for baskets has already disappeared, they continue to enjoy in great demand Actively used for decorative purposes.

7. Clay jugs and dishes

Clay pitchers and other dishes also perform mostly decorative element. However, if you emphasize the manufacture of practical subjects, such as colors pots, then in a short time you can start making a profit. It is necessary to purchase all the equipment on pottery craft.

8. Wooden dishes and appliances

Wooden dishes began to recruit popularity. The fact is that many people begin to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Many benefits and practices require the use of wooden plates, bowls, other products. Moreover, a beautifully made wooden tableware has a big aesthetic value.

9. Pocket, Wrist or Wall Clock

The clock was needed by mankind at all times. Yes, convenient digital gadgets appear, but no one has canceled the value of wall clock with cuckoo or metal pocket clocks with unique threads. With serious investment, you can invest in the manufacture of precious hours.

10. Souvenirs for children

Souvenirs, toys for children - this is another product that will never lose their popularity. This includes balls, dolls, automata. This category includes soft toys. Who could assume that such a banal thing, like a spinner, will get big turnover?

Production in the garage: 5 ideas from China

Eastern entrepreneurs are known worldwide. The lion's share of production is located on the territory of Asia, including China. Yes, development belongs to the United States or Europe, but the manufacture is happening in China. What ideas can be borrowed from them?

1. Production of underwear

Underwear is always a topical wardrobe subject. Modern manufacturers often offer goods in an inadequate price, and quality leaves much to be desired. What is not a reason in order to make a healthy competition?

2. Production of garden furniture

Garden furniture is a very specific product, and it is necessary to take for its manufacture only with certain skills or a clear understanding of the technology. Initial investments require the amount from 50,000 rubles, which pays off during the year.

3. Padding and upholstery of upholstered furniture

This idea can enjoy great popularity in the yard, where there are apartment buildings nearby. No one wants to export furniture far away, and if possible, people try to fix it in places close to the house. Trace the process is thus much easier. Further, business can develop before making their own upholstered furniture.

4. Production of covers for phones

Covers from China are ordered, it is necessary to take into account the entire range of manufacturers. You can then decorate them or apply actual symbolism. You can sell such a product, both through the Internet and in the garage itself. Here you may need a favorable location.

5. Chain and Epoxy Decorations

Very interesting idea for all lovers of beauty. Did the decoration ever stopped using popularity? But women need to be even nice to surprise something new. Real berries or flowers in coolies, rings with star dust effect and endless universe - epoxy glue allows you to create unique, nothing to do with similar decorations. Yes, and production technology does not require high costs.

40 ideas for mini-production in the garage: practical advice and recommendations

Mini production in the garage is the optimal way to use an empty room, making money on it. Below are 40 ideas that can be embodied.

1. Mini Machines for production at home

Mini-machines can be used to create any metal products: screws, nuts, corners, wires, keys and other things. This is a universal item that will help to establish the production of metal products. The main condition is the use of high-quality raw materials and safety safety.

2. Countertops made of artificial materials

Another option from the scope of repair business. Kitchen furniture is needed everywhere, so with high-quality execution of orders a constant stream of customers is guaranteed. Today, extremely few performers who follow the timing of execution, Make countertops qualitatively and do not require cosmic prices.

3. Stained glass

Making stained glass windows never lost its relevance. It is a little costly business that requires investing from 150,000 rubles, however, with a constant stream of customers, it pays attention to it very quickly. Stained glass manufacturing technology also requires the use of special equipment, the acquisition of which must be taken in advance.

4. Printing images and hand drawings on ceramic tiles

Ceramics requires firing, so you need to purchase a special oven. It costs it expensive, consumes a lot of energy. If you think about creating ceramic products, you should contact special workshops where the firing is produced. At first, before promoting business to a large scale, it will be more profitable. Printing images is also popular, but it is not so durable, and manual work has always been valued more.

5. Outdoor advertising and printing on paper

Another popular type of product. Advertising materials will always be enjoyed in great demand. You should choose the region of the city where there is no competition. For the manufacture of such products it is necessary to purchase special printing devices. They cost quite expensive, so it makes sense to do this business, only if there are serious investments. Business has a high payback.

6. Silkography

This is another way to make promotional products. It is relatively simple, does not require large investments. It has a high payback, enjoys greatly popularity. It often has high competition, so it is necessary to provide something new to the consumer.

7. Aerography

Aerography brings great profits only subject to the fulfillment of high-quality and unique work. To do this, you need to possess a high level of skills or hire a good specialist. Initial investments are about 100-150,000 rubles. The payback time directly depends on the quality of work and the number of customers.

8. Tattoo Salon

Tattoo Salon is one of the most whimsical types of business. The most suitable for the masters themselves who want to open their own studio. To carry out such activities, you will need to get permits from many instances. It is necessary to constantly monitor the sterility of the room and the tools used. A very profitable business, subject to a qualitative performance of work.

9. Fresh Vegetable Store

Despite the fact that fresh vegetables have always enjoyed great popularity, recently this trend has become actively developing. The reason for this is an increasing number of people who adhere to healthy nutrition.

Small lifehak: If you sell already washed and cut vegetables packaged on briquettes and portions, you can get not only high popularity among buyers, but also greater benefits.

You can arrange delivery on offices. To gain high popularity, it is necessary to put competitive prices.

10. Store ready healthy food

Healthy food belongs to the same category as the previous one. Now in the West, this course is gaining great popularity. Provided that many people in Russia also begin to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, there is a high probability that this business will soon begin to gain large revs.

11. Sale of Honey

Honey and other products of bee vital activity have always been highly popular. To produce honey in the garage itself, of course, it will not work, but to negotiate with the butchers and buy high-quality honey you can always. In the garage you can adjust the manufacture of products containing honey or wax.

12. Production of fluid for weiping

The boom of electronic cigarettes has already passed, but they are still high popularity. Veiping liquid is quite simplyAll the necessary products and equipment can be ordered from China. This business has a high payback.

13. Decorative furniture design

Decorative design of furniture makes sense only if you are a designer or you have a good specialist. Handwork has a high cost, and with a large number of clients, the success of the business is guaranteed.

14. Printing tablets with houses of houses

This type of business will not bring transcendental profits, but it will always be cost-effective. In any case, for the next few years. It makes sense to combine the manufacture of printed products with the manufacture of targeted tablets. So the probability of the success of the enterprise increases at times.

15. Creating and duplication of keys

Who did not meet with the situation when urgently needed to make a duplicate keys, and wasn't the masters nearby? Probably, every person is familiar with this situation. If the garage is in a residential or sleeping area, the success of such an enterprise is practically guaranteed. For greater confidence in obtaining benefits, you can combine the manufacture of keys with some other direction.

16. Cutting items

Sharpening knives, scissors and other cutting objects - another direction using popular in the sleeping and residential areas. It makes sense to combine business with duplication and key creation.

17. Repair of bicycles

This business direction has always been demanded. Moreover, if the service is a representative of any specific bike brands. Here you can restore other sports objects: roller skates or scooters.

18. Tinontazh

It is very popular if the garage is on the roadway or near the places of large accumulation of cars, for example, near parking. Here you can carry out balancing and repair of the wheels.

19. Car wash

This business will be popular almost everywhere. The main condition is the observance of technology. Make sure that the masters perform work correctly and did not damage the machines, then your sink will be at the peak of popularity. And, of course, loyal prices - should not forget about it.

20. Tuning cars

This can be attributed both to the tuning of the body and the sound system or the chassis. It is necessary to purchase special equipment. In the presence of highly qualified craftsmen, business success is guaranteed.

21. Coffee for removal

If the garage is nearby from the lively points (subway, business and shopping centers), then you can equip the garage under the counter with coffee. In the US, for example, there is a tradition - to grab coffee to the beginning of the working day. Provided that there are very few places in Russia where you can take good causing coffee, business success can be guaranteed with almost 100% confidence.

22. Lark with shawarma, donuts, sweet cotton

There is nothing to discuss here. We receive references, buying equipment, high-quality and fresh products. Here you can make sandwich with salads for removal, they will be no less popular.

23. Storage of items (bicycles, snowboards)

How many people live in high-rise buildings and raises daily bikes? This is good if there is a spacious elevator in the building, but in most high-rise buildings of the old sample there is simply no. Storage of a bicycle or other massive sports objects somewhere in the garage will be salvation for many. And for the owner of the garage with a good business.

24. Stationery Store

Such points are particularly popular near educational and work institutions.

25. Printer printing services

This is a small production, or rather the service is popular almost everywhere. But educational institutions are particularly popular. As in the case of many other business areas, it makes sense to combine with the manufacture or selling something else, similar on the subject. For example, with the Office.

Prices for printers

26. Computer Salon

Here the salon itself can be created, where many computers will be installed, and people will be able to rent them, and repair can be performed. You can combine both directions. Business success directly depends on prices and quality.

27. Laundry

One of the necessary services. In general, any domestic services Always enjoyed success. Much depends on location and communication conditions, but, in most cases, this is a winning business.

28. Atelier

Sewing and fitting clothes. In the presence of good equipment, the choice of tissues, as well as highly qualified masters, success is guaranteed. One of those directions that can quickly gain momentum.

29. Sapozhnik

Another essential service. Unlike the studio, it rarely happens here high demandBut minimal profit is always guaranteed. You can organize with the same studio.

30. Zoomagazine

In which part of the city there are no pets? Here, by the way, you can make food for them at competitive prices. Food for dogs and cats is created by complex technology, but everything is much simpler for rodents and birds - it is enough just to purchase useful seeds and grains.

31. Production of natural cosmetics for body care

The scale of the business is directly dependent on the number of investments. The minimum amount of money for start - 30 000 rubles. Product order can be carried out from China. Production technologies Great many, we advise you to pay attention to Making creams and masks for face and body.

32. Production of ice cream

Enjoy popular in crowded places. Manufacturing technology is very simple. Chinese manufacturers are now offering very interesting solutions at competitive prices, therefore it makes sense to consider this particular option. The Turkish manufacturing technology based on natural and fresh products is still popular.

33. Production of drones and quadcopters

Domestic producers of drones are small. But many cheap details in China. Skillful hands, head on the shoulders and maybe it will work out a lot.

34. Breeding thoroughbred cats

If the garage has sufficient dimensions and can be divided into a large room into a few small, then you can get a few thoroughbred cats. Each of them can bring offspring to 2 times a year, and kittens cost a lot of money. If it is properly implemented, even the queue of those who want. And the kittens can be handed over to pet stores.

35. Baking

Popular both in crowded places and in the bedrooms. Food and all that is connected with it, always remains popular.

36. Repair of mobile phones

One of those business areas where highly qualified specialists are needed. But the profit will not wait long for a long time.

37. Pizzeria

Are many places in your city where you are preparing a truly delicious pizza? In Italy, you can meet the divine pizza almost on every corner, but in Russia it it is extremely difficult to find. All that is needed is a skillful cook, gaining knowledge from Italian chefs and high-quality products.

38. Winery

The only minus is difficult to get a production permit. But when you receive all documents, you can create a delicious home winewhich will definitely get popularity.

39. Small car repair shop

Requires the presence of a pit or lift so that you can work with the base of the machine. Replacing oil and tin work are always necessary. Not that this business had a fabulous success, but he benefits.

40. Flower shop

Here you can grow flowers for pots. The success of the enterprise depends on the skill of the gardener and flower.

Useful video: Ideas Mini production in the garage

So the business is implemented in the garage. You can use ideas to create your own business or come up with something new. The main thing in any business is to believe in yourself, your business. Then everything will certainly succeed, and business will grow, develop, opening new horizons and opportunities.

Private practice has long become the usual sphere of activity of many citizens. Visits turns in almost all directions. If for women the choice of business themes is mainly limited to manicure, linguistics courses and the like activity, then men are practically not limited to the choice of classes. Consider several new business ideas for men in 2020.

The average man in most cases has a car and a garage, and the garage is an excellent room for a start. labor activity On the field of independent earnings.

Business in the garage

The fact of the presence of a garage man immediately presents a number of indisputable advantages:

  • the garage is a versatile room, which can be re-equipped for anything without passing long and tedious coordination with regulatory authorities;
  • the garage is in constant access, around the clock, seven days a week;
  • as a rule, the garage is on a minor distance from the place of residence;
  • in the capital garage there is always power supply (and in some heating), if the electricity is desired, the issue of heating in the garage will not be difficult to solve. And this, in turn, makes it possible to work regardless of weather conditions and season;
  • the lack of statistically important amounts of rent for the room (garage in most cases is property, and when renting a monthly rate does not exceed 3-5 thousand rubles);
  • it is very easy to control the safety of the property by independent installation of locks, alarms, video surveillance;
  • ability to use equipment and tools and with an overestimated level of noise.

All these advantages create prerequisites for a variety of ideas for the organization or production of services in the garage.

Very activities for a man, at least a bit disassembled in the car. The main advantage is that at the initial stage you can do almost completely without investments.

You can start with the elementary replacement of oil in the engine. Rarely, which of motorists is engaged in this procedure independently, although in fact it is very simple and not requiring special knowledge and tools. To start working, it is enough to have a garage with a pit, a set of elementary tools (in any garage there is always) and the container under the exhaust oil.

A huge advantage will be work in after-school time. No matter how the proposal is to have a demand for demand, but to date, the "working day is over" a stereotype of the country does not extend.

The first thing you need to do is prepare a pit, a container for draining technical fluid, a set of tools and a working overalls. Necessarily the presence of gloves. In addition to preventing the contact of the skin of the hands with an aggressive environment, the client will be nice to observe how you dress clean gloves before touching his car.

When workplace Ready, you should advertise on social networks on trade and information platforms and simply call acquaintances. An individual point to specify the possibility of working in the evening (night) time and during the period of weekend (festive) days.

In a conversation with a client, you will clarify with him, will it bring his own consumables or hopes that they have it. Over time, in the garage, you can constantly keep a small margin of the most popular oils and oil filters. By the way, the exhaust oil can also be monitored by implementing, which will be an additional source of income. For the convenience of the client in the garage, you can equip a small "guest" zone with tea, coffee, TV or logs.

In the future, the business idea has unlimited expansion prospects - the purchase of tire equipment, a scanner for resetting errors and diagnose the electrical part of the car, replacing filters and brake pads, and the like. All this is the simplest operations that do not require long-term training or huge starting capital, but nevertheless, quite capable of bringing a stable income.

Let's summarize.

  • rent per garage (if not owned) - 3000 rubles;
  • power supply payment - 500 - 1000 rubles;
  • internet, cellular communication, advertising - 500 rubles.

Total - a maximum of 4500 rubles per month.

  • the average price for replacing the oil is from 500 to 800 rubles, depending on the region;
  • at the initial stage of work, we take at least one client per day;
  • 500 rubles from one client a day - 15,000 rubles per month;
  • the average oil volume in the engine is 4.5 - 5 liters;
  • 5 liters per day - 150 liters of spent oil per month;
  • on average, the work is accepted by 30 - 40 rubles per liter - about 5,000 rubles of additional income.

In total, the average monthly income at the initial stage will be pre-20,000 rubles per month, minus expendable amounts - 15,500 pure income.

The business idea without investments has the right to life under the condition of quality work, competent advertising and the absence of prejudices of the "work time regulations".

A very promising direction is the launch of small goods in the garage. Environmentally friendly toys for children made of wood are very well implemented. A business idea cannot be called production without investments, as it requires the acquisition of special equipment and raw materials.

The advantage of the idea is a practically free market with great demand and the opportunity to regulate the volume of production depending on the current situation.

To get started, you need to purchase equipment: a woodworking machine (desirable, if the budget allows, then with CNC), wood raw materials and environmentally friendly paints. Models of future toys can be borrowed from the Internet or, if available creative thinking, Develop yourself.

At the initial stage, working independently, quite bye produce 3 - 5 sets of toys per day. Packaging can be in polyethylene packages or color printing. As a rule, packaging issues are solved directly with the consumer.

The self-sufficiency of the business idea, provided a deliberate agreement with the consumer (implementer), takes from 3 to 6 months of part-time.

Most Chinese vendors offer their goods (often good quality) in the scattered form, the so-called "no name". The procurement cost of such goods is quite small. For example, in its own garage, you can establish an assembly of mobile phones protected from the ingress of moisture under your own (registered) brand.

The benefits of such an idea include its relatively fast self-sufficiency and the ability to regulate the volume of purchases (sales), based on its own budget.

And the disadvantages are mandatory registration of IP, coordination of goods and purchase operations, the availability of knowledge and skills in the field of working with electronics (option with mobile phones It was taken for example) or attracting a third-party specialist with additional expenses for the payment of its services.

Production of building materials

The idea is not new, but not losing the relevance against the background of the reduction of equipment for production with the undesirable level of demand for products. If there is a garage and initial capital in the amount of 300 - 500 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment and raw materials, it is possible to establish a production of anything. The most liquid is the blocks of foam concrete, chain grid, insulating material and floor coverings.

A separate moment is the possibility of manufacture in the garage conditions of wooden elements of fences. Unfortunately, this is a direction for all its profitability and low laboriousness only near the frequent sector or rural areas.


The business idea is applicable not only for men, well-disassembled techniques, but also as organizational business. In the garage, you can repair televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and so on. In the absence of education in the field of electrical engineering, the garage can be used under the warehouse and act as an intermediary between the client and the master.

The idea does not require initial costs. The costs of advertising services will be a good addition, but not a prerequisite.

Perspective and fast payback direction. IN modern world No organization costs without printing: tags, labels, plates, banners, advertising booklets, stickers and much more - it all consumed constantly and in a growing amount.

As the initial costs, it is required to purchase a good printer of a widescreen printing or plotter, set of required ink and paints, 3 - 4 rolls of paper of various density and coating.

At the initial stage, you can print exceptionally small products - electrical safety signs, luminous signs "Input / output", etc. In the future, with an increase in the client base, gradually expand the range of services provided.

The self-sufficiency of the enterprise does not exceed 6 months, but requires financial investments about 350 thousand rubles and basic knowledge of graphic editors.

Business ideas for men at home

Homemade conditions for work possess all the benefits of familiar habitat, but at the same time limit in opportunities - few people want to watch in their apartment for 50 completely strangers daily. The optimal option for home employment is, on a computer or other type of employment without attracting additional staff.

It is not necessary to pour a lot of Baulov with things and sell them from the balcony. With the development of the Internet, it has become very easy and practically from scratch to organize an online store and start your business at home.

Ways to implement a business idea a few:

  • on request, a specialist develops a website project, an Internet resource or shopping ground, contracts of offer with suppliers are involved, customers are involved, attendance is promoted, etc. - Dear and Long Process;
  • the leading shopping Internet sites have its own franchises for which they for a symbolic fee in the form of 3 - 5 thousand rubles provide the applicant with a ready-made Internet resource and even help in its SEO promotion. The user's task remains only the establishment of the pricing policy, attracting a client base, operational response to changing the consumption market and customer information support.

Other things being equal, this is a very successful option of the start of your own business, requiring minimal investments, a stationary computer or laptop and a stable access to the Internet;

  • development of your own website or promotion of goods on social networks. As a rule, such schemes work on the principle of reneak. The client who wants to purchase the goods from you on the court pays its cost with which the seller in turn pays the goods on a cheaper resource by specifying the address of the delivery address of the initial client as the delivery address.

Web reception

If a person is well disassembled into any question, it is quite possible to monetize his knowledge through blogging or the organization of webinars on arbitrary or indicated topic subscribers.

The advantages of the method refers to simplicity of starting business and high self-sufficiency, and the shortcomings are a weakly legislative tax system on the profit gained.

A very well-paid idea is a business to restore lost data. Physical media - flash drives, hard drives and other drives, as a rule, fail suddenly, carrying out a variety of important and necessary information.

People are ready to pay well a specialist who can return from a damaged flash drive or an inappropriately formatted disk photography from a wedding or an important financial report with a multitude of numerical data.

The organization of business is much easier than it seems on the basis of the name. To begin with, it is enough to have a computer or laptop, read a couple of books of thematic orientation and purchase the necessary equipment - adapters, licensed software and theater tool.

At the beginning of work, the cost is exhibited slightly below the average and the experience is being developed, then the price policy is aligned and the client base is recruited. In the business idea, the result of the work is more important than the investment in the advertising company.


Well paid, but not everyone is a suitable business idea. With the development of application service, the consumption market is overflowing with demand for software development for various platforms. If there are skills and knowledge of at least one of the many programming languages, it makes sense to try yourself as a developer or software test.


Like programming, requires good knowledge of any industry, and no matter what. The teacher, and the student, and the engineer, and the doctor, etc., can work by freelancer, and the ability to present themselves. You can start by checking on one of the popular stock exchanges and only then go into free swimming, while working out the portfolio and name in the midst of the performers.

Freelance - exactly the direction of activity where no one is interested in the level of education, the presence of a diploma, experience, practitioners and other things is important, only the degree of immersion in the subject of freelance is important. If you know how to create a stunning 3D model in 15 minutes, no one will ask you where you learned and whether there are recommendatory letters from the previous job.

One of the most professional areas of employment at home. It requires significant investments and serious luggage of knowledge in the field of financial world or, at a minimum, sufficient time to understand the essence of income extraction.

Everyone who has the necessary amount for acquiring a futures pair can do. The trade strategy and its aggressiveness each chooses independently, but with a great desire and the availability of free time, the trader is quite capable of increasing the initial deposit in a couple of months not too aggressive and risk trading.

In contact with

Business ideas in the garage on the opening of their own small production from scratch attract the attention of many Russians who want to start their little production. In this regard, questions arise as to what you can do inside the stall for the iron horse in order to have a good income in the future.

Garage business prospects

It's no secret that successful business was born in the garage. It was there that the first devices of the "Apple" brand were collected. Since then, not so many years have passed, but today the corporation is estimated at more than 600 billion dollars. According to analysts, this is not a limit: in a short time, capitalization may exceed 1 trillion. Dol.

Jobs's experience confirms the fact that the room intended for the car park can be a starting point for a successful business. It is enough just to insulate it and equip under production needs. The main advantage of the garage business is the lack of the need to pay for the rental of the premises, which is especially important in conditions of small starting capital.

Popular ideas implemented in the garage: what to open

In addition to the assembly of computers, there are many other activities that can be engaged in a garage. Nine most promising of them are presented below.

Baguetov production

One of the most simple ideas is the manufacture of a baguette framework. All that will be needed for work is the desktop version of the baguette guillotine and the fastening machine. The equipment is inexpensive, and to master the specifics of the production of products can be even on its own (see).

Installation of anti-theft systems

This type of business is attractive in that it is directly related to the automotive theme, and therefore the garage is suitable for him as it is impossible. In addition, the installation of alarms on vehicles is in high demand. Before proceeding with work, you need to qualify in this area. This will help master classes and similar forms of training in companies engaged in the sale of alarms and mechanical blocks for gearboxes.

Manufacture of metal products

From the metal you can make fences, stairs, wickets, gates, window grilles, furniture and more. To do this, you need to equip a small blacksmith: get a blacksmith press, cutting wheel, mountain and welding machine. Experts noted that in the future the forge is the most profitable species Garage business. The start costs range from 50 thousand rubles, while the monthly income can reach 30 thousand rubles. Can start with smaller .

Repair and maintenance of cars: business with minimal investments

Production of building materials with their own hands

A small workshop for the production of building materials can be placed in the garage. To produce, for example, the vibrostank will be required, as well as a set of forms to pour, impurities, plaster and dyes.

To engage in the manufacture of large materials, such as building blocks, an additional room for the organization of the warehouse will be required.

If the garage is located apart from home and before entering there is enough free space, you can engage in large seasonal production in the summer: for example, it is made of foam concrete blocks. Or produce all year round.

Services in the spheres of convergence

As a rule, in large cities there is a shortage of points providing similar services: finding good master, Motorist has to stand long queues. This is due to the fact that the number of cars is growing faster than this business develops.

Well be able to regulate the "similarity divide" to start your own business. It is necessary to acquire good equipment that will cost about 500 thousand rubles. In addition, the garage should be located in the immediate vicinity of the busy road and a convenient passage must be equipped with it.

Making small furniture

Rumored that one of the largest russian firmsEngaged in the production of furniture, started its way in the usual garage. There is nothing surprising in this: to organize a small furniture workshop in such conditions - not such a difficult task.

To begin with, you can produce armchairs or chairs, do. Even two people will cope with a small amount of work. In the future, the business can be expanded. According to experts, furniture is one of the best niches for beginner businessmen. Production has good perspectives: if you sell sales, then after 1.5 - 2 years you can reach a new level and rent a full-fledged workshop on the manufacture of various furniture items. Also do not forget about the uniqueness of the business ideas and the furniture produced. For example, or immediately found their client. Why don't you offer your unique furniture project?

NEW: intelligent start-up

Despite the entire attractiveness of garage production, an innovative business is currently the greatest interest. In the usual car box, there is enough space for the development of prototypes, which can then be submitted to potential investors.

Start-AP is associated primarily with computer technologies: a variety of robots, computerized equipment, new software, etc. However, depending on the field of interests of novice entrepreneurs, the invention may affect any other area, for example, medicine.

The success of Start-APA is provided at the expense of the investor, so it is necessary to begin to engage in it as early as possible. You can place your development at venture exhibitions, create your own website, visit specialized resources, etc.

Flexibility is the most important component of success.

Photo: A small mini case for beginners

Any of the presented types of business can successfully develop in the garage, but should not forget about such a factor as cyclicality. What is in demand today, tomorrow may be unprofitable. The situation may change due to the loss of interest in the product or the appearance of a major competitor. That is why the garage entrepreneur must show flexibility.

Production of Europonov Production of building materials in the garage The foundation of its startup


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