Psychological help vocational guidance. Preventive work of a psychologist at school. Typical mistakes when choosing a profession



1. Information about the professional plans of the child can be obtained only in the course of a frank conversation with him, in no case on the run. It is best to start the conversation as if "to the word." In doing so, try to be patient, tact and genuine interest.

2. If a high school student cannot clearly formulate his plans, he must try to understand what this is connected with.

3. It is useful to invite the child to work during the autumn or winter holidays, choosing a specific activity.

4. If you are upset by the professional choice of a child, do not dissuade him or forbid him to do something categorically. Try to find out what his choice is based on.

5. If a high school student only dreams and does nothing, you need to help him draw up a concrete plan by discussing how much time he has and what needs to be done.

6. Help your child prepare a “fallback” in case of failure on the chosen path.

There are no problems for those moms and dads, whose children from an early age dream of a career as a doctor, astronaut or lawyer and stubbornly study textbooks, preparing to enter a university. However, according to the assurances of specialists, such children are in the minority, much more of those whose choice of profession raises serious doubts and difficulties. What should parents do in such a situation? To develop serious career guidance work! Moreover, it is better to start solving the question of where to go to study in the 8-9th grade.

Together, but not instead

The main thing for parents is to be aware that they only help the child to decide, and are not at all determined in his place. They help - because most children at the age of 14-16 are not yet psychologically ready to make a choice on their own, moreover, a significant part of them are afraid of the need to make a decision. For many years of study at school, they were offered mainly ready-made solutions, everything was known in advance and determined by schedules curricula... And the confusion of a teenager when he is suddenly asked to decide on such an important issue is quite understandable. So it is unlikely that parents should rely on the child's complete independence in choosing a profession: your grown-up kid subconsciously expects advice from his elders, even if he does not directly speak about it. On the other hand, you cannot completely relieve him of responsibility for the choice you make. It is important that he has the feeling that he decided this. After all, if it seems to a teenager that he did not choose a profession himself, then he does not study for himself, perceiving study as a boring and painful duty.

But, of course, effective career guidance work is possible only in those families where a trusting atmosphere is established. If the dialogue does not work out and the discussion of any issue ends in open confrontation, then you first need to restore the "weather in the house" (and better with the help of a psychologist), and only then plan the future.

7 steps to a solution

So, the task of parents is not to impose on the teenager already ready solution, and help him decide for himself. How to do it?

STEP 1 ... Create a table of professional preferences. Choosing a profession, a person chooses not only the way of making money, but also the social environment, the way of life. Invite your child to think about what requirements, in his opinion, should meet his future work... Make up as much as possible detailed list such requirements (level wages, the nature and conditions of work, prestige, employment, real employment, etc.). Write these items in the columns, and in the rows - the names of the professions that seem most attractive to the child. When filling out the table, compare the requirement and the profession: if they match, put a plus in this cell, if not - a minus. Analyze which profession has gained the most advantages. Perhaps, it is about this specialty that a child should look for his calling.

Of course, this method of career guidance is not the most accurate one. But his advantage is that he invites the student to independently reflect (and perhaps for the first time!) On the personal system of values, on how he sees his future.

Friends and acquaintances can be involved in career guidance work. For example, if your child is thinking about becoming a lawyer - and there are just such people among your friends - you should ask them to talk to your child, even take him to work with them. The experience of such communication can make a teenager think about how much his ideas about the chosen specialty correspond to reality.

STEP 3. More information! Actively (and together with your child!) Collect information about the labor market, about new and promising specialties. The annually published reference books, professional magazines, as well as Internet sites can help in this. Sometimes in such publications a child finds a profession, the existence of which he did not know (and his parents did not even know!).

STEP 4. From words to deeds. But don't limit yourself to stories and conversations. We all know that teenagers are quite skeptical about the opinions of adults, especially parents. Direct experience is much more important. If the child is interested in some profession, invite him to "rehearse" it in a profile circle, section, class.

STEP 5. Offer your child a career guidance test. To choose a profession, it is necessary not only to understand the world of existing professions, but first of all to know yourself - your personal qualities, abilities, aspirations. After all, it is obvious that a person is more likely to achieve career heights in a business that, on the one hand, is interesting to him, and on the other, corresponds to his abilities. For example, it is important for a designer to have visual logic and imaginative thinking, for a journalist - the ability to notice details and express thoughts coherently, a fitness instructor - physical training and organizational skills, etc.

However, it should be borne in mind that the purpose of such tests is not to give out a ready answer to the question “who to be”, but to “start” the process of self-knowledge, to help the child figure out what kind of character he is, what he has tendencies for, and why not. And in no case can the results and conclusions obtained be considered unambiguously correct.

STEP 6. To the institute - on an excursion. It is not bad to take your child to an “open day” at a university - and preferably more than one. Do not attach excessive importance to such trips - after all, it is not at all necessary that this is where your boy wants to spend his student years. Go to a university just like to a museum - to see, communicate, feel “mine is not mine”.

STEP 7. Discuss alternatives. Talking to a child about future profession, do not get hung up on one option. As a rule, the teenager himself does not think about the alternate airfield, so it is important for the parents to ask him the question: what will he do if he fails to realize what he has planned? Having an alternative can help reduce stress and anxiety in the child. You can ask directly: "What are you going to do if you fail to become an economist?" And you can discuss this problem in relation to third parties: “Imagine, Andrei dreamed of becoming a football player all his life, preparing for a sports career, but was injured and he had to leave. Now he is thinking who to be. "

Mistake is also an experience

The choice of a profession is, no doubt, an important and responsible business, but one should not treat it as an irreversible process. The choices our children make today reflect only their current interests and needs. It's great if the chosen specialty will always be of interest to them, but if their preferences change, there is no tragedy in this. Experts note that the choice of a profession once and for a lifetime is a thing of the past. We live in a world that is changing rapidly. It is impossible to predict what the situation on the labor market will be, say, in ten years.

It is possible that specialties that are currently in demand and are highly paid will not be such at all and vice versa. But in any case, everyone has the opportunity to do somethingreplay or start over.

I decided on career guidance at PROFChoice because I wanted to radically change my profession. I absolutely do not like the job at the bank, which I do, and I became interested in the opportunity to find out what kind of job is right for me. It turned out - a marketer, I agree, it's mine. I am now looking for a suitable internship and am trying to make connections in this area. I plan to continue working with a career consultant in order to move faster and more successfully in the chosen direction.

In general, I already knew about the area in which I wanted to work - this is digital. But I had big doubts - to go to the office and then which company and direction to choose, or to start my own business right away. Thanks to Ekaterina, we did a great job and found out that after all, small business is not suitable for my personal characteristics. Defined a professional direction. Now I'm building up a portfolio and going through interviews. I am very pleased with the conclusion and the professionalism of the staff!

In general, I will say that it would probably be much more effective for me to continue communicating with a career consultant, but due to the fact that my time did not allow me to do this, I limited myself to career guidance. In terms of personality research, I partially heard what I already knew about myself, in this regard I was not surprised. Although the alignment by the type of thinking and reaction was an insight for me and the conclusions will be very useful. Because we formulated and structured, some of my thoughts and valuable experience of a specialist, now I know exactly what career I will build and how to start it.

Thanks to career guidance, my strengths, qualities that are worth working on, psychotype, type of thinking. We also found out what working conditions are most suitable and compared the specialties of interest to me by passing skills, personal qualities, emotional response and negative signs of specialties. I learned a lot of interesting things about myself and received useful information for my career. Career guidance left a positive impression.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a sensation that is familiar to absolutely everyone. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction "Run or fight". In other words, anxiety does not arise from scratch, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly threatened with danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in human history. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but an evolutionary mechanism that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxiety impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the life of anxious people.

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Choosing a career is a question that can arise before us at 17, 30, or 40. Having made a choice once, even successful people from time to time they think about the correctness of their path. After all, the possibilities of the world are endless, and from time to time a thought arises - maybe my talent lies in a completely different area?

Consulting a psychologist will help you understand which profession best suits your character, temperament and other personal characteristics. You will be able to realize your strengths and weaknesses, deeply know yourself. This will help you not only in vocational guidance, but also in self-determination in general.

How does work with a psychologist work?

Tests are conducted to identify personality traits and inclinations. In accordance with them, recommendations for the profession are given. But the main role is played by live communication with a psychologist. In the course of it, various situations can be simulated, typical for one or another professional activity... This is how different sides of the personality are revealed, which may otherwise go unnoticed.

In the search for a professional path, there are difficult situations. For example, a person finds himself at a crossroads and does not know which road to take next. Sometimes the two directions are so attractive that you want to break. Or, on the contrary, nothing arouses interest at all, you want to quit everything and do nothing.

In such cases, psychological diagnostics can be carried out, revealing a person's potential and features of his character. Understanding your “I” allows you to make an informed choice in all areas of life - both professional and personal.

  • 1. Ethical principles of psychological counseling
  • 2. Limits of confidentiality in psychological counseling
  • 2. There are two levels of confidentiality in the space of psychological counseling:
  • Question 10. Approaches in psychological counseling
  • Question 11. Psychological health
  • 2. The concept of health includes key characteristics:
  • 3. There are three levels of consideration and assessment of health:
  • Question 12. The structure of psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of the structure of psychological counseling
  • 2. Models of the structure of psychological counseling
  • Question 13. Conversation in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of conversation in psychological counseling
  • 2. Scheme of conversation in psychological counseling
  • Question 14. Models of psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of a psychological counseling model
  • 2. Consulting model
  • 3. Psychotherapeutic model
  • Question 15. Advisory contact
  • 1. The concept of a consultative contact
  • 2. Consultative contact and theoretical orientation of the consultant
  • 3. Skills of maintaining consultative contact
  • Question 16. Verbal and non-verbal contact
  • Question 17. Therapeutic climate
  • Question 18. The process of psychological counseling
  • Question 19. Psychological history in counseling
  • 1. The concept of psychological history
  • 2. Methods for collecting a psychological history
  • 2. The following methods of collecting a psychological history are distinguished:
  • Question 20. Assessing customer problems
  • 3. There are the following reasons why a consultant may refuse to advise a client:
  • Question 21. Changes in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of changes in psychological counseling
  • 2. Drivers of change
  • 3. Evaluation of the results of psychological counseling
  • Question 22. Means of influence in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of impact in psychological counseling
  • 2. Techniques and methods of influence
  • 2. Techniques and methods of influence in psychological counseling can be divided into two groups:
  • Question 23. Rapport in psychological counseling
  • 1. Concept and functions of rapport
  • 2. Technique of building rapport
  • Question 24. Procedures and techniques for counseling
  • Question 25. Emotional techniques in psychological counseling
  • Question 26. Technique of silence in psychological counseling
  • 1. The essence of the technique of silence. Pause value
  • 2. Terms of use
  • Question 27. Technique of structuring and guidance in psychological counseling
  • 1. The essence and advantages of structuring techniques
  • 2. Methods for implementing structuring techniques
  • 3. The concept of leadership in psychological counseling
  • Question 28. Client's frustration in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of frustration
  • 2. Rules of conduct for a consultant
  • 2. There are the following rules of conduct for a consultant in a situation of client frustration:
  • Question 29. Technique of interpretation in psychological counseling
  • 2. The interpretation technique has the following specific features:
  • 4. The following types of interpretation are distinguished:
  • 5. The following reactions of the client to the interpretation of the consultant are distinguished:
  • Question 30. Technique of confrontation in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of confrontation
  • 2. Cases of using the confrontation technique
  • 3. Rules for the use of confrontation techniques
  • 3. There are the following rules for applying the confrontation technique:
  • Question 31. Transference in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of transfer
  • 2. Transfer functions
  • 3. Working with transfer
  • Question 32. Countertransference in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of countertransference
  • 2. Countertransference functions
  • 3. Working with countertransference
  • Question 33. Personal protective mechanisms
  • 1. The concept and functions of personality defense mechanisms
  • 2. Types of personal defense mechanisms
  • 3. Work with the protective mechanisms of the personality
  • Question 34. Resistance in psychological counseling
  • Question 35. Methods of therapeutic influence in psychological counseling.
  • 1. The concept of the method in psychological counseling
  • 2. Classification of therapeutic methods
  • Question 36. Working with modalities in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of modality
  • 2. Technique for working with modalities
  • Question 37. Technique of reframing in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of reframing
  • 2. Types of reframings
  • 3. Ways to build reframing
  • 2. There are two types of reframings:
  • Question 38. Metaphors in psychological counseling
  • 2. The following functions of the metaphor are distinguished:
  • Question 39. Characteristics of creative methods in group and individual counseling
  • 1. The concept of creative methods in counseling
  • 2. Types of creative methods in counseling and psychotherapy
  • Question 40. Selected creative methods in group and individual counseling
  • Question 41. Working with an individual lifestyle in psychological counseling.
  • 1. The concept of life style
  • 2. Types of lifestyles
  • Question 42. Working with a life scenario in psychological counseling
  • 1. The concept of a life scenario
  • 2. Types of life scenarios
  • Question 43. Methods of working with individual lifestyles and scenarios
  • 1. Features of working with life styles and scenarios
  • 2. Features of corrective work with a life style or scenario
  • 3. Research methods of life style and scenario
  • Question 44. The method of analyzing early childhood memories in working with the lifestyle of a person
  • 1. The concept and essence of the method of "analysis of early childhood memories"
  • 2. Using the method of analyzing early childhood memories
  • 2. The procedures for obtaining the material of early childhood memories can be carried out:
  • Question 45. The concept of group psychological counseling
  • 1. Concept and specifics of group advisory work
  • 2. Spatio-temporal and organizational aspects of group counseling
  • 3. The role of the counselor in group psychological counseling
  • Question 46. Characteristics of group psychological counseling
  • 4. The following advantages of group work are highlighted:
  • 5. The following are the most common types of group counseling:
  • Question 47. Psychological training
  • Question 48. Career guidance counseling
  • Question 49. Vocational guidance psychological counseling in the employment service
  • Question 50. Career guidance psychological counseling in the school system
  • 3. On the basis of these tasks, the following functions of career guidance activities in the school system are distinguished:
  • Question 51. Organizational psychological counseling
  • 2. Psychological counseling in the organization performs the following functions:
  • Question 52. Telephone counseling
  • 2. The following advantages of telephone consulting are highlighted:
  • 3. The following stages of conducting a therapeutic conversation by telephone are distinguished:
  • 4. The following parameters of the psychological analysis of the activities of the helpline consultant are highlighted:
  • 209 Question 53. Crisis counseling
  • 1. The concept and types of crisis psychological counseling
  • 2. Conditions for the effectiveness of crisis counseling
  • 3. Stages of crisis counseling
  • 3. There are 4 stages of the crisis counseling process:
  • Question 54. Psychological counseling in the experience of loss
  • 1. The concept of the experience of loss
  • 2. Counseling in relation to bereavement related to the death of a loved one
  • 3. Divorce counseling
  • Question 55. Counseling work with various age groups of children
  • 1. Features of the consultant's work with children of different ages
  • 2. Functions of a psychologist in counseling work with children
  • 3. Conditions for the effectiveness of the psychological activity of the consultant in working with children
  • 3. To work effectively with children, a psychologist-consultant must have a certain set of qualities:
  • Question 56. Features of counseling preschool children
  • Question 57. Features of counseling children of primary school age
  • 1. Areas of work of a psychologist-consultant
  • 2. Difficulties in learning and social adaptation in children of primary school age
  • 3. The strategy of the psychologist in solving the problem of difficulties in teaching social maladjustment
  • 3. The strategy of the psychologist's work in solving the problem of difficulties in teaching social maladjustment has its own directions:
  • Question 58. Features of psychological counseling for adolescents and youth
  • 1. The concept of adolescence
  • 2. Dealing with adolescent crisis
  • 3. Dealing with the problem of professional choice
  • 1. The concept of an age crisis
  • 2. Types and characteristics of age-related crises
  • 3. Specificity of psychological counseling on the problems of age crises in adults
  • 2. The following periodization of age stages and the corresponding age crises is distinguished:
  • Question 48. Career guidance counseling

    1. The concept of vocational guidance counseling

    2. Principles of work of a professional consultant

    3. Scheme of vocational guidance counseling

    4. Diagnostics in vocational guidance counseling

    1. Career guidance counselingis a special activity of a consultant aimed at assisting the client in solving the problems of individual employment, taking into account his characteristics and the real situation on the labor market.

    Vocational counseling helps to solve the following problems of individual employment:

    Choice of profession;

    Determination of the vocational training profile;


    Change of business and related emotional difficulties and problems social adaptation.

    Professional counseling can be:

    individual,when career guidance work is carried out with one client who has a request for his individual employment, and in this case appropriate methods and techniques of work are used:

    Conversations with a professional consultant;

    Diagnostic procedures;

    Information methods;

    Special exercises and homework, etc .;

    group,when career guidance work is carried out with a group that has a corresponding request, most often in the mode of group career guidance training, and in this case, in addition to the methods of individual career guidance work, the professional consultant can use business and simulation games and group discussion. Professional counseling can be carried out with both adults and children of various ages. In this regard the following areas of application of vocational guidance are distinguished:

    Vocational guidance at school;

    Career guidance in the employment service.

    2. Soasvocational guidancepresupposes a certain intervention of the consultant in the personal sphere of the client and to some extent in his life, a serious responsibility falls on the consultant engaged in this type of activity.

    The following professional and ethical principles and norms of work are put forward that regulate and determine the activities of the consultant:

    Principle responsibility.This means that the professional consultant is personally responsible for the adequacy of the methods used, the correctness of the diagnostic procedures, the validity of judgments, conclusions, recommendations;

    Principle competence,assuming that the professional consultant has the necessary special theoretical and practical training, as well as the use of techniques and methods corresponding to his qualifications and personal capabilities.

    In this regard, the professional consultant is obliged:

    Constantly improve their qualifications; “To get acquainted with new developments in the field of their professional activities;

    Choose methods appropriate to the specific situation of counseling;

    Principle voluntariness,assuming the client's personal desire to participate in professional advice and guaranteeing him the right to refuse any type of work with a consultant (testing, questioning, etc.) without explaining the reasons;

    Principle confidentiality,meaning that all the information received by the professional consultant in the process of working with the client is not subject to disclosure (conscious or accidental), and its transfer to other persons is possible only with the consent of the consultant and if it is in his interests. Also, the judgments and assessments of the professional consultant in the process of working with the client should not limit the latter's freedom in making decisions;

    Principle activity,assuming that the client independently makes a decision on the problem with which he turned to the professional consultant or the employment service, and the task of the professional consultant is to provide information and psychological assistance in response to the client's request, as well as to create conditions and encourage the activity and independence of the consulted in making a decision;

    Principle positivity,meaning that the professional consultant interprets the results obtained from the standpoint of the client's individual psychological characteristics corresponding to the requirements of a particular profession, taking into account the prospects for its development and compensation opportunities. He focuses on the capabilities and resources of the client, and not on his shortcomings and weaknesses, and supports and stimulates the client's search activity;

    Principle loyalty,assuming that the professional consultant respects the personality of the client and protects his right to freedom in professional self-determination and the interests of the client, even if they do not correspond to the interests of the employment service, are priority.

    3. To the consultantengaged in career guidance, it is necessary structure the processcounseling. To do this, work should use a clear scheme that allows you to organize adequate interaction with the client at all stages of work and successfully solve the tasks corresponding to each stage.

    There is the following scheme for the step-by-step solution of the problems of vocational guidance counseling:

    preparatory stage,where the main task of the consultant is to form a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe client's problem.

    To solve this problem, the consultant takes the following actions:

    Analyzes the data he has about the client's problem;

    Selects reference and information material that meets the client's request; “Selects the necessary diagnostic techniques;

    Thinks over overall strategy work;

    first step,in the process of which the task of formulating a professional consulting problem is solved, that is, the consultant needs to see the problem through the eyes of the client.

    This stage has the following characteristics:

    Should start with getting to know each other, creating an atmosphere of safety and building the client's trust in the consultant;

    The consultant needs evaluate the initial situation of counseling according to the following criteria:

    What is the client's problem;

    What is the client's attitude to the consultation and the professional advisor;

    What is the general psycho-emotional and physical state of the client;

    What is the internal motive for contacting a consultant;

    What are the conditions for consulting this client: organizational, temporary components, informational and methodological equipment;

    To what extent the given situation and the client's problems correspond to the professional qualifications and competence of the consultant, what is the readiness of the consultant to consult;

    second phaseinvolves solving the problem of putting forward and testing professional consulting hypotheses, which carried out in the following ways:

    Putting forward a professional consulting hypothesis, that is, considering the client's problem through the eyes of a specialist;

    Clarification or modification of the preliminary hypothesis;

    Determining the way to jointly solve the problem;

    Development of a general plan for further consultation, correction of the conditions for its conduct;

    third stagepresupposes an equal degree of activity between the consultant and the client and their joint determination of the specific purpose and nature of this consultation, which can be:

    Information and reference;

    Diagnostic and corrective;


    fourth stage,presupposing joint work consultant and client to achieve the goal they defined in the previous step. At this stage, depending on the goal the consultant can apply and use:

    Psychodiagnostic techniques;

    Observing the client, his statements about himself, self-esteem;

    Setting vocational guidance tasks;

    Joint discussion of various situations;

    Career guidance games and exercises;

    fifth stageinvolves a joint summing up of the results of the consultation, which can be final or intermediate. This task is solved using the consultant raising special questions to the client:

    What are the results of this consultation for the client, what she gave him;

    Whether the goals set at the beginning have been achieved;

    What conclusions did the client make and what decision he came to;

    In the case of a multiple consultation, the consultant and the client determine the ways for further work and set goals;

    If this consultation is the only one, then a more perfect version of the professional plan is drawn up;

    final stageinvolves the summing up of the results of the consultation by the consultant, for this he can record the following information:

    Client's personal data;

    General conclusions based on preliminary data;

    Initial understanding of the client's problem;

    The hypothesis of a professional consultant;

    A jointly defined goal and steps taken to achieve it;

    The results of the consultation, formulated by the client and the consultant;


    4. In professional, career guidance counseling, unlike, for example, personal counseling, psychodiagnostic procedures are used much more often. This is due to the specifics of vocational guidance counseling, which involves the study and work with such personality characteristics as cognitive abilities, some personality traits that can be measured, such as temperament, as well as the study of personality inclinations and abilities and their compliance with the chosen profession.

    The use of psychodiagnostic procedures in career guidance counseling has the following goals:

    Revealing the actual abilities and qualities of the client's personality;

    Revealing the client's needs, his motivational and value attitudes ",

    Determination of the client's inclinations and interests;

    Revealing the inclinations and potential of the personality, which, under a certain influence, can be developed;

    Identification of areas of correction, that is, those qualities and characteristics of the client that need to be adjusted;

    Comparison of the revealed abilities and qualities of a person with the requirements put forward by the chosen profession;

    Search for a suitable profession based on the identified inclinations, traits, interests, motives and needs of the client.

    Psychodiagnostics in vocational guidance counseling is carried out in the following areas:

    Cognitive abilities of a person, where does study and diagnostics of memory, attention, perception, intellect, thinking, imagination, etc .;

    Personal characteristics, which includes:

    Emotional-volitional sphere;

    Motivational-need and value sphere;

    Self-esteem and level of aspirations;

    Temperament, character traits;

    Interests and inclinations that make it possible to identify interest in a particular area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity and select the appropriate professions in which the client can realize his interests and inclinations, for example, the client's revealed inclination to work with papers, as well as good literacy, can allow him to realize himself in archival librarianship, etc.

    Psychodiagnostic techniques in career guidance counseling are divided into:

    on thegeneral,that is, taken from other areas of psychology. These include techniques and procedures, the purpose of which is to study the personal and cognitive characteristics of the client. In this case, the consultant can use many diagnostic methods, for example, tests aimed at studying self-esteem, temperament, intelligence (Eysenck's intellectual tests), thinking and other cognitive and personal abilities, various projective techniques that study general properties and personality traits;

    special,which includes techniques developed specifically for career guidance work. With the help of such methods, the interests and inclinations of the client are usually studied, as well as his focus on a certain professional field of activity (DDO, Map of interests, etc.);

    computer,which can be both general, intended not only for professional advice, and special, developed specifically for the purposes of professional advice;

    gaming,which are focused on diagnostics in a group and which include various simulation and business games, allowing to determine:

    Role positions of participants;

    Abilities for one or another professional activity based on role positions and demonstrated behavior;

    Areas of behavior correction of participants that can interfere with the realization of themselves in a particular professional activity.

    Exist following rules and the principles of the application of psychodiagnostic procedures in career guidance counseling:

    Principle voluntariness,meaning that on the part of the professional consultant there should be no coercion of the client to undergo a particular diagnostic procedure;

    Principle competence and professionalism,meaning that:

    All methods and tests used by the consultant must be valid, tested and clearly reflect the studied phenomena;

    The professional consultant must be competent in the use of diagnostic methods, including computer ones;

    Principle consistency,assuming that the results of psychodiagnostics should be considered in the system of general knowledge about the client, and the psychological conclusion should not be based only on the results of psychodiagnostics, without taking into account information obtained through other methods of studying the personality and problems of the client.


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