How to conduct classes on social adaptation of the unemployed. Ways of social adaptation of unemployed citizens

Job search paths:

Through the state employment service.

Recruitment agencies.

Direct contact with the employer.

Personal contacts (relatives, friends, acquaintances).

Mass media (Internet, newspapers, magazines).

Job fairs.

Placing an advertisement about your proposal in the media.

An active job search involves the following:

purposefulness of the search (determination of employment options: ideal, intermediate, spare);

study of the bank of enterprises;

systematic work with operational information;

phone calls for good luck;

search visits;

drawing up a job search plan, discussion with a professional consultant of job search tactics;

regularly keeping records of the steps taken to find a job, planning and analyzing their actions;

self-presentation: drawing up an autobiography, resume, sending them to companies of interest;

training for another specialty, advanced training;

selection suitable job by specialty, not by specialty, temporary.


Job search is a whole technology. And one of the most successful components of a search is a well-written personal resume. In most cases, it is useless to start looking for a job if you are not ready “ business card applicant ”- resume. After all, one very important point depends on how successfully it is drawn up - whether the employer will agree to invite you to a conversation.

A prepared resume can also serve:

· As a scheme for a short story about yourself;

As information in the conditions competitive selection;

· Instead of a business card when communicating;

· A business "couple" to cover letter when contacting the organization;

· Orientation for friends and acquaintances promoting your employment.

There are three types of resume most common - chronological, functional, combined:

CHRONOLOGICAL. In this most common type of resume

all work experience is shown in sequence. Places of work (starting with the last one), position, duties performed are indicated. This structure allows you to track the development of your career. A chronological resume wins if the organizations and positions in which you have worked can impress a potential employer, as well as if your work experience shows career growth.

FUNCTIONAL. The focus of this type of resume is on your

creativity, skills and professional skills. This resume is used less frequently than the chronological resume, but it wins if you have work breaks that you don't want to advertise.

COMBINED. Recently, this type of resume is the most commonly used, which combines elements of both chronological and functional resume.

It is important to know the basic rules of resume writing.

The resume should not contain any spelling and stylistic errors, as well as typos. Therefore, before sending the document, be sure to let a person who knows Russian well read it.

In no case do not lie when writing a resume - with the modern level of communication, it will not be difficult to check your track record.

The resume should be short but informative. Try that its volume does not exceed one sheet. Use only full job and company names, not abbreviations.

If you are applying for different vacancies, do not write “I can work as a secretary or a client manager, as well as a layout designer”. It is best to write a separate resume for each specific case. If you are just undertaking a massive mailing to firms, then you can list all the specialties that you own. But at the same time, you must think over your goals very well and state them clearly and understandably.

Make sure that the resume is in the same style, without the bells and whistles, and is easy to read. Highlight the headings you want using bold. Use the commonly used times new roman or arial in sizes from 10 to 14. For printing, be sure to select high-quality white paper, standard size A 4. Print the original on a laser or inkjet printer only on one side of the sheet.

A photo should be attached to a resume only if it is specifically agreed - for example, for waiters, having a resume with a photo is a rule. In other cases, a resume with a photograph is not a good form.

State service for social adaptation unemployed citizens find themselves on the labor market in order to reduce the time needed to find suitable work for unemployed citizens and to mitigate the consequences of unemployment.

Program participants are given the opportunity to:

Choose the form of classes (group or individual)

Pass computer or blank testing:

Watch videos;

Work with periodicals containing information about free

jobs and vacancies;

Search for work through the information portal of Rostrud "Work in Russia".

Taking into account the peculiarities of various categories of citizens, the following programs are used:

Group training programs for the social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market (profile groups: A, B);

The program of group lessons on the social adaptation of unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job due to disability, labor restrictions;

Individual training program.

The programs include:

Information blocks (analysis of the state of the vacancy market in the region, available options for employment, vocational training, advanced training, self-employment);

Training blocks (drawing up a plan of specific actions that ensure employment, training in self-search skills, techniques for conducting search phone calls, writing a resume):

Business games to form the skills of successful behavior in the labor market and self-presentation.

Unemployment concept

Unemployment as a phenomenon is not only of economic importance, but also social. Market structure modern economy makes requirements for the creation of a new approach to labor relations in enterprises.

Unemployment is a macroeconomic social phenomenon that has a very serious psychological impact on every person.

Such signs of society as mass poverty, insecurity of broad strata of the population - all this is what is found in modern Russian society, and that requires significant changes to improve the quality of life as one an individual, and the whole society as a whole.

The concept of unemployment was very widely used and often revised by such authors-economists and sociologists as K.R. McConnell, S.L. Bru, Arthur Pigou. Thanks to them, the concept of "unemployment" has become more delineated and concretized.

Definition 1

Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon in which part of the working population (labor force, economically active part of the population) is not employed in the production of goods and services. In the real economic sphere, unemployment acts as an excess of labor supply over demand for it.

The consequences of unemployment are as follows:

  1. High level of the poor;
  2. Social and economic instability;
  3. Shortage of production, lack of labor for its production;
  4. Decrease in the entire standard of living of the population as a whole.

An unemployed person who is not able to find the application of the knowledge gained in the course of studying at school, university or other educational institution experiences great stress and psychological pressure. In this case, it falls into a separate category, and he also needs funds to facilitate the process of his social adaptation in a society where there are both unemployed and employed citizens.

Reasons for unemployment:

  1. Structural unemployment (reorientation of an enterprise, its closure or bankruptcy);
  2. Unemployment due to demobilization (for men), retirement;
  3. Unemployment due to disability, loss of performance (vision, hearing, loss of a limb);
  4. Reduction of male or female occupations (automation of production where manual labor was required);
  5. Unemployment due to forced labor migration, as well as obtaining refugee status in connection with certain conditions (for example, martial law in the territory);
  6. Unemployment of returnees from prison;
  7. Unemployment due to discrimination - most often found among young people and girls who are graduates of educational institutions.

Social adaptation of unemployed youth

Young people are more likely than others to experience pressure and so-called “discrimination” in the labor market. The reasons for this are quite understandable, and the researchers reason in the following direction. The most reasonable reason is that young professionals who have just graduated from educational institution, there are no professional skills in the studied or studied profession yet. In other words, they have no work experience in the course of which these skills can be developed.

Nevertheless, there is a rather widespread and strange contradiction in the labor market now: if a person has no experience, then he is not hired, but at the same time it is impossible to gain this experience without work.

Another reason for youth unemployment is that the qualifications of young specialists do not meet the requirements set forth by the labor market and the employers themselves. Moreover, the very category of the labor force is the cause of unemployment, as young people are dissatisfied with some aspects, such as low wage, slow progress on career ladder, forced work in a lower position.

Thus, young people suffer from the fact that their employment expectations are too high, and employers have too high requirements and clear selection criteria in relation to new employees.

Unemployment and psychological well-being

The modern Russian society today faces a very serious problem. It lies in the fact that unemployment has a strong impact on the psychological well-being of a person.

Definition 2

Psychological well-being is an integral characteristic of the perception of reality from the standpoint of a certain value setting. On the one hand, this reality is determined by the nature of the person's relationship with the environment, on the other hand, it itself determines the characteristics of its behavior.

Unemployment is a traumatic factor that is also stressful. Often it leads people to feelings of loss of control over their own lives, to the problems of adaptation in a society where, as it seems to them, each person is a working and busy person.

In a situation of unemployment, a person begins to perceive himself as a weak and inferior person who does not have much freedom of choice. He also clearly strengthens the belief that he has not long ago controlled his life, freely make decisions and translate them into reality. Most often, having lost faith in themselves, the unemployed does not have clear goals and plans for the future. And this is a sure sign of maladjustment.

Researchers distinguish several categories of the unemployed who have special problems in social adaptation:

  1. Men between the ages of 36 and 58 with secondary specialized education and no vocational education;
  2. The category of citizens, as a rule, are men with complete absence motivation for employment, having a number bad habits (alcohol addiction) who have lost their professional qualifications and do not seek to restore it;
  3. Women between the ages of 27 and 53 with secondary specialized or primary vocational education.

Social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market
The state service is provided in accordance with the Administrative Regulations (AR) for providing state social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market. AR approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 07.06.2007, No. 400, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 13.07.2007, No. 9835.

Citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure, if they:

  • have difficulty finding a job;

  • looking for a job for the first time (have not worked before);

  • seek to renew labor activity after a long (more than one year) break;

  • are registered with the employment service for more than 6 months;

  • have lost the ability to perform work in their previous profession (specialty).
Recipients public service have the right to repeatedly apply for public services.

The public service is aimed at:

  • acquaintance with effective methods and ways of finding a job;

  • drawing up an "Individual job search plan";

  • development of skills for independent job search;

  • resume writing;

  • practicing self-presentation skills, conducting business interviews with employers;

  • enhancing personal and professional growth.

  • Application form (Appendix No. 3) or consent of an unemployed citizen with a proposal to provide a state service for the social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market (Appendix No. 4);

State service is providedin the form of conducting classes with one unemployed citizen (according to the individual form of holding) and (or) with a group of unemployed citizens (according to the group form of holding) The state service is provided in accordance with the schedule of individual and group classes with unemployed citizens.

The maximum duration of the provision of public services for:
individual form - no more than 8 hours per calendar month;
group form of holding - no more than 32 hours per calendar month

The result of the provision of public services isobtaining an unemployed citizen the skills of an independent search for a suitable job, writing a resume, business conversation with the employer, self-presentation; obtaining an opinion on the provision of a state service to an unemployed citizen for the social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market

The grounds for refusing to provide a citizen with a public service are the absence of:

  • absence of an order from the CPC on recognizing a citizen as unemployed in the prescribed manner;

  • removal of a citizen recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure from the register as unemployed;

  • the absence of a completed application form or the consent of an unemployed citizen with the proposal of the CPC employee to provide a public service

The refusal of an unemployed citizen does not entail legal consequences.
In the event that an unemployed citizen refuses to offer a public service from a CPC employee, it can be provided on the basis of a questionnaire application submitted by an unemployed citizen to the CPC.
The full text of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of state services for the social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market.

Psychological support for unemployed citizens
The public service is provided in accordance with the Administrative Regulations (AR) for the provision of public services for psychological support of unemployed citizens.
AR approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 27, 2007 No. 726, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 13, 2007, No. 10687

Recipients of public services

Citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the legislation on employment
Unemployed citizens have the right to repeatedly apply for public services.

The state service is provided for the purposeovercoming the existing psychological, personal and professional problemsthat hinder professional self-realization and career growth

Documents required for obtaining public services

  • Application - a questionnaire (Appendix No. 1) or a proposal of an employee of the CPC on the provision of public services (Appendix No. 2);

  • an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure, for unemployed citizens belonging to the category of disabled people;

  • order of the CPC on recognizing a citizen as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure.

    Terms of provision of public services

The state service is provided to an unemployed citizen by appointment.

The result of the provision of a public service is the receipt by a citizen of an opinion, which contains recommendations on:

  • increasing motivation to work, activating positions in job search and employment;

  • full resolution or reduction of the relevance of psychological problems that hinder professional and social self-realization;

  • optimization of the psychological state;

  • enhancing the position of job search and employment;

  • reduction of terms of job search and employment;

  • increasing adaptation to existing conditions.

The grounds for refusing to provide an unemployed citizen with public services are the absence of:

  • a completed application form or the consent of an unemployed citizen with a proposal from an employee of the CPC to provide a public service;

  • an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure to unemployed citizens belonging to the category of disabled people;

  • order of the CPC on recognizing a citizen as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure;

  • order of the CPC on the removal of a citizen recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure, from the register as unemployed.

  • On the basis of a personal written application, an unemployed citizen has the right to refuse an offer from an employee of an employment center to provide a public service.

  • In case of refusal of an unemployed citizen from the offer of a CPC employee to provide a public service, it can be provided on the basis of an application form submitted by an unemployed citizen to the CPC after the refusal.

The procedure for appealing against actions (inaction) and decisions carried out (taken) in the course of the provision of public services

Recipients of public services have the right to appeal against decisions taken in the course of providing public services, actions or inaction of employees of bodies involved in the provision of public services.
Recommendations to citizens for increasing motivation to work, self-realization, correction of the psychological state.

Tip 1 ... In any event, in any person, there are both positive and negative sides. Everything that happens in life is neutral for a person, and only he himself imposes on what is happening either a negative assessment or a positive one. Develop your positive thinking skills.

Tip 2 ... Begin to analyze and reflect. And then, the positive that you can see will help you calm down, orient yourself in the situation and make the right decision.

Tip 3 . It's hard to find the right solutions. Learn. Take this opportunity to expand your professional experience. The more you know and be able to, the wider your professional opportunities are, the higher the probability of getting a good job.

Social work with unemployed citizens includes psychological support, which implies methods that help professional self-determination, value orientations, increasing competitiveness, and realizing one's own career.

Romm M.V. in scientific publications on the social adaptation of the individual, he wrote that social work is carried out by optimizing the psychological state of a person, resolving or at least reducing the severity of psychological problems facing him. In his opinion, the main areas of social and psychological support are:

  • - promotion of full-fledged mental development of the individual,
  • - prevention of possible psychological problems,

helping a person in his self-knowledge, adequate self-esteem and adaptation in real life conditions,

Formation of the value-motivational sphere,

Achieving emotional stability,

Harmonization of personality and interpersonal relationships.

State psychological support services are received by citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the legislation on employment. This service is provided with a personal appeal of an unemployed citizen with an application form for the provision of state services for psychological support. In addition, an unemployed person can receive psychological support as a result of an offer from a CPC employee to provide an unemployed citizen with state psychological support services. (Appendix 3)

A necessary aspect of the social worker's activities is to take preventive measures that help reduce the possibility of unemployment. One such activity is the career guidance of a social worker at school.

Schoolchildren are guided by professions that are generally considered to be highly paid, relevant, prestigious, including: lawyer, economist, financier, manager, etc. Labor market, employment and wages:

In connection with the above, the activities of a social worker should be aimed at informing about the demand for a profession, its prospects, and preparing school graduates for a conscious choice of profession. Butko E.Ya. Features of the development of the system of primary vocational education / E.Ya. Butko // Professional. 1994 No. 3-4 P. 3

The problem of employment of the population should be among the first tasks in any civilized country. Unemployment brings with it the spiritual, moral, moral degradation of people.

Help a person get out of crisis situation, underlies social work... First of all, the unemployed, whose ability to adapt to new conditions decreases, is supported by a social worker. He acts as a mediator - an assistant between the state, called to be the defender of the rights of its citizens and the person. The need for such mediation is due to the fact that the state does not always act as the connecting link that guarantees the rights and decent ways its existence. The reaction of a person who does not receive guarantees is antisocial behavior, a psychological crisis.

In accordance with the law "On employment in Russian Federation»Citizens of our country have the right to free consultation in choosing a profession, vocational training. Social worker acts as a consultant and provides advice on the availability vacancies, about the enterprises where they exist, about the possibility of retraining.

Helping to overcome stressful situations is the first step towards finding a job for an unemployed person. The next area of \u200b\u200bassistance for a social worker will be training the unemployed in the skills of self-presentation, planning their employment, by prioritizing job search goals.

For the effective inclusion of the unemployed in the labor force, a mechanism is needed that includes the implementation of an active policy by the employment services, fixed legal regulations... The activity of a social worker is to apply specific measures to ensure employment that help restore the unemployed self-confidence, return to active work, as well as to cooperate with society and self-realization.

Social workers organize public Works, temporary employment, internships in order to gain work experience for unemployed citizens, citizens, job seekersincluding graduates educational institutions, as well as workers in the event of a threat of dismissal, support citizens looking for work who move to another locality for employment in jobs of a permanent and temporary nature, train workers in the event of a threat of mass layoffs, and promote the development of small business.

Having studied the concept of unemployment at different stages of the history of the formation of labor in Russia, having also studied the causes of unemployment, its types and the regulatory framework, considering the unemployed as an object of social work, we can conclude that the phenomenon of employment is closely related to the labor market.

Unemployment is not only the poverty of large strata of the population, but also spiritual and moral impoverishment. In this regard, solving the problem of employment of the population is among the priority tasks in any civilized country.

We reviewed the basic theory of working with the unemployed and concluded that understanding the basics is an important component of social work with the unemployed in practice.

Social work with the unemployed

The main goal of social work with the unemployed is to optimize and / or overcome the difficult life situation in which the person who has lost his job finds himself. A difficult life situation characterized as a social problem, with the solution of which a person himself, without the intervention of a specialist, cannot cope.

Job loss is a strong stress factor for a person: anxiety increases, self-esteem decreases. In such situations, the most effective methods of work are services for the social adaptation of the unemployed in the labor market. Therefore, the problem of psychological assistance to the unemployed, his social adaptation has become more and more urgent lately. Toolkit for work with unemployed citizens Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk regional center vocational guidance and psychological support of the population, 2009. - 23 p.

Let's consider the features of social work, directly aimed at social and psychological support of the unemployed.

First of all, these include “ Social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market ”. In the very general view the concept of "social adaptation" can be defined as follows: it is the process of interaction of the subject with the social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated, aimed at obtaining: Kuznetsova L.P. Basic technologies of social work: Tutorial / L.P. Kuznetsova. - Vladivostok: Publishing house of the Far Eastern State Technical University, 2002. - P.47.

The skill of active, independent job search;

Drawing up a resume;

Conducting a business conversation with an employer, self-presentation;

Overcoming the consequences of long-term unemployment, increasing motivation to work;

Self-correlation also helps to reduce the period of searching for a suitable job due to the formation of an active life position in the unemployed citizen.

Forms of work with the unemployed are implemented at two levels:

Organizational work of the club type (informational, vocational guidance);

Psychological, training work (acquiring the skills of independent job search, for example, mastering the technique of talking on the phone, etc.).

Psychological support for the unemployedaimed to

Increasing the motivation of an unemployed citizen to work,

Activation of the position on job search and employment,

Reduction of terms of job search and employment,

Complete resolution or reduction of the relevance of psychological problems that hinder professional and social self-realization,

Increasing adaptation to existing conditions,

Implementation professional career by optimizing the psychological state.

The provision of psychological support to unemployed citizens can be carried out by employees of bodies and institutions involved in the provision of public services, and (or) other specialists who have the necessary knowledge, work experience and are involved in the provision of public services. The most effective forms of work are permanent clubs and courses.

In the Employment Center of the city of Zelenogorsk, as part of the social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market, there are several group programs:

1) Job seekers club.

2) New start.

3) Five steps towards work.

4) Start in the profession.

5) Job search technology.

These programs are intended for unemployed citizens who want to resume or just start their labor activity, and at the same time who want to increase their competitiveness in the labor market through mastering the system of basic knowledge, skills and abilities of job search:

Knowledge different ways and job search methods;

Ability to compose individual plan job search;

CV and CV writing skills;

Ability to conduct effective telephone conversations with employers;

Business negotiation skills;

Knowledge of the basic rules for preparing and passing an interview with an employer;

Ability to correctly compose a professional portfolio;

Knowledge of the rules of adaptation in a new work collective.

Classes under the programs are carried out in the form of conducting classes with one unemployed citizen (according to the individual form of holding) and (or) with a group of unemployed citizens (according to the group form of holding) according to certain programs.

The most demanded by the unemployed are the following areas.

Program "Job search workshop"... Participation in it allows them to overcome the negative psychological consequences of unemployment, to actively pursue an independent job search. Classes were held weekly, they provided information on methods of job search, the situation on the labor market, the opportunity to get acquainted with the modules of the program. The result of these lessons is a written resume, preparation for an interview with an employer, mastering the techniques of self-presentation and a job search strategy. In addition, within the framework of this program, the following modules were in demand: "Preparing for an interview with an employer" and "Phone call to a company".

In this program this year, 52 people took part, with mainly higher and secondary professional education... 10 people were employed after this program and 12 were sent for training at the expense of the employment service.

Program Job Seekers Club.The main goal of the activity is to help people gain confidence in themselves, their strengths, to strengthen the desire for independent job search. The most effective forms of work in clubs for job seekers are social and psychological trainings on the topic "Employment technology", "Psychological aspects of successful employment", "Self-confidence training", "The basics of effective communication", "Achieving goals when looking for a job", "How find a job? "," Providing psychological assistance to the unemployed of middle and senior age. "

The trainings solve the problems of increasing social activity, forming a new attitude to life. Participants acquire new, more successful ways behavior in a job search situation.

In the past period, 33 unemployed citizens took part in the program, 19 people were employed after this program and 9 were sent for training at the expense of the employment service.

Program "Start in the profession".The composition of the participants in this course is young people, it assumes more attention to be paid to the issues of choosing a profession, therefore, in the classroom, tests were conducted to determine interests, inclinations, abilities and skills and exercises that help to determine the planning of a professional path. Participants were assisted in mastering the basic skills of finding a job, interviewing, explaining what the labor market is and obtaining information about in-demand vacancies, in providing a practical opportunity to search for vacancies and try to get a job on them.

Last year, 13 unemployed citizens took part in the program, after the program 7 people were employed.

Unemployment has a destructive effect not only on a person in such a situation, but also to his family... First of all, unemployment leads to a decrease in her family's living standards. The number of divorces in families of the unemployed is increasing, and cases of child abuse are more common. In children, deviations in behavior appear, they have nervous disorders, and the incidence rate increases. Research shows that 60 to 90% of people need help from professional psychologists different ages... In connection with these factors, the family does not fulfill the most important functions that are assigned to it by society, and this leads to its destruction. Helping to mobilize all forces and get out of a difficult situation is the task of society and social work specialists.

To get the unemployed and their families out of the crisis, the social worker applies different kinds help. Social workers should identify the families of the unemployed, monitor them. First of all, he studies the state of the families of the unemployed, and having already identified the main problems (the presence of antisocial behavior, poor living conditions, poor progress in children), he applies a certain direction of assistance: referral of the unemployed and their family members to the psychological assistance service; providing legal assistance in case of unjustified dismissal, improper payment of benefits, etc.

The analysis requires the following data:

The number of family members, including children;

Gender and age of children and parents;

The financial situation of the family;

The number of unemployed in the family;

The length of the period of unemployment, its reasons;

Living conditions;

Relationship between parents, children, parents and children;

The state of health of children and parents, the presence of patients, invalids from childhood;

Education level of the unemployed;

Profession of the unemployed, seniority;

Information about whether the children study in which educational institution;

Academic performance of children;

The presence of asocial behavior among family members, its types (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.);

Opportunities for spending summer holidays;

Family interests, etc.

An important role in providing social assistance such a form of social and preventive work as social patronage of families of the unemployed plays a role. regular visits to these families and providing them with comprehensive assistance. This measure will help prevent family conflicts and the transformation of the unemployed into a homeless person if the family rejects him.

Identifying the main problems in the family of the unemployed will help determine the areas of assistance that the social worker can offer them.

Family members of the unemployed who are dependent on him, as well as citizens who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of established by law the term of its payment, material and other assistance can be provided, including subsidies for the use of housing, utilities, by public transport, health care and catering services.

Providing legal assistance: defending the interests of the unemployed and their families; providing various consulting services on legal issues, labor and social legislation, including protection of the rights of the unemployed in the event of their unjustified dismissal, improper payment of benefits, etc. A social worker can assist an unemployed person in finding a job and finding a job.

A social worker can help unemployed people create their association. For children who want to make money, it would be possible to create - with their own help - children's cooperatives. A social worker can help organize various courses, circles.

Adults unemployed, united, could create own enterprises... At the same time, they could support each other and morally, tk. people in the same difficult situation understand each other better.

Thus, the Employment Center of the city of Zelenogorsk is a structural element Public service employment of the population of the Russian Federation and plays important role in the implementation of state and regional employment policy, assists the population in employment and selection of suitable personnel, regulates the development of the city's labor market.

Promotion of employment and employment of unemployed citizens is a complex multidimensional process based on the professional and personal capabilities of the client. The activities of the Employment Center are aimed at social support citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job. At the same time, it solves not only social, economic, but also psychological problems of the unemployed.

One of the main directions of an active employment service for working with various categories of the unemployed is diagnostics and correction of negative psychological states, because a stable emotional state contributes to quick employment. The most effective is proactive complex psychological help the unemployed, which includes: counseling, psychodiagnostics, correction, psychoprophylaxis and different kind psychotherapy. The result of the participation of unemployed citizens in social adaptation programs:

Full resolution or reduction of the relevance of psychological problems that hinder professional and social self-realization;

Improving adaptation to existing conditions and realizing a professional career by optimizing the psychological state.

At the same time, as experience shows, it significantly increases the activity of people in the search for work, improves their psychological state, gives necessary knowledge and skills. Visiting them, an unemployed citizen discovers qualities that will help to find a job, gain self-confidence, acquire job search skills, orientate themselves more boldly in life situations, and quickly enter the field of activity where they can apply their knowledge and experience.


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