What needs to be done to live better. What does it mean to live well? Few people think about these words! Changing living space

A good life depends on what's important to you. Take the time to define your values, priorities, and goals in life. Work to fulfill your desires. Develop relationships and be a good family member and friend. Serve your community and humanity, and stay true to yourself.


Part 1

Emphasize your desires

    Make a list of what people or things matter to you. When making a plan for life, it can be helpful to prioritize certain areas. List everything that you value in your life. You can include family, friends, a specific hobby, nature, or career. Take the time to think carefully about what things you can't imagine your life without.

    • For example, if you enjoy playing basketball, is that one of the most important things in life for you? Maybe yes. If not, chances are it's just a hobby.
  1. Find your calling. Each person has their own talents and strengths... Strive to live life in your unique calling. Seeking your calling does not mean walking on someone else's path. Instead, try to identify what you are good at and how you can use your virtues in life and help other people.

    • For example, you may be a talented teacher and musician. Your vocation is probably teaching children to play the piano.
    • On the other hand, you may be a great listener and care about helping others. You may well become a psychologist.
    • If you are very passionate about dinosaur bones, you can pursue paleontology or share your knowledge of dinosaurs and environmental change with the new generation.
  2. Set your goals. Thanks to this, you will be able to live with a specific mission. Keep in mind that your goals may change at any time. You can modify them throughout your life. However, if you have some kind of structure, it will be a little easier for you to live.

    • For example, you might want to become a doctor. Small goals in this case can be the following steps: graduate from high school, go to a medical university, get a diploma, and begin medical practice. Each of these goals will have subgoals.
    • On the other hand, if your goal is to have children, first think about how you want to have them. Do you need a partner with whom you can raise them? Do you want to take a child from an orphanage? What different strategies can you use to achieve this goal?
  3. Set priorities. Once you've identified which people are important to you, as well as your values ​​and goals, create priorities. At different times in your life, you are likely to have different aspects come to the fore. For example, during school times, study will be of prime importance. Later, the focus may shift to relationships or children. Keeping your priorities in mind can help you plan your life better.

    • Check out the article "How to prioritize" for more tips.
  4. Strive to eat right. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and buy whole grain pasta and bread. Include in your diet more birds and fish (unless you're a vegetarian). Legumes, nuts and eggs are also rich in nutrients. Don't overdo your sodium, carbohydrate, or saturated fat intake.

    Exercise in moderation. Try to do moderate (2.5 hours) or vigorous (1.25 hours) cardio per week. To strengthen your muscles, lift weights twice a week. By exercising regularly, you are more likely to live longer and healthy life... Your heart, muscles and bones will benefit from this.

    • Moderate workouts include walking, yoga, dancing, and swimming.
    • Intense workouts include jogging and stationary cycling.
  5. Connect with your spiritual side. Whether you follow a particular religion or not, find something that gives your life meaning. Why are you on this earth? What is feeding your soul? The spiritual side is especially helpful when we are faced with difficult moments in life. She also helps us to forgive other people.

Part 4

Be grateful to life

    Reflect on gratitude. Express gratitude for three things every day after you wake up. Perhaps you have a favorite job. Perhaps you have a partner who supports you in everything. Or maybe you are completely healthy. It is very helpful to always take time to reflect on the things for which you are grateful.

    Don't see problems as tragedies. In part, in order to live a good life, it's important not to get bogged down in the day-to-day problems we all face. While it is important to deal with problems, take time to reflect on what is good in your life. You may have seen someone transfer an elderly woman across the road. Maybe the kids from the local school are collecting food for the homeless. You still have good health? You have money? Do you still have close people? Even if you can not check the box next to each of these points, it is important not to take problems too personally.

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago, when I ate a lot of fried, sweet and constantly felt unhealthy and overweight, when I watched TV and was out of shape, when I shopped a lot and was in debt when I worked for permanent work, on which he received quite a lot and did not have time for himself and his loved ones. How did I achieve this? With little tricks.

The truth is, you don't need much to live well - you just need the right attitude.

Here's what I've learned about how to live well with little need:

1. You need very little to be happy.

Some simple, plant-based food, a modest home, a couple of sets of clothes, a good book, a laptop, a meaningful job, and your loved ones.

2. Desire less and you won't be poor

You may have a lot of money and possessions, but if you always want more, you are poorer than the guy who owns little and wants nothing.

3. Focus on the present

Stop worrying about the future and hold on to the past. How much time each day do you spend thinking about the things that you are doing physically in the present moment? How often do you drive away thoughts of other things? Live now and you will live to the fullest.

4. Be happy with what you have and where you are.

Too often we want to be somewhere else, to do something else, with other people, and no matter what the circumstances are now, we would like to get things that are different from what we have now. But where we are now is a wonderful place! Those with whom we are now (including ourselves) are already flawless. What we have is enough. What we are already doing is amazing.

5. Be grateful for the little pleasures in life.

Berries, dark chocolate bars, tea are simple pleasures that are much better than complex desserts, sugary drinks, fried foods, if you learn to enjoy them to the fullest. Good book, taken in the library, a walk with your beloved in the park, pleasant tension after a short, hard workout, the wonderful things your children say, the smile of a stranger, a barefoot walk on the grass, a moment of silence in the early morning when the rest of the world is still asleep. These are small pleasures for a good life, without the need for anything more.

6. Move with joy, not fear

People go through life under the influence of fear of loss, fear of change, fear of missing something. These are bad reasons to do something. Instead, do things that bring joy to you and those around you. Do your job, not because you need to maintain your lifestyle and you are afraid to change it, but because you enjoy doing something creative, meaningful, valuable.

7. Practice compassion

Compassion for others creates love that rewards the relationship. Self-compassion means forgiving yourself for past mistakes, “heal” yourself correctly (this includes healthy eating and exercise), and love yourself for who you are.

8. Forget about productivity and numbers.

They don't matter everywhere. If you do something to achieve a certain number (goals), then you have lost the understanding of what is really important. If you strive to be productive and fill your days with all sorts of things just to be, it's a waste of time. This day is a gift, and it doesn't have to be overwhelmed with all the possible things - spend time enjoying it and what you do.

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company of famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago.

I am not rich, I do not fly around the world, I do not drink in the company of famous people in exotic places, I have neither a sports car, nor a jeep, nor a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago, when I ate a lot of fried, sweet and constantly felt unhealthy and overweight, when I watched TV and was out of shape, when I shopped a lot and was in debt, when I worked a full-time job. , on which he received quite a lot and did not have time for himself and his loved ones. How did I achieve this? With little tricks.

The truth is, you don't need much to live well - you just need the right attitude.

Here's what I've learned about how to live well with little need:

1. You need very little to be happy.

Some simple, plant-based food, a modest home, a couple of sets of clothes, a good book, a laptop, a meaningful job, and your loved ones.

2. Desire less and you won't be poor

You may have a lot of money and possessions, but if you always want more, you are poorer than the guy who owns little and wants nothing.

3. Focus on the present

Stop worrying about the future and hold on to the past. How much time each day do you spend thinking about the things that you are doing physically in the present moment? How often do you drive away thoughts of other things? Live now and you will live to the fullest.

4. Be happy with what you have and where you are.

Too often we want to be somewhere else, to do something else, with other people, and no matter what the circumstances are now, we would like to get things that are different from what we have now. But where we are now is a wonderful place! Those with whom we are now (including ourselves) are already flawless. What we have is enough. What we are already doing is amazing.

5. Be grateful for the little pleasures in life.

Berries, dark chocolate bars, tea are simple pleasures that are much better than complex desserts, sugary drinks, fried foods, if you learn to enjoy them to the fullest. A good book borrowed from the library, a walk with your beloved in the park, pleasant tension after a short, hard workout, wonderful things your children say, a stranger's smile, a barefoot walk on the grass, a moment of silence in the early morning when the rest of the world is still asleep. These are small pleasures for a good life, without the need for anything more.

6. Move with joy, not fear

People go through life under the influence of fear of loss, fear of change, fear of missing something. These are bad reasons to do something. Instead, do things that bring joy to you and those around you. Do your job, not because you need to maintain your lifestyle and you are afraid to change it, but because you enjoy doing something creative, meaningful, valuable.

7. Practice compassion

Compassion for others creates love that rewards the relationship. Self-compassion means forgiving yourself for past mistakes, “heal” yourself correctly (this includes healthy eating and exercise), and love yourself for who you are.

8. Forget about productivity and numbers.

They don't matter everywhere. If you do something to achieve a certain number (goals), then you have lost the understanding of what is really important. If you strive to be productive and fill your days with all sorts of things just to be, it's a waste of time. This day is a gift, and it doesn't have to be overwhelmed with all the possible things - spend time enjoying it and what you do.

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Most Russians are content with life. This article is for the rest. If you act now, the nation's well-being rate will rise even higher in 2019.

Polina Kalmykova

the blacksmith of his own fortune

We will tell you what to do to make life sparkle with new colors.

Take care of your health

Health determines the quality of life - this is evidenced by both the Human Development Index and the International Happiness Index.

To live longer and be sick less, WHO recommends paying attention to physical activity and nutrition. Regular exercise and a balanced menu will help protect you from non-communicable diseases.

Vaccinations will protect you from infections - check if you missed the due dates for re-vaccination against measles and tuberculosis.

Get things done at work

According to economists, work, along with health, determines the quality of a person's life. It is not enough to receive to be happy good salary: work should provide opportunities for self-realization and leave free time for family, friends and hobbies.

If your job doesn't fit this description, consider how to fix the situation. Talk to your boss about career opportunities, salary growth prospects, and ways to free up more time for other things. Even if the negotiations are unsuccessful, you will understand in which direction to move: improve your qualifications and gain experience or update your resume on Headhunter.

Get rid of excess

It's easier to start a happy life without the burden of unnecessary things, obligations and expenses. Here's what to do.

Sell ​​unnecessary items. The apartment will free up space, there will be less dust and more light. This will affect health and well-being: it will be easier to breathe and free money will appear in your wallet. What will not be bought at Avito, take it to commission shop, garage sale, second-hand or flea market.

Check subscriptions. Sometimes we buy an application, after a while we stop using it, and money continues to be debited from the card at automatic mode... Or we pay for a once accidentally connected melody instead of beeps. In order not to give money away just like that, take a look at Epstor, Google Play, in Personal Area on the site cellular operator and make sure there is nothing superfluous there. And if there is, turn it off: next month there will be more money.

Get rid of unnecessary spending. Think back to what you bought in the last month. If you're keeping track of expenses, check your app or notebook. If the amount spent on an optional expense seems like a lot, consider how you can cut it down next month. For example, meeting friends on Fridays is cheaper at home, and you can save money on updating your wardrobe by walking around second-hand shops.

Remember debts. Or they will remind of themselves - with interest on an unpaid credit card, a call from the bank or the arrest of property. If there is no way to close your debts right now, think about a plan for the coming months that will help you deal with the obligations. Remember that deferment is possible with almost all creditors.

Realize goals

It is difficult to start living a better life if you do not know what to strive for: without goals, money will be

I receive a lot of comments and letters with the following content: “Hello, great blog, everything is correct, but how to do it? How to cram all this into your life? How to start living better, richer, more interesting? How to light a light inside that will warm this damn household thing, fill it with something real and correct? And the truth is how? Let's figure it out now.

You don't have to set yourself a goal to immediately change your life, to make it perfect. Just try ... to live a fun and active life, even if this activity resembles an insignificant fuss. The purpose of this period in life is enrichment with new experience, gaining knowledge about what can be done in general, what can be made a goal in life and, most importantly, breaking the invisible rods of the subconscious that arise from life in the same rhythm. The more miscellaneous experience, the less stereotypes (almost always the case).

After a while, your problems may resolve by themselves. Personally, at one time, a month of such a “toy” new life was enough for me to do several interesting things at once, which captured me entirely. Some of this still holds an important place in my life. Subsequently, I gave similar advice to many acquaintances.

Not everyone followed it, dismissing simplicity. But for some, life has really changed for the better: someone has found a permanent partner and is already preparing for the wedding, another has joined a starting (and now quite prosperous) business project. However, do not expect that everything will be so fast and magical. The minimum program does not provide for this. And it provides for the following.

A few months after an active / fun / filled with new experience, try again and more deeply. Try to remember (preferably write down) the main stages of your own life, as well as look at yourself from the outside, weigh your talents and inclinations. This is necessary so that (read the article on the link), that is, your organic goals, dreams, capable of breathing genuine life into every day of existence. And the habit acquired (I hope!) In recent months to live in a variety of ways will serve as a kind of lubricant for a truly complete and interesting life, which is imbued with meaning and positive.

In conclusion, I note that the minimum program (a new experience that independently leads to the threshold “ right life»Usually acts in the case of people entangled in vanity and themselves. The second path (when you have to work on your inclinations and goals) is usually needed if a person has experienced deep disappointment in the past, is very tired of life, or something like that. However, everything is individual and no one should neglect the first stage.

Good luck in your new life!


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