How to talk to your boss about a pay rise. How to ask for a salary increase? When is the best time to start a conversation

The Russian mentality does not allow approaching the head with a request for a salary increase. I don't want to be branded as an upstart.

The feeling associated with underestimating the efforts made causes resentment, gradually spoils the character, makes you unbearable. We are offended by the bosses for the increase in the volume of work with the same financial remuneration. I would like to resolve this situation in my favor.

Note! V Western countries it is common practice to start talking about raising financial rewards for work done.

It is necessary to ask for a salary increase from the management correctly:

  • In a conversation with superiors, you need to control your own emotions. Uncertainty or over-excitement is an indicator of incompetence. Confidence will help you decide the issue in your favor. There should be no defiant behavior.
  • Petitioners are not perceived objectively. Whining and complaining will not be pleasant, and you will be shown from an unsightly side. By repeating thoughts over and over, become famous as a bore.
  • The request for an increase should be supported by the results of activities, it is necessary to analyze the achievements and characteristics of work over the past year.
  • We write down carefully thought out arguments in your favor in a notebook. Give out the most significant fact of achievement at the end of the conversation, so it will be better remembered.
  • To talk with management, you need to choose the right time - a period of growth in your productivity.
  • Remind management that you are happy and proud of your job, your position, and the organization or company itself.
  • When talking about the increase, do not mention a specific amount. The boss may order more supplements than you expected. If the management is interested in the amount, talk about more significant funding than you intended.
  • Don't threaten to quit - the trick will work against you.
  • Don't start important conversations in front of your work colleagues.
  • Don't be afraid of tricky, demeaning questions. Remember you valuable employee making a great contribution to the work of the company.

Note! Your boss's refusal will not ruin your career. It was just the circumstances. It is important to maintain goodwill in the relationship with the management.

In the near future this issue may also be resolved. A positive atmosphere during a conversation on this topic of concern to you is the key to success in work.

A survey of thousands of employed Russians by the research center showed:

  • 51% of “petitioners” asked their managers to raise their salaries.
  • 57% of those who applied were men.
  • 32% of “petitioners” - women have achieved an increase, and men - only 29%.

When should you ask for a raise and what arguments should you give?

The timing of the interview determines the decision regarding your request.

When is the best time to start a conversation:

  • The economic crisis has nothing to do with increasing salaries if there is evidence of your underfunding in comparison with other employees. To retain a valuable employee, certain positions are cut.
  • Wait until the boss is not very busy. Loaded with problems, the leader will not understand the essence of the issue, he will simply brush you off without understanding the essence.
  • The boss is in high spirits - you are more likely to receive a raise in salary.
  • A good moment for conversation will be the time when you have the highest labor productivity or you have achieved excellent labor results - you won a professional competition.

Arguments for talking to your boss:

I have more knowledge and skills at work than my colleagues. The best argument. Skills lie in excellent fluency foreign language, in the presence of extensive work experience, or something similar.
My results, achievements and qualifications should be paid accordingly. Confirmation of facts is required. It would be good to know the expected amount of the salary increase.
I am constantly late at work. The boss will count this as your inability to cope with tasks during the working day.
My colleague gets more for the same job than me. You may not have information about the merits of colleagues. The argument is like gossip that no one welcomes.
I am invited to work in another company with a large salary. This argument must be used with caution.

The boss may not like negotiations without his knowledge, instead of raising the salary, you can wait for the dismissal.

The opposite situation can also happen: the boss will appreciate your importance and value.

Personal and family life requires more money... As an example - to pay for a mortgage or the birth of a child. For management, this argument is not a reason to raise your salary. Your personal life does not concern or interest anyone.
I have been working for you for a long time and still receive the same salary. Facts and results of work are needed. Work experience is of no interest to anyone.

Note! If a promotion has been turned down, try to work even better to demonstrate your worth. You can return to the conversation after a while. The boss is a reasonable person, he can be fair.

Interesting fact! American scientists have identified a day when a conversation about a salary increase ends with positive results. It's every Wednesday of the week. The experts drew their conclusions based on research on the thoughts and behavior patterns of leaders.

European sociologists have identified the best time of day for making requests to the authorities. It falls at 1 pm. At this moment, the authorities positive mood, which will have a positive effect on resolving the issue.

If the request is voiced at three o'clock in the afternoon, do not wait for the decision you need. This is the time of the critical moment of the biorhythm cycle of the human brain.

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How to ask your boss for a salary increase? This question often arises among working people. You are a competent and intelligent employee, an irreplaceable specialist, but experience and knowledge are not appreciated at their true worth. Of course, I would like the leader to notice your diligence and diligence himself, but usually you have to overcome your indecision and fear (and suddenly refuse!) And go to the boss.

Reflections before decisive actions

You have been working in the company for some time and have consistently shown nice results... Thanks to you the company saves money and getting good income?

It means that the time has come to ask the authorities for an increase in salary. But first assess the real situation in the company and your position in it:

  • Can a company raise the salaries of its employees? It is unlikely that the bosses will satisfy your request, if there is a high turnover of staff, there is no increase in employees in career ladder, payments are delayed. In this case, it is worth waiting for a more favorable time.
  • It makes sense to go to the authorities if you have worked for a certain period of time, for example, six months or a year. But first, ask your colleagues: is there a rule to increase salaries after a certain period of time. Also, with a sharp increase in the volume of work and job responsibilities try to immediately discuss all material issues with the leader.
  • Another important aspect, what field of activity do you work in? And if it's a successful line of business, such as banking or mining, and competing organizations are interested in you, then it will be easier to achieve an increase in salary.
  • And of course, without self-confidence and the fact that you are "worth more" will be difficult convince your boss of your worth... Modesty beautifies a person, but it can ruin an employee's career.

Such a serious analysis of the situation will allow you to more soberly assess the likelihood of a positive solution to the question of interest. And having decided, we begin to tune in to a serious conversation.

Moral preparation for a conversation with a boss

To successfully conduct a pay raise conversation, try evaluate yourself from the point of view of a leader... The boss can be accommodating if he has confidence in your value to his company. For conversation stock up and necessary documents , which can confirm high level of work.

Think over the course of your "presentation"... After all, you really have to tell about yourself in excellent manner, and also to prove it, so that the boss would also believe. Report your initiatives, successes, achievements, that is, about the positive things that have been brought into the company's activities.

Do not be lazy, spend in advance salary level analysis according to your profile in other companies. To do this, you can view vacancies in ads, interview friends and acquaintances. If your salary level is higher than that of your colleagues, is it worth asking for a raise.

The right time to ask for a pay raise

Preparing for such a responsible conversation, it is worth thinking about the correctly chosen moment when your request and arguments will be carefully listened to. Not worth going to the boss if:

  • He is constantly busy in the morning. Psychologists advise wait for the afternoon time, when there is less to do, and the mood is better, because a well-fed, rested person will treat you differently.
  • On the eve of the conversation there was an unpleasant incident connected with you, for example, you made a serious mistake in your work or quarreled with the team.
  • Affairs from the organization or company where you work at the moment, are not going very well.
  • Your salary has been raised recently, and since that moment, less than half a year has passed.

Place to talk to your boss

You need to talk about raising wages in a formal setting. You should not catch your boss in the corridor or in the elevator, and, pulling him by the button, talk about your diligence and efficiency.

Corporate party or sport's event for the whole company also hardly fit for a serious conversation. This time is devoted to the rest of all employees, and your boss is no exception. Are you sure that instead of a comfortable pastime, he wants to listen to you?

Most the best option- talk in the head office. But do not try to persuade the secretary to let you in for a minute before it starts. general meeting, and the boss did not go about his business.

Salary increase is a serious question for you and him do not decide in a hurry.

Perhaps your boss has no idea what a valuable employee is working in his enterprise. Therefore, in order for him to appreciate you at your true worth, you need to spend both his and your time.

How to properly build a conversation about increasing salaries

life experience, and there are opportunities to search for another, alternative way to resolve the issue.

Don't start a conversation with the fact that everything is bad, prices rise and incomes fall. It is unlikely that the boss will be interested in your personal problems: loans, mortgage, upcoming wedding, treatment. Try conduct a more substantive conversation.

Start with justify your request and confirming it to specific figures. The conversation needs to be conducted firm decisive voice, trying not to stoop to pleading intonation. You do not beg and do not borrow, but want get more for your work.

Include the following points in your conversation:

  • I want to discuss my work with you;
  • I like working in company:
  • I am interested in my duties;
  • my achievements are as follows;
  • I am I see prospects for professional growth;

Having told about yourself as a valuable employee of the company, ask about is there a possibility review your current salary and raise it.

Sometimes a step forward starts with a kick in the butt.

You are 30, 35, maybe even 40 years old. You work for a company for your meager salary and do not understand why your successful friends have already updated their iPhone 7 to iPhone X. Why are they, and not you, traveling with their families to Cyprus, the Maldives and the UAE. Why have they already paid off their loans for a Honda Accord, VW Passat or even Mercedes benz ML350. You see how your colleagues go to the boss with a brazen face and demand another increase in wages, go out with a smile on their face and go to the nearest pub to get stamped.

Why THEY and not YOU?

After all, you did the best at school, did them test papers, helped to pore over the diploma. And what about the guy whom you called to your company from the state of emergency "Horns and Hooves", and now a year later he overshadowed you? Why do they ask you to "cook up a list of outstanding achievements" before the next report on the work for the year, although their main success was that they did not lose the work of their predecessors?

And you are such a modest guy, the smartest, most effective and irreplaceable (damn, why is it that you are always squeakily let go on vacation for one week, while these boobies rest for two weeks twice a year, excluding Christmas and May holidays?), and so, you are the very best and you don't get anything ...

I'll tell you why this is happening.

For almost 10 years now I have been working in large corporations, observing hundreds and even thousands of careers - both successful and unsuccessful. Five years ago, I was getting 100 a day from guys like you, doing up to 10 interviews and evaluating, evaluating, evaluating. Evaluated to understand who to take to the company and who not. Who can achieve something and who cannot.

So below you will see seven simple ways get a raise in wages. Start with the first one, follow all the recommendations and move on to the next. No need to jump between tips. Observe the order. So let's get started.

No. 1. Ask!

Do you know why you get so little? Because 95% of the bosses do not care that your wife takes out your brain every time you receive a salary.

When she didn't have enough money for a dress. When you took her to rest as a savage, and not to a resort. Because in order to raise your salary, he needs to talk to his boss, explain why you need to raise your salary, talk about all your successes and achievements (do you think he remembers everything?). It's much easier to say: Max (your colleague) came up and said that if I didn't raise his salary, he would go to competitors. Or maybe your boss is saving the department's budget so that he can ask for a raise later.

What to do: your main task is to put in your boss's head the idea that you want to earn more. That you are not satisfied with your income level. What do you want to know, what should be done to increase salary.

How to do it: you must prepare a conversation (if you are brave) or a letter (if your courage is only enough to write to your boss once a week).

The main message of your conversation (or letter): what should or can I do to earn 30% more?

Exactly. The boss doesn't care what you've done already. He doesn't care how much your colleagues get or how much they pay in the market. He is only interested in what you are able to offer in the future in exchange for a salary increase.

Secrets: I will share one secret with you. Any boss appreciates employees who can solve boss problems. The boss dislikes problems the most. They always try to throw any problems on their subordinates. If the subordinate failed, it is he who is to blame, not the boss. Therefore, think right away what problems of the boss you are ready to solve for increasing the salary. Here, of course, we are talking about work - do not think that you will need to be a slave to your boss.

How to build your conversation (letter)

  1. Declare immediately what you want to talk about.
  2. Explain why you want to earn more (the only thing that can touch your boss is your life circumstances, so tell me about the mortgage and the rising dollar exchange rate, that you and your wife are planning to have a third child, or that you now need a car that you will borrow).
  3. Ask under what circumstances and conditions you can earn more.
  4. Suggest options for expanding your responsibilities or improving work efficiency yourself.
  5. Think of past successes as proof of your ability to work better.
  6. Tell me the amount you're aiming for.
  7. Ask what you need to do to get back to this conversation when you, for your part, fulfill the conditions.

An example of your dialogue (I give only your phrases, but it is obvious that there will be answers from your boss between them):

Hello Ivan Ivanovich. I would like to talk with you about my salary. My wife and I are planning a third child, so the question of my income is very relevant for me now. I would like to discuss with you, under what circumstances can I earn more? For example, I can take on more clients or be responsible not only for sales, but also for marketing. Remember how successfully I was able to bring a new shampoo to market when all the marketers were busy with new pads? I would like to receive $ 2,000 per month and am ready to put in the effort. After I complete all the requirements, how can we get back to our conversation?

Be sure to write down all your agreements after the conversation and review them every week.

My experience shows that:

In 50% of cases, a single conversation with a request for a raise is enough to raise wages.

It really works, especially if you are a really cool and valuable employee.

Bosses are afraid of such conversations. People who say they want to earn more make them fear being fired. And no one wants to look for a new employee in your place, mess with him, teach, adapt and risk getting a pig in a poke.

# 2. Learn!

You know, there is such a phrase: "If you do the same tomorrow as today, you will have the same that you have today." If you want different results, do something different. And for this - learn.

See how it works. Each company has such a concept as a wage fork. People in the same positions can receive salaries that differ by 25–75%. That is, you can receive $ 1,000, and your colleague - $ 1,500, performing similar functions (we do not take into account bonuses yet). This happens for many reasons:

  1. You came when everyone received $ 1,000, and then the market grew, and new employees were already recruited for $ 1,500.
  2. When you were hired, your knowledge and experience were valued at $ 1,000, and those of your colleagues at $ 1,500.
  3. Your company has a formal or informal system for assessing the professionalism of employees, based on the results of which wages are revised (such a thing is increasingly beginning to be introduced in large Western and domestic companies).
  4. Someone rated the level of professionalism of your colleague higher and initiated an increase in salary (your boss, your boss's boss, the boss of another unit, HR director).

In general, there is a direct relationship between your "coolness" as a specialist and your wages... Accordingly, the cooler you become, the higher your price.

What to do: you do not need to immediately enroll in all kinds of courses, buy a library of professional literature or apply for a mini-MBA (you still have to grow and grow to a full MBA). To begin with, you need to determine what professional and personal knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities (let's call them further competences for convenience) are really in demand in your company and are ready to pay more for their "pumping". Once you understand this, all that will be required of you is to look for ways to pump these competencies and pump them.

How to do it: you need allies here. Talk with your boss, with a representative of the HR department, with agency recruiters, colleagues in the market, read specialized magazines for you, go to conferences. Once you've identified the eight competencies most in demand for your position, plan and develop them.

Secrets: there are people who call themselves coaches. Like Buddhist monks, they hold the secret of a powerful coaching tool called balance wheel... But I'll tell you about it.

Take a sheet of A4 paper. Draw a circle. Divide into eight sectors. It turns out like this:

Each sector is one competence. Now rate each competency on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is not developed at all, and 10 is developed at the maximum level.

After the assessment, in front of each competence, put a number that is equal to the difference between 10 and your grade. For example, you have the competence "negotiation", which you gave 6 points. Subtract 6 from 10 and get 4. Then you work with this figure.

Now choose the three competencies that are more important than all the others. Multiply the points obtained in them by 3. And three more competencies, which are in second place in importance. There, multiply the scores by 2.

You will receive six new numbers. Choose three of them with the highest score. It is these competencies that you must develop in yourself.

If you did this exercise, then this is already 50% success. There is little to do - development.

Do you know why 90% of people are not engaged in self-development? They think it is expensive and they don’t have time for it. I want to dispel these two myths.

Myth 1. Self-development is expensive

Complete nonsense.

In our modern world there are already so many different places where you can, by spending only $ 100, get valuable information. Do not think and do not expect that after the first such event you will become a Guru. Don't think the pros know 10 times more than you. All that distinguishes the pros from you is that they went to two or three events, caught the key idea and began to use it in their work.

Be sure to ask your HR's if they are ready to pay for all or part of your training. Find the most the best book on a topic that interests you (ask others for advice, which is better, read the reviews) and read it.

Myth 2. Learning takes a long time

And you don't even have enough for work.

Do you know Stephen Covey's book? Here's what he writes:

Imagine that while walking in the woods you see a man who is fiercely sawing a tree.

- What are you doing? you ask.

- Don't you see? - the answer follows. - I am sawing a tree.

“You look very tired,” you sympathize. - Have you been sawing for a long time?

“More than five hours,” the man replies. - I can hardly stand on my feet! Hard work.

“So why don't you stop for a few minutes and sharpen the saw? - you advise. - It would have gone much faster for sure.

- I have no time to sharpen the saw! - declares the person. - I'm too busy.

And don’t lie to yourself that you don’t even have 20 minutes a day. Or that you can't find three hours a month to watch a webinar. Or that you can't set aside one day in six months to attend a training. What, really not? Well then, plan your next vacation so that it starts on the day of the training, and you will rest not seven days, but six.

# 3. Expand!

So, let's say you've already told your boss that you want to make more money. You even agreed on the circumstances under which it would be possible, and you started to sharpen the saw. It's time to take the next step - expand.

Once the boss told me:

Responsibility is not what you are given. Responsibility is something that you take yourself and do not discuss it with anyone.

So, the time has come for you to expand your area of ​​responsibility.

What to do: look at what you are currently agreeing with your boss. Which of these he least wants to agree on (remember, you wrote him five letters on the topic of agreeing on new terms of work with a client, and he never answered?). Start with the little things. Take responsibility for making decisions.

How to do: First, tell yourself, "Now I'm starting to take responsibility." As soon as you have made up your mind, take action. My secrets to help you.

Secrets: I will give you a simple scheme for increasing your responsibility. Imagine that you have the same situation that repeats itself every month. Let it be agreeing on the terms of work with the client.

Now you write like this:

Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I ask you to agree on the terms of work with the client "Romashka".

Now let's add some responsibility:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I would like to agree on such conditions for this client. Do you agree?"(See, the pronoun" I "appears.)

A little later a month later:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I agree on such conditions for this client. Do you have any objection?”(Here you no longer express a desire, but declare an action.)

Next month:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I have agreed such conditions for this client. If you have any comments, please let me know so that I can make corrections.". (Here you have already announced the event, but you leave it up to the boss to change something.)

If this stage was successful, then you proceed to the final version. If not, and the boss told you: "Who gave you the right to agree on the terms?" - tell him about your readiness to take responsibility for agreeing on conditions, and for him the right to be informed in the form of your reports.

So, the final stage:

« Dear Gennady Ivanovich, I am sending you a report on the agreed conditions for clients, I am ready to discuss them if necessary».

Remember: the more responsibility you take, the more value you will be to the company. But I want to warn you: do not fall into the trap when a new responsibility will require more time from you than you are able to devote to it. In this case, get ready to ask for additional resources (the ability to delegate some of the work to other employees, leaving responsibility for the result).

No. 4. Perform!

Companies are divided into two types:

  • in some you work for a bet, and you do not and cannot have any bonuses;
  • in others, besides the bet, you have the opportunity to receive a premium.

If you work in a company of the first type, skip this item right away.

And if you are fortunate enough to work in a company where there is at least a small chance for an award, then you simply must achieve it.

Prizes there are different types, here is some of them:

  • monthly bonus for performance indicators;
  • percentage of sales;
  • the fee for the work done;
  • rework bonus;
  • Outstanding Achievement Award;
  • premium for the quarter;
  • the premium based on the results of the assessment for the year.

What to do: So, your # 1 task is to understand what types of awards your company has. First, talk to your colleagues and find out what they know. Then ask your boss or HR employee the question.

How to do: listen to what colleagues have to say about salaries and bonuses.

My many years of experience show that employees always talk about their salaries and discuss them among themselves. No matter how strict the rules are in the company, they will still find out each other's salaries and incomes. And if you still do not know about the income of your colleagues, then you have everything ahead of you. Go to the pub with your colleagues, have a heart-to-heart talk. Tell me that you really do not have enough money and you are thinking how to earn more. How to achieve a prize ... Ask their advice - a Pandora's box will open in front of you. If you're lucky, take the boss with you.

Secrets: even if your position does not provide for awards, your boss always has the opportunity to write memo to your boss and knock out a bonus for you. Therefore, do not think that there are no bonuses at all. Think about the circumstances under which you could get it.

№ 5. Combine!

Sometimes The best way earning more means finding an opportunity to combine your main job with something else. And here's a list of possible combinations. Even if you do not find an option for yourself, you will understand in what direction you can and should think.

  1. Combining two positions in one company. I see this quite often. Of course, no one will pay you two full rates, but you can get a surcharge of 30%.
  2. Combining two positions for shift workers. If you have shift work - two in two or three in three, and so on, most likely, your manager will give you the opportunity to work additional shifts for a colleague who is ill or went on vacation.
  3. Network marketing. Although personally I do not share all the joys network business, however, there are many examples when a person earns good money doing Avon, Amway, Oriflame and other businesses. The only thing that you should have two success factors: the gift of selling and a huge number of friends and acquaintances whom you are able to convince.
  4. Conducting training events. If you are a cool pro, then there are probably people who are willing to pay you for training. I know several people who conduct trainings. But usually they themselves are not engaged in sales, but cooperate with companies that find clients for them. Think about whether there are companies in your environment that are ready to sell your trainings. There is also a second category of people: they are fond of some topic, for example, Vedic culture or make-up, and they conduct mini-trainings for their friends on this topic.
  5. The second way to capitalize on the development of others is to get certified as a coach. A coach is a person who, using a certain methodology, helps other people achieve their goals. Usually a coach is a professional in a certain area in which he specializes: finance, career, health, and so on. Successful coaches charge from $ 100 to $ 200 for their coaching session in 60–90 minutes.
  6. Intermediary services. I know people who make money by helping to shop in foreign stores. This is especially true for children's things. They collect orders from their acquaintances, place an order in a foreign store and deliver to their city.
  7. Deposit. This is probably the most obvious way to make extra money, but it takes some effort to start saving 5-10% of your income. Here you can't do without the help of inspirational books. I recommend reading Bodo Schaefer.
  8. Manufacture of handmade goods. I have friends who bake professional cakes with different figures, there are those who make women's jewelry, beautiful postcards or notebooks. Here you have to invest your labor, but if it turns out well, then over time you can earn good money.
  9. Providing services to others. Here, probably the most popular will be manicure and massage. But there are also less popular ones: assistance in choosing a wardrobe, providing quality services in buying a used car (searching for a seller, inspecting cars, checking at a service station, bidding). Think about how you could make money.

What to do: you choose, there are a great many ways.

How to do: make your list of ideas on what you could make money. Put ideas in it, from the obvious to the craziest. Keep your list as long as possible. Give it a whole week, reviewing every night and adding a few new lines. Then pick one or two things to do and start doing them.

Secrets: If you are not sure which of the invented options is better, try to rate each of the options according to the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest rating:

  • in the next five years it can bring income commensurate with my salary;
  • this activity gives me pleasure;
  • it will use my talents.

Evaluate each option according to three criteria, add up the points and choose the option that scored the most points.

No. 6. Grow!

This is one of the most difficult, but also the most effective way to earn more.

In my experience, the difference between the lowest paid and the most high-paying job is in an average company - 100! This means that if the cleaning lady gets $ 200 a month, then the CEO gets $ 20,000 (no bonuses).

In addition, there are about 13 job levels in the average company. That is, from a cleaning lady to a director, there are about 13 positions.

It is believed that career in humans, it can occur on average once every three years.

On average, an employee's salary increases by 40% upon promotion (usually 20% immediately upon promotion and another 20% after 6–12 months).

Thus, in 20 years professional career even from the lowest position and a salary of $ 200, one can grow to a salary of $ 2,000 (assuming that the increase was 40% every three years, a total of seven increases).

And if you start with $ 1,000, then up to $ 10,000. Not bad, right? But there are people who grow faster than others. For example, if you receive career growth every two years, then the income growth will no longer be 10 times higher, as in the example, but 29 times!

It is believed to be very easy. In 20 years, you will have 10 promotions. Each 40%. So, you need to count 1.4 to the 10th power.

Feel the difference:

Job growth every * years Total growth in position (20 divided by the number in the first column) Growth of income for 20 years * times Income 20 years from now if you start at $ 500
2 10 29 14 500
3 7 11 5 500
4 5 5 2 500
5 4 4 2 000

Do you now realize the importance of your career growth?

Great, start growing!

What to do: I give step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. First, determine what you love to do the most in your life. If you seriously decided to think about a career for the next 20 years, then you need to choose something worthwhile, because you will devote a very large part of your life to this business.

Step 2. Draw your career ladder for 20 years. We decided that ideally you should have up to 10 promotions. Don't be trifling, aim for the CEO position. Believe me, in 20 years any person who is purposefully engaged in his own development is able to become director general... So, you need to draw your path from your current position to general.

Here is an example of a telecom company with over 5,000 employees:

  1. Sales Specialist ↓
  2. Senior Sales Specialist ↓
  3. Sales Lead ↓
  4. Sales manager ↓
  5. Sales Team Leader ↓
  6. Head of Sales Department ↓
  7. Head of Sales Department ↓
  8. Head of Sales Directorate ↓
  9. Commercial Director ↓
  10. CEO ★

Step 3. Now forget about yours career ladder and focus exclusively on the next position (in my example, senior salesperson). Ask yourself, and then your boss, the question: what do you need to know, do, be able to get promoted? Focus on this question, finding an answer and taking action in the next two years.

Step 4. Repeat the third step every time you raise.

Step 5. Hire yourself a coach who will help you grow in order to insure your success.

How to do: remember, your career growth has several criteria for success:

  • Goal setting - every time you have to set a clear goal for yourself, for example, become a senior sales specialist by 01/01/2017.
  • Learning - no need to indulge in illusions. Without training, you will not have constant growth. Therefore, plan your training (how exactly - I already wrote above).
  • Expanding your responsibility - this is the only way you will grow. No one will come to you and give you a little more responsibility (and career growth is essentially the growth of responsibility). They will always see if you take on a little more responsibility than others or not. You already know how to take more responsibility.
  • High level of performance - you have to work a little more efficiently than others, it is these people who are promoted.
  • Good relationship with management - I'm not talking about the need to be nice, no. Here we are talking about the fact that you must be able to communicate well with your leader and the head of other departments. Nobody wants to promote people who are unable to build relationships with colleagues. And your current leaders are your colleagues tomorrow.

Secrets: go to the zoo, look at the wolves. I'm serious! Watch them, and you will notice one feature that no one else has. This feature is that the wolves are always on the move! Really always. They never stand or sit, they are constantly moving. Hence the saying:

The wolf's legs are fed.

Wolves know they have to move to survive. In winter and summer, in rain and heat ... You must become the same wolf.

You must always move. Moving means acting, taking the initiative, developing, communicating a lot with colleagues and other employees of the company, generating ideas at meetings, speaking publicly. You always have to do more actions than all your colleagues. Only in this way will you get ahead of them.

No. 7. Go away!

So, let's imagine that you followed all my recommendations from the text above for two or three years and did not get any result.

But let's not lie to ourselves. When I write "done," it means that you did even more than I wrote.

Even put it this way, here is the test you must pass:

Count how many times have you answered yes? If you have not scored 16 points, it is too early for you to think about leaving. You know, people are used to blaming others. If your salary is not growing, it is always easier to blame the manager for this. But if you have not done all 16 actions to increase it, then the problem is only in you.

But if you diligently completed all 16 points and your salary has not changed, then run. Run from these scoundrels who!

But, as my acquaintances of career coaches and consultants like to say, looking for a job is after all. Therefore, about this in a little more detail.

What to do: there are several things you must do to find a job. This is a checklist that you must fill 100% ↓

How to do: job search is a creative process that requires a lot of energy and Have a good mood... I advise you to combine it with something especially pleasant for you. Start going to the gym while looking for work or go fishing every weekend. Or maybe finally go to a driving course. Do you drive? Then extreme driving. For English and speed reading courses.

Buy yourself good vitamins and drink every day, adjust your diet, sleep. Your life should be like the bride's before the wedding. You need to marry yourself or marry a good employer, and he must definitely like you.

Secrets: I will share with you the last secret of a careerist, and you will understand why ordinary people work bad jobs.

I'll start with a small statistics from the life of a recruiter.

In order to choose yourself a good place to work, we need to get at least three real proposals.

To receive each of these offers, we will need to go through at least five interviews. So that's 15 interviews for three proposals.

Before the interview, the recruiter will conduct a short telephone interview with us. Usually recruiters call more candidates than they want to invite for an interview. Let's assume that only one of the three calls will end with a real interview for us. This means that for 15 interviews, we need 45 telephone interviews.

But they don't always call. In reality, only one out of 10, or even out of 30 resumes sent gives us a phone call as a result. Let's take an average of 20 resumes sent for one call. And for 45 calls of such resume, you need to send as much as 900.

Now let's think about it: if we want to find a job in three months (90 days), then how many resumes need to be sent per day. Exactly - 10 resumes per day!

How does it usually happen? One to five resumes per week. Well, even if five a week - it will take 180 weeks for 900 resumes ...

Now do you understand why people usually do not find normal jobs? They barely find at least one real job offer (and often they receive this offer after they have greatly lowered their bar after a series of failures).


Submit 10 to 50 resumes per week.

And it doesn't matter if there are so many suitable vacancies. Just understand that your goal is to find from all vacancies from 10 to 50 those that are most interesting on all available sites, and send your resume there.

Uninteresting vacancies will give you the experience of passing interviews (and 30% of them can actually offer you a more interesting position in the end), and interesting ones will give you a potential job offer.

Well, that's the end of my story about finding a job. This is only a small part of what I would like to convey, and someday I will write a book about career and job search, but in the meantime I propose to keep in touch through my


Decide what you can offer your boss. The conversation should not start with the phrases: "I do not have enough money" or "I am that they pay me little." First, you need to justify why you deserve to be paid more. Are you working overtime? Or have you been replacing the head of your department for six months, while he is on sick leave, and have mastered all the intricacies of the profession? Or have you received a new education and can apply for a more qualified job? In any case, you must somehow justify your request.

Prepare a portfolio. For example, if you work in sales, prepare charts that show the steady growth of your sales. If you work in the PR department, collect all newspaper clippings, TV and radio recordings to show the titanic work you are doing for the good of the company. You have to prove to your bosses that you are doing great and ask for a salary increase not from scratch.

Consider what you can do for your boss when you receive new position or a new salary. Maybe you will suggest new concept development of the company or one of its departments. Or a new brand. Or a new computer program facilitating the work of company employees. Or you just swear to work harder, better, harder ... You don’t have to offer something revolutionary. The main thing is that this "something" is real in performance and allows the company to get ahead of its competitors.

Don't complain. Least of all, the bosses are concerned that you have ten credits, your wife is about to give birth to her fifth child, and a neighbor is threatening a lawsuit for a rumpled car. Your problems are your problems. The fact that you have a lot of them is not a reason to raise your salary.

If you are on good or even friendly terms with your boss, prepare carefully for the conversation. The fact that you drank with him on a fishing trip last fall does not mean that you will immediately get the position of a top manager with a salary of 100 thousand rubles. Your boss evaluates you first and foremost as an employee. Plus, if he gives you a new responsibility, then he trusts you. And it's important for you not to let your boss down.

Before talking, it's a good idea to study Labor Code and a contract for employment. It may turn out that it is not necessary to demand an increase in wages. Maybe you are entitled to some payments according to the law, you just do not know about them. It is worth mentioning them in a conversation if the boss cannot raise your salary (for example, if you work in a government office) or does not want to.

In the conversation, do not be suppressed. Look your boss directly in the eyes. Speak with confidence and reason. Don't fuss. You did not come to ask, not to humiliate yourself, but to take what is yours. Remember that getting your pay raise is possible. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. And then the boss.


Almost everyone has a situation in life when they wanted to get more money for their work than usual. You see your own potential, work in the sweat of your brow, and the bosses do not notice your efforts and in no way single out the same hard workers from the crowd. We are afraid to go up to the boss and talk about a salary increase. There are a bunch of excuses: “nothing will work out anyway”, “Vasya has not been promoted and I will not be promoted,” “a tit in the hands is better than a pie in the sky,” etc. Fear is to blame. We are afraid of being misunderstood, ridiculed, afraid of punishment. But if you nevertheless decided to take this step, then clearly think over the strategy of behavior in communicating with your boss in advance.


Take your time to run to the boss with pleas for a raise.

What is needed for this:

Abstract yourself, imagine yourself in the boss's place, so that your thoughts are objective.
Assess your professional skills and salary level.
Compare your skills with those of colleagues in the same specialty and category.
On specialized sites, look for salary data for your position and determine, compile statistics, analyze whether your income is really less than the average for the city or region.

To make a proper impression on the management, it is worth taking care of specific facts, supported by data from the Internet or official websites on statistical data, where the boss can clearly see the picture of the labor market. Pleas for a difficult life situation, "seven in the shop" and an alcoholic husband are unlikely to make the desired impression, so in this case you will not get a promotion.

The next step: write down your own merits to the company on paper. Maybe you recently came up with a sensible proposal that increased profits, or you yourself have drawn up a budget for the company for a long time, made a profitable deal. Support your words with specific numbers: what percentage has the firm's income increased, how many people have been retained for further implementation of production tasks, for how many years the government contract is planned to be fulfilled, etc.

Next, clearly define your qualities. But phrases like: stress-resistant, non-conflict, disciplined are hardly suitable for such a case. Again, start from your position, professional skills. You may have recently received additional education that the chef doesn't know about yet. Or you want to improve your qualifications. The bosses should know about this first of all. Then it will think about the value of your stay in the company and, as a result, reinforce the cooperation with higher wages.

After the above, start monitoring in the media: the Internet, newspapers, etc. At enterprises, salaries for one position differ. It all depends on the status of the company and the value of the employees. Try to compare all the points and calculate how much you can actually get for a raise.

How to make a request for an increase

For your request to be successful, it is better to combine oral and written influence on the boss. Verbally state the main points, a clearly formulated request, and the amount. In the letter, write down all the data that you studied, calculated, your merits, achievements.

It is better that these are separate numbered lists, so the information is easier to perceive.

Why writing form more effective:

Speaking verbally, excitement can make you forget half of what you have been going to say for so long.
When speaking verbally, the boss will most likely forget most of what you have been broadcasting for so long. And you need 100% hitting the target.
If you have started this conversation for a long time, you can simply not restrain yourself from numerous experiences and worries and say too much, be rude to your interlocutor.

Letter outline

First: the correct approach to the leader. During your work, you have already been able to study its weak and strengths, positive features. Indicate them in the letter, write about the importance of your boss for the company, for employees, what respect he commands from subordinates.

Second: state the problem and wishes in a thesis.

Third: list the factors, facts, virtues, privileges, numbers.

Choosing the right moment

When the previous points are completed, the letter is drawn up, you need to choose the right moment and place for a conversation with your boss.

If at the moment the company is not the best of times, then your request will not be crowned with success. During this period, all the forces of the workers are directed to get out of the pit and stand on their feet. Therefore, for now, it is better to wait out the hard times and wait for the prosperity of the company.

The first half of the day is not suitable for such conversations about wage increases. Especially if it's Monday morning, when work tasks are assigned to the week, the boss is busy solving current problems. The best time is after lunch. Food makes us kinder. On a full stomach, the nerves calm down, the mood rises.

Make sure your boss is in good spirits before going to see your boss. Find out from colleagues who have already talked to him, whether there were any unpleasant moments, quarrels, screams.

Don't catch the boss in the hallway. Firstly, he is unlikely to understand something and will not comprehend properly, and secondly, it is inconvenient: someone can hear the conversation, unpleasant gossip and gossip will go.

If the holidays are approaching, then in an informal setting you can "throw the bait" to the boss, and after the completion of the activities the next day, bring the letter that you prepared in advance, reminding the boss about your yesterday's phrase.

What you shouldn't tell your boss

There are some points that should in no way be mentioned in a conversation about a salary increase with management:

If you have loans, large debts, expenses for medical drugs or the necessary equipment for the house, this is not a reason for the boss's dedication to the details.
Complaints about a difficult financial situation.
Colleagues who have already been promoted.
Blackmail by physical force, termination of contracts that have already been concluded in other ways.
Report the threat of leaving the company in case of refusal.

All this will negatively affect the boss's opinion of you. There is a chance that he will not show you his negative attitude right away, but later he will want to test you for strength, giving more and more new work assignments that, most likely, you will not be able to complete. Which will ultimately lead to dismissal.

A well-structured conversation will definitely lead to positive results. The increase may not follow immediately, but after a while. The boss will make a note to himself, and when the right time comes, he will financially thank for the services to the enterprise.


It is necessary to prepare for a conversation not only by correctly constructing the speech, but also by thinking over a flawless appearance.

If your company does not have a dress code, today is the time to put on a formal suit.

For women, fit or slightly lower, the top is a blouse. It is not necessary to choose a standard: white top, black bottom, but you should not shock with combat colors either. Go for two contrasting, subtle colors, such as a navy skirt. Take your hair into an elegant hairstyle. , without unnecessary accents.

If your look is radically different from your everyday one, then it is better not to come in it right away. Prepare colleagues and management, start dressing like this at least a week before your scheduled X-day.

A meeting

So you've come to the boss to talk to him about the pay raise. There are some nuances that will help in building a competent conversation.

For starters, remember that no leader will behave when he hears such phrases: “I would like to talk about a salary increase,” “my salary is lower than the rest,” and stuff like that. Approach this question subtly. Start your story about price indexing and, accordingly, salaries.

Even if you really work in the evenings, on weekends, this does not mean that only you are worthy of awards and accolades.

The conversation should flow calmly and reasonably, no shouting, indignation and banging with fists on the table. Otherwise, at best, the boss will kick you out of the office, at worst - from work.

Do not forget to say that the ability to work and the desire to prove yourself in the future directly depends on the increase in the level of income. Give clear reasons what you have already done for the firm, how much the performance indicators of the enterprise have increased.

If you were denied a pay raise, do not be discouraged, but continue to show good results at work. Someday your boss will see you as a truly valuable employee.

December 28, 2013 4:29 pm


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