Application lesson in the world of fairy tales. Summary of the lesson on the application “Fairytale bird. Preparation of equipment for each child colored cardboard, strips of colored paper, glue, scissors, napkin, brush


Application for the senior group.

To develop attention, visual control of the actions of the hands, to enable each of the children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate.



Summary of the GCD for the application

In the senior group


Summary of GCD for applications in the senior group "Fairy-tale bird"

Preparing the educator for this species GCD

Selection of illustrations "Firebirds"

Preparing a presentation with illustrations of the firebird.

Selection of fairy tales about fabulous birds.

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Tsar Maiden"

Preparation of a summary of the GCD for the children of the group on the topic “ fairy bird»

Preparation of equipment for each child colored cardboard, strips of colored paper, glue, scissors, napkin, brush.

Target: to teach children to correlate real and fabulous images, to create an image of a fabulous bird in the application, conveying its unusualness and brightness, using decorative elements.
Tasks: To consolidate the technique of cutting circles and ovals from squares and rectangles, thus transforming one figure into another.
To develop attention, visual control of the actions of the hands, to enable each of the children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity.
To cultivate accuracy, a benevolent attitude towards others.

Material and equipment:Firebird illustration, colored cardboard, colored paper strips, glue, scissors, napkin, brush.
Teaching methods:
Verbal - story, explanation, dialogue.
Visual - an illustration of a fabulous bird.

Preliminary work:

View presentation "Firebird"
Reading the Russian folk tale "The Tsar Maiden", examining illustrations of the firebird.

Lesson progress:
Children sit at tables

Q: - Guys, I have an envelope in my hands, and there is a letter in it. On it is written Kindergarten"59", the "Gnomiki" group from Dunno. Do you think this letter is addressed to us?

D. (answers)

Q: - Guys Now let's open it and read: Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you, Dunno. Donut and I read a very interesting tale about the firebird. But there is not a single picture in our book. And we and all the inhabitants of the Flower City so wanted to look at it at least once. We know that you have read the fairy tale, and you know what the Firebird looks like. Guys, please send a photo of the Firebird. Thank you in advance!
Q: - Guys, what fairy tale did we read that talks about the Firebird?
D: - "Tsar Maiden"
Q: - Guys, I have one photo of the Firebird, but we cannot send it, since we have only one, and the residents of the Flower City need several shots. Let's make the fire of birds for them ourselves?
D: - We can make an application ...
B: - (Examining the Firebird) Good. Look at this Firebird. Why is the bird in fairy tales called the Firebird?
D: - Because it is bright, and its tail is like a flame ...
Q: - Yes, this bird is colorful, it has unusual wings, tail, crest.
Does she look like a normal bird?
D: yes
Q: - You guys correctly noticed that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts. What body parts do birds have?
Children: - torso, wings, tail, head, neck, paws, beak.
Q:- The main decoration of any magical, fabulous bird is its tail. What will be the tail of your bird depends on your imagination. The selection of colors, their combination, the shape of the feathers - all this is your desire. Everyone will get their own unique Firebird. The more unusual and interesting the bird is, the more joy and happiness it will bring to the inhabitants of the Flower City.
B: Before we start work, we will play with you.
Fizminutka "Flock of birds"
A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue around (children wave their arms like wings,
To fly faster, you need to flap your wings (children wave their arms more intensively)
The sun is shining in the clear sky, the astronaut is flying in a rocket (sipping - arms up)
And below - forests, fields, the earth is spreading (tilt forward, arms spread apart)
The birds began to descend, everyone sits down in the clearing,
They have a long way to go, the birds need to rest (the children sat down)
And again it's time to go, we need to fly a lot (the children get up and wave their "wings")
Here is the south. Hurrah Hurrah! It's time for us to land.
Q: Now let's get to work. What do you see in front of you?
D: - Geometric shapes (rectangles, square)
Q: - What figure do we need for the body of the bird
D: - Oval
Q: Do you have an oval? (No) Pick up the largest rectangle - this will be the body of the bird, how can it be turned into an oval?
D: - Cut corners
B: The head and torso are cut from square and rectangular blanks.
-We have the main details on the sheet (Showing the stages of work)
- We paste the body, wings, head, did you get a fabulous bird?
Q: -Your birds don't have a tail. You have strips of paper on your tables that will fit the tail. How you portray it depends on your intention. Selection of colors, their combination; the shape of the feathers and the decoration of the bird are all your desire. Everyone will get their own, unique fairy-tale bird.
(Independent creative activity of children).
Q: - And now, guys, let's place your Firebirds on our table and admire them.
- Guys, have you forgotten why we created such beautiful Firebirds? What was the most difficult for you? What do you think, the tail of whose bird is the most interesting and beautiful? Well done, everyone showed imagination, tried. In the evening we will sign the envelope and send our birds to the Flower City.

Application in senior preschool group"Fairy Bird"

Educational area: applique
Target: Mastering the technique of symmetrical, silhouette cutting, using a variety of ways to attach material to the background, to obtain a three-dimensional application.
1. To teach children to correlate real and fabulous images.
Based on the impressions received (in the process of preparatory work), it is proposed to create an image of a fabulous bird in the application, conveying its unusualness and brightness, using decorative elements.
2. Continue to introduce children to the voluminous application. Show how to cut out the silhouette of a bird from paper folded in half.
3. Develop visual control of the actions of the hands.
4. Give each child the opportunity to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity.
5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.
Material and equipment:
Exhibition of works on the theme "Fairytale birds" made in different ways. Audio recording of “Voices of Birds”, “Sounds of the Forest”, etc. Colored cardboard, strips of colored paper, confetti, glue, glue brush, scissors, napkin, etc.
preliminary work:
Reading the Russian folk tale "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna", P. P. Ershov's "Humpbacked Horse", etc. Examination of illustrations, postcards depicting birds. Modeling lesson on the theme "Fairytale bird", drawing birds.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys. Today, the application lesson begins in an unusual way.
Hush, kids, don't make noise
Don't scare our fairy tale
Miracles Happen Here
The story is hidden for now!
Don't be sad, smile
The story gives us a surprise.
Educator: Children look at the tree, and let's look at the birds on the tree, and name which birds we see on the tree.
(sparrow, magpie, tit, lark, nightingale, dove, crow).

Educator: Children, look here is another bird, unusual, how does it differ from other birds?
Children: This is a fabulous bird.
Educator: Why do you think this bird is fabulous?
(The plumage is brighter, beautiful, unusual crest, painted tail)
caregiver Q: What do all birds have in common?
Work according to the scheme.
(head, body, wings, legs, tail, beak, eyes)
Educator: Children, in what fairy tales did we meet a fairy-tale bird?
"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".
"Fire bird and Vasilisa beautiful."
"The Little Humpbacked Horse."
Children, let's see what beautiful fabulous birds.
(slide view)

caregiver: Children, I suggest that you dream up a little and decorate the bird in an unusual way. We have bird body patterns and colorful clothespins, add tail, wings, beak with clothespins and see which one beautiful bird you got it. (carpet work)

Guys, would you like to turn into a fabulous bird of unusual beauty?
Relaxation to the music. Turning into a fabulous bird.
I will walk through the woods.
Lots of birds there
Everyone flutters and sings.
The nests are warm.
Educator: I suggest you transfer to the "Fairytale Workshop"
make your beautiful unique "Fairytale bird"
.Display of the educator.
- You correctly noticed, guys, that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts (torso, head, tail, etc.). Now I will show you how you can cut out the silhouette of a bird without a tail - we will do it later.
- The silhouette can be cut out of paper folded in half. Who will tell you how to properly fold the paper in half, and which side to hold the workpiece? (children's answers and the teacher showing the cutting sequence).
- I start cutting from the body. I hold the workpiece by the fold line horizontally. I put the scissors on the lower left corner and cut out a semi-oval (large slide) approximately to the middle of the workpiece. Then I cut straight - this is the neck. The neck passes into the head (small hill) and ends with a sharp beak. Look at the diagram and again remember the sequence of cutting the contour.
(children cut out the silhouette of a bird on their own).
- We will glue the body of the bird to the sheet, and the neck and head will be freely facing forward. So we get not a flat, but a three-dimensional image, which will give our bird liveliness. The bird bowed its head importantly and it seems that it is about to leave the leaf and fly away.
Now we just need to complete the image. And the main decoration of any magical, fabulous bird is its tail. How you portray it depends on your intention. Selection of colors, their combination; the shape of the feathers and the decoration of the bird are all your desire. Everyone will get their own, unique Bird. The more unusual, more interesting the bird is, the more joy and happiness it will bring.
The teacher invites the children to go to the "Fairytale Workshop"
The children go to the tables.
Finger gymnastics: Small birds
Little birds
They flew across the sky
Little birds
Sat on the palm
Let's welcome the birds
Let's praise the birds
And we know the sparrow
We'll catch the cute one right away
Will sing for the baby
In a golden cage
Oh trouble, Oh trouble
Flew away forever
Over the high mountain
Over the wide river.
Review the rules for working with scissors with the children.
(independent creative activity of children).
Organization of the exhibition.
- Guys, we got a whole flock of Birds. Let's look at the birds, admire them.
(analysis of children's work).

theme "Fairytale bird"

learn to convey the image of a fabulous bird using the applique technique
educational: - consolidate knowledge about the animal genre, about cold and warm colors. - master the technique of symmetrical, silhouette cutting; - to convey unusualness and brightness, using elements of decorative design. developing: -develop visual memory, creative thinking; educators: - to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others; - to give each child the opportunity to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity. Equipment: Presentation of real and fantastic birds, design of the working board “Fairytale bird”, melody “Visiting a fairy tale”, envelopes with colored squares (cold and warm colors). Material: Colored cardboard, colored paper strips, confetti, glue, scissors, napkin, etc.
Riddles: She does not sit still, She carries news on her tail. (Magpie) At night he flies to hunt, he does not see during the day, and he wants to sleep. (Owl) In winter, on the branches - apples! Collect them quickly! And suddenly apples fluttered, After all, this is ... (Bullfinches) In the forest, under twitter, ringing and whistling, The forest telegraph operator knocks: “Hey, thrush, buddy!” And he signs ... (Woodpecker) - Tell me how we call them all one common word? (Birds).

3. Presentation. "Fairy Birds" Slides 6-8

A melody sounds ... ("Visiting a fairy tale")
Today we have an unusual lesson, I want to invite you to a fairy forest. See who is it? She has a letter in her beak for us. - Hello guys! I heard that you know how to make birds using the application technique of colored paper, I brought you greetings from all our birds and a big request: to make unusual, fabulous birds. We want to open an exhibition of handicrafts in our forest for the “Bird Festival”, we decided to contact you with such a request. Help us please! - What is the name of the genre in art where the artist depicts animals and birds?
- So what kind of birds will we perform today in class? (Fabulous). - That's right, the theme of our lesson is "Fairytale Bird". Since ancient times, in the fairy tales of different peoples of the world, the image of a bird is very often present, it brings happiness, light, good luck to people. Remember and name fairy tales, cartoons, where there is an image of a fabulous bird (“The Swan Princess”, “Finist is a clear falcon”, “The Fire Bird.) - The image of a bird came to us from the distant past. Our ancestors were very fond of depicting birds and endowing them with fabulous abilities, they embroidered them on all kinds of amulets, towels and clothing details. Decorated with household items. - What is the difference between fairy birds and ordinary ones? - Yes, these birds are colorful, with patterns, they have unusual wings, tails, tufts. - What do they have in common? - You correctly noticed, guys, that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts (torso, head, tail, etc.).
III. Fizkultminutka.

Finger gymnastics
Starting with the index fingers of both hands. This finger of mine is dancing, This one is drawing a circle. This finger deftly jumps, As if a light, light ball. And my little finger, my little one, Scratches with a claw like a mouse. And my big, fat man, He lay down on the side.
IV. Practical part

1. Exercise for the development of "warm" and "cold" colors
- How many colors does the rainbow have? List. - You have envelopes on the tables. You need to arrange the colors of the rainbow in order. From all the colors of the rainbow, select "warm" colors.
- We talked about fabulous birds, looked at how artists depicted in fairy tales. And now I suggest you perform the “Fairytale Bird” using the appliqué technique.
2. Safety precautions when working with scissors and glue

3. Demonstration of the finished product
consideration finished sample crafts. -Guys, look at a sample of our future application. What features would you highlight? (Small oval body, flexible elongated neck with a small head, lush a long tail and bright colors). - Now I will show you how you can cut out the silhouette of a bird without a tail - Guys, to get a symmetrical silhouette, you need to fold the colored paper in half, apply the template to the fold line, trace with a simple pencil and start cutting from the body along the resulting contour. I hold the workpiece by the fold line horizontally. I put the scissors on the lower left corner and cut out a semi-oval (large slide) approximately to the middle of the workpiece. Then I cut straight - this is the neck. The neck passes into the head (small hill) and ends with a sharp beak.
4. Independent work on the task
Look at the diagram and again remember the sequence of cutting the contour. (children cut out the silhouette of a bird on their own). - We will glue the body of the bird to the sheet, and the neck and head will be freely facing forward. So we get not a flat, but a three-dimensional image, which will give our bird liveliness. The bird bowed its head importantly and it seems that it is about to leave the leaf and fly away. Now we just need to complete the image. And the main decoration of any magical, fabulous bird is its tail. How you portray it depends on your intention. Selection of colors, their combination; the shape of the feathers and the decoration of the bird are all your desire. (independent creative activity of children).
5. Fixing

V. Debriefing

1. Pattern comparison (+) and (-)
On the board next to the Fairy Bird we attach children's work. I draw attention to the aesthetic assessment of the chosen color of the bird and the background, the accuracy of execution, its individual characteristics, etc., we make suggestions for improving the craft.
Everyone pins a badge to the finished craft: red - “I am satisfied with my work, I did everything right”; orange - "done well, there are suggestions for the work", blue - "there are shortcomings, it could have been better." - Fairy bird praises all of you, admires your work. She thanks you for responding to her request.
2. Reflection.
- This is the end of our lesson. You did a great job today and you made wonderful crafts. Thank you. If you liked the lesson and it was very interesting for you to work, take a “warm” color square, and if you were bored in the lesson and not interested, take a “cold” color square.

Municipal state-financed organization additional educationHouse of Creativity

additional education teacher

Abstract of the lesson on the application "Fairytale bird"

Lesson topic: "Fairy bird".
Target : Making a fabulous bird, by applique according to the model.

Tasks :

Educational: to teach to convey the image of a fabulous bird, conveying its unusualness and brightness, to decorate individual parts and details of the image, to consolidate the ability of children to cut out parts of an object of various shapes and make an image out of them.

Educational: develop fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movement in children, develop imagination, activity, creativity, attention, promote the development of a creative, harmoniously developed personality of the child.

Educational: to cultivate accuracy, perseverance, respect and interest in the culture of the Russian people and the peoples of the world, the desire to learn how to create products that delight others.

Material and equipment : sample of the "Fairytale Bird", illustrations of birds, illustrations for fairy tales "Humpbacked Horse" » , "Heat- bird and Vasilisa the princess » and "Ivan Tsarevich and Grey Wolf”, templates of the torso and wings, a colored background made of paper, strips and circles of colored paper, glue, scissors, a napkin, a pencil, oilcloth, a brush and a cup for glue, a computer for video physics minutes and playing music, a firebird feather.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment. Greeting, getting ready for work


Hush, kids, don't make noise

Don't scare our story.

There are miracles here...

The story is hidden for now!

The topic of our lesson "Fairy Bird".

2. Theoretical part.

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests

Miracle - fairyland

Birds live in plumage

Unprecedented beauty.

How to spread their wings

Above the expanse they

Are crumbling to the ground

Fairy tales, happiness and dreams.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? How much you love, I guess. But how do you know them?

And today let's remember the fairy tales in which the Firebird lives. Children name fairy tales: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess, "The Little Humpbacked Horse".(Attachment 1)

Teacher: Guys, I want you to draw your fairy bird today, but first I suggest you look at my fairy meadow, where the most different birds (children look at the birds on the board). (Annex 2).

Since ancient times in fairy tales different peoples The world often contains the image of a bird, it brings people happiness, light, good luck.

The image of a bird came to us from the distant past. Our ancestors were very fond of depicting birds and endowing them with fabulous abilities, they embroidered them on all kinds of amulets, towels and clothing details. Decorated with household items.

But did you know that our ancestors believed in the magical power of this unusual bird. It was believed that the feather of the firebird performs the most cherished desires, and the Firebird itself brings good luck, happiness, luck.

In past classes, we studied and recalled different birds, made and sculpted them, studied which birds are domestic and which are wild.

What is the difference between fairy birds and ordinary ones? ? (children's answers).

Yes, these birds are colorful, with patterns, they have unusual wings, tails, crests. And what do they have in common? (children's answers)

You guys correctly noticed that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot general: body, head, tail, feathers. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts.

Guys, would you like to turn into a fabulous bird of unusual beauty? To do this, we need a feather of a fire bird. ( video - physical minute)

The birds are flying

(Walking in place with arms raised up and down through the sides.)

Wings make noise.

(Tilts of the torso in different directions with waving of the arms)

Bent over the ground

They shake their heads.

(Head tilts.)

Straight and proudly know how to hold on.

(Straighten up, hands behind your back - check your posture, pause 3-4 s.)

And very silent

(Hands down - stretch up.)

They sit down in place.

(Sit down, stay straight.)

3. Practical part.

Teacher: - I suggest you go to the "Fairytale Workshop" to make your own beautiful and unique "Fairytale Bird".

For this we need:

Background, blanks of the torso and wings (in the form of a droplet 2 pcs.), Which we need to circle and cut with you, a crest and feathers to decorate the tail.

Safe techniques for working with scissors, glue.(Annex 3)

1. Outline the body and wings and cut out. Lay on the background, glue.

Fizminutka. Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew up (children look up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (look to the left)
And hid on the floor (look at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "little birds"

little birds
little birds,
They fly through the forest
The seeds are collected
Here comes the violent wind
Wanted to take the birds away
The birds hid in the hollow
It's dry and warm
(children perform actions in accordance with words)

2. Now it remains for us to complete the image. And the main decoration of any magical, fabulous bird is its tail.

We arrange the main details on the sheet and paste

(Showing work steps.)

Everyone will get their own, unique fairy-tale bird. The more unusual, more interesting the bird is, the more joy and happiness it will bring.

Independent creative activity of children. Individual work.

4. Summing up.

Teacher: - You did a good job today, and today we have a whole flock "fairy birds". Let's look at the birds and admire them. You have some amazing crafts.

What interesting things did you learn about the firebird?

What skills did you use today?

5. Reflection. Teacher: - And in order for the pen to bring happiness, we must strongly believe in it and say the magic words:

“The feather of the firebird shines brighter, Good, and bring happiness to the house.”

Application with children 3-4 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Visiting a fairy tale"

Lesson 13. Bubble, straw and bast shoes ( colored paper. Plot application from prepared silhouettes of objects)

Software content. Teach children to lay out a plot composition on a piece of paper. Fix gluing techniques. Learn to finish drawing objects with felt-tip pens, bringing to the desired image. Continue to learn to listen to fairy tales and understand their content. Repeat the names of geometric shapes (circle, oval).

Handout. Album sheet with a “river” pasted at the bottom - a strip of blue paper; details cut out of colored paper: blue circle, yellow stripe, brown oval; felt-tip pens, glue, glue brush, rag, oilcloth-lining.

Lesson progress

Read Russian to the children folk tale"Bubble, straw and bast shoes". Ask: “Why did the bast shoe fall into the water? (The bast shoe went along the straw, and it broke, because the bast shoe was heavy.) Why did the bubble burst? (He laughed at his friends and burst.)

Invite the children to “fix” the heroes of this fairy tale. Put in front of each child an album sheet with a “river” pasted at the bottom - a strip of blue paper and details cut out of colored paper: a blue circle, a yellow strip, a brown oval.

Ask the guys: “Which of the heroes of the fairy tale does each of these geometric shapes look like?” (A circle looks like a bubble, a stripe looks like a straw, and an oval looks like a bast shoe.)

Invite the children to place the heroes on a piece of paper near the “river”, and then stick it on. When the glue dries, the children will have to “revive” the characters with the help of felt-tip pens: draw their eyes, mouth, nose, arms, legs.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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Topic of the week "Furniture" Lesson 11. Blanket for Vanyushka (Drawing with felt-tip pens) Program content. To teach children to decorate a rectangular object with colored stripes, alternating them in color. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the nursery rhyme. Cultivate a benevolent

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The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To consolidate the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

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The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Teach to transmit characteristics objects using cool colors. Get to know the possibilities

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Visiting a fairy tale” Lesson 13. Bubble, straw and bast shoes (Colored paper. Plot application from prepared silhouettes of objects) Program content. Teach children to lay out a plot composition on a piece of paper. Fix gluing techniques. Learn

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My House” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “Visiting a fairy tale” Lesson 13. Kolobok (Drawing with colored pencils) Purpose. To teach children to draw round objects with colored pencils and carefully paint over them. Encourage emotional response to a fairy tale, join in its storytelling. Demonstration

From the author's book

The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on the illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstration

From the author's book

Fairy tales help in education, but there are very harmful fairy tales. The fact is that fairy tales are fairy tales only for us. We understand that there are no miracles. For children, fairy tales are a real reality, because children in the first years of their lives live in a fairy tale. And we are wizards

From the author's book

Tournament of cheerful and resourceful "Visiting a fairy tale" Decoration: players - in costumes fairytale heroes; exhibition of children's drawings; illustrations for fairy tales; posters “Visiting a fairy tale”, “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”; music. The tournament is held between teams.


It might be useful to read: