How to mold a rooster out of clay. Clay modeling of Filimonov toys. Master Class. Roosters from colored paper

Master class "Filimonovskaya toy"

Elena Borisovna Novoaleksandrova, teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten"Teremok", Ryazan region, Ryazan region, village Murmino.
Description: the master class will be useful for educators, children of senior and middle groups.
Purpose: use for visual aids and for the artistic development of children.

Target: making toys from clay.
- To teach to work with clay, to sculpt toys from clay;
- To teach to draw up a simple pattern according to the model, the ability of children to orient themselves on the plane;
- To form knowledge about the peculiarities of painting Filimonovo toys;
- To form children's interest in arts and crafts;
- To develop fine motor skills of hands, imaginative thinking;
- Develop aesthetic taste, imagination, independence.
- Clay (Cambrian);
- Individual boards for modeling;
- Jars of water;
- Stack;
- Paper napkins;
- Primer (acrylic-artistic);
- Brushes for painting # 1, # 3;
- Gouache (green, yellow, red);
- Cotton buds;
- Hair fixation spray.

The Tula village of Filimonovo has been known for a long time. Far beyond its borders, Filimonov's painted whistle toys are known and loved. Craftsmen make toys from clay, and clay is mined in deep ravines. This clay is soft, docile to hands. They sculpt various figures out of it: cockerels, chickens, ducks, young ladies, horses, goats, soldiers ... All these toys are funny, slender and so elongated, as if they are always surprised at something, and stretched out their necks in surprise. For young ladies, whistles are hidden in a jug, for birds under their tails or wings, for animals under their paws. In ancient times, the whole family made toys all winter, and in the spring they went out with them to the "Whistlers" holiday.
Sculpted toy whistles are fired in special ovens. And when the toys are cool, they are painted. Toys are most often decorated with colored stripes, herringbones, specks, simple berries, wavy lines. Colors are used: red, green, white, yellow, sometimes pink. Filimonov patterns mean different things, for example: closed stripes - a good beginning; triangle or semi-oval with stripes - the sun; in the middle there is a strip, and on the sides of the strip up or down there is a tree.
There is a village near Tula -
Filimonovo's name is
And the craftswomen live there,
That they bring good to the houses,
And good is not simple there,
And not gold, silver,
Filimonov toy
it is called.
For children preschool age it is difficult to mold a toy whistle so that it is hollow inside, so I simplified Filimon's toy for my children. Today I want to introduce you how to sculpt a duck and a cockerel from clay.

Required for work.


To keep the clay soft, wrap it in a wet cotton cloth for three days. To make a cockerel, cut off two pieces of clay with a stack: one about 2 cm thick, the other 1 cm thick.

We roll two balls.

While we are working with the large ball, put the small ball in a wet rag so that the clay does not dry out. Roll a thick sausage from a large ball, then a carrot.

Bend the carrot so that the thin part is slightly higher than the thick one. We bend the thin tip and form the beak - this is the head and the beak.

We make the tail: flatten the thick part over the entire surface evenly, the thickness of the tail should be 0.5 cm.

We make a comb and a beard: roll two balls out of clay, a little more for the comb.
We sculpt a beard: ball - sausage - cone.
We sculpt the comb: ball - sausage - flat oval (thickness 0.3 cm) - cut the oval: at the bottom with an arc, cut out the corner at the top.

To hold the parts together, the clay must be moistened with water. After dipping your finger in water, then touch it to the napkin (so that there is not a lot of water) and only then to the clay.
Since the details are small, it is more convenient for me to attach them in a stack.

Set aside the body of the rooster. We make stand legs from a smaller ball (which we have in the fabric): we roll a short thick sausage, then a cone. We insert a stick into the middle of the wide part of the cone (you can brush with the back side), roll, helping with our hands until the cone becomes hollow inside, the wall thickness is 0.5 cm. You can make a stand in another way.

Here's what you should get.

We roll a lace from clay.

We moisten the upper part of the stand with water, put the body of the rooster, attach the parts with a string and stacks.

Align the seam with a damp finger.

To sculpt a chicken, as well as a rooster, only the tail does not need to be flattened.

We make another girlfriend for the cockerel - a duck.
Cut off a piece of clay with a stack about 1.5 cm thick. Roll a ball, then a thick sausage, one end of the sausage is smaller in diameter than the other.

Bend the sausage to form an arc. Form a tail from the side of the thick part of the sausage. From the side of the thin part - stretch the intended neck a little.

We sharpen the neck, bend it, shape the beak.

Cambrian clay toys do not need to be dried in a muffle oven, so the toys will dry in 3 days at room temperature.

We cover the toys with acrylic primer and dry for at least two hours.

Apply different colors of gouache to separate the body parts.

We draw details on the head and apply stripes for future painting.

We paint with stripes of different colors.

Draw snowflakes and circles with cotton buds.

We draw zigzags and wavy lines.

We cover the toys with hairspray. Varnish gives shine, expressiveness to toys, fixes the pattern.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel -
Gilded scallop,
Olive head,
Silk beard.
Petya walked around the yard,
Petya dropped his pen.

Oh, what a whistle,
Striped duck!
Unusual, funny
And a little pot-bellied!
- Wait a minute,
Where are you from, duck?
My duck whistles:
- I'm Filimonovskaya!

It is no coincidence that sculpting is considered one of the most exciting and healthy hobbies for the development of fine motor skills. By using polymer clay you and your children can sculpt a whole world out of your fantasies, in addition, with clay figurines, you can perfectly play out whole performances based on the plots of your favorite books and cartoons, or you can invent fairy tales yourself, but this requires enough clay heroes. In many works, such a hero was Cockerel Golden Scallop... Children, of course, will love such a bright and colorful toy as a polymer clay rooster, so start preparing the necessary materials and you can try to sculpt.

Perhaps you have never sculpted from clay, and it may seem to you that this material is somehow difficult for a child or gets very dirty. Let's dispel your doubts. After all, clay is a very interesting, textured material. If you or your child have ever sculpted with plasticine, then it will not be a problem for you to work with clay. The techniques for working with these materials are almost the same. Just take our advice and everything will work out for sure!

What do you need for this?

To mold a clay cockerel, for starters, you may need to find a video tutorial of a master class that clearly shows the technique of making a clay figurine. Imagine a clay rooster, or look for a suitable picture that will inspire you to create a new toy. After completing the sculpting stage, the rooster figurine is fired, and after firing it is usually painted in different bright colors, for which acrylic paints or gouache are suitable for you. You can also use ready-made colored clay, which will greatly speed up the work process. Technique for modeling a rooster from polymer clay is enough, but we offer you to learn the famous techniques of Dymkovo and Filimonov toys. You will definitely like them!

We mold a rooster out of clay using the Filimonov technique

Rooster made of clay - filimonov technique

How a rooster is made from polymer clay: consider a master class on the Filimonov toy technique. For this technique, it is characteristic that toys are obtained in the form of whistles, except for turkeys and roosters, which should not whistle. The technique is simple, step-by-step instructions are presented below:

  1. Divide a large piece of clay into three pieces, one larger one for the body, a smaller piece will make a stand, from the remaining clay you will make small parts of a rooster - a comb, eyes, beak, beard.
  2. To make a torso, roll a carrot out of a piece of clay. Its shape will become the basis for the future rooster, try to be very careful with it.
  3. The middle of your clay carrot will need to be folded at a 90 degree angle. The narrow end of the shape is for the head, and the wide end will be a bushy tail. When working with clay, sometimes small cracks may appear, but this is not scary, they can be easily covered with wet fingers.
  4. Squeeze the tail between your palms so that it becomes flat and large. Then, to give the tail the desired shape, you can carefully cut out the excess with a knife.
  5. To fasten small parts to the base, you need a slip - a very liquid clay, such as modeling glue, it is made from a small clay bowl of water, which is stirred with a brush to get a slip.
  6. Make a small cake out of clay and cut in half, so you have a scallop. Stick it with a slip on the crown of the cock.
  7. A small ball turns into a goatee, which is attached to the rooster under the beak.
  8. The stand is molded in a conical shape. At the base, you need to place a wooden sharp stick so that, with the help of simple movements, rolling the clay with a stick on the table, make a cavity inside the cone.
  9. Place a rooster on the top of the cone with a slip.
  10. Wait for the clay to dry completely for at least 4-5 days, and then bake in the oven at a high temperature.
  11. Paint the clay acrylic paints or gouache (with PVA glue)

A clay rooster with your own hands using the Filimonov toy technique is ready!

Rooster made of clay - dymkovo technique

The second ancient technique of molding a rooster from clay is the Dymkovo toy. Do you want to be a master of making exclusive Dymkovo toys? Such a little thing will have no analogues in any house, because it is made in a single copy, and not in serial production at a factory.

Clay rooster from Dymkovo craftsmen

  1. First, the base is sculpted by the cockerel.
  2. Then add details from the comb, eyelet, barbs.
  3. For further work, you will need toilet paper, water and a brush to cover the figurine with 5 layers of toilet paper.
  4. After the paper is completely dry, fix everything with PVA glue.
  5. Paint the rooster with paints, using samples of Dymkovo toys as an example.

Now you also have a figurine of a rooster using the Dymkovo toy technique. We wish inspiration to visit you more often, and you delight loved ones with new toys!

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The rooster is a symbol of 2017. Therefore, all these 365 days you need to have his image in your home in order to attract good luck to yourself. And it is he who will be the best gift for friends and family. If you make a rooster on a magnet from polymer clay, then such a present will be even more valuable, because it is made by the hands of the donor, it bears the imprint of his sincerity and love. In this article you can find detailed manual in order to dazzle a bright gift cock, which will delight you yourself and your loved ones.

This master class can even be used as crafts with children, because detailed instructions makes the process very easy, and working with polymer clay cannot but interest the child.

We make a bright rooster from polymer clay with our own hands

What you need:
  • Toothpick
  • Stationery knife
  • Rooster pattern made of paper
  • Wet wipes
  • Rolling pin
  • Baked polymer clay
  • Glue "Moment"
  • A sheet of paper as a work surface
  • Stacks
  • Soft brush
  • Magnet fittings
  • Polymer Clay Varnish

Even before you start making a souvenir, you need to knead the polymer clay so that it becomes soft. Dirt sticks to the material very easily, so during the process of making a rooster, you need to periodically wipe your hands.
It is also necessary to cut the rooster pattern in advance. The wings should be in three different sizes. For the convenience of work, you can additionally cut out the comb, tail and body.

1) You need to roll out the pre-softened polymer clay into a round layer 0.5 cm thick according to the size of the template (the paper rooster should fit freely on the material). Then you need to cut the cockerel along the contour.

2) Now you need to make the same layer (you can already have a different color) and cut out only the body of the figure from it using an additional paper template. This part must be carefully combined with the one that you made in step 1. Carefully smooth out the joined finger pieces to get rid of any air bubbles.

3) You need to "draw" the plumage with a toothpick. To do this, it is enough to pierce the body many times.

4) Now you need to make the legs, comb and beak. Cut these parts out of pieces of polymer clay using templates in the same way as in points 1 and 2. Then attach them to the body of the cockerel. You can use orange for the legs and beak, and red for the scallop. When gluing the comb to the body, try to smooth out its edges as carefully as possible, while making the middle part protrude slightly. And again, a toothpick will come to your aid. She needs to make small grooves on the convex part of the part to make it look more realistic.

5) A regular black pea is perfect for a cockerel's eye.

6) Now you need to make the tail. For its base, you will need a piece of polymer clay of a contrasting color to the original workpiece. Having rolled out the layer and cut out the desired part from it, stick it to the base, carefully aligning the edges. After combining these parts, smooth the top layer to remove bubbles and achieve a stronger adhesion. This stage is needed in order to give the tail extra volume. And this layer can also be visible due to the next, multi-colored.

7) On this stage you will need several small pieces of polymer clay of different colors. From them you need to make small sausages of different lengths. They should thicken from beginning to end, that is, they should look like drops. Flatten the details just a little.

8) Stick the "drops" on the previous layer of the tail. Use the same toothpick to puncture each piece. You need to start drawing feathers from the bottom row so that the tail looks textured.

9) It is also better to cut the lower wing layer from a color contrasting to the body that it stood out. After attaching this detail to the rooster, pierce it along the edges with a toothpick, because the wings also have feathers. Repeat this action two more times. It is better to make the middle layer different in color from the first, and the topmost one should match it. The second part of the wing needs to be pierced only along the edges, like the first, but the third should be covered with feathers completely.

10) Now you need to bake the cockerel. This is best done at a temperature of about 120 degrees. You need to bake the figurine for half an hour. Please note that it is better to wash thoroughly in the oven after handling polymer clay with warm soapy water.

11) Using Moment glue, attach to back side rooster magnet fittings. To prevent the figurine from losing its shine and preserving as long as possible, cover it with two coats of special varnish. Before applying the second layer, the first one must be slightly dried. Until completely dry, the cock should be left in a room that is well ventilated.

Video selection on the topic of the article

If you want variety, then you can watch a few more videos with master classes on making roosters. You can find new ideas and sources of inspiration in them. And why don't you combine several technologies and develop your own? Good luck!

How to mold a Dymkovo cockerel?

I will sculpt from plasticine, according to photography and on a whim. Those step by step instructions, which are offered to us in a variety on the Internet, tell about the modeling of a folk toy from clay. In my office, there is no opportunity to teach children how to model clay (in the sense - fully, and not just for the sake of a superficial acquaintance with the material), and therefore all types of folk toys are sculpted with students from sculptural plasticine. And I will choose the method of sculpting as it seems more convenient to me.

Dymkovo cockerel - modeling lesson

So, the folk toy was usually about the size of a palm, I take a hefty piece of plasticine (I focus on my adult palm) and divide it - a larger piece for the body and a smaller piece for details. Immediately I give the body a somewhat triangular shape:

Now I decide where the head will be, where the tail is, and at the lower end of the toy I make a round stand by pulling it out.

Until this stage, I sculpted from one piece. But then you have to separately sculpt the details of the decoration and glue them. I do not like this smearing and masking of the seams, but I have to - it would be much more difficult to sculpt all sorts of curls-folds from one piece. And so, I sculpt the crown separately, separately roll out the bundles and flatten them into plasticine ribbons:

I collect tapes with an accordion:

I stick these frills in arcs - where the wings should be and along the outer edge of the tail:

Frankly, it was not so difficult to blind the whole rooster as to smear these frills beautifully and without cracks. We will not paint him - his whole life will last a few minutes. Now from the same plasticine we blind the second Dymkovo rooster. Let's get started right away.

Dymkovo rooster from plasticine

We form the body - this rooster will be more difficult, it will have two legs and another third - a stand (like the Dymkovo horse-three): The paws will even have toes!

I'll make the tail a separate part:

And now I will prepare a lot of details for decoration.

Before we have time to come to our senses, it will be winter outside the window, and then New Year... The Rooster will be the symbol of the future 2017, so why not make gifts for friends with a picture of a rooster with your own hands. For example, a polymer clay magnet. Even kids will love this activity.

Necessary materials:

  • Rooster paper template,
  • Polymer clay (baked),
  • Work surface (sheet of paper, tiles or glass),
  • Blade or utility knife,
  • Rolling pin (or deodorant can),
  • Tools (stacks),
  • Polymer clay varnish,
  • Soft brush,
  • Magnet fittings,
  • Glue "Moment",
  • Toothpick,
  • Wet wipes

Modeling a rooster from polymer clay

Before work, polymer clay must be kneaded well in your hands so that it becomes elastic and soft. It is recommended that you dry your hands as often as possible during work. wet wipes so as not to stain the clay - it attracts any dirt very much.

1. Cut out a rooster template from paper, do not forget about the wings (three different sizes). You can also cut the tail, torso and scallop separately to make it easier later on while working.

2. Prepare the base for the magnet. Soften a piece of polymer clay in your hands to make it pliable. For the base, you can use the leftovers from previous works(weedy plastic). Roll out the clay into a layer 3-5 mm thick, required size so that the template fits completely. Carefully cut the shape of the rooster along the outline.

3. Transfer the magnet base to another sheet of paper or glass for convenience. Roll out a piece of clay of the desired shade (2-3 mm thick) and cut out the body of the rooster using a separate template. This detail, if desired, can be done with a color transition. Attach the resulting blank to the base, gently spread it with your fingers to remove any air bubbles that may have formed between the layers.

4. Using a tool or a toothpick (needle), make punctures - indentations to simulate the feathering of a rooster.

5. Make a beak and legs out of orange polymer clay: cut out neat details and attach to the base. Tip: To get an orange hue, you need to mix 3 parts of yellow clay with one part of red (depending on the desired tone).

6. For the scallop, roll a small piece of red polymer clay into a layer approximately 5 mm thick and cut using a template.

7. Attach the resulting part to the base and smooth well along the edges, trying to leave the middle part a little convex. Use a stack (toothpick) at the bottom to make shallow grooves for more naturalness.

8. Revive the rooster - make him an eye out of a small black pea.

9. For the bottom of the ponytail, roll out a piece of light (contrasting) clay and attach to the base. Smooth well so that the layers stick. This detail is necessary for the greatest volume, and it will also be visible in some places.

10. Roll sausages of different lengths and sizes from small pieces of polymer clay of different shades. Thin one edge, forming a long drop. Flatten a little.

11. Attach the resulting parts to the base one by one. Use a toothpick or needle to create a natural look to simulate feathers. It is worth noting that the texture must be applied alternately: first the bottom row of feathers, then the top one. This is necessary in order to maintain the volume of the tail, and as a result it does not look like a flat part.

12. It is advisable to make the lower part of the wing in a contrasting color so that it does not merge with the body. Therefore, roll out the light plastic into a small layer and cut the part along the contour of the larger template. Attach to the base, simulating feathers along the edges.

13. Do the same with the other two details: the middle should be dark. Finish off the wing by simulating plumage with a toothpick. A polymer clay rooster is ready for roasting. While the detail is still "raw" you can tweak something else. Bake in the oven at the temperature indicated on the polymer clay package. Each manufacturer has a different baking time and temperature. For Fimo clay, the required temperature is -110 -130 C and the time is 30 minutes.

Tip: After baking polymer clay, the oven must be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

14. When the blank for the magnet has cooled down, you can glue the fittings (the base for the magnet) using the Moment glue. For shine and better preservation of the magnet, cover the surface with a layer (or two) of polymer clay varnish. Leave in a ventilated area until the varnish is completely dry.

15. Rooster made of polymer clay - a symbol of 2017 is ready to decorate your refrigerator.

16. Also a magnet self made can be a wonderful unique gift for friends.

Creative success!


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