JSC Iskitimcement. Iskitimcement - Iskitim Cement Plant. Products of JSC Iskitim Cement Plant

Iskitimcement - russian companywhich owns the only one cement factory in the Novosibirsk region. The company supplies its products construction organizations, Reinforced concrete products, road complexes. The headquartens of the company is located in Iskitim Novosibirsk region.

OJSC Iskitimcement - RTS Board (ISKC)


Owners of JSC Iskitimcement

The main owner of Iskitimcement is, which controls 63% of the company through. 10% belongs to OJSC.

CEO The company is Sergey Semenov.

Board of Directors of JSC Iskitimcement

1. Ageeva Natalia Vladimirovna
Member of the Board of Directors

2. Bodrenkov Valery Alexandrovich
Member of the Board of Directors

3. Misco Igor Gennadevich
Member of the Board of Directors

4. Sysoev Vadim Nikolaevich
Member of the Board of Directors


"Sibtsy" was not allowed to buy "Iskitimcement"

Officials of FAS supported Eduard Taran in his reluctance to sell Iskitimcement, the only one in the Novosibirsk region of the cement producer. The antimonopoly authority did not allow the Siberian cement to consolidate 100% of the company's shares. This deal could lead to a limitation of competition in the market of Siberian federal District, counted in the FAS.
Link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/market/562949985668721

Edward Taran decided to leave "Iskimitiate" to himself

The main owner of the Iskitimcement plant Eduard Taran has changed his mind to sell the enterprise "Russian cement company" (RCC), he said at a meeting with journalists. According to the businessman, it owns 63% of Iskitimcement (61.6% are laid in Sberbank on a loan for 4 billion rubles), he never lost control over the plant and intends to maintain it in the future. The fact that Eduard Taran plans to sell the plant, has become known in 2011. Asset was interested in the "Siberian cement" first, then the RCC (joint venture of Siberian cement and Rostechnology).
Read more: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2037372.

Ex-President "Sibsyts" Muravyev is unlikely to influence the order of dividend payments to shareholders

In recent years, according to Martinkina, Sibtsz reports to IFRS, leads open information and active investment policies. And his shareholders decided to invest in the modernization of production and strengthening the position of the holding on the market in order to increase profits in the future. In particular, a Russian cement company, which currently owns 50.52 percent of JSC Angarskcement has been established with the state corporation of Rostechnology. In addition, 10 percents of JSC Iskitimcement were purchased, the purchase and introduction of the Mountain Company LLC, West-Siberian Concrete Plant LLC, were purchased and introduced into the holding company.
Link: http://www.biz.com/news/id/61065

Cement Plants Holding "Sibts" increased production in January by 8%

The holding company "Siberian cement", created in 2004, includes three cement plants, a quarry "Pass", LLC "Mining company", Combine "Wave", Siberian Beton LLC, a company for the repair and maintenance of equipment and cement buildings The assets of the holding - SibceService LLC, the sales and logistics company "Zapsibcement", operator of its own fleet of railway rolling stock "Kuzbassstranscent" and trading house "Siberian cement." In addition, the holding owns 29.9% of the shares of Angarskcement and 10% of JSC Iskitimcement.
Link: http://www.riaarealty.ru/affordableHousing_tech/201330227/399778794.html

Andrei Muravyev can re-enter the board of directors "Sibsyts"

OJSC "HC" Sibts "owns 26% of LLC RCCs (Moscow); 29.9% of the shares of Angarskcement OJSC (Irkutsk Region); 10% of the shares of JSC Iskitimcement (Novosibirsk Region).
Link: http://www.bfm.ru/news/209517

"Iskitimcement" summed up the work in two months

At the beginning of March Iskitimcement OJSC summed up the work of the enterprise in the two months of the current year, 141 thousand tons of cement were produced by the plant. In February, 81 thousand tons of cement were produced, which exceeded a plan per thousand tons.

About the factory:

JSC Iskitimcement is the only cement plant on the territory of the Novosibirsk region. It supplies with its products most of building organizations, plants of reinforced concrete products, road complexes and other cement consumers. The plant has a favorable geographical position with a developed infrastructure, the presence of railway and water transport, which creates an opportunity for uninterrupted supplies to all regions of Western Siberia. The presence of its own pier allows the supply to water to the regions of the Far North to enterprises in the oil and gas industry.

A favorable combination of raw materials, debugged production technology, an effective quality control system, highly qualified frames allow us to produce a wide range of cement that meets the requirements of Russian and foreign standards. Currently, the number of workers is more than 1,200 people.


A unique place in the economy of the Siberian region occupies Iskitimcement OJSC - a well-known enterprise producing products for the construction industry. The history of the development of the Chernorechensky cement plant, such a name was originally "Iskitimcement", closely connected with the history of our country and with the development of Western Siberia.

The project of the Chernorechensky cement plant was developed and adopted in 1929. For this project, the plant was supposed to produce 700 thousand cement barrels per year. The plant was built by the hands of local peasant inhabitants, which forever tied their fate with a cement plant. The launch of the first furnace at the Chernorec Cement Plant was carried out on September 24, 1934.

The plant developed, reconstructed, and already in 1961 issued 1 million 24 thousand tons of cement. Then there was a time of great construction. The development of Siberia I. Far East required a sharp increase in cement production. The Chernorechensky cement plant no longer coped, and in Iskitim it was decided to build a new plant. To coordinate construction and installation work, the headquarters of the All-Union Percussion Komsomol Building under the direction of N.V. Krasnoshekova.

Many engineering and technological tasks had to be solved for the first time. For the first time, for example, rotating furnaces were mounted under the open air. I had to overcome not few difficulties in order to launch a complex of new furnaces, raw materials and cement mills, to operate them, carry out repairs in the conditions of the Siberian winter.

Thanks to the enthusiasm of builders, installers, the factory workers was built in a truly record time - for 33 months, instead of the usual 3-4 years.

Since 1962, with a launch of the first technological line with a furnace of 4.5 * 170 m, the updated enterprise firmly took the leading place among Russian cement producers. In 1975, the Chernorechensky cement plant developed almost 2.6 million tons. Cement and reached the limit design capacity.

The Chernorechensky cement plant in terms of production, the range of products provided all the construction sites of Siberia cement. The plant built roads, bus stops, apartment buildings in the city of Iskitim. Two microdistrics Iskitim - "Northern" and "Central" were practically built by a cement plant for their employees.

At the same time, reconstruction and modernization of production was carried out. In 1984, the company headed by B.G. Dernovsky, was translated into gas fuel. For nearly 70 years of its activities, the cement plant issued 86 million 48 thousand tons of cement.

During the years of restructuring in the country, construction volumes have sharply decreased. The demand for cement fell, and even traditional consumers turned out to be insolvent. For the company there were difficult times. At first they stopped the industrial site No. 1, the remaining capacity was also not fully used.

In 1994, the plant was renamed Iskitimcement JSC. Over the next eight years, an enterprise has a large debt for tax liabilities, the working months did not receive a salary. By the beginning of 2001, Iskitimcement had no funds for the purchase of spare parts and repair equipment.

In January 2001, an industrial-commercial group of Ratm, headed by Edward Taran, showed interest in the plant. For a short time, it became a strategic shareholder of the enterprise. Currently, the PKG RATM and the administration of the Novosibirsk region are the largest shareholders of Iskitimcement OJSC, which owns more than 90% of the shares. At the extraordinary meeting of shareholders was elected new Council Directors chaired by A.S. Francev, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Novosibirsk Region.

The new leadership was looking for and found ways to bring production from the crisis, especially since the enterprise retained its production potential. The plant has its careers, a unique transportation junction: can ship cement auto, rail and water transport, as it has its own port.

Production volumes

Accordingly, production and production volumes. In 2001, 500 thousand tons of cement were issued, in 2007 - already 1 million 740 thousand tons, in 2008 - 1.84 million tons of cement. In terms of product growth, Iskitim Plant is the leader among industry enterprises. JSC Iskitimcement supplies construction organizations, reinforced concrete products, road complexes.

Geography of cooperation

The convenient location of the plant allows the cement to be implemented in almost all regions of the country car and rail transport. The presence of his own pier allows the supply of water to the river Ob to the regions of the Far North to enterprises of the oil and gas industry. The geography of cement supply is quite wide. This is the Novosibirsk Region, Altai Territory, Kuzbass, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khakassia, Omsk, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk AO, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazakhstan. The increase in sales volumes is directly related to the reduction of construction volumes. In addition, the cement is located on a unique field, which gives excellent raw materials of stable quality. Products of JSC Iskitimcement was awarded the award of the International Trade Leaders Club (TRADE LEADER "S CLUB) - the Golden Prize" For Quality "Produced Produced (Golden Trophy for Quality). To maintain the principles guaranteed quality The produced products of JSC Iskitimcement completes the introduction of the requirements of the standard GOST R ISO 9001-2001.


At JSC Iskitimcement pay special attention Compliance with environmental safety. Imported cleaning equipment is purchased, which is much more efficient to Russian. A lot of work is carried out to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. The filtering material was replaced on all cement mills, the repair of electrostal protectors was performed on rotating furnaces No. 6,8.9 and cyclones of ribbon conveyors of the commodity shop. The activities carried out allowed to increase the efficiency of the operation of dustgy-killing installations, before the end of this year the electrostilifers will be modernized on the dryer drum and in the Crimson No. 6 and No. 9. The costs of introducing industrial ecology activities in 2007 amounted to 700 thousand rubles, in 2008 - 2 million rubles.

In 2007, 653 thousand rubles were allocated for filter repair, in 2008 - 50 million rubles. Also, in order to achieve standards of maximum permissible emissions, the second level of cleaning on two cyclones of the commodity workshop was installed and launched. And in the workshop, the firing produced a cyclone on the Perepass Node No. 2 (Refain in the combined warehouse). In addition, to improve the environmental situation at the enterprise, repair and rehabilitation work of the 2nd section of the electrofilter of the rotating furnace No. 9 are carried out. The end of these works is planned in March 2009.

The OCO Division constantly monitors the timely deposit and destruction of production waste from specialized enterprises. JSC Iskitimcement is planned to carry out work on bringing emissions of the dryer drum to the grinding workshop to the standard maximum permissible. The training of managers, specialists and other categories of employees of the enterprise in the field of environmental safety is planned. Also planned actions to comply with the norms of water use.

Oskitimcement OJSC is implementing an investment project for the construction of a cement plant for the production of cement "dry" by a capacity of 1.3 million tons of cement per year. For the organization of construction, CJSC Iskitimcement is organized by the customer-developer. According to experts operating in Russian Federation Cement capacity is 75 - 80 million tons of cement per year. With the commissioning of the cement plant "dry" method of production, the total capacity of two Iskitimcement plants will be 3.15 million tons of cement per year. The all-Russian share of Iskitimcement will reach 4%.

Signs of success companies

    Products of JSC Iskitimcement was awarded the award of the International Trade Leader Club (Trade Leader "S CLUB) - the Golden Prize" For Quality "Produced Produced (Golden Trophy for Quality).

    The AK & M rating agency confirmed the credit rating of Iskitimcement OJSC on the national scale at the level of "A", increasing the rating forecast from stable to positive. According to the agency, Iskitimcement OJSC belongs to the class of borrowers with a high level of reliability.

JSC Iskitimcement is one of the largest cement manufacturing enterprises in Siberia, having many years of experience in supplying export products. Currently, the Group of Companies of JSC "Cybts" owns a 25% stake in Iskitimcement, the rest of the stocks belong to private investors.

Factory producing products by wet method, Located on the left bank of the River Berez in Iskitim Novosibirsk region. The source of raw materials for the production of cement is the Chernorechenskoye deposit of limestone and clay shale. Careers are located on the right bank of the Berd River and removed from the production site by 2 and 3 km, respectively.

High-quality raw materials, debugged production technology, an effective quality control system, the work of experienced qualified specialists - all this allows the enterprise to produce products that meet the requirements of Russian and foreign standards. The plant introduced the quality management system according to GOST ISO 9001 - 2011. In 2012, a transition to the production of cement according to GOST 31108 was implemented.

High quality products of JSC Iskitimcement was repeatedly confirmed by numerous awards:

2014 - Portland cement with a strolling class of 32.5 fast-hearted CEM II / A-W 32.5B is included in the list of "100 best goods of Russia";

2011 - "The best goods and services of Eurasia - Gemma";

2010 - "The best goods and services of Siberia - Gemma";

2004 - Golden Prize "For Quality" Produced Produced (Golden Trophy for Quality). .

In 2014, the plant celebrated the 80th anniversary. In total, from the moment of entering the industrial facility, the company produced about 80 million tons of clinker and more than 100 million tons of cement.

The convenient geographical position of the plant allows you to ship cement to almost all regions of the country, while the railway and road transport is used. The presence of own berth makes it possible to deliver the products by water along the river Ob to the regions of the Far North.

The project of the Chernorechensky cement plant was developed and adopted in 1929. For this project, the plant was supposed to produce 700 thousand cement barrels per year. The launch of the furnaces was carried out on September 24, 1934 on the first platform. From this point on, the company is one of the leading cement producers in Siberia. Even in the most difficult times, factory workers did not cease to improve production technology, to reconstruct the equipment, to study the experience of Russian and foreign factories, to introduce the development of industry institutions.

The first reconstruction was held in the mid-50s and already in 1961 the plant issued 1 million 24 thousand tons of cement. Then large-scale construction sites were conducted in the country, the development of Siberia and the Far East demanded an increase in cement production, so in Iskitim decided to build a new plant. At Square No. 2 in 1961, oven No. 6 was commissioned, in 1962 - furnace number 7, in 1963 - furnace №8. All three technological lines were equipped with a 4.5 × 170 m with a diameter of 4.50 m. In 1966, the fourth technological line with the same furnace was commissioned on the same site.

In 1976, it was decided to reconstruct the rotating furnaces of the "Fir". The diameter of the rotating furnace No. 9 in the sintering zone was increased to five meters. In 1977, similar works were carried out on furnaces No. 7, in 1978 - on the furnace No. 8, in 1983 - on the furnace number 6. In 1985, the upgrade equipment began. In the commodity mill, the raw material mill No. 3 of 3x14 m was replaced by a mill in size 3.2x15 m, the cement mill was replaced with a size of 3x14 m per unit of 3.2x15 m in size, the mill number 5 was introduced into operation of 3.2x15 m. In March 1992, a high-performance cement mill No. 6 of 4x13.5 m in size was established and put into operation in the "Pomol" workshop. All this allowed to increase the production capacity of four technological lines located in the second production site, up to 1 million 680 thousand tons of cement and 1 million 320 thousand tons of clinker per year. Consumption of conditional fuel on firing 1 tons of clinker was 235 kg.

In the 90s, the volume of construction decreased in the country. The demand for cement fell, and even traditional consumers turned out to be insolvent. Heavy times came for the enterprise: the first production site was stopped, the work was carried out with one or two lines of the site No. 2. In 1993, it was decided: the production of cement on the site number 1 to close and disassembling equipment. The second technological site remained in the work.

Despite the difficult situation in the country, the enterprise managed to maintain the team. The factory workers did not stop improving the technology of the cement release. Introduction to operation in the 80s - 1990s new technique, implementation of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of the main technological equipmentOptimization technological processes Using innovative solutions - all this allowed to increase the production capacity of four enterprise lines. As of January 1, 2013, this indicator is 2 million 100 thousand tons of cement per year. Also, the company conducted an modernization of the preparatory zones of all furnaces, grateful refrigerators, replaced old burner devices on the furnaces on the burners developed in BSTU them. V. G. Shukhov.

The full load of the enterprise is quite possible in conditions of a constant increase in demand for cement. This contributes to the successful geographical location of the industrial facility.


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