What arises in the process of production activities of people. Material and production human activity. Material and spiritual activities

Material production- production directly related to the creation of material goods that satisfy certain needs of man and society. Material production is opposed to non-material (non-production sphere), which does not have as its purpose the production of material values. This division is mainly characteristic of Marxist theory.

(short and clear) Let's take a closer look at material production. This production is based on the use of technology and technology, as well as on the relationship between people. The main activity in the field is aimed at creating a variety of consumer goods, such as food, and other goods to meet the vital needs of a person, which are created from substances. Material production is based on human labor. That is why labor in material production is the main social form of realization for a person of his life abilities and forces.

The assimilation of the surrounding world by mankind caused the growth and improvement of production processes, which would contribute to the adaptation and adaptation of a person to the environment. In this regard, the tools of labor have also undergone changes, ranging from a stone ax to modern automatic and robotic factories and industries. This largely influenced material production. Since the development and improvement of new methods and methods of production causes an increase in production, and therefore fluctuations in its price, however, at the same time, due to the increased use of raw materials for the manufacture of material values, it is depleted. But the main part of this raw material is natural, and most of the raw material products are either non-renewable or slowly renewable. Therefore, material production includes, on the one hand, a purely technical and production component. At the same time, labor is presented as a natural process, organized according to certain laws and requirements. But on the other hand, this production includes social and production relations that develop between workers and the environment in the process of their activities.

Material production structure

    this is a production based on the labor (activity) of a person in the manufacture of things and material values

    one worker in such production is in close interaction with other workers who work to create these values ​​and things

    taking into account the use natural resources and energy resources, the consumption of which in growing production is growing at a rapid pace, and provides for close interaction of man with the surrounding nature and conditions.

By the way, it is material production, in the opinion of most scientists, that has become the cause of the high anthropogenic load on nature. And at present, this load has increased so much that it leads to the occurrence of disturbances in the processes occurring in nature. This leads to the degradation of large areas of land, disruption of local ecosystems and, as a consequence, air and water pollution, both on a local and large scale. That is why in recent years the improvement of the processes of material production is aimed not at increasing the growing needs of the population, but at ensuring and maintaining natural conditions in nature, preventing the pollution of the earth with water and air at the same rate and volume of production. Thus, it can be noted that at present material production is undergoing a certain turning point in its structure and main goals and objectives.

(in details) The activity of people in the sphere of material production ultimately pursues the goal of creating a wide variety of consumer goods from the substance of nature, primarily food, to satisfy the vital needs of people. The sensory-practical assimilation by society of the surrounding natural reality is fundamentally different from the adaptation of animals to the real conditions of their existence. The impact of man on nature is a labor process, a purposeful activity that involves the use by man of tools and means of labor previously created by him, a wide variety of equipment to achieve goals set in advance.

Labor was initially collective in nature, but the forms of labor collectivism, which always included individual labor, changed from one historical stage in the development of society to another. The tools and means of labor changed accordingly - from a primitive stone ax and a chopper to modern fully automated factories, computers and nuclear power plants.

Material production activity includes, on the one hand, the technical and technological side, when labor activity appears as a purely natural process proceeding according to quite definite laws. On the other hand, it includes those social, production relations between people that develop in the course of their joint labor activity... Although it would be more accurate to say that production relations between people are the social form that makes possible the very process of their joint labor activity. Finally, labor in the sphere of material production is one of the most important forms of a person's realization of his vital forces and abilities.

Speaking about the technical and technological side of material production, it should first of all be noted that the quite natural quantitative and qualitative growth of people's needs prompted society to improve technology, to the appearance of new functions and capabilities in it. At the same time, the anthropogenic load on nature became more and more powerful, which gradually led to the disruption of many natural processes, to the degradation of vast areas of the earth's surface, to large-scale air and water pollution. The satisfaction of the growing needs of society cannot continue to proceed due to the ever greater absorption of the substance and energy of nature by society. It must be borne in mind that nature was, is and will be the natural basis for the existence of human society. And its destruction as a result of a global ecological catastrophe may turn out to be fatal for the entire civilization. Therefore, modern society must control the size and forms of production, anthropogenic pressure on nature.

Mode of production(according to Marx: the consistency of productive forces and production relations; productive forces are what material goods- tools; production relations - those relations that people enter into in the process of producing material goods; the social system differed in the mode of production) - a concept that characterizes a specific type of production of the means necessary for the life of people (food, clothing, housing, tools of production), carried out in historically defined forms of social relations. S. p. Is one of the most important categories of historical materialism, as it characterizes the main. the sphere of public life - the sphere of material and production activity of people, determines the social, political and spiritual processes of life in general. The structure of each historically defined society, the process of its functioning and development depends on the S. of the item. The history of social development is, first of all, the history of the development and change of the social sector, which determines the change in all other structural elements of the society. Industrial production is a unity of two inextricably linked sides: productive forces and production relations. The development of production begins with the development of its defining side - the productive forces, which at a certain level come into conflict with the relations of production, within which they have developed so far. This leads to a natural change in production relations, since they cease to serve necessary condition the production process. The replacement of production relations, which means the replacement of the old economic basis with a new one, leads more or less quickly to a change in the superstructure that rose above it, to a change in everything. th about-va. T, arr., Change of S., n. Does not occur at the will of people, but due to the operation of a general economic law, the correspondence of production relations to the nature and level of development of the productive forces. This change gives the development of the whole society the character of a natural-historical process of changing socio-economic formations. The conflict of productive forces and production relations is economic basis social revolution, to-ruyu make progressive forces about-va. Under socialist production relations, the contradictions that arise between productive forces and production relations do not reach the point of conflict, because public ownership of the means of production determines the interest of the whole society in changing production relations when they cease to correspond to the new level of production achieved. Relying on knowledge of the laws of development of the socialist socialist paradigm, the Communist Party and the state have the opportunity to timely catch emerging contradictions and develop specific measures to eliminate them. The historical stages of the development and change of the social sector are reflected in the concepts of primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist, and communist social sector. the same socialism (for example, ancient or Eastern slavery, the Prussian or American path of development of capitalism in agriculture, the peculiarities of socialism in different countries, the peculiarity of the non-capitalist development of individual countries, etc.).

Dialectics - read http://conspects.ru/content/view/171/10/

The philosophical innovation of K. Marx and F. Engels was the materialist understanding of history (historical materialism). The essence of historical materialism is as follows:

    at every stage social development to ensure their life, people enter into special, objective, production relations that do not depend on their will (sale of their own labor, material production, distribution);

    production relations, the level of productive forces form the economic system, which is the basis for the institutions of the state and society, social relations;

    specified state and public institutions, public relations act as a superstructure in relation to the economic base;

    the basis and the superstructure mutually influence each other;

    depending on the level of development of productive forces and production relations, a certain type of basis and superstructure, the theory of socio-economic formations is distinguished - the primitive communal system (low level of production forces and production relations, the beginnings of society); slave society (the economy is based on slavery); the Asian mode of production is a special socio-economic formation, the economy of which is based on the massive, collective, strictly state-controlled labor of free people - farmers in the valleys of large rivers (Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, China); feudalism (the economy is based on large land ownership and the labor of dependent peasants); capitalism ( industrial production based on the labor of free, but not the owner of the means of production of hired workers); socialist (communist) society - a society of the future based on free labor of equal people with state (public) ownership of the means of production;

    an increase in the level of productive forces leads to a change in production relations and a change in socio-economic formations and a socio-political system;

    the level of the economy, material production, production relations determine the fate of the state and society, the course of history.

Municipal educational institution

Anninskaya secondary school number 6

town of Anna, Voronezh region

Social studies lesson summary
in 10th grade

« Material and production activities of a person»


history and social studies teacher

Gurova Lyudmila Nikolaevna


TOPIC: "Material and production human activity".

Work, while your hands are serving,

Do not complain, do not be lazy, do not be afraid,

Our grandchildren will say thank you

When Russia gets rich.

N.A. Nekrasov

Teacher's word:

Labor is the main form of human activity. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance. This fact is recognized by many scientists. Indeed, the process of material production appears as:

A way to satisfy material human needs;

As a source of social wealth;

As a factor in social progress;

As a process of forming the physical and spiritual qualities of a person. Work, while your hands are serving,

Do not complain, do not be lazy, do not be afraid, Our grandchildren will say thank you, When Russia gets rich.

Lesson objectives.

1. Generalization of the studied material in the section "Material and production human activity".

2. Drawing up logical diagrams from the terms that were used in the section "Material and production human activity".

3. To connect the studied material with reality, so that it is not divorced from life.

The main work in the lesson is carried out in groups.

Lesson plan.

1 .Warm up.

2. Logical circuits.

3. Solving inventive problems.

4. Message "The main stages of inventive activity".

5. Problems of humanization of labor.

6. Summing up.


Definitions are named, students write down the corresponding term (or vice versa).

1. Labor activity of people, as a result of which material benefits are created, aimed at satisfying human needs ( material production).

2. The set of necessary material conditions for production ( means of production).

3. Method of influencing the subject of labor (technology).

4. The efficiency of labor activity, which is expressed by the number of products produced per unit of time (labor productivity).

5. The way people interact with objects and tools (technological method).

6. People - producers of material goods and means of production (productive forces).

7. The way of interaction of productive forces and production relations, which allows society to function at a specific historical stage ( economic way).

8. Activities of people aimed at achieving a specific useful result ( labor activity).

9. Organizational relations aimed at maintaining order in the process of work (labor discipline).

10 the process of humanizing labor (humanization of labor).


The work is carried out in 3 groups. Each of the groups should make a logical diagram of the terms and explain it. The teacher should prepare the term cards in advance. (It is possible to use a computer for each group).

1st group- Scheme "Material production" ( terms: material production, productive forces, production relations, people-producers of material goods, means of production, subject of labor, means of labor).

Additional questions for the group:

- What are the main methods of production in material production?

What is the difference between material and spiritual production?

Group 2- Scheme "Labor activity" ( terms: purpose of labor, subject of labor, means of labor, technology, labor operations).

Additional questions:

- What is the essence of the concept of "content of individual labor"?

What is the role of communication in work?

Group 3- Scheme " Modern worker» ( terms: professionalism, qualifications, discipline, initiative).

Additional question:

Give examples legal regulations that regulate behavior in

the labor process?


Teacher's word:

One of characteristic features human activity, in various fields, is her creative nature. Invention is considered the highest manifestation of creativity in labor activity. People have been attracted to invention for a long time. Open any encyclopedia, and its pages will tell you about famous and little-known inventors. Every educated person knows the names of T. Edison and I.P. Kulibin.

We will try to find a solution for inventive problems. Each group is offered a task on a card. Along with the solution, students must answer the following questions:

What prevented the group from making a decision?

What helped?

What character traits did the participants show?

1 group. A huge stone lay on the road near St. Petersburg, obstructing traffic. Foreign engineers proposed two options for eliminating it: blowing it up with dynamite or taking it away from the road using a huge pulling force. But there was a Russian man who offered an easily feasible remedy. Could you guess?

2 group. Scientists once gathered to discuss how to deal with the weevil beetle, a pest Agriculture... And then it turned out that the conditions for the existence of the beetle are very poorly studied. No one knew, for example, what his body temperature was.

A small bug, said one scientist, cannot be measured with an ordinary thermometer.

We'll have to develop a special device, agreed another.

We will waste a lot of time.

What would you suggest?

3 group. Remember what happened to Captain Vrungel during his voyage on the schooner Trouble in Canada? It was necessary to cross to Alaska on sleds, and the crew acquired a deer and a dog. Soon, however, it turned out that the deer was not a deer, but a cow, while the dog turned out to be a wolf cub.

How did the captain get out of the situation? Suggest your solution.

MESSAGE "The main stages of inventive activity"


Teacher's word:

Until now, we have spoken with you what material production is and what kind of worker is needed in production: professional, qualified, executive, proactive. So what happened? Man has become a factor of production. On the one hand, this is good, labor productivity is increasing, the level of production is growing, but on the other hand, the harmony of labor with the main biological and psychological traits of a person is disturbed. Machines dominate the personalities of workers. As a result, producers develop apathy and a negative attitude towards labor. Can this be fixed?

Each group receives proposals for the humanization of labor.

Indeed, on the present stage the problem of humanization of labor is very acute. It is important to observe working conditions and culture in order to exclude factors that threaten human health; to use the achievements of scientific and technological progress to make work more diverse, interesting, creative.


At the end of our lesson, I would like to hear your opinion: what new and interesting things did you learn in the section "Material and production human activity", what conclusions did you make for yourself.

Conclusions, different points of view from each group.

Teacher wishes:

What can I wish for you? Work hard! As M. Gorky said: “I saw only those people who love and know how to work as real heroes”.

List of used literature.

    Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Zhiltsova E.I., Ivanova L.F. Social studies (textbook for grade 10), Moscow, "Education", 2009. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Sorokina E.N. Lesson development in social studies. Moscow, 2008

Usually activities are divided into material and spiritual.

Material activity aimed at changing the world around. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transforming (changing the structure of society).

An example of a material productive activity is the production of goods;

examples of social transformative - state reforms, revolutionary activities.

Spiritual activity aimed at changing the individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing a collective life and orienting a person towards solving the problems of the meaning of life, happiness, well-being.

Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value (determining the norms and principles of life), predictive (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is conditional.

In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal-setting, planning, the choice of means, etc.

Labor is understood as the purposeful activity of a person to transform nature and society and meet personal and social needs.

Labor activity is aimed at a practically useful result - various benefits: material (food, clothing, housing, services), spiritual (scientific ideas and inventions, achievements of art, etc.), as well as the reproduction of the person himself in the totality of social relations.

The labor process manifests itself in the interaction and complex interweaving of three elements: living labor itself (as human activity); means of labor (tools used by humans); objects of labor (material that is transformed in the process of labor). Living labor is mental (such is the work of a scientist - philosopher or economist, etc.) and physical (any muscular labor). However, even muscular work is usually intellectually loaded, since everything that a person does, he does consciously.

Means of labor in the course of work are improved and changed, resulting in an ever higher efficiency of labor.

As a rule, the evolution of means of labor is considered in the following sequence: natural-tool stage (for example, a stone as a tool); artifact stage (appearance of artificial weapons); machine stage; stage of automation and robotics; information stage.

Subject of Labor- a thing to which human labor is directed (material, raw material, semi-finished product). Labor ultimately materializes, is fixed in its object. A person adapts an object to his needs, turning it into something useful.

Labor is considered the leading, initial form of human activity. The development of labor contributed to the development of mutual support of members of society, its cohesion, it was in the process of labor that communication and creative abilities developed. In other words, thanks to labor, the person himself was formed.

Usually the activity is divided into material and spiritual.

Materialactivity is aimed at changing the world around. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transforming (changing the structure of society). An example of a material productive activity is the production of goods; examples of social transformative - state reforms, revolutionary activities.

Spiritualthe activity is aimed at changing the individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing a collective life and orienting a person towards solving the problems of the meaning of life, happiness, well-being. Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value (determining the norms and principles of life), predictive (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is conditional. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal-setting, planning, the choice of means, etc.

Activity- a specific type of human activity, aimed at cognition and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including himself and the conditions of his existence.
Activity- a set of conscious and motivated human actions aimed at satisfying his needs and interests as a social being.
Activity structure: The main components of activity are actions and operations.
Action they call a part of an activity that has a completely independent, human-conscious goal.
Operations- a way to carry out actions. The methods of action include skills, abilities, habits.
Skills- partially automated actions that result from repeated repetition. There are the following types of skills: motor (associated with movement to control objects), sensory (collection of information of various kinds through the senses - vision, hearing, etc.), mental (associated with the logic of organizing activities), communicative (mastering communication techniques) ...
Skill is the transformation of skills and knowledge into substantive (real) actions. For the formation of skills, a person needs to own the whole system skills and knowledge that relate to the same type of activity. Skills include the following: selection of knowledge related to the task as a whole; correcting actions; highlighting the specific features of the task; identification of the transformations that are necessary to solve the problem, and their implementation; control of results.
Habit- a part of human activity that is performed mechanically by him.
Habit is an individual's internal need to act in a certain way.
The main activities include:
1. Communication- the type of activity that is aimed at the exchange of information between communicating people. The purpose of communication is to establish mutual understanding, good personal and business relationship, providing mutual assistance and teaching and educational influence of people on each other.
2. The game- a type of animal behavior and human activity, the purpose of which is the activity itself, and not practical results. Types of games: individual and group (according to the number of participants); subject and plot (based on either objects or scenarios); role-playing (the behavior of an individual is determined by the role that he assumes; games with rules (the behavior of an individual is determined by a system of rules).
3. Teaching- a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. Learning as a process aimed at assimilating specific knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of a specific type of activity is called learning.
4. Work- expedient human activity, requiring mental and physical stress. In labor activity, a person's abilities develop, his character is formed. No work is possible without knowledge and skills.

Material and production sphere- the basis of social life. Production is a way of existence of man and society. The structure of material production: 1) the sphere of direct production; 2) the sphere of distribution; 3) the scope of exchange; 4) the sphere of consumption.

The main Components material and production sphere:

labor as a complex social phenomenon;

method of production of material goods;

regularities and mechanisms of functioning of the sphere as a whole.

Labor, production are not only a natural process, the process of interaction between society and nature, but also the basis for the formation of man himself as a social being, separating him from nature.

Work- this is the dialectic of the material and the ideal, their continuous interconversion. The materiality of labor is to a certain extent connected with natural being, the ideality of labor stems from the fact that it is the activity of a person, a social subject endowed with consciousness and striving to achieve the goals set. The ideal through the living activity of a person is embodied in a change in the material factors of labor, which in turn, reflected in the consciousness of the subject, become the basis of a new goal-setting of labor. The social result of labor is a person, society, social relations.

Labor activity is objective. In any segment of history, it unfolds within the framework of a certain present level of the subject's armament of a person, embodied in the system of tools and means of production, within the framework of the development of the person himself as a subject of labor.

The social character of labor lies in its historical continuity of the growing needs of society for labor and its products, the continuity of the very life activity of the social subject of labor - the people, its conjugation with all aspects of life. People interact with each other not only because of the social division of labor, but also because in the process of labor they acquire and use the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by other people.

Work being the source of division and the core of production, it is: 1) the process of interaction between man and nature, the active influence of people on the natural world; 2) purposeful creative activity of a person to meet his constantly growing, growing needs; 3) optimization of the creation, use and improvement of means of production, technology, scientific knowledge; 4) improvement of the person himself as a subject of social production and personality.

Labor is always carried out within the framework of a certain form of society and through it, which is practically embodied in the mode of production. Mode of production is a concept that characterizes a specific type of production of the means necessary for the life of people (food, clothing, housing, tools of production), carried out in historically defined forms of social relations. The mode of production is one of the most important categories of historical materialism, since it characterizes the main sphere of social life - the sphere of material and production activity of people, determines the social, political and spiritual processes of life in general. The structure of each historically defined society, the process of its functioning and development depends on the mode of production. The history of social development is, first of all, the history of the development and change of the mode of production, which determines the definition of all other structural elements of society.

Production is always carried out thanks to the dual process of interaction of productive forces (content) and production relations (socio - economic form of the production process). The mode of production is a social form and the way in which people produce the material goods necessary to satisfy their needs.

This is the main factor that determines the development, interconnection and interaction of various sides and spheres of public life: economics and politics, science and technology, ideology and culture, etc.

Productive forces- these are the forces with the help of which society affects nature and changes it, this is one of the aspects of the development of the social individual. The productive forces express the relationship of man to nature, his ability to creatively use its wealth in personal and public interests. Productive forces exist and function only within social production. The level of development of productive forces is manifested in the degree of human cognition of the laws of nature and their use in production to achieve the set goals.

The productive forces can be distinguished 3 elements: personal (people); material (tools of labor, in a broad sense - means of production); spiritual (science). Productive forces are the basis of the internal mode of production, all features of the mode of production depend on the level of development of the productive forces. The source of the development of the productive forces is the contradiction between the elements. Subject of Labor- what the work is directed to; means of labor - that which serves as a conductor of influence on the subject of labor: they form the means of production. In the means of labor, there are tools of labor and means for storing objects of labor. The product of labor is mediated.

The indicator of the development of the productive forces - labor productivity... The most important factor in its growth is the creation of more productive tools and means of labor, technical progress. Under the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution, the role of science in society is changing, it becomes a direct productive force

Relations of production- the relationship between the agents of production, ultimately, between people in the process of production of means of subsistence. Production relations are primarily material in nature. Their characteristic feature is the formation as necessary, depending not on the will of people, but on the concrete historically achieved level of development of the productive forces. 4 types of industrial relations: organizational and technical; regarding the determination of the share and receipt of it; exchange; consumption - the use of a product (production and non-production); based on property relations.

The interaction of productive forces and production relations is subject to the law of conformity of production relations to the nature and level of development of the productive forces. This law determines both the development of a given mode of production and the need to replace one mode of production with another.

Sources and driving forces development of production are the needs of people and the subsequent social division of labor, ensuring the progressive development of material production through the creation of new types of labor, its specialization and cooperation. A complex dialectical connection is established between needs and production in society; needs affect the productive forces indirectly, through production relations. The activity of industrial relations lies in the fact that they give people certain incentives to activity.

1.1 Concept of technology

The concept of "technology" is one of the most ancient and widespread today. Until recently, it was used to designate some indefinite activity or some set of material formations.

The content of the concept of technology has been historically transformed, reflecting the development of methods of production and means of labor. The original meaning of the word art, skill - denotes the activity itself, its quality level. Then the concept of technique reflects a certain way of manufacturing or processing. In handicraft production, individual craftsmanship is replaced by a set of techniques and methods passed down from generation to generation. And, finally, the concept of "technology" is transferred to manufactured material objects. This occurs during the period of development of machine production, and various devices serving production, as well as some products of such production, are called technology.

Starting to analyze technology, it is advisable to consider the existing formulations of the definition of technology and highlight their main types. There are many definitions of technique:

Greek "techne" - craft, art, craftsmanship;

A set of techniques and rules for doing something ...;

Activities aimed at satisfying human needs, which leads to changes in the material world;

System of tools and machines;

The means of labor in the broad sense are all the material conditions necessary for the production process to be carried out in general;

Technique is a system of actions through which a person seeks to achieve the implementation of an extra-natural program, that is, the implementation of himself;

A set of material objects produced by society;

The totality of material means of the expedient activity of people;

The system of artificial organs of human activity;

A collection of mechanical robots to do the work humanity needs.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the concept of "technology" is defined in two meanings: "... the totality of means created for the implementation of production processes and servicing the non-production needs of society." It also defines its main purpose: "complete or partial replacement of the production functions of a person in order to facilitate labor and increase its productivity." The second meaning of the word: "a set of techniques and rules for doing something ...".

The above definitions of technology can be grouped into three main groups. They can be represented as follows: technology as an artificial material system; technology as a means of activity; technology as certain modes of activity.

The first meaning (technology as an artificial material system) highlights one of the aspects of the existence of technology, referring it to artificial material formations. But not all artificial material formations are technology (for example, products of breeding activities that have a natural structure). Therefore, the essence of technology is not limited to such definitions, since they do not distinguish technology from other artificial material formations.

The second value is also insufficient. Technology is interpreted as a means of labor, means of production, instruments of labor, etc. Sometimes technology is defined at once as a means and as a tool. But this is not correct, since both concepts lie in the same plane of consideration and the means of labor are a broader concept in relation to the instruments of labor.

The third highlighted meaning is technology as certain modes of activity. But this essence rather corresponds to the concept of "technological process", which, in turn, is an element of technology.


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