Open your production from scratch ideas. How to open your own production. Formation of the legal and material foundation

Business ideas in production

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Small business ideas in production

Business in the field of production practically guarantees the entrepreneur high profit and stable income. Even despite large investments, production has been and remains the most promising type of activity. In this section you will find the most profitable ideas production for small businesses and find out which home-based business in the field of production, you can start a beginner.

High-quality and beautiful clothes - this is what will be in demand at any time of the year. There are few well-developed chains of ateliers, and small sewing workshops are mainly engaged in repairing clothes. The competition in this industry is low, and everyone can do this interesting business. Moreover, the sewing business does not require large investments. What is interesting about the tailoring business idea, what are the pros and cons for start-up entrepreneurs, how to open a clothing manufacturing business from scratch and what should be done for this, read on.

First steps

The relevance of the business idea is that there are many different clothing stores in the city. But, having come to any of them, you do not always find what you need. And then a person can turn to a tailor and order a product to his taste and size.

It is important to immediately decide what types of services your studio will offer. The following options are possible:

  1. Tailoring of specialized clothes (medical coats, uniforms, etc.). In this case, you can count on large orders from the owners of pharmacy chains, construction or specialized services. You can also participate in public procurement tenders.
  2. Tailoring and repair of outerwear. You will need to purchase specialized powerful sewing machines, as work with leather, fur, and thick fabric is ahead. The main users will be private clients.
  3. Tailoring and repair of light clothing: dresses, shirts, trousers. This option is the easiest for beginners. You will need a small room and simple equipment.

How to start a project? To understand whether the discovery of a particular type will be beneficial sewing workshop in your region, a competitor analysis is carried out. An idea is being thought about how to take its place in the market and offer customers something new, different from competitors.

The idea of ​​tailoring has its pros and cons associated with high risks:

  • Insolvency target audience in the region.
  • Poor-quality equipment requires high repair costs.
  • The tailor's lack of experience makes marriage or damage to things possible, for which the tailor is responsible to the customer.
  • Tailor-made clothes are always more expensive than analogues from Chinese manufacturers, so it is difficult to make money at the atelier in Russian regions with below-average incomes.

Of the benefits: low costs, no special requirements for the premises and location.

How to register a business

To organize clothing industry, it is enough to independently issue an IP. But if you are planning to start manufacturing workwear or open a factory, then it is better to immediately register an LLC. The fact is that individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to participate in state auctions, and large companies will be willing to cooperate with the legal entity.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following package of documents:

  • IP registration application. The application indicates one main and two additional activities. The following codes are suitable for a sewing workshop: 14.1 “Manufacturing and tailoring of clothes of any type, except for working with furs”, 14.2 “Manufacturing of overalls”. OKVED is selected depending on the chosen specifics of your studio.
  • Receipt from the bank confirming the payment of the state fee.
  • Notarized copies of passports and TIN.

To notarize photocopies costs from 1500 rubles. The tax authorities will have three weeks to consider the application. After receiving the certificate, you must immediately switch to the simplified taxation system.

But don't waste time. When the documents are collected and submitted, you can proceed to the implementation of the idea.

Organizational matters

To implement the idea, you need a small, but very bright room. Even the basement of a large shopping center. The main thing is that your potential clients easily got to the department of orders. It is better to place the studio in the central part of the city, near stops public transport. It is good if there are beauty salons, bookstores selling fashion magazines nearby. A small workshop will need a room of at least 80 square meters. m.

Inside the room is zoned:

  • Reception area.
  • Dressing room.
  • Sewing factory.
  • Recreation area and locker room for staff.

If the price list of your services includes only the repair of clothes, then an area of ​​​​20 square meters is enough. m. The fitting room is fenced right next to the sewing area. But high incomes from a small clothing repair department are not to be expected.


The sewing workshop will require the following personnel:

  • Director. Will control the work, establish relationships with major customers.
  • Accountant. Maintains accounting records.
  • Seamstress-cutter (4 people). Carries out fitting, cutting, tailoring of products.
  • Fashion designer. Works with clients, creates individual projects, draws up a showcase area.
  • Cleaning woman.

Developed flexible schedule work. The administrative staff works every day, from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00. Seamstresses work in pairs in shifts according to a 2/2 schedule, a fashion designer - from 10:00 to 19:00 every day.

All employees work on employment contract, and for them deductions are made to the pension and insurance funds. The accountant and director work on a salary system. Seamstresses-cutters and a fashion designer have a salary in the amount of the minimum wage and 5% of each completed order.

More detailed personnel costs are described in the business plan for the sewing workshop.


For the equipment of the sewing workshop, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Machine 1022 class - 1 pc.
  • Machine 51-A class - 1 pc.
  • Machine 62761 class - 1 pc.
  • Car class 97 - 1 pc.
  • Cutting table - 1 pc.
  • Mannequin - 3 pcs.
  • Steam iron - 2 pcs.
  • Ironing board - 2 pcs.
  • Bracket - 1 pc.
  • Coffee table - 1 pc.
  • Desk - 1 pc.
  • Computer - 1 pc.
  • Mirrors - 6 pcs.
  • Tailor's scissors - 4 pcs.

Sewing accessories: needles, pins, hairpins, threads.

It will take at least 500,000 rubles to equip a small studio. More cost and step-by-step instruction outlined in the business plan.

In addition to basic expenses, you need at least 100,000 rubles. for contingencies and equipment depreciation.


The profitability of the project directly depends on the number of customers. To attract customers, the studio introduced the following specific services: coffee, tea, consultation with a fashion designer, fashion magazines. Convenient work schedule from 09:00 to 19:00 and a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. Day off - Sunday.

The studio has introduced a number of features that attract consumers:

  • It produces its own catalog, which presents various options for light outerwear. In the catalog it is possible to order a specific model in the desired color range and from a specific fabric.
  • With help software a fashion designer can demonstrate to clients clearly how the finished item will look on the figure in one color or another.
  • Discounts are offered for children's models, for large families, pensioners.


The sewing workshop business idea is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs with different budget levels. It is not difficult to implement a business from scratch, since a large list of equipment is not required. The main thing is to choose your direction in tailoring and implement the idea according to detailed business plan. Investments in this small business at a minimum will amount to 500,000 rubles. The project will pay off in 1-2 years.

Nowadays, a person who has wondered about opening his own production has to not just find an idea for its further implementation.

To implement the plan, it is necessary to analyze market demand and suggestions, evaluate competitive forces, calculate investments, risks, development prospects and profit.

Production is always profitable

Against the backdrop of falling incomes of large and small firms whose activities are related to stock markets and trade, the attractiveness of production is growing.

It becomes clearly more profitable to engage in it than "buy and sell" in any manifestations.

Particularly attractive are the production of small and medium-sized businesses, the opening of which does not require heavy capital investments, but promises a good profit.

The stereotype of "no start-up capital to start successful business impossible,” continues to dominate many aspiring entrepreneurs.

In fact, with good prospects and competent management, opening your own production is not an easy, but a real goal.

Each person is able to achieve success by opening his own production and bringing to life the vending business idea.

Unless you are 100% sure that:

  • He will produce the selected product with absolute knowledge of the matter and with great pleasure.
  • The new manufacturer will be able to offer consumers a product not in a single name, but in the form of an assortment line.

Ideas for business from scratch

If you are going to start your own business without investments, then, of course, it makes sense to give preference to a small production workshop.

If we talk about starting production from scratch, 10 options seem to be the most attractive.

  1. Semi-finished products. Frozen dumplings, cutlets, dumplings, nalistniks, pancakes - all this is bought with pleasure by consumers who do not have time to stand at the stove. Therefore, with a good price-quality ratio for this type of product, good sales are guaranteed.
  2. Muesli bars. Tasty and healthy food with a variety of toppings (here's a rich assortment for you). The cost of raw materials and equipment will amount to about 300 thousand rubles, and if they are successfully sold, they can be recouped in six months.
  3. Mini bakery. It also does not require special expenses, however, this business has a drawback: in your area or city, the market may already be occupied with freshly baked bakery products. If so, you can bake especially delicious pies or produce sheet dough, surpass competitors in quality, assortment and uniqueness.
  4. Handmade soap. You can definitely start manufacturing at home, and over time, when profit appears, you can purchase equipment and rent a room, spending about 500 thousand rubles.
  5. Furniture under the order. The demand for original cabinets, tables and chairs according to individual sizes is considerable. The ability to make them according to the author's sketches, which can come with experience, is a good way to succeed.
  6. Nails. To get started, you can purchase a used wire nail machine, or a new model of the old model. Such offers can be found on sale and their cost will be about 100 thousand rubles. Raw materials are also not expensive, and there are always buyers for building goods.
  7. Cinder blocks and other building materials. Many types of building materials can be made without investments - at home, having equipped a garage or a shed for this purpose. They build a lot in Russia - there will be no stale goods.
  8. Paving slabs. The thing is just as necessary and in demand. Equipment for its manufacture by vibrocasting will cost 200 thousand rubles.
  9. Tombstones made of concrete. Sadly, the demand for this species goods - always is and will be. Investment in equipment is approximately up to 70 thousand rubles. The technology is not too difficult to master.
  10. Mini typography. The equipment required is designed for small batches of printing products, which means it is inexpensive. And many firms and institutions need such products - there are chances to occupy their niche.

And in this topic, we will consider business options without investments. You will learn where to draw ideas from and what area to choose.

New ideas

Many start-up businessmen are attracted by the search for a completely new and unique idea that would occupy a free niche in the market.

Their logic “fewer competitors - more profit” is easy to understand. New ideas for our own production appear constantly.

Which of the new products attracts attention today?

lego bricks- the latest word in the production of building materials. Of these, a non-professional builder can build the walls of a house with his own hands, just as children build houses from construction blocks.

This type of building material is produced from sand or gravel screenings, by vibrocompression.

All that is needed is a vibropress that allows you to make bricks that comply with GOST, and a small room with suitable electrical wiring. Profit can be obtained quickly and considerable.

Glowing balloons. A wonderful decoration for all kinds of holidays - weddings, corporate parties, school evenings, opening of new restaurants and nightclubs, etc. You can start manufacturing manually, without significant costs. This production is quite profitable and pays off quickly.

Heating gloves. The heater runs on batteries or accumulators, reacts to the heating of the hands - if they are already warm, it turns off. Heating equipment that has worked out its resource can be removed, and the gloves will still serve the buyer. The disadvantage of this production is the right equipment not just to buy, it costs a lot, but the profit from such an enterprise is only seasonal.

Stages of organizing own production

  1. Business plan. Mandatory for a novice manufacturer, a manual that briefly and accurately describes the proposed project - the production and sale of goods, start-up capital(no matter how small it is) and its sources, planned income, expenses, forecasts, risks, and many others. Note that it is unreasonable to neglect business planning, because if you “blindly steer your business, you won’t go far.”
  2. Registration of a business entity. If necessary, also obtaining a number permits, passing all inspections and certifications provided for by law.
  3. Search and rental of premises. It is skipped if it is decided to start with the manufacture of products at home.
  4. Purchase and installation of equipment. In some cases, this is followed by technological preparation of production.
  5. Hiring staff. It is not required if you decide to do everything on your own and really manage without subordinates.
  6. Supply of production with raw materials and everything else necessary for uninterrupted production.

Depending on the chosen business, there may be more stages of organizing production.

It should also be taken into account that everything goes smoothly on paper, but in reality, production, even for a small business, is a complex process that requires the ability to quickly and efficiently resolve many issues, sometimes completely unexpected.

However, a person who truly loves his job is or becomes knowledgeable specialist who has it all.

The reason is easily explained - despite all the complexity, there are many perspectives and good profit. And with a thorough search for ideas and costs will be minimal. However, this is easy to see when considering the five very interesting and low-cost options.

: production of nails

Construction will exist exactly as long as people will exist. And, therefore, nails will always be required. Therefore, as a business option it is worth considering own production nails. The advantages lie in the low cost of raw materials and constant demand.

As for equipment for production, depending on the type of product the price of a wire-nailing machine ranges from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

But, of course, no one canceled the purchase of equipment that was already in use, and because of that noticeably cheaper equipment.

Option 2 : production of monuments

As in the previous case, there will always be a demand for monuments. Moreover, given the sharp rise in the cost of funeral services, many compatriots prefer to buy cheaper products.

Exclusive tombstones made of expensive marble or granite are ordered not so often. And this is in the hands of budding entrepreneurs.

Equipment for the manufacture of concrete monuments costs around 100,000 rubles. Raw materials, as you might guess, also have a low cost.

However, there is demand, as well as not to worry about appearance finished product. With experience, you can make monuments that are not inferior to exclusive options.

Option 3 : production of paving slabs

Often, many people who decide to become entrepreneurs have a desire not only to make a profit from their business, but to directly take an active part in it - to work and produce goods themselves. However, how to make your own production uninterrupted and in demand? We invite the reader to answer this question in this article.

What is own production?

First you need to understand the terminology. From the point of view of economics, any production is a process associated with the manufacture of various kinds of products.

Commercial activity - a set of measures aimed at making a profit by performing transactions for the purchase and sale of goods or services.

The concept of "own production" (or production activity), in turn, means that a person is personally engaged in the manufacture of something. This is what we will talk about today.

How to start your own production? Choice of specialization

Firstly, it will significantly reduce the initial investment in the business for the reason that the demand for the product being produced will be stable, although not numerous (an ideal launching pad for the development of small capital).

Secondly, personal participation in the production of goods will help to focus on it, and this, in turn, will become a good motive for increasing the quality of products and improving the technological process.

Naturally, high-quality products of own production will have a good reputation in the market, which will be another indisputable plus for the entrepreneur.

There can be a lot of options here: from the manufacture of small household items (decorative shelves, candlesticks, etc.), souvenirs, knitwear to artistic forging(for example, various window bars, gates) and furniture.

However, do not lose sight of the fact that there are products for the production of which a license is required.

Formation of the legal and material foundation

Further development of own production has two options: depending on its focus and volume, a person who decides to organize a business can conduct his business as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or legal entity.

The latter option is suitable if the entrepreneur plans to work with medium or large production.

  • Official registration of their activities with the relevant authorities.
  • Purchase or lease of premises where the business will be conducted in our case).
  • Purchase or rental of special equipment required for production.
  • Salaries to employees, as well as their costs (for example, registration work book, purchase of accessories necessary for work, etc.).
  • Marketing and advertising activities.

The last point should be given Special attention for the reason that today people advertise almost everything: their business, home production, services provided, etc.

There are a lot of options for good and really effective advertising at the moment. For lower costs, you can limit yourself to hiring a few promoters or posters (for advertising, as a rule, special bulletin boards are prepared).

Involve workforce

It's no secret that any production requires a business. Without it, a household will not last long (if at all they can exist).

When it comes to small scale production, the best option there will be a hiring of a team of workers under the leadership of a foreman. When hiring, it is best to give preference to specialists who are well versed in the field of production.

In addition to the worker, it is necessary to hire and Usually this is: a driver (part-time courier), a loader, a storekeeper, a measurer. Some specialties and positions can be combined.

Sources of financing

Any business, unless, of course, the entrepreneur serious intentions, requires significant investment.

Many businessmen who deal with production activities prefer to take bank loans. The fact is that today many banks regard such production as profitable business and with pleasure it is financed by issuing a targeted loan to the entrepreneur.

Often, various kinds of promotions are held in relation to entrepreneurship, allowing a businessman to obtain loans on conditions that are quite favorable for business (most often, such privileges apply to agriculture).


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