Polymer clay sweets. "Delicious" spoon-cake made of polymer clay. Polymer clay cupcakes

On the one hand, it is not difficult to wind the lollipops, but whoever has tried it knows that it is difficult to make a lot of them, especially if you need paired ones for earrings. Today, to simplify the task, I suggest using an extruder.

Mixing clay of delicious colors:

First I make kegs from polymer clay, I cut each into 3 parts, then I stack the colors in a pile, fill it like this with a multi-colored sausage inside:

I squeeze through a hexagon or a not very small circle. I roll the lollipops into spirals. You can also pre-tighten the flagellum:

We continue the topic. Now add the multi-colored segments. We squeeze through the nozzle in the form of a three-petal flower:

We change the nozzle for the thinnest noodles. Extrude the colored threads and bake them.

Cut with scissors or a knife. We get colored sprinkles:

When gluing to the cream, you need to press them a little into the surface so that they do not sprinkle. On top, I covered the bagels with varnish, it gives additional bonding of the surfaces:

A slightly larger hole nozzle helps us make these sausages. After baking, I cut it and glue it onto the fimo gel. It turns out a cake with polka dots:

And if you wrap a piece of light beige clay in brown and squeeze it through a nozzle in the form of a droplet, you can get a lot of almond sprinkles. We simply plan the baked sausage in as thin layers as possible:

Such beads can become not only jewelry, but also come in handy for a dollhouse or soft toys sewn by your hands!

And an asterisk nozzle

  • Work surface (glass or white paper)
  • Polymer Clay Varnish and Brush
  • Nail polish remover, several cotton pads, cotton swabs and sandpaper
  • Making a cupcake basket

    For the cupcake basket I used white polymer clay (FIMO SOFT # 0) and a very small piece of blue clay (FIMO SOFT # 37). Knead the clay well and mix until a uniform shade is obtained. By changing the proportions of white and blue clay, we can get different shades of blue.

    After obtaining the required shade, roll the ball and fill the mold-basket. Next, insert the spoon in order to outline the notch for the spoon handle, to which we will attach the decor.

    Carefully remove the spoon and use a spatula to expand the notch in the clay. We do this because the shape of the mold is made so that it is narrow from below and expands to the top, and we will attach the narrow part to the spoon. Unfortunately, most of the molds-baskets are made in this way and you have to "pervert" a little, so as not to deform the basket later.

    After we have sufficiently processed the notch, use a blade to cut off any excess protruding clay. Be careful - cut off the excess horizontally to avoid damaging the mold!

    To make it easier to pull the basket out of the mold, put it in the freezer for a couple of minutes.

    After the mold with clay has stood for some time in the freezer, we take it out and carefully take it out polymer blank and try it on to the spoon.

    With the help of modeling tools, we correct the shape of the basket, if necessary (I got a slightly uneven edge, which I corrected).

    Further, I advise you to bake the basket blank together with a spoon so that it is easier for us to make the rest of the cupcake decor (see the temperature and baking time on the packaging of polymer clay with which you work, Fimo needs to be baked for 30 minutes at a temperature110-130 ° C). In order not to spoil the basket, I bake the blank with a spoon on a metal cutter. You can also use a dish scrubber.

    In the meantime, our basket is baked, we will make a cream and decor in the form of berries, chocolates and leaves.

    Preparing the cream for the cupcake

    For the cream I used white polymer clay (FIMO SOFT # 0) and a small piece of pink clay (FIMO SOFT # 61). Knead the clay well and mix until a uniform shade is obtained. By changing the proportions of white and pink clay, we can get different shades of pink.

    After obtaining the required shade, roll the sausage along the width of the extruder barrel and insert it into the "open" extruder. Cut off the excess, put the nozzle in the shape of a star and spin the extruder. Since I didn’t have a nozzle that could imitate a cream, I cut my nozzle out of a regular plastic card using a mock knife, scissors and a piece with a drawn star. You can also use a regular five-pointed star, but I don't like it that much.

    Now we squeeze out our "cream".

    Advice!In order for the extruder to last longer, you do not need to unscrew the piston all the way and tighten it to the very end. Do not "open" the extruder all the way - this may cause the piston pad to fly off. Do not "screw in" the extruder all the way - the thread may come off, the piston pad and the rubber of the seal will be damaged. But I will reassure you, the extruder can be repaired. Where? This is the question☺.

    When we have squeezed out our cream, we cut off the sausage with a knife. We unscrew the lid of the extruder, remove the nozzle and remove the remaining clay.

    Raspberry to decorate the cupcake

    In order to make the raspberries I used translucent red clay (FIMO EFFECT # 204). We need to knead it well, roll a thin sausage and cut into very small pieces. We roll these pieces into balls. We also roll one bigger ball.

    We put a large ball on a stack or modeling tool. We glue such a "hat" with small balls tier by tier, in a checkerboard pattern, in 1 layer. The last tier, closing, must close our "cap" and not expand, but, on the contrary, narrow.

    And now, with the help of a thin needle, we make serifs on the balls, making our raspberries more natural.

    After that, carefully remove the workpiece from the modeling tool and we can bake it for about 10 minutes at the temperature indicated on the packaging of your polymer clay, in order not to deform the hollow berry.

    Chocolate cake

    For the chocolate I used dark brown clay (FIMO SOFT # 75). We need to knead it well, roll it into a ball and give it a rectangular shape.

    Select the size of the chocolate bar, fill in the form, carefully cut off the protruding clay. Then we bend the mold and take out the workpiece, straighten it slightly.

    If you are afraid to spoil the workpiece, then it can be baked for 10 minutes at the temperature indicated on the packaging of your polymer clay.

    Making topping

    I decided I wanted to make a chocolate topping to decorate the cupcake. For this I needed a small piece of dark brown clay and a gel (liquid plastic). I add a little gel to a piece of clay and mix well, then add the gel again and mix again until the clay starts to stretch and stick to my hands. Next, I transfer this mass to a glass of glass, add more gel and mix with a spatula. And I add and mix until I get a homogeneous liquid mass. That's it, the topping is ready!

    Leaves for cupcake

    For the leaves I used white translucent (FIMO EFFECT # 014) and green pearl clays (PREMO. Accents Bright Green Pearl). Thoroughly knead and mix our pieces of clay until a uniform color is obtained. Roll the sausage, cut off 2 identical pieces. We roll these pieces into balls, and then into droplets.

    We take 2 pieces of paper. Put a drop on one piece, cover with another piece of paper and press down with a knife blade.After that, we pry the finished leaf with a blade and apply it to the wet weiner, press it, smooth it and get a leaf with the texture of veins.

    Using a needle or a thin stack, we push through the central groove, pinch the lower end of the leaf, making it voluminous.

    "Hat" cupcake.

    To simulate the dough, you can use champagne colored clay (FIMO PROFFESIONAL # 02). Again, we take a small piece, knead it, roll the ball and try on a basket for our blank, which has already baked, cooled down, and which we removed from the spoon. If the size of the ball suits us, then we lubricate the blank of the basket with the gel (liquid plastic) and glue the “cap” of the cupcake. The cap does not have to be convex in the middle, the main thing is that the sides are bulging. ZUsing a cleaning brush, add the texture of the pastry to the cupcake “cap”.

    To make our dough look appetizing, we tint it with dry art pastels. I chose ocher and brown pastel colors (# 112 and # 21 4), finely crumbled into dust on a separate piece of paper using a blade. Next, using a fluffy brush, I applied a light pastel shade as the main one, and then applied a dark one to make the cupcake look more ruddy.

    "Build" cupcake

    So that we can decorate the cupcake with cream, we need glue for better adhesion. The role of this glue is a gel (liquid plastic). Put a few drops on the cupcake “cap”. Do not use too much gel, as it can leak and ruin appearance cupcake.

    Using any modeling tool, apply the tip of the creamy sausage to the “cap” of the cupcake and begin to twist the cream in a circle in several layers. When we have received a beautiful slide of cream, we cut off all the excess.

    Thin the cut off tip of the cream sausage with your fingers and twist it.

    Now we can place our elements. Let me remind you that I baked chocolate and raspberries, but no leaves. I placed the chocolate under the tip of the cream, and for the leaves and raspberries, I made a depression using a stack with a small ball at the end. Raspberries and chocolate should be greased with gel (liquid plastic), because baked and unbaked clay will not stick together, but the gel will hold all the elements together.

    Next, I decided to decorate the cupcake with chocolate dotted topping. I soak a stack with a small ball at the end (dots) into the polymer topping and gently leave a small drop on the cupcake cream.

    We critically examine the cupcake, correct what we don't like, and send it to the final baking. Let me remind you that polymer clay must be baked in the oven. Look for the baking time and temperature on the packaging of the polymer clay from which you sculpted (I have it for 30 minutes at a temperature 130 ° C).

    The muffin is baked and cooled. We can work with him further. If you notice any lint-dirt, then they can be removed with fine sandpaper or nail polish remover. Using fine sandpaper, I smoothed the bottom of the cupcake, and using a sponge dipped in nail polish remover, I removed the excess pastel from the basket, which I could not remove with a damp cloth. Nail polish remover dissolves the top layer of clay and allows you to remove all the dirt without harming the product itself. Wipe the cupcake wet wipes.

    Now you can varnish the cupcake items. I covered the basket and dough with a matte varnish. Of course, you don't need to cover the basket, but I strongly advise you to cover the muffin dough, because the pastel can wear off over time and the muffin will not be so appetizing. I covered the raspberries with glossy varnish to make them even juicier, chocolate, leaves and chocolate topping. I did not varnish the cream. You can cover the bottom of the cupcake first and leave it to dry (I fixed the cupcake with a metal cutter), or cover the top and then the bottom, whatever you like☺. The varnish dries quickly enough, but remember that it takes a day to completely dry.

    Hooray! Our cupcake is ready! Here's how wonderful it turned out for us.

    Now glue the cupcake to the spoon. This can be done with epoxy (this is forever☺) or glue-moment. After doing several experiments with glue, I found out that it is a very good analogue of epoxy resin and can be safely used. Put a few drops of glue in the notch of the cupcake and slightly grease the top of the spoon handle and quickly combine the cupcake with the spoon until the glue starts to harden. We carefully remove the excess glue with a napkin (I do not advise doing this with a damp napkin, because the glue hardens even faster from moisture). This glue dries for 12 hours, although it sets quickly.

    It remains to tie a bow and a delicious muffin spoon is ready!

    With the help of these simple tricks, you can make absolutely any cupcake, for example, with a rose and small pasta. Be creative and you will succeed!

      We will create all the sweets with our own hands using improvised means and polymer clay of different shades. Let's touch on the process of creating a thick cream using liquid plastics. The lesson is not difficult, but laborious - so please be patient, we are starting ...

      Materials and tools needed to create sweets:

    • Polymer clay of red, brown, pink, chocolate, white, green and burgundy color;
    • Blade or utility knife;
    • Large round cutter (at least 4 cm in diameter) and small heart-shaped cutter;
    • Rolling pin or pasta machine;
    • Liquid plastic (gel);
    • Pestel brown or burnt ocher, tassel;
    • Texture with imitation of the surface of wafer cakes;
    • Needle or toothpick;
    • Disposable gloves;
    • Metal studs with a loop;
    • Polymer Clay Varnish

    Polymer clay cakes:

    1. Using a pasta machine, roll out four layers of clay of different shades: brown, white, pink and chocolate, 4-5 mm thick. With a round cutter of large diameter, cut out one shape from each prepared layer.

    2. Place all the cut-out figures on top of each other in a stack in any order, the only thing is that the bottom cake should be chocolate-colored.

    3. Use a blade to cut the piece into eight equal pieces as you would normally cut the cake in batches.

    4. Since the biscuit dough has a loose and porous structure, the pieces of plastic cakes should be as close and realistic as possible. Using the point of a needle or a toothpick, in a circular motion, loosen the surface of the sides of the cakes, first inserting the tip of a toothpick into the rounded back wall of the cake, about 1 cm.

    5. Now you need to remove the toothpick from the back wall of the cake and stick a loop of a metal stud inside the hole.

    6. Prepare a thick cream from liquid plastic and white polymer clay. Take any container, knead the white plastic in your hands to the maximum elasticity, transfer the plastic to the container and add a small amount of liquid gel (liquid plastic).

    7. Mix the contents of the container very thoroughly, ideally so that the cream resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

    8. Spread liberally on the back of the cake, ie. the side where the rod of the metal stud comes out - this will help to securely fix the pin inside the product. Cover the top of the cake with a generous amount of cream, and with a toothpick, use a toothpick to pull out small droplets of cream on the side loose sides of the cakes.

    9. Form green polymer clay into thin elongated droplets, no more than 4 mm long. with the edge of the needle, push the longitudinal groove exactly in the middle of the droplet - you should get small leaves. Place three green leaves on the surface of the white cream, drowning them well in the liquid cream.

    10. Use polymer clay of red and burgundy color to form very small balls of different diameters.

    11.Place small red and burgundy berries on the surface of the cake, you can scatter it, or you can in a bunch in one place. Place the polymer clay cake blanks in the oven for baking.

    Polymer clay wafers:

    12. To create waffles, we need a textured sheet with imitation of the surface of wafer cakes, but if one is not available, you can use the bottom of a disposable plate, which has exactly the same texture. Roll out the light brown or sandy plastic 3.5-4 mm thick on a pasta machine.

    13. Apply a texture sheet to the surface of the clay layer, press it down or roll it with a rolling pin so that its texture is transferred to the surface of the plastic. In order for the texture sheet to detach well from the clay later, before using it, you need to either wipe the surface with damp wipes or rub it with talcum powder or starch.

    14. To make the surface of the waffles realistic, you need to give it a blush using brown pastels or a shade of burnt ocher.

    15. Use a small-diameter heart-shaped cutter to cut an even number of identical figures. Remove excess plastic and put the blanks in the oven for firing.

    16. After firing, grease the flat surface of the waffles with plenty of thick white cream and drown the loop of a metal nail in it.

    17. Place another baked heart on top of the waffle pieces and lightly press the two halves of one waffle together.

    18. On the surface of the polymer clay wafer, drop a slightly white cream and lay the leaves and red berries on its surface, similar to how we decorated the surface of the cakes.

    Polymer Clay Cupcakes:

    19. To create cupcakes, we need light brown or sandy plastic, from which we need to form a ball with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Place the ball on the work surface and lightly press on it with your finger so that the bottom and top become even and flat, and here the sides remained rounded and sloping. With the edge of the needle, you need to make grooves along the entire perimeter of the rounded side of the cake, which are at the same distance from each other.

    20. Using a brush, apply a brown pastel on the side ribbed surface of the cake and add a blush to the dough.

    21. Make a small ball out of white plastic, which you press against the working surface so that the bottom becomes flat, but the outer part remains convex. From the side of the flat part, exactly in the middle of the workpiece, we pass through a metal stud with a head so that the head remains on the flat side of the workpiece.

    22. Put a white convex blank with a metal nail on the surface of the cake dough and press down well both parts of the future baking.

    23. Liberally and with streaks, coat the convex white part of the cake with thick cream.

    24. Decorate the surface of the polymer clay cake with leaves and berries and put it in the oven for firing.

    Polymer clay sweets. Assembling a set of jewelry:

    Before assembly, all plastic sweets should be varnished with water-based varnish, avoiding the loose sides of the cakes. Since we initially fixed the fasteners in all the blanks in the form of metal studs, we only need to use round-nose pliers to make loops from the protruding metal studs and fix them in the chain links. In the last links of the chain, fix the carabiner and the extension.

    An original, sweet set of polymer clay jewelry made using the “culinary miniature” technique is ready!

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    The video was prepared by Lena Malysheva in collaboration with FIMO TV.

    For work you need:
    - polymer clay FIMO;
    - FIMO cutter;
    - FIMO gel;
    - FIMO modeling tool.
    Buy all necessary tools and polymer clay FIMO, presented in the master class, you can here:.

    For how to make other miscellaneous culinary products from FIMO, see:

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    FIMO - polymer clay \ plastic \ modeling paste is a material thanks to which you can create a wide variety of products and embody your creative fantasies. From FIMO polymer clay you can make decorations of different styles, effectively decorate interior items, sculpt realistic dolls, create fairytale characters making delicate flowers and more. Video source youtube.com/watch?v=0qJWRe76dKg

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    Friends, I'm glad to see you again. I will gladly share my polymer clay crafts. Today we will make sweets for dolls.

    Materials and tools for the master class "Sweets for a doll made of polymer clay"

    Polymer clay
    Plastic plate with texture
    Knife or cutter
    Round cutter
    Syringe for polymer clay with attachments
    Brown pencil


    The first master class will be ice cream.

    1. For this we need a texture from a plastic plate. This texture will give the polymer clay a waffle cup-like texture.

    2. Then I mix the three colors to make an orange polymer clay.

    3. Soak a disc of a former plastic plate with water and apply an orange pancake to it.

    4. Using a rolling pin or thick felt-tip pen, I roll the polymer clay over the texture.

    5. With a round cutter, I cut a circle directly on the textured surface. I divide the circle into equal parts and carefully turn the triangles over so as not to wrinkle the texture pattern.

    6. Now I fold the horn by pressing it down with a blunt object on one side. This must be done very carefully so that the wafer print does not deform.

    7. Then I kneaded the white polymer clay. I inserted a special nozzle into the syringe for polymer clay and squeezed out the sausage through it.

    8. Then I stretched the sausage with my hands.

    9. I put one end of the white sausage into the cone. I twist the sausage in a spiral and sharpen the tail.

    10. Now I scrape the lead off the brown pencil and brush with the brown waffle shavings.

    11. It remains only to bake ice cream in an electric oven.

    Now I will show you how to make a delicious cake, which, unfortunately, cannot be eaten!

    1. Roll out the cakes from the remaining pieces of orange clay and roll out brown polymer clay.

    2. Add layers of orange and brown clay, alternating.


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