Scenarios of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults. Scenarios of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults Scenario of a sports event for February 23 corporate

Any holiday needs to be carried out correctly, because with a simple feast it is rather boring to look at the faces of others. Defender of the Fatherland Day is very important for everyone, and it is rather difficult to choose a corporate party scenario for February 23. It is necessary to approach responsibly to the choice, all men should remain satisfied.

A variant of the script on February 23 at a corporate party with contests for the most dreamy and dexterous

The very first thing to prepare is the awards, which will be beautiful paper medals. They should be labeled: “ To the most dreamy», « To the most apt" and " The most dexterous". Such attributes can be purchased in the store or made by yourself. What else do you need for the holiday:

  • Apples;
  • Bandages;
  • Paper;
  • Markers;
  • Candies;
  • Champagne designated for a special award.

To start the celebration, you can prepare a congratulatory verse, which will be addressed to all the men present in honor of the holiday on February 23. After that, you can proceed to the official congratulatory part, in which all those around you participate. When the words from the leadership of the organization are spoken, the celebration itself begins.

Contest # 1 - "the most dreamy"

This competition requires certain attributes:

  1. 3 sheets of paper, preferably A4.
  2. 3 markers of any color.
  3. 4 blindfolds.

From the number of subjects, it is clear that three participants are required. First you need to blindfold them, bring them to the table with paper and give them felt-tip pens. To limit the time of the competition, select a musical composition. When she finishes playing, time is running out. During this time period, participants need to draw their dream with their eyes closed. After that, the rest of the guests must guess what exactly they were trying to portray. The one whose drawing is guessed first becomes the winner. The presenter presents him with a medal with a corresponding inscription and wishes for the realization of his cherished dream.

Contest number 2 - "most accurate"

For the event you will need:

  • Candies.
  • Basket.

The essence of the contest is simple - to get into the basket with candies as many times as possible. The one who has the largest number of objects in the vessel receives a prize - a medal of the most accurate. Further in the scenario for a corporate party on February 23, it is provided

Contest number 3 - "the most dexterous".

All men attending the festival will be able to take part in it. Apples are needed for the competition. Participants are divided into two equal teams and pass the fruit without using their hands. Before the start, the first man holds the apple with his chin and runs with it to a chair at a certain distance. You need to run around him in a circle and return to the team. Then the apple is passed to the next starter, also without hands. The team that came to the finish line first receives an award in the form of a medal for each and 1 apple. When all the tests are passed, the audience and the presenter will identify the most active one for all 3 contests. He will get special prize - champagne.

Variant scenario with contests for artists, fans and "real military"

The feast and congratulations at the corporate party are very important, but we must not forget about the entertaining part of the evening. So that men are not bored on their holiday, you can divide them into 2 teams. When passing the tests, the movers will receive shoulder straps. The team with the most awards will be the winner of the evening. For events, you need to prepare shoulder straps in advance. You can print them yourself, the main thing is that there is enough for everyone.

Competition number 1 - "checker"

For each command you will need:

  • Set of checkers.
  • Bucket.

It is desirable that each participant has at least 3 checkers. You need to put the bucket at a certain distance and every man must hit it with a saber. The winner will receive the title " Corporal».

Competition number 2 - military rank

Requisites - military shoulder straps in full complement... If possible, then a participant is selected from each team who has not served in the army and has the smallest age. In front of him, shoulder straps are laid out in a chaotic manner on a chair. Its tasks include:

  • Decompose in pairs;
  • Expand in ascending order;
  • Name military ranks.

The one who copes first and does not make mistakes gets the next title for the team.

Competition # 3 - aircraft first

This test is included in the scenario of the corporate party on February 23 for a reason, because many have served in the flight forces, which means they can create the right aircraft. The attribute is a sheet of paper for each team. They must make the fastest, most beautiful, and most importantly, far flying exhibit. Those whose plane flies farther than others and in the right direction will win. The beauty of the flight is also taken into account. The reward is a promotion in military rank.

Contest # 4 - for fans.

For its conduct, it is necessary to prepare several verses about February 23rd. Fans of each team will have to end the lines themselves and in rhyme. Before starting, you need to ask support for a number in a certain interval. Each will have its own verse conceived, this will avoid resentment. The team whose fans perform better will receive an award.

Competition number 5 - "Leonardo"

Attributes for conducting:

  • Whatman.
  • Scotch tape (to attach whatman paper to the wall).
  • Markers.
  • Scarves.

Each team must nominate one person. He is blindfolded and brought to the Whatman paper. He has to draw a tank in a certain time, and very close to the original. The one whose tank will be the most beautiful and correct gets a new rank.


After passing all the tests, the winning team is determined. All those present support her three times "Hurray!", Prizes are awarded, which are prepared in advance.

Variant of the scenario with contests for the most apt, smart and "danceable"

For the celebration, you need to choose two people who will be the hosts of the evening. To intrigue all men at work, you can send everyone an invitation card. In it, use verses and praise, and explain where and when the meeting will take place. It is better to use army attributes to decorate the hall. It will also create an extra mood for everyone in the audience. As the men enter the room, the presenters begin to read verse "Officers"... Each line should be addressed to one employee (depending on how many men there are in the office). When the congratulatory part is over and all the men have received small presents, you can sit down at the festive table. Leading 1: it is impossible to name a weak woman - she is smart, talented, strong. However, without a man nearby it is difficult, and it is difficult for us to reach heights. Let's try to figure out who is present at the table and in what rank (for this competition you will need a box and cards with military ranks written on them). Each of the men present draws out one card. Leading 2: It is not enough to be born a man, as it is not enough for iron to be ore. To be a man, you need to strive for deeds and, if necessary, sacrifice yourself. And now let's check our men for endurance. Most have passed many tests, but who is the best?

We celebrated a corporate party on February 23rd - it's time to think about. What is the best choice for ladies - work colleagues? What could be the Shrovetide scenario? If you don't know, we read about the farewell to winter. I wonder what you can think of cool contests for a wedding? Follow this link and find out about the funniest and funniest wedding contests.

Contest 1 - Accuracy.

The best option would be to use a dart board, but you can get by with improvised means - paper and an urn. Crumple sheets of paper. The urn is set aside at a distance of 3m. You need to get into it with as many lumps as possible. The one who hits more times gets a prize.

Contest 2 - Best Toast.

Every man knows how to drink, but not everyone does it beautifully. The one who says the most beautiful toast is the winner.

Competition 3 - dance competition.

All men who want to dance are invited to the stage. They must perform the most incendiary dance. In this case, the presenter will constantly change the music, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. The jury is the employees of the organization. Leading 1: and now we invite men to show off their intelligence and take part in competition "knowledge is power"... The basis was formed by questions that can be answered by everyone:

  1. Do you need a note to make a pickle? (Salt).
  2. If you use a sieve, can you bring water in it? (Yes, if you freeze it.)
  3. There are many wings on the ground, but one of them will never fly. Which? (Automotive).
  4. There is a composer whose surname looks like a hunter's shot. Who is this? (Bach).
  5. Who knows all the languages ​​in the world and calmly repeats everything you say to him? (Echo).
  6. The villagers love to run barefoot. Why do they run like that? (On the ground).
  7. What is the name of the bag made from paper. (Envelope).
  8. There are clocks that show right time only 2 times a day. What is this watch? (The ones that stopped).

Participants are awarded one point for each correct answer. Leading 2: well you tried. All questions have been answered, and your perseverance is rewarded. The most worthy - cake and champagne in the studio. Leading 1: Thank you, you are our defenders. The light is not pleasant to us without you. you are honor, joy. Our pride. Thank you for being. At the end of the evening, you need to open the final bottle of champagne.

Well, for those who hold a corporate event on February 23 with video accompaniment, this funny festive seven-minute video may come in handy. For example, it can be turned on during contests so that they are not accompanied by music alone, or turned on with a muffled sound while the presenters are reading congratulations, or otherwise use it at your discretion: v = NtXu8UmyrU8

This scenario does not imply passive reception of congratulations, but the direct participation of the men themselves in giving themselves pleasure when participating in games and contests.

The participants are all men, the presenter is a charming girl dressed in the style of a show business star. The leader may have assistants. Or responsibilities can be divided among several facilitators.


Well, this day has sent the long-awaited!
So, there is no reason to shirk.
Participate in contests - tirelessly!
What did you think? You are men!

You are strong, brave, promising,
Experienced, smart and active.
Let's start with military discipline!
What did you think? You are men

The chorus of Pugacheva's song “Oh, what a man was - a real colonel” sounds.

And then the chorus of Allegrova's song "Junior lieutenant, young boy."

To this music, a defiantly dressed girl, possibly wearing a wig and with false eyelashes and nails, hands out cards with military ranks to all men.

The cards are in some kind of military headdress (hat, garrison cap, peakless cap, helmet, etc.). Men shouldn't see what cards they get.

Lance Sergeant;
Staff Sergeant;
Sergeant Major;
Senior Lieutenant;
Lieutenant colonel;
Major General;
Lieutenant General;
Army General;

If there are more men in the team than titles, then the missing amount is collected with the "Private" cards. All men must line up, according to the seniority of the ranks on the cards.

Leading, in a commanding tone:

Now the task will appear before you.
An example is to show your mental strength.
All cards are different, everyone can get it.
Someone is easier, others are easier.

The cards will have military ranks.
And there will be such a task for everyone:
It will be necessary to get up, in essence,
Distributed by seniority.

If someone is reluctant to get up,
That will not be hung on the board of honor.
We got up quickly. Here you are not here!
More important contests await you.

All the men took their piece of paper, distributed according to seniority, stood in a line.

The assistant (who handed out the pieces of paper) - reads the order of the ranks.

Whoever is standing right, strokes him on the head or kisses on the cheek, saying in an erotic tone: "well done fighter."

If someone takes the wrong position, the host's assistant “scolds” in the same erotic tone: “bad soldier, you will come to my penal battalion, I’ll give you a penalty and severely fine”.

You won't catch a spy - you won't know anything!

We continue the holiday with fun and interesting competition, the essence of which is to "recruit" a girl from the audience by various persuasions or other actions. Prove that she is not an enemy, but a friend.

You can go to any tricks - bribery with sweets, kisses and hugs, or you can just grab and kidnap. Bring and place in front of an audience. Girls are instructed in advance: not to agree to anything! This can be done by agreement when preparing for the holiday. But it would be better if no one, except the presenters, knew about this in advance.

You can distribute leaflets to all the girls with the following instructions:

"Attention! As part of the exercise, now a foreign intelligence agent will come up to you, he will recruit you. Whatever he offers you - do not agree! As a check on the agent, ask him funny tasks. He will have to fulfill them. If he still can convince you that he is his own, and that you need a job for this agent, you may risk agreeing. Under your own responsibility! "


At ease, comrades. All disperse.
Everyone in the place, than necessary, sit down.
Our preparations began nicely.
We have recruiting right on course.

In this very room we have
As you can see, there are many beauties.
You are in the camp of the enemy. Arsenal - seduction
With the help of flattery, deceit and clothes.

Everyone recruits whom and how they want.
Gives candy, kisses, tickles.
The girl listens to the compliment.
But how do you know whose agent he is?

What if he's some kind of skillful maniac?
What if he lies, ditches and leaves?
What if he takes you to a provincial town?
What if this is no longer worn?

Men go and choose their "recruiting target", and then - already his worries, how he will convince and whether he will be able to convince that he is his own. The winners who have managed to complete the tasks and bring or carry the “object” onto the stage will be awarded some kind of spy-themed prize.

The assistant takes out the prizes and gives them with the words: “You are Zero-Zero-X! Super Agent! You are the son of your era! You are superman, you are a gentleman. Your affairs are not bad. "

Plant a tree, build a house, raise a child!

Let's move on to a new competition. We attach three pictures to a board or wall - a house, a tree, a child. An assistant with a pointer (you can wear a formal suit and big glasses, like a teacher) will point to these symbols from the famous saying.

The bottom line is that, standing facing the audience, when the assistant points to one of the three symbols behind his back, the man named one of the actions: plant, grow or build. In some cases, it will turn out to "grow a tree", which also counts.


Okay, stop fighting.
After all, dinner, wife and bed await at home.
Everyone knows Ivan and Egorka,
What the saying goes to all of us.

In that saying - a built house.
And the tree grows there under the window.
And there is a happy childhood running around.
Everyone knows that truth from an early age!

Wishing, get up and come here!
It will not be difficult for you at all
Name three actions in order:
Plant, build, grow. But - without looking back!

The assistant puts the one who volunteered (or takes someone out of the room herself):


Love is reckless, stay like this. And I will point with a pointer to the sign.

A couple or two more participants are called. Some kind of comic prize is given for participation in the competition. The assistant presents the prize with the words “This is for you. Look, don't yawn. Where and what you should always get to. "


Our beloved, dear men!
Today I see no reason to be bored.
And now we will kiss you all!
The contests are over. Well, shall we dance?

A corporate party dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, February 23, is a traditional and favorite occasion for honoring the male part of the office team. It is celebrated almost everywhere, officially or unofficially, organized or spontaneously.

"Event Consulting Service" organizes excellent corporate parties for the Defender of the Fatherland Day – from cozy office events to large-scale corporate events. Our arsenal and field kitchen are always at the ready! Also, we will promptly make, pack gifts and souvenirs in the "military" style.

Corporate event on February 23 - scenarios, ideas

By organizing a corporate holiday for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer scenarios for office and offsite corporate parties , including express greetings, military sports games, photo programs, office parties, corporate trips and much more.

Our non-standard ideas organization corporate on February 23:

  • Express congratulations"Changing of the Guard"- a popular inexpensive way to congratulate male colleagues in the morning in order to create a festive mood for the whole day. In the program: a bright meeting at the entrance to the office, express contests, shooting gallery, sweepstakes and presenting gifts.
  • Express congratulation "Heroic spirit"- meeting and greeting the defenders of the Fatherland in the old Russian style. Agree, it is unusual, having entered the office mansion in the morning, to take a sword-kladenets from the hands of a beautiful woman and chop a cabbage head off her shoulder, drink a glass of kvass at the beginning of the day.
  • "Lunch fees"- scenario for February 23 "on the job." By order of the command, instead of a business lunch, "lunch fees" are announced at the entrance to the office. A field kitchen with cooks-Cossacks, army tents, a stand "Excellent combat training", assembly and disassembly of weapons, a real armored personnel carrier, a brass band, military photo-correspondents and charming animators-sailors - all this will make an unforgettable impression on your team.
  • "Corporate parade"- an unusual, very entertaining program with elements. Raises team spirit to unprecedented heights :). On the street or in a large room, your colleagues, singing a drill song, will march in military uniform and with weapons in their hands. Participants will be given equipment in the form of camouflage coats, which will also become their corporate gift. Real or fake military equipment can take part in the "parade".
  • "Gallery of Glory" - an unusual creative congratulation in the form of an art exhibition of paintings. Thanks to the wonders of "photoshop", representatives of the male half of the office will become heroes of paintings by famous artists. At the exhibition there will be a "guide" who will tell you about each work with humor. At the end of the day, the paintings will become personal gifts.
  • Costume photo studio with instant seal - this is an opportunity to try on the images of defenders of the Fatherland - from Russian knights and tsars to soldiers of the Red Army or "avatars" :). Unusual photographs or photomagnets will remain in memory of the event.
  • "Office shooting range"- adapted for indoor shooting competitions in archery, slingshots, blowpipes and more. Spacious offices can afford "Cowboy shooting range" or real " Angry Birds military "with a huge slingshot.
  • Shooting competitions in a serious shooting range - an opportunity to remember or learn how to hold a variety of weapons in your hands - from pistols to rifles and machine guns. Surprisingly, the fact is that girls are also happy to take part in arrow programs.
  • Test drive of real male vehicles - from real SUVs to modern or historical armored vehicles. It is possible to drive to equipped tracks and landfills or deliver equipment directly to the office. Whose APC is this at the entrance? :)
  • Corporate quest-team building - a good combination corporate event and cohesion through teamwork. We recommend that you spend not a "room quest" for half an hour, but a real "man's" quest team building, with the search and implementation of interesting tasks, which will be perceived by the team with a bang. Venues - military-technical museums indoors or outdoors, historical sites, cinema pavilions, park areas.

The characters imitate the performance of a song to the soundtrack, and each singing one line leaves the frame. Ideally, each participant appears only once in the frame. This technology allows tens and hundreds of participants to become heroes of the video.

The list of programs in the catalog is an example of organizing office corporate events for February 23 and March 8 and does not contain a complete list of all available programs. This material will be useful for customers and organizers of corporate events at various levels.

Photo materials on corporate events held on February 23

What else can be in the program?

Invitations - "agenda", decorations in "army" or "front" style, creative meeting of guests, army "face painting", individual and group contests, lottery with themed souvenirs, "sale" auction of army property, safe shooting range, program, a special menu, gifts - "parcels from the front", "men's" master classes, colleagues in various images, photographing for memory and much more.

When holding an event on the street, we offer a field kitchen, Cossacks as cooks, real or entourage armored vehicles, real army props.

The choice of the site is 100% influenced by the format (style) of the corporate party. Today, collectives are increasingly looking towards thematic corporate events, which are felt and remembered not just as another gathering, but as a bright event! And indeed it is!

A stylized corporate party makes employees anticipate a corporate party, expect it, prepare for it, motivates to take with them all kinds of fixation means: cameras, cameras, and during a corporate party - take pictures, take pictures, take pictures ... from such an event will definitely be considered in social networks friends and just strangers.

Corporate in the style of "Casino Royale"

Military style corporate

Retro style corporate party

Illusion-style corporate party

Corporate party in oriental style

Mysterious and mysterious, full of spicy aromas and sensuality, the East, where women are beautiful concubines, and men are the masters of harems. Low sofas with a bunch of small pillows, translucent draperies, smoking incense, the sounds of a flute will take you to the fairy tales of Scheherazade. Oriental costumes with an obligatory abundance of jewelry, brightly drawn eyes for women will become an obligatory element of the dress code. Put fruits, cheeses, all kinds of sweets, pilaf and beshbarmak on the tables. From drinks, a variety of teas and aromatic coffee are required, but it is better to disguise the wine so as not to disturb the atmosphere. Invite belly dancers, compose a script - the success of the event is guaranteed!

Corporate fishing

Quest for a corporate party

Tired of traditional feasts, want something new and unusual? Organize a corporate quest. It will not only allow you to spend time interestingly, but also unite the team. Pick a scenario and assign roles so no one is left out of the fun. An obstacle course, logical tasks and a test of erudition - such an event will make everyone join in common work... You can choose any plot - from the motives of your favorite books and films to treasure searches and rescue operations! And most importantly - there are no restrictions on the form of clothing, venue, design and menu design - everything is determined solely by your desires! Rest, stormy entertainment and hot excitement - you will get all this by organizing a quest corporate party!

Superhero-style corporate party

What to wear for a corporate event dedicated to February 23

It all depends on the format of the thematic party, the mood and tastes of your colleagues. We offer several different variations.

Full compliance with the topic

If your whole team is planning a strictly "protective" option, you need to choose certain costumes and clearly follow the plan. Vests, military camouflage uniforms, caps are suitable, in general, everything related to the military theme, the only exception can be ceremonial military clothing.

In this case, corporate party participants should be warned about the dress code. It will be sad if someone comes in their usual work or formal day clothes, while the rest are wearing the outfits of Soviet / Russian fighters.

As for things and paraphernalia, all this can be found in specialized stores, holiday agencies or sew and make by yourself.

Free style

If you want to create an external holiday atmosphere, but do not want to reincarnate on your own, discuss this issue with the team. After all, the costumed corporate party optional. The main thing is that everything else produces the desired entourage.

The employees themselves can come in outfits that they like. If it helps to defuse the situation, then why not.

What should women wear?

Office. If the event will be held at work, we recommend solid color outfits. It is advisable to give preference to black, dark green or gray shades. Catchy and open suits should not be worn. Most of all, some kind of dress from the times of the USSR or a closed blouse with a skirt no higher than the knees is suitable.

A restaurant. For such an institution, a more elegant outfit is needed. It will be great if you can get a bolero to match the dress. Considering that any corporate party is a protracted event, give up tight and uncomfortable outfits.

What can you think of for February 23rd?

As a rule, the women's collective every year in horror thinks about one question: what to come up with this year? It seems that all good ideas have already been implemented, but I don't want to repeat myself. What to do? So let's take a look at the suggestions from professional organizers festive events.

In order for the corporate party to be remembered for a long time and to leave extremely positive emotions from its holding, it is important that it be interesting to everyone, that it be multifaceted, includes not only feasts and banal opening words, but also something colorful, extraordinary. Therefore, in recent years, it has become increasingly popular to conduct all sorts of spectacular show programs, from dancing with fire or other circus numbers, to no less spectacular, illusion shows, such as drawing freeslighting or shadow theater, which looks simply amazing.

The versatility of such a program lies in the fact that it can be adjusted to any theme of a corporate evening. So, for the 23 February, elements of a military theme can be introduced into dances with fire and circus performances, which makes the performance acquire originality and relevance.

The same applies to illusion shows, like freezelighting and shadow theater, theater of light: just in this case, the director will be asked a creative question - to create a military plot. A talented person can easily cope with such a task.

Master classes can be an excellent addition to the entertainment program! Since the holiday is military, the events can be in martial arts, fencing, and so on. Such a part of the program will not only remove the masks of formality from colleagues, defuse the atmosphere, but will also be beneficial, perhaps someone will find himself in such a master class and subsequently will be seriously carried away by this or that type of leisure activity.

Of course, what a corporate party without a feast! But even here it is worth imagining a little. It's good if the dishes come with surprises (for example, each cake has the initials of one or another employee, and he needs to find his own, or in several pies there is a note with a wish, a kind of note of happiness, whoever finds it is lucky). In this topic, as in everything else, there are infinity of ideas, and you should not stop at templates, imagination and creativity always lead to better results.

The last step in holding a corporate party is gifts, but more on that later.

Games for a corporate event in honor of February 23

It is rightly said that most of us remain children in our souls forever. Looking like adults successful people with ecstasy, childish enthusiasm, they play the games proposed by the host, compete in this or that competition, it is impossible to disagree with this statement.

  1. You don't have to reinvent the wheel and borrow games from our ancestors. One of the most fun and versatile games is tug of war. The team is divided into two halves, male and female, since, as a rule, there are more women in the team, then the teams' strengths equalize. This competition will bring a lot of smiles and good mood, especially if the competitors compete for some small but pleasant prize.
  2. They are great at the corporate party in honor of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day. role-playing games or pantomimes, they are most successful closer to the middle of the celebration, when people get a little warmed up. You can carry along the tables a box with pre-prepared notes with assignments. Nobody knows yet what he will get. Each note has a unique task, from the story of some of its military secrets, to the image of the attribute military equipment or trying to sing a war song. Usually, such a competition ends with noisy fun and the disclosure of the hidden abilities of the participants in the game.
  3. Intellectual quizzes are also good at this holiday, it is better to put them at the end game program, as if in conclusion. You need to prepare in advance not very complicated, interesting questions of a military theme, or even better, if the questions are humorous, the audience is invited to answer them, and the winner receives a prize.

Good day! The people joke that on the evening of February 23, our country becomes completely defenseless. All men, from the smallest boys to grandfathers who remember the war years, celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. The Day of the Red Army and Navy, established almost a century ago, has gradually changed into a completely different holiday - the Day of Men. Until 2002, however, February 23 was a weekday, a working day - except that colleagues at work organized corporate events, prepared the male half of the employees

Scenario of conducting on February 23 in a circle of employees

Scenario for February 23rd in the circle of employees for a team of 15-30 people, lasting 3-6 hours.

For the event you will need:
Presents for men.
A treat.
Props for games and contests.

Event plan
Congratulation, presentation of gifts.
Comic test "Who is who".
Contests for real men
Competition "War of the Sexes".


Congratulation, giving gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is advisable that the congratulation is not too long and formal. It is better to perform it in a poetic or song form. It is preferable to name each man by name in a congratulation and say a few pleasant words about him.

Comic test "Who is who"

Examples of inscriptions: Intellectual. Casanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. Strongest. Psychic. Magician and wizard. General. Lord. Erudite. The most temperamental. The best fighter. The most agile. A professional in his field.
It is even more interesting not just to make inscriptions, but to cut out from magazines and stick pictures corresponding to the inscriptions.
During the preparation of the cards, you must be extremely correct and make sure that the invented inscriptions do not hurt anyone's dignity and do not offend anyone.

Real Men Contests


For a marksmanship competition, it is best to use a factory-made Darts game.
A simpler option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) at a target drawn on a sheet of paper attached to the wall from a distance of 3-5 m. The most accurate participant gets a prize point.
The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then random traces of it can be easily washed off with alcohol.

Best Toast

After that, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. Contestants take turns making toasts and drinking the contents of the glass. The one who completes the task best of all gets a prize point.

Best compliment

The one whose compliment is more pleasing to women than others, receives a prize point.

Competition "War of the Sexes"

Speech rate

For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Throwing range

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw the playing card as far as possible. It is possible to allow participants to try multiple times. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other - black.
The team, whose representative will throw the map further (with several attempts, the best of the throws is counted), receives a prize point.


One more representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of the music is constantly changing.
The team whose representative performs the best dance will receive a prize point.

Knowledge is power

All team players participate in this competition. copyright - The host asks the teams questions one by one. At the same time, a team of women is asked male questions, and a team of men - female questions.

Examples of questions for women:
What is a carburetor part of? (Motor)
What can you hit with a "speck"? (On the ball)
Is the hood on the front or back of the car? (Front)
What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey)
In which direction when working with a saw is the force applied: towards oneself or from oneself? (Push)
Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (Hockey)
Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
Which brand has a check mark? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:
Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on torn tights)
When threading a needle, what should be motionless: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
What is highlighting? (Coloring individual hair strands)
Why might a woman need acetone? (Wash off old nail polish)
What is the name of the small purse that stores the items you need to do your makeup? (Cosmetic bag)
Is yeast put in shortcrust pastry? (No)
Do I need to rinse the dye off my hair after dyeing it? (Yes)
For this process, wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used. What is this process? (Depilation)

The team with the most points wins a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne).

Useful Tips

Original congratulations from male colleagues on February 23

Twenty third of February…

Finally with us

Congratulations, colleagues!

A tsunami has come to us!

This holiday will overwhelm us,

Will put you in chains

Wants us very much

They were all healthy!

To laugh heartily

To have fun

To champagne with cognac

Enriched again!

Since the twenty third of February,

Dear colleagues!

For work for me

The best neighbors!

From the heart of you, dear

Congratulations on your holiday!

And health to you, and happiness

I wish you strength!

And also great success,

And huge awards,

And I wish you money

Large and immodest!

Be happy colleagues

On the feast of February!

The best blessings in the world

I wish you!

Festive snow is blowing outside the windows,

And here we are melting slightly.

Happy Defender Day, congratulations to colleagues,

We give simple gifts.

Let the machines not be seen in the hands,

And the tanks are hidden in the boxes.

With such protection, fear is not known to us -

Brave, brave lads.

And I would like to wish this on a holiday

Strong Spirit and Word to you.

What would your colleagues and Motherland

Praised you over and over again.

Scenario February 23 in the office

The scenario "Corporate Collage" is suitable for congratulating men on Defender of the Fatherland Day at work. It can be an addition to gifts and treats. Women in advance make a collage of photographs of employees and post it in the office on the eve of February 23rd. This February 23 scenario is suitable for firms or companies with many male employees, preferably of different professions.

On the eve of the holiday, female employees should look for photographs of all male colleagues. You can use photos left over from previous corporate events.

Fasten several Whatman paper to get a stretch of about 2-3 meters in length, depending on the number of men in your company. You can also use reverse side wallpaper.

For each male employee, select pictures on the Internet depending on his character, behavior, habits or related to his work.

Using any photo editor (Paint, Photoshop), overlay the faces of the employees on these pictures, so that the result is a complete image.

Print out all the pictures, cut off the excess, leave only the plot of the picture and stick it on the stretch. Leave space in the center of the poster for congratulations and a little on top for the lettering.

At the top, write "Dear men, smile, we congratulate you!" In the middle of the stretch, write congratulations on February 23 to colleagues. Under each picture, you can make an inscription in the form of a funny ditty about employees. Also, under the congratulation, each employee can sign on the poster and write any wish to men.

The night before, February 22, when all the men have dispersed, hang the poster on the most prominent wall in the office.

Don't forget to get your cameras ready to capture the men's reaction when they see your creation. A good mood in the company for the whole day is guaranteed.

This scenario is suitable for a small office with several offices and people with a sense of humor. To create a festive atmosphere for colleagues, he suggests organizing a military-style holiday.

Preparation for the holiday must be started in the evening. Wait for the men to leave their jobs and start preparing. Print the signs on the door in the form of the inscriptions "Shrafbat", "Fuel warehouse", "Nurses", "Radio room", etc.

On the chief's office, you can write "Headquarters". In the hall on one of the walls, attach a sign "Military enlistment office", and next to it, attach a ruler with markings from 1 to 2 meters. Next to the labels, sign:

- 160 cm- "But economic"

165 cm - "Small, but daring"

170cm - "Hero-lover"

175 cm - "Standard set"

180 cm - "Model"

185 cm - "The ideal man"

190 cm - "Kalancha"

200 cm - "Uncle Styopa the Giant"

Prepare questionnaires for men, the questions will concern women. For example, who is your ideal woman?

For the festive table, buy strong alcoholic drinks, it will be a hundred grams of combat for your men. For a snack: jacket potatoes, herring, bacon, onion.

As a gift for each man, prepare a linen bag, put matches, soap, tea and socks in it. Wrap a piece of paper with wishes for February 23 in a triangle.

The wishes can be individual, and can be the same for everyone.

So, the holiday comes, men come to work. Women with a medical bandage on their arm meet them and escort them to the "Military enlistment office".

Each man is given a piece of paper. It says on the sheet. FULL NAME. conscript, age, weight, volumes. The volumes are measured by nurses and recorded in his sheet.

Then the men are brought to the ruler and their height is measured. But they write down exactly those names that correspond to their height.

After that, the men hand over all the sheets, and on the basis of them they receive a military ID, which says that a man is fit to serve only in reserve battalions.

But for the passage of service at work, men are fit and completely healthy. Therefore, they are encouraged to serve for the good of the company at long term... Demobilization does not shine for them.

The last point of the scenario for February 23rd will be an invitation to everyone to the festive table, where during the breaks between toasts, excerpts from their questionnaires will be read.

Comic scenario for February 23

Many companies have a great tradition associated with large-scale celebrations of certain dates. The main feature of this custom is that solemn corporate events dedicated to different holidays, bring employees together perfectly. After each corporate event, the atmosphere in the team becomes more friendly, warm and open. Therefore, in many companies, employees are serious about organizing celebrations at work.

Most often at work they celebrate New Year and the birthday of the director of the company. However, many companies pay attention to other significant holidays, including Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is on February 23rd that women have the opportunity to congratulate their male colleagues. On this day, many companies hold celebrations dedicated to men. Usually, women assume all organizational issues related to corporate celebrations in honor of the holiday on February 23.
Preparations for the February 23rd celebration begins with decorating the office. Women need to take care of using balloons and other accessories to create a festive atmosphere at work. Well, since there is nothing difficult in this, women will not have problems decorating their workplace.

A festive atmosphere in the office is only half the battle. It is not enough to spend a fun, original and unforgettable holiday at work. So, in addition to decorating your workplace, take care of the festive scenario of a corporate party dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day.
The beginning of the holiday

You can have fun celebrating February 23 at work in a variety of ways. However, this scenario will allow you to have a really cool way to spend Defender of the Fatherland Day with your colleagues. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to follow all the recommendations exactly. But in this scenario, you will find a few really interesting ideas that will decorate your holiday.

To spend February 23 at work like this cool script, choose two cheerful and sociable women who will act as presenters. It is on their shoulders that the festive corporate event will be held. However, you must prepare for the holiday itself with the entire female part of the team.
The event begins with the gathering of guests. The male part of the team is seated in prominent places. The presenters go to the center of the hall.
First presenter:
Every year, on this day, February 23, our country celebrates the most courageous and patriotic holiday.
Second presenter:
On this winter day, all the soldiers who defended, defend and will defend our Motherland are honored.
First presenter:
It is not necessary to serve in the army and wear a military uniform for this. Every man is a defender of the family, loved ones and the Fatherland. Therefore, today is your holiday, dear colleagues!
Second presenter:
We, on behalf of the female half of our friendly team, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today we will try to do everything necessary to make you feel as cozy and comfortable as possible surrounded by your family colleagues.
First presenter:
So, dear men, relax, have fun and rest. And we, women, will delight and amuse you to the best of our ability.
After this introduction, the facilitators join their colleagues. Someone from the female part of the team is making a toast. Everyone drinks and moves on to the appetizers. After some time, the presenters again go to the center of the office or some hall, where the celebration of February 23 at work will take place.
First presenter:
Our holiday continues. And now is the time to have some fun.
Second presenter:
Do not be shy! Take an active part in the games and contests that we have prepared especially for you, dear men.
Games and contests
To really have fun on February 23 at work, prepare the maximum number of various competitions and cool games... If you think that a few games will be enough to have fun at a corporate holiday, then you are wrong. There should be a lot of them. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that all games be related to a military theme. The main thing is that they are funny.
Almost all men love the competitive spirit. Based on this fact, choose only those games that can be won. In such contests, the male half of the team will participate much more actively.

1. Knights and hussars are masters of compliments
Real men are able not only to defend their homeland, but they also know how to make beautiful compliments to women. Remember, for example, Don Quixote, who at one moment bravely fought with his enemies, and at another he sprinkled women with compliments. So why not run a competition to identify the master of compliments among your peers?

For this competition, prepare pieces of paper with the names of all representatives of the female part of the team. Put them in a box and invite each man to draw out one piece of paper. The task of men is to come up with the most beautiful, interesting and original compliment for the woman whose name is written on the piece of paper he has drawn out. Whoever copes with this task best won.

2. Who am I?
For this competition, you also need to prepare a certain number of pieces of paper. However, this time on them you need to write the names of not women, but all kinds of famous characters. The man's task is to attach a piece of paper with an inscription on his forehead and using leading questions find out who he is. The beauty of this competition is that it can be held during a feast.

3. Air battle
If you want your male colleagues to have a lot of fun on February 23rd, run this competition. To do this, you just need to buy a package of balloons and prepare a skein of strong thread. Before the start of the competition, tie one inflated balloon to each arm and leg of all the men who want to play. When everything is ready, give a command to the men, whose task is to burst the balls of colleagues, but at the same time keep their own. The winner is the warrior who, after a certain period of time, has the most balls.

4. The armless bartender
Every man should be able to properly pour beer. On February 23rd, you have a great opportunity to find out which of your colleagues has this skill. To do this, you can hold a contest "The Armless Bartender".
Prepare several identical glasses and bottles of beer. Call your colleagues who want to participate in this competition and invite them to pour beer into a glass without spilling a drop. However, immediately clarify that they will have to pour beer without using their hands. Usually, in this case, most men squeeze the bottle between their legs and slowly pour the liquid into the glass. The “armless bartender” who pours beer into a glass faster and more accurately than anyone else will win.

5. One-handed shredder
This competition is perfect to be held at a festive office event. To hold it, you need to buy a newspaper. This attribute is quite enough.
Call all the willing men and line them up. Give each of them a piece of newspaper. Every man's task is to take in right hand newspaper and pull it forward. At the command of the presenter, the participants try to tear the newspaper sheet with one hand. In fact, this task is quite difficult. Therefore, the man who is the first to cope with her will win.
Of course, these are not all games that are suitable for celebrating February 23 at work. In fact, you can think of a huge amount of different entertainment for this event. So if you are serious about the selection of games and contests, then your corporate festive event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day will turn out to be truly fun and memorable.
It is not at all necessary to play all the games in a row. Alternate with drinks and snacks. Only in this case, the holiday on February 23 at work will be really fun. If during the holiday you see that men are tired of games and contests, then reduce the entertainment program. There is nothing wrong with that.

End of the holiday
At the end, the presenters once again congratulate all the male colleagues present and present them with gifts. The holiday is over. Now the men are forced to do something similar on March 8th.

Scenario for February 23 for a large team

With your caring female hands, create a festive decoration for the room where the festive table will be laid. Attach helium balloons to the chairs of the defenders of the fatherland. Hang up funny pictures on the subject of February 23 (tons of pictures to choose from on the Internet). In general, you can not be limited to this space. Place greeting cards in all offices, even in the men's restroom.

Both hosts: Good evening! The holiday is solemnly considered open!

Lead 1:
This day was not approved in vain!
There is no reason for sadness today!
Singing today to the beautiful ...
No, I won't, but our men!

Lead 2:
February 23 is a special day when our men are on legal grounds accept congratulations, compliments and gifts from the weak half of humanity.

All men, young and old, today are surrounded by female attention and care. We will start the holiday by throwing presents at our men.

Lead 2:
Please receive and sign. With all our feminine soul, we bring you the latest news in the world.

Lead 1:
Only you will have today an exclusive edition of the newspaper ".." (the name of a popular newspaper in the region).

On each copy of the newspaper, draw a heart (or attach a cut out of colored cardboard) with the name of a particular man.

There is a solemn presentation of newspapers to men.

Lead 1:
The newspaper is not simple, but talkative.

Lead 2:
To the angry calls of his wife, the newspaper in your pacifying voice replies: "I am busy, please do not bother."

Lead 1:
But do not think that we will get off with only spiritual food.

Lead 2:
Your family and friends have pledged to buy a new sofa you like.

Give each man a homemade sofa sample booklet (print different pictures of sofas from the Internet and staple them with a stapler).

Lead 1:
Today, words of gratitude are heard from women
In honor of the defenders of the fatherland, fireworks are thundering!

Lead 2:
So, let's in this holiday hour
Let's raise our glasses together for you!

Raising glasses.

Lead 1:
There is a popular belief that women and men think and feel differently.

Lead 2:
We will not agree with this opinion, nor will we refute it. Let's just do our test.


Materials for the competition (2 sheets of paper, colored pencils or markers). One sheet of paper for women, another sheet for men.

Lead 1:
Using the proposed inventory, each gender group will reproduce the image of the ideal woman in their opinion.

Lead 2:
We ask each colleague to draw one element on a sheet of paper.

During the competition, the presenters provide all possible assistance (pencils are served; if necessary, they remind about the main attributes of women's clothing - a handbag, a hat, jewelry, etc.).
After the portraits are ready.

Lead 1:
Shows portraits to those present. What beauties turned out!

Lead 2:
So we found out the ideal appearance of the girl of dreams of our courageous half of the team.

Lead 1:
And we also found out what kind of rival the female half of our team represents.

Lead 2:
And so we give this portrait (drawn by men) to the personnel department. I ask you to keep it as the apple of your eye, and under no circumstances should you allow women with similar external characteristics to be hired.

Lead 1:
The portrait (painted by women) is also transferred to the personnel department for eternal storage. We don't need any rivals here. Any attempts to get into our good-natured team of similar ladies, we kindly ask you to stop them in the bud.

Lead 2:
We continue to shower our defenders with gifts.

Lead 1:
The selection of gifts took into account centuries-old observations of the tastes of men.

Lead 2:
We are giving you these socks with awe!

Lead 1:
These socks are not just a textile product, one might even say magical.

Lead 2:
For socks up to 100 years old, the "anti-hole" option functions, that is, the wear of the product is guaranteed for one century.

Lead 1:
Along with the anti-holes, the “anti-smell” system has been successfully introduced; at the click of a finger, five perfumes are presented to choose from.

Lead 2:
One click and the toe emits an intoxicating scent of a blend of orange, mandarin, neroli, cedar, pepper and musk in the Chanel Allure Homme Sport version. We recommend using this fragrance when playing sports and while conquering high goals.

Lead 1:
Two clicks - and you smell the scent of green apple, mint, pine needles, cedar, jasmine, lavender and sage from Hugo by Hugo Boss This function is recommended to use if you want to feel independence and enjoy freedom.

Lead 2:
Three clicks and a lingering aroma in the air with apple and plum notes, as well as bergamot and scarlet grapefruit according to Lacoste Pour Homme. This smell is essential for sexual adventures.

Lead 1:
Four clicks and here it is Prada Man by Prada - a mixture of vanilla, patchouli, geranium, lavender, abmra, musk, cardamom, saffron and sandalwood. This scent is used in cases of passionate behavior, for adamant and determined men.

Lead 2:
Finally, five clicks and you will be surrounded by the sophisticated aroma of the fruity-spicy group from Calvin Klein Be. This aroma of bergamot with juniper, mandarin with lavender and peach with magnolia. This scent is recommended for use only in very close communication.

But these are not all the features of the miracle socks.

Lead 2:
On the whistle, the socks themselves crawl to the owner. So come in, hurry up, sign for the gift!

Presentation of socks.
If you donate real socks, then the presenter's phrase: “The options are connected at st. Filkin's letter, 13 ".

If the purchase of socks is not possible, then give the painted products with the presenter's phrase: “Due to the fact that socks are super-exclusive, you will receive the originals at ul. Filkin's letter, 13. Gifts are given according to these cards. "

According to the old tradition, new clothes must be thoroughly washed.

Lead 2:
The man's shoulder is so secure
It's hard to live without you dear
Let the wine splash in the glass
For our defenders of the Fatherland!

Second raising of glasses.

Lead 1:
So that you, our dear men, do not forget the military service ...

Lead 2:
We propose to pass several standards, of course, with an amendment to the civil service.

Lead 1:
The first thing we can offer is the dress code.

Lead 2:
I ask you to get out of order, that is, the table and disassemble the props.

Obtain in advance any military uniform that you can get hold of. The main thing is to have a full set of clothes (pants, you can just take only large leotards, large family panties, a hat, you can use any caps, even pioneer caps, a uniform, vests, boots or slippers, a belt, attach a large number of badges to uniforms, you can paper, sew on shoulder straps with incomprehensible stars and stripes). It is better for the competition to choose a couple of candidates of a slender constitution so that they can wear the proposed clothes over their own. The more varied the set, the funnier it is. Mix clothes in a bunch. Contestants must wear it, the generally accepted standard in the army is 45 seconds. Of course, no one will be able to invest in this period. While dressing, the presenters comment on the circumstances: “Once 45 seconds, two 45 seconds”, serve the clothes.
After vesting the contestants.

Honest mother, and you guys in which troops served then?

It is not for nothing that the people say, live and learn. What ranks are you in?

Different warriors are needed. Let's proceed to the second standard.

Lead 2:
A minute of general trying-on running on the spot.

It is better, if possible, to turn on funny music (you can use V. Leontiev's song "Green Traffic Light", especially the part where the phrase "everyone is running" - make a "cut" of these words within a minute).

Well done! We ran well! Without stops!

Lead 2 feels the pulse:
Look, running didn’t make any difference. This is physical training!

Lead 1:
Now let's see how you are doing with throwing.

Lead 2:
Again, as the people say, that for a good soldier and a grenade mitt.

At a certain distance, set a target on the chairs (you can use toy tanks or something else). To determine the distance of the target from the contestant in advance, try to leave the "grenades" yourself. Give out three "grenades" (mittens, gloves). The presenters give the command: "Pli". Further, they comment on what is happening according to the circumstances. If the target is hit, then: "The target is destroyed." If not, then “Nothing dear, hard when passing the standard, easy in battle. We will train after work. "

Lead 1:
In general, our women's hearts are protected by reliable hands.

Lead 2:
We are proud to have such valiant warriors in our team!

Lead 1:
We did a great job today. A man is not able to have fun for a long time on an empty stomach.

Lead 2:
Therefore, we suggest continuing the celebration at the festive table!

Scenario on February 23 at corporate

Corporate starts with giving gifts to men and congratulations. It is advisable that the congratulation is not too long and formal. It is better to perform it in a poetic or song form. It is preferable to name each man by name in a congratulation and say a few pleasant words about him.


After the congratulations, everyone sits down at the table. When drawing up the menu for this holiday, it is advisable to take into account the tastes of men and not be limited to sweets and fruits, but to cook something more meaningful.

Comic test "Who is who"

As entertainment at the table, you can offer men joke test... For the test, different ranks are written on the cards, and then each man pulls out one card for himself without looking.

Examples of inscriptions: Intellectual. Casanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. Strongest. Psychic. Magician and wizard. General. Lord. Erudite. The most temperamental. The best fighter. The most agile. Professional.

It is even more interesting not just to make inscriptions, but to cut out from magazines and stick pictures corresponding to the inscriptions.

During the preparation of the cards, you must be extremely correct and make sure that the invented inscriptions do not hurt anyone's dignity and do not offend anyone.

Real Men Contests

Another entertainment, corresponding to the theme of the holiday, can be a competition between men for the title of the best. The following contests are held between those wishing to compete for this title.


For a marksmanship competition, it is best to use a factory-made Darts game.

A simpler option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) at a target drawn on a sheet of paper attached to the wall from a distance of 3-5 m. The most accurate participant gets a prize point.

The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then random traces of it can be easily washed off with alcohol.

Best Toast

The facilitator informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man must be able to drink properly. However, the challenge of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it in the most graceful way.

After that, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. Contestants take turns making toasts and drinking the contents of the glass. The one who completes the task best of all gets a prize point.

Best compliment

Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman's heart, in this competition, participants compete in giving compliments to the fair sex.

The one whose compliment is more pleasing to women than others, receives a prize point.

Competition "War of the Sexes"

In order for not only men, but also women to have the opportunity to take an active part in the holiday, several competitions are held in which teams of men and women compete with each other.

Speech rate

Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are invited to pronounce as many of any words as possible in 30 seconds. The team whose representative speaks more words will receive a prize point.

For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Throwing range

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw the playing card as far as possible. It is possible to allow participants to try multiple times. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other - black.

The team, whose representative will throw the map further (with several attempts, the best of the throws is counted), receives a prize point.


One more representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of the music is constantly changing.

The team whose representative performs the best dance will receive a prize point.

Knowledge is power

All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks the teams questions in turn. At the same time, a team of women is asked male questions, and a team of men - female questions.

Examples of questions for women:

What is a carburetor part of? (Motor)

What can you hit with a "speck"? (On the ball)

Is the hood on the front or back of the car? (Front)

What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey)

In which direction when working with a saw is the force applied: towards oneself or from oneself? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (Hockey)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan )

Which company has a check mark on its products? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:

Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go)

When threading a needle, what should be motionless: the needle or the thread? (Needle)

What is highlighting? (Coloring individual hair strands)

Why might a woman need acetone? (Wash off old nail polish)

What is the name of the small purse that stores the items you need to do your makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

Is yeast put in shortcrust pastry? (No)

Do I need to rinse the dye off my hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

For this process, wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer, the team receives a prize point.

The team with the most points gets a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne.

Useful Tips

All competitions and contests must be conducted so that there are no dissatisfied and offended. It is much better to acknowledge the victory for several participants at once and give prizes to as many competitors as possible.

February 23 scenario at work

To create a festive atmosphere on a given day is one of the main tasks of women. Let the men come to work and find a bottle of beer and a fish on their desk (you can fork out for cognac and chocolate). Spring is coming, but it is still far from the flowers and the first green leaves on the trees. Create spring in the festive hall (office), decorate the walls, curtains with various homemade leaves and paper flowers. Also hang paper-cut hearts with the words "Love", "Appreciate", "Believe", "We are waiting".

Lead 1:
Every year on February 23 in our country, one of the most significant holidays is celebrated -.

Lead 2:
This holiday is a tribute to the soldiers who defended the Motherland without sparing their young lives during the Great Patriotic War and who is protecting her now.

Lead 1:
Today, February 23 has become an informal celebration for all men, the holiday is celebrated by colleagues in their teams, in families. The holiday is truly massive.

Lead 2:
We will try to make you, our defenders, feel comfortable today, surrounded by your family, in a festive and warm atmosphere.

Lead 1:
So family men have a rest and have fun, and women will entertain you, congratulate you and help you to relax to the best of their ability.

Lead 2:
We continue the celebration with good news. Letters from different parts of the world came to the address of our company (institution).

Lead 1:
Our dear men! Please accept my sincere congratulations! It was on the eve of the glorious holiday that your heirs found you!

Preparation for this congratulation:
Take pictures of men. Then, depending on your art and computer knowledge, insert faces instead of children's faces using Photoshop or other computer technologies. If it is not possible to perform this operation in a computer, simply cut out the man's face with scissors and stick it on the child's image. Children of different ages, from babies to very respectable uncles and aunts (depending on the age of the newly-born fathers), of different sexes, you can make twins, triplets. Choose the funniest photos of children, with some ridiculous pigtails, in a cap, with a cigarette in hand, and so on.

Photos of the “new child” are handed over to each individual father: “News from (name settlement) from Maria Ivanovna "and further comments, for example:" What kind of appetite, Petrovich is all in you! " (photo of a baby with a spoon at the table), “Oh, Petrovich, we need your masculine weighty word in the upbringing of this child immediately. You see how the child has blossomed without you "(photograph of a teenager with a cigarette, beer, etc.)," ​​Petrovich! Special personal congratulations to you! Father is a hero, he has touched so many! " (twins, triplets) and the like, given the nature and habits of their male colleagues.

The choice of a settlement should be based on the following aspects: cities visited on business trips, data from a biography (born, studied - in this case mature children are suitable, as the offspring of the consequences of cheerful student days), cities visited during holidays (and abroad including ).

Lead 1:
It's not a sin to raise glasses for new-born dads. How many defenders and beautiful ladies have been produced!

Lead 2:
Now grow them by loving
Seeing yourself in their face!

The first emptying of the glasses.

Lead 1:
But together with the children, you also acquire the most important new relative - the mother-in-law!

Lead 2:
Happy !!! By the way, our present will be very timely.

Lead 1:
And we present to you discount coupon for the service (the name of the printing house of your city).

Lead 2:
There, with a big discount, you can order a calendar with a snake for 2013 with a photo of your mother-in-law for your mother-in-law.

Lead 1:
And then play the game "find 10 differences" with your father-in-law and with all your guests throughout the year.

Lead 1:
This device acts on the mother-in-law simply magnetically.

Lead 2:
For example, at that happy time when your mother-in-law dug in at your place, you return home podshofe. And in my pocket is a little tool.

Lead 1:
And the mother-in-law meets you: “O light of the sun of my eyes! Blessed be the hour when I see you! Come on, my lord, I made you pancakes! "

Lead 2:
A? Do you feel the difference? That's it, do not part with the device.

Handing over a miraculous device (just a button).

Lead 1:
It's time to show in practice how funny and resourceful you are.

Lead 2:
Real men are invited to the competition (choose 4 men)!

Competitive program.
Required material for the competition: fruit, raincoats, two basins or pots, water, beer, beer snack, cocktail tubes, plates. Competition 1.
Divide men into pairs (choose the same height). Couples of competitors are given an apple, which they must hold with their foreheads, facing each other. And in this position, get to the intended goal (at the other end of the office, put basins of beer on chairs). The fastest pair are the winners. Before the start of the passage with the apple, one of the presenters commands, when everyone is ready - "Ready, attention, march!"

Competition 2.
Now you need to dress the men (contestants) in raincoats. Put fruits (small-sized apples, tangerines, lemons, grapes) into bowls of beer. The task of the competitors: without the help of hands, teeth to get fruit from the basin. That's what raincoats are for, so as not to soak the festive outfit.
While taking out the fruit, the hosts stand with plates in which the caught trophies are laid out, serve napkins to wipe their faces. You need to get the fruits in turn.

Lead 1:
What other team would arrange such a holiday for you, whole pots of beer!

Lead 2:
But that's not all, please get some cocktail tubes, but not yet for the beer. Five minutes (or less, depending on the amount of product offered) are given to extract the snack.

Lead 1:
And an appetizer, for all tastes, showing on the plates: and salty nuts, squid, horse mackerel, crackers with jellied meat and horseradish. Wow!

Lead 2:
Time has gone gentlemen!

When collecting snacks, the straws can be used in two ways: To attract food with air, or according to the principle of Chinese sticks, which must be notified to the competitors, and accordingly give out two straws per person.

The couple who ran faster with an apple in their forehead, pulled fruit from the beer and collected more snacks, they are the winner of the competition (if it is difficult to determine by these criteria, then the couple who did everything with a great sense of humor, with jokes).

The winners are given a 2-liter bottle of beer, the losers - 0.5 liters. They themselves collected a snack for themselves and the basins can also be handed over, of course, with the return of the container.

Or you can pour water into one basin, and a beer basin in another, and report it. Play the right to dive into beer as follows. Put a dummy candy on the bottom of one container (put paper in the wrapper instead of candy), in the other container only candy. You have to eat everything and find a dummy, the lucky ones get a bowl of beer. Instead of sweets, it is permissible to use other products (for example, put one nut or other variations in crackers), the main thing is that the “lucky ticket” should be at the bottom, so that it takes time and effort to find it.

Lead 1:
So, one part of the team took beer to their hearts. And that the rest are not people?

Lead 2:
So let's raise a glass
For the most reliable on this earth,
For our men, without whom
We cannot imagine life!

For men! Raising glasses.

Lead 1:
We continue our entertainment and educational program!

Lead 2:
We have prepared some form of vocal music that combines poetic text with fun music. Simply put, take from us, women, the song "Oh, viburnum is blooming."

Oh, viburnum blooms in the field by the stream
I sing this song for you friends
I love men, to my misfortune
And to Kalina on a date with joy I run

And the man lives - does not know about
Why does the lass think of him

There is no better man in the whole world than you!

And my love is stronger every day
And all the time I'm ready to sing about her
I live without hassle
After all, a man will always come to my aid!

I congratulate you on the holiday from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you light love with me
At the stream, color flies from the viburnum
Better, cooler sex than not with me!

And maiden love is stronger every day.
And not only to sing, I want to scream about her
Let the viburnum bloom in the field by the stream
I love men, you are my best friends!

Lead 1:
What are the songs without dashing dances?

Lead 2:
Yes, but dancing is on your conscience, our defenders.

Lead 1:
The beauty of the graceful movement of the male body in dance cannot be compared with anything!

Lead 2:
And we will slap and stamp you! I personally invite you to dance (call all men).

Organization of entertainment: To the appropriate melody, men must walk a given distance in the rhythm of the dance. In one direction - one dance, in the other direction - another dance. Dances: hopak, lambada, waltz, squatting. In pair types of dance (waltz), if a man lacks a pair, then one of the leaders makes a pair.

Lead 1:
As a rule, it is the prerogative of men to give gifts.

Lead 2:
But today, by right, women present them to you.

Presenting gifts (gifts can be useful for the household or comic).

Lead 1:
Dear men and beautiful ladies, we invite you to join the festive table!

Lead 2:
With a clear conscience, we can freely accept our "share" of alcoholic beverages and have a good snack.


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