Experience (open an online store of children's goods). Ideas for starting your own private business Selling diapers as a business

At one time, the introduction of diapers on the baby hygiene market was one of the greatest breakthroughs. For over 50 years, single-use diapers have made life easier for mums around the world.

The Russian market of disposable baby diapers began to develop only in the mid-90s of the last century, when this type of product became available to a wide mass of consumers, before that diapers were in short supply in our country. Today, not a single modern Russian mother thinks of caring for her baby without diapers.

Disposable baby diapers are consumable(pediatricians advise changing diapers every 3-4 hours), so the demand for them will always be consistently high.

The most active buyers of diapers are parents of children under one year old (75% of all diaper sales). The average duration of the use of diapers by one child is about one and a half years. During this time, parents purchase about 3-4 thousand diapers for about 1.5 thousand dollars.

Some parents only use diapers on walks, while others change them every two hours.

We open an online diaper store

The opening of a stationary store of goods for newborns, according to experts, will cost an average of 1.5-2 thousand dollars per square meter, i.e. a standard boutique of 20 "squares" will require 30-40 thousand dollars of investment. Three thousand dollars are often enough to launch an online store. The procedure for creating an online store is quite simple: creating and promoting a website, registering an individual entrepreneur, opening a bank account, purchasing goods.

The main indicators of a quality store are a good design, a user-friendly interface, a wide range of goods and a reasonable price. However, all these advantages will quickly lose their attractiveness with poorly organized delivery. Today, some online stores organize delivery of an order within three to four hours, and this is their undeniable competitive advantage.

As for the staff of the online store, the number of employees will directly depend on the volume of sales. On the initial stage 2-3 employees will be enough.

What are the best diapers to sell?

The main criterion for choosing diapers is often the feedback from parents and those who have already experienced each of several types through their own experience.

When choosing hygiene products for their baby, many parents prefer products from well-known foreign manufacturers and popular brands. The undisputed leaders in Russian market diapers are considered 3 Western giants: the American Procter & Gamble (Pampers diapers), the American Kimberly-Clark (the Huggies brand) and the Swedish company SCA (the Libero brand).

Recently, they have been competing with Japanese diaper manufacturers Merries, Moony, Goon, Genki, etc. Such diapers are somewhat more expensive, but judging by the rave reviews of many mothers, they differ best quality.

Prosto a lot of people on the Internet are looking for business ideas with minimal investment. How and what profitable small business to open with the least investment? I must say, there are thousands of answers here - much more than it seems to other potential entrepreneurs who are discouraged before the start - and not always this is about frivolous penny and temporary side jobs. To sort out "on the shelves" the simplest types of unskilled cheap at the start of a business and, possibly, send the inventive thought of future startups to start their own business, I tried the site

To assess the market for business activities that do not require thousands of start-up investments, it is worth seeing its structure, "cartography" from a worldview point of view. As you know, the main types of business are, first of all:

  • production and sale of tangible goods;
  • production of objects in which the intangible component is more valuable than the material or the quantity of the latter is close to zero (literature, art, science);
  • sale of services and works

For the last two points, you need (although not always) mainly one type of resource - skill (sometimes: talent), that is, the same qualification, the absence of which is the topic of our article. For the first point - the creation of goods - in the absence of money, the sources of the necessary raw materials (and sometimes energy) can be:

  • free or extremely cheap Natural resources;
  • free or extremely cheap resources of anthropogenic origin (including the personal property of an entrepreneur).

Let's start with an overview of the possibilities with the options for a startup for the production of goods.

What natural resources can you earn in the village

To make the inventive idea move more systematically, we will divide natural resources into groups:

  • Natural air and its movements, solar heat and light- it is difficult to produce anything of them without initial investments (although there are comic options like selling in banks of "Odessa air" - but this is not so much the use of natural resources as intellectual resources). Nevertheless, there is a kind of toys, the effect of which is clearly associated with the air - various kinds of turntables. The materials for their manufacture cost a penny, and the selling value, even for resellers, usually exceeds the cost price many times over (the disadvantage is that the selling value itself is so low that it requires very much mass production, for which it is not easy to distribute alone).
  • Water of natural reservoirs- more suitable for rendering paid services in a suburban area than for the production of goods. Services, however, can be very diverse and almost do not require qualifications and materials: you can contract with summer residents to clean up water bodies from duckweed (cattail, reeds); to water something; for the delivery of small volumes of natural water (say, 50 liters on a trolley over short distances) and, finally, for streamlining the shores of reservoirs. The disadvantage of such activity is its obvious irregularity, support, low profitability. But with increased mobility (own car), the mobile water-purification team is able to “raise” quite serious incomes in the summer cottages of the metropolis in the season, without using absolutely any special equipment.
  • Rocks, soil- belong to individuals or groups, and therefore it is difficult or illegal to use them as free raw materials. Nevertheless, in small limited volumes - for the production of various crafts, toys, ornaments, small pieces of furniture and interior, filling aquariums - a lone entrepreneur can regularly borrow a variety of crushed stone and sand from the natural environment.
  • Natural flora- there are hundreds of business ideas for the village, and they are all there: collection and sale of bouquets, including festive and religious, dry teas (herbal and herbal), the manufacture of floristry products (and generally the use of elements of herbs and trees in art products ), the sale of seeds (drupes, bulbs, myceliums), algae for aquariums, fresh and dry fruits (wild berries, for example) and whole small plants (which, strictly speaking, is also illegal, but "harmless in small doses"), or better , parts of plants that were not separated by you (say, the sale of coniferous branches on New Year is not a crime; all the more, this applies to the art processing of snags). The turnover here can be quite large, and the further south your place of residence (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere), the more regular such a business can be. Well, if you have your own summer cottage, you can also do small agriculture - at least in the form of fodder hay production.
  • Natural fauna- in addition to banal fishing or small marine life for sale, a legal business can be built on the use of shell valves (google) and feathers in art production. If you have your own pets, it usually does not require very large expenses to breed them for sale.

What material resources of anthropogenic origin can you earn?

  • Glass of discarded windows- the cleanest type of garbage in megalopolises - while always isolated from all its other types - are the frames of Soviet wooden double-glazed windows, massively discarded during installation plastic windows... Removing glass from such frames, in multi-storey quarters, you can daily (except, perhaps, days of peak frosts) receive centners of "second-hand" glass. It is suitable both directly for sale at a low price (for greenhouses in villages, for small furniture industries), and for the production of art products. The disadvantage is that the weight and dimensions of raw materials for a lone entrepreneur, especially for an entrepreneur, are enormous.
  • Purchase of ethnographic and antique material values and their subsequent sale- here you cannot do without minimal investment. However, in especially remote villages (and only in them it is worth looking for such things) or from especially elderly owners, sometimes you can pay for an antique item with a service, physical labor, and not money.
  • Removal-removal of something unnecessary- especially relevant in suburban areas. More or less simple dismantling as a separate, unrelated service on a regular basis is in demand at recreation sites and upon completion summer season; and cleaning the territory (the beach, say) - at the beginning of the season, and sometimes regularly during it.
  • Building materials undoubtedly abandoned many years ago- here is the main drawback: the formal owner can be found and brought to justice.
  • Renting out your real estate, equipment- I think it is unnecessary to comment on this type of activity. Of the rare variations, we point out that the owners of small land (summer cottages) plots can rent their territory for tent accommodation and campgrounds (especially in coastal and mountain resort areas), as well as as a guarded parking lot. And the owners of plots along the roads - including along the internal thoroughfares dacha cooperatives- they can hand over a small roadside piece of their territory to entrepreneurs from trade (for trays, kiosks, mini-markets, mini-cafes), services (hairdressing salons, etc.), and also (in very rare cases) for the installation of advertising media.

What unqualified services are easiest to make money on

In addition to the services and works mentioned above - and also without taking into account the self-evident option: personal distribution and sale of various inexpensive or personally manufactured products in transport, across markets, beaches, and so on - one can also mention such a speculative low-profit option as the provision of personal devices and equipment for money (starting with weighing in the street and installing a telescope on the observation deck - and ending with charging mobile phones and cameras for hikers and cyclists in rural areas). Actually, the use of a personal car as an unregistered taxi is also close to this category of activity.

Serious income without investment requires at least minimal advancement in one of the major areas of activity. Actually, the art crafts mentioned above also require qualifications - although often everything is simple and understandable there, experience is acquired very quickly.

They can do even faster profitable business of their "frivolous" skills are masters of the "spoken genre" (toastmaster) and people with a penchant for organizing various mass leisure activities, games and competitions, and even more so, artistically talented and pedagogically experienced citizens - who, unfortunately, very often ignore these own skills as an opportunity to earn money. The organization of holidays is especially in demand in megacities for children (one children's holiday in nature or at home makes it possible to earn 800-2000 hryvnia; calling clowns also gives the latter a little less), as well as during large mass festivities.

As for narrow applied specialization, its options are endless - and if a potential entrepreneur himself does not feel a profitable niche among his own skills and inclinations, it is worth seriously delving into his experience, perhaps even of childhood and adolescence. Maybe I will remember such a "frivolous" skill that will receive serious demand, and this will open a new page in your life.

So, in Soviet times, a considerable number of people of different specialties temporarily retrained as resort photographers (however, in our time this particular type of activity has almost disappeared) or compilers of crosswords and puzzles, which earned much more than in the main specialty.

And in the last decade, for example, many young mothers who studied in completely non-pedagogical areas, after maternity leave, were so "trained" by topics and methods early development babies who began to earn money as organizers of amateur inexpensive events for such groups of babies. And slowly it became an increasingly solid source of income, and then turned into the main profession for many years. In a similar "accidental" way, a considerable number of business makeup artists appeared.

Unobvious high-tech business

And finally, as long as this article is being written for readers of the World Wide Web, it is impossible to get around specific types of Internet business that do not require investment or the qualifications of a programmer or webmaster. If participation in paid online surveys is still difficult to consider as a business itself, then advertising on your blog or blog community - and even more so on a non-blogging site, if there is one - is very profitable these days and promising business for highly visited pages.

A detailed story about the technologies of such earnings and about the technologies directly related to it to increase site traffic is impossible within the framework of a small review article. But readers can find out many tricks and highlights of this type of earnings in the articles of Leonid Krasavtsev:

  • "How ",
  • "How to make money on affiliate programs of online stores",
  • "Websites that will teach you how to make money on the Internet."

If none of the above seemed effective and promising for you personally, we advise you to study more publications in the "" section of the site portal - there are listed and financially described several hundred original ideas of startups that will help create a business.

List of promising business ideas

Seasonal Business Ideas:

Business ideas for production:

Business ideas for animal lovers:

Business ideas for men.

1. I open a children's toy store, I looked for suppliers on the Internet. You can also look in the markets, there are small wholesale shops there (at least in St. Petersburg), but half of them do not have product certificates, and for children's products, you know, this is bad .. you won’t pass any checks, yes, and also the goods confiscated. Therefore, it is better to deal with large wholesale stores, which have good advertising and everything is in order with the documentation. By the way, if there are baby products at home, or at friends, and even in the store you can look at the address and website of the manufacturer on the labels of the goods, but as a rule, from the production, the goods are sold only in large wholesale.
About any promotions.. you can buy a large wholesale of some cheap toys (for example, rattles, if the goods are in the store for small children) and put up an ad: "when buying goods for the Nth amount, a rattle as a gift." Advertisements should be posted as advertisements .. preferably at kindergartens and polyclinics.

2.- the main supplier was the Children's wholesale center www.detoc.ru, after several months of work, they began to give goods with a deferred payment for 30 days. They have the entire range of children's products, certificates, the ability to order through the institute. But the price for individual groups is average and higher, in order to be competitive, other suppliers are still needed. I used inexpensive strollers at another company. The main thing is that everything you need is available in the store. More about the search for suppliers. I do not recommend looking for a supplier and manufacturers of inexpensive goods in the Internet. The best source is "Products and Prices". You need to call all the phones from the desired section.
- staff. I also used to naively believed that if you calculate the bonus% correctly, then the staff will work on their own. Forget it. 1. Official salary at a minimum size of 2-3t.r. 2. The premium in accordance with the turnover - until the break-even threshold is reached - 0%, after - a fixed% of the turnover (you need to estimate it yourself). 3. At the end of each month - first, an audit of the balances, then, based on its results, the calculation of a premium. 4. The owner, with normal turnover, sometimes has to encourage employees in addition to the main bonus, but by all means for something, let it be at least 100 rubles. - the fact itself is important.
- certificates must be for all children's products. It is better to look for normal suppliers with certificates. But there are always options ...
- it is better for sellers to have a medical book.

3. answers to your questions in my experience

1) What are the most popular positions, I would not want to get involved with clothes - I think to sell toys, diapers, all sorts of bottles for newborns, etc., which of all this is the main, so to speak, profit-forming assortment, and what is the accompanying one?

from the product about which it is written - the main and :-) profit-making toys.
everything else accompanying.
Pampers are not profitable - a small trade markup - the price has formed in the market - you may put it higher than others, but it may then freeze.
bottles, like a nipple for a baby from birth, may require from 2 to 4 pieces for the entire time.

And you don't want to deal with clothes for such little ones in vain.
a child from birth to one year grows by about 30 cm and each time he needs to buy new clothes. Further it grows more slowly, but tights socks are required constantly.

level of margin in retail - not a chain store
clothes from 50% usually 70 and above
toys from 100%
diapers - I don’t know I didn’t work profitably, but about 20-30%

Try a childish theme in jewelry and hair accessories.
rubber bands hair clips and so on.
margin of 300% and more.

2) Where is it better to open a department, what is the best place in the visited grocery store, in a department store or in a separate room?
I declare OFFICIALLY - you can't guess.
and depends on advertising, assortment, etc.

3) Do you need any special licenses and permits to trade these goods?
certificates that no one ever looks for toys, bottles and diapers.
all these documents are taken from suppliers.

4. Open up with toys even in December.
the assortment (toys) you have chosen is not seasonal - it is sold all year round.

5.how to increase the profit of an online store, with minimal investment.

Therefore, the first advice for those who want to make their online store successful is not to be lazy, and first find as much information as possible on your own. And only then create topics with questions.

One of the most important metrics is service. It is often even more important than the quality of the product. Provide good service does not require much material costs, but the profit rises many times.
I have watched competitors more than once and saw what huge amounts of money they invest in advertising and promotion. And at the same time, the service is simply at a zero level.

What is good service?

1. Online store design:
The better the easier it is.
A detailed description of each product must be present.
Sections "FAK" and "How to make an order?" are also very important. Visitors should get maximum information about your company already on the site.

2. Support.
Promptly answering questions by mail, icq, etc. It's not so difficult. And questions that remain unanswered for weeks are unlikely to force a customer to order something.
Be sure to call buyers. As practice shows, e-mail may be misspelled, or full, or the user does not know how to use it at all. The call will help to clarify whether everything is correct in the order, and the client will be calm that it has been accepted. (Just don't forget about the time difference with the regions!)

3. Delivery.
Only post delivery times that you can meet. The frames should be clear, not "from 2 days".
Describe all the terms and conditions of delivery in as much detail as possible, so that after reading this section, users will not have more questions.
It is better to visualize some things - for example, delivery areas marked on a map. Not everyone knows what the "From Sadovoe to TTK" zone is.

4. Controversial situations.
Sooner or later, customers will definitely be unhappy with something. Situations are different. But if you understand that by yielding to the client, you will not lose much at all, then it is better to yield.
This can be a defect or replacement of a product, for example.
A dissatisfied customer whose "whims" have been satisfied will become more loyal than any regular customer.

5. Help with any situation.
You should strive to help your clients in every situation. For example, they call you and ask if a product is in stock, and it is out of stock. Take the contact information from the client and be sure to contact him as soon as the item arrives at the warehouse. This will be an unnecessary reminder of you, and the client will remember your store, even if at that moment he no longer needs the product.
From my own experience, I can say that customers love very much when they are called and informed about the arrival of the goods, even if the application was made a month ago. They are pleased with your attention, and as a rule, they make a new order or come to the store (if there is one, of course) a few days after the call.

6. Couriers.
A very difficult point, of course, but still we must try to raise this point to the proper level.
Corporate branded clothing is ideal, but only large companies can afford it, therefore, it is advisable to introduce an elementary dress code: neat clothes, clean hair, etc.
It is also imperative to teach the courier to use the card. Under no circumstances should you call the client to explain how to get to him. Be nice and smile
How to get the courier to be polite? Encourage for everyone positive feedback from the client.

7. Attention.
Send all customers postcards for New Years, March 8, etc. Just do it separately from everything, i.e. it should be just a postcard with congratulations, without any promotions and price lists.

8. Don't delay.
Start today and now work to improve the service in your online store. This information will only be useful if you use it, not just read it.

6. Anyone involved in entrepreneurial activity, must register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. face. No discussion. No loopholes. You can "try" to trade without registration solely at your own peril and risk, knowing that you are breaking the law.

There is another option: find a valid individual entrepreneur or legal entity. a person who would agree to take part in your experiment. I warn you:
1. This is expensive, because people will have to pay some taxes, accountants will have to bother with a new type of activity ...
2. This is risky because if successful, your business may remain with the mercenary
3. This is wrong, because you will not be able to single-handedly manage your business

Registration of an individual entrepreneur costs 500 rubles.

7.In my opinion, one should use the "Long Tail" theory ("Long tail" - the term appeared due to the graph of the demand for goods in certain niches. On the left are the top-ranked ones, which are popular, and then in decreasing order. Large companies they are engaged in precisely top positions, chopping off the tail from a certain stage (for example, less than 1000 purchases per month). But the volume of the "tail" in monetary terms is not less than that of the top, although the assortment is incomparably larger. For example, the top 10 positions in terms of sales can be equal to hundreds of subsequent ones, for hypermarkets they are of little interest (warehouses, logistics, etc.), and the further the "tail" is, the fewer requests for goods. BUT THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY ARE NOT!) . There are many goods that are not massive, and are not sold everywhere, but at the same time there is a demand for them.
In order not to be unfounded, I will give an example:
The famous monument of Russian literature "The Tale of Zosima and Savvaty" In 1986, the book was published based on it analytical work, and a full facsimile. The circulation was only 2,000 copies, and for historians and philologists this is a very popular thing.
In Runet, no matter how much you look, all the same, only I have it.
If you need this book, will you have any questions about the service?

8. You have overcome only part of the problem, you have created an Internet store!
Now the question arises: “How to tell the whole world about the existence of your online store ?! That's right, you need website promotion and optimization in popular search engines ah such as "Google, Yandex, Rambler".
This is one of the most difficult and expensive operations, which you yourself cannot always do without knowledge of SEO, SEM. To do this, I recommend that you find good and professional SEOs.
Do not spare money on advertising, especially on advertising on the Internet.

9. Already wrote somewhere, it is ideal to give an accessory with the logo / phone / website of the company, business cards, packages. The latter are also an element of offline advertising.

10. The city of a million, which is good, the Internet is just beginning to be massive, as, for example, in Moscow about 7 years ago. Tariffs are becoming more affordable, providers are multiplying. Now I think the most is to start a business based on the Internet.
Many of us know how mothers are attached to their children, how tired they are, and how they would like to share their concerns with others. Actually, the idea itself is an online diaper store. So far, only diapers. Mothers go to the site, call the operator and they are brought diapers within 12 hours (if the order is in the morning, they bring it in the second half, if in the evening - on the first the next day). I buy diapers (already on ready-made orders) from wholesalers and take them to mothers.
By competitors: I found a couple of Internet stores of children's goods in the city, but I had to make a lot of efforts to find them in Yandex. In general, I do not see that there is a lot of competition here.
Next is a sketch of a business plan. I must say right away that I have not yet communicated with wholesalers, I casually found out the prices for the creation and promotion of the site. Hence the inaccurate prices.

One-time costs:
1. Creating a store - 30tyr
2. Registration of a legal entity - 5tyr
Total 35tyr

Fixed costs, based on 10 sales of 1000 rubles per day:
1. Advertising / promotion. I myself am an advertiser, but unfortunately not in the Internet direction. I think either to use the advertising budget for optimization, or to be more creative: go to maternity hospitals, dairy kitchens, sit on mothers' forums, etc. So far I took the budget 5tyr.
2. Transport. I expect to travel no more than 100 km / day, this, taking into account depreciation, is 500 rubles per day or 15 thousand rubles per month.
3. Phone 1000 rubles per month.
4. Product. I expect to take from wholesalers every day, i.e. do not keep a warehouse (although I have one). This will allow not to invest in goods and expand the range. But the question is whether wholesalers will ship goods to me for 5tyr? I'll go to PN and find out. Costs 0 rub.
5. Operator's salary. There is a brother's wife, sits at home with a child, does not work, I think the first months will work on enthusiasm, especially since the work is not dusty. She will chat with mothers for life, which of course has clients. Costs 0 rubles.
6. Courier's salary - at first I will go. This is also a plus, it will be easier to "feel" the business. Costs 0 rubles.
Total 21tyr.

Income, based on 10 sales of 1000 rubles per day:
1. Delivery. 100 rubles for delivery. 100 * 10 * 30 = 30tyr per month.
2. The margin on the product. I expect to make a 10% markup from wholesalers, taking into account the delivery cost, the final markup will be 20%, I think this is a quite competitive markup on the market. Prices will be the same as in retail stores... Total income 100 * 10 * 30 = 30tyr.
Total 60tyr.

So the difference between fixed costs and incomes 39tyr. Of course, this is a ridiculous income, but this project will allow me to gain experience in both business and internet business.

11.39 sput is a very, very good income. For your case, this is practically a ceiling that can be achieved in several years of work!
10 orders per day is an excellent indicator. In order to consistently recruit at least ten buyers every day, you need to have attendance of at least one thousand to one and a half thousand people / day. It is not so easy to spin up for 5 sput, if this is a budget for all the time, then it is very small.
Second, there is Buffett's excellent rule. Literally it sounds like this: "Do not poke your nose into a business that you do not understand." That is, if you are interested in this topic, you should study it thoroughly. Mainly the technical side and everything that is somehow connected with the Internet. Do not forget, the site needs not only to be created, but also to constantly accompany it. Six months ago, I already had a sufficient amount of free money (over 100 sput), many of which I planned to spend on the development and technical support of the project (since I am not a programmer myself). Subsequently, I realized that, in principle, you can master everything yourself with sufficient perseverance. I studied the literature on PHP, html, etc. Now I have a local experience (through Denver on my computer) of the future store, the ordering and payment system has been worked out, and many other subtleties. I would hardly have understood anything in these matters if I had entrusted them to someone else, and at the same time would have spent tens of thousands of rubles of the valuable budget.

12. I can assume that you decided to start this type of business because you recently had a child, because I got a similar idea when the baby was two months old.
We used different types disposable diapers and concluded that Japanese disposable diapers are the best. In our children's stores they cost about 1300 re for a large pack! At the same time in Novosibirsk wholesalers sell them for 690 re. Just imagine! How can you not want to make money on diapers! True, Novosib is far from us - I figured that the delivery of one pack would be about 60-70 rubles.

13, if you work with cash, you must purchase, register and use a cash register, and, of course, give customers checks

14. When calculating 10 sales per day, you yourself will not deliver them))) Well, you can’t drive back and forth all day — from the client to the wholesalers and back to the customers!
try to lure into work time travel around the city, returning each time to the same place-like a warehouse.
Many who start make the mistake of trying to dilute the goods on their own. "Doing everything personally" is good when there are few orders and a small assortment that can be poured into the trunk and, moreover, it is already in stock.
Registration of LLC is not 5 thousand. and at least 15 thousand without taking into account the legal address
Plus, you have not taken into account the cash desk and related expenses

15) Read the Toy Trading Rule first. what documents are needed, where the goods should be stored, etc. etc. if you want to study officially, then you need to know and have everything Required documents

16.1. Toys are selling well on the Internet, the market is decent
2. From the point of view of website promotion, the competition is average. If you are going to open it, write in a personal message - I will roughly calculate the main requests for you
3. Toy sales are highly dependent on the quality of photos and texts. Aronskaya works very well for the texts for children's toys (though a little expensive). Photographs - subject photographers are now relatively affordable

17. There are tons of ready-made photographs on the Internet.
If we ignore the fact that the use of ready-made images is not entirely kosher from the point of view of morality and law (the Runet as a whole has not yet matured before this), then there remain questions of the uniqueness of the image for search engines and users. A high-quality photo is an element of usability, oddly enough.

Indeed, in fact, toys also come from certain companies, have their own "popular" names.
Quite rarely, when searching for a toy, users add the manufacturer to the request and almost never - the name of the toy.
Quote (Skazo4ka @ 11/18/2009, 10:42 PM)

So hiring a super photographer is superfluous at first.

And on the second, too. Toys are not watches or alcohol, a superphotographer is not needed here. You need someone with a DSLR, a tripod, basic studio lighting, and a little skill in product photography and image processing. There are a lot of them now and they are inexpensive - for 50 ... 100 dollars, a detailed review and replenishment of the portfolio can be found a normal young photographer.

18.I'll tell you honestly, the competition is very strong, so set a budget of 20,000-50,000 rubles per month for advertising needs, and perhaps in 2-3 months your store will become self-sufficient.
19. The competition is great. There are a lot of THEM toys or THEM clothes. But there are very few THEM toys, clothes, diapers and other goods. It is desirable that the assortment is large. And prices to be cheaper than in stores. In general, you need to look for goods to be of high quality, beautiful, and affordable. Plus, it's good advertising to start with. Then word of mouth will turn on and advertising costs can be reduced.

20. It depends on what kind of cooperation scheme you will have with suppliers. Will you buy clothes from a supplier after you receive an order for it from a client, or will you make a purchase beforehand without knowing whether they will buy it from you or that ....

21.A ... the competitors are there to analyze what prices the competitors have.
Then analyze all sorts of attendance, advertising budgets competitors ... etc. etc.

These are all sorts of hostings, engines ... it's all nonsense ... It's all simple ... Even all these individual entrepreneurs, KKMs ... It's also not difficult ...
The main thing to worry about is the suppliers and marketing analysis and then advertising ...

22. Then maybe you can try this: _http: //vamshop.ru/product_info.php/info/p4_Arenda-internet-magazina-VaM-Shop.html

For 600 rubles. you will be given hosting per month, the engine will be installed and configured. Save time. Sorry, I can't think of anything smarter ... Everything else will take a little time to learn to understand everything.

23. well, it's kind of accepted ... in the sense pay taxes

and if not entirely legal, but still ... registration of an individual entrepreneur does not require large expenses - 1000-2000 rubles through the company. if you bother yourself, then 400 rubles is like a duty ..
taxation - 6% of the turnover. The turnover is confirmed by cash register. if you don’t beat checks, then you don’t have any turnover. Pay only in pension (300 rubles per month, if memory serves). If they press with a test purchase, which at first, IMHO, is from the realm of fantasy, then the fine for not using cash register for individuals (and an individual entrepreneur is an individual) is about 2,000 rubles - by God, spend more on official taxes)

but if anything, I didn't tell you anything

24. test purchase- a buyer comes, and preferably 3 (controller + 2 witnesses), buy a four-string. They look after the correctness of the purchase - so as not to weigh, not cheat, issued a check ... well, maybe something else ... if there are violations, an act is drawn up and further proceedings take place

25. Before sell baby clothes and toys necessary have a certificate and a free economic zone, without the formation of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, no one will give them to you. it should be the same a room that meets sanitary standards for storing things.
children's clothes are not seeds, they will ask for it and will not seem a little. Make everything official, do all the paperwork and sleep well. if you trade in your own circle, then after advertising in your city, wait for guests from all structures that you are interested in.

Well, with SES, you are approximately right (for any retail space you need permission from SES, by the way, we have been doing it for a long time for money, but you can do it yourself. Not a problem) Or are you in a different sense about SES ??? Make it clear.
And what kind of "certificate you need to have"? Doesn't the manufacturer give a certificate for his product?
Or are you talking about a certificate for customs, if the goods are imported from abroad ??
In short, I still don't understand the problem .... What is the difficulty ???

In modern realities, the production of diapers looks very attractive as a business. We will list the main benefits of this area, as well as indicate the feedback from experienced entrepreneurs on this matter.

With the right approach, you can take profitable niche on the market of children's goods and within a few years to receive substantial income even from one workshop. And although the prospects are quite bright, you still need to prepare for large investments, high requirements for product quality and some marketing difficulties.

Business relevance

Every year the birth rate in our country is gradually increasing. Accordingly, the need of young parents for such a product as a high-quality diaper for children is also increasing. And with all the disputes about their benefits and harms, the demand for this product remains very high and this is unlikely to change in the near future.

The difficulty for the aspiring entrepreneur is that the main group of consumers of baby diapers habitually purchases well-known foreign products of famous brands. The top three are Huggies, Pampers, Libero. Although some Japanese and other brands are also becoming very common.

Therefore, it will be quite difficult to break through among the successful competitors that the whole world is talking about. We'll have to invest not only in equipment and high-quality raw materials, but also in good advertising campaign to conquer your niche in the market.

The entire assortment of goods is divided by price category:

  1. Premium class.
  2. Average.
  3. Cheap products available to most buyers.

Also, in the production of diapers, you need to take into account the need for children in different size lines. To do this, they propose to focus on the main categories:

  • 2-5 kg ​​- for newborns;
  • 5-10 kg - under the age of one year;
  • 10-18 kg - a little older, etc.

The most popular are small sizes for babies under one year old. How older child, the less chances that parents will buy diapers for him, because children at this age are already accustomed to personal hygiene, toilet and are able to control natural urges.

If we talk about the division of goods into subspecies, then it is also worth remembering about:

  1. Panty diapers - which are easy to put on on the child, they are less restricting his movements.
  2. Velcro products are more standard and familiar options for the little ones.

Each of the groups differs in cost, level of demand in one or another locality etc. Therefore, before thinking over the main assortment of goods of your own brand, you need to carefully study the market.

In favor of the prospects of this direction, it should be noted that there is practically no competition among domestic manufacturers in this regard. Almost all products are supplied from abroad. Therefore, with the successful promotion of your own product line, you can significantly establish yourself in the Russian market and oust the foreign supplier. This is especially important in modern political conditions.

Where to begin?

Insofar as this direction requires large start-up investments and implies a difficult and lengthy struggle with well-known competitors, it is better to carefully prepare in advance. Attention should be paid to the following points:

  • Analyze the market and study competitive product, demand and needs of buyers.
  • It would be useful to talk with the owners of children's shops and supermarkets about how they can sell your products and whether they are willing to cooperate with a local diaper manufacturer.
  • Draw up a business plan, which indicates all the estimated costs and revenues, in order to assess the profitability and prospects of the project, the speed of its recoupment and possible development strategies. If not necessary knowledge, it is better to use the advice of experienced professionals.
  • Find suppliers of quality raw materials. Mostly this is done abroad, since our country does not have the necessary material. Estimate the price of bulk purchases, customs duties and transportation costs.
  • Special attention should be paid to the search for highly qualified specialists in this segment of production. Indeed, at an enterprise, even with an installed automated line, there must necessarily be a technologist who understands all the intricacies of creating diapers, their compliance with GOSTs and is able to establish the operation of equipment.
  • Think over your brand, name, logo. Over time, regular customers will begin to recognize him, so take the trouble to work through this nuance in great detail in advance.

Only after evaluating all the costs, difficulties and your own strengths you can make a decision to take up this business. If we ignore the preparatory stage, then the risks of loss of invested funds increase.

Quality requirements

Making baby products is not easy. After all, special requirements are imposed on them. Parents expect diapers to be:

  1. Absorbs moisture well and quickly.
  2. Leave baby's skin dry throughout the day.
  3. Do not cause allergic reactions.
  4. To keep the unpleasant smell inside.
  5. Maintain shape.
  6. Provide ease of dressing.
  7. And the Velcro fasteners do not lose their quality even after repeated use.

Controllers government agencies even more requirements:

  • The packaging should not allow moisture to pass through and maintain the quality of the product for a long period.
  • The used fragrances and fillers do not have an overly pungent odor.
  • The formaldehyde level does not exceed 0.1 mg / l.
  • The water extract is also checked in production. Its toxicity should be in the range of 70-120.
  • The following characteristics are also evaluated: the rate of absorption of natural liquid is 270 g, the absorption time is no more than 3 seconds, and the level of moisture yield is 14 g.

To produce competitive products on the baby diaper market, one should also be guided by the criteria set by other manufacturers:

  1. Come up with original packaging, design, and a recognizable logo.
  2. Use only quality raw materials for manufacturing.
  3. Use fragrances that can eliminate unpleasant natural odors, but should not cause your child to be allergic.
  4. Add some special features to the product - filling sensors, leakage warning, etc.
  5. Create a beautiful and interesting color scheme for products, you can separately focus on boys and girls, using the appropriate palette of colors.

Today, the diaper business offers products for different gender categories. This is also important as there are certain differences in what different babies need. So:

  • In girls, the diaper gets wet over the entire surface. For boys, most of it is only in the front.
  • In models for babies, a looser cut is created so as not to squeeze the genitals.
  • It is also advisable to install fasteners in different parts. For girls, this can be done just below.

Required documents

First, register your company as legal entity, that is, OOO. This form of business will be an advantage in the bulk purchases of raw materials, in the sale of large consignments of goods, and will also provide an opportunity to use a loan for business development from banking institutions.

When submitting an application, you must indicate the code of the main activity - 17.22 "Production of paper products for sanitary and hygienic purposes". Choose a more convenient taxation system - STS. At the same time, try to calculate in advance which of the taxes is cheaper to pay - 6% of the total income received or 15% of the net profit. More often the second option turns out to be more profitable.

Since this segment of production belongs to hygiene products for children, the control over the products is strict and thorough. Therefore, at all stages, you will have to cooperate with the sanitary and epidemiological station. To avoid any difficulties and problems, it is better to familiarize yourself with the documents in advance, which indicate all the standards for the production of diapers - GOST 52557-2011.

The first trial batch of goods is sent for examination, after which the SES issues a certificate confirming the quality and safety of the products. Only in the presence of such a document, it is possible to make the sale of baby diapers on the territory of our country. You will also have to bring the workshop premises in accordance with the requirements of the fire inspectorate and obtain permission from them to conduct activities.


Less start-up capital for organizing a business, it will be required if you own your own building. But most often you have to rent one. In order to save money, choose it far from the central part of the city, anywhere in industrial areas. But at the same time, make sure that an easy access for large vehicles is ensured.

The production area is 150-200 sq. m. Separately, you need to allocate part of the building for storage finished products and utility rooms for staff (bathroom, cloakroom, administration, etc.). Be sure to monitor the availability of communications - ventilation, water, electricity of the required power for the smooth operation of equipment.

Selection and installation of equipment

The most expensive part will be the acquisition of the necessary devices for work. There are fully or partially automated lines, as well as those that require human participation. It is advisable to choose the first or second option, then the cost of wages will become much less, and it will also be easier to control the quality of the diapers produced.

Pay attention to the production capacity. Depending on the models of equipment, it can range from 150 to 1000 items per minute. This indicator significantly affects the overall turnover of the company and its capabilities. It is likely that for a newbie in business, it is enough to first try their hand at simpler equipment, and only at a certain level of development can one switch to higher power.

The main line for the production of diapers consists of the following elements:

  1. Main unit.
  2. Shredder of cotton wool or other filler.
  3. Installation for applying adhesive.
  4. Transporter.
  5. Forming equipment.
  6. Packing machine.

It is believed that European or Japanese manufacturers are able to offer even more expensive equipment, but it is of better quality, high power and long term service. It is undesirable to purchase Korean or Chinese models, as they will often fail and deteriorate the quality of products. In order to save money, you can stop at used devices, but in good condition.

Raw material base

The quality of the final product largely depends on what material is used to make it. The diaper consists of the following layers:

  • Upper - where a thermobond or spunbond is taken as a basis, this part is in direct contact with the child's skin, so it should be as hypoallergenic as possible.
  • Inner (middle) - is a filler made of cellulose and various gelling components, ensures full absorption of liquids and their retention inside the diaper.
  • Bottom - more often it is a regular plastic wrap or laminated material that prevents the product from leaking.

Premium manufacturers are still trying to add an extra layer to distribute the liquid more evenly over the surface. Also, various lotions for baby's skin care, fragrances to create a pleasant scent and other impregnations are often used.

Technological process

For the most part, an automated line is used for the production of diapers, where a person is given only a controlling role. Nevertheless, it is advisable for the business owner to know what stages the product goes through before it is packaged:

  1. The cellulose is crushed and compressed.
  2. Gelling agents are added to it in the required amount.
  3. Re-pressing ensures the fineness and uniformity of the inner layer.
  4. Blanks of a certain size are created.
  5. All materials are glued together into one product.
  6. Elastic band and Velcro are formed and attached in the right place.
  7. Finished diapers are neatly packed in bags.


Even in automated production, employees are needed to ensure the smooth operation of equipment and other functions. The staff should hire:

  • a technologist with experience in this area;
  • dispatchers or adjusters to control equipment;
  • mechanics for maintaining devices in working order and making repairs;
  • handymen for packing and loading goods;
  • accountant;
  • designer;
  • sales manager;
  • storekeeper;
  • driver;
  • cleaning lady.

Make sure that each of them has a health book. And for the employees to perform work requiring special qualifications (technologist, accountant, manager) - documents confirming their professionalism and experience.

Sales of products

It is not enough just to establish active production of goods. For the business to start making a profit, you will need to invest a lot of money and effort in an advertising campaign, as well as to search for wholesale regular customers. For this, a sales manager is usually hired, but there are a few things you can do yourself:

  1. Take advantage of advertisements on television, in newspapers and magazines, and on the radio.
  2. Make contacts with the owners of supermarkets, pharmacies and specialty children's stores.
  3. Set prices at an average level, as it makes no sense to underestimate the cost too much. This will not instill confidence in buyers and will not generate profits.
  4. Post product information on forums and social networks.
  5. Apply advertising on all information sites available in the city.
  6. Create your website or online store.
  7. A good idea will be the action to provide trial free products in maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics.

Expansion of activities

Even at the preparatory stage, it is advisable to foresee in which direction to move on. After it has been possible to establish the production and marketing of the main products, it is possible to expand the range of goods provided. Thus, you provide your business with multiple sources of income and maximize production capacity. This will help you quickly recoup your investment and get a solid profit.

Try to launch the following product groups:

  • Diapers for adults, disabled people - is in less demand, but has the highest cost among hygiene products, this market is only partially filled.
  • Disposable diapers are also in demand when caring for a child, sick people, and even in veterinary medicine.
  • Women's pads - they are constantly bought and the demand for the product does not decrease, but only increases, but there is also high competition here.
  • Reusable diapers - other materials and technologies are used in their production, but the products are in high demand on the market.

You can also offer home delivery, which will be especially appreciated by young mothers who find it difficult to leave their child and make purchases. For regular customers you can make lucrative offers in the form of discounts, discount cards, etc.

Financial part

The most exciting and essential issue in the organization of any business is the calculation of costs and payback periods. Let's write down the average figures, since the exact numbers will depend on the region, the selected production line, its capacity, the number of employees hired and other factors.

But to ensure the continuous operation of the workshop, other costs must also be taken into account.

If you want to build a separate building of your own for production, as well as purchase more powerful equipment, then the costs will be much higher. But the most important point is still the sale and sale of goods. This is the only way to get the expected profit.

Get ready for the fact that due to the habit of buying well-known and tested diapers, as well as due to distrust of the new manufacturer, your products will not be purchased from the very first days in the desired volumes. Nevertheless, experts say that over time, you can reach good indicators of monthly income. Even with slow business development, the initial investment will pay off in five years.

Video: production of diapers.


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