Resume about the achievements of the applicant. Writing a resume: examples of professional achievements. Tell us about your personality traits

Should you indicate achievements that are not related to professional activity?

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Victories are not easy! But how to bypass rivals and get a position for which hundreds of worthy competitors are ready to fight? A serious argument is needed here - why exactly you. Do not give up, even if the competence of your rivals exceeds your personal achievements.

The main weapon in this battle is. Make it up in such a way as to arouse an acute desire about the employer to meet with you. A particularly important aspect is to correctly indicate professional achievements in the resume, highlighting your strengths and.

What achievements to write about

To begin with, you need to be able to separate your personal qualities from your professional ones. Do not mix them under any circumstances. Understanding this issue is quite simple. List yours, which, as you think, are in demand in the desired field of activity. If in another area they are completely unnecessary - professional skills, otherwise - personal.

Often does not focus on personal achievements. Stop only at those that are adequate to the position and can contribute to the work.

Communicate to the employer your professional achievements: significant results and knowledge related to work, with an emphasis on:

  • Embodied projects,
  • improvement of financial performance,
  • goals achieved,
  • results that have surpassed your past victories or those of your colleagues.

How to Deliciously Present Professional Achievements

Everything matters when writing a resume. Even seemingly little things can affect the course of events.

The most common mistakes

You will get bypassed and never get a job if your resume is:

  • Vague... Avoid general phrases: securing, promoting, introducing. One gets the impression that you wanted to do this, but did not have time because of your dismissal. It is doubtful whether you understand, in general, what is at stake.
  • Verbose... The statements: “helped to avoid mistakes”, “led the team”, “conducted training”, “quickly completed tasks” will not give results.
  • Negative... Bypass negative information: "analyzed complaints about:", "controlled the decline in the percentage of sales", "moved from the position:".
  • Contain passive forms... We rephrase the formulations “was responsible for implementation”, “found application” into “implemented”, “effectively used”. The expression "held an administrative position" should be replaced by the word "supervised". Instead of “worked there for five years,” write “got a promotion”, and rewrite the term “did extra work” as “always did the job on time”.

How to write everything correctly?

Use the language of business.

Assumes business conversation... It is based on numbers and calculations. Whatever topic is covered: corporate values, clients, working conditions of staff, financial issues are always highlighted.

Presenting your achievements in the language of business is the key to success and an indicator of communication. A resume is an effective method for expressing your abilities in the language of numbers.

Add specifics.

Result orientation and achievement of the set goal is the main component that influences the outcome of the selection of the best applicant for the position! However, not all successes will be credited to the candidate. The effect on the employer will only have the result that will be:

  • Be important to the job seeker and recruiter.
  • Measured in quantitative terms.
  • Have a time frame.

To summarize, it should be noted that your achievements should be:

Examples of writing responsibilities and work achievements

Your resume can be described as follows:

  • Transition of the capital investment service to a new settlement system. Introduced a new accounting program and trained 30 employees to work with it in 2 months.
  • Increase in the supply of raw materials in 2016 - by 40%, in 2015 - by 20%;
  • During the period from June 2016 to February 2017, he developed 56 new projects, which the company has successfully implemented.
  • In the 1st half of 2016, he organized the work of the furniture production workshop, which led to the fulfillment of 80% of the plan, instead of the planned - 20%.
  • Saved the company 15,000 USD by developing rationalization proposal to improve equipment.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

If your ex-company is prohibited from disclosing commercial information, it will be enough to indicate the number in percentage terms or limit yourself to the expression “several times”.

Rules for describing the main achievements

Keep the style

When it comes to previous work it is appropriate to use the verbs of the past tense: erected, designed. One should talk about the present place of work using the present tense of the verbs: build, design. Give your phrases a finished form.

When submitting a resume for leadership position state your key skills in the language of the leader. For example: Influenced, Activated, Directed, Proved, Instructed, Initiated, Justified.

Balance of results

Balance is the key effective work... This indicator is characterized by the rational use of resources and the development of team capabilities.


  • Set a limit on payment of bills;
  • eliminated unnecessary water consumption costs;
  • improved the mechanism for the distribution of equipment repair costs.

Tie personal accomplishments to your place of work

Describe your recent responsibilities and achievements in your resume. Outdated information has long lost its relevance. And if in your life you have changed from a dozen employers, then only information on achievements from the last 2-3 posts should be indicated.

Provide relevant information

Sometimes, the achievements indicated by the applicant do not correspond to the level of the position. For example, a candidate marks out the position of the head of a department, and mentions the achievements of the master. Or vice versa. The applicant wants to get a programmer position, but describes the achievements in the resume of the highest management level in the business area where he once worked.

So, remember: applying for a job in a managerial staff - indicate the success of the manager's level, if you want to work as a line specialist - meet these assessment criteria. Forget what you have been doing before and compose a resume according to the requirements of the future job.

If there are no achievements

Do you think that you have no labor achievements? You just need to think. Of course, not everyone can have special merits and deeds, but if they wish, they can fill a small list. Success is different for everyone. And how many people, so many opinions.

The job of a janitor, for example, does not require achievement. The same can be said for the professions of a loader, handyman, cashier, employee of a fast food restaurant, driver, etc.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Achievements can be omitted if your position is on the list of unskilled labor - they are simply unnecessary there.

Or maybe you just underestimate yourself? Then use the criterion: you brought the business you started to its logical conclusion, and everyone became better. Apply this method.

In which section to place

Standard scripts used on working portals do not have a special column "achievements".

For example, on the largest recruiting site HeadHunter in the "work experience" section, you need to write your key skills in the "responsibilities, functions, achievements" field in the resume. Sample - see below.

Using verbs in a graph

According to statistics, the correct use of the verbs in the section will bring the desired result. Each type of activity has its own set of words:

Administration and management
Public Relations and Creativity
Financial management
Social help and nursing

Office service
Research and analysis
Sales and Marketing

Business partners sometimes take an interest in each other's accomplishments. Anyone who has acted purposefully at his workplace at least once will always have something to say. The main thing is to understand what an achievement is. Here we will answer a number of questions that a specialist most often encounters. What are significant achievements? How to define and formulate major, main, highest or outstanding achievements? Personal and professional achievements - what to write on your resume? What achievements are better to indicate? We answer in order.

You can tell about the goals of your professional activity? Hope you can - everyone site materials help you. Goals indicate what results a person wants to achieve. This is information about the future. Achievement question implies a story about what results have been achieved. This is information about the past, accomplished, already achieved by the present moment. If you have set clear before yourself at least once, clear goals and at least once they have been successfully achieved, getting the result that was originally planned, then you know the main thing. In general, an achievement is a previously planned and successfully achieved result.

There is a lot in common between goals at work and achievements at work. The essential difference is time. Targets reflect the numbers and facts that need to be obtained over a certain period (or by a certain date), and are usually announced in the future. Achievements reflect figures and facts that were obtained by a specialist in a certain period of his activity, and are declared, as a rule, in the past tense. The principles for formulating goals and achievements messages are very similar. Want an example? Here are two sentences as an example. Assignment: try not to guess where the planned result is declared, and where the result is.

  • by the third quarter of the current (2006) year, develop a system of technical notification of concentration in the air ... above the maximum permissible standards;
  • in the second quarter of the current (2006) year, a technical warning system was developed about the concentration in the air ... above the maximum permissible standards.

Did you finish the task? No? Fine. You are probably very knowledgeable about how to correctly formulate information about the achieved result. And now let's note the main thing.

When a question about achievements comes up in your resume or interview, it means that you are being asked to talk about the results that you received in your work in a certain period of time. For example, in the previous workplace or in the previous position, in the course of work on a certain topic or as a result of solving certain problems and tasks - depending on which specific period is being asked. Sometimes, in the question of achievements, such a period is not explicitly indicated. This means that the requested period is your entire work activity.

Preparing a preliminary list of achievements

To understand what achievements you have today, you can do a simple thing. Take a list of previous goals that you set for yourself during the requested periods of professional activity. Select the achieved ones from them. Rewrite their wording in the past tense. The first part of the material is ready.

Now remember, have you ever happened on the way to a planned result to receive results that were unplanned, but unexpectedly important, that are of significant importance to someone or something? - for whom or what exactly is still indifferent. Happened? Then write them down too. The second part of the material is ready.

In fact, you have got a list of the results obtained in different periods of your professional activity. Why are such lists announced? Your his business partner interested in what you might find useful for him, the organization, target groups. What kind of internal wealth and active resources you own. It is the active ones who have already allowed you to achieve certain results. Passive resources - which "theoretically" seem to exist, but are not actually used - are not always of interest to real business partners. Why?

From what you own, for example, some knowledge and skills, to your colleagues, clients, etc. neither hot nor cold. You do, and great. Your knowledge and skills become interesting when you can achieve the desired result with their help. Then you demonstrate the availability, quality and usefulness of your resource - a resource that really is, that you are happy to use and that is constantly being honed in experience. Then we are talking about special knowledge and key skills that allowed you to get what you are talking about. Achievement information says much more than it might seem at first glance.

By having a list of your accomplishments and talking about them on your resume or in an interview, you are informing an actual or potential business partner of two things. About what results you were able to achieve yourself or helped others achieve (what hopes can be pinned on you, in what you can be especially useful). About how activeresources (abilities, capabilities, knowledge, skills) you have in order to achieve similar or different needed by the company results.

Choosing significant

So, we have compiled a preliminary list of the results of professional activity. Now we will look for real achievements among them. Ready?..

What is and what are the significant achievements? People assess the significance of this or that result in their work in different ways. Therefore, each specialist independently decides which of them is worth talking about. However, there are two things to keep in mind when talking about achievement.

1) ... This should be the result which turned out to be useful to someone - important, necessary, having a certain meaning for a specific person, group of people or the company as a whole.

Depending on who exactly the result of the work you are talking about brought more benefit (turned out to be more important), it can be attributed to one of two categories:

  • personal achievement;
  • professional achievement.

2. Results that may, but have not yet benefited other people. Even if we are talking about a unique discovery, knowledge, invention or creation of something that gives you a sense of professional pride and is potentially of great importance to others, but has not yet been claimed by them, has not yet brought them any concrete benefit, such a result at the moment time should be called personal achievement in professional activity. Remember that the question about achievement refers to what has already been received. It is important here not to fall into illusions, but to objectively assess what you really have at your disposal today. In this case, today you have something that can help someone tomorrow. Key phrases: "you have" and "can help someone." Despite the fact that such work results are classified as personal achievements, they can be an important competitive advantage for your potential partners.

We will be glad to see information about your professional achievements in the comments.

Reassessing values, or taking into account the achievements in your life

From time to time it is helpful to ask yourself the question: what have I achieved? This is not an idle question, as it helps to comprehend what has already been done and what has yet to be done. If there are not as many achievements as we would like, this may serve as an excuse to start changing something in life.

Important achievements in life can be divided into two conditional categories: public and personal.

Social achievements are something that is valued in society, speaks of a person's success (a gold medal at school, a diploma from a prestigious university, a status position, material well-being).

Personal achievements are those deeds for which we respect ourselves.

A very, very controversial question, which is more important - public recognition or personal satisfaction from your life. Both are important.

Achievements visible to everyone

Remember the Soviet comedy film, which has become a classic, and the phrase from this film, which went to the people: "an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty"? There are achievements by which we are judged in society. These criteria for success include education, career, social status of a person. It so happened that we live in a society and play by the rules that society dictates to us.

Education is an important achievement in life. But there is one "but": the education received can be considered an achievement, provided that the person studied independently (and did not buy sessions and exams) and, as a result, acquired a profession that will bring him income in the future. If a diploma is needed "just so that it was", then this is a dubious achievement.

Another important achievement in life is the success of a person in professionally... If a person is engaged in what he loves, which brings him not only income, but also a feeling of satisfaction - this, of course, is a criterion of success.

Social status is a rather ephemeral concept and one can argue for a long time on the topic that in our society everyone is equal, but in real life all wrong. If a person is respected in the professional community, has a good reputation in his social circle - this is also definite achievement in life.

A dangerous, dead-end path is to consider your material well-being as your important achievement in life. There will always be someone who is richer than you, which means your own material goods will no longer be so happy. And at the same time, it is probably not quite the right step to ignore material success.

Personal achievement counter

With personal achievements, everything is easier and more difficult at the same time. Here everyone determines for himself what is important to him. The result is a personal scale of values, and what is important to you will not necessarily be a priority for others.

To create a harmonious family - someone quite rightly considers this to be an important achievement in life. And for someone an important achievement in life is to learn how to cook Spanish cuisine, visit Kilimanjaro or lose 20 kilograms.

We are all different, and someone considers the purchase of an expensive car to be an important achievement, and someone - their spiritual self-development.

For successful person an obligatory personal achievement should be a desire to learn, to learn new things. And this is not only about professional activity, you can also learn “personal” things: learn to forgive and, as a result, become more generous, learn to restrain emotions - and due to this ability to get out of the most difficult life situations with honor.

Listing personal achievements (for example, having a photo album of photos of your triumphant moments in life) is a great exercise in confidence. And when there is a feeling of inspiration and self-confidence, it is much easier to reach new heights.

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The entire set of ups of a successful person reflects such a concept as "professional achievements". They most fully and succinctly reflect the results achieved by him in a particular job. They show the employer what the candidate for the position is capable of. But it can be difficult for a job seeker to reflect his main professional achievement in his resume. It is often the main criterion for suitability for a particular position, so everyone needs to know the basic rules.

Professional achievements can become the main criterion for suitability for the position

Definition of the concept

The best answer can be given by comparing this word with the concept of purpose. They show what results a person expects, that is, they are directed to the future. To achieve the goals, they should be described in detail in the form of specific tasks, which should be comparable to the person's abilities, the resources available to him and the realities of life. After a certain time, you can say whether the planned has been achieved. Achievements in the work are turned into the past and show the results obtained. They can be expressed in specific numbers and indicators.

The balance of responsibilities and achievements

Responsibilities - a set of actions that must be performed in a particular position. The main ones are fixed in employment contract and job description, they require strict implementation. Otherwise, appropriate sanctions will apply. Just because you did a good job in your previous job doesn't make you better than other candidates for the job. And if you go beyond the outlined circle of your powers, then this will already be considered your achievements in work. They are expressed in qualitative and quantitative indicators that are of decisive importance for a manager looking for a new specialist.


Achievements are categorized as personal and professional. They are of great importance in life, determining its vector and success. Personal and professional achievements in the resume are required to indicate.

  • conquering a mountain peak;
  • victory in a sports marathon;
  • victory in a creative competition.

They are an example of the implementation of certain of your personal qualities, some of which may be of interest to a potential employer in relation to labor activity.

Personal achievement can be sporty.

Professional success

Professional achievements are those that show the implementation of the goals and objectives set in the professional field by you or your leader. They can be the result of the manifestation of a set of qualities necessary for the job. This means a lot not only for you, but also for the leader.

Your achievements mainly affect the improvement of the position of the organization in which you work, or the group of people to whom the activities are directed, with whom you have to deal.

They can change, this shows that a specialist is growing, his competence is increasing, he is making a breakthrough in his career.

Professional achievements that depend on specific employee, can be illustrated by the following examples:

  • profit of the company in rubles / dollars;
  • increase in indicators in percent;
  • an increase in the number of concluded contracts;
  • increase in the number of attracted clients.

An increase in the company's profits is considered a professional achievement.


Personal and professional achievements are closely related. They can play a major role in hiring if you describe them correctly on your resume.

  • they are the result of efforts for the good of the company (certificates, gratitude, diplomas);
  • this is a technique developed by you personally, important discoveries made that have benefited a certain or indefinite circle of people (cured of diseases, made qualitative changes in the lives of other people);
  • this is a title, a scientific degree, with the help of which it was possible to achieve the best results in work.

Potentially significant personal professional achievements can be considered your knowledge, skills, experience, which theoretically can affect the position of other people in better side, that is, their theoretical value is tangible.

A diploma is an important personal achievement for work

Description of successes in resume

The most important steps in applying for a job are interviews and resume writing. The main factor that determines the likelihood of an interview invitation is a well-written resume. It is important for the interviewing manager what your accomplishments will make for the better in the organization. Any applicant should be able to answer this requirement.

You can describe your professional achievements in your resume in different ways, but personal ones should also be mentioned. You yourself need to decide which of them are basic and deserve the attention of a potential leader, and which are not.

The main requirement: they should not conflict with each other and with information about personal qualities, experience, skills and abilities.

Common mistakes

  • no specifics, a lot introductory phrases and words that make it unclear what you mean;
  • a lot of unnecessary data that do not carry a semantic load, distract attention from the main thing;
  • contains information that is not related to the purpose of the resume, for example: a candidate for the position of administrator reports that he has a musical education;
  • many specific terms and clericalisms;
  • boring tone, copying dozens of similar resumes, behind which there is no sense of individuality.

Style orientation

  • the resume should be written in the language of business so that the employer sees you as a serious person, aimed at solving important problems;
  • there should be no negative wording showing a decrease in indicators, a similar example is filing complaints to certain authorities at a previous place of work, the best thing is to omit this fact;
  • try to avoid passive nouns and verbs.

Mandatory for indication

Indicate not only the result obtained, but also its absence. Examples include the prevention of divorces, accidents, deprivation of parental rights, abandonment of children. Such results often occur in the social sphere.

They must be indicated in relation to each place of work, this will allow you to objectively assess your abilities. You should not ascribe to yourself the achievements that were not there or that were not reflected in further activities. Deception can be revealed if the manager asks for confirmation or you cannot cope with the tasks that he will set for you.

It is necessary to indicate your personal qualities reasonably: you should not overestimate yourself, this will not give the desired effect in the workplace.

Moderation is important when writing your resume.

Lack of success

Difficulty may arise if it turns out that there is nothing to write about in the resume. This problem is faced by people applying for low-skilled positions that involve the routine performance of duties. They can be advised to focus on the smooth performance of the necessary functions.

Section for writing

If there is no separate space on the resume form for professional achievements, then you can write them in the section on responsibilities and functions, or expand the section on personal qualities.

You can attach copies of diplomas, certificates, thank you letters... A cover letter is required.

Examples in professions

Each area of ​​activity assumes its own results, which may differ significantly from each other, be opposite.

Representatives of a particular specialty often find it difficult to answer this question, therefore, their guarantee of successful employment is reduced.

The difference will be between retail and wholesale trade... One who is engaged wholesales, may indicate the following:

  • sales growth;
  • management of the sales team;
  • the expansion of the customer base;
  • attraction of new suppliers;
  • development new system purchase and sale.

Increasing sales is a professional achievement of the seller


The main tasks of the secretary are to ensure the smooth functioning of the office, to help the manager, to be ready to answer any of his questions. What is the achievement here? In addition to ensuring the well-coordinated work of the company, you can specify:

  • obtaining certificates proving professional development;
  • development of a system that simplifies certain processes in the company;
  • participation in the development of corporate ideas.

Young specialist

It is problematic for them to describe the results; it is possible to focus the attention of the future employer on professional purposes and the steps to be taken (training courses, private lessons, skills development). It is necessary to indicate information about the internship, practice, victory in olympiads, competitions during study.

"Give an example of your achievements"- This is one of the questions that are asked in a competency interview. This type of interview is a reliable and widely used method in recruiting, which makes it possible to check professional competence candidate for successful implementation work.

For those who have no experience with this type of interview, the main thing is to understand the basic concept:

In a behavioral interview, you should lead specific examples successful application of skills and abilities from past work experience.

This type of interview is based on the fact that on the basis of the employee's past behavior in a given situation, it is possible to predict his future behavior in new job... And all the candidate needs to do is is to give convincing examples, which clearly demonstrate the required competencies specified in the job description.

The following competencies are most often explored:

  • communicativeness
  • teamwork
  • initiative
  • leadership
  • problem solving skills
  • analytical thinking
  • stress tolerance
  • time management
  • negotiation skills
  • planning
  • result orientation
  • process orientation

For example, if the requirements of the job profile indicate that the candidate must be able to analyze, then the interviewer will definitely ask you to give an example of when you used this skill in your work and what results you achieved.

Competency questions begin with:

  • Tell me about a time when you ...
  • Give me an example ...
  • What steps have you taken ...

Here are some examples of the most popular questions:

  • Give an example of your accomplishments.
  • Describe a time when you had to overcome a major obstacle in order to get results.
  • Tell me about a time when it was necessary to combine several important projects.

Most often, candidates do not pay due attention to issues of competence. And in vain. After all, if you manage to pass and then fail the first behavioral question, you will still leave the interview empty-handed. Even if you have a huge many years of work experience, but without prepared examples, you will not be able to make a beneficial impression and confirm your competencies. It is quite difficult to answer such a question, because in your daily activities you cannot single out or remember immediately without preparation something really worthwhile, which should be told to a potential employer.

Unfortunately, more often than not, it is the candidates who are less competent, but with good preparation, they bypass more experienced staff... And so that this does not happen to you, it's time to remember everything and create a good story from your past work experience.

I recommend that you have at least three examples in stock for the competencies indicated in the vacancy in order to profitably highlight your strengths... The easiest way to effectively answer any question in a behavioral interview is to prepare three prime examples of your greatest accomplishments. Remember the most interesting projects, difficult tasks, problem situations. If you have little experience, then you can use examples during your studies or internship.

As always, we will use the STAR method as a basis for the story, which will help you focus on key details and make your story structured, concise and memorable.

3. Rresults

Formulate the results of your actions: what happened, what was done, what you learned. Finally, it is very important that your good STAR story always has a happy ending, like a fairy tale. The last part of your answer should describe the positive results of your actions. The concrete results are always particularly impressive, for example: an increase in sales by 32%, a budget cut in half, etc. But you can also cite a positive outcome through emotional evaluation, especially from the boss or clients. This will the best way convince the interviewer of the reality of the story you are telling. For example: m oh client was very satisfied, my manager appreciated my contribution to the final result and praised my work, etc.

Sample answer:

When I presented the new and improved reporting to my manager, he was so impressed that he couldn't believe I had done it all myself in such a short period of time! I also received high marks from senior management and was included in the Talent Bank program at our company.

6 tips: How to answer the question: Give an example of your achievements "

1) Take enough time to remember a vivid example from past work or school experiences. Pick an example that truly shows multiple competencies and personality traits.

2) Listen carefully to the questions and if you do not understand - do not rush to answer, but ask to explain to you. This is better than answering the question in a completely different direction and giving inappropriate examples.

3) Be prepared for clarifying questions as the interviewer will want more information from you and check if your answers are authentic. Here are examples of such questions:

  • Tell me why you did it this way
  • Explain how you achieved this.
  • What do you think - it could be done differently

4) Be specific. Do not try to answer with general wording that does not say anything about you. For example: " I consider myself to be a very responsible and organized employee, as I always achieve high results and fulfill the assigned tasks on time. " Thus, you do not answer the question posed. You can count whatever you want, but you are required to give a real example from your past experience to prove your point.


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