A script for a holiday in the world of good fairy tales. Holiday script "in the world of fairy tales". "In the world of fairy tales"


Prepared by: history teacher
Stoyan N.V.

Purpose of the event:
- Formation of civic-patriotic qualities in students

- to form a sense of patriotism, pride in their country on the example of the heroic deeds of people in wartime
- develop the ability to feel, empathize; ability to listen to others
- to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation, war monuments
- to counteract the distortion and falsification of the history of the Fatherland

Technical and artistic support:
Personal Computer
"May there always be sunshine", "Childhood is me and you"

Phonograms "Get up, the country is huge", "Children-wars" presentation, including:
Levitan's declaration of war
footage of the beginning of the war
photographs of children in the war (at the front, in the rear, among the partisans, in concentration camps and occupation)
portraits of heroes-guerrillas
photographs of the destruction and victims of the war
footage of the chronicles of Victory Day 1945 or photographs of that time

1.Before the start of the event, viewing the presentation "Children of War"

Lead 1. Good afternoon, dear participants!

I don’t know when it will be
In the land of snow-white birches
Victory on May 9
Celebrate people without tears.

Lead 2: Old marches will be raised
Army pipes of the country
And the marshal will go out to the army
Who has not seen this war.

Host 1. And I can't even think of
What fireworks will strike there,
What kind of tales will they tell?
And what songs they will sing.

Host 2. On the eve of the celebration of the Great Victory over Fascism, we would like to invite you to a conversation - no, not about war, and not even about victory, but about a MAN, about a hero, about a winner.

Host 1. It seems to us that everyone who with honor and dignity has withstood the test of the war years with honor and dignity, regardless of where and how it was manifested - on the front line, in the occupied territories or in the rear, can be called heroes.

Host 2. Children and war - there is no more terrible convergence of opposite things. Finding themselves in the very heat, the children endured what sometimes was beyond the power of even adults. Therefore, all of them can be called little heroes, "little heroes of the big war."

Presenter 1. Today's event is dedicated to the children of war. What was it like for them in years Patriotic War? How did they live, what helped them survive, remain human, withstand?

Reader: Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left.

1. Record of the declaration of war by Levitan and footage of the chronicle "The beginning of the war"

Lead 2.
On June 22, 1941, at 4 o'clock in the morning, Nazi Germany will treacherously attack the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War will begin which will last 3 years. It will take the lives of almost 27 million people, 4 million of them are children.

Host 1: This war childhood was terrible. The Leningrad children were especially hard-hitting. In September 1941, the Nazis will surround the city and want to completely destroy it.

Host 2. The blockade will last almost 900 days, but the city will withstand. 3 million people will remain in the surrounded city, of which 450 thousand are children.

2. Video "Memories of the actor A. Lazarev about the hunger he experienced")

Presenter 1. Tanya Savicheva (Slides "Tanya Savicheva")
Not everyone managed to survive. Tanya Savicheva is a collective image of all Leningrad children who did not survive the blockade. She was 12 years old. Like all blockade children, Tanya did not sit idly by. Together with other children, she helped adults put out "lighters", dig trenches, deliver letters, take care of the wounded. But the blockade ring was closing fast

3. Slides depicting a girl and photographs of the showcase of the Piskarevsky cemetery memorial

Host 2: One day the girl will sum up the terrible result: “The Savichevs are all dead. There is only Tanya left ”. Tanya, who has lost consciousness from hunger, will be found by the orderlies. Many of the children will rise to their feet. But Tanya never gets up.

Host 1. Doctors have been fighting for the girl's life for 2 years, but in vain. On July 1, 1944, Tanechka died. Today "Tanya Savicheva's Diary" is exhibited at the Museum of the History of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), and a copy of it is in the showcase of the Piskarevsky cemetery memorial.

Host 2: And yet a child is always a child. Even in besieged Leningrad, children continued to live their childhood life. War kids didn't play war

Presenter 1. Children of the war years dreamed of peace, sewed dolls, gave them names, warmed them with their warm children's hearts, because they often replaced their relatives and friends.

"Toys of the days of blockade"
I freeze at this window.
The blockade ice melted in her.
We are truly invincible.
Here are the toys of the siege days!
Airplanes made of cardboard
And a big rag bear.
Funny kitten on plywood
And the picture: "DEATH TO THE FASCISTS!"

4. Video material: "Toys of the besieged Leningrad"

Presenter 2. On the outskirts of Leningrad (today St. Petersburg) there is a monument - "The Flower of Life", in memory of the children of the besieged city who endured all the horror of the war. On the stone petals is inscribed: "May there always be sunshine."

Performance of the song "May there always be sunshine".

Host 1. Children grow up early in war. During the Great Patriotic War, thousands of boys and girls took up arms. This was considered everyone's sacred duty. Therefore, no one was surprised that children fought on an equal basis with adults.

Leader 2. They performed military tasks, went to reconnaissance, were signalmen, sappers, flew airplanes, collected weapons and ammunition under the noses of the Nazis and transferred them to partisan detachments.

Host 1. More than 3.5 million boys and girls were awarded orders and medals for their courage and bravery during the war years Soviet Union... 7000 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Host 2: The war has spared our village. But in the difficult days of testing, when the most able-bodied personnel went to the front, in Serpukhov, as well as throughout the country, women, teenagers, and pensioners went into production.

Lead 1. The workers in the factories fought to increase defense production, and the collective farmers fought for the harvest. The war demanded to feed, shoe, dress the defenders of the country. The village gave up to the army the best technique, workhorses, carts and sledges.

Host 2. Women had to work in the fields 12 hours a day. There was not enough equipment, and the bread was harvested by hand, the cows were harnessed to the plow And when the cows got tired and could not get up, the women themselves were harnessed to the plow!

VIDEO Will you forget that?

Presenter 1 Yes, there was a rear. The shells did not burst, the bullets did not whistle, but there were funerals, there was dire need and work, hard work for men, and this work was done by half-starved women, old people and teenagers.

Presenter 2. The school museum cherishes the memories of those children who had to endure a terrible tragedy in childhood. Their peers, our students, will tell you about it.

Presentation "Labor feat of Serpukhovichan"

Student 1. (Slide)
Surkova Klavdia Ivanovna did not like to remember the difficult years of the Second World War. When the war began, she was 16 years old. In the morning we went to school, and after classes I went to work with other children in the village of Gryzlovo, Visokinichi. They sawed trees, chopped wood, collected grain. We lived from hand to mouth, worked 12 hours a day. For her contribution to the cause of victory, Klavdia Ivanovna was awarded the medal "For valiant and selfless labor during the Second World War."
Pupil 2. (slide)
Komissarova Maria Alekseevna. By the beginning of the war, Maria Alekseevna finished five classes in Balkovskaya high school... By the end of October - beginning of November 1941, when German troops were approaching Moscow, she and several other schoolgirls were sent to dig anti-tank ditches near Serpukhov. This was the end of her studies. We lived in sheds, dug trenches for 12-16 hours a day. The rate was 6-12 cubic meters of land. But such work was overwhelming work for 13-year-old girls, and after a while they were sent home. At this time, German bombers were already bombing Soviet territories with might and main.
Throughout the war, Maria Alekseevna worked as a postman, she carried news from the front, as well as funerals (notices of death). According to the stories of Maria Alekseevn, she was afraid to go to those families where funerals attended.

Student 3. (Slide)
Semenova Anna Yakovlevna (Efremova). She was born in 1932 in the Kaluga region, the village of Pozdnyakovo.
When the war began, Anna Yakovlevna was 9 years old. She and her family were evacuated to the Tula region. There she had to work in the field, in the current, as little girls they carried heavy sacks, worked from morning until late at night, helping adults. The Great Patriotic War was going on. It was hard and hungry for everyone. We worked 10-12 hours a day. For the entire long working day, the children received only 500 grams of bread. ... The bread was baked from chaff with quinoa in half, and neither taste, nor color, nor smell, did not resemble bread. Therefore, people who have gone through the war, even the crumbs were carefully collected from the table.
There was nothing to wear, because, running away from home, they took only the essentials. And what could little children carry away?

Disciple 4.
Anna Alexandrovna Selantyevna recalls (1920 - 2009)
She was born in the Volgograd region, Elanskiy district, village Khutor-Moretz. At the beginning of the war she worked on a collective farm in the fields.
Sowing and harvesting on horses, as there were few tractors. It was very difficult, because all male work made by young fragile girls. In 1944, the liberated city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) was sent to dig trenches, as they believed that the Germans might come again.
A few weeks later, she was sent to work on the fishing team. The fish was dried and sent to the front to feed the soldiers. They lived in the city in temporary huts that could not protect from the fierce cold.
We walked from the city to our native village - about 20 km.
One day in the winter of 1945, Anna Alexandrovna was returning home with her fellow villagers. From impotence and terrible frost, they wanted to sleep more and more, and they decided to spend the night in a haystack. They had just dozed off when they heard the howling of wolves. Waking up from howling, they found that some of the legs, hands and face were frostbitten. If this howl did not wake them up, they could fall asleep forever.
This story touches you to tears. Despite the difficulties that befell Anna Alexandrovna, she lived a long and dignified life.

Leading 1. But despite the difficulties, even during the war, people remained people, kept kindness in their souls. But it’s hard, probably, seeing death around, not to become cruel .. Joy and sorrow were divided in half. And alone would not have survived!

5. Video material "Pioneer Heroes" or

Host 2. Alas, we cannot remain silent about the most tragic pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War - about juvenile prisoners of fascist camps.

Host 1. They were deprived of not only their home, bread, and maternal affection - they were deprived of their homeland and freedom. Impossible common man who has not seen the war, imagine even a small fraction of what the children who were in the occupation and in the death camps saw.

6. Video material "Everyday life of fascism"

7. (presentation “They were shot at dawn):
They were shot at dawn
When the gloom was spreading around.
There were women and children
and this girl was
First, they told them to undress and become
Then back to the ditch.
But that child's voice sounded,
Naive, clean and lively:
Shall I take off my stockings too, uncle? -
Without condemning, without threatening,
They looked, looking straight into the soul,
Three year old girl's eyes.
Shall I take off my stockings too, uncle?
In confusion for a moment the SS man went limp,
Hand by itself with excitement suddenly
Lowers the machine.
He, as if chained by a blue gaze,
And, it seems, he has grown into the ground:
Eyes like my Neminya -
Dimly swept through the darkness.
He is seized by an involuntary shiver,
The soul woke up in horror,
No! To kill her, she cannot
And he gave his turn in a hurry.
A girl in stockings fell, take off
I didn't have time, I couldn't,
Soldier, soldier, what if a daughter
Would yours lie down here like that?
This little heart is pierced
Your bullet.
You are a man, not only a German,
Or are you a beast among people?
Chagall SS man sullenly,
Without looking up wolf eyes.
For the first time, maybe this thought is in the brain
Poisoned lit up?
And everywhere her gaze shone,
And everywhere it seemed again
And it will not be forgotten from now on:
- Take off your stockings too, uncle?

Host 2: There is no word “live” behind the barbed wire - only “survive”.
18 million people from European countries, including the USSR, went through fascist torture chambers, 11 million died. Many of them are Soviet children.
8. (Pause. The presenter speaks slowly, chasing words. Gradually, the audio recording of the song "Buchenwald Alarm" sounds louder)

Lead 1.
People of the world, stand up for a minute.
Listen, listen, buzzing from all sides.
It's being heard in Buchenwald
Bell ringing

Host 2: Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember our grief.
Not the dead need it
The living need it.
We offer to honor the memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

9. Minute of silence (Video “To be remembered)

Host 1. Truly, the Soviet people are a great people - such a people could not have been defeated. Despite the torment and suffering that he had to endure, he managed to save his soul. Watch a plot on this topic from the memories of those who were children at that time.

10. Video "how women fed prisoners of war"

Presenter 2. During the Great Patriotic War, artists of drama and musical theaters, philharmonic groups made their contribution to the common cause of fighting the enemy.
Lead 1. They arrived at the front line to maintain the morale of the soldiers. High school students from art circles of the House of Pioneers replaced adult artists in concert work in military units and hospitals

Host 2. Unfortunately, we could not find in the archives the performances of
guys. But they found material about how children of war read a poem about
war. Let's listen to the poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky "Little

11. Video "The kid reads poems about the war"

Host 1: Victory salutes will die off, men from the front will return and the much-desired peaceful life will begin. But that's another story. And May 9 - “Victory Day” will forever remain “a holiday with tears in our eyes.

13. Presentation "Victory"

Leader 2. (enters from the middle of the presentation "Victory"). This terrible war ended many years ago and for several generations they do not know what it is. Children who survived the war said: "We come from the war, we come from a stolen childhood."

Host 1. But forget the suffering of even one little man, it is to betray the childhood memory of 4 million children who died in the war. We must always hear their quiet voices.

Performance of the song "Childhood is me and you"

Presenter Old people do not like to remember the war: these years were too difficult for them. And I'm sure. It is necessary that this never happens again. As Tvardovsky rightly said:
The war has passed, the suffering has passed.
But pain calls out to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this.

To forget the suffering of even one little person is to betray the childhood memory of 4 million of our children who died in the war. We must always hear their quiet voices.

The whole country is celebrating a great date this year. 70 years since the victory over Nazi Germany. It would seem that this is the case for a long time days gone by... Everyone realized, condemned, punished war criminals and this evil will never happen in the world. And if it does, it will not be with us. Alas, history teaches, and today's events in Ukraine show that everything is forgotten and history moves in a circle. The least conscious part of our youth again falls under the extremist slogans, as if there had never been Auschwitz and Treblinka.
In order not to let this monstrous sprout of national - fascism germinate, we must know well and remember the lessons of history. And the best place to start is with your family history.
On the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, I announce open an essay competition on the topic "War in my family." This is that small contribution that will help preserve for our descendants the memory of that terrible war 1941-1945
In this competition, it is a debt of honor for all schoolchildren from grades 5-11 to participate. It doesn't matter that we cannot take up arms to punish evil. You can also fight peacefully, by preserving the memory of the war.
Ask your grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, or mothers, dads about them, what your grandfathers had to go through during the war years. Attach photos, if you have them, and let it remain in your family's album, as one of the most bitter, but at the same time heroic pages of family history.

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ђ Title 1 Title 315

There are many fairy tales in the world.

Storyteller 1

The fairy tale has a pure soul.

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

Storyteller 2

Native people are its creator,

People-sly, people-wise-

I put my dream into it,

Like gold in a chest.

Hello guys, do you recognize us?

Storyteller 1

We are storytellers who came to you from fairy tales. Guys, do you love them?

So you know a lot of interesting things, would you like to visit one of them today?

Storyteller 2

But in order to get there, answer the questions.

Storyteller 1

Who can tell how fairy tales begin?

Storyteller 2

There are magic words in every fairy tale. Do you remember them? (Tasks)

Storyteller 1

Well done, we coped with the tasks. And now it's time for a fairy tale.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Oh, it's boring for an old woman to live in the wilderness. Tolya was the case before. I never got bored. There was a hut in the busiest place, no one walked past it unnoticed.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Hi sister. Do you remember how it was? Either Ivan Tsarevich will look in, then the Serpent-Gorynych will carry away some beauty, and there will certainly be some daredevil who will go to look for her and turn to us.

Baba Yaga Forest.

You tell the truth, sister. Now what? All paths-paths to us are overgrown, there is no living soul. Even my cat Vasily has disappeared somewhere. It's so boring alone that I want to sing.

(Sing "Babki-Yozhki)

Baba Yaga Forest.

Oh, and I was out of breath, old, everything in my throat was dry. Where to drink some water?

Oh, you scared us, devil!


Yagi, darlings, I never thought to see you here.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Goblin, do you have anything to drink, otherwise you really want to drink.


I have some kind of vessel, now I'll look in my bag.

Baba Yaga Forest.

What a strange vessel. I have never seen such a thing in my life. Where did you get it?

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Come on, open it faster.


Guard! Save yourself who can!

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Oh, mothers, what a horror!

Jin Hasan

My name is Hasan-Abdurakhman,

Jin Asan

There is a camel caravan in the sands,

White dunes lie in the desert,

My name is Asan-Abdurahman,

I am the son of the Honorable Khattab.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Who are you?


Where did you come from?

Jin Hasan

I am Hasan-Abdurahman-ibn-Khattab-Jin from the vessel.

Jin Asan

And I am Asan-Abdurahman-ibn-Khattab. But this is me Jin from the vessel.


Wait, wait. Don't fight. Are you both Gins from the vessel? So you are brothers.

Jin Hasan

Brother, how long have I not seen you. Hi, darling.

Jin Asan

Hello brother, what a joy, we are together again! Who are you, our saviors?

Baba Yaga Forest.

I am Baba Yaga-ibn Lesnaya.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

I am Baba Yaga-ibn from the clearing.


I am Leshy-ibn Bolotny.

Kikimora appears

What's the matter? Who are they?


Yes, Hottabychi.


Little peasants, then! Nice to meet you, Kikimora-ibn-beautiful.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

So you say we are your saviors? It's good.


Look, they say the Genies can do anything.

Jin Hasan

They say the truth.

Jin Asan

They say the truth.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Then fulfill our desires. My first wish sounds like this: I want to see a lot of small, well-fed, tasty kids here.


And pretty

Jin Hasan

Jin Asan

I obey and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.


Oh, kids! Boys and girls! We will now play with you, have fun and frolic.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

What a joy! And lunch, and dinner, and even, breakfast itself granted.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Now we will light the stove, put the boiler with water ...


And let's have lunch


Wait, we can't eat that much. We had a good appetite in our youth. Let's choose a few children for ourselves. Who do we start with?

Jin Asan

And whoever loses, start with that.

Jin Hasan

Where are the storytellers?


(Goose-goose game)

Jin Hasan

Our saviors, will there be any other desires?


Will be, will be! Let the kids dance to us now.

Jin Asan

It's as easy as shelling pears!

I obey and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.

Dance of children with heroes

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Oh, killed!

Baba Yaga Forest.

How you amused us! Maybe we will shake the old days, arrange tests for the kids!


Perhaps I'll give you a harder task. We have all sorts of items that you might find useful in fairy tales. Only trouble is, for what they - forgot.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Let the children guess.

Storytellers conduct a game

Baba Yaga Forest.

And they coped with this task. Well done.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Well, nothing, according to fabulous laws, we still have one more desire left.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Yes, we love to dance, let the kids try to repeat the movements after us.


All three tasks were completed. Something is not good for me.


Something I'm getting old! I do not want

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Maybe it's really a good deed to do, not eat them?

Baba Yaga Forest.

Eat you guys or not? And why? Okay, Gins, grant one more wish. Make us all satiated now!


And I'm a beauty forever

Jin Asan

I obey and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.

Jin Hasan

I obey and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.

All the heroes, holding their bellies, leave

Storyteller 1

Dear guys, our fairy tale has ended.

Storyteller 2

And we just have to say goodbye

Lyubov Shevchenko
Scenario of the holiday "Travel to the world of fairy tales"

"Journey into a fairy tale"

Educator: Fairy tales there are funny and sad, scary and funny, they are familiar from childhood. They are associated with our first ideas about the world, good and evil, about justice.

Fairy tales loved by children and adults, they inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. On fabulous plots, performances and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

Educator: Why fairy tales are so popular?

Educator: These are fairy tales"The soul of the people". Passed down from generation to generation fairy tales came to us from ancient times.

Educator: And now I will check as you know fairy tales I have in my hands not a simple box, but a magical one, there are objects in it, but from which guess the fairy tales:

5 gold coins (The Adventures of Pinocchio).

Wand a lifesaver from trouble stretcher (Wand is a lifesaver)

Magic mirror that can speak (Fairy tale about a dead princess and seven heroes)

glass slipper (Cinderella)

Educator: Well done boys fairy tales you know well.

Educator: And now the guys from senior group will show fairy tale"Kolobok" they are very excited, so let's meet them with applause.

Fairy tale script

Educator: And now I'll check who knows best fairy tales 1st or 2nd preparatory groups for each correct answer I will give you coins.

1.With what words did the queen address the mirror? ("Tell me my light mirror ...")

2. Begin " The tale of the fisherman and the fish" ("An old man lived with his old hoy").

3. How did the old woman scold the old man? ("You fool, you fool")

4. What were the names of the three bears from fairy tales L... Tolstoy "Three Bears"? (Mi-hailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

5. Who shod the cat in boots, put a red cap on the girl, and a cap on the wolf? (C. Perrault)

6. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Wood, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle)

7. Pope Pinocchio's name fairy tale A... Tolstoy ("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (dad Carlo)

8. What was the name of the cat's cow Matroskin? ("Murka")

9. Ali Baba outsmarted 36 or 38 robbers? (40)

10. Who built the most durable house? (Naf-Naf)

Educator: And now the guys brought you riddles from Baba Yaga

1st child:

Pinocchio buried them

On a wonderful field

Because I was stupid

Didn't go to school

What is it? (Golden coins)

2nd child:

I almost did not become a wife of a mole,

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds

Who is this? (Thumbelina)

3rd child:

Granddaughter went to grandmother

She brought her a pie.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Cheated and swallowed

Who is this? (Crane cap)

4th child:

The lawn in golden flowers

The sun shines in the blue

What Dunno loved to wear

On your head?


5th child:

Run away from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans

She is looking for them, calling

And tears along the way.

Who is this? (Fedora)

6th child:

They tried to offend him.

After all, no one knew that he

Born by a white swan

Who is this? (Ugly duck)

7th child:

Order their princess

Bring their forests home

Bring flowers in winter

Which ones? Do you remember?


Educator: Well done! Now let's summarize.

Educator: Well, that's our end journey to the world of fairy tales I think each of you can do it yourself travel in fairy tales when will read them.

Scenario extracurricular activities“There are many fairy tales in the world” (Teacher: SP Volchok)       Purpose: to make a trip to the land of fairy tales. Tasks: to summarize the knowledge of students about the read tales; expand horizons and vocabulary; exercise in intelligence and resourcefulness, in the ability to work in a team; develop aesthetic feelings from the perception of beauty, imagination and creativity of children; develop an interest in reading fairy tales; foster feelings of responsibility, kindness, justice, friendship. Equipment: 1. Multimedia projector , screen, presentation with slides. 2. Costumes of the Storyteller, Dunno, BabaYaga. 3. Book at Dunno. 4. Cheat sheet for BabaYaga. 5. Musical records. 6. Bagkotomochka, tangle. 7. For the tale "Turnip": hut; costumes for grandfather and grandmother, granddaughter, bugs, cats, mice, turnips. Preparation: hand out words; prepare musical accompaniment; to make a presentation “There are many fairy tales in the world”; prepare costumes for fairy tale characters; decorate the hall, prepare video equipment. The course of the holiday Pupil 1 Slide №1 Oh, how many children: Both girls and boys. I hasten to greet you, I, My cheerful friends at the festival "There are many fairy tales in the world!" Slide # 1 (animation)  (Music with voices # 1) Slide # 2 (4 clicks of the animation)  (Turn off the music) Student 2 Slide 3 Imagine for a moment, How would we live without books? What would a student do if there were no books. Disciple 3 You wanted to dispel boredom, Find the answer to the question. He pulled out his hand for the book, And it's not on the shelf! Pupil 4 No, it’s impossible to imagine that such a moment would arise, And all the heroes of children's books could leave you. Presenter Guys, you know that the land of fairy tales is inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, BabaYaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. In a fairy tale, unusual events, amazing and mysterious, always take place. Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are walking far away, across the seas and oceans, forests and steppes.  (The musical accompaniment "Come to visit us" No. 2 sounds) Pupil 1 We start a fairy tale, or rather, a saying! In our kingdom-state, Is it far or near, Behind the forests, beyond the valleys, Behind the high houses The wall is a dense forest, Slide number 4 It is full of fairy tales and miracles. Pupil 2 If a fairy tale knocks at the door, Slide number 5 You let her in as soon as possible, Because the fairy tale is a bird: If you scare it a little, it will fly away. Pupil 3 There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world. And we cannot live without them! Pupil 4 We will grow up, we will become different, And, perhaps, in the midst of worries We will stop believing the fairy tale, But the fairy tale will come to us again!  (Music switch off) Presenter Slide № 6 Probably, there is no person in the world who would not like fairy tales. A fairy tale is the oldest form of oral folk art. Fairy tales appeared long ago, when there was still no written language. Therefore, they were transmitted orally from one person to another. Often the new storyteller added or changed something. And those tales that have come down to us began to be called folk. Pupil 1 What kind of fairy tales are there? Pupil 2 Fairy tales are magical. Slide 7 People and fantastic creatures act in them. These tales are about adventures that are necessarily associated with magic. As a rule, the adventures of the heroes were repeated three times. Pupil 3 There are everyday tales. Slide number 8 In them, as in magical ones, the main characters are people. But if in fairy tales victory is won with the help of sorcery, then here the heroes become winners thanks to their intelligence, ingenuity, courage and cunning. Pupil 4 There are fairy tales about animals. Slide 9 In fairy tales about animals, the main characters are animals, under the masks of which man, his vices and virtues are hidden. Presenter In addition to folk tales, there are also author's (literary) tales. Slide number 10 These tales were created by writers. Why do you think fairy tales are needed? What are they teaching? Disciple 1 Teach goodness, truth and justice. Pupil 2 Learn how to overcome evil, deceit, lies. Pupil 3 And fairy tales always end happily. Everyone knows the words of Alexander Pushkin: “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows! " (in chorus) Presenter Today we will walk with you in the footsteps of the heroes of fairy tales, remember some of them. (The students leave) (The girl Masha and the boy Vitya come out.) Masha I love fairy tales very much, I read them since childhood, And I have long dreamed of getting into one of the fairy tales! Vitya The twenty-first century now - there are no fairy tales, And there are no miracles in the world, everyone knows about it! Presenter To be convinced of this, you need to find yourself in a fairy tale. Masha Well, Vitenka, go ahead, the Fairy Tale is calling us!  (The song "Little Country" (minus) No. 3 sounds. The Storyteller appears.) Storyteller Slide No. 11 Fairy tales walk around the world, harnessed to a carriage at night. Fairy tales live in the glades, wander at dawn in the mists. Having illuminated the world with miracles, fairy tales fly over the forests. They sit on the windowsill, look out the windows, as if into a river. Fairy will help out Cinderella ... Gorynychazmey will not become ... Fairy tales are with me everywhere, I will never forget them. "Let evil on tricks be cunning, but good wins!" Storyteller (Shows the book.) This book is many years old and it keeps a secret. To read it to us, we need to know the incantation: "Fairy tale, fairy tale, answer, come to us as soon as possible." And as soon as we utter the spell together, Immediately into a fairy tale, without a doubt, we will get together with you.  (Disable music) (Disable slide show.) (Addressing Masha and Vita) Hello, red girl, hello, good fellow! Where will you come from and where are you taking your way? And what is your name to magnify? Vitya (whispers to Masha.) Don't answer her, we won't talk to strangers! (Bypasses the Storyteller from all sides, examines. ) We are looking at you together And we do not recognize in any way. I can ask you without laughing: Maybe you are Edita Piekha? Or did you perform at the local philharmonic that season? Masha What are you, Vitya, shame, you better take a closer look, This is the Storyteller - The kindest and most intelligent, She knows everything in the world, she reads thoughts from her eyes! (Turns to the Storyteller.) Please excuse us, I am Masha, and this is Vitya, He reads little fairy tales And probably does not know about you! Vitya It often happens in fairy tales. That someone turns into someone else, Maybe conjure, show us miracles? Storyteller I see that the fellow doubts that I'm a Storyteller, So, we need to prove - we will turn Vitya! I'll wave my handkerchief now and go around in a circle, Clap, stomp, one, two, three - what happened, look! (The storyteller covers Vitya with a handkerchief, from which time the boy puts on a wig or a special headband with pigtails). Vitya What are these miracles? Here the scythe and here the scythe! Masha Girl with pigtails, you will be my sister! Vitya (cries, turns to the Storyteller). Auntie, forgive me, turn me into a guy again. I believe in your miracles, Beauty Storyteller! Storyteller Takto is better, well done, finally believed me. Okay, I forgive you, I remove the spell! (The storyteller conjures, Vitya "turns" into a boy.) The storyteller And now, friends, go ahead, the fairytale is inviting us to visit! I will accompany you, if necessary, help you! (Vitya and Masha leave) Disciple 1 One day and an hour comes, Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival, And a miracle happens again, A fairy tale will invite us to visit! Pupil 2 Everything can happen in a fairy tale, Our fairy tale is ahead. A fairy tale will knock on the door, Let's tell the guest: "Come in!" And here is its first inhabitant. (Dunno enters.)  The musical accompaniment "Dunno Exit" No. 4 - verse 1 sounds). Dunno Hello guys! You recognized me? (Yes!) I want to tell you a story. I recently found a very old book with fairy tales. But the trouble is, there are not enough pages. Guys! Help me      to find out the heroes of fairy tales. But I can't read either. (To the facilitator.) Read the questions. The presenter reads He walked boldly through the forest, But the fox ate the hero. The poor thing sang goodbye, His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok). (The first answer is shouted by Dunno). A sprout with an inch - So small it is! A slender figure, And their name is ... (Snow Maiden - Thumbelina). He somehow lost his tail, But the guests returned him. He is grumpy like an old man, This sad ... (Piglet is Eeyore's donkey).  Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years, Finally saw the light. He grew a beard, This is kind ... (Santa Claus - Old ManHottabych). He hunted leeches, sold Karabas, All smelled of swamp mud, His name was ... (Buratino - Duremar). He finds out everything, peeps, Hinders and harms everyone. She is only a rat dear, And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak). Dunno Yes, first I need to learn to read, and then read a lot of books in order to give correct answers. Host We wish you success. Goodbye, Dunno. And we will continue our journey. The road lies ahead for us. We collect the little bag for the road. You need to take with you the most necessary things, but not simple, but magical. Storyteller Let's play a game "Speak a word". This is a tablecloth ... (self-assembly). Slide 12 This is a hat ... (invisible). Slide 13 This is a wand ... (magician, magician). Slide 14 These are boots ... (walkers). Slide 15 This is a carpet ... (plane). Slide 16 And also ... a ball. Where will the ball take us? (The storyteller throws a ball.) Host Guess the riddle The whole world knows the grandmother, she is only 300 years old. There on unknown paths, her house on chicken legs. (BabaYaga) Storyteller Like Baba, Yaga There is not one leg at all. But there is a wonderful flying apparatus. Which? (Broom) (Presenter and Storyteller leave)  (Music accompaniment No. 5. Sounds. Baba Yaga appears, sings.) Slide 17 Baba Yaga I like birds and fish, the cheerful trill of a brook, And I cannot watch the flight of a moth without a smile! Dinner and lodging await you here, I will heat the stove, After all, I really love boys and girls!  (Music switch off) You are so rosy, sweet. Disgrace, well, disgrace! How did you get here without my consent? Thought to pass unnoticed, right? Ha! That's why BabaYaga and I, smelled (leads his nose). Yeah! (sneezes) Ughchi! Are you laughing? Above me. Are you not afraid? Okay, today I have good mood , I will not eat you. I even want to dance! Who wants to dance with a beauty? Young man, invite to dance! (Dancing, humming) Invite, invite, invite And you invite me to my dance. Two hundred years off your shoulders In the maelstrom of dance with your head, Young man, Dance with Yaga! (Dancing, spinning and falling) Wow, I'm tired ... I flew on a broomstick, baked pies in ash, I drove a cat around the hut, but I made up questions. I went to visit Leshem, forgot all the answers. So it was a hundred years ago, so I forgot. I will read on the cheat sheet. Help me guys, guess my riddles. How many teeth does BabaYaga have? (One) 1. Gobbling up the rolls, 2. The guy was driving on the stove. Ride through the village And married the princess. (Emelya.) At Alyonushkisstritsa 3. Birds took the brother away. They fly high, They look far away. (Gusilebedi.) Ivan had a friend 4. A little hunchbacked, But made him happy And rich. (Konyokgorbunok.) 5. This tablecloth is famous for feeding all the dosas "the one That by itself it is full of Delicious food. (Self-assembled tablecloth.) 6. They waited for mom with milk, and let the wolf into the house ... Who were these little children? (Seven kids.) 7. We ran away from the dirty Cups, spoons and pots. She is looking for them, she calls And she shed tears on the way. in fairy tales! (BabaYaga leaves.) Presenter The fairy-tale characters have special names, also fabulous. Let's remember some of them. I start, and you finish. (Reads from pollock) Slides No. 1843 Princess ... (frog). Sister ... ( Alyonushka). Snake ... (Gorynych). Boy ... (sleeping). Fox ... (sister). Finist ... (clear falcon). Elena ... (Beautiful). Tiny ... (Khavroshechka). Koschey ... (Immortal). Cockerel ... (Golden Scallop). Hen ... (Ryaba). Ivanushka ... (fool). Ivan ... (Tsarevich). (Leader leaves) Storyteller And I want to give a more difficult task. You, I think, have already read many fairy tales. Do you know their heroes? Guess the fairytale hero by the doublet puzzle. 1. He is kinder to everyone in the world, He heals sick animals, And once he pulled a hippopotamus out of the swamp. He is famous, famous, This is a doctor ... (Aibolit). Slides 4452 2. Unknown to many for a long time, He became every friend. According to an interesting fairy tale, the Boy is familiar to everyone. It's very simple and not long. It's called ... (Chipolino) 3. The grandmother loved the girl very much. She gave her a red hat. The girl forgot her name. Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood.) 4. He looked a little like a ball And rolled along the tracks. Rolled away from everyone, Except for the "redhead", that's how laughter! ("Gingerbread man") 5. Calm down, calm down, evil witch, Yourself with hopes not aunt, In the forest seven dwarfs met Ours will be saved ... (Snow White). 6. He loves everyone invariably, Who would not come to him. Have you guessed? This is Gena, This is Gena ... (Crocodile). 7. And sorted peas At night by candlelight. And slept by the stove. As good as the sun. Who is this? (Cinderella). 8. For him, a walk is a holiday, and honey has a special scent. This teddy prankster teddy bear ... (Winnie the Pooh) 9. He is not only a friend of children, He Living being , But there is not a single one like that in this world. But filmed for a movie And we have known for a long time This cute little face, And called ... (Cheburashka). (The storyteller leaves) Pupil 1 There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world, And we cannot live in the world without them. Pupil 2 Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth, Let good forever triumph over evil. (All participants leave.) (Turn off the slide show.) Staging the fairy tale "Turnip" Presenter Dear viewers, do not want to see the fairy tale? Surprisingly familiar, but with a few additions! In one, well, very rural area, Far from being known, That in Russia there are often grandfather planted a Turnip once! Grandfather planted this Turnip. (Turnip appears, sits on a chair) But she sat down firmly. Grandfather came to the garden. Grandfather Oh, I'm tired today. Where is my whole family? The grandma is watching the series. The granddaughter, like all children, was lost on the Internet. A bug with a cat, that's the problem, They scattered in all directions. Here the little mouse was digging and where did he go? (Grandfather saw a turnip.) Grandfather My God! Who are you??? Incomprehensible and weird? Are you a vegetable or a man? Do not understand you forever! Turnip Respected by the people I grow in the garden. That's how big I am! How good I am! Sweet and strong - I am called a turnip. You will never cope with such a beauty (sits in the garden). Grandfather (puzzled) This is a harvest year, Everything is rushing from the ground! So that it does not become like a mountain, it's time to pull out the Turnip. (The grandfather comes up to the turnip, grabbing the tops and tries to pull it out. The turnip doesn't give in.) Grandfather No, you can't pull it out, that's a shame! It is necessary to call the grandmother for help. I became weak in my declining years, Here I pull, but there is no sense! I overcame sciatica, oh, my back hurts! Grandma, hey, run here, help pull the turnip. GRANNY (with a sigh) It's a pity there is no horse in the farm. Grandfather: Well, grab me! (They pull the turnip, swinging back and forth together.) Grandma and grandfather (in chorus) Pull together, pull together! We need to pull the turnip out! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in. Grandfather and grandmother continue to pull.) Grandma Our turnip is great, Her strength is strong. Oh, we'll tear your tummy! Oh, we can't do it together! We will have to call the granddaughter, (shouts). Granddaughter, help grandfathers! Grandfather How to pull? Which side? Come out, granddaughter, to help! You rather run to us, help Grandma and Grandpa. (Granddaughter enters.) Granddaughter What happened, grandma? Did you call me, grandfather? What a miracle in the garden! The harvest is in order! (The granddaughter grabs the grandmother, and together they try to pull the turnip.) Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter (in chorus) We pull together, pull together! We need to pull the turnip out! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in.) Granddaughter hurts her back, her hands ache! No, you can't do it without the Bug. Beetle, run to us quickly, take me boldly! (Bug runs out.) Bug What is the noise here? What a fight? tired as a dog. I've got so much to do, I've been twirling my tail all day. Oh, how such a turnip has grown, but a big turnip! Woof! Woof! Woof! I'm running! I'll help you now! (The bug grasps the Granddaughter) We pull together, pull together! We need to pull the turnip out! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in.) Grandma There is no sense in four of us! Bug We'd better call a cat, Let him work a little! Cat! Murka! To us here, Look at the miracles! (The cat runs out.) Cat Meow! Meow! I am running! And now I will help you! (The cat grabs for the Bug, the Bug for the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter for the Grandmother, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the turnip does not give in.) We pull together, pull together! We need to pull the turnip out! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in.) Grandma Five of us cannot cope! (Mouse runs out of the house.) Mouse Pip! I'm already running to you! Do not grieve, I will help! (The Mouse grabs the Cat.) Stand up! Exhale, inhale! Now it's time to pull! All (in chorus) We pull together, pull together! We need to pull the turnip out! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! Presenter So they took up the turnip, They pulled everything as hard as they could, They did not leave work away. They pull, pull, pulled the turnip. (The turnip is pulled out. Everyone falls.) And then they all had fun, sang songs. All Come honest people, See our vegetable garden, Marvel at the miracle! Sing and have fun with us!  Everyone is singing ditties (Musical accompaniment of chastushkiminus №6) 1) Ay, yes, the turnip is good And you are round and tasty, Ay, lyuli, ai lyuli And you are round and tasty. 2) Yes, how we got together And we tensed a little, Ay, lyuli, ai lyuli Yes, how we tensed together. 3) A glorious crop has grown, We surprised the whole region, Ay, lyuli, ai lyuli We surprised the whole region. 4) We sang and danced to you, We showed you the Turnip Tale, And now it's time you, clap your friends! (All the heroes come out) Presenter Guys, do you know that there are many proverbs and sayings about fairy tales among the people. I will begin the proverb and you will finish. (Pupils finish their story.) Host Fairy tale ... (will not keep up). Any joke in a fairy tale ... (good). Every fairy tale happens ... (end). Eat porridge, and listen to a fairy tale: with your mind - with your mind, but on your mustache ... (shake it). Listen to the fairy tale, but to the saying ... (listen). Soon the fairy tale is taking shape, but not soon it will be ... (done). That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened ... (well done).  (Performing a dance to musical accompaniment No. 7) Leading Slide 53 Our journey through the pages of fairy tales is coming to an end. Here is the moment of farewell, My speech will be short; I tell you: “Goodbye! All heroes (in chorus) Until happy new meetings! " Storyteller And I am not saying goodbye to you. I tell you: "Until we meet again on the pages of your favorite fairy tales!" Read more fairy tales, travel with the heroes in a wonderful fairy world.  Clip (Music No. 8) Presenter You listened to us attentively, helped everyone diligently. Thank you all for your attention! Our holiday is over. Goodbye! (All participants wave their hands to the audience.) Slide 54

    Order for the competition program "In the world of fairy tales".

    Regulations for the competition program "In the world of fairy tales".

    Scenario of the competition program "In the world of fairy tales".

    Application for participation.

    Application for materials.







ORDER No. ____

from ___________

About holdingcompetitive

programs "In the world of fairy tales"


In accordance with the work plan for the DUOO them. K. Babina I order:

Conduct a competition program "In the world of fairy tales" for the pupils of the DUOO named after K. Babina according to the camp program and the plan - a grid of events.

1. Responsibility for the organization, provision of conditions and the conduct of the competition shall be assigned to the methodologist L.N. Ganich, deputy director for the economic part A.V. Berezan. and Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V.

2. Methodist Ganich LN, Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V., equipment maintenance operator Korotenko I.A.

2. 1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) the Regulations governing the conduct of the competition program "In the world of fairy tales" among the pupils of the DUOO named after K. Babina.

2.2. to compose an event script and select musical accompaniment.

2. 3. choose the Organizing Committee for the preparation and conduct of the competition, jury.

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during the competition program "In the world of fairy tales" shall be assigned to the educators and leaders of the detachments. Conduct a safety briefing with the pupils against signature.

4. Methodist LN Ganich, Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4. 1. Make a schedule of duty officers on the territory during the competition program "In the world of fairy tales" from among the staff of the DUOO.

5. Doctor Petrenko S. I. DUOO them. K. Babin to provide medical support during the competition.

6. Control over the execution of this order to entrust the methodologist of the DUOO them. K. Babina L.N. Ganich

This order comes into force from the moment of signing.

Director of DUOO them. K. Babina Savchenko V.M.

Familiarized with:

Korotenko N.V.

Petrenko S.I.

Kondratyev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L. N.

Kosolapova N.B.

A.I. Belaya

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Boklach D.V.

Dotsyak M.A.

Shapovalova E.K.

I. A. Korotenko

A. V. Zagorkova

Chaly D.O.

S.V. Nadtoka

Sereda E.R.

O. V. Titarenko

Getun B.D

Toskhoporan Yu.V.

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Voronina E.K.

A.V. Novak

Moiseenko A.M.

Dotsyak M.A.

Iskra E.A.

Gladkaya E.O.

Samus E.V.

Smooth. A.G.

Titaeva D.A.





on the competition program "In the world of fairy tales"

This Regulation determines the order of the competition program "In the world of fairy tales"

- to instill in children a love of fairy tales;

To instill in the spiritual and moral education of children.

- continue acquaintance of children with fairy tales;
- to bring up positive character traits on the example of the heroes of fairy tales;
- develop creative thinking in children;
- to acquaint pupils with rich centuries-old traditions through theatricalization of folklore;

To develop moral and ethical values ​​among the children's audience;

Identify and support young talents;

To form spiritual and moral values: patriotism, return to the traditions of national culture, respect for the creative heritage of ancestors.


All pupils of the DUOO named after K. Babina and camp staff.


The event is held by the club on the territory of the DUOO them. K. Babina

Form of conducting

Fabulously theatrical, musical performance

Organizing committee and jury of the competition

General guidance for the preparation and conduct of the Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee, the jury includes representatives of the administration of the DUOO named after K. Babina


Competition numbers selected by the jury members as the best. Winners, prize-winners are awarded with diplomas.




Event progress


Lead 1: Good evening Babentsy.

Lead 2: Good evening, guys and dear guests!

Lead 1: We are starting our competition program "In the world of fairy tales".

Lead 2: Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will meet your favorite fairy tale characters.

Lead 1:

Today is a magical day and no less fabulous people came to visit us to see and appreciate our work. How we love and honor fairy tales written by "folk" authors.

Lead 2: Let me welcome our fabulously competent jury at the judging table.




Jury presentation


Competition "Fairy Tales Among Us"

Lead 1:

Maybe they will come to us again.
From the land of distant gnomes.
Because they love so dearly
Dear Snow White.
The gnomes came happy at the hour,
Like a leisurely year
We all began to ask wearily:
“Time is short,
There will be no fairy tale without her,
And winter will not take off its mask
To keep everything as before
There is only one hope for you,
Let Snow White come back.
An hour before the fairy tale remains. "

Lead 2:

In this room we are today
Miracles await.
Do you hear? Here come alive
Good tales of the voice.
The magic forest was all around.
Sweet home in the meadow.

Lead 1:

The door is open, treats.
Singing is also on the table.
It is distributed in the morning.
Who lives, tell me, there?
Sineglaza, white-faced
To the brothers to the dwarfs as a sister.
This tale is familiar to everyone -
Snow White and ...

Spectators: ... seven dwarfs.

Lead 2:
Right! The 2nd squad is invited to the stage. Applause to the 2nd detachment!

(2nd squad enters the stage, a song about gnomes sounds)

Lead 1: Legendary English humor has penetrated not only into the life of the peoples of England, but also into folklore, firmly entrenched in English folk tales, most often funny and amusingly instructive. Original english folk tale inspired all the people. Performs a fairy tale for us

"Lazy Jack" 1 squad. Applause to the 1st detachment!
(1 squad enters the stage)

Lead 2: You know this girl
She is in old tale praised.
She worked, lived modestly,
I did not see the clear sun
Around - only dirt and ash.
And the name of the beauty ...

Spectators: ... : Cinderella.

Lead 1: Right! She is beautiful and sweet, her name is from the word "ash". Applause for Team 3!

(3rd squad enters the stage, a song about Cinderella sounds)

Lead 2: Egypt is the name of the country,
What lies in those parts for a long time
There is no rain and a lot of sun
There are many pyramids in Giza.
There's a Nile river through the deserts
It flows from the South to the North,
Tomatoes, dates and melons -
What does not grow there!
Egypt waits all year round -
They know how to meet guests there,
It rests perfectly there,
And the rest will come out to you - for five!
Desire is on a parachute
Fly over the red sea?
On a jeep up the mountain steep?
To look at the corals at the bottom?
In Egypt all your desires are
They will come true without difficulty,
You just need to leave doubts
Saying yes to your desires!
Rest in Egypt is just a fairy tale,
Egypt will fall in love with you,
There the sun awaits you, bliss, caress,
There, your days will not be in vain!
How will a tourist visit Egypt,
He will experience pleasure forever.
And the third detachment comes out to us

With the fairy tale "Cricket and the Cockroach".
Applause to the 5th detachment!

(5th squad enters the stage)

Lead 1: The nose is a round patch.
It is convenient for them to rummage everywhere.
The tail is a small hook.
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them, and to what
The brothers are similar to each other.
Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of our tale?
Spectators: Three little pigs.

Lead 2: Right! The 6th squadron is performing with the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs".
Applause to the 6th detachment!

(6 squad enters the stage,

a song about three pigs sounds)

Lead 1: With gorgeous floor-length hair
A princess lives in a fabulous kingdom,
I dreamed of having such girls
Who will name that princess?

Viewers: Rapunzel.

Lead 2: Right! We invite the 4th squad to the stage


(4th squad, a song about Rapunzel sounds)

Lead 1: The jury counts the points, and we continue the competition program.


Assignment: guess the tale at its beginning.

1- Nowhere, in the thirty kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon,
From a youth he was formidable.
And neighbors every now and then
Boldly hurt me ...

("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A.S. Pushkin)

2- Behind the mountains, beyond the forests,
Over wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in one village.
The old lady has three sons:
The elder was smart,
Middle son this way and that,
The youngest was a fool at all ...

("The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P.P. Ershev)

3- In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a merchant, an eminent person. He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive goods from overseas, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury; and that merchant had three daughters, all three beauties are painted, and the youngest is the best ...

("The Scarlet Flower" by S.T.Aksakov)

4- One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for the way home, but did not find it, but came to the house in the forest. The door was open: she looked through the door, saw that there was no one in the house, and entered ...

("Three Bears" by Leo Tolstoy)

5- A bear came and knocked.

Whose house is the house. Who lives in the mansion?

I'm a fly - bitter

I'm a squeaky mosquito.


6-For a long time she ran through the fields through the forests. The day is approaching evening, there is nothing to do, you have to go home. Suddenly he sees that there is a hut on a chicken leg about one window, turns around.

("Swan geese")


Assignment: learn a tale by a set of keywords.
1. Snow, winter, glass, mirror, roses, friendship. ("The Snow Queen")
2. Grass, nettles, toad, shirt, birds, patience. ("Wild swan")
3. Burrow, water, field mouse, wings, elf. ("Thumbelina")
4. Winter, stepmother, chest, Frost. ("Morozko")
5. Winter, girl, January, snowdrop. ("Twelve months")
6. Baba Yaga, swamp, arrow, frog. ("Princess Frog")


Assignment: draw a blindfolded horse in the following sequence:
3.the front legs,
4.the hind legs,
6. eyes,
7. torso.


1. What was the name of the son of Tsar Saltan?

2. How much did a ticket to the Karabas-Barabas theater cost?

4 soldo.
3. How did the tsar die in the fairy tale Cooked into the Little Humpbacked Horse?

4. The tale of the benefits of the collective Turnip.

5. Faithful page and agent of the fabulous Marquis Karabas?

6. Thumbelina's groom? Elf.
7. What the fairy made a carriage for Cinderella.

8. An economical friend of Baba Yaga?

9. A "blind" crook with a tail and a mustache?

Basilio's cat.
10. Who hired Balda as a worker?

11. An old man with a magic beard?

Old man Khatabych.

12. A young man flying an airplane on a carpet and driving the genie of their jug?


In this competition, you will be asked riddles fairy-tale heroes... Imagine: famous fairy tale, but its plot will be retelling one of fairytale characters... Your task: to guess the name of the tale and the hero on whose behalf the story is being told.

1 fairy tale.

“I decided to just travel around the world and did not know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandma and Grandpa. But it turned out that evil, cruel, and cunning live in this world ... "
(Gingerbread man; "Gingerbread man".)

2 tale.

“Well, this Mouse has a tail! It cannot be compared with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this Mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment. Now everyone would admire me. I should have been lying in the most conspicuous place ... "

(Egg; "Ryaba Chicken".)

3 tale.
“It is very harmful for me to be in the water so much. Thanks to this curious and naughty boy. If it weren't for him and the turtle, how long would I have lain at the bottom? "
(The Golden Key; The Adventures of Pinocchio.)

4 tale.
“I survived only thanks to this little fragile Girl. She kept me warm, fed and watered. How wonderful it is to live! Enjoy the sun, wind, warmth! "
(Swallow; "Thumbelina".)

5 tale.
“When I got to the city of little midgets, I felt like a huge giant. Thanks to them, I became an adult. "

(Gulliver's Adventure).

6 fairy tale

“I fly on a cannonball, pulling myself out of the swamp. I love adventure and often risk my life. "

(The Adventures of Boron Munchausen. "


The conditions of this competition are very simple: a phrase is set in which each word is “inverted” by its opposite meaning. You need to guess this phrase. For example: " Good morning, old men!" - this is "Good night, kids!".
1. Kikimora under a watermelon.

Princess on the Pea.
2. Dog in mittens.

Puss in Boots.
3. Rubik's cube.

Gingerbread man.
4. Stupid Vasily.

Vasilisa the Wise.
5. Green shoe.

Little Red Riding Hood.
6. Rusty lock.

Golden Key.
7. Gray bush.

The Scarlet Flower.
8. The deceased fat man.

Koschei the Deathless.

9. Lean sockets.

Three pigs.

10. Barefoot.


11. Multi-storey building with different residents.


12. Miracle Yudo fish whale.

Gold fish.


Lead 1: While our competitors are preparing to go on stage for the final verdict of the jury, we would invite the hotels to the stage, one representative from the squadron. Now we are going to run a fan contest. The jury also evaluates this competition.

One child from the squadron appears on the stage

Lead 2:
1. Who was the son of the old tin spoon?
(Tin soldier.)
2. In what fairy tale does the hero obtain happiness for himself with the help of dogs?
3. A daring Novgorod merchant who visited the sea king.
4. A resident of the hut on chicken legs.
(Baba Yaga.)
5. A boy with an ice heart?
6. The name of the old woman's pet Shapoklyak.
7. Shorty in a blue hat.
8. Eared friend of the crocodile.
9. "Airplane" Baba Yaga.
10. Emelya's favorite place in the house.

11. Princess with an arrow.

(Princess Frog).

12. Girl born on a flower.


Lead 1: Thanks to all the squads for taking part in our journey through fairy tales. We remembered fairy tales with you. Themselves were the heroes of the tale. This concludes our contests.

Leading 2 : We will ask our distinguished jury to sum up the results. And while the jury is counting the balls and signing the certificates, we will see another fairy tale prepared by our counselors.

A fairy tale about a girl born on a flower. Meet our counselors with a fairy tale - Thumbelina

Speech by counselors (a tale on new way- Thumbelina).

Lead 1: Our jury is ready to sum up the results of all competitions and select the winners.

Summing up and rewarding.

A song about fairy tales sounds


Competition "Fairy Tales Among Us" greetings


1-7 competition



Please provide the following materials for registration of the event ____________:

Let go of L.N. Ganich Methodist

Accepted by the educator (counselor)

Application for participation in competition program


Title of the tale _____________________________________________________

Detachment: _____________

the participants


Counselor, educator


    "The best reproduction of a fairy tale" (theatricalization).

    Best musical tale"(Musical).

    "Fairy Land" (for friendship and unity of the team).

    "A fairy tale - through the eyes of children" (for originality).

    "Creative fairy tale" (fairy tale in a new way).

    "Bedtime stories" (a fairy tale for young children).


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