What group of industries includes the food industry. Food industry structure, characteristics of largest industries. The main costs of the food industry

The main appointment of this industry is the production of food.

The development of the food industry allows you to compensate for the existing differences in supplying the population of different regions of the country with food. After all, not every area has the same natural conditions.

Food canned food, concentrates, vegetables and fruits in the frozen form during their transportation are not affected. In addition, they can be stored quite a long period of time.

Food industry Very closely related to the development of agriculture. She is closely interconnected with him, as it gets different raw materials from it: meat, milk, grain, seafood, fruit, vegetables. This industry is part of the agro-industrial complex.

Food industry categories

Depending on the nature of the used raw materials, the industry is classified into two main groups. The first group includes those industries that apply untreated raw materials. It belongs to it: cereals, tea, sugar, oil and pets, fish and canned food. The second group includes such industries whose raw materials have already passed processing. This is a confectionery, tea and azvest, bakery, pasta.

Food industry It occurs everywhere where people live. It is precisely this that contributes to the large spread of the used raw materials and the constant consumption of food. But in this form industry, there are also their specific patterns. And the placement of the enterprises of this industry is based on accounting by their certain features. Those production that carry out the processing of raw materials, not to be recycled, as well as perishable, are placed in their consumption. This includes fish, dairy, wine-making, canned and other enterprises.

Development of the food industry

Due to the availability of consumers of food industry and the variety of raw materials, enterprises of this industry are rapidly growing. Their development promotes modern innovative technologies to create advanced high-quality equipment, without which this industry cannot effectively function. This includes entire production lines that perform a number of processes in the conveyor sequence. Most of them are fully automated.

Also, in food production, it is used in the spill, refrigeration, confectionery, bakery, canned, meat, milk and fish processing equipment. Do not do here and without special packaging equipment, which allows you to get a beautiful, presentable, reliable and high-quality final product.

In addition, the food industry is the most demanding industrial industry. Strict sanitary, as well as hygienic standards that are present in industry are also used to electrotechnical components. There are a number of such requirements.

Requirements are presented to cable-conductor products used in this activity, similar to those that are presented at the packaging factories. They are obliged to be resistant to various thermal, chemical and physical influences. It is due to the fact that they are widely used in freezers, in a humid environment, etc., and they are obliged to perform their functions under any operating conditions.

Hygiene of the production itself is always in the first place, if we are talking about food. As a result, the resistance to alkaline and chemical industrial cleaning substances is of particular importance.

Food industry companies at the exhibition

The exhibition "Agropodmash" will allow you to learn new trends in the food industry, which equipment is more efficient to use which ingredients to use and much more. It will be interesting to everyone without exception.

This event will be held in the Expocentre Fairgrounds. This complex is located in the very center of the capital, so no one will have difficulty getting to him. It is located near the metro station "Exhibition".

It is part of a complex for the production of consumer goods and services. At the same time, this is the main processing industry as part of the Argo-Industrial Complex (AIC). The food industry more accurates to the APK than to the complex for the production of consumer goods and services. The main purpose of this industry is the production of food. The food industry includes over 20 industries. The territorial organization of this industry is strongly influenced by raw materials and consumer factors. By the nature of the raw materials used and the principles of placement of the industry can be combined into the following three groups:

Source-oriented industries - Sugar, butterfluous, lactic, oil and fat, fruit and vegetable, fish, alcohol, crumb crumpled and other. When placing these industries, raw costs per unit of finished products take into account. As a rule, these industries are focused on untreated raw materials, and in enterprises of these industries there is a high consumption (for example, during the production of sugar, sugar beet waste is 85%). In addition, many types of raw materials are not subject to long-term transportation and storage.

Industries, consumption of finished products- Bakery, Brewery, Confectionery, Sakharafinaya, Pasta and others. Enterprises of these industries, as a rule, use raw materials that have already passed primary processing or produce perishable products, so they are placed near the settlements.

Third Group - industries oriented both raw materials and consumers. This is meat, dairy and mucomol industry.

The approach of the food industry towards raw materials bases and coverage places is achieved in some industries through specialization of enterprises in the process of technological process: primary processing of raw materials is located near sources of raw materials, and the production of finished products - in consumption centers. Such a separation of the technological process can be observed in tobacco, tea and wine-growing industries.
An important branch of the food industry is a fish, which is characterized by a feature of the raw material base and technological processes. Primary processing of fish catch is carried out in the open sea on large floating fishing, and then fish-processing enterprises located on the shore.

World fish and seafood mining reaches 130 million tons per year, of which 4/5 falls on the sea and oceans, and 1/5 on fresh reservoirs.

In the world marine fisheries in the second half of the 20th century, great changes occurred. The "epicenter" of this industry moved from North (

The sectoral composition of the food industry. Food industry. Fish canned food. Sugar. Brewery. Bakery. Production of non-alcoholic beverages. Confectionery. Compound. Yeast. Pasta. Starchhamal. Fish. Maslobyno-fat. Fruit and vegetable. Perfumery-cosmetic. Salt. Tea. Alcohol. Tobacco-Machorette. Licheria. Food concentrate production. Winemade. Meat and meat-pot. Dowardian. Milling and cereal and feed. Fish. Meat. Millingly cereal. Occashere and dairy. Production of dairy canned food.

Slide 18. From the presentation "Easy and Food Industry of Russia". Archive size with a presentation 6441 KB.

Economy Grade 9.

Summary of other presentations

"Russia in the global economy" - chief of the geography of the highest category MOU SOSH No. 28 Recurrent A.S. + Moving power - knowledge, intelligence. Passed the stage of industrialization. Resource-saving technologies. The goal is the high quality of goods and services. Show Russia in the global economy. Debtors, use external loans. High population population - social problems. Determine the most optimal. Why half-readeries? Place of Russia in the global economy. Peace in the post-industrial stage.

"Chemical and Forest Industry" - grade 9. Volgo-Ural. Production of polymers. Energy. Siberian. Tolyatti. 8. In which of the listed centers there is no pulp and paper plant? 6. Which of the listed subjects of Russia is the most timeline proper? Plywood production. Water. Central. Raw. Production of rosin and turpentar. Coryazhma. Republic of Kalmykia. European north. Mining chemical raw materials. 7. Which of the listed timber industrial complexes is not in the Siberian base? 3. What does not belong to the main chemistry? 5. Which of the chemical forest bases resource-effective:

"Metallurgy of Russia" - lead-zinc industry. Find the definition of the metallurgical complex. Ore energy consumer. The actual metallurgical cycle is the production of cast iron, steel and rolled steel. The composition of the metallurgical complex includes black and non-ferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy. In Russia, several basic bases of non-ferrous metallurgy are formed. Copper industry. Examine the features of the metallurgical complex of Russia. Non-ferrous metallurgy.

"Chemical Industry" - phosphoric fertilizers. Check yourself. Chemical industry. Limestone. Petrochemistry (Tobolsky and Tomsk complexes, Omsk, Angarsk) is particularly intensively developing. Million Brown and stone coal. Presentation to geography lesson in grade 9. The central base is resource-code.

"Easy and Food Industry of Russia" - the food industry is found almost everywhere, where people constantly live. Licheria. Silk. Cotton paper. Structure of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). One of the reasons is the problem of providing textile and leather production with raw materials. Meat. Brewery. Production of dairy canned food. Easy and food industry. Fish industry. The table identifies the dynamics and trends in the development of certain industries. With orientation on the consumer, shoe and sewing industries are placed.

"Agro-industrial complex grade 9" - to study the features of the agro-industrial complex. (APK). Food industry. Agro-industrial complex. What is APK? Further student of 9 m class of Gruzdov Catherine. . Composition of APK. Purpose.


under the discipline "Economic potential of the customs territory of Russia"

On the topic number 11.

"Territorial organization and prospects for the development of the food industry in the Russian Federation"

Completed: Student 1 course

TMD-111 groups

Podgornov Alexander


doc. cafe. "APITD", K.I.N.

Salikova A.V.

Vladimir, 2012.

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ...... .3.

Chapter 1. Common characteristic of the food industry of Russia ........ ... 4

1.1 Characteristic of the food industry ............................................. 4

1.2. Problems of the development of the food industry and the ways to solve them ...... ..5

Chapter 2. Productural Designs of the Food Industry ......................... 9

Conclusion ............................................................... .................................................. . fifteen

List of sources used


In Russia, the food industry is the most important branch of the economy, which is based on the processing of agricultural raw materials (grain, potatoes, sugar beets, oilseeds, meat, milk, fish, etc.) Food products. It includes a large group (more than 30) industries and sub-sectors, the main (specific weight in the production of products of the industry) of which: meat, dairy, bakery, fish, oil-fat, flour, winery, sugar, canned, confectionery.) In Russia, the food industry has a huge potential. This is due to the presence of large raw materials databases and the abundance of products produced by agriculture. It should be noted that at present the food industry in our country is one of the leading and most important industries, since the life and health of consumer-citizens of our country depend on its success.

Analyzing this information can be concluded that this topic is relevant.

The purpose of this work is to explore the territorial organization and prospects for the development of the food industry in the Russian Federation.

Object Research is the Food Industry of Russia, subject of study - Territorial organization and prospects for the development of the food industry.

To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the characteristic of the food industry;

Consider the problems of the development of the food industry;

Analyze the development prospects for the food industry.

When writing this work, the following methods were applied: analysis and generalization.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the food industry in Russia.

1.1. Characteristics of the food industry

The food industry is this part of the entire industry that combines a set of homogeneous food and processing enterprises, characterized by the unity of consumer purposes of the finite food product produced, processing, as a rule, raw materials of agricultural origin and has a specific material and technical base in the form of a system of machines and devices and the corresponding composition. Frames of esophagers.

Currently, the country's food industry is one of the strategic sectors of the economy, which is designed to provide the population of Russia for Russia and the quality and quality of food.

All sectors of the food industry combines the unity of consumerism of the product produced by them - the food product, which, in turn, determines the specific requirements for the initial raw materials used, the technology, machine system, the entire material and technical base and to the personnel. It has 30 industries with more than 60 subproduces and types of production, and combines more than 25 thousand enterprises of various forms of ownership with a total number of working about 1.5 million people. In the sectoral structure of industrial production on the food industry, about 13% of the total industrial production of Russia falls.

At the expense of taxes and excise taxes from enterprises of the industry, 10% of the revenue part of the budget of Russia is formed. The prevailing forms of ownership are mixed and private, these industries produced 85% of products. During the privatization of 82% of large and medium-sized enterprises, it was transformed into open joint-stock companies, about 12% - in closed joint-stock companies and a limited liability partnership. Pissed industry is closely related to all sectors of the economy. It drops a significant part of the cargo transported. Especially close ties have developed between the food industry and agriculture, forming an agro-industrial complex.

The industry of the food industry is produced as a means of production - labor objects (group "A") and consumption items (group "B"). In the commercial products of these industries, the Group A group accounts for approximately one third, and the share of the group "B" is two thirds. Ultimately, food industry products in aggregate - consumer products, food product, i.e. Products of the group "B". Of course, the products of the group "A" in the processing industry APC is much higher and is more than 70%, but it is completely or almost completely consumed in the food industry for the production of the final food product.

1.2. Problems of the development of the food industry and the ways to solve them

The effective development of the food industry has strategic importance for any state and is one of the indicators of its economic security. Possessing significant growth potential, the food industry in the Russian Federation, at the same time, in terms of efficiency lags behind economically developed countries in the main indicators. Thus, the level of profitability of products of domestic enterprises engaged in food production, including drinks, and tobacco, as of July 1, 2011 amounted to-7.87%. .
There is also significant regional asymmetry in the development of the food industry, resulting from the features of food industries, the diversity of natural climatic conditions, as well as the close binding of food production to the population of the region, the presence of its own raw materials base, the participation of the region in agricultural trade Raw materials and food.
The reasons of the current situation are that the Russian food industry is not diversified enough, is characterized by a low level of innovation and efficiency of the use of production and financial resources. The activities of enterprises are focused mainly on the domestic market, and the priorities of their strategic development are only a reaction to the change in external factors.
The stable functioning and further development of food industry enterprises requires a significant strengthening of the competitive potential of the industry, which in turn involves a fundamental technical re-equipment, expanding the range of products due to products of deeper processing, increase. Equipment.
However, there are a number of obstacles to the further development of food industries:
- Sypt competitive pressure suppliers of agricultural raw materials on food producers (resource deficit is a deterrent to the development of many types of food issues. Production);
- Tightening competition on most industry markets, increase in the intensity. Confidential. Processes;
- Low profitability of most of the food products (the tough dependence of the profitability of the production of products and the value added. Outpaining. Reviews. Surfaces);
- growth of food imports due to the strengthening of the ruble, the growth of real incomes of the population and the insufficient competitiveness of domestic people;
- low resource security and, as a result, deep import addiction. Accordingly;
- moral and physical aging of the main production assets, especially. And. Activist
-Hellifications. Conditions. For. Investment.
The decision of these problems in the food industry can be facilitated by building an effective financial resource management strategy, in particular involvement of investment resources aimed at the innovative transformation of enterprises of this.Sector. Economics.
The transition to an innovative model for the development of food industry enterprises is very relevant due to the need to overcome the negative consequences of the financial and economic crisis, such as a reduction in their potential and production capacity, reducing and termination of the investment of grocery and process innovations. Exactly.
It should be noted that there are specific features of the innovative process in the sectors of the food industry, related to the fact that innovations here are not revolutionary or radical, but are gradual, the nature of the imitation of already existing products, technologies and services, and, as a rule, are not accompanied by . Serving. HighlyNews.
These features are associated primarily with a number of factors, the most important, amonges. Costers. The following:
- low proportion of investment in R & D in the total investment in the food industry;
- the lag of technological and business and business processes of Russian food enterprises from foreign competitors, especially the processes of primary (processing. Pishchevoy. Surface);
- Low level qualifications of labor in the sectors of the food industry.
Thus, the further development of the food industry should be based on the introduction of modern innovative technologies. Consequently, one of the most important tasks of the modern development of the Russian economy is the formation and development of the system and mechanisms of financial support for innovative activity of food industry enterprises. The solution to this task will help increase the competitiveness and profitability of such enterprises, the level of level and quality of life of the population, strengthening the food security of the Russian Federation.

Food industry structure

Food industry is one of the oldest industries. It includes all enterprises responsible for processing agricultural products and food production.

As part of the food industry is more than twenty industries of smaller rank, consisting of several sub-sectors. The meat and making industry includes meat industry, sausage production, dairy, butterproof, industry, production of meat and dairy canned food.

Sugar, bakery, confectionery, oil-fat, pasta, yeast, starch, salt, alcohol, winemaking, liquor and brewing industry are combined into the esophagus industry. There also includes the production of fruits and vegetables and food concentrates.

Principles of Placement of Food Industry Enterprises

The feature of the food industry is that, on the one hand, the proximity of the raw material base should be taken into account (perishable raw materials), and on the other hand, the proximity of the consumer (products have limited storage lines). In addition, the entire population, regardless of the place of residence, the genus of classes, is experiencing food needs.

Therefore, the food industry is accommodated more or less evenly, according to the distribution of the population. The larger the settlement, the more food industry enterprises will be developed in it.

A separate place is occupied by the fishing industry. Its enterprises are placed in the port cities of the sea coast and on large rivers of Russia. In addition, part of the production is located on modern factories ships in the composition of fishing flotilla in the quiet, Atlantic and Northern Arctic Oceans. They produce raw materials (fish) and production of products (fish canned) in place.

Geography of the Food Industry of Russia

Sugar production Focus on sowing sugar beets and is located in the Central Black Earth region, the Volga region, in the North Caucasus, the south of the Central District, southern Siberia and the Far East. In the south of the same regions evolves processing of oilseeds - Sunflower, mustard, flax, cannabis.

Meat processing plants Arranged, practically, in all major cities of the country. Large sausages are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Orel, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude. Outlook Products are famous for the Volga-Vyatsky district, the Urals and the North Caucasus.

Mukomol and Bakery Industry developed in all regions of the country. But a significant part of the production comes from areas specializing in wheat growing - Kuban, Stavropol, Rostov region, Volga region, Central Black Earth region, Altai Territory. Recently, the network is expanding the network minijar. This approaches the production to the consumer, improves the quality of service of the country's population. Manufacture of pasta Developed in large regional centers. There are also placed and confectionery enterprises . Large factories in Production of candy Located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Orenburg, Krasnoyarsk.

In the southern regions of the country, on the basis of gardening, develops fruit Production Industry, Wine Production .

The value of the food industry

The food industry is designed to meet the needs of the population in high-quality food. It contributes to the processing of agricultural products, their preservation (conservation), ensuring admission to the diet of important substances - vitamins, fats, trace elements. Recently, the food industry enterprises are placed further north, focusing not only on the consumer, but also on new raw materials bases - the greenhouse production of agricultural products. With the development of the chemical industry, the product storage strings increases, the quality of their processing is improved. But today the main task of the industry is the maximum preservation of all useful components in food products, the manufacture of environmentally friendly food products.


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