Scenario of spring entertainment "nature wakes up". Photo report of the autumn holiday in the middle group "Blue cloud Sun all the guys know

Spring Festival (children of the junior secondary group)

Children enter the hall with cheerful music and line up near the central wall.

Veda : Warms the sun brighter, brighter

The sun is warming hotter, hotter

Nature gradually awakens from sleep

The morning of the year comes

Spring begins!

Children of the middle group:

The sun laughs with lacquer

Shines brighter, hotter

And from the hillock it pours loudly

A talkative stream.

2 .: all nature comes to life

Singing birds, here and there

Pinkish white

Apple trees are blooming everywhere.

3.: How many sounds, how many singing

On this warm spring day

Echoing the songs of the nightingale

Will both you and me sing!

Song: "Winter is over!"

Children go to places

Veda : spring has come, the sun is shining brighter

The birds flew in, everything became so bright, elegant, festive, green.

And everyone has the same festive and cheerful mood. I don't feel like sitting at home. Let's go on a visit to the forest dwellers by car. give birds and animals their good mood... Well? Go!

Song: "Machine" muses. Popatenko

TO the same looks smiling? This is the sun friends!

We will clap our hands, we will invite him here!

(Children clap their hands and say)

All location: Sun, sun, brighter than gray!

Come here soon!

(the sun, the child comes to the music)

Sunny: Hello, here I am!

The sun all the guys know

The sun is highly respected.

The sun is the most important, the sun is the most important.

Get up in a big round dance,

Start the dance fun.

Round dance: "The sun is warming and warming", music by Lukonina., To lyrics. Chadova

And now, honey, listen to a verse about you, but about spring.

Children Jr. group

    Reb .: Early sunshine

It rose above the ground.

2.reb .: immediately it became joyful, festive, light.

3.reb .: We told the sun to shine, shine, shine,

So that the birds sang louder

So that the lily of the valley can bloom.

Sun: I give you my warmth

To make everything bloom around

So that the leaves bloom

The birds were filled with song.

Veda .: To make us more fun, let's play

Game: "The Sun and the Rain"

Vedas: From the heat of the sun, yellow chickens appeared in a forest clearing

Children of a hen and chickens come out and read a poem about chickens

Dance of the Chicks

Vedas: Hush kids, don't make a noise

You look at the flowers

Someone here woke up a long time ago

Smiled at the red sun

(A shop, a fly and a butterfly are sitting on it)

Hives : Let it go, fly, let it go bad!

Here on the log is my place!

I want to bask in the sun myself!

Fly : Who are you to give up your place?

Hives : I urticaria butterfly

Fly : Well, fly to your nettle!

Butterfly: But the nettles have not yet grown. Let's bask in the sun together!

Fly : come on!

Round dance: "Hello, freckle-spring"

(Bees come out)

1 blue cornflowers

Together with them spikelets

2. Like little kids, playing hide and seek with bees.

3. Bees in the field flew, hummed, hummed.

4. The bee works all day, everyone needs some fun!

Playing with flowers

Bee: On the green in the meadow

Danced merrily

On a green meadow, I met a friend


I'm glad to see the guys here

And I'm glad in spring too

Blue snake

I'll run in the ravine

I will drink water

Birds and insects.

Song ___ "Stream" music by Lukonina, lyrics by Chadova

Veda : Trickle, trickle, wait a little!

We'll all go in a circle, don't get our feet wet.

We won't release the game (In a circle)

Veda : Have fun from the heart,

Today our kids.

Brook : Thank you for the fun,

He brought treats for this.

Spring sun messengers

Colored lollipops for you.

Vedas: And our holiday has come to an end.

So the fun is over, it's time for us to part

We wish you goodbye

Children : Peace, happiness and goodness !!!

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preschool educational institution "Magic Autumn"

Autumn holiday script for children 4-5 years old





Event progress

Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall together with the presenter.

Leading... Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many colorful leaves around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, autumn festival!

The leaves were filled with the sun,

The leaves are soaked in the sun

Poured, got heavy

And flew in the wind ...

They rustled through the bushes ...

You can see them here and there.

The wind is spinning gold

Rustling like a golden rain!

So here the breeze brought the leaves to us! Oh, how many of them (points to leaves scattered around the hall), look!


Leaves are all in an autumn day

Such beautiful

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves!

The song "Golden Leaves", lyrics by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko are performed. The presenter invites the children to sit on the chairs.

Leading... Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

1st child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly ...

2nd child.

Admire - the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit

He took off the green one, measures the new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child.

Autumn drops gold

Autumn drives away birds.

- Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!

Leading (listens).

Someone is running here to us,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us ...

We clap, we stomp better,

Let him find us soon!

Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and a Cloud runs into the hall, holding two sultans from the New Year's "rain" in her hands.


I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I just want to -

I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the children and "sprinkles" them with a sultan rain.


Cloud, cloud, wait

Take your rain away!

We know a song about the rain

And we will give it to you!

The song "Rain", lyrics by N. Solovieva, music by P. Partskhaladze are being performed.

Cloud. What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys!

Rain, rain all day

Drumming into glass.

All earth, all earth

Soaked from the rain.


And we will take umbrellas

Let's go for a walk in the rain!

The presenter takes out 2 umbrellas and conducts the game"Umbrellas".

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players with an umbrella in their hands run to the Christmas trees at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. This is how the whole team should run.


We played very fun

They showed their dexterity!

But as always happens -

We are missing someone ...

Leading... We don't have the sun, friends!

Music sounds, the Sun enters the hall.


Hello! Here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is shining brightly

And it's very hot under the sun!

The sun is the most important

The sun is most needed!


Sun, sun, wait

Look at me ... (Spins.)

I've got water inside

And water is always needed!

So I'm more important

So I am more needed!

Sunny and Cloud argue, stamping their feet, which of them is more important, more important.


Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't quarrel!

Better get into the dance

Have fun with us!

Dance, if you are not lazy,

It will help you to make peace!

The dance "Quarreled, made up" is performed, music by T. Vilkoreyskaya.


Well, thanks kids!

We danced heartily!


They danced merrily,

We became very close friends!

Leading... Well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!

The harvest in the forest is ripe

Everyone takes baskets.

What will be collected

On forest paths?

What will they collect

You have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under a birch, and under a tree,

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats!

What is this?

Children. Mushrooms!


Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Hemp and paths smell

Delicious autumn fungus!

The song "For mushrooms", lyrics and music by L. Abelian are performed. Cloud and Sun take toy mushrooms from baskets and place them among the Christmas trees.


Look guys

Here honey mushrooms, here boletus ...


And here it is in the clearing

Poisonous toadstools!

(Points to the fly agarics.)

Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)

Cloud.Well, everything is ready! Here are the glades, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.

Sun. It's time to go mushroom picking! The game is running "Collect mushrooms."

Children (4-5 people) blindfolded pick mushrooms in baskets while music is playing. As soon as the music dies down, mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who has collected the most mushrooms, in whose basket there will not be a single fly agaric or the number of them will be the smallest.


We played interestingly

We quickly collected all the mushrooms!


But now it's time to say goodbye

We must return to heaven.

Together... Goodbye!

Children. Goodbye!

To the music, Cloud and Sun run away.

Sagdeeva Guzaliya
Carrying out the autumn festive entertainment "Magic Autumn"

Scenario holiday« Sorceress - Autumn» for preschool children.

Characters - presenter, cloud, sun, autumn, mouse, hare.

Children enter the hall to the soundtrack.

Veda: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall, because autumn holiday.

The leaves were filled with the sun

Leaves soaked in the sun

They filled up, got heavy and flew in the wind.

Rustled through the bushes

You can see them here and there.

The wind is spinning gold

Rustling like a golden rain.

YARIK 1. Reb: Leaves are all autumn day

Such beautiful

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves.

Song « Autumn»

Veda: Autumn - a very beautiful time of the year. All the trees in the forest and in the yard are festively dressed.

MATVEY 2. Reb: In the morning we will go to the yard

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, they fly, they fly.

Camille 3. Reb: Admire - the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit.

He took off the green one, measures the new one -

Yellow, red and purple.

RANIS 4. Reb: Autumn drops gold,

Autumn drives away birds.

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south.

Ved. listens: Someone is running here to us

Someone is in a hurry to visit us

Clap, we stomp better

Let him find us soon.

A cloud runs into the hall.

Cloud: I am a cloud autumn, blue - blue

Let it be small, but very strong.

If I just want to -

I'll wet you all with rain.

(a cloud runs up to the children and sprinkles with rain - a sultan)

Veda: Cloud, cloud, wait

Take your rains away.

We know a song about a cloud

And we will give it to you.

Song is a game "Guilty cloud"

Cloud: Nice song, thank you guys.

Rain, rain drumming on glass all day

All the earth, all the earth, got wet from the rain.

And we will take umbrellas, we will go for a walk in the rain.

A game "Umbrellas"

(2 teams, 2 umbrellas, 2 Christmas trees, run with an umbrella to the Christmas tree, pass to the next)

Cloud: We played very cheerfully, showed their dexterity.

But, as always happens, we are missing someone.

Veda: We don't have the sun, friends!

The sun comes out under the soundtrack

The sun: Hello, here I am!

The sun all the guys know

The sun is highly respected

The sun is shining brightly - brightly

And it's very hot under the sun.

The sun is most important

The sun is most needed!

Cloud: Sun, sun, wait

Look at me (spinning)

I have water inside

And water is always needed

It means that I am more important, that means I am more needed.

The sun and the cloud are arguing.

Veda: Calm down, calm down

And please don't quarrel!

Better get into the dance

Have fun with us!

Dance if not lazy

It will help you to make friends.

Dance "I'm friends with you"

The sun: Well thanks kids

We danced heartily

They danced merrily

They became very close friends.

Veda: the harvest in the forest is ripe, everyone takes baskets

What will be collected on forest paths?

What will be collected, you have to guess.

And on a hill, and under a hill, under a birch and under a tree

The fellows stand in round dances and in a row in hats (mushrooms)

RUSLANA 5. Reb: Let's take a basket in our hands

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms

Hemp and paths smell

Tasty autumn fungus.

Round dance "Mushrooms - mushrooms"

A game "Collect mushrooms" Competition "Vegetables for soup, fruit for compote"

The leader chooses children for 2 teams: 2-3 people for each team. Each team receives a basket and a tray. On signal leading: "One two Three! Start! " children begin to lay out vegetables in a basket, fruits on a tray.

DRYING MUSHROOMS: Let's help the squirrel get ready for winter. A rope is pulled on one side of the hall. On the other, there are baskets of mushrooms. A rope with clothespins is hung around the children's neck. On command, the children take one mushroom at a time, run to the rope, and hang the mushroom from the rope with a clothespin. They run for the next mushroom.

Let's collect mushrooms

On one side of the hall we lay out the hoops on the other side of the hall we put baskets. We put three mushrooms in each hoop. On command, the children run to the hoops, take one mushroom and transfer it to the basket, run after the next mushroom. Who will quickly transfer the mushrooms to the basket.

Veda: Oh guys, quieter, quieter

I hear something strange.

Some kind of guest is in a hurry

And, as if, trembling.

Whoever you are, come in

Yes guys have fun!

Bunny appears under the soundtrack.

Hare: Hello guys!

I was in such a hurry, so I was running

That I almost got to the wolf

Scared, oh-oh-oh

I'm a little alive out of fear.

Veda: You bunny, calm down

Fear nothing more

Let our guys treat you to cabbage? Do you want

Bunny: of course I want.

A game "Collect vegetables and fruits" Material: two baskets, four hoops, dummies of fruit vegetables.

Stroke: On one side of the hall, put two hoops in them to lay out vegetables and fruits. On the opposite side there are two hoops and two baskets.

On command, children take baskets and run to the opposite side, put vegetables and fruits in a basket and carry them to the other side.

After the game, the children treat the bunny to cabbage.

Veda: Guys, what is it? Here a cloud came to visit us, and the sun, and the bunny came running, and There is still no autumn... Let's read poems about her, invite her over to find us as soon as possible.

TIMUR 6. Reb: Cranes fly south

Hello. Hello autumn

Come on holiday to us

Very - very much we ask!

SASHA 7. Reb: We are here joyful holiday

We have fun

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn golden.

The phonogram includes Autumn.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am

Hello my friends.

I came to holiday to you

Sing and have fun

I want with everyone here

Make good friends.

Veda: We are on holiday all together

Nice time will conduct

To make it more fun

Let's start our dance.

Round dance « Autumn gifts»

Poems of the teacher's choice

LILY 8. Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Today it is just like new!

All ruddy, golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait!

YULAI 9. Autumn, autumn, do not rush

And wait with the rains!

Give us more summer

Sun and light.

KARINA 10 There are few leaves on the trees.

On the ground - overwhelming.

From rags blanket

Goodbye autumn sews.

ARSENY111 The rain is pouring, trying,

Though they don't ask him.

The sun toils in the clouds

So this autumn

VLADIK12 Walks autumn in our park,

Donates autumn gifts for everyone:

Pink apron - aspen,

Red beads - mountain ash,

Yellow umbrella - to poplars,

Fruit autumn gives us.

RADMIL 13 How beautiful everything around,

Golden leaves are circling!

Today we will go for a walk,

To run everyone through the puddles!

LILLIAN 14Our golden autumn,

The sun gives the last shine!

There is no more beautiful time

And the foliage is burning with fire!

A mouse runs under the soundtrack

Mouse: Hello kids

Girls and boys

I ran by here

I heard cheerful laughter

And I decided in earnest

Look at least for a minute

See what kind of people

He lives in this garden.

Autumn: Well, mouse, come in

Look at the guys.

Mouse: I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart

All the guys are good

But I'm interested to know

Do you like to play?

Then I invite you to play an interesting game

A game "Turnip"

Autumn: Now close your eyes

And wait quietly (take out a large turnip)

1 2 3 4 5 The eyes can be opened!

Mouse: Oh yes turnip, just a miracle

How round and how beautiful

I'm telling you the truth

I love the turnip very much

Autumn: Wait, wait, mouse

The guys also really love the turnip

But this turnip is not simple

In the middle is not empty

Let's stand one after another

We will pull the turnip now

Children stand one after another and pull the turnip, the mouse aside, then call her and pull the turnip.

In the turnip a treat

Autumn treats children, says goodbye and leaves

Scenario autumn holiday for the middle group.

"The sun and the cloud"

Heroes: Cloud, Sun, Autumn.

Attributes: two sultans (for Tuchka); a basket with vegetables and fruits of red and yellow colors, an empty basket; dance sheets (yellow, green and red); three umbrellas (red, green and yellow); umbrella with treats.
Children enter the hall to cheerful music,

Stop, consider the decoration of the hall.

Vedas: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall! How many colorful leaves around! ...

Here is an artist so an artist!
Gilded everything around.
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint.
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn!
1st reb: In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly ...

2nd reb: Admire - the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit

He took off the green one, measures the new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd reb: Autumn drops gold

Autumn drives away birds.

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!

Vedas: Autumn again outside the window, rain is falling in peas,
The leaves are falling, rustling like you, autumn is good!
♫ "Simple song"

(Music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova)

We sat down on the chairs.

Low footsteps sound.

Vedas: Someone is running here to us,
Someone is in a hurry to visit us ...
Clap, clap, more fun!

We are waiting for the long-awaited guests!

Children clap their hands.

To the music cloud runs in, holding two shiny sultans in her hands.

Cloud: I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue.
Let it be not big, but very strong!
If I just want to -
All the guys I’ll wet!

To the music, Tuchka runs across the hall and “splashes” at children and adults.

Vedas: Cloud, cloud, wait
Take your rain away!
We know a song about the rain
And we will give it to you!

♫ Song "Rain"

(music M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by N. Solovyova)

Cloud: What a beautiful, interesting song! Thanks you!
Now hurry up, guys, guess the riddles!

1. Who hits the roof all night
Yes it knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls?
2. The clouds are catching up, howling, blowing out.
Prowls around the world, sings and whistles.
3. I grow in the ground in the garden,
Red, long, sweet.
4. Will make everyone cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ...
Cloud: Well done, my guys,

You have solved all the riddles!

But as always -

We are missing someone ...

And who it is - you will find out by solving my last riddle:

5. It warms the whole world

And does not know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls him ...(The sun)

Vedas: Exactly, we miss the Sun!

Music sounds, the Sun enters the hall.

The sun : Hello! Here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is shining brightly

And it's very hot under the sun!

The sun is the most important

The sun is most needed!

Cloud : Sun, sun, wait,

Look at me ...(spinning)

I've got water inside

And water is always needed!

So I'm more important

So I am more needed!

Sunny and Cloud argue, stamping their feet, who is more important and necessary.

Vedas: Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't quarrel!

Better get into the dance

Have fun with us!

♫ ♀Dance "Guilty Cloud"

(D. Tukhmanova)

A cloud rises in the middle

and the Sun with children in a circle.

At the end, the children sit on the chairs.

Cloud: How great we danced!

Sun: Yes! Such a fun dance! You guys are great!

Cloud: And it's all thanks to me! A song about me! So, after all, I am more important! Meansi am more needed!

They begin to argue.

Vedas: The Cloud had a fight with the Sun - they just don't want to make up! What to do? Who will help us? ...Let's call Autumn! And so that she finds us as soon as possible - we will read poems about her.
4th reb: The cranes fly south -
Hello, hello autumn!
Come to our holiday
Very, very much we ask!
5th reb: Here we are a joyful holiday
We meet merrily
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden!

To the music, Autumn enters the hall, spinning.

She is holding a basket of vegetables and fruits.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello my friends!
I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun.
And I want with everyone here

Make good friends!
I am autumn deciduous, golden, rainy. They also call me fruitful, because in the fall they collect a rich harvest of bread, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. Here, I brought them for you.

The Sun takes the basket from Autumn, looks into it.

He goes out to the center of the hall, tilts the basket so that the children can see what is there.

Sun: What a rich harvest! This is because I have been warming him with my rays all summer.

Cloud: (He wants to take it away.) No, the harvest is so rich because I watered it with rain!

The basket falls and the whole crop wakes up.

Vedas: (To the Sun and the Cloud.) You see what your argument has brought!

Autumn: Guys, can you help me collect vegetables and fruits?

Children: Yes!

Vedas: And let's play at the same time! I have one more basket! You will need to collect fruits in one basket, and vegetables in the other.

The presenter chooses the children. Reminds to whom in which basket which

the fruits must be collected. “And we'll check it later. One, two, three - start! "

Children are taking apart.

The host and Autumn are checking the work. They thank and praise the children.

Veda : Now let's sing a funny song about vegetables!

The presenter puts on the masks of vegetables for the children.

"We have a vegetable garden"

(E. Morozova)

All the heroes also dance in a circle.

Sit on the chairs.

The presenter takes off the masks.

Cloud: (after the kids have sat down)Well done boys! Now, if not for me, then such a good harvest would not have grown! So I am more needed!

Sun: The main thing for the harvest is warmth! Meansi'm more important!

Vedas: Well, now, they are quarreling again! Cloud, Sunny and you, Autumn, let's better listen to the autumn poems that the guys have prepared for you!

Cloud: We will listen with pleasure!

6th reb: Covering the earth with a lush sundress,
Golden Autumn is coming to visit us!
7th reb: It's time for the leaves to fall

It's time for the birds to fly away.
Mushroom pickers wander in the fog

Wind - howl in the pipes,

8th reb: The wind plays with the leaves

Tears off the leaves from the branches,
Yellow leaves fly

Right into the hands of the guys.

Vedas: The wind tore leaves from the tree,

Scattered them far away.
We will collect the leaves

Let's go dance with them!

The presenter and Autumn distribute two leaves to the children.

Autumn: And you, Cloud and Sun, also come out to dance with us! (the presenter gives them leaves)

Dance, if you are not lazy,

Will help you make peace!

♫♀ Dance "Falling Leaves"

After the dance, children and adults stay in their places.

Autumn: Well done! What a beautiful dance we did! Let's play with these beautiful multi-colored leaves !? We will walk, and the Sun will shine on us. But as soon as the Cloud comes out, you need to hide under an umbrella of the same color as the leaves in your hands. So that the rain does not soak us.

The presenter, meanwhile, gives the yellow umbrella to the Sun,

red - Autumn, and leaves himself - green.

"Playing with umbrellas"

The cloud moves aside. The sun rises in the middle.

Children go to cheerful music.

Then Tuchka runs out and tries to "dunk" everyone with his sultans.

Children scatter under umbrellas of the same color as their leaves.

The presenter and Autumn praise the children. "Has the rain soaked anyone?"

Cloud: What fun game! Guys, give me your leaves as a keepsake!

The children give the leaves to Tuchka and sit on the chairs.

Cloud: The Sun and I, guys, are now friends,
First they got angry, then they had fun.
I will give you an umbrella as a keepsake,
And thank you for the fun.

Sun: Thank you, guys, that they reconciled us with their dances and fun games. And we have to go to heaven! Goodbye!


Vedas: Let's see what kind of umbrella it is?

Opens an umbrella, candy hangs inside.

Vedas: Guys, the umbrella is not simple, it is very sweet, that's what it is!
Shows to children. Clap their hands.
Autumn: And I also brought you my autumn presents: bulk apples, aromatic pears. Help yourself to your health!

Ved: Thank you, Autumn!

Autumn: Goodbye, my dears, see you in the park, in the forest or just outside.
We will definitely see you again. See you. (Leaves.)
Vedas: So our holiday is over. Did you guys like him?

Children: Yes!

Vedas: Well, now it's time for us to join the group!

Autumn matinee in middle group kindergarten "Sorceress autumn"

The hall is brightly decorated. To the song "Rain" (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by N. Solovieva), children of the middle group enter with autumn leaves in hands, stand in a semicircle near the central wall.

Leading. Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many colorful leaves around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? (Answers.) Of course, autumn festival!

Song "Autumn Festival"

Children read poems about autumn

Autumn, sad time

Here is the rain in the morning,

Rains run on the glass

Like transparent tears.

Autumn is crying, that's the trouble

The street has become empty.

And now all the kids

They read books at home.

Autumn follows the summer,
The wind sings quiet songs to her.
The red pudding of the feet is laying the foliage,
A white snowflake flies into the blue.

Autumn has come,
Our garden has turned yellow.
Leaves on a birch
They burn with gold.
Do not hear funny
Songs of the nightingale.
The birds flew away
To the distant lands.

Less often the sun shines

Warm rays.

A flock of birds flies to the south,

Parting with us.

Frequent rain outside the window

The sky is crying like a cloud

Yellow leaves all around:

It's autumn, then.

Autumn, autumn, take your time
And wait with the rains.
Give us more summer
Sun and light

The rain is pouring, trying
Though they don't ask him.
The sun toils in the clouds
So it’s autumn.

It's raining!
It's raining!
Dripping more and more.
This is a rain-runner
The rain is real.

If the Birds flew to a distant land,

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the sky is gloomy

If it rains -

So this time of year is called Autumn.

Leading. In the fall, the trees become festive, elegant. Bright yellow-red leaves are showered.

And we collect them in beautiful bouquets. Where is our autumn bouquet?

Children raise leavesup. Performdance with leaves (under / music of the play "Sweetdream "from" Children's Album " P.I.Tchaikovsky, in a modern arrangement). At the enddance children, sitting down, hiding behind the leaves.

Dance with leaves ( Mustafa, Katya, Ulyana, Samir, Ilya)

Leading. How many beautiful leaves! I will collect them in a bouquet!

He collects leaves, puts them in a vase. Children sit on high chairs.

Leading (listens).

Someone is running here to us,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us ...

We clap, we stomp better,

Let him find us soon!

Music sounds ("Baba-Yaga" from "Pictures from an Exhibition" / VI.P. Mussorgsky), children clap their hands, stomp, and an adult Cloud runs into the hall), in her hands she holds two sultans from the New Year's rain.

I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I just want to -

I'll wet you all with rain!

The same music sounds. A cloud is running around

children and "sprinkles" them with a sultan.

Cloud, Cloud, wait

Take your rain away!

We know about the rain dance

And we will show it to you!

Children perform the dance "Tuchka" (boys)

Cloud. What a beautiful dance! Thank you friends.

I wanted to know: have you seen how it rains? Very good! The rain is small, quiet, quiet, like this! ( He claps his hands quietly, the children repeat after the Cloud. Soft music sounds.)And there is a lot of rain, strong, strong, like this! (Claps her hands harder and faster. Children repeat. The old music sounds, but louder.

Game "What rain?"The cloud commands: "Quiet rain!", "Heavy rain!", "Downpour!" Children clap at the appropriate pace and dynamics.

We played very fun

They showed their wit!

But as always happens-

Are we missing someone?

Presenter: We don't have the sun, friends!

(The suite "Morning" from music by E. Grieg to the drama by G. Ibsen "Peer Gynt" is played. The Sun (ADULT) enters the hall


Hello, here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is shining brightly, brightly

And it's very hot under the sun.

The sun is the most important

The sun is most needed!

Host: And our girls love to walk in the sun and now they will dance.

"Sunny" (performed by girls)

Sun, sun, wait

Look at me ... (Spins.)

I've got water inside

And water is always needed!

So I'm more important

So I am more needed!

The sun and the Cloud, stamping their feet, argue: (music sounds)

which of them is more important, which of them is more important?

Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't quarrel!

Better get into the dance!

Have fun with us!

Dance, if you are not lazy,

It will help you to make peace!

Couple dance "Cloud and sun"


Well, thanks kids!

We danced heartily!

They danced merrily,

We became very close friends!

And now it's time:

A fun game awaits.


relay game “Runs in galoshes! ".

Nice fun we had

Played, frolic!


But now it's time to say goodbye

And return to heaven!

Together: Goodbye !!

To the music of Tuchka and the sun goes away


Guys, what is it? There is still no autumn on our autumn holiday. Let's read poems about her, we will invite her to come as soon as possible .


Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello my friends! I came to your holiday to sing and have fun. I want to make friends with everyone here. I brought you riddles. And all the answers are in the garden!

  1. You dig a little under the bush - Looks out into the light ... potato.
  2. Is the garden empty, If it grows there ... cabbage!
  3. For the tops, like a rope, You can pull ... carrots.
  4. Do not be alarmed if you suddenly make you shed tears ... bow.

Well done, guys, all my vegetable riddles have been guessed!


We have a vegetable garden

Where a lot of vegetables grow.

Let's start a round dance

We will collect our harvest!

Sounds "Garden-round dance" (music by B. Mozhzhelova, lyrics by A. Passova).


Autumn is a wonderful time

Children love autumn!

We go to the forest with baskets. We find many mushrooms there.

Autumn.In autumn, there are not only many mushrooms in the forest, but also cones. I want to see what kind of dexterous kids we have.

Attraction-competition "Collect cones /".The winner is the child who collects the bumps the fastest.


While I was visiting you, I found a scarf: Multi-colored, painted, Unusual, difficult!

I suggest you friends

I'll play with the handkerchief!

Want to? Then get out!

Game "Magic Scarf". Cheerful music sounds - children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. The music changes to a calmer, quieter one - children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, having spread a large scarf, bypasses the children to light music and covers some of them with a scarf. "


Time! Two! Three! Who is hiding inside? Don't yawn! Don't yawn! Answer quickly!

Childrencalled the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, then the handkerchief is raised. The child, under the kerchief, dances to cheerful music, and everyone else claps at him.

Leading.All the guys are here! Who then hid under the handkerchief?


We raise our handkerchief

What is under it - now we will find out!

Leading.What is this? Basket! (Pushes back the leaves, covering apples.)And in the basket ...


Autumn.This is my gift to you! I had a lot of fun! I fell in love with all the guys! But it's time for us to say goodbye. What to do? Waiting for business! Goodbye kids! To the music Autumn leaves the hall, the children wave after her.


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