Graduation boat in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten "Our boat is sailing away." Scenario. Quiet music sounds, children go to roll call

The work is involved in All-Russian competition for educators and teachers preschool education on best script matinee "Goodbye kindergarten, hello school!"

Scenario graduation party"SHIP" CHILDHOOD "!

Scenario for five girls graduates of kindergarten.

Graduation script is accompanied by a presentation.

Guests gather, music sounds in the hall

(Tatyana and Alexander Solovyovs "Ship of Childhood") 1 slide

2 slide soundtrack sounds

Well, friends, the time has come

Which we have been waiting for!

We gathered for the last time

In this cozy room.

Here to say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers rush in the morning

We greet them with smiles

Applause, friends!

Here they are, our stars!

3 slide soundtrack

4 slide photo of children


Today, the excitement is unstoppable.

Your last holiday kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and will go to school.

Today, guys, we congratulate you,

You go to school to learn, to make friends.

Good luck and good health to all of you

And never forget your kindergarten!


Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,

Today is graduation day!

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, it is like a home for us.


This holiday is unusual.

It only happens once.

Everything is so new, unusual,

We go to first class


School subjects are waiting for us,

Waiting for the pages of the primer,

We learn about the planets

About deserts and seas.


We will learn beautifully

Write in clear handwriting:

"Our Motherland is Russia",

"Elders must be respected."

We part with kindergarten,

Everyone is very happy with the school.

Let's smile goodbye:

Do not be sad our kindergarten!


Wish us today

Happy journey everyone

To difficulties, barriers

We could easily get through.


So that we can dream

Firmly walked towards the cherished goal,

So that where we went

Gardens blossomed on the ground.

Perform the song "First Grader"

( words by Yuri Entin, music by Vladimir Shainsky).

After the song, the girls leave the hall.

Leading: We gathered in this hall for the holidays more than once,

Songs were sung, danced and danced.

5 slide soundtrack of music

Leading: Dear Guys! So you part with your favorite kindergarten. And another huge one is waiting for you mysterious world- the land of knowledge. Kindergarten was for you a land of fun, toys and, of course, fairy tales.

6 slide depicting various heroes of fairy tales.


Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children answer.) I know that all children love to listen to fairy tales when adults read to them. .

We wish you to always believe in fairy tales and miracles.

The girls will tell us to sing the song "Visiting a fairy tale."

(Music by V. Dashkevich, lyrics by Y. Kim)


There is a rumor among book heroes,

As if islands live somewhere,

The names of which are completely unknown.

It would be interesting to visit there, friends!

Do you want? (Children answer.)

These are the words of real dreamers!

We will definitely visit those islands!

The magic frigate will help us in this,

He will deliver the guys to those islands.

7 slide with the image of the ship "Childhood"


Look guys: the captain is coming,

Traveled, seen a thousand countries.

In a peakless cap, with binoculars, in shiny stripes ...

I think he's a real captain!

The Captain (child) enters senior group).


I hear noise, fun, singing -

It became better mood!


Captain! Help us get on your ship to the uncharted islands!


Of course I'll help!

Let's go, friends, to the undiscovered islands!

Children take their places on the ship

(the soundtrack sounds of the sea, the horn of the ship)


Full speed ahead.

The boundless distance of the sea...

I notice an island in the sea!

8 slide island "Fabulous"


Oh, yes, this is the island where the Emerald City is located!

To the music enters the Scarecrow in a straw hat.

Seeing the children, he tries to hide.


Got it mixed up again!


Scarecrow, hello, do not be afraid of us!


Good night... Oh, hello, sorry, I always mix up the words. Strange, I was going to the Emerald City, to the great Goodwin.


Why did you go there?


Ellie said Goodwin would do my very best cherished desire.

Leading: Which?

Scarecrow: I don't have brains, and I really wish I had them. I want to become smart.

Presenter: Do you want us to help you become smarter?

Scarecrow: I really, really want!

Leading: We are taking our children to school today. They know and do a lot of things.

Scarecrow: May I congratulate them? (Congratulates the children)

Leading: Scarecrow, in order to study at school, you need to be able to read, count, write and much more. And now we will have a math lesson. All of you will have to study mathematics at school.

Once a friend-neighbor galloped to a hare for lunch.

The hares sat on a stump and ate five carrots each.

2. Seven magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson,

And of these, only three magpies Prepared lessons.

How many loafers-forty Arrived at the lesson? 4

3. Granny fox gives mittens to three grandchildren:

"This is for you for the winter, grandchildren, Take care, do not lose it."

How many - count! 12

4. Six funny bear cubs They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid was tired: He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer: How many bears are ahead? 5

5. Rada Alenka - I found two oilers!

Yes, four in a basket! How many mushrooms does Alenka have? 6

6. Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats.

Rybak Roots - caught three perches.

Rybak Yevsey - four crucians.

How many fish did the fishermen bring from the river? 7

Presenter: Yes, Scarecrow, you still have a lot to learn.

But don't be upset.

Scarecrow: Little thanks! Oops, got it all wrong again. Thank you very much dear guys. I already understood something.

Presenter: Please, Scarecrow. Well, it's time for us!

The scarecrow says goodbye "Good luck, guys!" and leaves.

9 slide with the image of a ship, a soundtrack of the sound of the sea, a ship's horn.


The girls get on the ship


Full speed ahead!

The boundless distance of the sea,

On the left I notice the island!

10 slide island magical


It was very difficult to get here.

Friends, this is the Magic Island!

Oh, guys, look, I found a vessel.

How beautiful he is, how wonderful, as if all of silver.

Maybe one of you lost it now?

Children answer in the negative.

Leading (rubs a jug):


There is noise.

The host puts the vessel. The old man Khottabych enters (with musical accompaniment)

Old man Hottabych:(bows): Greetings, O most beautiful of the most beautiful!

Presenter: Are you from this jug?

Old man Hottabych: Yeah! I am the mighty and illustrious wizard Old Man Hottabych.

Presenter: Wizard?

Old man Hottabych: ABOUT! I am a powerful spirit, wizard! What is your name, beautiful one? (The presenter answers.)

Oh beautiful star!

You released me from prison forever!

Two hundred years in this vessel I, poor fellow, sat.

I am your slave until death, I will be glad to serve you,

I will fulfill all desires

I am like a brother to you now! Order!

(Falls to his knees.)

Presenter: What are you, grandfather! (Raises him.) Get up, we are all equal!

Old man Hottabych: Then why are these youths (pointing to the children) dressed up in beautiful outfits?

Presenter: We have a holiday today, these children say goodbye to kindergarten and will soon go to school, and so we went on a trip with them.

Old man Hottabych: And tell me, please, O best of the best, what is this palace called "kindergarten"? What are they doing there?

Presenter: We will gladly explain to you.


Kindergarten gave us warmth

And drove sorrow into the shadows.

A good spirit has always reigned here,

It's a holiday every day!


Here are our wonderful toys,

They were fun to play with!

Bears, rabbits, dolls, cars...

We will always remember you!

Everything in this house is for us

Tales, songs and story,

Noisy dance, quiet hour -

This house has everything for us.

Vika performs the song "Light House" (lyrics by A. Kuznetsova, music by T. Popatenko)

Old man Hottabych: Oh what a wonderful song! It means that you are doing well in kindergarten: fun, joyful, comfortable.

(To the host) And you know, my dear, I'm the smartest and all-knowing. I know (bends fingers) geography, mathematics…….. And now I will give you one task.

I will ask you questions and you will answer.

If you agree, then shout - Yes, Yes, Yes!

And if you do not agree, then - No, NO, NO!

Attention, let's start...

11 slide "Scream game"

Are we going to school in the fall? - Yes Yes Yes

Can we find friends there? - Yes Yes Yes

Will we study at school? - Yes Yes Yes

Will we fight with friends? - No, no, no

Will we sleep in class? - no no no

12 slide "Scream game"

Should we take a diary to school? - Yes Yes Yes

To get deuces? - no no no

Shall we play with dolls? - no no no

Will we solve problems? -Yes Yes Yes

Will we become students? - Yes Yes Yes

Are we going to do our own lessons? - Yes Yes Yes

Old man Hottabych: Well, you have pleased me, O modern of the modern! (Notices briefcases in the hands of the Host). My dear, why do you have these objects in your hands?

13 slide with the image of school supplies


These items are called briefcases. Let's check our children if they can pack a bag for school.

Attraction "Collect a briefcase".

Leading. Old Hottabych, it's time for us to return from our journey.

Old man Hottabych. I liked you very much. And I need to rest, because my venerable age reminds me of this!

Leader and children. Goodbye, Old Man Hottabych!

14 slide picture with the image of a boat, soundtrack - the sound of the sea, the horn of the ship.

Leading: And it's time for us to go, take your seats on the ship.

(The girls get on the ship)


Full speed ahead!

The boundless distance of the sea,

On the left I notice the island!

15 slide animations of various children's toys


We've come here now

Escort you to first class. This is one!


Two - we want to wish you

All become excellent students.


Three - they sigh heavily for you

Chipolino with Cheburashka...

Don't forget about them

Visit Kindergarten!


And "four" - we promise

What is without you in the native garden

Learn a lot of new things

And save the toys!

Well, and "five" - ​​we ask you

Don't be lazy at school.

We wish you guys

Study well!

Leading. And now the guys will show you "Jokes are small."

Kate Mom: Who wants to sit at the table?

Seryozha Son: Me!

Mom: Who will eat the jam?

Mom: And who will wash the dishes?

Son: Let Luda answer now! And then everything is me and me!

Mom: Tell me, son, did you behave well at school?

Didn't do anything?

Son: Of course not, mommy! What could I

mess up if all the time stood in the corner!

Mom: Tell me, daughter, are you satisfied with your teacher?

Ksyusha Daughter: Not really, mommy, because she is almost nothing

does not know herself, she asks us everything.

Staged "Artist".

Maksim Boy:

I spent half a day drawing a handsome horse,

And everyone praised me for the drawing.

First, my mother said a word to me ...

Raya Mother:

Wonderful, Mishenka, came out ... a sheep!

But with this drawing

I went to my dad

And my dad told me...

Alyosha Dad:

Great goat!

Then the little sister praised ...

Kate Sister:

You made a very good kitten.

And my older brother praised me

Yawned and said...

Stas Brother:

Nice crocodile!



Today is the last ball

For you graduates!

School is waiting for you

And school bells!

Let us be small today

But soon we'll grow up

And also follow you

We're going to first grade!


We envy you a little.

You are almost schoolchildren.

And we sincerely wish

Good luck to you!


Let the school become a home

Like a kindergarten,

And the sky will be peaceful

Above your head!

Children sing a song-dance "Bear with a doll." (Words and music by M. Kachurbina)

16 slide picture with the image of a boat, soundtrack - the sound of the sea, the horn of the ship.


Well, we have a couple on the way.


The boundless distance of the sea...

I notice an island in the sea!

17 slide farewell island

Everybody go out and line up and captain


Well, here we have made a journey


Yes, I have never had such good passengers.

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye. What else did you want to say?

Allow me to wish you goodbye!

Congratulations on your first grade! (leaves)

18 slide with the inscription "thank you"


We're leaving for school

Goodbye Kindergarten!

We will study well.

What they taught us in kindergarten

We will never forget!

"Thank you!" - goodbye together

With all our hearts we say

And educators, and nannies,

We thank them for everything!


"Thank you!" we want to say

To those who taught us to draw

And dance great

Beautiful and rhythmic!


I'll go to school healthy

I'll say "Thank you!" doctors

To all those who gave us injections,

Who kept us healthy.


"Thank you!" - tell the chefs

Their lunch is excellent.

For having delicious food

It was always on our table!

"Thank you!" - to our caretaker,

You had a lot of worries.

Buy, paint, whiten

And keep order.


I'm in junior group over food

She soiled her robe.

They gave me a clean, different one.

Thanks to our washerwoman!


At the head of our

A whole year of worries can not be counted,

To Katy, Pety, Masha

There was something to drink and eat,

So that everything and everyone is enough,

To make us happy.

Let's say "Thank you" to her.


We thank our kindergarten,

Everyone who raised children.

Thank you for your kindness

For an amazing story.

For taking us for a walk

And they taught to love beauty.

Thanks to everyone who taught us

Took care of us

Who gave us a lot of strength,

Ready for first grade.

Children sing the song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

(Music by Alexander Yermolov, lyrics by Vadim Borisov).

19 slide dance animation

Graduate girls perform "Farewell Waltz"

(staged by the educator and musical director)

20 slide "Certificate of a kindergarten graduate"

The word of the head, she presents diplomas of graduation from kindergarten. The teacher gives children's drawings as a keepsake.

21 family photo slides

Parents congratulate their children. Thank you to all kindergarten staff.

22 slide picture of a boat

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Ship of Childhood"(Tatiana and Alexander Solovyov)

Everyone is in a happy mood, everyone is dancing.12

Graduation script 2016 "Sea voyage to the Land of Knowledge"

MBDOU Kindergarten of combined type No. 8 "Swan" city ​​district of Khimki music director: Jamilya Hamidullakhovna Merdalieva

Purpose: to create a festive atmosphere, to form a positive motivation for school in children.


  1. To create conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of children.
  2. Activate the mental activity of children with the help of games.

Holiday progress:

Dance-out with paper boats in hand "Sail of childhood" .

1 graduate:

Goodbye our kindergarten!
We go to first class
And even though the parting is sad
don't worry about us!

2 graduate:

Everything we have been taught.
We will always remember
We know we were loved here
and how the years went by in a fairy tale!

3 graduate:

Here the walls became native
and beds and toys.
Educators and nannies
and my friends are girlfriends

4 graduate:

Only the teacher is waiting for us all,
loud joyful call.
Round dances, dances, games
will change the desk and the lesson.

5 graduate:

And so our ship sails,
The scarlet sail calls us to the dream.
But do not forget this pier,
Kindergarten, we will return to you.

SONG "Our ship sails away"

(All children sit down.)

Attention! Welcome to the central computer of the kindergarten! Today from the pier "Kindergarten" ship sails "Happy childhood" and keeps the path to the land of knowledge.

Educator: Look at our wonderful ship! Guys, do you agree to go to the Land of Knowledge - to school?

Educator 1: But I must warn you that on the way you will encounter difficulties and dangers that only the most courageous and resourceful children can overcome. You have to conquer the seas and oceans, visit the mysterious and mysterious islands.

Educator 2: Are you afraid of difficulties?

Children: no!

Educator 2: What is your mood like?

Children "In!" (show thumb)

Teacher: One for all!

Children: And all for one!

Educator: Then we'll hit the road!

Roll call:

1 graduate:

We are sailing. It's hard for us to say goodbye
With that island that met us kindly,
who raised us. And will dream for a long time
Our calm kindergarten pier.

2 graduate:

Farewell, country of Kuklyandiya, solid Fiction!
Let's swim, friends, be bold!
Sailing to the land of Fantasy, distant First Class
On our ship!

Graduate 3:

Farewell, our fabulous pier,

And kind and mysterious!

(in chorus) Farewell, our kindergarten!

Graduate 4:

Here is our boat sailing.
What, nobody sees us off?


How is no one following?
After all, this does not happen!
Follow the kids!
Look, here they are!

Enter the children of the younger group.


Of course we understand
You are not up to us today.
We just wish you
Good luck and good luck!

We want you to study
Get fives.
But of course your garden
You don't have to forget.

We ask you to say goodbye
Invite us to dance.

(dance of graduates and kids, response of graduates, presenting gifts, seeing off the kids, gull girls go to change clothes).

Attention! Welcome to the central computer of the kindergarten! Departure of the ship "Happy childhood" to the land of knowledge is cancelled. It is impossible to go on a dangerous journey without a captain.

To the phonogram "Captain Smile" teachers come out. One in a captain's cap with a steering wheel, the second in a peakless cap and guis, with binoculars.


Every ship has a captain. Today I will be your captain. I will lead you to the land of Knowledge.

Boatswain: I will be the boatswain. And I will keep order on the ship.


So, are you ready to swim?


Boatswain, hand over the moorings!


Yes, give mooring lines.


Raise the sails!


Eat, raise the sails!


Full speed ahead to the land of Knowledge!


There is full speed ahead!

Graduate 1:

Today we want to look at the kindergarten:
The boat of preschool childhood sails away.
We part with toys, with semolina,
With a group, with girlfriends, with our nanny.

Graduate 2:

We raise anchors, and catching a fair wind
We sail into unfamiliar seas at dawn.
To new school islands and mysterious straits.
This voyage will be difficult for us, but happy.

Dance of the seagulls.


The blue sea is waiting for us.

In places! Full speed ahead!

(the sound of the sea is heard, the captain looks through binoculars)

On the horizon I see a very small island ...

Dreamers live on it.

Boatswain: Let's also dream about the fact that the first of September has come, and the time has come for the children to go to school.


  1. Child: Petrusha has a holiday today, our Petrusha is a first grader (Petya exits). He walks down the street, people are surprised.
  2. Child: Adults and children are watching, and the train is following Petya.
  3. Child: Who is in a hurry for Petenka?

Mother (runs out with bouquet): Mommy!

2 Child: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad (runs out with briefcase and hat): Daddy!

1 Child: Who hobbles after Petya?

Grandmother in a scarf, holding on to her lower back: Grandmother!

2 Child: Who grunts, who catches up?

Grandfather (leaning on a stick): Grandfather!

  1. Child: Tell us why, did you cling to him?
  2. Child: Is it Petya the steam locomotive that carried the wagons?

Mom: And who will button the shirt?

Children: Himself!

Dad: And who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Himself!

Grandmother: Who will butter the bun?

Children: Himself!

Grandpa: Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Himself!

Mother (approaches, pats on the head) He's still small!

Dad (touches his shoulder) He's still weak!

Grandmother: (pulling hands to chest) He is so pampered!

Grandpa: He's so sick! (Everyone crowds around him)

1 Child: Is this always like this?

2 Child: Oh, what nonsense!
Mom: Have pity on him
My first grader.
Dad: I took time off from work,

To take care of him.
Grandmother: My granddaughter is thinning -
I'll give him a pie.
Grandfather: Skip to the lesson -

I'll tie his shoelace!
1 Child: It's just nonsense
Doesn't fit anywhere.
2 Child: We'll take it from you,

Come, Petrusha, to the classroom.
1 child: Petya will be with you soon
Reply to all:
Peter: "I myself"

2 Child: Who knew the story,
He wound his mustache!
Children: Don't look like children,
On such a Petya!

(applause, music, children line up in a semicircle for roll call "What Children Dream About" )

1. Years will fly by quickly,
Here is the end of kindergarten
Then we finish school
life will be fun.

Today we will dream
Choose your own work.

3. And I want to become a model,
I will admire everyone with my gait,
Look, I've become a beauty!
I will shoot for a magazine.

4. And I will fly into the sky,
I want to become a stewardess
I will try very hard
Passengers smile.

5. I will go to show business,
I will sing songs
And then they start me
recognize everywhere,

I will be from the stage
sing amazing!
You an autograph in kindergarten
I will definitely send.

6. I want to become an artist,
to perform on stage
And also to act in films,
smile at you from the screen.

But I'm in doubt!
Do you think I can?

7. I want to become a doctor. Tooth.
And smile at all the sick.
- Do not twitch, my dear,
Here is your milk clove!

8. And I'll probably be a doctor,
I will heal people!
I will travel everywhere
And save sick children!

9. Soon I will be a military man,
Or just a pilot - ace!
And not worse than Superman
I will protect you!

10. I am a famous artist
I will definitely.
I'm interested in drawing
Very exciting!

11. I am a school teacher.
I will give knowledge to children!
The kids will be happy with me
I tell you for sure!

12. Well, I'll be back here!
Affectionate, attentive
And always responsive
I will become an educator!

13. And to become the manager
Need by all means
Everything-everything-everything about the garden to know.
And nerves of steel!

14. And I want to be president!
And on solemn moments,
I will speak speeches
Lead a great country!


Dreams change, friends
But you can't forget about them!
Of course it was a joke
So smile for a minute!


Well, team, do not yawn!
Sing a song about school!

Children sing a song "Learning should be fun" . The children sit down.


Captain! I see a black flag on the horizon! It's a pirate ship!

Pirates enter to the music.

Pirate: Hey, on the ship! Now we will rob you!

Captain: Who are you?

Pirate: I am Captain Jack Sparrow! And this is my girlfriend - Polundra!

Boatswain: Excuse me?

Polundra: Po-lundra! The ship is sinking and I'm screaming "Polundra! All hands on deck! Save yourself who can!” And who are you? Where are you on your way?

Captain: And these are children from kindergarten "Swan" , future first graders! And they are on their way to the Land of Knowledge - to school!

Polundra: To school? Hey Jack, do you know what they eat with?

musical beat "What is taught in school" , roll call.

Child 1:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
This is where they rush
All children in the morning.

Child 2:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
This is the place where you know
About everything in the world.

Child 3:

About the multiplication table
About verbs and conjugations
About planets and seas
And what a round earth.

Child 4:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
Changes and calls
Buns at the buffet...

Child 5:

And diary entries
And a task on the board.
You will know everything, you will understand everything
Group in unison: If you come to school.

Pirate: Do you know what to take with you to school?

Children: We know!

Polundra: How do they know! Let's get confused?

A game "Briefcase" (children scream "Yes" or "No" )

If you go to school
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?

Cleaning broom?
Diary for five?
Album and paint?
Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?
Ripped boots?
Felt pens and a pen?
A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?
Are the mattresses inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
Is there a canary in a cage?

Relay race "Collect a portfolio"

Jack: Why collect a briefcase! The main thing is to be able to count and count treasures!

Polundra: one coin, two coins, three bracelets! Do your guys know how to count?

Polundra: And now we will check!

Music game "Get in Number" . Phonogram "Numbers"

The children dance while the music plays. The music stops, the pirates raise their number cards. Children respond with verses and stand in a circle in the right amount.

We know, this is the number 2, the kids got into pairs.
We know, this is the number 3, you look at it.
We know the number 4, our circle has become wider!
We will stand in a circle again, children love the number 5.

Captain: How is it that school is not important? What are you pedagogically neglected!

Polundra: Oh, I like what they call us! Look how affectionately - pedagogically neglected! Let's run them, shall we?

Jack: Come on! Let's go and let go! Happy sailing!

Captain: Or maybe you are with us?

Polundra: No! We'll go and think about your offer! (pirates leave to the music)

A game "Learn the Word" .

Song "It's time to go to school" + playing metallophones.

Soundtrack sounds "Sound of the sea" .


Team, take your seats! Full speed ahead!


There is full speed ahead! (looks through binoculars) Captain, man overboard!

Captain: Hurry! Throw a lifeline!

The boatswain takes a life buoy on a long rope, runs with it to the door, "throws" . Commands the children "Help!" . 2-3 boys come out to help, pull out Neptune

Captain: Guys! Yes, it's King Neptune himself! Your Majesty, with what fate did you come to us for the holiday?

Neptune: Yes, I heard that your guys are going to school. Is it so?

Neptune: And I also heard that in your kindergarten, every child is a star! I also have starfish in the sea. But whatever in the garden - I do not believe!

Captain: See for yourself!

Dance "We are little stars"

Neptune: Oh, really - solid stars! But what do you do in this earthly school? I invite you to my sea! Do you know how interesting it is? There, when the bell rings, all the students rejoice and shout: Ding-ding! And parents also rejoice and shout "Hooray!" (a game "Ding-ding - Hooray!" )

Neptune: Oh, what wonderful parents you have!

It's hard to raise your children
There is a lot to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,
Good parting words to give in time,
Smart book to have time to read,
Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,
We need to toughen up more children,
And most importantly - without a doubt -
I wish you patience!

And now it's time to take the oath of the parents of first graders! I ask everyone to stand up!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class.

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

To develop talents in a child,

I swear to visit all circles with him!

I will always be the perfect parent.

And I will never forget my vow!

Neptune: Well, I believe moms. And dads swore somehow not convincingly!

Captain: What are you, dear Neptune! Our kids have the best dads in the world!


Pigtails, bows, school, satchel, friends.

To the waltz, I invite you, daddy!

In your hand is my strong palm,

And my eyes glow with happiness!

Dance of fathers and daughters. (Oleg Gazmanov. "Daughter" )

Neptune: Well done guys! Well done parents! All overcome! For this, I give you a magic compass! It will lead you straight to the Land of Knowledge! And I have to go! (leaves)

Captain: Boatswain, set sail!

Boatswain: Got to raise the sails! Let's sail to the land of knowledge - to school!


Sea on the left, sea on the right
splashing waves in space


Oh, I seem to be in the distance
I see the edge of the earth!
The recorded voice sounds:

Attention! The central computer of the kindergarten speaks to you! Right on the course - the Land of Knowledge! ship "Happy childhood" arrives at the destination!

Quiet music sounds, the children go to roll call:

1. Farewell to all who loved us,
Taught to play, write,
Sculpt and dance and sing
Help me get smarter!

2. We will not forget your hands,
their gentle warmth.
We learned the word here "Friend" .
AND "happiness" , And "good" !

3. Thank you again
And low-low bow to you.
And with a slight sadness we will wave to you
With its spread wing.

4. I'm afraid there won't be enough words in the world.
We will remember and love
You, who give your heart to children,
Those who gave us a start in life.

5. Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And those who simply loved us!
All: Bow to you and thank you!

Captain: And now the floor is given to the parents of graduates!

Presentation by parents.

The word of the head, the presentation of diplomas.

Educator 1:

We want to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Educator 2:

Children leave the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From kindergarten
to the school threshold

Let's take you today...

Good time!

final dance "Songs will resound" ..

Launching balls "Wish" into the sky. The presenter says that when releasing the ball into the sky, you need to make the most cherished wish, and it will certainly come true. "One two Three! Fly a ball with a dream into the sky!

Graduation in kindergarten

Presenter T.F.:

Hello dear parents! Dear guests! Today we are all a little sad because it is time to part. Very soon the first school bell will ring for our graduates!

Presenter L.I.:

Ahead is a difficult road to the world of adult school life. And today they solemnly and excitedly rush to the first prom in their lives. Meet them!

T.F.: The most perky!
L.I.: The most agile!
T.F.: The most charming!
L.I.: The most attentive!
T.F.: The humblest!
(Children enter the hall, the host introduces each by name)

Children's names and the meaning of each name




Presenter L.I.:

Today, the excitement can not be contained -
Our last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

Presenter T.F.:

And how hard it is to part with you,
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Presenter L.I.:

We have been waiting for this day for five years.

But he popped up all of a sudden.

And the lilac blossomed in the garden,

Like it never bloomed.

Presenter T.F.:

Bouquets, music, poetry

And bright from the smiles of the hall -

All this for you, graduates,

Today is your last ball.


Our garden is sad today

And we are sad quite a bit,

The day of farewell has come

And we have a long road ahead.


Leaving a piece of childhood here

We go to the first school class,

But we'll be next door to you

And we will remember you again and again.


More than once we remember how we played

And how many things were here

As carved in the evenings

Lipstick, eyebrow shadow.


How good fairy tales were loved

How did you go on excursions?

To the library to know everything!


What holidays were

And how we loved the holidays!

And how beautifully they danced

Theater, fairy tales played out.


We will remember the group and toys.

And the bedrooms are gentle coziness.

And how to forget friends, girlfriends,

With whom we lived here for so many years.


Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

But time can't be turned back

And it's time for us, it's time to go.

Goodbye beloved kindergarten!


Today is a spring day, bright.

So exciting for us

Time flies by imperceptibly

We will be met by the school, first grade!

9. Sasha

Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,
Today is graduation day.
And we are proud of our garden
After all, it is like home to us!


Here we played, played pranks, grew up.
Here our childhood years passed.
Every morning they hurried here,
We will never forget these days!

11. Vika

We'll sing goodbye
We give this song to everyone.
Let this song on a May day
Flying across the world.

The song "Now we are first-graders"

    All the kids know

It's time to get together

In a huge house

What is called a school.

The game is over

play in kindergarten

Everything is gone

And will not return.


Earrings and Natasha

Now we are freshmen

And look at friends

Yesterday's down.

They stayed in the garden

Marina, Sasha, Vladik,

They haven't heard yet

School bell.

    How about chemistry experiments.

    Here comes the hour of glory

    We go to first class

    With this you can each other



    Presenter T.F.:

    Childhood is the time when all children dream. But even mothers and fathers do not know who the children will become, who they will grow up to be. And yet, I believe that even the most unusual, fantastic dreams come true, if you really want to!

    Interview. Individual numbers:

    Presenter L.I.:

    Guys, I think that each of you have a dream? Yes?
    … and when you get up as an adult, what do you want to be? (I dream of becoming a conductor...)
    Presenter T.F.:

    …, do you have a dream? (Yes, I dream of becoming a poet and will tell you a poem)
    Presenter L.I.: … and who do you dream of becoming? (Gymnast...)

    Presenter T.F.:

    Well done guys! Your dreams will definitely come true! But it seems to me that each of you has a dream to go to school as soon as possible? Yes? Do you know what awaits you there. We'll see now.


    To school a good way
    Your flow is like a river.
    Let's play the game "Give me a word"

    Who walks with a bag of books
    In the morning to school ... (student)

    Footsteps in the hallway
    What calls everyone to the lesson ... (call)

    If you all know
    You get it at school ... (five)

    If you sharpen it-
    Draw whatever you want
    Sun, mountains, sea, beach
    What is it ... (pencil)

    To write letters
    We will cook ... (notebook)

    Every student goes to school
    Must take with you ... (diary)

    Look, you took to school
    I put it with me ... (pencil case)


    Well done! We are quite calm for you

    You all deserve to learn!

    Presenter L.I.: What marks do you want to get in school? (Fives and fours)

    Presenter T.F.: But we'll see about that. We offer you

    game "Good marks".

    Presenter L.I.: Well done guys, we hope that you will please your parents with good grades.

    Presenter T.F.:

    All adults were once children

    and we know for sure

    What would give everything in the world,

    To see childhood clouds.

    Presenter L.I.:

    And the sun in childhood is a hundred times warmer,

    And friendship is stronger, and flowers are more beautiful.
    And all the songs seem more fun

    and dreams come true.

    Presenter T.F.:

    Here comes the moment of farewell, we will not be sad, friends.
    May our kindergarten remain forever in your life, like a family.

    Presenter L.I.:

    That's preschool childhood
    You are on the threshold of another life.
    May it forever be remembered
    Your first graduation waltz.

    Graduation waltz.

      Parting is coming, soon we will go to school,

    And today we will sing this song in parting ...


    Goodbye kindergarten! All the guys say

    We will never forget our beloved kindergarten!”

      We learned to work and help each other

    We will study at school for sure at "5"!

    Presenter L.I.:

    You have all worked very hard this school year. Learned the most unexpected things about our world; many learned to read, count, solve difficult problems; learned to be polite and well-mannered. Took their first hard steps in school life.

    Presenter T.F.:

    I would like to wish you to continue to be the same hardworking, kind and caring people; so that, while studying at school, you can please both your teachers and your parents with your success, as you pleased us.

    The song "Teach at school"

    Write different letters

    with a thin pen in a notebook

    Thanksgiving words

    We lived together in this house,
    There were games, tears, laughter...
    Good friend, warm light
    The educator has become for everyone.
    We'll raise our hands together
    Words are not needed now
    Let's hug the teachers!
    There are two of them, our favorite ones!


    Will meet in the morning, wipe his nose.
    He will comb and wash everyone,
    Bring a tray of food...
    It was unbearable
    We behaved more than once.
    We will tell the nanny everything - thank you!
    We couldn't have done it without you!

    Look, we are beautiful
    Both healthy and vigorous!
    In games we are invincible
    Both active and fast!

    We went to cheerleading
    Worked in the morning, afternoon...
    Elizabeth Igorevna
    We shake hands tightly!

    Music lessons
    We visited not in vain -
    We act, in the end,
    Despite embarrassment!
    You were not strict with us,
    If we make a mistake,
    In gratitude to the teacher
    Let's smile from the bottom of our hearts!


    Everything in our garden is excellent -
    Beauty is visible in everything
    Because on my own
    She works wonders!
    And the director today
    For her efforts
    We'll say thank you now
    Sincerely yours!

    (T. Dashkova)

    For congratulations and presentation of diplomas, the floor is given to the director (Presenting diplomas, gifts, etc.)

    Host: Word to parents.
    Parent: Our children have become years older,
    And she dreams of going to first grade as soon as possible.
    Why are our educators sad?
    And tears drop from tender eyes!
    For the kids opened the cherished door,
    They will all flutter out like chicks from a nest,
    You gave them all your good heart
    Not sparing for them their strength and labor.
    - We give tenderness and generous caresses to children,
    We shield from trouble with all our hearts, loving,
    About victory, good, you read fairy tales to them,
    To live them with hope and faith in themselves.
    Children somewhere lost socks and tights,
    We got angry at you from such trifles,
    But with you we were calm and meek,
    Doing your holy work.
    - Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe your tears,
    After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
    Please accept our huge thanks
    Because you loved our guys.
    You lit the hearts of children with love,
    For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
    Your work is like tributaries by a river
    Thank you for being in the world!

    Leading: Children, here are our magic balls, we will attach our pigeons to them. And now each of you make your most cherished wish. Now we will go outside and you will release the balloons into the sky. Your wish will surely come true someday.
    (Children come out, on command: One, two, three - fly my ball, the children release the balls into the sky.)
    Leading: I also have ribbons. Let each of you tie a ribbon on our apple tree, which every morning met you at the gate, and escorted you home in the evening.

    Our garden is sad today

    And we are sad quite a bit,

    The day of farewell has come

    And we have a long road ahead.

    Leaving a piece of childhood here

    We go to the first school class,

    But we'll be next door to you

    And we will remember you again and again.

    More than once we remember how we played

    And how many things were here

    As carved in the evenings

    Lipstick, eyebrow shadow.

    How good fairy tales were loved

    How did you go on excursions?

    To the library to know everything!

    What holidays were

    And how we loved the holidays!

    And how beautifully they danced

    Theater, fairy tales played out.

    We will remember the group and toys.

    And the bedrooms are gentle coziness.

    And how to forget friends, girlfriends,

    With whom we lived here for so many years.

    Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

    But time can't be turned back

    And it's time for us, it's time to go.

    Goodbye beloved kindergarten!

    Today is a spring day, bright.

    So exciting for us

    Time flies by imperceptibly

    We will be met by the school, first grade!


    We lived together in this house,

    There were games, tears, laughter...

    Good friend, warm light

    The educator has become for everyone.

    We'll raise our hands together

    Words are not needed now

    Let's hug the teachers!

    There are two of them, our favorite ones!

    With a kind look, the door will open,

    Will meet in the morning, wipe his nose.

    He will comb and wash everyone,

    Will bring food...

    It was unbearable

    We behaved more than once.

    We will tell the nanny everything - thank you!

    We couldn't have done it without you!

    Look, we are beautiful

    Both healthy and vigorous!

    In games we are invincible

    Both active and fast!

    We went to cheerleading

    Worked in the morning, afternoon...

    And now Elizabeth Igorevna

    We shake hands very strongly!


    Music lessons

    We visited not in vain -

    We act, in the end,

    Despite embarrassment!

    You were not strict with us,

    If we make a mistake,

    In gratitude to the teacher

    Let's smile from the bottom of our hearts!


    Everything in our garden is excellent -

    Beauty is visible in everything

    Because on my own

    She works wonders!

    And the director today

    For her efforts

    We'll say thank you now

    Municipal educational institution

    preschool education

    "Kindergarten No. 344"

    graduation party script

    in kindergarten

    « Our ship is sailing»

    Musical director

    MOU "Kindergarten No. 344"

    Mukhina Tamara Ivanovna

    Omsk 2011



    For children 5-7 years old

    Mukhina Tamara Ivanovna ,

    music director

    MOU "Kindergarten No. 344"
    city ​​of Omsk

    Purpose of the holiday:
    1. form a comprehensively developed, holistic personality;
    2. develop an aesthetic perception of festive events;
    3. educate the creative abilities of children, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and theatrics.
    Preliminary work:
    1. Selection of children's works of art about the school, about the kindergarten.
    2. Selection of games, tasks, musical material.
    3. Development of the abstract “Our boat is sailing away”
    4. Decoration of the music hall for the upcoming holiday.
    5. Parents together with children learn roles, prepare costumes.
    6. Educators select and study with children poems, lyrics (expressively, emotionally).
    Roles played by adults - Hosts 1 and 2, Cinderella, Stepmother, 2 Pirates.
    Children play roles - Fly-sokotuha, 2 Wasps.
    1. Exit of the hosts and children to the holiday "Waltz" by E. Doga
    2. The song "Time to go to school" sl. and music. L. Oliferova .
    3. music and sl. M.D. Bystrovoy
    4. Poems at the choice of parents.
    5. Individual dance "On the blue sea" under song in spanish Natasha Koroleva
    6. General dance "Sunshine" sl. and music. T.Z. uppercase .
    7. Fairy tale in Spanish children
    8. Game "Make a word."
    9. The game "Raise the anchor"
    10. Dance of the Butterflies. children 1 ml. gr. to the song « Butterfly wonderful " sl. and music. A. Yaranova .
    11. Game "Drink milk from a bottle"

    12. Dance "Naughty" to the song "Naughty" in Spanish. Zhanna Kolmagorova

    13. Dance "Top on the parquet" (song "Top on the parquet" Spanish. Show group Smile)

    14. Game "Collect a briefcase"

    15. Song "Goodbye toys" sl. and music. E. Zaretskaya

    16. Game "1,2,3,4,5,"

    17. The song "Let's not forget the kindergarten" op. and music. T.A.Sokolova

    18. Dance with gel balls "White doves » (song "White Doves" in the Spanish studio "Talisman")

    (to the soundtrack "Waltz" by E. Doga, the hosts enter the hall)

    1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear parents and staff of our kindergarten. Today our children are finishing their stay in kindergarten and we are proud to release them into a great life. So,« Academy of Preschool Sciences» finishing today....

    (to the soundtrack "Waltz" by E. Dog, children enter the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern)

    1 Presenter: There are various holidays throughout the year.

    Only this special one is for you!

    You are not preschoolers - first graders,

    A bright, spacious classroom awaits you.

    2 Presenter: And the parents sit on the side

    And they look at you with excitement,

    Like seeing for the first time

    Grown up their guys!

    1 child: Not a year, not two, but many years

    I went to kindergarten.

    I met the dawn on the road

    And watched the sunset.

    2 child: Here is warmth, care, affection

    We were given every hour

    In this house, as if in a fairy tale,

    Any of us came.

    3 child: We just need to say goodbye

    Kindergarten is expensive.

    The school will be very happy

    First graders like that!

    4 child: Birch trees are sad in the yard

    At this farewell hour.

    After all, we will all go in September

    Learn first grade.

    5 child: We will take satchels, primers,

    Notebooks, diaries,

    And the song will be sung loudly

    We have school calls!

    SONG "TIME TO SCHOOL"» sl. and music. L. Oliferova .

    6 child: We invited dear guests here

    To our festive farewell concert,

    To get in this room today

    A mysterious ticket to the adult world.

    7 child: With love, educators relatives

    Wave after their graduates.

    Don't worry about us, we're already big

    And thank you for your concern.

    8 child: And the same boys will come to you

    And girls with pigtails and without.

    And secrets to discover earthly wonders.

    9 child: Farewell, our kindergarten! you with love

    We will remember for a long time.

    Everything is ahead of us, but only kids

    We will never be again!

    SONG "FAREWELL FAVORITE KINDERGARTEN" words and music by M.D. Bystrova

    (children sit down)

    1 Presenter: Guys, it seemed quite recently, as little crumbs, you came to kindergarten, not knowing how to wash yourself, hold a spoon correctly, many did not know how to talk, and now you have matured, wiser, learned a lot



    What kind of student is this, what kind of fidget:
    Dropped a neighbor's pen in class
    And then, rustling the package,
    Ate homemade meatballs
    I drew a cake in a notebook -
    It turned out to be a face.
    Ah, perhaps the lesson
    Never end!
    Fidget does not sit -
    He is hard to learn!
    L. Chadova.

    child - preschooler

    Today I say goodbye to the garden.
    Came here for the last time.
    child - preschooler
    Goes to first grade.
    Friends quieted down on the carpet
    Not heard in the group scream.
    For us raspberry compote
    The cook cooked!
    Toys lined up
    Like at a parade
    And the dolls - young ladies are sitting
    All in festive attire.
    And even the janitor was sad,
    Sweeping paths.
    We leave kindergarten
    Like a flock of sparrows.
    Today everyone forgives us
    Yes, I don't want to mess around.
    We're Sorry - Preschool Days
    Do not return back!
    L. Chadova.


    I'm looking forward to tomorrow
    I go to bed early
    And imagine how in the morning
    I'm going to school!
    Here's our alarm clock,
    I'll throw off the blanket
    Together with me outside the window
    In the morning the sun rose.
    Worries at the sun over the edge:
    Raise all first graders
    Wake up, call and stop:
    "Hurry to school, kids!"
    And here I go out the gate
    With a beautiful satchel on his back,
    And the sun's merry rays
    Straighten over me...
    Well, in the meantime, I need to sleep,
    Quite a bit - just a little more to wait!
    L. Chadova.

    2 Presenter: Dear children, how many holidays we spent together in this hall, but today is a special holiday - farewell to the kindergarten, and so that you remember it for a long time, I propose to go on a trip to the islands of the country "Preschoolers".

    (the curtain opens with the image of the ship on the central wall)

    2 Presenter: The ship is ready to sail. All hands on deck!

    And to make our trip fun, we take with us on the road

    upbeat song.

    DANCE ON THE BLUE SEAwords, music andSpanish Natasha Koroleva

    2 Presenter: (looks through spyglass) How beautiful ... in front of me

    the blue sea, which reflects the white clouds and the sun's rays.

    10 Child: Rays fly across the sky

    We are so similar to the rays.

    They will never return to the sun

    We can't go back to kindergarten either.

    (turn on the ball, turn off after the dance)

    DANCE "SUN RAYS" - sl. and music. T.Z. uppercase all children do

    1 Presenter: (looks through spyglass) I see the earth, this is a wonderful island, called "Actor's".

    11 Child: How many roles we played,

    They surprised everyone with their performance.

    And now for the last time

    Let's show you the story now.


    1 Presenter: Fly - fly Tsokotuha,

    Gilded belly!

    The fly went across the field,

    The fly found the money.

    (A fly - a girl preparing a gr. walks, picking flowers, finds a wallet,

    takes out dollars, looks them into the light, counts)

    Fly: One two three four five…

    What to do? How to be?... (thinks)

    You have to go to school.

    There they teach me

    If they don't get stuck.

    Foreign understand.

    Getting into school is not easy.

    Flies of small stature

    They ask questions

    Teachers - Wasps.

    And you don't know the answer

    Go home - hello!

    What would you have to take risks?

    You have to go to school.

    (Wasps come out - 2 girls preparing a group, sit down at the table)

    1 Wasp: Fly, come closer.

    Don't be afraid - I won't offend you.

    I really want to know

    Take a ticket from us soon

    Answer us, don't be shy.

    (The fly takes the ticket and gives it to 1 Host)

    Fly: I ask you to read the ticket,

    Problems I will solve

    You guys help

    Solve problems with me.


    1. Sparrow sat on a branch,

    Sang a song loudly

    Two titmouse have arrived

    And sat on a branch nearby.

    Count the birds on the branch

    And give me an answer soon. (three)

    2. Fish, fish are mischievous.

    Five of them floated in the water.

    But wagging its tail in the water,

    Then one swam away.

    Oh what a pity

    How many fish are left! (four)

    3. Taking brushes and a pencil,

    Our artist painted:

    Three oaks and three aspens,

    Three thin rowanberries.

    All trees are silent.

    He won't understand what's what

    Help him! (nine)

    2 Wasp: Fly, maybe you know the letters?

    Or maybe you are reading? (Fly shrugs)

    Need to learn the letters

    And make words out of them. (gives Fly letters)

    Fly: But there are so many letters - I'm alone (referring to children)

    I need your help.

    GAME "MAKE A WORD" (school, school desk and 3-4 more words)

    1 Wasp: Friends helped you.

    Fly: I'm so glad for this!

    2 Wasp: It's all right, student!

    You will study with us!

    Fly: No, not in vain I risked!

    Still on the list!

    Passed everything - from "A" to "Z",

    School is waiting for me!

    (Wasps and Fly sit down)

    2 Presenter: We continue swimming ... Oh, what is this? There is a ship with a black flag in front, in my opinion, these are Pirates ...

    (Pirates - adults, 2 Blindfold Pirates run into the hall with noise)

    1 Pirate: All the karapuziki sailed away! One-eyed, knit them!

    2 Presenter: Stop, stop! Let's figure it out. Perhaps you have confused us with someone else? So please release our ship, we need to continue.


    2 Pirate: Oh oh! Dreaming. You won't swim anywhere. The journey is over.

    And no more talking!

    1 Pirate: Everyone stay where you are!

    2 Pirate: Come on, Captain, give me your jewels!

    2 Presenter: The jewels in front of you are my command.

    1 Pirate: Are you kidding, captain?

    2 Pirate: And with us, as you know, jokes are bad.

    1 Presenter: You are terribly rude, where were you brought up?

    Both Pirates: On a desert island! (laugh)

    1 Presenter: Were there no schools on this island?

    1 Pirate: Wow! What schools, he's uninhabited! (laugh)

    1 Presenter: Now it's clear, you're just ignoramuses!

    2 Pirate: Why should we study? There is power - no mind needed!

    1 Presenter: You can't even count your treasures.

    2 Pirate: Like this?

    1 Presenter: Let's say you had six gold coins, three of them you gave to me, how many coins do you have left?

    2 Pirate: Six, I'm not going to give my coins to anyone.

    1 Presenter: You are pedagogically neglected: you don’t know how to count, you don’t know the letters ...

    1 Pirate: But we know how to fight and shoot.

    (shoot with water pistols)

    1 Presenter: It's good that there are no people like you among our guys and they all want to go to school, and they will tell you about it now.


    Miracle - student

    I'm going to study in September
    I am almost seven years old.
    "What a miracle - a student! -
    The neighbor will say cheerfully. -
    Helping mom at home
    Teaches brother to count
    Reads a fairy tale in syllables
    And he can draw.
    And she goes to study
    Be the best student!"
    L. Chadova.

    important reason

    To surprise people
    There is an important reason:
    Steps now in the first class
    Not a boy, but a man.
    Heavy backpack on the back
    Big bouquet in hand
    He is seven years old
    'Cause he's big
    And festively dressed.
    A man goes to first class
    Although while with my mother,
    But the hand in my mother's hand
    He pulls straight.
    "I myself!" he insists stubbornly, -
    Well, let go, no need!"
    And in a satchel with books lies
    Favorite toy.
    L. Chadova.

    1 Pirate: One-eyed, I fucking liked them. Can we let them go?

    2 Pirate: Well, let's let them go if they show us their strength. (shows 2 anchors) On command: "Raise the anchor" we will have to raise these terribly heavy anchors.

    GAME "RAISE THE ANCHOR"(played by a Pirate and a child)

    1 Pirate: So be it, we let you go, swim on.

    2 Presenter: Or maybe you are with us?

    2 Pirate: No, we'll go and think about your proposal about the school.

    (Pirates leave)

    2 Presenter: (looks through spyglass) Ahead is an island with the affectionate name "Baby".

    (2 host lays flowers on the floor)

    (the hall includes 2 children 1 ml. gr. with a teacher)

    1 child: You rarely played with us,

    They called babies

    Sometimes we were offended

    They didn't give us toys!

    2 child: You have become big

    Go to first class!

    Saying goodbye today

    We dance for you!

    DANCE "WONDERFUL BUTTERFLY"sl. and music. A. Yaranovachildren 1 ml. gr.

    1 Presenter: Guys, once you were as small as the inhabitants of the island "Baby". And here is your favorite drink of the time.

    (takes out 4 bottles of milk)


    2 Presenter: (looks into the pipe) An island with the name “Dance Island” appeared on the horizon.

    12 child:And again the hall is full, and the lights are burning again.

    And we are not strangers on this stage, but our own.

    Applause ringing and look of happy eyes,

    And there is no greater reward for all of us!

    1 Presenter: And these children are no longer new to the scene. They confidently began their stage career, repeatedly successfully performing in the city competition. It seems that they are already respectable people, but they are still such rascals!

    DANCEsong in spanish Zhanna Kolmagorova

    13 child: How many dances, what can not be counted.
    And there is fashion for dancing.
    What attracted everyone yesterday
    It's time to take it to the museum!
    Dance, the one that is new,
    The whole world is ready to dance.
    They wave their hand at him
    Just another will appear.
    In our youth
    We are always happy to dance.

    DANCE: PORQUET TOP( song "Top on the parquet" Show group Smile)

    2 Presenter: Our journey continues. (looks into the pipe) An island with a magical name appeared on the horizon - "Fabulous".

    (Cinderella enters the hall - adult)

    Cinderella: I hurried to your farewell ball,

    Changed everything:

    Cleaned all the dishes

    I swept the floors in the house.

    Fairy kind told me

    That the guys are waiting for me here,

    I came to you as promised

    But only for five minutes.

    Cinderella: This is the Stepmother, it’s clear that something needs to be done again, and I won’t be able to attend your graduation ball ...

    (includes Stepmother - adult)

    Stepmother: Cinderella, out of business again?

    You, I see, insolent.

    Didn't sweep the floor in the kitchen

    And the fire did not lit!

    Somehow sewed outfits,

    All. And she folded her hands.

    You bastard forgot

    What did I ask you?

    Buy new briefcases,

    To take my daughters to school. My little ones, where are you?

    (daughters run out - 2 girls prep. gr.)

    Both daughters: We're here, mama.

    Cinderella: It's great, I'm glad

    We'll go to school together!

    1 daughter: With you to school? It hurts.

    2 daughter: No, we won't take you!

    1 daughter: You see, Cinderella, what's the matter,

    Did you even look at yourself?

    In a gray dress, dirty nose

    We're wearing Versace.

    2 daughter: Over our image of yesterday

    Serezha Zverev conjured.

    And if you're around

    A big scandal awaits us at school.

    Stepmother: She was going to school, she had a lot of work to do, and she didn’t know what she was thinking about. I asked you to prepare briefcases for my daughters, and where are they?

    Cinderella: They have been ready for a long time.

    Stepmother: My little ones, you stay here, try to collect portfolios for school. (leading) And you guys help my daughters. Cinderella, let's go, I'll give you the final instructions for preparing for the holiday.

    (Stepmom and Cinderella leave)

    1 Presenter: Well, let's try to collect portfolios, only our guys are also not yet experienced in this matter, so let's call on the help of parents.


    (the child collects a briefcase, mom makes sandwiches, dad inflates a balloon)

    (Stepmother enters, followed by Cinderella)

    Stepmother: So, Cinderella, there should be a lot of flowers, bright colors and music at the holiday. (notices the piano) It's great that you have the tool. (goes to piano)

    I used to do vocals, and I was good at it ... Ah-ah-ah-ah

    (music director) Come on, darling, move over. (sits down at the instrument, presses all the keys, sings)“The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago, I will go for a walk with my daughters in the garden.” (cough) Something I'm not in the voice today, children, help me. (sings again) Children, I can't hear you, did a bear come on your ear? Your kids can't sing at all.

    1 Presenter: You are mistaken, our children sing wonderfully.

    SONG "FAREWELL TO TOYS" -sl. and music. E. Zaretskaya

    Soloist + group

    1 Presenter: You see how wonderful our children sing.

    Stepmother: (wiping tears with handkerchief) Touched, touched my sensitive nature.

    Herald: (voice behind the screen) Listen! Listen! Listen! And don't say you haven't heard. To all the inhabitants of our kingdom Decree of the king! Children who have reached the age of seven and can count to five can go to school.

    Stepmother: Cinderella, Cinderella! Where are you? Come quickly to me.

    Cinderella: I'm here, what do you want?

    Stepmother: Cinderella, we have problems - my daughters don’t know how to count, they won’t be accepted to school.

    (Daughters, running out to Stepmother)

    1 daughter: Mommy, mommy, won't they accept us at school?

    2 Daughter: And where are we going to show the outfits.

    Stepmother: Do not worry, daughters, now Cinderella will fix everything.

    1 Presenter: Or maybe your daughters will play with our children? In the game they will quickly learn to count.

    GAME "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"

    Stepmother: Thank you, now my crumbs will be able to go to school.

    1 Presenter: And Cinderella?

    Stepmother: And Cinderella too. Let my little ones stay here with you. And Cinderella and I will go to the "Trading City" to buy her an outfit for school.

    Cinderella: Goodbye, guys.

    Stepmother: Goodbye everyone, my babies, do not miss me!

    14 child: We had a lot of holidays:

    Spring and autumn, birthday, Christmas trees.

    And this is the very first graduation,

    It will remain in the hearts of children for a long time.

    15 child: Everything is behind - horses, dolls, guns,

    We are adults, not kids

    We'll say goodbye to the toys

    And we will give them to you wholeheartedly.

    16 child: The minutes are flying by, the earth is spinning,

    And time can't be turned back.

    We will never return to kindergarten,

    We part with you, kindergarten!

    SONG "LET'S NOT FORGET KINDERGARTEN"sl. and music. T.A.Sokolova

    (children take flowers and become a semicircle)

    17 child: Our garden is sad today

    And we are a little sad.

    The day of farewell has come

    And a long road awaits us.

    18 child: Our kindergarten is like a home,

    We have been all these years.

    Here every day gave good,

    Troubles fled.

    19 child: Here we were pitied and loved,

    So much has been invested in us.

    I'm sorry we can't have you

    Take it with you to first class.

    20 child: To everyone who was with us,

    Who raised, raised,

    To everyone who just loved us

    We are speaking…

    All children: THANK YOU!

    21 children: Our Kindergarten staff

    From noisy and loving kids,

    Please accept this award:

    Our smiles and these flowers!

    (children present flowers to employees of the kindergarten and sit down)

    22 child: Saying goodbye to childhood comes

    And the dove of childhood flies into the sky.

    I shout to him in the blue sky:

    "Don't fly away, give me back my childhood!"

    DANCE "WHITE PIGEONS"(song "White Doves" Spanish studio "Talisman")

    (children go outside, release balloons and sit down)

    1 Presenter: The word for congratulations is given to the head of our kindergarten -


    CONGRATULATIONS from the manager

    2 Presenter: And now your parents want to congratulate you.


    GIVING GIFTS (given by educators and say parting words)

    1 Presenter: Our ball is over

    The holiday ends

    2 leading: Happy road to you


    (children leave the hall to the music of the song "First Grader")


    Ship on the central wall

    Caps and Collars for Dance


    Wallet with dollars

    Vests Muhe, Osam

    Stage table and chairs

    Ticket with tasks

    Letter squares

    Water pistols for Pirates

    Two anchors on a ribbon

    Flowers for performance 1 ml. gr., net

    Milk bottles

    Briefcases, school supplies, sausage, loaf, bags, balls for the game

    Toys for dancing in the song "Goodbye toys"

    White balloons have a white dove attached to them with a stapler.

    List of used literature:

    1. Magazine "Musical Director" No. 3-2009 Song "Time to go to school" sl. and music. L. Oliferova . pp. 24-28

    2. Magazine "Bell" No. 33/2005:The song "Goodbye beloved kindergarten"music and sl. M.D. Bystrovoy, pp. 6-7 ; The song "Let's not forget the kindergarten" op. and music. T.A. Sokolova, pp. 18-19

    Used materials and Internet resources

    1. Materials of the forum of the site (phonograms of songs for dances)

    Irina Chernoivanov
    Graduation script in kindergarten "Ship of childhood"

    graduation script« Ship of childhood» .

    Target: create a festive atmosphere, form a positive attitude towards knowledge and school in children


    1. Create conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of children, the creation of an emotionally positive atmosphere of cooperation kindergarten and family, joint experiences of joy and sadness, parting, feelings of a common holiday.

    2. With the help of game techniques, activate the mental activity of children.

    3. Formation in children and parents of a sense of gratitude to employees kindergarten

    4. Improving the acting skills of parents and children

    Sounds "Overture" E. Krylatov

    Solemnly, beautifully decorated room.

    Today graduation - farewell party!

    What a beautiful

    And a little sad holiday

    Today we have gathered in this hall!

    Beautiful, because the children have matured,

    They are in a hurry to go on a big voyage.

    And sad, because the years have flown by

    And we can not avoid parting.

    Let's admire the graduates,

    Our the best edition of 2017!

    Musical director (referring to parents).

    Here comes the day of our farewell

    The last time you came to this hall,

    As if on the last date,

    Or maybe the very first ball.

    And make sure it's open.

    Those who are dearer to us than all relatives.

    So, meet the teachers!

    Greet them with applause!

    Leaders come to the middle of the hall.

    1 leader. Hello dear moms and dads!

    2 leader. Grandmothers and grandfathers!

    Together. Hello everyone!

    1 leader.

    How many guests gathered in this hall:

    Dear, loved ones, friends, relatives.

    We are on an unknown path

    Suddenly matured children are dear.

    2 leader.

    On a ship called"Happy childhood»

    In a bright tomorrow they will sail away.

    Will overcome both storm and bad weather,

    The shore of dreams will certainly be found.

    We will support them both on weekdays and on holidays ...

    Well now-

    COMPUTER (record):

    Attention! Central computer speaks kindergarten.

    Today from the pier « KINDERGARTEN» sets off ship"HAPPY CHILDHOOD» and keeps the path to the land of KNOWLEDGE.

    Passengers ship - graduates of our kindergarten.

    All mourners are asked to prepare for a meeting with alumni.

    The song is spinning let the waltz

    Graduates perform a dance composition with balls.

    Vedas 1: There is a wonderful planet,

    Here for all your answers.

    Here is a game, fun, fairy tale,

    Dance, song, even dance.

    Friends live here together.

    What is the name of that planet?

    1 child That planet is not on the map.

    And in outer space

    If you go straight

    You get to the planet

    Everyone is happy to feel

    On the planet…

    All: Kindergarten!

    2 children Today we want to kindergarten to see enough:

    floats away boat of preschool childhood.

    We part with toys and semolina,

    With a group, with the audience, with girlfriends, with our nanny.

    3 children floats away boat of preschool childhood,

    We want to look at the beloved garden.

    We will study at school, grow smarter, grow up,

    But friends and kindergarten we will remember.

    4 children We leave the walls of our beloved home ...

    Everything is dear to us, everything is familiar to the drop,

    We are leaving our teachers forever

    Malyshevo we leave our childhood.

    5 children We're sailing away, it's hard for us to say goodbye

    With that island that met us kindly.

    What raised us. And will dream for a long time

    Calm our kindergarten pier!

    6 children And here is our the ship is sailing,

    The scarlet sail calls us to the dream.

    But this pier is unforgettable.

    Children's garden - we will return to you.

    board computer: Wonders await you in the sea! Set sail!

    The Land of Knowledge is waiting for you all! Ship - full speed ahead!

    Composition with boat rebuilding

    Child. (sad) Our the boat is sailing away,

    No one is following us...

    Vedas 1. How is it not seen off?

    Your parents are accompanying you. I hear them vote:

    1. What nonsense, they came up with some kind of island ... it's dangerous

    2. Yes, there is no island childhood...

    4. Rita, don't even think about walking barefoot.

    5. Nadya, don't get your dress dirty.

    6. Yura, don't sit on the ground.

    8. And in general, Nellya Vladimirovna, you, as a manager,

    Ban this dangerous journey...

    Presenter 1. Attention! Departure ship"Happy childhood» to the land of knowledge is cancelled. It is impossible to go on a dangerous journey without a captain. I don't see the captain.

    To the phonogram "Captain Smile" a child comes out in a captain's cap with a helm,

    1 I want to be a captain.

    But not those years yet.

    You need to grow up a little

    Smart, strong, courageous.

    That's when under the Russian flag

    I will protect the world!

    Presenter 2 and where is the sailor team?

    Captain. The crew of sailors is ready to sail.

    Hey, brave sailors, tanned guys!

    Hurry everyone on deck, dance merrily!

    Girls in the background

    Dance on deck sailors

    We are building boat

    Presenter 1: So, are you ready for a sea voyage?

    Children: ready!

    Presenter 1 mood what?

    Presenter 1 One for all ...

    Children: And all for one!

    Captain: Boatswain, give up the mooring lines!

    Boatswain: Yes, give mooring lines.

    Captain: Set sail!

    Boatswain: There, raise the sails!

    Captain: Full speed ahead to the land of Knowledge!

    Boatswain A: There are full speed ahead!

    The song "today we have high school graduation

    Childhood is a big country.

    Lost in magical seas.

    Today is the last time we will visit this country

    Let's go sailing around the preschool islands on our ship!

    Boatswain comes out.

    Boatswain. But how can we get to the islands?

    Vedas. Here is a globe that will show us the way,

    But just don't forget to spin it.

    Boatswain: - I will unwind a motley globe,

    What will I find on it?

    Spins the globe.

    What a wonderful island, it doesn’t look like the country of Knowledge at all ...

    COMP: - Attention! The on-board computer is speaking.

    You've landed on the island of the past


    Children in a half circle in the background

    Vedas: Guys, look, it's us! Only still very little ones! (sit down)

    scene"on pots"

    Vedas 1: Many years ago

    You came to us kindergarten.

    With children - babies,

    Katyushkas, Irishkas ...

    Here under the windows stood

    They worried about the child.

    And it seemed to you then

    He will always cry.

    The days flew by like an instant.

    And your anxiety is gone

    Now the time has come -

    Take them to first grade.

    We just want to remember

    How difficult it was for them!

    1 reb: (whimper) I don't want to go to the garden

    It's better to be at home with your mom!

    2 reb: Don't cry, calm down!

    3 reb: It's calm here, don't be afraid!

    2 reb: Our kindergarten is good,

    You won't find a better garden!

    3 reb: Here we cook very tasty,

    Borscht, mashed potatoes, salad with cabbage.

    2 reb: Buns and casseroles

    Apples, semolina pie.

    Where else do you eat like this?

    1 reb: I want to see my mother!

    Together: Here's the weirdo!

    3 reb: Listen, don't cry!

    Better take an example from us!

    We haven't been crying for a long time

    Let's have fun here and jump!

    2 reb: We go to the gym together,

    Need to get well!

    3 reb: We eat porridge with butter,

    And then we sit here!

    2 reb: And we dance, and we play, we drink cocktails, and we walk ...

    It's cozy and warm here

    It's beautiful and bright here.

    3 reb: They are waiting for us here and even love us,

    Calm down, snuggle up.

    2 reb: So, that's enough, friend, sob,

    Stop suffering soon!

    1 reb: Will they offend me here?

    2 and 3 together: No!

    1 reb: Well, will they see my success?

    2nd and 3rd children: Yes!

    1 reb: I'm not going to starve here?

    2 and 3 together: No!

    1 reb: Well, I won’t forget my mother?

    2 and 3 together: No!

    1 reb: OK I will try,

    I'm probably wrong.

    I will go to kindergarten.

    I won't shed any more tears.

    2 reb: You can do it! So know!

    Together: Aunt Tanya, wipe it!

    (Children become boat)

    Presenter 1: - Attention!

    You can't dwell on the past! It's time to hit the road!

    Which island will we find

    Captain, look

    And spin our globe.

    Captain. I will spin the motley globe,

    And now I will find on it,

    The island is that we are all with you,

    Let's call our friendship.

    Children. Why? And How? Tell!

    Child. Best friends all of us!

    Brings up 1. Guys for many years, you were together, played, quarreled, but immediately put up. And I will tell you that I am proud that our group is very friendly and today, those who go to school are congratulated by the guys who stay, they will be very sad about you. And they ask you not to be bored at school and not to forget our kindergarten.

    Song "Dear friend, do not be bored"

    The phonogram of the noise of the waves sounds

    Presenter 1. Boatswain, it seems to me that we are being pursued?

    Boatswain. (looks through binoculars) I see a liner. called "Care".

    Host 2. This is the liner with your parents.

    With your caring parents.

    Leading 1 Parents, like wings behind your back,

    Not for flight ... to walk on the Earth,

    He is happy who has two wings,

    Don't get lost somewhere along the way.

    Children, I appeal to you, remember that parents always, wherever they are next to you or somewhere far away, they always think about you and help you with their thoughts. Do not grieve or offend them, they love you very much.

    Child 7.

    Parents ... How much in this word.

    Do not be ashamed to kneel before them,

    Ask Heaven for their health,

    And ask for forgiveness for wrongs.

    Presenter 1. Children, do you want to look at the liner "care", what is happening there?

    Children sit on chairs

    Dance of the parents

    Thanks a lot to all parents

    They were ready to help!

    And our test for you is any

    You were always ready to go!

    Many thanks for your help,

    For good and important deeds!

    For all the beautiful words said,

    For the responsibility that lay on the shoulders. !

    Thank you for being with us

    From the very beginning to the end

    Thank you for helping

    Thank you for your kind hearts!

    The kids are building boat

    Which island will we find?

    captain, look

    And spin our globe.

    Captain. I will spin the motley globe.

    And I will find on it now

    The island is the one in which preschool childhood,

    Lives wonderfully.

    I know this island

    It's called - kindergarten family!

    Host 2. In our kindergarten family, as in any family there was everything: both joy and tears, but we will remember only the good.

    Children: Obedient, calm, you remember us!

    Cheerful, happy, like now!

    caregiver: But maybe they quarreled with each other by chance!


    1-r-to. We went for a walk in pairs along the sidewalk

    We held hands together and carried the balls

    educators: But maybe you fought with each other by chance!

    Children: But this is only occasionally, do not remember about that!

    2-r-k. We ate to the last drop at the table

    Soups, borscht, salads, you remember that!

    educators: But maybe you hit the cymbals by chance!

    Children: But this is only occasionally, do not remember about that!

    3-r-k. It's nice to lie in your little beds,

    We loved to sleep in our cozy bedrooms!

    educators: But maybe they threw pillows by chance!

    Children: But this is only occasionally, do not remember about that!

    5. (Everyone turns to face the teachers)

    4 children Let the fun years run in a hurry

    We are our favorite children's the garden will be remembered forever

    And we will come to visit you here after finishing the first class!

    educators: And we ask you all very much (pause)

    Don't forget us!

    Children: Let's not forget!

    1reb: Dear, dear, we leave you!

    We are big now, the garden is no longer for us.

    Recruit new kids

    And the screaming and crying of children will begin again.

    2reb: Again they will call the crumbs mom,

    And stubbornly repeat that they want to go home.

    Generous for affection, tenderness and warmth,

    You, like fairies in a fairy tale, give goodness.

    3reb: and saying goodbye to you

    We want to wish today

    Good luck, happiness and health

    We will always remember you

    Song "Educator"

    Presenter 1: Boatswain, report the situation, otherwise our computer is messing up something!

    Boatswain. I see six beautiful jellyfish.

    The boys step back, the girls behind the umbrellas.

    At the bottom of the sea lived a queen

    All fish worshiped her.

    The queen had 6 jellyfish.

    Beautiful tender daughters.

    They suddenly appeared

    Hanging like umbrellas in the water.

    And rocked on the waves of the sea

    They swim towards you

    As the old saying goes

    Medusa if you see

    Rather make a wish

    Your dreams will come true.

    Dance of the jellyfish

    Semicircle at the back

    Captain: A schooner under a black flag is heading straight for us.

    All: Pirates!

    (to the song "Pirates" pirates run in

    1st pirate: Everyone, stay where you are!

    2nd pirate: Come on, give me your jewelry!

    Captain: The jewels are in front of you. This is my crew and passengers.

    1st pirate: Are you kidding me? And you can't joke with us! Well, quickly give your


    Captain: Our wealth is our friendship!

    2nd pirate: Friendship? What is friendship? Is she made of gold?

    1st pirate: Never heard of.

    Presenter 1: Friendship is something without which we cannot live a single day. Are you

    never seen friendly guys? So here they are, in front of you ... they are the most friendly with us, they live together here, play and sing together. and dance our kindergarten flash mob

    Parents change clothes

    Presenter 2 Attention I see the island on the course "Gratitude"

    Then some of the children take the letters "THANK YOU", part goes for flowers

    Stand in front of each other

    Reb 1 Lomakin

    Just one word

    I want to add capital letters.

    And only him today

    to speak to you with love.

    Thanks to the teachers for the kindness and warmth,

    We were with you side by side and on a gloomy day it is light.

    I'm sorry we can't have you

    Take it with you to first class!

    2. Protopopova

    Thanks to our babysitter

    For care and smiles

    For attention, for comfort

    For hearty, kind work!

    3. Miroshnikov

    Thanks to our doctors

    That we are not afraid of a cold,

    What do not look at anyone

    All as one - heroes!

    4 Buturlakin

    Thank you, I also want to say

    To the one who taught us to dance

    He played the instrument for us more than once

    And songs, and polka, and waltz!

    5. Shatokhina

    So that we are all full

    Compote drunk,

    With salads, meatballs,

    Useful sweets.

    The Magic Chef is -

    Food is cooked here.

    We were very tasty

    Oh, it's sad to say goodbye.

    6 Rudenko

    Because our home is kindergarten

    Year by year it was more beautiful

    Say "Thank you" everyone is happy

    Our manager!

    7. Turkeys

    Who bought us toys, who sang songs with us,

    We know that everyone has garden there are many different things.

    And the housekeeper, the nanny, the cook, our manager and the supply manager.

    Everyone, everyone, everyone who was with us

    we say goodbye today

    All children:

    THANK YOU! we are talking.

    (children raise letters - THANK YOU)

    Children come forward with flowers

    Reb. Our staff kindergarten!

    From noisy and loving kids,

    Accept a gift

    Our smiles and our flowers!

    Children give flowers to employees.

    And they are built in pairs like a waltz

    Song "Preschool Waltz"

    Do not diverge


    The on-board computer is speaking. Right on the course - THE COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE! Ship"Happy childhood» arrives at the destination!

    Presenter 1. Country of knowledge, school. Children, did your parents tell you how they studied at school? No, well, then they'll show you now.

    scene"They were students too"

    Lay out the canvases

    Parents read poetry

    The years went by quickly

    garden baby behind.

    You have become very big

    It's time for you to go to school!

    You are no longer a preschooler

    You are going to first grade!

    Congratulations guys

    Let dreams come true!

    We wish you victories

    Life is fabulously beautiful.

    Let the green light burn

    In a fairy tale childish and happy!

    May the sky be clear above you

    May life be kindly bright.

    Live surrounded by friends

    And all the best to you, health and warmth.

    Leading clear skies to you in life, guys

    Dance "heaven"

    Final Ceremonial Part

    Vedas 1: Let's greet the brave,

    past storms childhood,

    Going into life on the road of victories -

    alumni, solemn and important!

    Vedas 2: So our holiday is coming to an end. We just have to say goodbye to each other.

    Let's look into each other's eyes

    And hold hands tightly

    How much we want to say, but the time has come -

    Chorus: Let's break up!

    hugging each other song "Goodbye".

    Rise in two columns: girls opposite boys.

    At the intro they say caregivers:

    Today you are a little worried

    A little bit happy today

    And of course you can understand

    'Cause you have a new path ahead of you.

    2 Ved. He waits, calls, scares a little

    Great things beckon

    but let the track be remembered

    that led to kindergarten every day.

    Children come out in pairs and form a waltz

    Now it's time to tell you "Goodbye"!

    But still, we will not be sad.

    Today I want to go to a farewell party

    Only kind words to everyone!

    Leaving a piece here childhood,

    We leave for the first class.

    You and I will be next door

    And we will remember you again and again.

    We are sad, very sorry to leave.

    We promise to visit our garden.

    But it's time to say goodbye

    Everyone "Thank you" we want to say!

    We will never forget you

    Don't be bored here without us

    And everyone has tears without permission

    Today they roll from the eyes.

    More than once we remember how we played

    And how many things were here.

    How to draw in the evenings

    And the forest, and mother, and the stream.

    And what were the holidays!

    And how we loved the holidays!

    We will miss those chestnuts

    That we were met every time.

    And they nodded so kindly

    Like, with Good morning, have a good time!

    With tender sadness "Goodbye!"

    Let's say we are native to the group.

    We didn't part with her.

    Except on weekends!

    Goodbye my garden

    The best and dearest

    It's time for me to go to school

    We break up with you.

    In the meantime, good garden, goodbye,

    Remember us, always remember.

    Wave goodbye to us

    And raise others to the wing.

    For some reason the guys

    Tears sparkle in the eyes.

    How sad to say goodbye...

    Goodbye, kindergarten!

    Maybe we just got used to it

    But you can't see it

    What do educators usually have

    Tired eyes in the evening.

    Not anxious at work mom -

    After all, always watching the kids

    Kind, tired eyes.

    The day is over... Not all songs have been sung.

    Children don't have trouble sleeping...

    So accept the bow from the whole planet,

    Accept from the children, bow from us!

    Waltz turns on "Anastasia".

    Farewell waltz a little sad

    it is not easy to spin in it

    Farewell waltz

    in a light dress graduation.

    The children sit down.

    presenter: So our holiday is coming to an end. Expensive Graduates, with kind parting words and wishes, the manager addresses you kindergarten

    Speech by the head kindergarten

    Diplomas are awarded to the music

    presenter: Dear guys, all life's joys and hardships, ups and downs and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. And it would be unfair not to give them the floor. So, a word to our parents alumni.

    Parents' speech

    Educators and 1 child with a balloon in the center.

    1 Ved: And at the moment of farewell, but beautiful, the surprise is ready again addition:

    Take your lucky ball as a sign of achievement and good luck.

    2 Vedas: And let your light-winged ball take away all the troubles.

    You start your flight, let it be happy.

    Vedas: Our ball is over,

    Holiday ends

    Happy road,

    You are a first grader!

    Teachers hand out balloons to children.


    In a moment of farewell, but beautiful,

    Ready for another surprise addition:

    Take your lucky ball

    As a sign of achievement and good luck!

    And let all troubles take away

    Your ball is light-winged!

    Start your flight with it

    May he be happy!

    presenter: We're letting go childhood?

    Children: Yes!

    presenter: Let it go forever?

    Children: Yes!

    presenter: Will we cry and be sad?

    Children: No!

    presenter: Let the ship of childhood will fly into the sky?

    Children: Yes! (don't let go of the balls)

    presenter: Will we have a wonderful summer?

    Children: Yes! So!

    presenter: Will we go to first grade in the fall?

    Children: Yes! So!

    presenter: Now believe:

    Together: One! Two! Three!

    Magic ball preschool childhood

    Fly! Fly! Fly!

    (Release balls with boat


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