Academy of Social Management. Gbou vo mo "academy of social management" Gbou vpo mo academy of social management contests

Webinar « The essence of new educational results of studying computer science in a secondary school» , organized by the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the SBEI HE MO "Academy of Social Management" on March 15, 2018, is dedicated to the actual problems of organizing the educational process in informatics, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, with a focus on achieving new educational results, namely, on the implementation of the urgent needs of the state , society, individual. Speakers: Professor of the Department of ICT, SBEE HE MO "Academy social management» Zakharova Tatyana Borisovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor;Professor of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences of the Moscow City Pedagogical University Irina Vitalievna Levchenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Head of the Laboratory for Theory and Methods of Training Informatization of Education at the Center for Informatization of Education of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education" Kozlov Oleg Alexandrovich doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate technical sciences, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of education, full member of the Russian Academy of Education and the Academy of Informatization of Education, professor; Professor of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics of the Russian State Social University Alexander Yurievich Fedosov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; author of teaching materials for computer science for elementary school Matveeva Natalia Vladimirovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher; the author of the textbook on computer science Kaplan Adel Viktorovna; Informatics teacher of State Autonomous Educational Institution "Gymnasium 1518", Moscow Saprykina Lyubov Sergeevna, winner of the competition "The Best Informatics Teacher in Moscow".

353 participants were registered, 147 participants attended the webinar (140 participants on the list + 7 speakers who were not counted by the system as attending the event).

Webinar host Zakharova T.B. in his speech "Modern General Education Course of Informatics: Problems and Prospects” focused on the great role and place of school informatics in the system of general education, its general educational potential. She analyzed the main goals of the modern course of informatics, the list of personal, meta-subject and subject educational results of studying informatics by schoolchildren. Highlighted critical factors, causing the current changes in the course of informatics, the main problems in the practice of teaching informatics at the present time are formulated, ways and mechanisms for their solution are proposed, promising directions for the development of school informatics, improving the quality of education in informatics in a general education school are substantiated.

Levchenko I.V. in her speech “Development of a methodological system for teaching computer science in a general education school”, she emphasized the importance of the principle of fundamentality in building the content of teaching computer science at school, explaining the main aspects of its implementation in the modern methodological system of teaching computer science, in particular, discussed the essence of the fundamentalization of education in computer science, the conditions for the development of methodological systems for teaching computer science and prospects for the development of a general education course in informatics

The speech “On the role of informatics teachers in shaping the information culture of students in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards” by O.A. informatics teachers in the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren. The speaker gave interesting examples from the practice of teaching informatics.

The main components of the teacher's upbringing activity in terms of achieving new educational results in the study of informatics were considered in the speech of A.Yu. Fedosov. He singled out fundamental provisions of the methodology of teaching informatics in the aspect of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for personal learning outcomes in terms of effectively solving the problems of spiritual, moral, social education and the formation of environmental, legal and civic culture of students. The speaker identified the main tasks in the content of educational activities in the course of school informatics, highlighted a list of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational tasks set, made recommendations, and listed possible restrictions on the implementation of educational activities. Alexander Yuryevich formulated the principles of building a socially personality-oriented system educational work in the conditions of informatization of the educational process. His analysis of the problems of forming personal educational results of the study of informatics became the basis for substantiating the main tasks of studying the content line "Social Informatics".

Of particular interest was the speech by N.V. Matveeva “The universal essence of a new educational result in teaching computer science”. The purpose of her message was to specify the content of the concept " new educational outcome» and the need to draw the attention of computer science teachers to methodical tools, that can be used to organize educational and cognitive activity schoolchildren in computer science lessons, which will raise the level the educational process in the formation of universal educational activities and meta-subject skills. Natalia Vladimirovna, on the basis of many years of experience in implementing her teaching materials in informatics, gave specific recommendations to informatics teachers on achieving a meta-subject result of teaching informatics.

Kaplan A.V. devoted her speech to the characteristics of a completely new EMC "Computer Science for All", the results of its approbation in terms of achieving meta-subject results of primary general education by means of informatics.

Saprykina L.S. shared her experience of achieving the planned educational results in computer science in a general education school, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. She spoke about the experience of organizing project activities in the field of computer science for schoolchildren in grades 5-11. Demonstrated specific projects of schoolchildren and proposed methodological approaches to the effective organization of such work, the practice of their implementation is shown by videos.

In general, during the webinar, the participants actively communicated in the chat, asked questions, which received comprehensive answers.

In conclusion, Zakharova T.B. summarized the results of the discussion of the speeches of invited scientists, experts in the field of theory and methodology of teaching computer science, as well as the statements of the webinar participants in the chat, formulated specific guidelines on the organization of the educational process in informatics in a secondary school with a focus on achieving new educational results, provided for by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard general education.

The Moscow building school began to take shape at the end of the 19th century. In 1897. The staff of NRU MGSU deeply honors, preserves and develops the scientific, pedagogical and educational traditions of its predecessors, respects the history of its native university, and at the same time seeks and finds innovative approaches, characteristic of the spirit of today, to solving urgent problems facing high school in the 21st century.

History of the Moscow Border Institute Federal Service security Russian Federation begins February 4, 1932. The institute carefully preserves and multiplies combat and KGB traditions and rituals.

VGIK trains specialists in the field of "Culture and Art" under the programs of higher, secondary professional and additional education. Education is conducted in full-time (at all faculties) and part-time (at the screenwriting and film studies department and the faculty of production and economics) forms.

The history of the university has 20 years. During this time, it has become a second home for thousands and thousands of students and teachers. During this period, MSPU has reached serious rating heights, entering the top three leading pedagogical universities in Russia. For the city of Moscow, our university is a highly professional staff of 300 educational programs all levels and levels. For students, this is not only pedagogical education. We also train lawyers, managers, civil servants, designers, psychologists, sociologists and other specialists. All these and other professions are studied within the framework of secondary vocational (colleges) and higher (bachelor's, master's and postgraduate) education. The Moscow State Pedagogical University also has a university school. Studying at Moscow State Pedagogical University is becoming more and more interesting and prestigious: a team of first-class teachers strives to give students only relevant and useful knowledge that gives confidence in the labor market.

RSSU is an efficient, technological, stable and dynamically developing university, a full participant in the global scientific and educational space, a leader in Russian social education and social science, whose close-knit team is integrated into international education, science, business, the Russian public sector and creates specialized innovations.” Mission of the Russian State Social University: “Based on Scientific research world-class, we train the best specialists in Russia and the management elite social sphere, we form socially active and socially responsible citizens of Russia, highly adapted to modern market conditions, we contribute to the integration of our team members into the global community of professionals.

Academy of Social Management

The Academy of Social Management is a young but rapidly developing university, which was established on the basis of a decree of the Government of the Moscow Region in order to solve the problems currently facing the region. Creating a completely new educational institution is difficult and interesting at the same time. Many universities have a long history, and some have a long history. They have long established traditions, teams, curricula and programs. On the one hand, this is very good, but on the other hand, it does not always allow you to adapt to the requirements of modern times. The new, promising Academy of Social Management does not need to overcome conservatism. Here, from the very beginning, programs and training plans have been adopted that are fully consistent with the changes taking place in the country and society. At the moment, this educational institution has a fairly powerful material base, modern technical means to equip the material process, and most importantly - a team of highly qualified teachers and scientific staff who are striving with all their might to realize the tasks set for the Academy by the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.

The institution has an unusual structure: in addition to the traditional departments and faculties, there are 9 research centers that decide practical tasks and are engaged in the implementation of real projects. Students of an educational institution work in all centers and can, from the very first year of study, try to conduct research and project activities to explore the characteristics of their profession. In that educational institution they try to diversify student life as much as possible so that it is interesting, memorable and reveals their best features in students.

Structure of the Academy of Social Management

- management;
- psychology;
- state and municipal control;
- general management;
- practical psychology of personality and individual counseling;
- general psychology and developmental psychology;
- social sciences and humanities;
- economics and finance;
- foreign languages;
- general mathematical and natural science disciplines;
- pedagogy;
- information technologies;
- physical culture;
- preparation for the exam;
- additional professional education.

Scientific work by departments and centers:
science and projects;
strategic developments;
the quality of education;
Regional Center for Information Processing on the Results of the Unified State Examination (RTsOI);
development of vocational education;
risk monitoring and socio-psychological assistance;
Center for Practical Psychology of Education ASOU.

Other divisions:
Organizational and legal board;
Quality control department;
Editorial and publishing department;
Operational printing department;
Student Relations Department;
Graduate Employment Assistance Department.

Scientific and Practical Centers of the Academy of Social Management

At the moment, the following scientific and practical centers operate at the Academy of Social Management:
Strategic developments;
The quality of education;
Development of vocational education;
Accompanying the development of education;
Risk monitoring and socio-psychological assistance;
control of social and pedagogical support of childhood;
Regional information processing center based on the results of the USE.

Academy of Social Management: support for the development of education and the social sphere of the Moscow Region.


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