Helmsman duties on board. Steering. VIII. Requirements for assessing the quality of mastering the main professional educational program

In accordance with the Charter of service on the ships of the Ministry river fleet on all self-propelled ships on which staffing table positions of helmsmen, helmsmen (machinists) are envisaged, during the movement there should be two crew members at the control post - the chief of watch and the helmsman.

The helmsman is subordinate directly to the first navigator, the boatswain, and during the shift - to the chief of the watch.

The helmsman must know: the basic rules governing the navigation of vessels, and additions to them concerning the area in which the vessel is sailing; special pilotage and sailing conditions in the area in which the ship is on voyages;

Design and operation manuals for main engines, auxiliary mechanisms, systems remote control and means of automation of mechanisms of the engine room;

Steering device, steering wire harness and rules for caring for it; the action of the steering wheel when the machines are operating for forward and reverse;

Technical and operational data of the vessel and its maneuverability;

The action of anchor devices;

Mooring methods of the vessel;

Advanced methods of technical operation of the main engines and auxiliary mechanisms of the engine room, ensuring the extension of the overhaul periods of their work;

The reasons for the appearance of malfunctions in the operation of the main engines, auxiliary mechanisms, remote control systems and automation equipment of the machinery of the engine room; ways to prevent and eliminate them;

Operational normative and technical indicators of the power plant operation;

Safety regulations, ship sanitation and the basics of fire protection of the ship.

The helmsman must be able to:

Operate the ship under various conditions under the supervision of the officer in charge of the watch;

Prepare, put into operation, regulate the operating mode, stop the main engines and auxiliary mechanisms;

Carry out work on lowering and lifting of lifeboats, handle manual, steam, electric and hydraulic steering gear;

Directly control the operation of deck auxiliary mechanisms;

Drive a boat, perform rigging and painting work, as well as minor repairs on the ship;

Timely carry out technical maintenance of the mechanisms and devices assigned to it.

Before joining the watch, the helmsman must check:

Serviceability of the steering device, signals, availability and readiness of spare signal lights;

Mode of operation of main and auxiliary engines.

During the shift, the helmsman must:

Always be at the control post, constantly monitor the floating and coastal situation, depth readings on signal masts, signals from moving and standing ships, navigate the ship at the command of the chief of watch and duplicate his commands;

Monitor the readings of instruments and control devices for the operation of the main engines and auxiliary mechanisms.

When preparing the vessel for sailing, the helmsman-minder must participate in repair work, armament and equipment of the vessel.

Note: Nowadays, few people read books, because a lot of useful information can be found on the Internet. For example, answers to questions can be found on a scientific and educational site for children and adults. Why is it.

Helmsman of the watch, sailor of watch General duties 192. Helmsman of watch, sailor of watch is directly subordinate to the chief of watch. 193. Acceptance and delivery of the watch by the helmsman of the watch, the sailor of the watch is carried out with the permission of the chief of watch. 194. Stepping into the watch, the helmsman of the watch is obliged to check the operation of the signal lights, and in the daytime - the presence of raised flags and signs necessary in the given situation, he must also familiarize himself with all watch orders concerning him. 195. When the ship is anchored or at mooring lines, the helmsman of the watch, the sailor on duty is obliged to stay at the place indicated by the officer in charge, to monitor the environment; to monitor the position and tension of the anchor chain, mooring lines, fenders, gangways, gangways, anchor lights and signs, and also so that ropes, hoses, etc. do not hang over the side. They must immediately report all changes in the situation to the commander of the watch. 196. A sailor on duty on passenger ships is obliged to: (01) before taking over the watch, take over property, inventory and equipment from the changing sailor in open areas and on decks, as well as obtain information about the work assignments being performed; (02) while on watch, monitor the safety of the property and equipment received, ensure that passengers comply with the ship's rules; perform assigned work assignments and maintain the cleanliness of the areas assigned to it. 197. In the event of a fire during anchorage on the ship or near it, as well as in the event of other emergencies, the helmsman of the watch, the sailor of the watch shall immediately report to the chief of watch and act on his instructions. Duties of the helmsman of the watch on the navigational watch 198. Taking the watch on the steering wheel, the helmsman is obliged to find out changing how the ship obeys the helm. 199. The helmsman of the watch, being at the control post, is obliged to strictly keep the ship on course, monitor the operation of the steering gear, and immediately report to the chief of watch about any faults in their work. 200. The helmsman of the watch is obliged to carry out the commands of the captain or the officer in charge of the watch only. 201. When navigating using the eye method of orientation, the helmsman of the watch is obliged to constantly observe the floating and coastal marks of navigation equipment, readings of depths on signal masts, signals on moving and standing vessels and about everything that poses a danger, report to the chief of watch. 202. Before the ship leaves the berth, the helmsman of the watch is obliged to make sure that the steering gear is in good working order by shifting the rudder from side to side and report this to the chief of watch. Helmsman 141. The helmsman is subordinate to the captain and his assistants, and during the watch is at the disposal of the chief of watch. 142. The helmsman is obliged: (01) to study the special pilotage and navigational conditions of the inland waterway areas in which the ship is on voyages; (02) know the rules governing the navigation of ships, and supplements to them concerning the area in which the given vessel is sailing; know the steering gear, as well as the action of the steering complex when running the propellers forward and backward when navigating in shallow water, with wind, mooring, waves, anchored anchor, etc .; (03) know the principle of operation of various steering systems; control manual, electric, hydraulic steering actuators; to carry out the transition from one type of management to another; (04) be able to keep the ship on a constant course or change course as directed by the officer in charge of the watch in various sailing conditions, both with eye orientation and with the help of various guidance systems; (05) be able to carry out all the duties of the sailors. 143. The helmsman maintains cleanliness and order on the navigating bridge, in the wheelhouse and on the awning deck. 144. On ships where the position of the boatswain is not provided for in the staffing table, the helmsman shall fulfill his duties provided for by this Charter.

Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 52 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 68n


§ 25. Helmsman (5th grade)

Description of works... Management of manual, electric and hydraulic steering drives of the vessel, maintenance and repair. Watch keeping. Management of small and auxiliary vessels, their maintenance and repair. Technical inspection of the steering drives of the vessel and the boat device. Registration of instrument readings in the corresponding logbooks. Performing painting, carpentry and plumbing work on the deck.

Must know: the device of the vessel; peculiarities of movement and anchorage of vessels in the basin of inland waterways; rules for the operation of various systems of the steering device; special sailing directions and rules governing the navigation of ships; the procedure for the use of rescue and fire-fighting property and equipment; the procedure for using intercom and alarm systems.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Steering»Serve for the rating of works and assignment tariff categories according to article 143 of the Labor Code Russian Federation... Based on the above job characteristics and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a helmsman's job description is drawn up, as well as the documents required for interviewing and testing when hiring. When drawing up work (job) instructions, pay attention to the general provisions and recommendations for this release of the ETKS (see.

In accordance with clause 5.2.7 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2010 N 337 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 21, Art.2603), clause 7 of the Development Rules and approval of federal state educational standards approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2009 N 142 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 9, Art. 1110), I order:

Table 1

* FSES NGO in terms of requirements for the results of mastering OBEP is focused on assigning a graduate a qualification above average qualifications for a given profession

** Educational institutions that train workers on the basis of the main general education, implement the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education within the main professional educational programs of primary vocational education, including taking into account the profile of the received vocational education

3.2. Recommended list of possible combinations of workers' professions, positions of employees for All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (OK 016-94) in the formation of the main professional educational program training in the professions of NGOs:

sailor - helmsman (helmsman);

sailor - skipper;

sailor - boatswain.

The term for the development of OBOP by NGOs in the part-time (evening) form of education is increasing:

on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - no more than 1 year;

on the basis of basic general education - no more than 1.5 years.

IV. Characteristics of the professional activity of graduates

4.1. Region professional activity graduates: performance of ship works, ship management at a given rate; mooring of the vessel; loading and unloading works; maintenance of the hull of decks, superstructures, cargo and ship spaces, ballast and fresh water tanks, life-saving equipment, fire-fighting equipment, property and inventory; technical operation of steering, cargo, mooring and towing devices.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates are:


deck and superstructure;

cargo and ship premises (except for the premises of the engine-boiler room);

fresh water tanks;

measuring, intake and air pipes;

ladders and gangways;

fender protection;

clinket doors and their drives (except for the machine-boiler room);

steering, cargo, anchor, mooring and towing devices with their technical means (without mechanics, hydraulics and electrics);

life-saving appliances;

fire-fighting, rescue property.

4.3. A sailor trained by the profession prepares for the following activities:

4.3.1. Execution of ship works.

4.3.2. Keeping navigational and parking watches.

4.3.3. Loading and unloading works.

4.3.4. Ensuring the safety of sailing.

V. Requirements for the results of mastering the main professional educational program

5.1. A graduate who has mastered the OBEP of an NGO must have general competencies, which include the ability to:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the leader.

OK 3. Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, assessment and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.

OK 4. Search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients.

OK 7. Fulfill military duty, including using the acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

5.2. A graduate who has mastered the OBOP NGO must have professional competencies corresponding to the main types of professional activity:

5.2.1. Execution of ship works.

PC 1.1. Carry out carpentry work.

PC 1.2. Carry out carpentry work.

PC 1.3. Perform painting work.

PC 1.4. Carry out rigging work.

PC 1.5. Carry out work on cleaning the case and metal products.

PC 1.6. Apply technical means and tools.

5.2.2. Keeping navigational and parking watches.

PC 2.1. Observe the rules of keeping a ship's watch.

PC 2.2. Ensure that the vessel is kept on a given course, monitor the operation of the direction indicators and the steering device.

PC 2.3. Carry out mooring operations in accordance with the ship's schedule.

PC 2.4. Realize technical operation steering, cargo, mooring and towing devices.

PC 2.5. Apply control and measuring devices and tools.

5.2.3. Loading and unloading works.

PC 3.1. Prepare rooms, cargo holds and decks for stowing passengers and cargo.

PC 3.2. Accept and deliver goods.

PC 3.3. Place and secure loads.

PC 3.4. Supervise coastal sailors and workers in the implementation of cargo operations.

PC 3.5. Clean up holds and clean decks after unloading.

5.2.4. Ensuring the safety of sailing.

PC 4.1. Ensure the proper level of transport security.

PC 4.2. Apply means to combat damage to the vessel.

PC 4.3. Act on alarms.

PC 4.4. Provide first aid.

PC 4.5. Use collective and individual life-saving appliances.

Vi. Requirements for the structure of the main professional educational program

6.1. The main professional educational program for the NGO profession provides for the study of the following training cycles:

general professional;


and sections:

physical education;

educational practice (industrial training);


intermediate certification;

state (final) certification.

6.2. The compulsory part of the main professional educational program should be about 80 percent of the total time allotted for its development. The variable part (about 20 percent) makes it possible to expand and (or) deepen training, determined by the content of the compulsory part, to obtain additional competencies, skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the competitiveness of a graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market and opportunities for continuing education. Disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of the variable part are determined educational institution.

The professional cycle consists of general professional disciplines and professional modules in accordance with the main activities. The professional module includes one or more interdisciplinary courses. When students master professional modules, educational practice (industrial training) and (or) industrial practice are conducted.

An obligatory part of the professional cycle of the OBOR NGO should provide for the study of the discipline "Life Safety". The volume of hours for the discipline "Life Safety" is 2 hours per week during the period of theoretical training (compulsory part of the cycles), but no more than 68 hours, of which 70 percent of the total amount of time allotted for this discipline is spent on mastering the basics of military service.

The structure of the main professional educational program of primary vocational education

table 2

Index Names of cycles, sections, modules, requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience The total maximum study load of the student Incl. hours of compulsory training sessions Index and name of disciplines, interdisciplinary courses (MDC) Competency codes
Mandatory part of the OBOP cycles and the section "Physical culture" 864 576
OP.00 General professional cycle 240 160
As a result of studying the compulsory part of the cycle, a student in general professional disciplines should: be able to: read working and assembly drawings and diagrams; make sketches, technical drawings and simple drawings of parts, their elements, assemblies; know: types of regulatory and technical and production documentation; rules for reading technical documentation; methods of graphical representation of objects, spatial images and schemes; requirements of state standards Unified system design documentation and the Unified system of technological documentation; rules for the execution of drawings, technical drawings and sketches OP.01. Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics
be able to: read circuit, electrical and wiring diagrams; calculate the parameters of electrical circuits; collect electrical circuits; use electrical measuring instruments and devices; to carry out splicing, soldering and insulation of wires and control the quality of work performed; know: electrical terminology; basic laws of electrical engineering; types of electrical circuits; rules for the implementation of electrical circuits; methods for calculating electrical circuits; main elements of electrical networks; principles of operation, device, basic characteristics of electrical measuring instruments, electrical machines, control and protection equipment; power supply schemes; basic rules for the operation of electrical equipment, ways to save electricity; basic electrical materials; rules for splicing, soldering and insulation of wires; principles of operation of typical electronic devices OP.02. Fundamentals of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
be able to: choose the main structural and operational materials; carry out primary processing of materials with different properties; use standards and other regulatory documents; determine the correct operation of control and measuring devices, use them; analyze working conditions, evaluate the performance of machine parts and mechanisms; use mechanical equipment ship workshop, hand tools, measuring and testing equipment in the operation and repair of ship technical means; to ensure the quality of locksmith work during the maintenance and repair of ship mechanisms and devices; know: the basic properties of structural and operating materials used in the repair, operation and maintenance; the main technological processes processing of materials with different properties; fundamentals of standardization, errors in the manufacture of parts and assembly of machines, nominal and limiting dimensions, actual size, size tolerance, tolerance field, fit, their types and purpose, processing accuracy, tolerance and fit systems; fundamentals of metrology: concept, terms, indicators of measuring instruments; purpose, characteristics, device and procedure for using universal measuring instruments; types of locksmith work and the technology of their implementation during the maintenance and repair of ship mechanisms and devices; equipment, tools and instrumentation used when performing locksmith work OP.03. Fundamentals of materials science and technology of general locksmith work
be able to: determine the types of ships; navigate the location of the ship premises; know: classification of ships according to the rules of the Register, designations on ships; seaworthiness of the vessel (buoyancy, stability, agility, speed), technical and operational characteristics of the vessel, main dimensions and coefficients, displacement, carrying capacity, unsinkability; architectural type of the vessel, hull structure, shipbuilding materials; construction of superstructures and equipment of ship premises; cargo hatch design; designs of individual ship units; equipment and supplies of the vessel; life-saving appliances; constructive fire protection; ship devices; purpose and classification of ship systems; purpose, composition, functioning of the water pollution prevention system OP.04. Theory and structure of the ship
be able to: organize and carry out measures to protect workers and the population from the negative effects of emergency situations; take preventive measures to reduce the level of dangers of various types and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life; use means of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass destruction; use primary fire extinguishing means; navigate the list of military registration specialties and independently determine among them those related to the profession received; apply professional knowledge in the course of performing military service duties in military positions in accordance with the profession received; own ways conflict-free communication and self-regulation in daily activities and extreme conditions of military service; provide first aid to victims; know: the principles of ensuring the sustainability of economic facilities, predicting the development of events and assessing the consequences of man-made emergencies and natural phenomena, including in the context of countering terrorism as a serious threat to the national security of Russia; the main types of potential hazards and their consequences in professional activity and everyday life, principles of reducing the likelihood of their realization; the basics of military service and state defense; tasks and main activities of civil defense; ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction; measures fire safety and rules safe behavior in case of fires; organization and procedure for conscription of citizens to military service and admission to it on a voluntary basis; main types of weapons, military equipment and special equipment that are in service (equipping) military units that have military registration specialties related to the professions of NGOs; the field of application of the acquired professional knowledge in the performance of military service duties; procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims 32 OP.05. Life safety
P.00 Professional cycle 624 416
PM.00 Professional modules 624 416
PM.01 Execution of ship works As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience : operation of technical means and tools; carrying out preventive maintenance on the surface and underwater parts of the hull, as well as inside the ship's premises, in cargo holds, fresh water tanks and ballast tanks; determination of water reserves in drinking and ballast tanks; be able to: carry out timely checks of ship devices and their parts; draw up plans for ship work, distribute subordinates; ensure the safety of ship operations (including hazardous species); to carry out receipt, storage and accounting of rescue and fire-fighting equipment and inventory, material and technical supplies; ensure the preparation and installation of scaffolding, arbors and devices for work at height and overboard; monitor the good condition of the water main, storm porticos, scuppers, bilge bilge wells; check the readiness of the vessel for sailing: proper preparation of open decks, protection of equipment, closure of cargo and other hatches and necks, fastening of deck devices and cargo for traveling; manage deck technical facilities; perform rigging, carpentry and painting work; use a lifting tool; to repair and equip the standing and running rigging of the sailing equipment of boats; prepare mooring mechanisms for operation, maintain them during operation and observe during operation; feed, bait, properly fasten and release the mooring line, conduct systematic observation of the mooring line when mooring at the mooring lines; work on a spire (windlass), winch; observe safety rules when performing mooring operations using a winch, capstan, windlass and manually; accept, store, issue and keep records of material and technical supply for management; know: the device of the mast, rigging; purpose, device, procedure for use, maintenance of steering, cargo, anchor, mooring and towing devices; the frequency of inspection and the procedure for replacing individual life-saving appliances, mooring lines, slings, blocks, braces and other rigging equipment; rules for the preparation of the hull before embarking on a voyage, the scope and list of activities to be performed; main types of paints, primers, varnishes, solvents, especially their use on ships; technology for applying paints to metal surfaces; rigging and rigging equipment; tools used in rigging; materials for rigging; hemp, steel and synthetic cables, their comparative characteristics; acceptance, storage and maintenance of cables; rigging with cables; device, rules of operation and repair of deck technical equipment; content and procedure for developing a work plan for the hull of the vessel; the procedure for drawing up repair lists; requirements of rules and instructions for the maintenance of ship decks and premises; the list and procedure for maintaining documentation for management; norms of fresh water reserves on the vessel, the procedure for its reception, storage and consumption; rules for using lifting mechanisms; methods of performing carpentry, locksmith and painting works in accordance with the qualifications of a carpenter of the 3rd category, a locksmith and painter of the 2nd category; rules for breaking down and marking a hand lot and a measuring cable; the procedure for the production of simple painting, joinery and carpentry works; list of emergency types of work on ships MDK.01.01. Organization and execution of ship works
PM.02 Keeping navigational and parking watches As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: carrying the undercarriage on the bridge and the parking watch at the gangway; keeping the vessel on a given course, tracking the work of direction indicators and steering device; determining the draft of the vessel by marking on the pins, measuring the level of the cargo; management of deck technical facilities; the use of mooring, steering devices, deck mechanisms; be able to: keep a watch on the move and at a stop, while keeping watch on the bridge under the direction of the chief of watch, with the help of the rudder, keep the ship on a given course according to the compass, alignment and floating fence signs; perform the duties of a helmsman, switch from automatic control by ship on hand and back; work with a map, measure depths with a manual lot, break down trays, take lag readings; determine the compass heading, heading angle; use all means of internal communication and alarms; conduct visual and auditory observation of the environment; keep a signal watch; work with cargo, boat, mooring and deck devices; work on winches, windlass, steeple; operate deck lifting equipment (winches, cranes); raise color flags; ensure proper condition and storage of signal flags and signs, spare signal lights; open and close holds; to carry out maintenance of cargo booms, ship winches and cranes of load-gripping devices; know: basic concepts and definitions in navigation, the shape and size of the Earth, the main points and lines on the globe, geographical coordinates, units of length and speed, adopted in navigation, the main lines of the observation plane, dividing the horizon into points and degrees, true heading, bearing , heading angle, visible horizon and its range, visibility range of objects, determination of visibility range according to tables; determination of direction, terrestrial magnetism and its elements, purpose, device, principle of operation, application of magnetic compasses, declination, magnetic courses and bearings, deviation of the magnetic compass, procedure for using the residual deviation table, general compass correction, translation and correction of bearings; purpose, classification, characteristics of navigational charts, building a map in various projections, symbols, laying tool and methodology for solving problems on navigational maps; graphical dead reckoning of the ship's path, determining the distance traveled by the vessel, purpose, structure and principle of operation of ship logs, checking the lag and accounting for it, manual lot, graphical dead reckoning, dead reckoning in the absence of drift and current; the influence of wind and current on the direction of travel and the speed of the vessel, taking into account drift and drift by the current when laying the path; methods for determining the position of the vessel; purpose, device, principle of operation, procedure for using electronic navigation devices, electronic and satellite navigation devices; basic information from the pilot, tasks and organization of the navigation safety service; purpose, classification, application, composition of aids to navigation (cooling systems); ways and methods of transmission and reception of navigational and hydrometeorological warnings and information; basic concepts of hydrology: distribution of water and land on the globe, bottom topography, processes occurring in the World Ocean, their impact on navigation and navigation; characteristics of sea and fresh water, formation, wave size and wave scale, characteristics of water currents, tidal phenomena: types, causes of formation, tables of tides and the procedure for using them; steering device: purpose, classification, device diagram, characteristics, principle of operation and technical operation; commands in Russian and English, given when controlling the steering wheel, and their meaning; anchor device: purpose, classification, characteristics of various types of anchor devices, design, principle of operation and technical operation; anchor mechanisms (windlass and capstan): purpose, device, principle of operation and application, labor safety during the technical operation of the anchor device; mooring device: purpose, components (mooring cables, means of their fastening, means of transferring mooring lines to another ship or berth), mooring mechanisms: purpose, components, their location on the ship, technical operation and repair; ship gangways and ladders: purpose, device, installation, fastening, rules of technical operation and labor safety when using them; towing device: purpose, components, methods of fastening on the vessel, methods of supplying towing ropes to the towed vessel and their fastening, rules for etching and hauling out towing ropes; survey of the towing device and the rules for its technical operation; labor safety during the technical operation of the towing device; port supervisory services and their responsibilities MDK.02.01. Organization of service on ships MDK.02.02. Keeping navigational and parking watches MDK.02.03. Mooring and anchoring
PM.03 Loading and unloading operations As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: preparation of holds and cargo complex for carrying out cargo operations; sorting, selection and placement of goods; be able to: provide preparation of holds and cargo complex for cargo operations; to carry out acceptance and delivery of cargo and luggage in the holds and on the deck; carry out the delivery of goods to consignees; check the marking and the external condition of the "places" of cargo and baggage; to exercise guidance and control over the observance by port workers of the rules for loading and unloading and the safety of goods in the process of loading and unloading, placing cargo in the holds and on the deck of cargo, safety rules; know: the classification and properties of the main types of cargo transported by ships; safety regulations during cargo operations; safety rules for the operation of lifting equipment; cargo devices of the ship: classification, purpose, characteristics, device, placement on the vessel, principle of operation and technical operation, gripping devices for cargo, equipment of cargo hatches, cargo devices of tankers, cargo booms, winches, devices: purpose, device and rules of technical operation, labor safety during the technical operation of cargo devices; types of containers and packaging; types of cargo marking; properties of goods, rules for their transportation, loading and unloading, warehousing and storage; rules for using scales of various systems; rules for placement, separation and fastening; state standards for containers and packaging MDK.03.01. Loading and unloading technology
PM.04 Ensuring the safety of navigation As a result of studying the professional module, the student must: have practical experience: actions when conducting drills; actions in case of accidents; the use of individual and collective life-saving appliances and their supply; use of personal protective equipment; actions in the provision of first aid; be able to: act when conducting different types anxiety; use fire extinguishing agents; use personal protective equipment; apply means to combat water; use individual and collective life-saving appliances; to launch and raise lifeboats and rescue boats, liferafts and be able to control them; use rescue equipment; to ensure the protection of the vessel from acts of unlawful interference; provide first aid; send distress signals by various means; know: alarm schedule, types and signals of alarms; the procedure for conducting alarms; measures to ensure fire safety; different types of markings used on the ship; types and chemical nature of the fire; fire extinguishing equipment and systems on board; emergency and fire-fighting supply of the vessel; types of personal protective equipment; measures to ensure the watertightness of the ship's hull; types of collective and individual life-saving appliances and their supply; devices for lowering and lifting life-saving appliances; the basics of ensuring transport security; a set of measures to prevent environmental pollution; actions in the provision of first aid; types and methods of sending distress signals; ways to survive on the water MDK.04.01. Life safety on board
FC.00 Physical culture As a result of mastering the section, the student must: be able to: use physical culture and health-improving activities to strengthen health, achieve life and professional goals; know: about the role of physical culture in general cultural, professional and social development human; basics healthy way life 80 40
The variable part of the OBOP cycles (determined by the educational institution) 216 144
Total for the compulsory part of the OBOR, including the section "Physical culture", and the variable part of the OBOR 1080 720
UP.00 Training practice (industrial training) 19 weeks 684
PP.00 Internship
PA.00 Intermediate certification 1 week
GIA.00 State (final) certification 1 week

Table 3

The standard term for the development of OBEP by NGOs with full-time education is 43 weeks, including:

Vii. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main professional educational program

7.1. Educational institution within current legislation independently develops and approves OBOP by NGOs, defining a profession or a group of workers' professions (office positions) according to OK 016-94 (based on the recommended list of their possible combinations according to FSES), taking into account the needs of the regional labor market and an approximate OBOP.

Before starting the development of OBEP, an educational institution must determine its specifics, taking into account the focus on meeting the needs of the labor market and employers, and concretize the final learning outcomes in the form of competencies, skills and knowledge, acquired practical experience.

The specific types of professional activities for which the student is preparing should determine the content of his educational program, developed by the educational institution in conjunction with interested employers.

When forming OBOP, an educational institution:

has the right to use the amount of time allotted for the variable part of the OBOP cycles, while increasing the amount of time allotted for the disciplines and modules of the compulsory part, or introducing new disciplines and modules in accordance with the needs of employers and the specifics of the activities of the educational institution;

is obliged to update the basic professional educational program annually, taking into account the requests of employers, the peculiarities of the development of the region, science, culture, economy, technology, technology and social sphere within the framework established by this federal state educational standard;

is obliged in the working curricula of all disciplines and professional modules to clearly formulate the requirements for the results of their development: competencies, acquired practical experience, knowledge and skills;

is obliged to ensure the effective independent work of students in combination with the improvement of its management on the part of teachers and masters of industrial training;

is obliged to provide students with the opportunity to participate in the formation of an individual educational program;

is obliged to form a socio-cultural environment, create the conditions necessary for the all-round development and socialization of the individual, preserve the health of students, contribute to the development of the educational component of the educational process, including the development of self-government, participation of students in work public organizations, sports and creative clubs;

should provide for the use in the educational process of active forms of conducting classes with the use of electronic educational resources, business and role-playing games, individual and group projects, analysis of industrial situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions in combination with extracurricular work for the formation and development of general and professional competencies of students.

7.2. Students have the following rights and responsibilities:

when forming his individual educational trajectory, the student has the right to re-enroll the relevant disciplines and professional modules mastered in the process of previous education (including in other educational institutions), which frees the student from the need to re-master them;

in order to educate and develop a personality, to achieve results in the development of the main professional educational program in terms of the development of general competencies, students can participate in the development of self-government, the work of public organizations, sports and creative clubs;

students are obliged to complete, in a timely manner, all tasks provided for by the main professional educational program;

students should be given the opportunity to assess the content, organization and quality of the educational process.

7.3. The maximum volume of the student's study load is 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work to master the main professional educational program.

7.4. The maximum amount of classroom teaching load for full-time education is 36 academic hours per week.

7.5. The maximum amount of classroom teaching load for part-time (evening) education is 16 academic hours per week.

7.6. Total duration vacation is at least 10 weeks in the academic year with a study period of more than 1 year and at least 2 weeks in the winter period with a study period of 1 year.

7.7. In the discipline "Physical culture", 2 hours of independent study load can be provided weekly, including game types of training (at the expense of different forms extracurricular activities in sports clubs, sections).

7.8. An educational institution has the right for subgroups of girls to use 70 percent of the study time of the "Life Safety" discipline, allotted for the study of the basics of military service, for mastering the basics of medical knowledge.

7.9. The normative term for mastering the basic vocational educational program in the profession of primary vocational education with full-time education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education increases by 73 weeks based on:

7.10. Consultations for full-time students are provided by the educational institution in the amount of 100 hours per study group for each academic year, including during the period of implementation of secondary (complete) general education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education. The forms of consultation (group, individual, written, oral) are determined by the educational institution.

7.11. During the training period, training camps are held with young men (for a training period of 1 year 10 months).

7.12. Practice is a mandatory section of OBOR. It is a type of training sessions that provide practice-oriented training for students. When implementing OBOR, NGOs provide for the following types of practices: educational (industrial training) and industrial.

Educational practice (industrial training) and industrial practice are carried out by an educational institution when students master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules and can be implemented both concentratedly in several periods, and dispersed, alternating with theoretical studies within professional modules.

Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the educational institution for each type of practice.

Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations, the direction of activity of which corresponds to the profile of training of students.

Attestation by results industrial practice is carried out taking into account (or on the basis) of the results, confirmed by the documents of the relevant organizations.

7.13. The implementation of the main professional educational program in the profession of primary vocational education should be provided by teaching staff with secondary vocational or higher vocational education corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module) taught. Masters of industrial training must have 1-2 ranks in the profession of a worker higher than that provided by the educational standard for graduates. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory for teachers who are responsible for mastering the professional cycle of students; these teachers and masters of industrial training must undergo an internship in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.

7.14. The main professional educational program should be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional OBEP modules.

Extracurricular work should be accompanied by methodological support and justification of the time spent on its implementation.

The implementation of basic professional educational programs should be ensured by the access of each student to databases and library funds, formed according to the full list of disciplines (modules) of the basic professional educational program. During self-study, students must be provided with access to the Internet.

Each student must be provided with at least one educational print and / or electronic publication for each discipline of the general professional cycle and one educational-methodical print and / or electronic publication for each interdisciplinary course (including electronic databases of periodicals).

The library collection must be completed with printed and / or electronic editions basic and additional educational literature on disciplines of all cycles, published over the past 5 years.

The library fund, in addition to educational literature, should include official, reference-bibliographic and periodicals in the amount of 1-2 copies for every 100 students.

Each student must have access to the kits library stock, consisting of at least 3 titles of domestic magazines.

An educational institution should provide students with the opportunity to quickly exchange information with domestic educational institutions, organizations and access to modern professional databases and information resources on the Internet.

7.15. When introducing OBOP, the council of an educational institution approves the budget for the implementation of the corresponding educational programs.

Funding for the implementation of OBOR should be carried out in an amount not lower than the established standards for financing a state educational institution.

7.16. An educational institution that implements the basic professional educational program in the profession of primary vocational education must have a material and technical base that ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory work and practical exercises, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and modular training, training practice(on-the-job training) provided curriculum educational institution. The material and technical base must comply with the current sanitary and fire safety standards.

OBOR implementation should ensure:

performance of laboratory work and practical exercises by students, including practical tasks using personal computers as an obligatory component;

mastering by students of professional modules in the conditions of an appropriate educational environment created in an educational institution or in organizations, depending on the specifics of the type of professional activity.

The educational institution must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

List of offices, laboratories, workshops and other premises


engineering graphics;

electronics and electrical engineering;

materials science and technology of general locksmith works;

theory and structure of the ship;

life safety;

organization of service on ships;

loading and unloading works;

life safety on board.


electrical engineering.


metalwork and mechanical;



Sports and fitness complexes:


a wide-profile open stadium with elements of an obstacle course;

helmsman simulator;

shooting range (in any modification, including electronic) or a place for shooting.

library, reading room with Internet access;

Assembly Hall.

VIII. Requirements for assessing the quality of mastering the main professional educational program

8.1. Assessment of the quality of mastering basic professional educational programs should include current control of knowledge, intermediate and state (final) certification of students.

8.2. Specific forms and procedures for the current control of knowledge, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed by the educational institution independently and are communicated to the students within the first two months from the start of training.

8.3. For certification of students for the compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the corresponding OBEP (current and intermediate certification), funds of assessment tools are created, which allow assessing knowledge, skills and mastered competencies. Assessment funds for intermediate certification are developed and approved by the educational institution independently, and for state (final) certification, they are developed and approved by the educational institution after a preliminary positive opinion from employers.

The educational institution should create conditions for the maximum approximation of the programs of current and intermediate certification of students in disciplines and interdisciplinary courses of the professional cycle to the conditions of their future professional activities - for which, in addition to teachers of a specific discipline (interdisciplinary course), employers should be actively involved as external experts, teachers reading related disciplines.

8.4. Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

assessment of the level of mastering disciplines;

assessment of the competencies of students.

For young men, it is envisaged to evaluate the results of mastering the basics of military service.

8.5. A prerequisite admission to state (final) certification is the submission of documents confirming the development of competencies by the student when he studies theoretical material and undergoes educational practice (industrial training) and industrial practice for each of the main types of professional activity. Among other things, a graduate can provide reports on previously achieved results, additional certificates, certificates (diplomas) of Olympiads, competitions, creative work in the profession, characteristics from places of practical training.

8.6. State (final) certification includes the protection of graduation qualification work(final practical qualification work and written examination work). Mandatory requirements - compliance of the topic of the final qualifying work with the content of one or more professional modules; final practical qualification work should provide for the complexity of work not lower than the category of the worker's profession, provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Requirements for the content, volume and structure of the final qualifying work are determined by the educational institution on the basis of the procedure for conducting state (final) certification of graduates under the programs of NGOs, approved by federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, determined in accordance with Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated July 10, 1992 N 3266-1.

The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the educational institution.


* Clause 1 of Article 13 Federal law"On conscription and military service" dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 13, Art. 1475; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 30, Art. 3111 ; 2007, N 49, Art. 6070; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616)

** Clause 2 of Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 150; 2002, N 26, Art. 2517; 2004, N 30, article 3086; No. 35, article 3607; 2005, No. 1, article 25; 2007, No. 17, article 1932; No. 44, article 5280)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 N 637 "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of primary vocational education by profession 180403.02 Sailor"

Registration N 17940

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.

The federal state educational standard approved by this order is put into effect from the date of entry into force of this order

Document overview

The federal state educational standard for initial vocational education in the profession "Sailor" has been approved. The standard is mandatory Russian institutions having state accreditation and the right to implement the basic educational program.

The characteristics of the preparation are given. The requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program and for its structure have been determined.

The federal standard comes into effect from the date of entry into force of the order.

specialties of secondary vocational education


basic training

Gorodets, 2016


Scope of the program

The industrial practice program is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty (s) of vocational education.

02.26.03 Navigation.

code name

in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA):

Ship management and operation.

1. PC 1.1. Plan and carry out the transition to the destination point, determine the position of the vessel.

2. PC 1.2. Maneuver and steer the ship.

3. PC 1.3. Ensure use and technical operation

technical means of navigation and ship systems.

4. PC 1.4. Operate ship power plants.

and relevant professional competencies (PC):

1. PC 4.1. Observe the rules of keeping a ship's watch.

2. PC 4.2. Ensure that the vessel is kept on a given course, monitor the operation of the direction indicators and the steering device.

The industrial practice program can be used in additional vocational education(in professional development and retraining programs), and vocational training workers in the field of navigation with secondary (complete) general education. No work experience required.

1. Goals and objectives of industrial practice - requirements for the results of mastering the program of industrial practice

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student must:

have practical experience:

Analytical and graphic dead reckoning;

Determination of the ship's position by visual and astronomical methods, using radio navigation devices and systems;

Preliminary study and planning of the vessel's voyage and passage, taking into account the hydrometeorological conditions of navigation, navigation manuals and navigation aids;

Use and analysis of information about the position of the vessel;

Compass correction definitions;

Anchoring and anchoring and mooring barrels;

Carrying out cargo operations, transferring people, mooring operations, towing ships and floating objects, removing the vessel from the shallows;

Ship management in various sailing conditions, including when performing emergency rescue operations;

Deck works;

Carrying out initial actions following a collision or grounding to maintain watertight integrity in the event of partial loss of buoyancy in accordance with accepted practice;

Navigational operation and maintenance of radio electronic and technical systems navigation and communications, solving navigation problems using information from these systems, calculating corrections for navigation devices;

Operation and maintenance of ship power engineering and its control systems;

Operation and maintenance of marine pumps and auxiliary equipment;

Ship management and taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety of navigation;

Carrying out raid operations of ships and convoys;

Ship management during maneuvering (divergence, overtaking, anchoring and un-anchoring, dumps and halts, locking and turning);

Piloting of ships and convoys under bridges, in the area of ​​floating

bridges and rope ferry crossings, in the area of ​​operation of technical vessels

Keeping a navigational watch on the bridge and a watch stand at the gangway;

Keeping the vessel on a given course, tracking work

heading indicators and steering device.

The number of hours for on-the-job training is 1008 hours.

The results of the development of industrial practice

The results of mastering the program industrial practice is the mastery of students as a type of professional activity Ship management and operation , Keeping navigational and parking watches including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

Code Name of the learning outcome
PC 1.1 Plan and carry out the transition to the destination point, determine the position of the vessel.
PC 1.2 Maneuver and steer the ship.
PC 1.3 Ensure the use and technical operation of technical means of navigation and ship systems.
PC 1.4 Operate ship power plants.
PC 4.1. Observe the rules of keeping a ship's watch.
PC 4.2. Ensure that the vessel is kept on a given course, monitor the operation of the direction indicators and the steering device.
OK 1. To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.
OK 2. Organize their own activities, choosing standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, assess their effectiveness and quality.
OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.
OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of assignments.
OK 8. To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.
OK 9. To navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.
OK 10. Possess written and oral communication in the state and (or) foreign (English) language.
OK 11. Fulfill military duty, including using the acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

3. General requirements to the organization of industrial practice

Industrial practice is carried out in a concentrated manner, after mastering the program of the professional module PM 01 (semester 5) and module PM04 (semester 5).

Students undergo practical training at the workplaces of enterprises (shipping companies).

The mode of work of students is on watch, in accordance with the charter of service on ships, the length of the working day is determined by the basics of legislation; Labor Code Russian Federation (30.12.2001 №197 FZ).

Organization of practice

General Provisions

Students undergo practical training in shipping companies on river-sea navigation vessels, equipped with all the necessary modern equipment and inventory.

Practice management is carried out: from the college - by teachers of special disciplines of navigation, as well as by masters of industrial training; directly on ships - by the captain.

In accordance with the curriculum for the specialty 02.25.03 Navigation is 28 weeks.

When sent to practice, students receive from the head of the practice from the college an internship agreement, an order, a calendar plan, a voucher for an internship, reporting documents.

Work time trainees are determined in accordance with Russian legislation and internal labor regulations. The calendar-thematic plan of the practice provides for a 6-hour working day.

4.2 Thematic plan of the practice

The calendar-thematic plan for passing industrial practice is presented in the form of table 4.1.

Table 4.1 - Thematic plan of industrial practice

Section number, topic Section name, topics, work performed Number of hours
Introductory lesson. Registration for practice. Passing introductory briefing on safety, labor protection, fire safety, personal and industrial sanitation and hygiene. Familiarization with the internal labor regulations on the ship.
I. Section 1. Planning and implementation of the transition to the point of destination, determination of the ship's position
Working with charts, sailing guides and aids.
The study legend on nautical charts
Proofreading nautical charts and sailing manuals.
Determination of the elements of tidal currents according to the data of maps and manuals.
Navigational flight planning.
IMO documents on voyage planning recommendations.
Navigation work in preparation for the voyage.
Plotting the daily course
Navigation strip in the absence of drift and current, taking into account circulation.
Navigation pad taking into account drift.
Navigation pad with current flow.
Navigational strip with combined account of drift and current
Calculation and drawing of an orthodromy on a mercator map different ways.
16,17,18,19 Laying and determining the location of the vessel in various ways. Calculation of SKP.
II. Section 2. Navigation of inland waterways, rules of navigation and navigation on inland waterways of the Russian Federation.
20,21,22,23 Elaboration of the sailing direction
Depth calculation for the day of sailing.
Navigational equipment of the vessel
Coastal navigational signs.
Information signs
Floating navigation signs.
Navigational signs, floating on rivers, canals, reservoirs of inland waterways
30,31 Determination of the type of sign by the nature of the burning of the lights.
Schemes of inland waterways of the Russian Federation. Route descriptions.
Atlases, maps and cartograms of wind wave isolines. Level fluctuation charts.
Radar aids.
Keeping river maps, atlases and navigation aids up-to-date.
Proofreading materials, printed and broadcast.
Notices to skippers, their purpose and content, waybills, radio information.
Rules for updating charts and sailing manuals, storage and processing of updating materials on board.
Navigational and hydrographic description of river crossings.
Propulsion and steering system on board.
Travel speed tables versus engine speed.
Vessel circulation and its elements. Circulation periods.
Controllability of a twin-screw vessel.
Maneuverability of a twin-screw vessel, steering a twin-screw vessel in various conditions
Using a bow thruster to circulate and lag the boat.
The drift of the vessel and its consideration in the practice of navigation. Preventing loss of control in high winds
Steering the ship on the current and under the combined influence of wind and current.
Safe driving speed in shallow water
Swimming in stormy conditions on the rivers.
Swimming in stormy conditions along the canals.
Swimming in stormy conditions in reservoirs.
Swimming in stormy conditions on lakes
Swimming in especially cramped conditions in difficult areas.
Swimming in especially cramped conditions on roadsteads
Swimming in especially cramped conditions in the waters of hydraulic structures.
Swimming in particularly cramped conditions when locking.
Swimming with rarefaction, the absence of floating signs of navigation equipment in the early spring and late autumn periods of navigation.
Swimming in ice conditions, assessment of the current ice conditions on rivers
Swimming under icebreaker assistance.
Ship management in pre-emergency situations, in case of fire.
Ship control in pre-emergency situations, in case of a breach.
Ship control in pre-emergency situations, when a person falls overboard.
Transition to emergency steering.
Actions in case of a threat of collision in various situations when overtaking.
Actions in the event of a threat of collision in various situations of divergence.
Actions in case of a threat of collision in various situations when skipping.
Maneuvering a vessel in search of a person who has fallen overboard.
Removing vessels from aground.
Maneuvering the vessel and choosing where the vessel is grounded.
Determination of the value of the increment of the draft (subsidence) of the vessel.
Features of sailing with limited visibility along the channels.
Features of sailing with limited visibility on rivers.
Features of swimming with limited visibility in reservoirs.
Features of swimming with limited visibility on lakes.
Organization of navigation, the use of technical means of navigation, ensuring the safety of navigation.
Records in the logbook.
Radar wiring.
Navigation service on ships.
Visual alarm.
Night running alarm.
Night parking alarm.
Day Alarm
Special alarm.
Sound alarm.
Parking rules.
86,87,88 Determination of the types of river vessels and their kind of occupation by lights and signs.
Magnetic compass "UPK-M" and operating rules.
Compass device "UPK-M", basic checks and elimination of typical malfunctions.
Gyrocompass on a fixed base and operation of the gyrocompass on a moving vessel.
Fundamentals of design and operating rules for gyrocompasses of the "Course" and "Amur" type.
Gyrotachometer, device, principle of operation, main characteristics, operation.
Device, principle of operation and operating rules of the hydrodynamic log.
Operation of a navigation echo sounder with mechanical and electronic time base.
The principle of operation and the device of autopilots.
Design and operation of autopilots, the procedure for switching from one control mode to another. Emergency steering.
Determination of the magnetic compass correction. Translation and correction of points.
Determination of the gyrocompass correction.
Conversion of true directions to gyrocompass.
Correction of gyrocompass directions
Everyday turning on of the radar station.
Complex adjustment of the radar station.
Radar setup.
The principle of operation of the Phase RNS "Decca", the operation of the receiver-indicator.
The principle of operation of the impulse-phase RNS "Loran-S", the operation of the receiver-indicator.
Switching on / off and tuning of the station, choice of range scales. Selection and justification of the display mode
Turning on NKD, measuring distance using PKD.
Measuring bearing with the reticle, measuring distance and bearing with the cursor.
Governing bodies and settings of receivers and indicators of satellite navigation systems.
Vessel turn rate sensors. Accelerometers.
Roll parameters sensors. Flight data recorder.
Measurement of the angular rate of turn of the vessel.
Working with a VHF radio station: testing, selecting a working channel, calling ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore.
Work with a portable radio station, EPIRB.
MF / HF DSC, operation, testing, frequency selection, frequency scanning.
NAVTEX: testing, selection of stations, selection of messages
INMARSAT-C: testing, satellite selection, compilation and transmission of distress messages (MAYDAY), urgency (PAN PAN), safety (SECURITE).
Practicing the transmission of distress signals (MAYDAY), urgency (PAN PAN), safety (SECURITE) using GMDSS equipment.
Anchoring in an open roadstead.
Anchoring in areas with strong tidal currents.
Anchoring on the high seas.
Calculation of anchorage parameters.
Mooring barrels.
Basic principles of ship handling: entering the ice.
Basic principles of ship maneuvering in ice.
Anchorage in ice conditions.
Selecting course and speed when sailing in stormy conditions
Features of mooring vessels on the high seas.
Transfer of cargo and transfer of people on the high seas.
Human Factors Concept and Requirements normative documents to take it into account in the process of analyzing the accident.
Solving the problems of choosing the course and speed of the vessel in stormy conditions using the Remez diagram.
III Section No. 3 Operation of power equipment.
The composition of the ship's power plant.
Engine specifications .. Factory brand.
Constructional features of diesel engines.
Local and remote control stations. The composition of the control post. Regulators (single-mode, limit and all-mode).
Diesel starting system. Elimination of possible malfunctions.
Lubrication system. Elimination of possible malfunctions.
Cooling system. Elimination of possible malfunctions.
Fuel system. Elimination of possible malfunctions.
Schematic diagram of the motor ship shafting device. Shaft line support and thrust bearings.
Operation of automated and remote control systems. Preparation of automated and remote control systems after a long stay.
Maintenance... Carrying out technical maintenance of diesel engines.
Checking the engine after a maintenance repair or a long break in work.
Preparing the engine for starting after a short stop. Starting the engine in motion. Engine maintenance during operation.
Caring for the engine with prolonged operation at low speeds.
Stopping the engine for a short time. Stopping the engine for more than five days.
Automatic control of diesel engine crankshaft speed, temperature and pressure of oil and water in diesel systems.
Automatic means of alarm, protection and blocking when starting a diesel engine.
Differentiated credit
VI Section 4 Keeping navigational and parking watches.
Schedule on watch. Distinguishing marks of the crew members on duty.
Watchkeeping documentation, general information on the ship's and engine logs, the rules for filling them out.
Rules and procedures for visual and auditory observation. Keeping a navigational watch by the rank and file in special conditions operation of the vessel.
Keeping navigational watch while anchored. Control over the position of the ship's position. Documenting the watch.
Duty officer in the navigational watch system of the vessel, his tasks and responsibilities. Steering wheel commands.
Ship's watchkeeping procedures when docked in port.
Visual observation: with the naked eye and with the help of optical devices.
Assessment of the situation and the risk of collision of ships, grounding, unacceptable exposure to other navigational hazards
Order; use of a manual lot for measuring depths, measuring depths in daylight and darkness, operating conditions and measurement limits.
Management on a distant subject (landmark), detection of drift and drift along the stream when managing a distant subject. Alignment control.
Steering the boat when approaching the berth for lagging. Steering the boat while moving in reverse.
Steering the ship when anchoring and un-anchoring.
Controlling the ship in conditions of limited visibility and depending on the time of day (day, night).
Steering the boat in strong winds, wave height 1.5 meters and at divergence.
Steering the ship when approaching the lock and sluicing.
Steering the ship when leaving the lock and when passing bridges.
Steering the boat when sailing in shallow water and when performing towing operations.
Differentiated credit

4.3 Responsibilities of the head of practice from the college

The head of the practice from the college is obliged to:

· Draw up a timetable for trainees' practice;

· To provide students with contracts for internship, to familiarize in a timely manner with the schedule of entering the enterprise for internship;

To exercise systematic control over the enterprise, organization of internship,

· Monitor the implementation of the trainees' internal labor regulations on the ship, the creation of normal working conditions for them;

· Accept, check the diaries-reports on the passage of internship, written by students, accept the defense about the passage of internship;

· No later than a month after the end of the practice, provide a report on the practice, a statement with the final grades, measures for further organization and improvement of practice.


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