Stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. The second (final) stage - the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest standard" - National Research University Higher School of Economics All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2 municipal stage

The absolute winner of the All-Russian School of Economics in MHC

Every year six million students in grades 5-11 try their hand at the All-Russian Olympiad (VOSH). Any student has the right to participate in competitions in 24 subjects of the Olympiad. The winner is the one who shows the best result at the final stage.

Items All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren

Both the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad who have collected required amount points - usually more than 50%. Both the prize-winning and the victory at All-Russia - the final stage - give the right to enter the university on the profile of the Olympiad without exams. Let's take a look at each step towards the finale.

School stage: end of September - end of November

The All-Russian Olympiad starts in September. Already at the beginning of the school year, you need to choose one or more subjects in which you want to participate. The school stage is held at your school, so for all questions, feel free to contact the subject teacher, class teacher or the head teacher. Together with you, the tasks of the Olympiad are performed by classmates and children from parallel classes.

To get to the next stage, you need to be among the best in the subject and gain a threshold score. Each city decides for itself how many points you need to score to move to the next stage.

Municipal stage: late October - mid-December

Olympiad tasks of the second stage are performed by winners and awardees from schools throughout the city, and in Moscow - from all over the district. The results of the municipal or district stage are announced by the end of December. Follow the information on the city website of the Olympiad.

Regional stage: January - February

At the penultimate stage of the Olympiad, schoolchildren in all regions of Russia perform the same tasks. Verification of the region's works lasts up to one month, and the coveted passing score is announced only by mid-March. The passing score is an average, so organizers wait for the exact results of all participants to determine the threshold.

Final stage: March - April

The most important stage of the Olympiad begins at the end of March. It lasts six weeks. All schoolchildren participate in the Olympiad absolutely free. The list of cities that will host the final stage of the WSSH is published in advanceon the information portal of the Olympiads .

The final competitions take place during the week and sometimes consist of several rounds, for example, test and creative. For two or three days, the participants complete the Olympiad tasks, and the rest of the time they get to know the city on excursions.

The final stage is attended by the winners and prize-winners of the last year. This rule applies to all levels of the All-Russian Olympiad. For example, if in 2017 you became the winner of the final stage in history, then in 2018 you have the right to come to the fourth stage of the Olympiad in this subject. You don't need to go all the way from scratch.

Summing up: end of April - beginning of May

At the end of April, they start announcing the results. The diploma, which opens the doors of all universities in the country, is received not only by the winners, but also by the prize-winners - these are dozens of students in each subject. The number of prize-winners and winners does not exceed 25% of the number of participants in the final stage.

Requirements for participants in the Olympiads

The guys participate in the school stage starting from the 7th grade. However, only those who complete assignments for grades 9-11 are allowed to the regional and final stages. It happens that a seventh grader knows a subject at the 9th grade level, then he goes all the way from the school stage with the older children.

Of course, at the regional and all-Russian stages, it is not enough to know the subject at the level of the school curriculum. You should evaluate your strengths before aiming at a higher age category.

Privileges for winners and awardees

Winners or awardees of All-Russia among the 9th grades have the right to be enrolled in a university without exams after graduation. The remaining two years at school do not need to be spent on preparing for the Unified State Exam, you can relax or, better, devote yourself to another Olympiad.

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad has already begun. All students of grades 5-11 can participate in it. We decided to tell you in more detail about each of the Olympic steps and the conditions for climbing it, so that you know exactly what to prepare for.

I School stage

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad is the first stage that absolutely all students from grades 5 to 11 can try to climb, since the quota for the number of participants in this case is not set. If desired, the participant even has the right to perform tasks for a higher class than the one in which he is studying. It is possible to participate in the Olympiads in all 24 disciplines, since the dates do not overlap.

On this stage, on each of the days set for a specific subject, options for assignments become available to schools. Their complexity, as a rule, allows all students who have perfectly mastered the school course to cope with them successfully.

II Municipal stage

In the case of the municipal stage, the organizer of the Olympiad is the body local government in the field of education. And here he already sets the boundaries for the number of participants, forms their lists and sets the number of points for each subject and class that had to be obtained at the school stage in order to move to this one. There is also one more limitation: only those who have completed assignments of at least grade 7 can take part in it - the class of actual teaching does not play a role.

Tasks at this level, of course, are very different in complexity and require knowledge that is not limited to the limits of the school curriculum. But still, in this case, they can be mastered by a student who has successfully completed the school course and studied additional literature.

III Regional stage

The regional stage is very important role in the All-Russian Olympiad: it is intended to select the best among the winners of the municipal stage, who will be able to compete with each other in the final. But more on that later. First of all, it is worth noting that at this stage only students who completed assignments for grades 9-11 can participate. Unlike the previous levels, this one requires really serious preparation from schoolchildren. His assignments are not limited only to the framework of the school curriculum, even if it is in-depth, - they go far beyond them. At the same time, for their successful implementation, not only a good academic base and general erudition are required, but also the ability to think critically, to carefully analyze the material. Therefore, the earlier a student starts preparing for the All-Russian Olympiad, the more chances he will have to successfully pass this stage.

IV Final stage

As the song says: "The last battle is the most difficult one." To become the winner or prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian School, you will have to bypass the guys from all over Russia, who have proven their right to fight for victory at the regional level. Students of grades 9-11 can participate in it, but students in grades 5-8 can also participate if at the previous stage they played for grade 9 and scored the required number of points. If in some region not a single student has scored the number of points established by the Ministry of Education, then the student with the highest number of points is sent. However, it should be at least 50% of the established one.

Speaking about the complexity of tasks and the required level of training, one cannot fail to notice the obvious - they, of course, increase even more. It is also extremely important to understand what techniques are used to solve certain problems. To do this, it is useful to solve the variants of the past years, to disassemble them with already experienced participants. Olympiad traveling schools and preparation courses for olympiads can help in this, where teachers will understand the formats of assignments, know all the requirements for their implementation and pay attention only to the olympiad preparation. No one promises that this path will be easy, but that is why it is the final stage, so that only those who have made every effort and time to become the best could win it.

The Olympic competitions of the second (final) stage will be held in full-time form.
In late December-early January, a draft schedule for the final stage will appear on the page.
The list of host cities has been published and will be updated until some time, follow the news and mailings.

Please note that schoolchildren who uploaded incorrect documents during registration as a certificate from an educational institution and / or consent to the processing of personal data and publication of works are NOT allowed to participate in the second stage of the Olympiad, regardless of the result of participation in the qualifying stage.

After being invited to the second (final) stage by January 15, you must confirm your intention to take part in it. To do this, go to, in the "Registration for the second stage" section, select the Olympiads in which you will take part (if you have passed several Olympiads) and in the second stage.

If you encounter problems when entering your personal account, read the instructions for solving technical problems. If you have forgotten your username and password, use the "Change password" procedure on the login page. .

After registering for the second stage, you will receive an email confirming your choice, and in personal account will be available for download Title page, which must be printed out and taken with you on the day of the competition. The organizing committee does not provide participants with the opportunity to print the title page at the venue of the Olympiad competitions.

If you have not chosen the city of participation within the specified timeframe, it is advisable to arrive at the venue in advance on the day of the competition. The organizers will make sure that you are invited to participate in the second stage and will determine the audience in which you will carry out the tasks of the Olympiad.

We kindly ask you also check your personal data- last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport data, information about educational institution in which you study. Any of you can become an Olympiad winner. A diploma testifying to your success, and federal Information Systems the information that you specified in your personal account will be entered. It is in your interest to indicate everything accurately so as not to have problems with making changes, including at the time of submitting documents to the selection committee. In particular, pay attention that the information about the educational institution coincides with that which will be indicated in the certificate (common abbreviations are allowed).

Going to the Olympiad competition

You need to come to the Olympiad competition in advance (20-30 minutes), do not expect that you will appear 5 minutes before the start and will be in time for everything. Think about time! If you are late for the start of the competition, you will be admitted to it, but the time for completing the tasks will not be extended (except for the Olympiads, the task of which contains listening, in such cases, admission is possible only to the second part of the competition).

The participant must have with him:

  • Identity document (passport, birth certificate)
  • Cover page (print)
  • Black or blue ink pen

You can take drinking water with you.

It is allowed to use the simplest calculators at the Olympiads in physics and electronics.

It is prohibited to take to the Olympiad:

  • reference materials
  • your own paper (the organizers will give you the draft paper)
  • pocket computers and any other electronic computing devices, including Apple watch and analogues
  • mobile phones and other means of communication
  • players
  • calculators ( exception: Olympiad in physics and electronics)
  • other technical means

The use of these materials and means is not allowed both in the classroom and in the entire building throughout the entire competition until the end of the time allotted for the completion of the Olympiad task.

Before the start

When entering the building, you must leave your outerwear in the wardrobe.

Next, you should carefully read the information posted for the participants of the Olympiad. We assure you that you will get answers to most of the questions torn from your chest if you read everything carefully. Find your last name in the list of participants, sorted by grade and alphabet. Opposite it is the number of the audience in which you will perform the task. Olympiad participants do not pass any additional registration so feel free to head straight to the audience.

30 minutes before the start of the competition, right at the entrance to the auditorium, the registration of participants who have come to participate in the competition will begin. When entering the auditorium, you must present your passport or other identification document with a photo, so that the organizers make sure that you have the necessary documents and give your last name.

If you, despite the warning, came to the competition without documents, it is better to immediately make sure that by the end of the Olympiad competition Required documents were delivered to you by your parents or friends. You can be admitted to participate in the competition, but the work performed by you will be accepted for verification only upon presentation of all the necessary documents.

At the suggestion of the organizers, leave your personal belongings in a specially designated storage area in the classroom. Disconnect any devices that may suddenly make loud noises during the race (for example, a mobile phone) beforehand.

At the beginning

Participants occupy the indicated places, the organizers distribute answer sheets.

All blank fields on the title page must be filled in.

After the completion of the preparatory procedures, the organizers will distribute the task forms face down (so that the text cannot be seen), which can be turned over only upon a signal from the organizers. This moment is considered the beginning of the Olympiad competition. The start and end times of the Olympiad competition will be indicated on the board.

During the competition

Work with attention and concentration.

Do not violate the rules for participating in the Olympiad competitions. Don't risk it! For the presence of prohibited items in the workplace, you will be barred from participating in the competition, regardless of whether you used them or not.

We recommend that you use the draft as intended and do not try to do the work first on the draft, in order to transfer the results to the final copy later - there may not be enough time. Remember that drafts are not reviewed (but must be submitted). Drafts are not checked, with the exception of drafts of the works of the participants of the Olympiads on mathematics, physics and design who indicated in the answer form “see draft”. The content of the draft notes cannot be the basis of an appeal.

It is unacceptable to make any special notes on the answer sheet establishing authorship, especially to write the surname, name, patronymic.

During the competition, the participant has the right to contact the organizers with questions about the organization of the competition and the design of the work, make comments and complaints about the Olympiad tasks in the protocol of the competition, seek medical help, submit the work ahead of schedule, and receive the text of the Olympiad task at the end of the competition.

If necessary, you can leave the audience for 5-7 minutes with permission and accompanied by the organizers (warning: leaving the audience during the first 60 minutes is possible only if absolutely necessary; exception: entering / leaving the audience during listening is prohibited), leaving in the classroom there is a form with tasks, answer forms, etc. Less than 15 minutes before the end of the competition, you must not leave the classroom, so as not to make noise and not interfere with other participants in completing the task.

During the competition it is also not allowed:

  • ask questions to other members and answer questions from other members
  • get up and change seats
  • cheat and allow other members to cheat
  • exchange any materials and items
  • continue to work after the time allotted for the Olympiad task has expired

Rules for registration of work

  1. The participant must complete the work on the answer sheet. The first sheet of the answer sheet is the Protocol for checking the work, then the sheets for recording decisions and answers to the tasks of the Olympiad, you can make notes on them from both sides. It is prohibited to use the text of the task as a form of answers.
  2. The participant must fill out the title page, shade the oval corresponding to the class in the Test Report and do not write anything else on the Test Report. For foreign and oriental languages, shade the oval corresponding to the language.
  3. The work should be done with a blue or black ink pen. It is forbidden to use a pen with red and green ink, use a pencil to write down solutions, answers.
  4. Draft paper and additional sheets to the answer form are given by the organizers at the request of the participants.
  5. Drafts are not checked, with the exception of drafts of the works of the participants of the Olympiads in mathematics, physics and design, who indicated "see the draft".
  6. In the answer form and in the drafts submitted for verification, you cannot indicate your full name, make any entries indicating the authorship of the work.
  7. Corrections can be made in the answer sheet, which should be clear and unambiguous. If you need to make corrections, then you should carefully cross out the wrong answer and write the correct one.
  8. The participant's handwriting must be clear. The jury may refuse a participant to check the work in case of "unreadable" handwriting.
  9. It is allowed to replace the pen (the replacement must be reported to the organizer in the audience), the title page, the answer sheet.
  10. Participants of the Olympiad in Informatics perform work on a computer. Participants of the Olympiad in Electronics and computing perform part of the task on the computer. Login and password for entering and other instructions are given by the organizer.

At the end

15 minutes before the end of the Olympiad competition, the organizers will warn you that the deadline for the work is coming to an end. Transfer solutions and answers from the draft to the answer sheet if you have not already done so.

At the end of the allotted time, you must stop completing the assignment and hand over to the organizers:

      • title page
  • answer sheets
  • the text of the assignment (if the work is submitted ahead of schedule)
  • drafts for subsequent destruction (drafts of participants in the mathematics, design and physics Olympiad can be checked if necessary), if the rules allow you to submit a draft for review, it is in your best interest to make sure that the draft was attached securely to the answer sheet.

When submitting the work, you must show the organizers an identity document (passport or birth certificate). We remind you once again that the work performed by you will be accepted for verification only upon presentation of all the necessary documents.

Do not rise from your seat until the organizer in the audience allows you to do so!

You can stay in the audience while the organizers recount and pack the participants' work.

We wish you confidence in your abilities, high efficiency and success in the Olympiad competition!

1. The participant must complete the work on the answer sheet. The first sheet of the answer sheet is the Protocol for checking the work, then the sheets for recording decisions and answers to the tasks of the Olympiad, on which you can make notes on both sides. It is prohibited to use the text of the task as a form of answers.

2. The competitor must complete the title page, shade in the oval corresponding to the class in the Test Report and nothing else on the Test Report.write. For foreign and oriental languages, shade the oval corresponding to the language.

3. The work should be done with a blue or black ink pen. It is forbidden to use a pen with red and green ink, use a pencil to write down solutions, answers.

4. Draft paper and additional sheets to the answer form are given by the organizers at the request of the participants.

5. Drafts are not checked, with the exception of drafts of the works of the participants of the Olympiads in mathematics, physics, design, and literature, who indicated "see the draft".

6. In the answer form and in the drafts submitted for verification, you cannot indicate your full name, make any entries indicating the authorship of the work.

7. Corrections can be made in the answer sheet, which should be clear and unambiguous. If you need to make corrections, then you should carefully cross out the wrong answer and write the correct one.

8. The participant's handwriting must be clear. The jury may refuse a participant to check the work in case of "unreadable" handwriting.

9. Replacement of the pen, title page, answer sheet is allowed.

10. Participants of the Olympiad in Informatics perform work on a computer, entering the answer to the task or the program code into the testing system, having received the login and password for entering from the organizer.

The list of school Olympiads is published annually on the website of the Ministry of Education. In the 2016-2017 academic year, their number reached 88. School Olympiads are held by the country's leading universities. The general list of Olympiads for schoolchildren and the levels indicated in it cover all the variety of these competitions.

Who needs Olympiads and why?

What is the meaning and practical use of such Olympiads? Most of them give a student from even the most remote region of Russia an opportunity to try their luck at enrolling in any of the most prestigious universities in the country - from MGIMO and Moscow State University to Baumanka and St. Petersburg State University.

If you are the winner or medalist of this intellectual competition and scored 75 points or more, about the marks for passing the exam no need to worry. They don't matter anymore.

How the system works

There are different levels of Olympiads, there are three of them. Moreover, the assignment is carried out separately for each of the directions. How does it look in practice? For example, the Lomonosov Olympiad is held in about two dozen directions. Of these, only fifteen have first-level benefits, which provide the maximum prize - admission to any specialized university out of competition.

The remaining five directions belong to the second of the levels. Under the terms of participation, the winner can add 100 points for the profile Unified State Exam to his asset. The same rule applies to the third level Olympiad.

Which of the benefits an applicant is entitled to take advantage of is indicated in the admission rules of a particular university. Some of them provide by no means small benefits to the winners of the 3rd level of the Olympiads. Others (like Moscow State University or MGIMO) pay attention only to the first-level Olympiads from among the most prestigious.

How the list grows

In 2016, several new ones were added to the list of school Olympiads. We can mention "Robofest", the school Olympiad of the University "Innopolis", programming competition. Future managers, students of music colleges and many others also took part in the tournaments. This list also includes the school Internet Olympiad in physics, held by three St. Petersburg universities.

Not only graduates, but also younger students have the right to take part in such a prestigious competition. Their goal is not to provide themselves with benefits, but to make an attempt to test their own intellectual capabilities.

About changes

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren stands apart. It was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and its participants were over 6 million students. It is not included in the general list, but the results of passing the levels of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are valid for admission to any university without exception. These competitions are a real chance for talented and hardworking children from any region. On municipal level Olympiad winners of school competitions are allowed. Here the selection is much tougher.

Since 2014, by order number 267 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, new order containing detailed information on the regulations for holding and approving the levels of school Olympiads. It does not apply only to the All-Russian Olympiad. And therefore, all the previous orders concerning the approval of the orders of the annual competitions, the criteria for assigning them to one or another level, samples of diplomas of prize-winners and winners are no longer relevant. They have lost their power.

What's in the new Order?

He determines, in particular, the timing and purpose of each of the Olympiads. They are organized to develop and identify among students the interest and abilities for creativity and scientific activities... Other important goals of such events are the promotion of knowledge and

The timing of their implementation is set within the academic year from September to March inclusive. Each of the Olympiads consists of at least two stages. Conducting the final is allowed only in full-time form. Any cash payments or payment for participation in competitions are strictly prohibited.

Who organizes them

The organizers of the Olympiad can be federal bodies authorities in charge of management in the field of education, as well as authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in addition, educational establishments implementing activities in accordance with educational programs top level, scientific and state organizations as well as any public organizations operating in the field of education.

All interested parties are involved in its implementation - from educational and methodological associations to the media. Analytical and expert support of the procedure for organizing each of the Olympiads is in charge of the RSOSH - this is the short designation Russian Council Olympiads for schoolchildren, formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Who can participate in the Olympiad?

Participation in these competitions is assumed exclusively on a voluntary basis, exists in an individual form and involves the presence of students in all basic educational programs - both general secondary, and the same right is available to persons who master educational standards on their own or on the basis of family education, as well as abroad ...

The All-Russian Olympiad, the levels of which suggest the most massive coverage of participants, perhaps gives the most real chance to everyone.

Each of the subsequent stages assumes the participation of the winners and prize-winners of the previous one. Anyone who participated in the Olympiads in the previous academic year, became a prize-winner or winner and continues to remain a schoolboy (or be homeschooled or self-taught), is allowed to participate in the current year without passing the qualifying stage.

What is prohibited at the Olympiads?

During their holding, none of the participants has the right to use any means of communication - electronic computers, any equipment (photo, video or audio), as well as reference materials, handwritten notes and any other means on which storage is possible. and the transfer of information. The exception applies to individual subjects included by the organizers of the Olympiad in the list of permitted and noted in the requirements and conditions of its holding.

Another exception includes special equipment of a technical nature for participants with the status of a person with disabilities (disabled, etc.). If a student violates this order, as well as any of the conditions and requirements related to the holding of the competition, the organizer has the full right to remove him from the audience with the cancellation of all results obtained and deprivation of the right to further participate in the current year.

Those who became such at its final stage are recognized as winners and prize-winners of the entire Olympiad. They are awarded first, second and third degree diplomas, respectively.

School Olympiads: levels

Now let's move on to the issue that is most relevant for schoolchildren and their parents. What are the levels of school Olympiads, and by what criteria are they calculated? The determining factors include:

1. nominated their representatives to participate in the competition. For the school Olympiad, each of them must present at least five participants.

2. The age of the competitors (the percentage of students in non-graduated classes is taken into account in relation to the total number).

3. The levels of the Olympiads are also determined by the complexity of the tasks and their creative nature.

Let us consider in more detail what requirements are imposed on the Olympiads of one level or another.

Level I

Subjects take part in such an Olympiad Russian Federation, the number of which must be at least 25.

With regard to the age coverage of participants, this criterion has a threshold of 30% of students in non-graduation classes in the total enrollment.

Regarding the level of complexity and creative nature of the proposed tasks, the final stage must contain their volume of at least 50%. This applies to questions increased level difficulties. And there must be at least 70% of the original tasks of a creative nature.

Level II

If we are talking about other levels of the Olympiads, then representatives of at least twelve subjects of the Russian Federation or two federal districts are obliged to take part in this. Moreover, from the regions that are part of each federal district, at least half of the participants must be represented.

25% or more of the number of competitors must be students of non-graduated classes.

The level of complexity of tasks of the corresponding nature should be at least 40%. The volume of creative original tasks is half or more. All this also applies to the final stage.

Level III

In terms of the severity of the requirements, the levels of the Olympiads are arranged in descending order. In this case, at least six constituent entities of the Russian Federation must take part in the competition. Another threshold value of this criterion is half or more of the number of regions that are part of the federal district that organizes the Olympiad.

The age of the participants in the Olympiad must meet the following criterion: a fifth or more (that is, from 20%) of all who participate are required to study in a non-graduated class.

As for the level of complexity of the tasks, the final stage must contain them at least 30% of the total. The same amount is allocated to mandatory original creative assignments.

A complete list of all Olympiads 2016-2017, levels and conditions was approved by the Ministry for the current training period until September 1. The same procedure is followed annually. Citizens who have received accreditation as such in accordance with the regulations provided for by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation can work as observers at the Olympiads.

In addition, the new Procedure provides a detailed description of the samples, which are used to make diplomas for prize-winners and winners.

What are the criteria for selecting the Olympiads included in the list?

There are many of them:

1. The organizer of the Olympiad conducts such two or more years preceding the one in which the application for participation is submitted. If the Olympiad is proposed for inclusion in the list for the first time, the condition of not including another profile of the Olympiad of the same organizer in the mentioned list during the previous three years must be met.

2. If the Olympiad of the aforementioned organizer of another profile was included in the list in the previous three-year period, then the organizer is obliged to conduct it in accordance with the order for at least 1 year.

3. Tasks and tests at the Olympiads must be creative.

4. Persons listed in clause 15 of the Procedure must be provided with free access to participate in the event.

Other Requirements

The official website of the organizer on the Internet must contain all the essential conditions and requirements regarding the conduct and organization of the competition. The tasks of the olympiads of previous years should also be placed there, detailed information about the prize-winners and winners of last year's (at least) Olympiad.

The declared number of participants must not be less than 200 people. Winners and prize-winners at each stage of the Olympiad can be participants with no more than 25% of the total. Of these, those who won the first places cannot be more than 8%.

The organizer of the Olympiad must have all the necessary resources for its conduct - methodological, personnel, organizational, material, economic and financial. The same requirement applies to the experience of holding such events.


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