Proactive maintenance. Modern tools and methods for diagnosing equipment in the mining and processing industry in accordance with the concept of "Reliable Equipment". Enterprise equipment maintenance and repair system

Natalia Popova | 04/19/2018

The sooner a company implements a proactive service format into its work with clients, the more chances it has to survive. Elena Stolyarskaya, Fashion Consulting Group service expert, creator of the Luxury Training Academy at Mercury, author of the Luxe Class Service intensive course, told FashionUnited about this.

Elena, please tell us why the Luxury Training Academy was organized at Mercury, how was everything arranged?

When I joined Mercury 6 years ago, there was already a training system in place, professional and structured. It included the training of all boutique employees, from salespeople to directors. Of course, much attention was paid to the training of salespeople, the skills of their work with clients, and sales technology. The company was already a leader in terms of the quality of customer service. But the market has changed, customer requirements have changed. And at some point it became clear that knowledge of sales technologies was not enough. Luxury is a special segment, clients are special, the level of their requirements for Luxe class service is constantly growing. Then we conducted a deep analysis of the needs of the market, customers, studied the experience and methods of working with customers of the leading brands in the luxury segment, the most famous boutiques in Europe and the world. We invited foreign specialists who shared this experience with us. And in the end, they came to the conclusion that they began to talk about training not only in sales techniques, but also, in fact, in high-class service. Thus the concept of Luxury Training Academy was born.

Please explain the difference between a sales technique and a service technique.

Sales techniques are the standard stages of sales, a certain list of actions that the seller must perform: how to prepare for a meeting with a client, how to establish contact with him, what phrases to start communication with, what to say in the process of working with a client, to complete the purchase, how to speak, how to move around the room, what questions to ask, how to present the product, and so on. This is an absolutely technological moment, and in one form or another this was taught in any store. The performance of these techniques can be easily assessed by the seller's work checklist.

Mystery clients several years ago evaluated exactly this list of actions: what was done and what was not done, did the sellers smile, did they offer additional item etc. Surprisingly, but remember, not so long ago, a friendly, attentive seller was a rarity, an exception. But every year the expectations and the level of customer requirements became higher. And when the sales technique became the usual standard, this was not enough for the client. According to the ratings and reviews of secret clients, we saw the following picture: they said that all stages of the sale were completed, but this was not enough. Many noted that they lacked something: human attention, interest in themselves, their needs, and the sellers worked only on request, without showing any initiative. And then we realized that it became important not what you do, but how you do it. And that conventional technologies no longer surprise anyone.

Let me give you an example from the hospitality industry. A certain level of service, service, regardless of the number of hotel stars, has become the norm. And what hotel managers strive for and achieve from their employees - cleanliness, order, accurate functioning of all systems, streamlined processes, speed and courtesy in customer service, no one notices anymore, because it has become the expected standard. Surprise and please customers now can be what they get in excess of their expectations, what they paid money for. And these are, as a rule, not material stories, but emotional ones associated with attention to the client. Now it is important to be able to exceed consumer expectations by offering a service whose value would be conditionally more expensive than what a person actually pays for in the end. And it is obvious that the staff must be taught not only the functional part, but also the emotional component, building long-term relationships with the client. We observed the work of "star" sellers, analyzed the reasons for their success. Meeting their clients, working with them, the least they talk to them about things. They talk with clients about themselves, their desires, mood, feelings. In the process of communication, a trusting atmosphere arises, the client sees in front of him not only a professional, but also a friend who is interested in him. Thus, taking the experience of professionals as a basis and taking into account all the wishes of our customers, we have built a system of the most personalized customer service. This system is the basis of loyalty and long-term relationships with customers. A kind of CRM with a human face.

What did such a training system give to Mercury boutiques?

The main advantage is the highest level of service. In boutiques, they do not look at incoming visitors appraisingly. We all know very well how uncomfortable it is to enter some boutiques, because the sellers immediately begin to “scan” your appearance - shoes, bag, watch, to understand how much money you can spend. We set ourselves the task of getting away from this uncomfortable feeling for the client as much as possible and completely reformatting the minds of sellers. The message is this: all customers are guests, and the main task is to introduce them to the brand, to make them fall in love with the collection, regardless of whether they want to buy something now or not. Roughly speaking, the main goal is to take the hands out of the client's wallet. And that's when he wants to stay with you. After all, most customers come to the store not knowing exactly what they want.

Why do you think people go to the clothing store? You will be surprised, but only 20 percent of people, entering the store, clearly know what they want. These are those who come to buy gifts or a thing for some event. With such clients, as a rule, it is easier to establish contact, since they immediately say what they want. And the remaining 80 percent come without a specific request, and the reasons are different: they are in a good or bad mood, they want to please themselves, have a good time, and so on. That is why the worst thing you can ask such a person is “Are you looking for something specific?”. Because this person came to the store for emotions, not for things. And he simply does not have an answer to this question.

Do we understand correctly that everything you listed can be attributed not only to the luxury segment? And what are the features that are typical only for premium stores?

Lux is a kind of ritual. Everything is in the details and trifles: how bags, clothes, shoes, jewelry are demonstrated, how they work in the fitting room with a client, how coffee is served, and so on. We started to add such moments to the work of sellers when we realized that there should be something that distinguishes luxury from other segments. Well-functioning teamwork is also important here. The seller must always have an assistant. The client should have the feeling that the seller is only concerned with him. In fact, he is not a seller, but a personal consultant, stylist, even a psychologist. This is all so that there is a personal contact with the client and it is easier to understand what exactly to choose for him and what he needs, even if he himself does not know about it.

The main difference between luxury stores and other segments is that when entering a boutique, a person begins to feel that everything revolves around him and everything “works like clockwork”. This means that the buyer does not need to voice his desires or needs, a glance or movement is enough to bring or show him exactly what he needs. The consultant knows how to anticipate the wishes of the client. He is sincerely interested in what is important for the client, the criteria for his choice in order to choose exactly what is needed. When a consultant brings things, he brings not only the size that the client requested, but also the size before and the size after, plus some alternative models. He is not selling a single thing, he is selling an image. Offers ideas of different images for different situations. He knows and remembers regular customers, their tastes, habits, preferences, he knows what kind of coffee they like, the names of their children, and so on. The combination of all of the above creates a feeling of luxury luxury. This is the so-called "add-on" over standard sales techniques.

List the main points of this "add-on".

Speaking of this, one must understand that luxury is built on three main aspects: professional, human and aesthetic. Their balance creates an overall impression. If we talk about the professional aspect, this means that the seller must be an expert in his field. If he works in fashion, then be aware of fashion trends, know everything about brands that are presented not only in the store where he works, but also in competitors' stores, understand and explain design concepts, know the composition of the material and its properties, have a good taste and skills of the stylist. The answer "I don't know" should not be in his speech.

In a service process, there is a danger of focusing on only one aspect of the service to the detriment of the other two. And most often the focus is on the professional aspect, as it is directly related to efficiency. But the client will evaluate you on the following two aspects, since they are associated with emotions. Namely, emotions and impressions a person remembers best.

The human aspect means the ability to build trusting relationships. For any of us, there is one person who most of all wants to talk or listen to - this is himself. It is important for the client to see a special attitude towards himself. To know that he is remembered, they are expected, as a dear guest, he is welcome here. This is the most important aspect, because it forms a person's attachment, his loyalty to your boutique, to you. I'll give you an example. A regular client of Dolce & Gabbana says, having come to the boutique: “I spent the whole summer in Italy. I went to Milan, went to D & G, the child tore his trousers, bought him new ones there. Summer, Milan, sale, boutiques… A logical question: “Did you buy something for yourself?”. Answer: “Why? I’ve come to you to update my wardrobe, it’s more comfortable and pleasant for me here! ” And everyone understands why. Here everyone knows her, she is welcome, they listen to stories about holidays, her son, they are aware of all her preferences, they know that she loves what suits her, etc. And she is willing to pay for it. Because luxury begins when the emotional component is stronger than the pragmatic one.

It seems that everything is obvious, but so far the skill of building trusting human relationships is very little used in business. Start communicating with customers in a new way, talk about them with them, show sincere interest, and this can become your serious competitive advantage.

The third aspect is aesthetics. It is a special feature for the world of luxury. In a luxury, everything that surrounds the buyer should be beautiful and elegant. It is important not to miss a single detail here. Appearance the seller, his hairstyle, shoes, cleanliness of shop windows, mirrors, smells, dishes in which drinks are served - everything should be perfect in terms of aesthetics. It is these little things that create the overall picture, the idea of ​​the place. And it is a trifle that can kill the whole impression and atmosphere of luxury. Fact: if out of 10 employees in the hall, 9 have perfectly clean shoes, and one does not, then the client will pay attention to him. And he will tell later that all your employees wear dirty shoes. It is important to always remember this and carefully monitor what surrounds you.

And why do you think that service is so important today and it is important to work “not on demand”, as you say?

The so-called "work on demand" was possible when there was a large flow of customers. Those times, alas, are gone. It is important to work with each client as the only and very significant for you. And that's when proactive service comes to the fore.

Motto today: "Revolve your world around the client and more clients will revolve around you."

In fact, this applies to all areas of activity. And the faster the company rebuilds and implements a proactive service format in working with clients, the more chances it has to survive. Even if there is a flow of customers now, it can end at one moment. Today, shopping options are so diverse and numerous that there is virtually no exclusivity in either goods or services. The supply far exceeds the demand. Now the buyer before going to the store or to the salon does a mini-research. And when, for example, he chose you for some reason, you must make every effort to get him back to you. And this can be done only with the help of the service. One that will be remembered. Which the client will tell his friends and colleagues about.

"Luxe service" is not only a story about luxury now? Who is your course at Fashion Consulting Group designed for?

If we talk about the course, then it will be relevant for any company that works directly with customers. It is for those who want their business to be competitive in today's market conditions.

In the first block, we analyze the essence of customer service. In the second, we teach how to exceed the client's expectations, as well as differ from your competitors and be one step ahead through unique and inimitable solutions. In the third block, we learn to build long term relationship: for example, how to call and write to a client so that calls and messages are received positively and are effective. The fourth block is devoted to work with complaints and reclamations, and, in principle, with dissatisfied and aggressive clients. A very relevant block given the fact that at the moment we live in a state of increased anxiety, which makes people more aggressive. We will discuss how to protect yourself in conflict situations, how to get out of them correctly, how not to take on the negative, and, at the same time, how to keep the client. And the fifth block is work with clients of various psychotypes, a very important point. This is an absolutely practical working tool that was developed specifically for business. It allows you to quickly adapt to the client, be on the same wavelength with him, helps build long-term relationships based on the personal characteristics of the client.

Photos courtesy of Fashion Consulting Group

The idea of ​​proactive equipment maintenance (hereinafter referred to as PTA) is to ensure the maximum possible overhaul life of the equipment through the use of modern technologies detection and suppression of sources of failures.

The basis of proactive maintenance are:

identification and elimination of sources of recurring problems leading to a reduction in the overhaul interval of equipment;

elimination or significant reduction of factors that adversely affect the overhaul interval or the life of the equipment;

recognition of the state of new and refurbished equipment in order to check the absence of signs of defects that reduce the overhaul interval;

increase in the overhaul interval and service life of the equipment due to installation, commissioning and repair work in strict accordance with specifications and regulations.

PAO is based on the use of several components listed below, the combination of which gives the maximum effect.

Analysis of the causes of unscheduled shutdowns, accidents, shortened overhaul intervals, including the identification of recurring problems that arise during the operation of the equipment.

Maintenance and repair usually focuses on the elimination of mostly obvious equipment defects. At the same time, frequent repairs are often perceived as quite normal. Root failure analysis directs advanced analytics and engineering logic to identify and correct the underlying underlying problem. Adopting a root failure analysis program often brings significant savings to a business.

In principle, defects and failures (including at the beginning of the service life), classified by reason of occurrence, can be associated with design defects and misuse, manufacturing (manufacturing) and material defects, assembly and operational defects(violations of the technology of assembly, installation and connection of nodes, unnecessary maintenance, violations of operating conditions), technological defects (deviation of operating parameters from the nominal ones).

As an example of a design error in the design, one can cite a case associated with insufficient consideration of the influence of weather - climatic conditions during the operation of the equipment: the ill-conceived design of the air intake barrier grille of the air compressor gas turbine propane centrifugal compressor caused the accumulation and discharge of ice particles with their subsequent periodic entry into the turbine, collision and accelerated destruction of the air compressor blades.

As an example of improper use due to the fault of the designer, one can cite a case associated with periodic, approximately every three months, failure of the rolling bearings of the EM of a vertical pumping unit, which occurred after installation was completed during the warranty operation of the process unit. The first failure of the rolling bearing was taken as normal, however, after the second sudden failure, an analysis of the causes was carried out, as a result of which it turned out that the motor thrust bearing, in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, could only be used with a horizontal rotor orientation . The costs were compensated by the supplier.

As another example of improper use due to the fault of the designer, one can cite a case associated with the need to repair screw compressors for gas compression in a gas lift system every 6...9 months due to changes in operating conditions and deviation of operating parameters from the nominal specifications (operation at capacity and pressure limit). When analyzing the reasons for frequent repairs, it turned out that this type of compressor is fundamentally unsuitable for such a task and needs to be replaced.

As an example of a violation of the manufacturing technology of parts (material defect), one can cite a case related to short term service of plain bearings of large units of the petrochemical plant: after approximately 4000 ... 6000 hours of operation, cracking and chipping of the babbitt liners were observed. As a result of the analysis, it was established that the cause was burnt babbit as a result of a defective technology for manufacturing liners. A slight adjustment in technology resulted in an increase in the average life of the liners by more than three times.

An often recurring problem with equipment lying on the surface is a symptom of a more hidden defect: at one of the enterprises, the gearbox bearings of a large compressor unit, after many years of successful operation, suddenly began to fail every 2-3 months, leading to an unscheduled shutdown of production. After an analysis by the plant personnel, it was found that the cause was a violation of the quality of the lubricating oil, which led to an increase in the temperature of the bearing, while the vibration parameters practically did not exceed the permissible values.

Impeccable compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications during the installation and repair of the unit and the study of vibration during removal from repair can significantly extend the subsequent overhaul interval.

For example, the two most common operations at the completion of installation or repair of the unit (which are often performed with low quality or completely ignored on auxiliary equipment) are balancing the rotor and centering the equipment components. The extra time and resources required to achieve the most stringent performance in these operations is not much more than what is required for these operations to be of average quality, but reaching the stringent performance levels can often even double the equipment's time between overhauls.

As an example, we can cite the results of the introduction of laser equipment for alignment, documented at a number of oil transportation and petrochemical enterprises where this program was implemented. The effect of accurate alignment was as follows: the average service life of bearings and couplings increased (at some enterprises) by 3...8 times, maintenance costs decreased by an average of 5...7%, the overhaul interval increased by an average of 10. .. 12%, unscheduled equipment shutdowns due to misalignment reduced by more than half.

An analysis of the main reasons for the failure of rolling bearings shows that, according to statistics, a serviceable bearing fails in about 30% of cases due to a violation of the mounting technology. Thus, using inexpensive specialized equipment for heating bearings during mounting, it is possible to reduce the failure of bearings for this reason by almost a third.

WELDING. RENOVATION. TRIBOTEKHNIKA: abstracts / Ed. ed. ; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; FGAOU VPO “UrFU im. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Nizhny Tagil. technol. in-t (fil.). - Nizhny Tagil: NTI (branch) UrFU, 2013. - 76 p.

During repair stops, the mechanisms are revised and worn parts are replaced with new ones. The frequency of repairs can be determined by the frequency of equipment failures − failure repairs. But they take a lot of time, because there is no way to prepare for them. To remedy this, developed scheduled preventive maintenance(PPR), which are performed after a certain operating time. This approach reduces the repair time, but allows for premature repairs, because wear is not repeated with great accuracy. Since the 90s, the presence of malfunctions has been determined vibration diagnostics working equipment. This eliminates premature repairs, which is reflected in the name of repairs - according to the actual state(RFS). A further reduction in repairs is possible by increasing the post-repair operating time of the equipment. This is achieved by applying measures to slow down wear; such repairs are called proactive(STEAM). The content of the proactive part of repairs:

  • optimization of external impact, including reduction of its peak component (from vibrations, shocks, etc.);
  • lubrication optimization;
  • hardening of working surfaces.

Optimization of external influence

The external influence causing wear is determined by the capacity of the equipment. But power reduction results in a drop in performance. However, such a path is possible if the annual production of equipment operating with a lower load, due to small repair downtime, turns out to be greater than in the case of operation with a high load and significant repair downtime and costs.

Another way to optimize the external impact is to reduce its destructive effect without reducing power, by reduction of stress concentration. For example, the body of a 12-meter die for forming large diameter pipes broke in two after a short operation. Its repair welding without additional strengthening measures did not seem promising. An analysis of the stress state of the structure showed that the level of equivalent stresses along the fracture line sharply decreases as a result of a change in the angle of the lower stiffeners by only 7°. The subsequent operation of the modernized stamp confirmed the validity of this decision.

The peak component of the load may appear from malfunctions. Hard surfacing of the ends of the bogies of the firing machines not only reduced the wear and frequency of repairs of the bogies themselves, but due to the fact that the skew of the bogies was simultaneously eliminated, the load on the drive sprocket decreased and the replacement of its sectors decreased by a factor of four.

Vibration creates peak loads. The vacuum generator consists of a container with two nozzles. Through one, the steel melt is sucked into the degasser, and through the other it is drained back into the ladle. The suction pipe during operation created a vibration that destroyed the refractory lining. Fastening elements reduced vibration and doubled the resistance of the vacuum cleaner.

Lubrication optimization

The lubricant is a layer that converts the external (large) friction of the surfaces into the internal (small) friction of the lubricant. There are liquid lubrication, when the friction surfaces are separated by a continuous stable layer of lubricant, and boundary lubrication - with a thinner and intermittent oil layer. Liquid lubrication is provided by a special arrangement of bearings, and boundary lubrication is obtained as a result of free placement of lubricants on friction surfaces. As the latter, oils of animal and vegetable origin were historically the first to be used. In the last quarter of the 19th century, the production of cheaper mineral oils from petroleum began. Their properties were not so good, so there was a long process of improving them with additives. By the middle of the 20th century, the emergence synthetic oils. With low viscosity, little temperature dependence, and chemical stability, they provide better lubricating properties, resulting in reduced friction and wear compared to petroleum oils.

In the 1930s it became known rebinder effect. He showed that friction can reduce an extremely thin (5 nm) layer surfactants(surfactant), which can be called "invisible lubricant". To apply surfactants to the surface in the West, a solution called "Epilam" was developed. In the future, new surfactant solutions, by analogy, continued to be called epilams, assigning an original name (brand) to each. In the 60s, EN-3 epilam, a solution of stearic acid in isooctane, was developed at NIIChasprom. Then epilams based on fluorinated surfactant appeared and are being improved. For example, a 0.05% solution of perfluoropolyether acid 6MKF-180 in Freon 113 (Epilam Efren-2). Epilamic “invisible lubrication” does not cancel the use of conventional lubrication, but increases its effectiveness (reducing friction and wear) by eliminating the contact of rubbing surfaces with unlubricated areas. Epilamation provides for preliminary degreasing of the surface, wetting it with epilam and air drying, which is quite accessible for use in repairs.

In the 60s in the USSR it was registered scientific discovery No. 41 - “effect of wearlessness”. Its essence is that from a lubricant containing fine particles, their thin layer. Behind him is the ability to wear and restore as the gap between the friction surfaces increases. Thus, despite friction and wear, the primary surfaces of the parts, being protected by the deposited layer, remain wear-free. Hence the origin of the name “effect of wearlessness”. To achieve it, dispersed powders of soft (copper, serpentinite, fluoroplast) and hard (ceramics, diamond) materials are added to oils. The most stable ideas about them are as follows. Copper additives do not hold well on the surface, so their constant presence in the lubricant is required. Serpentinite has the ability to diffuse to create a durable layer with a low coefficient of friction. Solid particles of diamond and ceramics, filling microroughnesses, create some kind of rolling bearing. Oil additives achieve restoration of wear without disassembly of mechanisms and reduction of friction.

Selection Optimization lubricants can be supplemented by the improvement of systems for delivering them to friction units. This, without capital investments, extends the time between overhauls of equipment.

Hardening of working surfaces

For all combinations of friction pairs, there is a certain range of loads and friction velocities, in which the wear is several orders of magnitude lower than outside this range. In mechanical engineering, there is a continuous search for ways to move the specified range to higher pressures and velocities. Wherein important role plays hardening. In the third quarter of the 20th century, its widespread use (HFC hardening, carburizing, nitriding, surfacing, spraying, etc.) made it possible to significantly slow down wear and increase (up to a micron level) the accuracy of parts manufacturing. Without hardening, increasing the accuracy does not make sense, because in this case, expensive micron mates, due to rapid wear, turn into ordinary ones already at the beginning of operation. Thanks to micron fitting of parts, gaps are minimized, noise, dynamic loads, vibration are reduced, it becomes possible to work with minimal wear at high speeds. Adjusting elements were removed from the mechanisms, which serve to select gaps during rapid wear, which also had a positive effect on the reliability of machines and equipment. New generation machines increased the operating time so significantly that they were called "non-repairable".

The hardening coverage of the functional surfaces of machines is not yet optimal, so hardening work during repairs is fully justified. Let's pay attention to carbonitration and manual plasma hardening. They were developed not so long ago, but they have prospects for use, especially during repairs, as they belong to the finishing category.

carbonitration- developed in the USSR in the 70s and represents the saturation of the surface with nitrogen and carbon in the melt of potassium cyanate salt. The properties of the carbonitrated layer are similar to those of the layer obtained by nitriding. On the surface there is a thin layer (about 5 microns) of solid carbonitride, under which there is a nitrogen-saturated layer (0.2 mm) with gradually decreasing hardness. The difference is that only alloy steels are strengthened by nitriding, while carbonitration can strengthen ordinary carbon steels ().

Table 1 - Hardness of carbonitrated surfaces (measurements were made with an ultrasonic hardness tester UZIT-3)
Steel Art.3 40 40X U8 65G CVH X12M 20X16MGSFR
HRC 35 45 52 56 59 63 64 68

Carbonitration does not require as thorough pre-treatment as nitriding and is much faster (2 hours instead of 48 hours) than nitriding. Machine parts can be manufactured according to drawing dimensions and immediately after carbonitration they can be put into operation. This reduces the complexity of manufacturing, acquires wear and corrosion resistance. For example, the use of carbonitration instead of HDTV hardening reduced the consumption of the drive gear shafts of the gearbox of the SBSh-250 drilling rig by 6 times.

UDC 629.7.05


©2012 N. V. Chekryzhev and A. N. Koptev

Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev (national research university)

The article discusses the principles of a qualitative approach to a promising method of proactive maintenance complex systems airborne equipment.

Flight safety, risk management, failure evolution, proactive maintenance.

Over the past 30 years, the main task of the development of the air transport system has been the search for new approaches to solving the problem of improving flight safety. aircraft(Sun).

It is obvious that the traditional retroactive (Reactive) ideology of prevention of aviation events, built on strict compliance with regulatory requirements and the implementation of preventive recommendations developed based on the results of the investigation of the events that have occurred, has exhausted itself.

Therefore, ICAO has developed a fundamentally new ideology for the prevention of aviation accidents and incidents, called "flight safety management".

The new ideology of aviation accident (AAC) and incident prevention involves the creation of a flight safety management system (SMS) in the airline, which:

Identifies actual and potential security threats;

Ensures that corrective actions are taken to mitigate risks/hazards;

Provides continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the achieved level of flight safety.

SMS is not focused on anticipating a negative event, but on identifying

dangerous factors in the aviation system that have not yet manifested themselves, but can cause incidents, accidents and disasters. This approach to the prevention of aviation accidents was called "proactive" (Proactive).

In essence, proactive maintenance assumes the same reactive approach as condition-based maintenance with parameter control (TEP), but such system parameters are selected as diagnostic signs, the observation of which allows one to control the root causes of the degradation of system stability factors (Fig. 1).

The accumulated experience of investigating aviation events has shown that each of them was due to the impact of several reasons that were hidden for a long time in the form of deficiencies (hazards or risk factors) of the components aviation system.

Five basic structural elements of the concept of flight safety underlie the Reason model (Fig. 2).

Flight safety measures should be aimed at controlling organizational processes containing hidden conditions in the form of deficiencies in the design of equipment, omissions in personnel training, etc., as well as to improve conditions at the workplace.

Rice. 1. Structure of proactive maintenance

Rice. 2. Reason model

A tool for analyzing the components and features of operational contexts and their possible interactions with people is the SHEL(L) model (Figure 3), designed to give a general idea of ​​the relationship of individuals with the components and features of the workplace.

The strategies and methods of aircraft maintenance considered above are aimed at eliminating mostly obvious malfunctions and failures of aircraft functional systems (FS) products.

Rice. 3. Model BIETS)

The accumulated experience and practice of investigating aviation events prove that the presence of any hidden flaw in the system in the form of a dangerous factor or risk factor can, under certain conditions, lead to its transformation into a cause, which causes a subsequent negative event.

Therefore, ICAO proposed to change the content preventive work flight safety management model (FSM) for targeted work to identify and eliminate

hazards in each component of the aviation system of the flight safety management model (FSM) (Fig.

When implementing BP management (UBM), the content of preventive work is determined by hazardous factors (HF) of the aviation system components. Therefore, in accordance with a proactive approach, airlines are developing special methods designed to assess the degree of risk of predicted events.

Rice. 4. Models of ensuring (OBP) and management (UBP) of flight safety: OD - erroneous actions, OP - hazards, I - incidents, SI - serious incidents, A - accidents, K - catastrophes

The practical basis of safety management is risk management, the methodology of which is set out in the Safety Risk Management Programme. The transition from support (FS) to flight safety management (FSM) in practice means carrying out preventive work before the development of an aviation event by identifying and eliminating sources

hazards (risk factors) in all components of the aviation system.

Maintenance costs currently account for 12 to 18% of direct operating costs.

In accordance with the requirements of ICAO, one of the most promising methods today is the method of proactive (proactive) technical

Proactive Maintenance, based on the use of predictive analysis technology (Predictive Analytics) from Macsea.

Based on the collection and processing of information, the technology allows predicting further developments, implemented in the Macsea Dexter package, which can automatically monitor and diagnose the state of any equipment. The system performs continuous analysis and data processing, notifying the operator of emerging or possible problems, analyzes the operation of each piece of equipment in real time and predicts its condition and performance in the future.

According to Russian company"Practical Mechanics" when implementing proactive maintenance, the time of planned shutdowns is no more than 10% of the total equipment operation time, and the average time between failures due to equipment failure increases significantly. According to statistics, direct maintenance costs for unscheduled repairs are 1.5 - 3 times higher than for scheduled ones, a third of the scheduled preventive maintenance work is superfluous, a quarter of spare parts for repairs lie in a warehouse without movement for more than two years.

Research by Emerson Process Management shows that preventive maintenance costs will be 5 times higher and on-demand service costs 15 times higher than with a proactive approach.

The main direction of improving the efficiency of the airline is to increase flight hours and reduce the cost per unit of transport products.

The use of the predictive maintenance method reduces the time of forced downtime of the aircraft for maintenance, material and human resources which increases the profitability of the airline.

The built-in on-board information recording devices of the latest generation aircraft allow obtaining additional data on the results of diagnosing the state and operation of aircraft functional systems outside the home airport, which increases the likelihood of determining the source of danger (failure) and reduces the need for direct equipment inspection.

Average unplanned downtime for a typical technological process can cost 1-3% of income and 3040% of profit per year.

Monitoring the state of the FS allows you to carry out maintenance only of those products that require it. Consequently, the overall labor intensity of the technological process procedures is reduced, the cost of materials and the volume of spare equipment and the associated costs for its maintenance, which can be 25% of the cost, are reduced.

During the operation of the aircraft, its components and assemblies are constantly exposed to operational factors that affect their technical condition, the structural parameters of the elements change, the orderliness of the system as a whole and its functional qualities deteriorate, degrade.

The works of the theory of aging of machines Khrushchov M. M., Zaitseva A. K., Dyachkova A. K., Konvisarova D. V. do not give a complete analysis of the real actual state of the system as a whole, because do not take into account the random nature of the external change in the operating conditions of its individual parts and assemblies (patterns of deterioration in lubrication conditions over time, violations of adjustments in operation, etc.) and do not consider the operation of products as a whole.

The solution to the problem of increasing the reliability of the FS can only be obtained with an integrated approach that involves covering all stages of operation throughout the entire life cycle Sun.

An analysis of the reliability of aircraft functional systems shows that most

The number of operational failures is gradual, and this is due to the increasing aging of the system products

Information about the progressive aging of systems can be obtained from considering the dynamics of some defining parameters, such as quantification mechanical wear of a structural element, fuel consumption, spring tension, increased vibration of rotating parts; technological and operating parameters (temperature

ra, load, pressure, humidity, etc.); wear particles in the lubricant, etc.

Conditions of use that lead to a deviation in the parameters of the source of failure (conditional failure), cause the destruction of the material of the system object (incipient failure), which is a direct cause of failures in operation (impending failure), and this, in turn, leads to a state of system malfunction (abrupt or catastrophic failure) as shown in Fig. 5 .

Rice. 5. Scheme of failure development

The idea of ​​proactive equipment maintenance is to ensure the maximum possible overhaul life of equipment through the use of modern technologies for detecting and suppressing sources of failure.

The basis of proactive maintenance are:

Identification and elimination of sources of recurring problems leading to a reduction in the overhaul interval of the facility;

Elimination or significant reduction of factors that adversely affect the overhaul interval or the life of the facility;

Recognition of the state of the object in order to check the absence of signs of defects that reduce the overhaul interval;

Increase the overhaul interval and the life of the facility due to the installation, adjustment and repair work in strict accordance with the technical specifications and regulations.

In fact, proactive maintenance assumes the same reactive approach as condition-based maintenance with parameter control, but such system parameters are selected as diagnostic signs, the observation of which makes it possible to control the root causes of the degradation of system stability factors. Monitoring the change in material properties in the early stages of deviation of the failure source parameter allows, through preventive maintenance of this source, to prevent

prevent further degradation of the system as a whole.

Characteristic qualitative features of the influence of various approaches to maintenance on the operation process and overhaul intervals of the object under study are illustrated in fig. 6.

Curve 1 (CoS) corresponds to a change in the state of the object of operation during reactive maintenance (RS). Point Z corresponds to a breakdown or failure of an object or the depletion of a resource, which predetermines its replacement or repair.

Operating time

Rice. 6. Level dependency technical condition object from the time of operation at various

types of service:

1 - reactive maintenance (RO), 2 - status maintenance (OS),

3 - proactive maintenance (PO)

Graph 2 characterizes the operation of the facility during maintenance on condition (OS) and consists of three sections. The COO curve corresponds to a change in the parameters of the object of operation until they reach the limit value at the point

A. The horizontal section of the RR reflects the time of repair, and the vertical line of the PH - an increase in the level of the working condition of the object to the value of C1. At the same time, the time of development of subsequent failures to repair in the range from T1 to T2, T3, etc. decreases on average and First level state after the repair no longer reaches the initial (C1<Со), так как отказы одних агрегатов системы оказы-

have a negative impact on the performance of others.

Graph 3 characterizes the operation of the facility with proactive maintenance (PS). As noted above, this type of service is the next step in the development of the OS method, so the general form of dependence 3 is similar to graph 2. Point P corresponds to the deviation of the failure source parameter from the norm.

There is no horizontal section, because adjustment of the state of the object to the initial level Co, associated with the elimination of the root causes of failures, such as

as a rule, does not require temporary decommissioning of the facility.

This figure clearly reflects the advantages of a proactive approach to maintenance, the main of which is the absence of periods of forced downtime of maintenance facilities due to repairs. Therefore, with a certain degree of idealization, proactive maintenance is characterized by a constant, time-independent level of state C0 of the "eternal" unit, the service life of which is maintained by systematically eliminating sources of defects that lead to its premature failure.

According to independent surveys, the average operating savings achieved by applying a proactive approach are: return on investment - ten times, maintenance cost reduction - 25-30%, accident reduction - 70-75%, downtime reduction - 35-45% , increase in productivity - 20-25%.

In this regard, we can expect a significant effect from the introduction of proactive

providing an approach to the maintenance of aircraft functional systems, including an increase in their service life.

Bibliographic list

1.Doc. 9859 - AN/474. Flight Safety Management Manual [Text]. - ICAO. - 2009.

2.Doc. 9859 - AN/460. Flight Safety Management Manual [Text]. - ICAO. - 2006.

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© 2012 N. V. Сhekrizhev, A. N. Koptev

Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolyov

(National Research University)

The paper deals with the principles of a qualitative approach to a perspective method of proactive maintenance for complex systems of aircraft on-board equipment.

Flight safety, management of risks, development offailure (refusal), proactive maintenance.

Chekryzhev Nikolai Viktorovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Aviation Equipment Operation, Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (National Research University). E-mail: [email protected] Research interests: control and testing of aircraft and their systems.

Koptev Anatoly Nikitovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Aviation Equipment Operation, Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Korolev (National Research University). E-mail: [email protected] Research interests: control and testing of aircraft and their systems.

Nikolay ^ekrizhev, associate professor of the aircraft maintenance department, Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolyov (National Research University). Email: [email protected] Area of ​​research: Control and testing of aircraft and their systems.

Anatoliy Koptev, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the aircraft maintenance department, Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolyov (National Research University). Email: [email protected] Area of ​​research: Control and testing of aircraft and their systems.

1.1. The system of maintenance and repair of enterprise equipment

Under MRO system means a set of interrelated means, documentation and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of products included in this system.

As goals MRO systems are defined as follows:

  • maintenance of equipment in working condition during the entire period of operation;
  • ensuring reliable operation of equipment;
  • ensuring the productivity and quality of products;
  • compliance with the requirements for labor protection and environmental protection.

The organization of the MRO system of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of the adoption (explicitly or in accordance with established practice) of decisions on the following fundamental issues ():

  • choice of equipment maintenance and repair strategy;
  • determination of the method of organizing repair maintenance of production;
  • development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of repair maintenance of production.

Figure 1.1 - Fundamental issues in the organization of the maintenance and repair system

1.2. Equipment Maintenance and Repair Strategies

Under maintenance strategy implies a generalizing model of actions necessary to achieve the goals by coordinating and distributing the appropriate resources of the enterprise. In essence, the maintenance and repair strategy is a set of decision-making rules that guide the repair service (RS) of the enterprise in its activities to ensure the operability of equipment.

A brief description of the main maintenance and repair strategies is given in.

Table 1.1 - Brief description of the main maintenance and repair strategies
Information support model The nature of the activities carried out
(based on probabilistic, statistical indicators)
I. Operation to failure:* maximum use of equipment resource;
+ minimum costs for the maintenance of the RS;
– failures and costs of accident elimination are large and unpredictable.
II. Scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR):* fixed probability of emergency failures;
+ the best conditions for MRO planning;
– Significant costs for maintenance and repair due to the replacement of serviceable components and parts.
(based on information about the actual technical condition (TS) of the equipment)
III. By TS:* information support for the decision-making process on maintenance and repair;
+ close to full use of equipment resource;
– low efficiency in long-term resource planning;
IV. Proactive:* active proactive impact on the vehicle equipment;
+ increase in service life of the equipment;
+ rational choice of time, types and volumes of maintenance and repair;
+ minimum probability of emergency failures;
– high requirements for work culture and staff qualifications.

Under reactive maintenance and repair strategies are implied, the need for repair actions in which is determined by the occurrence of some critical event within the framework of this strategy (failure, reaching the limit values ​​of regulated parameters). preventive maintenance and repair strategies are aimed at preventing the occurrence of a critical event and are characterized by the possibility of carrying out preliminary planning and preparation of maintenance and repair (ordering repair teams, logistics) as opposed to reactive strategies, when it is necessary to conduct maintenance and repair, and, accordingly, ensuring their preparation, before the onset of a critical event unpredictable.

Historically, the first (as the least demanding in terms of the level of organization and work culture) has developed operation to failure strategy, which implies the implementation of equipment maintenance and repair operations to achieve a critical state, which, as a rule, is characterized by the impossibility of performing the specified functions, that is, the loss of operability. The main advantages of this maintenance and repair strategy include the longest overhaul period corresponding to the service life of the equipment, and the minimum cost of maintaining the repair service, the dominant function of which in this case is the restoration of the equipment after its failure. On the other hand, the lack of the ability to plan resources (financial, time, labor, and others) necessary for maintenance and repair leads to a significant increase in the duration of the latter and to increased costs for the elimination of accidents, including production losses. The creation of warehouse stocks of inventory items, as a rule, is not a satisfactory solution, since it entails a decrease in the liquidity of the enterprise. The volume of such reserves in a number of cases (especially in industries where unique single equipment is used) exceeds economically justified limits. Despite these shortcomings, in the case of inexpensively redundant, as well as typical equipment, the failure of which does not have a critical impact on the technological process, does not pose a danger to the environment, human health and life This strategy has been successfully used to this day.

In the first half of the 20th century, with the growth of serial production and the increase in the productivity of industrial enterprises, losses due to equipment failures became critical. The strategy of operating to failure has been replaced by PPR strategy or repairs according to the regulations, implying preventive maintenance and repair based on statistical information about the service life of equipment. Reducing the number of emergency failures is one of the main advantages of this strategy, although the probability of their occurrence is not completely excluded, but is fixed within the specified limits. The PPR strategy provides the best conditions for resource planning, “however, the main drawback of the PPR outweighs all its advantages, it consists in carrying out repairs of actually serviceable equipment, as well as the forced replacement of parts, regardless of their remaining resource (in complex equipment, the difference in the resources of individual parts can reach 500% ). All this leads to an unjustified increase in operating costs. The disadvantages of the PPR also include a decrease in the residual life of the equipment and an increase in the probability of failure when commissioning after repair. This strategy provided the best integration within the planned economy and allowed to eliminate a number of shortcomings of the historically established earlier operation to failure strategy. A more complete use of the resource of the equipment was achieved by reducing the likelihood of damage to parts with a potentially long resource. , which could have occurred in the event of failure of the elements that determined the service life of the equipment as a whole during operation to failure. Currently, the PPR strategy continues to be used at many enterprises, primarily for critical equipment and equipment, the failure of which can pose a danger to the environment, human health and life. In other cases, the PPR strategy is often applied only declaratively, which is due to the increased requirements for the efficiency of the MRO system of an enterprise in a market economy.

At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, mobile and portable vibration-measuring equipment was used in the repair service of production, which makes it possible to carry out vibration monitoring of equipment based on frequency analysis. At the same time, there was an accelerated development of the theory of reliability and research in the field of operational properties of equipment. All this predetermined the emergence of a new scientific and applied field of knowledge - technical diagnostics, the achievements of which were used as the basis for the implementation of the maintenance and repair strategy by TS. First of all, the maintenance and repair strategy for the TS is aimed at eliminating the shortcomings of the outage strategy that historically preceded it, namely, at reducing the number of unreasonable repair actions in order to maximize the use of the equipment resource. When applying this strategy, by monitoring the vehicle, the probability of emergency equipment failures is reduced to a possible minimum. The motto of this strategy is: “Equipment should be shut down for repairs an instant before the expected failure”. Reducing the cost of maintenance and repair of equipment, minimizing the number of unplanned failures, reducing the number of planned downtime due to installation and assembly operations are the undeniable advantages that accompany the implementation of the maintenance and repair strategy for TS. The maintenance and repair strategy for the vehicle put forward new requirements for the level of work culture. Within the framework of repair services and regulatory bodies, technical diagnostics units are singled out, the importance of personal professionalism, qualifications and experience of workers, managers and specialists is increasing. On the other hand, since the maintenance and repair regulation is determined by a stochastic factor - the actual technical equipment of the equipment - the effectiveness of long-term resource planning decreases (the approximate period for preventing failures, and hence planning for maintenance and repair, in the case of using technical diagnostic tools, mainly does not exceed two to three months).

In order to ensure high performance indicators of equipment of industrial enterprises, it has recently become increasingly popular proactive strategy MRO. The analysis carried out in the work allows us to determine the proactive maintenance and repair strategy as the most effective and expedient for implementation in modern economic conditions. The proactive strategy combines the advantages of the preventive repair effects of the PPR system and the information support of the decision-making process, which is typical for maintenance and repair of equipment TS.

1.3. Proactive equipment maintenance and repair strategy

Essence The proactive equipment maintenance and repair strategy consists in performing the necessary repair actions aimed at reducing the rate of development or eliminating faults that are identified based on information about the actual equipment TS.

Theoretical basis of the proactive equipment maintenance strategy postulate that initially all types of faults are present in embryonic or explicit form in all machines put into operation. Various factors accompanying operation (design and non-design loads, the impact of environmental factors and nearby equipment, operating conditions, maintenance and repair, and others), to one degree or another lead to the development of various types of malfunctions. The determining effect of a combination of factors causes the accelerated development of one or more faults, which become decisive in relation to the machine's performance. By choosing repair actions in such a way as to reduce the influence of the determining factors, it is possible to reduce the rate of development of faults, maintaining the operable condition of the machine. Rational choice and quality implementation these and only these repair impacts is the task of RS.

The proactive maintenance and repair strategy () is based on evaluation of the technical equipment of the equipment which can be done in the following ways:

  • monitoring of technological parameters;
  • visual inspection;
  • temperature control;
  • acoustic and vibration diagnostics;
  • inspection using non-destructive testing methods (magnetic, electrical, eddy current, radio wave, thermal, optical, radiation, ultrasonic, penetrating substances).

Figure 1.2 - Repair maintenance of equipment as part of a proactive MRO strategy

Basis for acceptance decision on the need to carry out a repair action is a situation when the TS of one element (part, assembly, mechanism) of the equipment leads to the deterioration of the TS of adjacent (spatially and / or functionally) elements.

List of possible repair impacts:

  • maintenance of equipment (cleaning, cleaning, anti-corrosion treatment);
  • adjustment, adjustment, adjustment (centering, balancing);
  • provision of connections (restoration of the integrity of welds, tightening of threaded connections);
  • lubrication of friction surfaces;
  • replacement of wearing parts;
  • restoration or replacement of basic parts, including body parts.

Repair actions are carried out within the framework of the following groups of activities for maintenance and repair of equipment:

  1. Preventive Maintenance- a set of measures carried out periodically, which are aimed at preventing or reducing the rate of development of defects by ensuring the design conditions for the interaction of equipment components (cleaning from technological waste, wear products, corrosion, sediments, deposits, etc.; removal of dust, dirt, oil, slag, scale , spillage of raw materials, debris, etc.; topping up, refueling working fluids, topping up, replacing consumables; replacing or restoring replaceable equipment, etc.).
  2. Corrective Maintenance– a set of measures carried out as necessary, which are aimed at preventing or reducing the rate of development of defects by ensuring design conditions for the interaction of equipment units (adjustment and adjustment of equipment, including centering, balancing; restoration of connections of parts, ensuring the integrity of metal structures and pipelines; restoration of coatings, colors, etc.).
  3. Predictive Maintenance- a set of measures aimed at establishing the actual TS of the equipment in order to predict its change in the course of further operation and identify the most appropriate moment of application and the required types of repair actions (measuring technical and technological parameters, sampling; control, testing, verification of equipment operation modes; control TS of equipment, including methods of technical diagnostics; flaw detection by non-destructive testing methods; technical inspection of equipment, survey, examination, revision, etc.).
  4. Maintenance- a set of measures aimed at ensuring the operability of equipment by replacing or restoring its individual components that are not basic, except for replaceable equipment.
  5. Overhaul- a set of measures aimed at ensuring the operability of equipment by replacing or restoring its basic components and parts.

Selecting a proactive MRO strategy makes it possible to provide:

  • increasing the service life of equipment by reducing the rate of development or eliminating emerging faults at the initial stage of their occurrence;
  • exclusion of secondary damage to equipment elements caused by failure of adjacent (spatially and/or functionally) elements;
  • justification and implementation of only the necessary repair actions, which reduces the costs and load on the distribution system, as well as reduces the likelihood of failures caused by installation errors and interference with the operation of operable equipment;
  • reduction in the cost of repair maintenance of production, due to a change in the structure of maintenance and repair in favor of increasing the number of inexpensive preventive actions instead of costly repair operations (replacement, restoration);
  • rational choice of time, types and volumes of maintenance and repair due to early terms of preventing the occurrence of malfunctions when using methods and means of technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing;
  • reduction of the probability of emergency failures due to unsatisfactory technical specifications of the equipment;
  • increasing the availability of equipment, which provides an opportunity to increase production volumes and reduce the cost of production;
  • building confidence in the manufacturer on the part of the consumer through the timely fulfillment of contractual obligations and improving the quality of products as a complex result of improving the culture of work.

1.4. Ways to organize repair maintenance of production

Organization method repair maintenance of production determines the structure of the RS of the enterprise, which has a direct impact on the efficiency of the MRO system as a whole.

Classic ways RS organizations are characterized by a range of forms from decentralized to centralized, which differ in the degree of concentration of management of forces and means within a single specialized structure at the enterprise ().

Figure 1.3 - Classical methods of organizing repair maintenance of production

The method of organizing repair maintenance, characterized by the distribution of forces and means of the RS between the production units of the enterprise, is called decentralized.

Centralized organization of the RS implies the presence of a specialized structure within the enterprise, which is entrusted with the entire scope of functions for the maintenance and repair of equipment of production and auxiliary divisions, as well as bearing full responsibility for ensuring the operability of the equipment.

The method of constructing a DC based on a wide range of intermediate forms that differ in varying degrees of centralization is called mixed.

The most common at domestic enterprises are mixed forms of RS organization, while foreign practice indicates the high efficiency of centralized forms of equipment maintenance and repair, including the construction of a maintenance and repair system based on alternative methods of organizing RS.

Alternative ways organization of repair maintenance of production () implies the involvement of external resources (forces and means) to ensure and carry out maintenance and repair of enterprise equipment. Depending on the degree of use of the resources of external enterprises and the transfer of appropriate responsibility for ensuring the operability of the equipment, there are contracting and service ways to perform maintenance work.

Figure 1.4 - Alternative ways to organize repair maintenance of production

To ensure the required level of efficiency of the equipment maintenance and repair system, the joint use of classical and alternative methods of organizing repair maintenance of production at the enterprise is widespread.

1.5. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of repair maintenance of production

Efficiency mark repair maintenance of production is carried out on the basis of criteria adopted by the enterprise. An effective system of criteria makes it possible to analyze not only the actual effectiveness of the existing maintenance and repair system, but also quickly identify its shortcomings, determine ways for further improvement and development.

There are technical and economic approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise's RS. Technical approaches are characterized by a predominant focus on assessing the criteria that characterize the performance of the equipment, the possibility of its use for the implementation of a given technological process. Economic approaches make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the RS by comparing the costs of maintenance and repair and production losses caused by the technical equipment.

At present, the question is generalized technical and economic assessment of the efficiency of repair maintenance of production, which would allow a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the equipment maintenance and repair system, should be classified as insufficiently developed, which leaves room for enterprises to develop their own approaches to its solution. The indicated, for example, was undertaken in [ , ].

It is necessary to pay special attention to a common mistake. To assess the effectiveness of the maintenance and repair system, it is unacceptable to use criteria characterizing the activities carried out by RS (volumes of work performed: in quantitative, temporary, natural, cost and other similar indicators). The intensity of repair work often does not indicate the achievement of the main goal of repair maintenance of production - ensuring the operability of equipment. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system should be carried out on the basis of external, and not internal indicators of its work.

Only an effective method for evaluating the efficiency of production repair maintenance makes it possible to perform a qualitative analysis of the maintenance and repair system, the effectiveness of the RS activities, and provide information support for the decision-making process.

1.6. accident rate

Industrial equipment accidents lead to the interruption of the technological process, which is accompanied by inevitable material losses, and can also be the cause of man-made disasters and deaths. Ensuring the operability of equipment with the transition from eliminating the consequences of accidents to preventing their causes is the main task of the RS of the enterprise.

To assess the accident rate of equipment, operational (total downtime) or economic (loss of production, cost of eliminating accidents) indicators can be selected. In this case, in the general case, it is advisable for an enterprise to evaluate not absolute values, but rather the dynamics of changes in the selected parameters over time.

On the other hand, a comparative analysis of weighted accident rates (suppose the sum of production losses and the cost of eliminating accidents for a certain reference period, related to the sum of equipment maintenance and repair costs) of industry enterprises may be of interest in order to identify the most effective forms of organization and methods for improving RS.

The assessment of accident rate indicators can be successfully used as an indicator of the effectiveness of measures to reform the RS, to assess the implemented technical and organizational solutions. Based on a comparison of economic losses from accidents and funds allocated for financing the RS, their optimal volumes can be established. The same is true for estimating the number of maintenance personnel.

Regulations and systems that determine the procedure for investigating accidents at industrial enterprises, as a rule, are developed on the basis of the “Procedure for Investigating and Recording Accidents, Occupational Diseases and Accidents at Work”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1112 of 25.08.2004. However, the main problem often remains unresolved. We are talking about the full and effective use of the information obtained during the investigation, and not so much to eliminate, but to prevent subsequent accidents on the same or the same type of equipment.

An accident investigation involves a phased solution of the following sequence of tasks:

  1. Collection of factual information about the incident and operational actions of the personnel, visual inspection of the place and object of the accident.
  2. Study of technological and technical characteristics of the accident object.
  3. History analysis facility (similar accidents, maintenance and repair work).
  4. Formation of a working hypothesis conducting additional research if necessary (if additional research refutes the hypothesis, a new one is put forward, the reliability of which is being verified).
  5. Determination of causes accident, accompanying technical factors, perpetrators (development of a confirmed working hypothesis).
  6. Development emergency events.
  7. Monitoring implementation of emergency events.

The information obtained can be used in solving a number of technical and technological issues, issues of material supply, personnel management, development of the RS.

It seems appropriate to perform the following types of analysis:

  • causal, which consists in identifying the characteristic problems of the enterprise (for example, insufficient qualifications of operating personnel, lack of stable and timely logistics, inconsistency in the volume and frequency of repairs of equipment to the intensity of its operation, and others);
  • spatial, the purpose of which is to determine the "vulnerabilities" of both individual machines and units, the complex of equipment of the enterprise as a whole;
  • temporal, which is aimed at identifying seasonal patterns, cyclical nature of emergencies, trends and forecasts of their occurrence.

The results of the analysis are the basis for the development of measures aimed not only and not so much at combating the consequences of accidents, but to a greater extent at eliminating their causes and preventing the possibility of recurrence in the future. [


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