The game is to feed the parrot. Funny games parrots

Princess Anna and her pet Parrot. A game for girls and girls! Princess Anna has a new, adorable pet Parrot. The cute bird adores its mistress. And the princess does not like him. Girls, if you want to please Anna, take care of her pet. Using the functions of the game, you, as wizards, can change the color of its beak, the shape of its eyes and plumage. And then, having picked up a beautiful outfit for the princess, you can send our friends for a walk. For this you need a mouse.

Princess Anna and her pet Parrot

Polly Pocket. Pet care. A game for girls and girls! Polly loves animals. She has three pets. Girls, do you want to look after her parrot, puppy and kitten with her today? Then choose the pet you like and start caring for him. Small animals are like children: they need attention and love. Therefore, girls, having finished caring for one animal, immediately start caring for another pet. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Polly Pocket. Pet care

Taking care of the parrot. A game for girls and girls! Girls, you can take care of the parrot in two ways. The first way is a race against the clock. The second option is to play as usual. In any case, you girls have to bathe the parrot, dry it with a towel, entertain it, feed it, cut its claws, clean its feather, treat it and even decorate it with accessories. Control the game with the mouse. Don't forget to switch the game to Russian.

Taking care of the parrot

Puzzles. Parrot on a bike. A game for girls and girls! Girls, we invite you to play fun game Puzzles with a parrot on a bike. There is no time limit for collecting pictures. The way of playing is usual: drag and drop individual fragments of the picture with the help of the mouse. But if you girls want to admire the result of your work, do it before you put the last piece of the picture in its place. At this moment, the picture will immediately close. Good luck!

Puzzles. Parrot on bike

Dress up for a sad parrot. A game for girls and girls! Our sweet ass is sad. Autumn leaf fall had a depressing effect on him. Girls, perhaps your attention will improve his mood. Take care of dressing him. Choose brighter clothes and jewelry for him. Change the color of the plumage. Warm him up with a warm scarf. Play with your mouse.

Dress up for a sad parrot

The talking parrot wants to get to know each other. A game for girls and girls! Girls, get acquainted! This parrot loves to play pranks. As soon as he feels attention to himself, he immediately begins to be naughty: he can open the tap with water, throw dirty dishes out of the bath, press all the buttons in a row. He can also speak. If you allow access to the microphone, you can chat with him. It turns out very funny. Control the game with the mouse. Good luck!

About a parrot will be a great new discovery for you in the world of games. Let's answer a few questions before you play ...

What should you consider when buying a parrot?

When buying a parrot, you need to pay close attention to its general form, on how he behaves in the cage of the store and, of course, on the behavior of the bird in relation to the rest of the parrots. The parrot should have bright feathers that are pleasing to the eyes, should be quite mobile and from time to time, the bird should come to the feeder. All this speaks about the health of the parrot and it can be safely purchased. To make a more complete examination, you need to take a closer look - the parrot should not have sticky feathers at the anus, bald patches on the body. If the bird does not have sticky feathers, this indicates that the bird does not suffer from digestive upset. In the breath and voice, there should be no extraneous wheezing or sounds similar to them. The presence of bald patches on the bird's body indicates improper feeding, as a result of which, he tears out his plumage himself. You can not buy parrots with signs of lethargy, with disheveled plumage and a rather protruding chest bone. Be wary if the desired bird has an unnaturally long end of the beak - this indicates that the parrot is not all right with the metabolism.

How to choose the right male and female?

If you want to start breeding budgies, you must choose the right pair as much as possible, that is, a female and a male. When choosing a pair among a young litter, it is not at all easy to find sex differences; in older parrots, they are determined by wax. The young male has a transparent waxen color, sometimes it becomes pink, because of the blood vessels located under it. An adult male, has a blue wax. The young female, as a rule, has a rather light, blue wax, which gradually brightens from the nostrils and over time, comes to a brown color.

What cells are needed to keep budgerigars?

In urban conditions, it is more advisable to keep these birds in a cage. More suitable and at the same time, quite durable and hygienic, are considered to be completely metal cages: nickel-plated, made of wire, consisting of steel. Cages made of copper wire cannot be used for keeping birds in general, since, over time, under the influence of water, dirt and all kinds of gases, such cells are likely to become covered with oxide, which in turn is poisonous to any birds. In nickel-plated cages made of steel budgies well visible, metal rods transmit much more light. These cells do not emit oxide when they are treated with disinfectant solutions, hot water and when exposed to moisture and, accordingly, are cleaner for longer in terms of sanitation.

How long can parrots be kept in a cage?

It is advisable to settle parrots in cages one by one, or a female and a male, that is, a couple. Of course, they can be kept in small groups in the aviary, if this does not interfere with their correct reproduction and, of course, avoiding collisions between them.

P.S. Play our parrot games for girls. Good luck!

What to play with? How to manage?

Pick up the mouse and click on the left mouse button. Control the parrot in each level depending on the conditions. Bye Bye

The site can be found very funny games parrots... Many different animals, which must be looked after and at the same time complemented their appearance at your discretion, are in the corresponding section of the game for girls. In a new bright mission, users have to become the owners of a parrot, with which they go for a walk, but first you need to take care of its appearance and create it according to your preferences. The parrot game features a wide range of tails, wings and tufts, making the look incredibly stylish and unique. In addition, in the game you can choose a general background, as well as take with you to the beach not only a bird, but also various devices that help you relax and enjoy a comfortable pastime. This charming game is striking in its flavor, it has everything you need to express your imagination and taste, as well as the ability to combine different colors and styles with each other.

All the skills used by users in a cool game will be useful to them in real life when it is very difficult to stand out from the gray mass. The cute design is harmoniously complemented by musical accompaniment, and simple and understandable for all mouse control, gives the plot a special charm and charm, without them it would be difficult to fully relax. This funny little parrot game belongs to the category of Internet applications, which means that we do not need to install or download any files. Parrots are exotic birds, they have a unique appearance, capable of attracting attention for a long time. Now these birds have become especially popular as pets, it is believed that they can be taught to speak, but you need to try very hard for this, and many simply do not have enough time and patience.

At the moment, there are about 350 species of these amazing creatures, while their size can be surprising, large parrots can reach a meter in length. Taking care of such pets at home is quite simple, most of them love society and when their characters talk to them. Some owners train especially chatty individuals to sleep as soon as the cage is covered with a dark blanket. In any case, before purchasing an exotic bird, you should think carefully about how necessary it is and whether you are ready to care for a living creature, which, by the way, can get sick, which means that a trip to the veterinarian is inevitable. If everything is carefully thought out, then at any time it is easy to buy a parrot to your taste, give it a name and please your family with a magnificent new family member. Successful funny parrot games for girls.


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