Warhammer 40,000 regiments of the imperial guard. Imperial Guard. The most famous IS regiments

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"White Tiger" - five times better in movies

What to see about tanks

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hello squirrel

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"The Salvation Army"

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For all the might of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, they are not the core of the Imperium's strength. There are too few of them, only about a million for the entire Imperium, which, as you know, consists of a billion worlds. The basis of the military power of the Emperor is the Imperial Guard. All human worlds, along with the taxes levied by the Administratum for the benefit of the Imperium, have a responsibility to protect themselves. The Imperium is too big to help every planet in the farthest corners of the galaxy, and therefore the Imperial doctrine obliges the planetary rulers to create their own fighting units, which are called the Imperial Guard. The Imperial Guard is recruited from the inhabitants of the planet itself and most often its units, or, as they say, regiments, serve the entire term of their service on their home world. Even a distant agrarian planet is not immune from the dangers of the galaxy of the 41st millennium.

Numerous gangs of Ork and Eldar corsairs, Tyranid hive fleets, and all kinds of renegades of human civilization threaten the planets from the outside. But there are always many internal enemies: Chaos cultists, genestealers and rebels are waiting for the moment to strike. So no regiment of the Imperial Guard has stood idle for long.

Large and densely populated planets of the Imperium, such as hive worlds or sector headquarters planets, are also required to provide military assistance to less powerful planets. Such planets are gaining regiments for the entire Imperium. Each regiment assembled on the planet receives its own number, for example, the 7th Catachan. Some large and ancient planets count the shelves they have collected by thousands, and some even by tens of thousands. In those days when a global threat is approaching the Imperium that requires the mobilization of all the military resources of mankind, many regiments are sent to serve on distant worlds, often thousands of light years from home. Also, when the Imperium gathers its forces in a conquest campaign in order to refresh the glory of the Great Crusade in the minds of the enemies of mankind, many planets send their defenders to the service of the Emperor. When a regiment suffers too many losses in combat and can no longer carry out its tasks, it is sent to regroup back home. Veterans become officers, new recruits are recruited on the planet, and the regiment, having retained its number and traditions, again goes to war. For many planets, the recruitment of the Imperial Guard becomes their main source of income. Such a planet, for example, is Catachan, the most famous world of death in the galaxy. The flora and fauna on it is so hostile to man that only the strongest and most tenacious can survive in the forests of this world. In addition, life is complicated by the fact that the gravity on Catachan is almost twice that on Earth. Such a world has little to offer to the Administratum as tax, so the people of Catachan have long paid Imperial taxes by faithful service in ranger units. The deadliest jungles, the thickest forests and fetid swamps, the deadliest combat forms of tyranids are not afraid of those who from childhood are accustomed to live in eternal war with the nature of their home world. The Catachan Jungle Fighters are widely known throughout the galaxy. Equally common in the ranks of imperial warriors are the Ice Warriors of Valhalla. Valhalla is located so far from its sun that the surface of the earth on the planet is always bound by a crust of ice. People there live only at the expense of factories for the production of artificial food, since it is simply impossible to grow anything in the world of eternal winter. In the distant times of the Age of Strife, Valhalla was attacked by a huge mass of orcs, and this war almost brought the planet to the brink of death. But the Valhallans survived and since then have the glory of fierce and staunch warriors. The name of the Iron Guard of Mordia is a symbol of steadfastness and firmness of spirit in the Imperial Guard. Severe drill and discipline in the ranks of these regiments has become a parable. But the stubbornness and composure with which the Mordians wage war has also become legendary. It is not uncommon for the most hopeless attacks and the most hopeless sieges to be won only thanks to the stubbornness of the Mordian regiments.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

If the Imperial subjects are the stones that form the wall in the path of the enemies of the Imperium, then the cement in this wall is undoubtedly the Commissariat. Under the Administratum, the School Progenium is located on many planets of the Imperium, a boarding school for the children of Imperial servants who have become orphans. Girls who study at the School most often become members of the Adepta Sororitas, the military wing of the Ecclesiarchy, and after the School, the boys go to military colleges in order to become commissars after training and practice in the army. Behind every Imperial commander, in the turret of every command tank, on the bridge of every Imperial ship, there is always a commissar. Also called "political officers", they see to it that the corruption and corruption of Chaos does not infiltrate the people who are entrusted with arms to defend the Imperium. And if an Imperial officer has shown himself to be a coward, shown his incompetence in battle, or, even worse, turned out to be a vile agent of Chaos or aliens, then it is the duty of the commissar to execute the traitor and coward and take command at the critical moment of the battle. No one likes commissars, because it is very difficult to look into the eyes of the person whose duty it may be your death. The same steel reinforcement that runs through the entire wall of the Imperial Guard is armored troops. Where the Space Marines rely on their strength and the toughness of their armor, the Imperial Guard rely on the toughness of their tank armor. No military organization of the Imperium has in its arsenals so many different tanks and war machines.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.


The Imperial Guard is the largest and most important part of the Imperium's armed forces. It is divided into countless armies scattered across the galaxy. Leading and replenishing these forces requires a large force from the Departmento Munitorium, the arm of the Administratum in charge of ammunition and supplies. Even this colossal organization cannot accurately indicate the total number of troops, since the losses and replenishments in recruits alone number millions of people every day. The presence of such a huge army is explained by the fact that the enemy is everywhere, rebellious worlds are waiting for any opportunity for an uprising, even the commanders of the Imperial Guard themselves are sometimes unreliable.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Army Recruitment

Each planet of the Imperium has its own army, which is recruited and directed by an Imperial commander. These local formations are quite numerous, but they only perform the functions of protecting their own system. In addition to restoring order on nearby planets, repelling attacks by local bandits and alien invasions, these troops are involved in endless skirmishes. A rather rare phenomenon is a planet where the power of the governor is absolute. The Adeptus Terra pays no attention to such trifles, so the Imperial commanders are involved in endless showdowns with each other and with their opponents. The Imperial Guard is replenished from such formations. By ancient law, Imperial commanders are required to provide their best units for the service of the Imperium. The Departmento Munitorium specifies the composition of each regiment (usually from 2 to 6 thousand people), named after the planet from which it was called. The soldiers belong to their regiment, which was recruited on the same planet, speaks the same dialect, and professes the same traditions.

Many regiments of the Imperial Guard are recruited from tech worlds where there is constant clashes between corporations. Such units have a wealth of experience even before being recruited into the Guard, and are considered the best material for building an army. Another variety can be considered feudal planets, where there is an already established caste of warriors. These primitive soldiers are trained in the use of modern weapons, but they still observe their own traditions - scalping, hunting for skulls and other trophies. Likewise, they wear war paint and primitive equipment to inspire the troops and intimidate the enemy.


Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The Imperial Guard are drawn from various worlds, with their own culture, clothing, technology level and military traditions. The Imperial Guard does not even try to establish uniform uniforms and weapons, instead using the national characteristics of each regiment, whatever they may be. The regiments wear their national dress, with the exception of uniform weapons and equipment. For example, the planet Attila is known for its horsemen who rule over the vast plains of their world. When they are called into service, they become cavalry regiments of horsemen. Despite all the advances in technology, there are worlds where such tactics are justified. Their ability to move quickly, regardless of the complexity of the terrain, makes them ideal for penetration behind the front lines and reconnaissance operations in front of enemy battle formations.

After recruiting the regiment, he immediately goes to the place of service. Along the way, they, if necessary, undergo additional training. Some Hive World regiments are well versed in weaponry, while others require more intensive training. Usually, by the time the spacecraft arrives at its destination, all troops are already trained and prepared. The regiment can immediately be sent to the front line, but more often it is placed on a planet in a border conflict, and the regiment can be placed on a liberated or captured planet as a garrison.

The most famous regiments of the IG:

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Atonian tunnel rats

Cadian shock troops

Caledonian hunters

Catachan Jungle Fighters

Semtexian bombardiers

Jopall contract units

Druk Swamp Guard

Harakon Warhawks

Savlar Chemo-Dogs

Tallarn Desert Raiders/Mukaali Xeno Cavalry

Riders of Attila

Xeno Riders of Kashan

Krieg Death Corps

Ice Warriors of Valhalla

Praetorian regiments

Tanisian first and only

Elysian Landing Troops

Shock Troops Noktan

Armageddon Steel Legion

Piran Dragoons

Special Forces on Armageddon

Iron Guard of Mordia

303rd "Acid Dogs" Mordant

Vostroyan Firstborn

Highlanders of Finrecht

Byzantine Janissaries

American Fusiliers

Ganswick Fusiliers

Kanak Skull Collectors

Royal Volpone Regiments

Tanelian landing units

Vardan Arrows


Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Guards regiments come from all over the galaxy, sometimes from primitive or anarchic worlds. Before being called into service, soldiers have no idea of ​​their actual role in the Imperium of Man. Imperial commissars serve to clarify tasks, maintain discipline, and lead regiments. They are necessary because many parts are poorly disciplined and trained, many come from worlds where only brute force is respected and no authority is recognized. Regimental commanders are no different from them. Every regiment has at least one commissar, and some have more than one. The commissars maintain the morale of the troops, work with and direct the regimental commanders. In some cases, commissars must earn the respect of their subordinates in combat before being obeyed. Sometimes fights take place between them and regimental commanders to find out which of them is more important and stronger. Other regiments come from urban worlds, they understand the principles of discipline and subordination, but this does not mean that they will make good soldiers. As a rule, the best troops are those that are more difficult to keep in line. Another function of the commissars is to ensure that recruits do not fall under the influence of adherents of the Cult of Chaos and alien spies. They must nip mutiny and sabotage attempts in the bud, as well as stop attempts to defect to the enemy during the battle. Commissars must keep their subordinates from all possible manifestations of disobedience, etc.

Imperial Guards

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The armies of the Imperial Guard are made up of millions of individual regiments drawn from across the galaxy. Combat characteristics regiments reflect the society where they come from. Due to their traditions, some of the Guards wear facial tattoos, ritual scars, or other signs of their initiation into the warrior clan. Hairstyles, beards, and personal adornments also serve as distinguishing features of individual regiments, as do uniforms. Most of the worlds speak a common language, but the dialects are so varied that many do not understand the speech of others; some even speak ancient languages. All these factors affect the uniqueness of the regiments.


Some worlds of the Imperium are primitive or at a non-technological stage of development. On such planets, the horse is the main mode of transportation. Even among the regiments of the Imperial Guard, with their war machines weighing thousands of tons each, there is room for cavalry regiments, often referred to as Roughriders.

Their ability to move quickly, regardless of the complexity of the terrain, makes them ideal for penetration behind the front line and reconnaissance operations in front of enemy battle formations. Because they use horses and not motorcycles, they don't need fuel and can't be detected by radar. Cavalry units can be kept together or attached to ordinary troops, distributing them along the entire front line.

Halfling Snipers

After the colonization of space, humanity developed almost the same way everywhere. But in some cases, due to local conditions, various mutations occurred, due to which the population of the planets cannot be called people in the direct sense of the word. The most famous and common mutants are squats, but there are others. Some are so genetically altered spiritually and physically that the Inquisition ruthlessly destroys the population of entire worlds for their subsequent repopulation.

Among the most gifted mutants are Halflings, known as ratlings in the Imperial Guard, also known as Dwarfs, Shorties and Maggots. They are smaller than Squats in height and volume and weaker ordinary people. Because of this, they are practically not called up for military service. But they have one feature - they are excellent shooters. This trait, coupled with their small stature, which allows them to cut through the undergrowth, makes them ideal snipers.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

If Halflings are small mutants, then Ogryns are tall and massive. They come from cold worlds with high gravity and mediocre natural life. Ogryns have adapted to the cold environment by increasing their weight, adapting to the lack of light and food, but in doing so they have degraded mentally. They learn with difficulty and elementary things are inaccessible to them. They are carefully and long prepared for military service, after which they are still suitable only for the simplest operations. Once tamed, Ogryns remain loyal and fight without fear. They are like children trying to please their masters and are ready to do anything to fulfill the order ... while they still remember it.

Parts of the penalty boxes

There is no place in the universe for individuals who threaten the foundations of society - such are sent to the Penal Legions. They become havens for murderers and psychopaths, swindlers, impostors, lunatics and fanatics. The dregs of the universe serve in the legions. Among them, you can meet mutants who cannot remain free: people-beasts with their half-animal bodies, carriers of mutant genes and genetic anarchists. Legions provide a large enough force for the Imperial armies. They plug holes with unexpected breakthroughs, send them to storm the fortifications. Many die in the very first battles, when they are driven like cattle into the thick of the battle. The strongest, most dangerous, natural-born killers somehow survive.

On the battlefield, regiments of the Imperial Guard are provided with tank companies.

The most common IS fighting vehicles:


Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The Chimera is a versatile vehicle, and over the millennia of battle, it has found its way into many design challenges. The Chimera's main chassis is used for more vehicles than any other, providing the backbone of vehicles such as the Basilisk artillery mount and the Hellhound assault tank, as well as being able to act as command vehicles or ambulances. The base Chimera is an armored version used in many campaigns with a turret-mounted multilaser and hull-mounted heavy bolter. Basic weapons can be replaced with other heavy weapons to perform various tasks.

The primary function of the Chimera is to escort heavy tanks to the battlefield, providing protection to the infantry. Later, the infantry will be able to land and support the tanks with fire. Chimera weapons are also capable of providing cover fire while infantry deploy heavy weapons, as this is not possible on the move.

The standard of tactical doctrine dictates that upon reaching the target, the Chimera's ramp descends, unloading the infantry, which begins to advance rapidly. Meanwhile, the Chimera's heavy weapons set up a barrage. As soon as the guards reach their target, the Chimera steps back to find cover for itself. There she would wait in reserve, ready to rush forward and pick up the guardsmen if they needed an urgent evacuation or advance into enemy positions, covering their own.

In addition to firepower, protection, and mobility, the Chimera gives its crew and paratroopers other advantages: they don't carry heavy ammunition by hand and are therefore less likely to suffer from fatigue during long raids. Chimeras are also equipped with med-packs, radio stations, allowing the infantry to call for reinforcements and be aware of the general situation on the battlefield. The voluminous cargo compartment of the Chimera allows you to transport a large amount of ammunition along with the infantry, and this will come in handy during the battle. All of the above makes mechanized infantry a much more effective tool of war than their barely moving counterparts on foot.

The base version of the Chimera can also be upgraded with assault weapons. The heavy flamethrower variant is a popular model among troops operating in dense terrain where the enemy may be nearby, such as buildings or jungles. Usually one heavy flamethrower Chimera will be deployed in three standard vehicles as a substitute for an infantry or support vehicle if Demolishers, Thunderers or Hellhounds are in short supply.

The Forge World of Gryphonne IV produces its own unique variant of the Chimera, armed with a twin heavy bolter. Although they are not very strong against armored vehicles, heavy bolters set up excellent barrage fire from jet pods that make them very effective against dense formations of infantry, swarms of Tyranids and Orks. Chimeras equipped with auto-cannons should serve as a light anti-tank weapon.

Detailed technical specifications.

Forge World: Grayphonne IV

Crew: Commander, driver, gunner.

Weight: 38 tons

Length: 6.90 m

Width: 5.70 m

Height: 3.72 m

Clearance: 0.45 m

Depth of overcome water obstacles: amphibian

Primary weapon: 2 Heavy bolters

Or heavy flamer

Main gun ammo: 1000 rounds

Secondary weapon ammunition: 400 rounds (bolter) or 10 rounds (flamethrower)

Armor protection:

Tower - 150 mm

Superstructure - 150 mm

Case - 100 mm

Gun shield - no

Leman Russ.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

It is impossible to imagine any battle of the Imperial Guard without the participation of this tank, it is the stronghold of the guards, their shield, faith is the embodiment of power and strength. Armored regiments produced by the millions stamping presses factories of numerous hive worlds, are shipped across the galaxy to every corner of the Imperium, to provide the Imperial Guard and planetary defense forces with strong and reliable armored support.

Leman Russ is a rather primitive machine in terms of navigation systems and control mechanisms. But this technological shortcoming is more than covered by the strength and reliability of this tank, which is already legendary. Leman Russ can function on the planet even with the most extreme climate - from icy worlds to unbearably hot deserts. Snow, water, sand or jungle - nothing will stop Leman Russ! He will honorably accept the fight in the worst weather, will fight to the last and come out victorious.

While the Leman Russ is a slow, bulky vehicle compared to other vehicles in the Guards arsenal, its unpretentious engine will run on any available fuel. Additional weapons, electrical and life support systems are all powered by the tank's internal generators.

The hull of the tank in the lower part is roughly reinforced with transverse beams, but due to this, increased strength and additional stability are achieved. The turret of the tank is also reinforced with additional armor plates, and the horizontal slope of its side surfaces allows it to withstand the effects of most enemy weapons. The main part of the armor is located on the frontal projection of the hull, thinner on the sides, and the smallest - at the back. This allows the engine to balance the weight of the chassis without overheating or overloading the gear. The basic design is also easily adaptable to other tasks, which is fully proved by a whole series of vehicles built on the basis of this tank.

Forge World: Mars, Ryza, Phaeton

Tank crew: Commander, loader, driver, gunner and 2 more on sponsons.

Powerplant: HL232 V12 multi-fuel

Weight: 60 tons

Length: 7.08 m

Width: 4.86 m

Height: 4.42 m

Clearance: 0.45 m

Depth of overcome water obstacles: 1.9 m

Primary weapon: Battle cannon

Secondary Weapon: Laser Cannon or Heavy Bolter.

Gun laying angle: 360 degrees

Gun elevation angle: -8 +22 degrees

Main gun ammo: 40 rounds

Secondary weapon ammo: 600 rounds (bolter only).

Armor protection:

Tower - 200mm

Superstructure - 180mm

Body - 150mm

Gun shields - 100mm


Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The Basilisk is a standard Imperial weapon. This is a self-propelled artillery mount designed to provide medium and long range support to units on the front line. Using the versatile and reliable Chimera chassis to carry the Earthshaker cannon, the Basilisk is the mainstay of the Imperial Guard artillery regiments, though within units it is usually used in combination with other types of artillery: Manticore rocket launchers, heavy self-propelled mortars "Griffin", or even huge siege "Bombards". All of these weapons have uses, but the Basilisk is by far the most common, and is the weapon of choice for long-range shooting. The Basilisk retains all the basic features of the Chimera, such as engines, suspension, etc., but it replaces the rear passenger compartment with an open combat platform, protected from the front by an armored gun shield.

Inside the Basilisk there is room for the driver and commander, who doubles as the gunner of the vehicle-mounted heavy bolter for self-defense. The gun crew, consisting of a shooter and a loader, is located on the rear platform. The loader loads heavy projectiles into the weapon while the shooter follows the commander's instructions to aim and fire the Shaker.

The main task of the Basilisk is to create an artillery barrage to support troops on the front lines. They are usually sent by company spotters from the front line, or other guard officers with appropriate training. Explosive rounds are used most of the time, but other more specialized rounds are also often issued to Basilisks, including smoke, incendiary, and flare rounds. The Shatterer (Basilisk Cannon) is a 132 mm cannon capable of sending projectiles up to 15 km at a speed of 814 mph (1302 km/h).

Such is the power of the Shaker that its projectiles are quite capable of destroying enemy buildings, fortifications and vehicles. Basilisks are often used to provide close support to troops. The shaker's low elevation angle means it can be used as an assault weapon, opening fire on targets at close range with devastating effect. It is not seen as a replacement for the standard battle tank, its low armor and exposed platform make it too vulnerable to enemy fire to attack. Instead, it is used in a support role. The vehicle, which is going to be used as an assault weapon, will be separated from its native artillery company, and temporarily placed under the command of a Tank, or Mechanized company for support.

Detailed specifications:

Forge World: All known.

Tank crew: Commander, driver, gunner, loader.

Powerplant: Vulcanor 16 twin coupled multi-burn

Weight: 40 tons

Length: 7.08 m

Width: 4.86 m

Height: 4.38 m

Clearance: 0.45 m

Depth of overcome water obstacles: 1.5 m

Maximum road speed: 35 km/h

Maximum cross-country speed: 21 km/h

Primary Weapon: Earthshaker cannon

Secondary weapon: heavy bolter

Gun traverse angle: 3 degrees

Gun elevation angle: 0 +59 degrees

Main gun ammo: 20 rounds

Secondary weapon ammo: 300 rounds

Armor protection:

Tower - n/a

Superstructure - 100mm

Body - 150mm

Gun shield - 60mm


Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The Valkyrie amphibious assault aircraft is assigned to Imperial Guard stormtroopers for special missions, such as landing behind the front lines, rescue operations, and sabotage operations. Inquisitorial stormtroopers are assigned the role of defenders of the fortresses of the inquisitors, and they are issued exactly the same weapons as the fighters of the regular army. The Valkyries transform Stormtroopers and their Inquisitors into a rapid reaction squad to meet enemies, whether demons, heretics or dangerous xenos.

For vertical takeoff and landing "Valkyrie" is equipped with engines with a variable thrust vector, which gives high maneuverability and the ability to hover in the air, directing thrust through the nozzles located in the wings. This aircraft is designed to fly in the atmosphere and is not capable of operating in the vacuum of space, but it can be fully pressurized to protect against aggressive external environments. The Valkyrie lacks the high speed of real fighters like the Lightning or Thunder, but its ability to hover in the air means that passengers will be delivered exactly to the landing zone or on the roof of an object. The Valkyrie is a high-tech vehicle containing many systems comparable to those used in Space Marine technology. Only a few Forge Worlds have the ability to produce Valkyries, and all of them subsequently go into the use of stormtrooper companies or Imperial Guard airborne regiments. There are cases when inquisitors, whose powers include the requisition of any forces of the Imperium at their disposal, went to the battlefield on the Valkyrie, and, using its maneuverability, landed in the heat of battle. In addition to transporting troops, the Valkyrie can be used to transport auxiliary weapons, such as Cyclopes, Tarantula automatic guns and other large-caliber weapons. When carrying heavy loads or when flying over long distances, the aircraft must be equipped with additional fuel tanks. They replace the Hellstrike missiles under the Valkyrie's wings, but greatly expand its capabilities as a heavy transport aircraft.

Only the best of the best pilots of the Imperial Navy are allowed to fly the Valkyrie. And they rightfully consider themselves an elite, because pilots are trained to perform the most dangerous missions of landing troops behind the front line, night flights and maneuvering in confined spaces and at very low altitudes. The crew of the ship consists of four people: a pilot, co-pilot (part-time onboard gunner) and two gunners firing from heavy bolters.

Detailed specifications:

Forge World: Mars, Voss, Artemta, Estaban VII, Agripinaa, Phaeton, Lucius

Crew: Pilot, navigator, 2 gunners

Powerplant: 2x F75-MV afterburning vector-turbojets

Weight: 13 net

Length: 18.5 m

Wingspan: 16.9 m

Height: 4.8 m

Ceiling: 13000 m

Maximum speed: Approximately 1100 km/h

Maximum flight range without refueling: 2000 km in the atmosphere.

Main weapon: Multi-laser, 2 heavy bolters

Secondary weapon: 2x hellstrike missiles

Main weapon ammo: 150 (battery powered)

Secondary weapon ammo: 1000 rounds

Armor protection:

Superstructure - 75 mm

Case - 75 mm


Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The Sentinel is a standard light combat and reconnaissance walker. Used on virtually every battlefield for a wide variety of missions, the Sentinel is one of the most sought after fighting vehicles of the Imperial Guard.

"Sentinel" is a single-seat walker capable of moving on all types of soil. His "legs" allow him to move on the most changeable surfaces, from jungles to deserts, from ice fields to swamps - "Sentinels" can go anywhere. Being walkers, they are inferior in speed to wheeled-caterpillar vehicles, but if necessary, they can practically catch up with them, switching to a "run" resembling a human one.

Among the Guardsmen, Sentinel pilots have a reputation for being reckless and daredevils. They often have to operate out of the main parts and chains of command, which forces the pilots to show individualism and rely only on their own initiative - and the manifestation of such qualities is usually not encouraged in the Imperial Guard.

Sentinels usually operate in squadrons of one to three vehicles, but can also operate in large groups. Their main role is reconnaissance, moving ahead of the columns of the Imperial Guard in order to detect enemy forces in advance. However, these vehicles can also be used for other purposes: as light combat vehicles equipped with heavy weapons, Sentinels can provide fire support to infantry, and armed with hunter missiles, they become anti-tank units. "Sentinels" are also used for security functions, patrolling supply lines, headquarters and airports.

There are many differently equipped modifications of the Sentinels. For example, the ubiquitous Martian Sentinel model is armed with a multilaser, the Catachan model is equipped with a heavy flamethrower for clearing the jungle, the Cadian version is equipped with an autocannon, and the Armageddon model boasts a lascannon and a fully pressurized cockpit that protects the pilot from a toxic atmosphere.

The Sentinel's Elysian dropship model is a variant of the Martian model equipped with a heavy bolter or multi-melta and modified to be carried in the hold of the Valkyrie. Such a Sentinel model can be dropped on a grav-chute along with paratroopers. For Elysian Landing Units that do not use heavier weapons, the Sentinel Landing Force is both a mobile gun platform and anti-tank support. Elysians generally do not use Sentinels as scouts, as they are assigned directly to infantry platoons as heavy gun support. The Sentinels of the 23rd Elysian Regiment were in the thick of the action during the capture and defense of Hydro Processing Station 23-30. All 36 vehicles of the regiment were destroyed in this three-day battle.


Designation: 0427-942-2203-ОХО19

Name: Landing "Sentinel"

Forge Homeworld: Accatran

Number of known modifications: I-XII

Crew: driver

Engine: CRDx 6 cyl 90PS

Weight: 7 tons

Width: 2.3 m

Height: 4.8 meters

Ground clearance: 2.22 m

Maximum road speed: 25 km/h

Maximum off-road speed: 20 km/h

Main weapon: heavy bolter

Secondary armament: -

Traverse: 90°

Climb angle: -30° to 30°

Amount of ammunition for the main gun: 2000 shells

Armor thickness:

base - 45 mm

cabin: 45 mm

Cerberus (Hell Hound)

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Cerberus is a flamethrower tank based on the Chimera. Well armored and having a flamethrower cannon, it can burn enemy troops both outside of shelters and in themselves directly. Cerberus performs very well in confined spaces, especially in urban battles. Most Cerberus have a crew of three: commander, driver and gunner. In the Artemia alternative designs, the crew is reduced to 2 people, as these vehicles have a remote-controlled turret. The Cerberus are assigned to "Cerberus Parks" or Imperial Armored Fist regiments or tank regiments as support for the main vehicles. While many regiments are happy to have at least one full fleet of Cerberus, some commanders prefer the gradual introduction of Cerberus. Commanders find the Cerberus very effective as independent vehicles, or assigned to various formations or assault squads. However, there was no tendency to use only Cerberus in combat, as was the case with entire fleets of Leman Russ tanks.

Like other vehicles of the Imperial Guard, there are many modifications to the Cerberus. These models have only cosmetic or minor technical changes, but they all have one main feature - an impressive armored tank that carries a large supply of promethium, necessary for the operation of the "inferno" weapon throughout the battle. The main disadvantage of any flamethrower weapon is the dire need for a large supply of promethium nearby, since any flamethrower consumes a large amount of this type of fuel. Cerberus easily solves this problem by carrying on board a significant supply of promethium in his tank. On the other hand, this makes every vehicle a deadly trap for the crew, as enemy fire can easily detonate the promethium supply and the tank will turn into a flaming ball. In order to reduce the possibility of catastrophic damage - all Cerberus have enhanced armor in the tank area.

The Artemia model has a remote-controlled turret, while many models, including the Martian modification, have a fuel tank placed inside the standard Chimera hull occupying the transport compartment. These models are favored by many commanders, as the appearance and outlines of these vehicles are very similar to the standard Chimera, making vehicle identification more difficult for the enemy. Having become a deadly weapon in the hands of the Imperial Guard, the commanders understand that if they give the enemy an indulgence, then he will immediately concentrate on the destruction of the Cerberus, so they mask the presence of these machines with all their might. During the campaign on Beta Aphelion 4, the 266th Cadian Regiment engaged the Cerberus fleet, using vehicles between infantry formations, providing them with good fire support in the difficult jungle conditions. Having proven its worth, the Cerberus is mainly used in support operations, such as clearing fire and burning impenetrable thickets, for the forward Chimeras. Later - all Cerberus regiments were destroyed during the war with the Tyranids...

Detailed specifications.

Forge World: Graia

Crew: commander, driver, gunner

Powerplant: vulcanor 16 twin coupled multi-burn

Weight: 35 tons

Length: 6.90 m

Width: 5.70 m

Height: 4.1 m

Clearance: 0.45 m

Water crossing depth: n/a

Maximum road speed: 70 km/h

Maximum cross-country speed: 55 km/h

Primary weapon: inferno cannon

Secondary weapon: heavy bolter

Gun laying angle: 360 degrees

Gun elevation angle: -8 +25 degrees

Main gun ammo: 98 rounds

Auxiliary weapon ammunition: 400 rounds

Armor protection:

Tower - 150 mm

Superstructure - 150 mm

Case - 120 mm

Gun shield - n/a

Punishing sword.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

The Punishing Sword and its variations are among the most ancient Imperial tanks in service. Created using the STC from the Dark Age of Technology, they include several unique technologies. Only a few Forge Worlds have full STCs for tank production, but so far most Punishing Swords are made on Mars itself.

It is alleged that at one time the Imperium could field entire divisions equipped with these tanks on the battlefield. Now the Imperial Army will be lucky if it has at least three, and often only one tank. All this is due to great demand on this technique, associated with its impressive firepower and vitality and the morale effect that it produces when the troops see it in their ranks. This has led to a small but steady increase in the number of "fake" Punishment Swords in the service of the Imperial Guard.

These tanks, made on Forge Worlds looking to get big contracts and resource concessions, do not include the entire set of STCs needed to build a vehicle like on Mars. The real Sword uses rockets in the main gun, while the second generation (as AM is called) uses the standard gun and ammo. Also, the Destroyer-class weapon mounted on the real Sword allows it to deliver devastating fire, and second-generation vehicles often have an additional weapon mounted in the hull. Differences between tanks are not limited to this. The real Punishing Sword is better armored, has a more powerful engine, transmission, improved comms and tactical planner, and various auxiliary systems that are an order of magnitude superior to those installed on second-generation Swords.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

There is only one way for the commander to find out if his tank is real or not. Every tank that is produced and consecrated on Forge Worlds with full STCs is registered on Mars. This implies that the tank gets its own number and name. Its movements, the battles it has fought in, its crew details, and its entire history are regularly sent back to the Forge World that produced the tank. That is why the fate of each Baneblade can be known if you know where to look.

Detailed specifications:

Forge World: Lucius

Powerplant: LC503 V18 PL multi-fuel

Weight: 319 tons

Length: 13.5 m

Width: 8.4 m

Height: 6.3 m

Ground clearance: 1.2 m

Armor protection:

Tower - 220 mm

Superstructure - 210 mm

Case - 190 mm

Gun shields - 180 mm

Forge World: Mars

Tank crew: Commander, driver, 3 loaders, 3 gunners, signalman, engineer

Powerplant: MR507 V18 PL multi-fuel

Weight: 316 tons

Length: 13.5 m

Width: 8.4 m

Height: 6.3 m

Ground clearance: 1.2 m

Depth of overcome water obstacles: 3.1 m

Maximum road speed: 25 km/h

Maximum cross-country speed: 18 km/h

Main weapon: Battle cannon, demolisher cannon, autocannon, 2x lascannons

Secondary weapon: 6x heavy bolters

Gun laying angle: 360 degrees (battle cannon), 6 degrees (demolisher cannon)

Gun elevation angle: -2 +28 degrees

Main gun ammo: 22/18 rounds

Secondary weapon ammo: 300/4000 rounds

Armor protection:

Tower - 220 mm

Superstructure - 200 mm

Case - 180 mm

Gun shields - 180 mm

Armament of the Imperial Guardsmen:

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

Support of Humanity. Imperial Guard.

For the Imperium!

Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard

Our name is Legion.
Our blood is the ocean.
We are not titans or heroes. We are soldiers.
We're not dying - we're going to hell to regroup.

Despite the might of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines are not the core of the Imperium's strength. There are too few of them, only about a million for the entire Imperium, which, as you know, consists of a billion worlds.
Only one thing keeps the gigantic war machine of the Imperium of Man running smoothly - the people. Millions of Imperial citizens are drafted into the ranks of the Imperial Guard as rank-and-file soldiers, officers or service personnel.
Summoned from the million inhabited worlds that make up the Imperium of Man, the troops of the Imperial Guard are immeasurable. Even the High Lords of Terra do not know the exact location of each battalion or regiment of the Imperial Guard, as conflicts with the enemies of the Imperium have been going on for almost ten thousand years. Numerous gangs of Ork and Eldar pirates, Tyranid Hive Fleets, and all kinds of renegades of human civilization threaten the planets from the outside. But there are always many internal enemies: Chaos cultists, genestealers and rebels are waiting for the moment to strike. The Imperial Guard are the true army of the Imperium, unlike the crack strike force of the Space Marines or the Sisters of Battle.
Composed of sweat, blood, human bones and heavy tank armor, driven by the iron will of the Emperor and his Adepts, the steel fist of the Imperial Guard crushes the enemy in the thousands of wars waged by the Imperium every day.
Any world of the Imperium is ready to use any forces to protect the planet from the invasion of an external enemy, to suppress uprisings or rebellions of heretics. Following the Word of the Emperor, each world of the Imperium of Man is obliged to provide a certain number of defenders who will protect the worlds of the Imperium as part of the Imperial Guard.
Such a planet, for example, is Catachan, the most famous death world in the galaxy. The flora and fauna on it is so hostile to man that only the strongest and most tenacious can survive in the forests of this world. In addition, life there is complicated by the fact that gravity on Catachan is almost twice that on Earth. Such a world has little to offer the Administratum as tax, so the people of Catachan have long paid Imperial taxes by faithful service in ranger units. The deadliest jungles, the densest forests and fetid swamps, the deadliest fighting forms of the Tyranids are not afraid of those who from childhood are accustomed to live in eternal war with the nature of their home world. Catachan forest devils are widely known throughout the galaxy.
Equally common in the ranks of imperial warriors are the Ice Warriors of Valhalla. Valhalla is located so far from its sun that the surface of the earth on the planet is always bound by a crust of ice. People there live only at the expense of factories for the production of artificial food, since it is simply unrealistic to grow something in the world of eternal winter. In ancient times, in the Age of Strife, Valhalla was attacked by a huge mass of Orcs, and this war almost brought the planet to the brink of death. But the Valgallians survived and since then have the glory of fierce and persistent warriors.
The symbol of steadfastness and firmness of spirit in the Imperial Guard is the name of the Iron Guard of Mordia (Mordia). Severe drill and discipline in the ranks of these regiments has become a parable. But also legendary was the tenacity and composure with which the Mordians wage war. It is not uncommon for the most hopeless attacks and the most hopeless sieges to be won by the sheer stubbornness of the Mordian regiments.
Cadian shock units. Steadfast in their convictions, valiant in battle, the Cadian Strike Forces hail from a planet near the Eye of Terror, where attacks by the forces of Chaos and Eldar invasion forces are so common they have become commonplace.
Tallarn Desert Raiders. The hot deserts of the planet Tallarn serve as the mountain in which the steel endurance of the inhabitants of this planet is smelted. The warriors of the planet Tallarn have earned their well-deserved place in the ranks of the Imperial Guard, both for their endurance and for their fearlessness in battle.
This is just an example of the millions of different worlds that supply the Imperial Guard units. One could also mention the Ice Warriors of Valhalla, who are able to maintain an icy composure in the heat of battle, or the regiments of the Praetorian Guard - the bravest warriors of the Imperial Guard. No matter what world the warriors of the Imperial Guard come from, they all follow the strictest discipline prescribed by the Emperor for the Imperial Guard.


Each Imperial Commander, also known as a Planetary Lord or Imperial Governor, is responsible for the defense of his planet. This is a very demanding task, as the planet may have to stand alone against a myriad of nefarious enemies for many months or even years until reinforcements arrive. To achieve this goal, they are charged with the duty to recruit, equip, train and maintain the armed forces. On some planets they look like an official army or garrison. For others, the task of defending their homeworld is assigned to dozens of individual armies, tribes, and hive bands, some of which may even be at war with each other, uniting only to repel a common enemy. Be that as it may, these warriors are unlikely to ever leave their home world.

Every year, each Imperial Governor must send at least a tenth of his planetary forces (and more at the request of the Munitorum Department) to participate in the wars waged by the empire throughout the galaxy. This is the most important part of the tribute, as it is from these regiments that the Imperial Guard is formed. The total number of regiments called up from a particular world is determined by the size of its tax base and proximity to combat areas. For a hive world such as Armageddon, in the throes of all-consuming war, it is not uncommon to call in a hundred million people and several million pieces of armor, which is only a small part of the total population of hundreds of billions of people.

A vast agro-world may contribute a much more modest contribution, say five million infantry and cavalry, but this will represent a much larger proportion of the world's total population. In any case, if these troops are not of the proper quality, the Governor will pay with his life. As such, the soldiers selected for the Imperial Guard tend to be drawn from the most selective parts of the planetary forces.

The dialing methods vary depending on the world. For example, in the eternally besieged Cadia, all men, women and children must serve in the Defense Forces of Cadia, and then in the Imperial Guard. On bustling hive worlds such as Alcatran, an entire generation can be drafted and sent to serve on distant worlds when gang members are given the choice between military service or execution. On many planets, service in the Imperial Guard is regarded as honorable and highly honourable. ruling house. Many young people, especially from industrial worlds and factory planets, join the planetary forces in the hope of being deemed worthy of the Imperial Guard - often their only chance to escape their planet and end their miserable existence and endless work shifts. Often, the elite units of the planet compete among themselves for the right to join the Guard. On the wildest planets, such contests can take as many lives as a small war.

When formed, regiments are given a name that includes the name of their home planet and a serial number (for example, the 144th Cadian Regiment is the regiment formed by the 144th in a row on the fortress planet of Cadia). It happens that the number of the regiment is used again in the event of its complete destruction, and then the newly formed regiment receives the name of its predecessor. Thus the regiment is re-formed, and the new recruits must uphold its glory and tradition. Thus, Vintorsky 823 serves the Emperor to this day, despite the fact that it was destroyed more than nine times in ten years. Regiments are also sometimes given informal names, either as part of tradition or as a reward for merit on the battlefield. For example, the 7th Catachan Regiment "Catacan Devils" bears the name of the most feared predator from their death homeworld, and the 8th Cadian "Lord Castellan's Personal" Regiment is named after the exploits of its former commander, Lord Castellan Ursacar Creed.

Uniforms and special weapons of different regiments vary from world to world. When formed, each regiment is equipped as it is customary on their home planet. Newly drafted Guardsmen are issued the same uniforms and weapons worn by their world's military forces. Therefore, soldiers can go to war, both in full gear, and in primitive armor and tribal tattoos. The only thing that all Guardsmen without exception have is a lasgun. These weapons are easy to manufacture, cheap, very reliable and easy to handle. Therefore, the lasgun is ideally suited as a weapon for the huge armies of the Imperial Guard.


Large and densely populated planets of the Imperium, such as hive worlds or sector headquarters planets, are also required to provide military assistance to less powerful planets. Such planets are gaining regiments for the entire Imperium. Each regiment assembled on the planet receives its own number, for example, the 7th Catachan. Some large and ancient planets count the shelves they have collected by thousands, and some even by tens of thousands. In those days when a global threat is approaching the Imperium that requires the mobilization of all the military resources of mankind, many regiments are sent to serve on distant worlds, often thousands of light years from home. Also, when the Imperium gathers its forces in a campaign of conquest in order to refresh the glory of the Great Crusade in the minds of the enemies of mankind, many planets also send their defenders to the service of the Emperor. When a regiment suffers too many losses in combat and can no longer carry out its tasks, it is sent to regroup back home.
Veterans become officers, new recruits are recruited on the planet, and the regiment, having retained its number and traditions, goes to war again. For many planets, the recruitment of the Imperial Guard became the main source of their income.

Composition and equipment

The uniforms and equipment of the regiments placed at the disposal of the Imperial Guard are the same as those of their planetary Lord's own troops. This, inevitably, means that the appearance of the regiments is different. Jungle Fighters from the steamy death world of Catachan are unlikely to wear the heavily insulated robes and cloaks of the Wallgalians, whose world is covered in a thick layer of ice, and where anyone on its surface turns to ice. Likewise, the barbarian skins and furs of Attila's nomads are quite different from the shiny uniforms of the Mordians.
Cheap to manufacture and reliable in combat, the lasgun is capable of creating a barrier of fire with enough intensity to pulverize an enemy in seconds.
Promising marksmen of the Imperial Guard get the opportunity to learn how to use special weapons, such as a flamethrower or a plasma cannon. In addition, infantry units can be armed with heavy weapons - heavy laser cannons designed to suppress armored targets, grenade launchers, etc.
However, regardless of their appearance, almost all newly recruited regiments of the Imperial Guard are equipped with universal lasguns. These weapons are considered easy and cheap to manufacture and maintain, and are ideally suited for the duties of planetary forces. Other weapons are more or less standard throughout the Imperium, although some planetary forces may prefer one type or another. The Emperor's demand is simple - troops must be equipped and trained to immediately fight in his armies. In addition to providing manpower, many worlds may be called upon to supply heavy equipment such as tanks, artillery, armored personnel carriers, etc. As with light weaponry, there is a tendency towards a standardized canonical form throughout the Imperium, except for minor variations in design and construction.

The regiments of the Imperial Guard include thousands of troops. In order to maintain flexibility in commanding such a massive force, the Imperial Guard is governed by a rigid command structure that ensures the precise execution of combat missions and the orders of the Emperor.
This line of command continues down to the level of squad commanders. Unlike most other armies of the 41st Millennium, which have a varying squad size depending on the complexity of the combat mission, the infantry squad of the Imperial Guard always consists of ten people.
If the Imperial subjects are the stones that make up the wall in the path of the enemies of the Imperium, then the cement in this wall is undoubtedly the Commissariat. Commissars are officers who live by the principles of extreme devotion to the Emperor, zealously follow the ideals of the Imperial Guard and ruthlessly fight against any manifestations of disrespect or outright rejection of the ideas of the Imperium of Man. Always at the head of the Guards, Commissars fight at the center of the battle, where their very presence and extraordinary courage inspire the Guards to charge into battle without fear. The Commissars also see to it that Imperial doctrine is followed closely and that other officers and officials of the Imperial Guard follow the path to the best possible fulfillment of the Emperor's precepts. Commissars persecute manifestations of cowardice in the ranks of the Imperial Guard, whether they be ordinary soldiers or high officials or officers. The commissar's wrath is directed at those who try to flee the battlefield or show cowardice. At the same time, justice is done immediately on the battlefield - the commissar does not delay the time with the death sentence.
Commanders form a vital part of the strategic and tactical forces of the Imperial Guard, coordinating the actions of units or companies within the regimental command headquarters. Imperial Guard units are usually led by a captain or commissar, although particularly large formations may be led by Imperial Guard colonels. Like the rest of the Imperial Guard, Command Squads follow a strict organizational structure. Imperial Guard Command Squads are always composed of an officer or high official and four Imperial Guardsmen, equipped to the highest standards, to always protect the commander's life from the threat of annihilation by enemy squads or rebellious Imperial Guard units.

Auxiliary forces

The Imperial Guard uses a wide variety of different means to achieve the task at hand. Whether it be desert or dense jungle, industrial or agro world - in any situation, the Imperial Guard will be able to find a means to accomplish the task. The troops of the Imperial Guard are composed of several elite squads, small in number, but extremely effective on the battlefield.
Guardsmen recruited from worlds where the use of horses or their local counterparts is the dominant military practice. The most famous of these cavalry units are the fearsome riders of Attila. In battle, their powerful strikes against the enemy and the ability to move quickly across the battlefield can surprise an enemy who expects the Imperial Guard to follow the standard methods of warfare.
Planets whose gravity or levels of radioactivity have altered the genetic material of settlers are generally not on the lists of recruiting teams of the Imperial Guard. However, there are several planets whose inhabitants, although they have ceased to be pure-blooded people, have acquired only additional qualities from this, making them ideal fighters for the Imperial Guard units.
Ogryns come from a feral planet with a high level of gravity, which makes them look like clumsy, slow animals. Devoted to the Emperor, and ready to lay down their lives for him without delay, they act as monstrous shock troops, capable of destroying enemy units in seconds with their heavy ripperguns.
The complete opposite of Ogryns are miniature ratlings - the best, among all the troops of the Imperial Guard, snipers. Their abilities as excellent snipers and the ability to attack the enemy from the rear more than make up for the fact that most people find them repulsive due to their appearance and height.
Squadrons of "Guardians" include from one to three lightly armored walking vehicles, each of which is controlled by one guardsman. Armed with a powerful multi-laser "Guardian", it is ideal for reconnaissance operations and as a means of heavy support for infantry and tank squads.

IS Armored Fist

The military forces of the Imperial Guard use a far greater variety of mobile artillery and vehicles than any other army in the 41st Millennium. The armies of the Imperial Guard include legions of armored transports, artillery platforms and tanks of various modifications and purposes, supported on the battlefield by numerous squads of infantry.
The Chimera is the most commonly used armored transport by the Imperial Guard. Capable of carrying a full squad of infantry and one additional passenger, the Chimera is ideal for quickly deploying troops to the battlefield.
In addition to being an agile and armored vehicle, the Chimera is a lightweight IFV capable of suppressing enemy forces during the landing process with its turret-mounted multi-laser and hull-mounted heavy bolter.
There are also several other variations of the Chimera infantry fighting vehicle used by the Imperial Guard based on the base chassis - the powerful Basilisk self-propelled gun and the griffon heavy mortar.
The main battle tank of the Imperial Guard is the Leman Russ. This medium tank forms the core of the Imperial Guard's shock troops and is equally effective in swampy jungles as it is after landing on frozen, icy worlds.
The armament of the Leman Russ may change depending on the task, but the main gun in the tank's turret is a mandatory armament and cannot be changed. Lateral sponsons for additional weapons allow you to install different kinds heavy weapons needed to cover infantry units and protect against enemy tanks and guns.

Strategy and tactics

In theory, Imperial Guard officers receive their orders from the Lord Commander of the respective Segmentum, who in turn enforces the wishes of the High Lords of Terra. In practice, however, the vast distances and communication delays make this procedure a sham, as the very size of the Imperium makes centralized control impossible. That's why operational management by an army faction is given to a high-ranking Imperial officer - a general, a lord marshal, or even a lord hetman - along with responsibility for completing the task. Such a task can be as clearing the system from wild Orcs, protecting promethium refineries or adamantium mines from pirates, as well as the military recolonization of planets that have fallen away from the Imperium. Whatever his task, the commander of an army group is responsible for the deployment and use of all the resources at his disposal: countless companies of infantry, ranks of tanks, artillery batteries, and a host of other specialized troops and tools for waging war. Some commanders seek to personally lead troops on the battlefield, craving glory and honor. They organize a front-line headquarters and personally lead the soldiers into battle, and the banners and pennants worn by them tell about victories and heroic deeds, inspiring the troops, and making the enemy tremble. Others, on the contrary, consider their abilities too important and valuable to be put in needless danger on the front lines. Surrounded by a host of advisors, globes, and script-studded servo-skulls, they command troops from the relative safety of a planet-orbiting starship, a Proteus-class bunker, or the rumbling carcass of a Leviathan command transport.
Sometimes, in very rare cases, an even higher level of command is required. And then the mighty and brilliant commander is given the title of Warrior. This title is not available to the Department of Munitorum without the express consent of the High Lords of Terra, and whoever receives it becomes the second person of the Imperium after the Emperor. Several centuries can go by without someone being appointed Warmaster, and because of the immense power that this title gives, there is never more than one Warmaster at a time. Since this title was tarnished by the Arch-traitor Horus, other titles are often used instead of "Warrior", the most commonly used of which is Lord Solar.

Departmento Munitorum

The Departmento Munitorum is the military branch of the Administratum that forms the general staff of the Imperial Guard. It is a gigantic bureaucratic organization in charge of distributing all the military resources of the Imperial Guard. Perhaps her most important function is to collect tithes, form and transport the Imperial Guard between war zones, for which she maintains contact with the Imperial Navy. Without the adepts and scribes of the Munitorum Department, the vast armies of the Imperial Guard would be idle and requests for help would go unanswered. The mighty fleets of the Imperial Navy will not be able to intercept enemy invading forces, the armies of Mankind will not be able to repel the incessant attacks. Slowly but surely individual worlds will be lost and eventually the entire Imperium will fall.

A plea for help may reach the ears of the Imperium, but action may have to wait for months, years, or even decades. Such requests are passed from one adept to another, until finally they reach one who is authorized, sitting in a dimly lit pulpit hundreds of light years away, to make a decision. This has happened before, when a dozen regiments formed on Mordant and Tremerth were sent to deal with an unknown xeno-threat on the planet Gurspraxia, and were late by about a hundred years, finding only a lifeless world upon arrival.

Each echelon of the Munitorum Department, organized at the sector and sub-sector level, has sufficient self-government rights to solve problems in a particular star system. This is very important in view of the vicissitudes of communication and travel in the Warp. Their small size allows individual sub-sectors to react to emerging threats more quickly, since in the event of an attack on a sub-sector, an army is formed from regiments from all worlds in the nearest systems.

When forming an army group, the Departmento Munitorum is responsible for equipment, supplies, recruitment, training, medical and technical support. The methods by which troops are assembled are haphazard at best; many thousands of soldiers from dozens of regiments from several planets are gathered together and sent to the combat area. Such is the unpredictable nature of the Warp and the perils of interstellar travel that it is not uncommon for entire regiments to get lost or lost in transit. Some of them delay the Warp Storm, and some emerge from the Immaterium many thousands of light-years from their destination. A sufficient number of forces arrive in the conflict zone only because the Departmento Munitorum sends there really a huge amount of manpower and equipment.

Regiment structure

Each regiment is formed on a single planet, so members of the Imperial Guard see themselves primarily as members of that regiment, not the army or battle group to which their regiment is assigned.
On their home planet they may be divided into battalions, divisions, cohorts, militia units, gene corps and a host of other formations, but the Imperial Guard has only regiments. The quantitative composition of the regiment at first glance is difficult to accurately determine, because due to the huge differences in the deployment of troops and equipment, it is impossible to find two completely identical.
The composition of the regiments of the Imperial Guard is more or less the same. For example, infantry regiments rarely have a large amount of heavy artillery, and tank regiments have very little or no infantry. To be successful, the regiments of the Guard need to interact with each other. While this interdependence may seem like an inherent weakness, it is a necessary precaution. In the event of a mutiny, the traitors will not have access to the auxiliary units necessary to wage a full-scale war. Thus, when the Okanan 15th Infantry Regiment swore allegiance to the Ruinous Powers, it had neither heavy armor nor artillery, and was unable to withstand the combined forces of the Cadian 17th Armored and Elysian 110th Airborne Regiments deployed to quell the rebellion.
A newly formed regiment usually has several thousand men, but this number varies greatly on a case-by-case basis. For example, the 18th Valhallan Light Infantry Regiment "Tundra Wolves" has 120,000 soldiers, while the 24th Vostroyan Heavy Armor Regiment "Dauntless" has less than 1,500 crew members. Regiments of Slashing Blades and Shadow Swords, armored monsters capable of single-handedly destroying a small army, rarely number more than a dozen machines. The basic principle that the Departmento Munitorum adheres to is that regardless of the number of infantry and armored vehicles, the overall combat power - and, as a result, the effectiveness - of different regiments should be equal. This is, of course, a gross simplification, which, however, is necessary for organizing wars on a galactic scale.
An Imperial Guard regiment is subdivided into several companies according to the complex system of Tactics Imperialis, each company commanded by a senior officer. The number of companies depends on the type and number of troops at the disposal of the commander, and usually ranges from three to twenty. Companies are in turn subdivided into platoons, usually three to six per company. A platoon usually consists of a command section and several infantry sections, each containing ten men; the infantry squad is the most numerous division of the Imperial Guard.

Support formations, such as heavy weapons platoons, and highly prized special forces, such as tanks, artillery, and nonhuman squads, can be attached to a company for a single battle or for the duration of a military campaign. They rarely fit into the company structure and are usually seconded by regimental commanders to different companies as needed. It is common practice, especially among armored and artillery regiments, to break up several companies into smaller formations and attach them to the infantry, in exchange for infantry platoons to counter enemy infantry. During extended joint service, such formations usually take on the form and insignia of the unit to which they are attached. This not only avoids shooting at friendly people, but also encourages friendship between soldiers who have to fight and die together.

Penal legions

There is no place in the universe for individuals who threaten the foundations of society - such are sent to the Penal Legions. They become havens for murderers and psychopaths, swindlers, impostors, lunatics and fanatics. The dregs of the universe serve in the legions. Among them, you can meet mutants who cannot remain free: people-beasts with their half-animal bodies, carriers of mutant genes and genetic anarchists. Legions provide a large enough force for the Imperial armies. They plug holes with unexpected breakthroughs, send them to storm the fortifications. Many die in the very first battles, when they are driven like cattle into the thick of the battle. The strongest, most dangerous, natural-born killers somehow survive.

IG structure

The Imperial Guard is not a single army, but countless millions of soldiers and war machines. Every second, the Imperial Guard is fighting on hundreds of thousands of battlefields on tens of thousands of planets. Its forces may be fresh and hopeful of a quick victory, or they may be engaged in wars that have been going on for many hundreds of years and have claimed millions of lives. In some respects, every army and every war is unique.

The armies of the Imperial Guard usually take part in certain wars and campaigns, and recruits are recruited in places closest to the conflict zone. For example, during a brief but bloody war against the orcs on the world of Ryza, the army was staffed by residents of the worlds of Katakan, Ulani, Barak and Dulma "lin, located within a radius of ten thousand light years from the planet.
A distance of ten thousand light-years can be covered in 10-40 days with the help of a ship capable of moving in warp space. To advance to positions, it is necessary to collect and load the necessary ammunition and troops onto ships - the response time at such a distance is 30-120 days (usually about 75 days). This is the standard time for Imperial Guard armies to mobilize and respond, although troops from even more distant planets may be brought in for extended conflicts.
It is the duration of the space travel that determines the reaction time of the Imperial Guard. Due to the scattered nature of the fleet and the fragmentation of the human worlds, such armies are extremely slow to assemble. This process does not guarantee the safety of every single world - fortunately the Imperium has other forces that are able to react more quickly, such as the Space Marine Chapters. In any case, orbital fortresses and the planetary ruler's own troops are at the forefront of the planet's defenses. This defense must last long enough for the Imperial Guard armies to be mobilized and brought to the scene of the conflict.


Stormtroopers are drawn from the orphans of Imperial officials - such as planetary governors or the highest ranks of the Imperial guard or navy - from across the galaxy. These privileged orphans are raised by the Schola Progenium. They are instructed to love the Emperor and shown various ways in which they can earn His thanks, as well as repay the Empire's debt for their upbringing. Orphans happily agree to a heavy regimen of incessant prayer, study, and exercise. Years of rigorous training have hardened their bodies and heads, and polished the skills of Stormtroopers to the limits of human capabilities. Stormtroopers are the best combat units of the Imperial Guard. They are merciless and skilled assassins, with combat skills unrivaled among the Imperial Guard.

On top of their superior training, Stormtroopers are better armed and equipped than regular Guardsmen. Wearing hard armored suits with reinforced ceramite plates, Stormtroopers can pass through small arms fire that is lethal to the average Guardsman. Stormtroopers are armed with sophisticated laser weapons that are more powerful and destructive than standard lasguns. Such weapons with increased power are ideal for Assault missions. However, such weapons require thickened barrels, heat-absorbing elements and gyro-stabilization power modules - all this makes it difficult to manufacture and care for them. It is rare for the Department of Munitorum to issue such weapons to anyone other than Stormtroopers, who are fully trained in maintaining them and can even redesign them if needed.

Stormtroopers are constantly moving from one war zone to another and are among the most experienced units in the Imperial Guard. Rarely when a regiment of Stormtroopers in in full force fighting in one place. Instead, detached units are dispatched to increase the combat capability of the existing Imperial Guard forces, which are highly trained units that are deployed when needed. The special treatment and elite status of the Stormtroopers is the cause of some lingering animosity on the part of the regular troops, who regard them as "Glory Boys" or "Toy Soldiers". But none of those who have seen them in action with their own eyes could deny that Stormtroopers deserve such special treatment and status.

Stormtroopers are trained to carry out covert operations, break through fortified positions and take key structures. They can be deployed in front of the entire army, penetrating behind enemy lines for a subsequent attack in order to create maximum confusion and confusion. Often during the battle, they parachute into the midst of enemies. Jumping out of a low-flying vehicle and descending on gravity shooters, Stormtroopers find themselves in the midst of a fierce firefight before they even touch the ground. Like a whirlwind, they crush resistance, leaving behind only a trail of twitching corpses with well-aimed fire.

Infantry branch

Imperial Guard platoons are made up of several squads of ten each, led by lower-level commanders such as sergeants. Infantry squads are the backbone of the Imperial Guard. Countless billions of soldiers fight and die in the name of the Imperium. They are pawns, infantry, poor damned infantry. Guardsmen take part in every conceivable operation of the Imperial Guard, from holding positions to hopelessly assaulting enemy fortifications.
The armies of the Imperial Guard are made up of billions of regiments drawn from all the worlds of the Imperium. There is no generally accepted form of clothing - the guardsmen use the armor and equipment inherent in their home world. There is only one piece of equipment that every Guardsman carries, and that is the lasgun, but even so, there are regiments that have been formed armed with nothing more than muskets, crossbows, or even spears. The combat prowess of each regiment reflects the world and the society they come from. Some planets breed ferocious ganger fighters, others breed primitive barbarian warriors.
The Imperial Guardsmen are disciplined troops, trained to follow orders exactly. They are taught to stand firmly in the face of the enemy, shoulder to shoulder, and to fire with an unwavering hand. As the sergeants call out commands, the rank and file obey, straightening their backs and leveling their lasguns at the enemy. An enemy assaulting Imperial Guard positions must first overcome a brilliant shower of las-fire capable of stemming the tide of any but the most determined attack. The outcome of a battle is often decided by the courage and courage of the infantry squads, although they are only people. They cannot go head-to-head with the many nightmarish aliens they have to face. If such an enemy gets closer, then infantry units most often come to a bloody end.
Although some Guardsmen are equipped with a variety of powerful and specialized weapons, the main advantage of infantry regiments remains their largest expendable resource - manpower. United firepower regiments of the Imperial Guard makes them a deadly enemy, capable of outgunning almost any enemy. The roaring avalanche of thousands of attacking guards is capable of crushing even the most serious and dangerous enemy, crushing him under thousands of boots and impaling him on thousands of bayonets.


In emergencies, a planet may be ordered to increase its tithe and raise additional regiments to deal with some superior threat. And it may be that the planet will have to start its annual military call ahead of time, recruiting soldiers who would otherwise be considered too young or not yet completed their initial training. These youths are officially designated as cadets, but in reality they receive many nicknames, the most common of which is “White Shields”. This title stems from the fact that they cannot bear the insignia of a regiment, company, or platoon until they have earned that right in combat. The only insignia they possess is a white stripe on their helmets. Sincerely wanting to prove their prowess, these reckless cadets rush into battle. Those few who are lucky enough to survive will one day be able to call themselves "Guardsmen". For cadets, this is much more than a simple promotion, it is a rite of passage that marks the transition to adulthood.

A Brief History of the Imperial Guard.

The history of the Imperial Guard dates back to the time of the Great Crusade, when the Emperor conquered the stars and forged the Imperium. His foremost troops in those glorious days were the Space Marine Legions - the Adeptus Astartes - the finest warriors mankind had ever created, each worth a dozen ordinary soldiers. But for all their combat power, the Space Marines were by no means limitless, and the rigors of building a galactic empire increasingly stretched their strength. Separated by countless thousands of light years, they could no longer provide the proper concentration of troops and military presence. The Emperor needed more manpower to keep the momentum of the Crusade alive, and so the Imperial Army was created.
The Imperial Army became an important part of the expeditionary fleets sent out to claim the Emperor's rights to star systems. Huge numbers of brave soldiers - first millions and then billions of warriors, ranks of armored vehicles and mighty armadas of starships - were put under the gun and placed under the command of the Adeptus Astartes. At first, the Imperial Army was called upon only to garrison and clear out the remnants of resistance, and was used only where the enemy was already broken, and only a military presence was required to ensure loyalty to the Imperium. However, in time, as the Crusade reached the Eastern Reach, the Imperial Army was already fighting on the front lines, side by side with the Adeptus Astartes' power-armored super-soldiers. But that pattern changed as the galaxy was torn to pieces by the betrayal of the Warmaster Horus and the ensuing catastrophic civil war that engulfed the newly formed Imperium.
Following the end of the Horus Heresy, the military of the Imperium underwent a major reorganization. In order to exclude the very possibility of large-scale uprisings, huge armies were divided into parts. The Space Marine Legions were divided into Chapters. The Imperial Army, as it was, ceased to exist. The army and navy were separated - never again was the commander of the ground forces to gain control of spaceships. From the ashes of the Imperial Army, the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Guard were born. The Imperial Guard was subdivided into small formations - regiments, and centrally trained Commissars were assigned to each regiment in order to identify traitors. The interdependence of the various parts of the newly formed Imperial Guard, the largest military force in the Imperium, ensures that in the event of a mutiny of one of the regiments, treachery cannot spread beyond the borders of one world, and the rebellious fleet will have no one to supply, and it will not be able to use ground forces. The Imperium has learned bitter lessons from the dark days of the Horus Heresy.

Imperial Guard) is the largest military force in the universe. The Guard includes billions of soldiers from millions of different worlds. But the strength of the Imperial Guard lies not only in numbers. It is equipped with clumsy but deadly tanks, fast walkers and powerful artillery. Entire worlds across the galaxy are busy manufacturing a variety of vehicles for the Imperial Guard, not elegant but deadly.

Each world in the Imperium has its own units of the PDF - the Planetary Defense Forces. The governor of each world is free to create PDF forces in such form and number as he sees fit. Each Imperial world is required to send Imperial Guard regiments to the service of the Imperium, at least a tenth of the PDF forces. On most planets, service in the Imperial Guard is a great honor, and the best regiments of the PDF are sent to serve. However, on other worlds it is possible to form regiments of the Imperial Guard from criminals, prisoners, and so on.

As a consequence, the Imperial Guard is not a unit formed on the principle of uniformity, rather the opposite. Her regiments, designed to fight the enemies of the Imperium, are formed from warriors from various planets and different nations. As a result, they have different equipment, differ in their appearance and even customs. There are units whose warriors do not disdain scalping fallen opponents or even eating the bodies of dead enemies.

Each regiment of the Imperial Guard is assigned a number upon formation. This is either the serial number of the formed regiment, or the number of the completely destroyed or disbanded regiment of the same planet. In addition to the number, the name of the regiment usually displays the planet on which the regiment was formed. Thus, the typical names of the regiment are, for example, "6th Canadian", "21st Sarponian", "5th Thracian". On some worlds known for their elite regiments, the honorary name of the regiments is also indicated: Armageddon 47th Steel Legion, Cadian 8th Storm Warriors, Valhallan 222nd Ice Warriors, and others. Sometimes the name of the regiment reflects its features, sometimes omitting the number or name of the planet, for example, "Piran Dragoons", "71st Ash Desert Militia", "Kettelspurg 2nd Irregular Regiment", "Second Narmenian Heavy Regiment" and many others . Finally, there are regiments with personal names, which are used either in conjunction with the official name - "19th Catachan Regiment of Jungle Warriors "Fangs of the Scorpion"", "31st Harakonia Hell Divers", - or without it - "Asgardian Rangers" , "Karnak Collectors of Skulls" or "Yamninsky Volunteer Regiment".

Regiments other than infantry are named in the same way, indicating the type of regiment: "Kadian 21st Armored Regiment", "1st Methusilan Motorized Infantry", "7th Krieg Siege Regiment", "Kadian 77th Heavy Air Defense Regiment", "7th Armageddon Regiment of Super-Heavy Tanks". The personal names of the regiments are also assigned, for example, "1st Krieg Heavy Tank Regiment "The Emperor's Faithful Shield"".


Head of each individual regiment of the Imperial Guard Imperial Guard Regiment listen)) - the commander of the regiment, usually a representative of the aristocracy of the home world.

It should be noted that the regiment of the Imperial Guard does not have any fixed size, but the usual size of the regiment is from 5 to 10 thousand soldiers and officers + equipment. Organizational chart of the usual infantry regiment of the Imperial Guard is as follows:

  • Each regiment is divided into companies(English) company) led by senior officers. Of course, in each culture this position will have its own name, but the most common options are major or captain. On the battlefield, officers are accompanied by a retinue selected from the best guardsmen, the so-called command platoon. The command platoon may also include heavy and special weapons squads, as well as walking armored vehicles Sentinels (Sentinels)
  • Companies are divided into platoons(English) platoon), each of which is commanded by a junior officer, usually a lieutenant, with his retinue.
  • Platoons consist of 2-5 infantry branches 10 guards each, including a special weapons operator, a heavy weapons team, and a sergeant. An infantry platoon also includes special or heavy weapons squads, consisting of six guardsmen, three of whom are armed with special or heavy weapons, respectively, and a conscript squad - from 20 to 50 recruits.

In addition, there are often cavalrymen, stormtroopers, ogryns, ratlings, squads of combat psykers, etc. in the regiment. In addition, the regiment includes combat vehicles, such as Sentinels, Chimeras, etc. Directly on the battlefield, the regiment can be given tanks and artillery from the Armored Companies of the Imperial Guard.

Separately in the chain of command are Commissars. These are commanders specially sent by the administration of the Imperium, whose mission is to maintain the morale of the troops and eradicate any signs of treachery. Commissars have the power to execute any soldier or officer suspected of cowardice, treason or heresy. There are cases where a commissar has taken command of an entire regiment of the Imperial Guard (for example, Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gant (eng. Ibram Gaunt))


Infantry regiments are the backbone of the Imperial Guard. However, there are other units created to perform more specific tasks.

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    Imperial Guard (Warhammer 40,000) Project An article about the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000 Portal The Imperial Guard is the largest military force in the universe. The guard includes ... ... Wikipedia

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Warriors of Catachan and shock units of Cadia. It is about them that will be discussed.

Vostroyan Firstborn

Vostroya is a cold, dirty, industrial world of the Empire. It is inhabited by a kind of Siberian communists, their main slogan is “Everything for the army, everything for victory”, it’s not for nothing that they work all day long in the production of weapons and give each first-born to the guard. This has been the custom since time immemorial, when he personally trampled on warm (or not so) planets. During the Horus Heresy, many probably heard about this funny uncle, Vostroya, which is one of the key worlds-factories, refused to form regiments to defend the Motherland, considering that they were doing so much for the Imperium. This might have been forgotten if Roboute Guillimann hadn't put the Vostroyans to shame. He apparently shamed them so that the whole planet has been ashamed for ten thousand years. That's it since then, every first-born, taking with him a family lasgun, his father's plasma gun or his grandfather's heavy bolter, goes to the guard. At the same time, new regiments are rarely formed, mostly recruits make up for the losses of old, battle-hardened regiments. By the way, they have a brotherly atmosphere that the Vostroyans themselves are very proud of. Such a regiment goes ahead, regardless of losses, fulfilling the tasks set by the Imperium at any cost. True, the firstborn themselves terribly despise their not so selfless allies, but if they prove their courage, then they roll with these guys to the fullest, swearing eternal friendship and camaraderie.

The prototype of the Vostroyan First-born, as already mentioned, are Russian Cossacks and archers. Outwardly, the guys are all equal in terms of selection, mustaches, beards, real Siberians with a Nordic character.

The main disadvantage of Firstborns for modellers is that it is almost impossible to find them, only if you order from the GVs themselves or from some third-party casters.

Death Corps of Krieg

Once on the planet Krieg, there was an uprising, the sweetness of which was a total nuclear winter and the almost complete destruction of people on the planet. Survivors and those who remained faithful to the y searched for the perpetrators of heresy for a long time and destroyed them. Over time, they became the basis of the body. After that, the main idea of ​​​​the corps became - “I’ll kill everyone and die myself,” and if you don’t exaggerate the destruction of heresy in any of its manifestations, destruction regardless of losses, because by death they, according to their beliefs, atone for sin before om. Recruit training takes place on the dusty paths of radioactive fields, which largely explains the gloomy nature of these guys. The guys are dressed accordingly - long overcoats in dark colors, gas masks, helmets a la 2 Reich. Very often, the leadership of the regiments of the corps, as well as ordinary ones, are punished for the genocide of the population, which the corps loves to organize from time to time, apparently for prevention. In general, the soldiers of the Death Corps of Krieg leave the impression of gloomy and unsociable guys, ready for the sake of victory and atonement for anything.

The prototype of the legions is the wars of the Wehrmacht, or rather the SS divisions. Cruelty towards the enemy is the best proof of this comparison.

Like all non-standard regiments of the imperial guard (Vostroyans, Valhallans, Talarans, etc.) - they are a headache for modellers, because getting them is also not the easiest thing.

Catachan Jungle Warriors

Catachan is a planet of death, where every cockroach wants to eat someone, even a person, but oddly enough, the Catachan people love their world, getting into similar conditions on other planets, they remember the house with nostalgia. It is not surprising that real men grow up in such a world, to which Rambo, despite the fact that he looks like a Catachans, is far away. By themselves, the Catachans are quite harsh guys who do not recognize authority that is not backed up by their respect. That is why the commanders of their units are chosen by the fighters themselves, and the commissars in their midst are extremely rare (and even those that exist somehow die very quickly). The warriors themselves are extremely harsh fighters, able to go out with an orc in hand-to-hand combat and win, their favorite weapon, combat knives, imbued even the greenskins. The guys dress simply, camouflage pants, sometimes a bulletproof vest wide open and always a ribbon a la Rambo.

Catachans are created in the image and likeness of the US Marines, during the Vietnam War. The jungle and crowds of small and nimble Vietnamese, similar to that very deadly flora and fauna, perfectly reflect Catachan.

Finding Catachian miniatures is not a problem, they are sold in almost any GW store and in all Cardplace stores, along with Cadians.

Cadian Shock Troops

Cadia is the industrial world of the Imperium, bordering the Eye of a. The constant attacks of the forces of Chaos have become commonplace for the Cadians, so they are not even surprised at the new invasion. Almost the entire population of Cadia serves or served in the army, the elite of these are the Shock Units. The Cadian Regiments are the most famous Imperial Guard regiments in the Warhammer universe. Their weapons are uniform and suitable for almost any conditions. The superiority of the Cadians is achieved precisely by excellent weapons and excellent training. In turn, among the elite of Cadia, their own elite could not but appear. These soldiers are identified and sent to the academy, from which they emerge as kasrkin, the elite stormtroopers of the Cadians. Even the Inquisition, in the person of Eisenhorn, speaks respectfully of these guys.

Cadian troops trace their stylistic origins to the US Marines of today.

Since Cadians are GW's most hyped guardsmen, it's no wonder they're sold everywhere. If there are no Cadians in the GW store, then most likely there are no guard infantry at all. To be honest, GW's love for the American troops (Cadians, Catachans are the most common guardsmen, because in fact the GW releases only them in large quantities) confuses and gets me, I want to see the rest of the regiments on the shelves, at least ordinary units.

I hope this information was helpful. Perhaps someone decides to deal with the Guard in a dense way or finally chooses for himself a regiment that he wants to see on his table, someone will learn something new for himself.

Gods of Chaos bless you

May you gain the Supreme Good

May Isha be with you



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