Photographer Marina Karpius about spontaneous solutions, faith and love for his work. We went to shoot Georgia: phototour with Marina Carpius on how to indulge yourself on a day off

Today in our blog interview with the beautiful photographer Marina Carpius!

Marina - unique man. She is incredibly talented, smart, beautiful and charming. Everyone is our meeting with her, this is not only a new Avtarka :), but also an incredible source of inspiration and positive. What do I tell? Now you will understand yourself.

Marie, I, of course, know this story about how you came to the dream of a dream - I am a photographer. Now I want to know her yet and all our readers.

Let's start with the fact that I graduated from school with a gold medal. Do you know, was such a smart girl? So, after graduation, I really wanted to enter the photo artist. But, given that my dad saw in me at least a lawyer, and as a maximum of President of Ukraine, no one would allow my dream to implement my dream. And instead of Nemeni "arrived" to international relations. And, despite the fact that I really didn't want to be a lawyer, I still learned on the legal age of 2 weeks and all these 2 weeks I photographed on pairs of my alignments. A couple of times I, of course, kicked out of the audience, said: "Are you doing what you do and why came here"? But I was not stopped!

And then after 2 weeks, not even warning parents, I came to the dean, and I'm there from the go: "Students we are not yet issued", and I say: "Yes, I have your student, I have in my family, our family Moves to live in another city, very urgent! Therefore, I apologize, but I came to pick up my documents. " Of course, I did not want to give anything, they say why the parents did not come. And I say: "Yes, how don't you shame? I say - houses PE. "

And so I take my documents, as I remember now, it was a white folder dealing on Marle's tied. I come home with this folder, all in tears and I say that I can't be expensive from the audience, because I am engaged in a favorite thing - taking pictures, and the information I get on the pair, I do not perceive it, it's not mine And I'm just not interested. And that I adore to shoot portraits of one-laugure and always followed, whether they put these portraits on the avatar in the social network, because if they put - they liked it. And they all put! All as one! So, they like it, and I get it!

But this is now everything is so fun, and then I, of course, were big problems with parents. True, my act still convinced them in my intention. If they said that during the current year I could test my strength in the photo, attend various studios and photoshop. And then the next year I can enroll on the photohogram. But under one condition. I will have to go in absentia in parallel to a lawyer.

I was delighted and, of course, I was agreed on everything!

During this year I studied a lot, graduated from the Kiev photo school, passed all the courses that they had. Many school students were sure that I was working as an administrator in it, because when they came there, I was always in place. I really liked everything! So I once again realized that I had chosen my profession correctly, and I would definitely go to the photo artist. By the way, in the Kiev school photos I still have pride of the school. (Smiles)

Then I did without any problems at first to the legal, and then on the photo artist. By the way, in the second university I was taken with open arms. I came to the group, in the group there were 7 people with me, and of them 6 people came because they were not accepted for any other faculty. That is, they came there not because they "live and eat a photo" like me. They came simply because it is for them a spare option. For me, as for the one that 24 hours thinks about photography and in the literal sense of this word sleeps in an embrace with the camera, it was just amazing.

And after two weeks of studying on the photohchomodnik, my teacher Vladimir Vladimirovich me: "Marina, I see so great potential that I understand that I am not able to give you what you need. You see, I can not give you as much as you are ready to get. I see your work, I see your eyes, I see how you are burning! Carries, you are not here. "

I even rushed.

And now I come with a folder "Case" home ... (laughs) True, this time it seemed to me that the parents were more prepared ... they realized that this year they realized that if I really want something very much, then I do not have a framework And I will stop anything already.

Moreover, at that time I already worked with might and main, pressing me journals ...

How many years did you happen then?

17 years. I was only 17. And then I just understood one important point: "When you really really want to do something in the life of something, the fate itself begins to bring you from necessary peoplewho give you an increase in further and when you want a lot of something, it turns out. " And so I got me that I met people who brought me to the first cover, the people who took me to Feshn Vic ... At that time, it was generally that I think, if there were two shooting at the same time, on both I took off That would be me. (laughs)

I worked 24 hours a day. It was free shooting, just for the sake of signature, I really wanted to thanks to my work, people learned about me.

It sounds so easy and easy. But not everyone is able to leave the university, go against the opinions of parents and do what the soul wants. Unfortunately, people are afraid. It was not terrible?

This, of course, is very individual. But if we talk about courage, then in me she, of course, is. Listen, I moved to another country for my favorite person in 3 months. That is, I take such crazy solutions very quickly, and, thank God, I never regret. I have such a rule: Even if you doubt, in any case you need to try!

What do you think it is possible to say that, taking such decisions, are you guided by not head, but with heart?

Yes, of course, 100%. That is how it is. Still would! It is quite difficult to say that a man thought his head when two years in a row left the institutes. (laughs)

But I really always feel a heart! Moreover, that's what I tell you: it's contagious! Just after I left the second university, a moment came in my career when I urgently needed to grow! Grow and develop. I needed a new equipment, equipment, new camera. The best of those at that time was on the market, there was a cameranikon d3, I needed it precisely. But she was crazy money ... For me it was absolutely unreal and inaccessible.

And then I went to my mother and say: "Mom, you know, I now feel incredible potential, and I need good equipment for his implementation!"

And my mother ... sells the car and gives all the money revented to me. And on all this money, we buy me equipment. Cameras, studio light, lenses and so on. And so again, is it possible to say that mom thought his head when did this act committed? It is unlikely that ... she could not even imagine that I would oncehable all this equipment (and I did it faster than in the year). But my love infected her, and I proved to her that I can.

Do you remember when you have this love for photos? When do you start starting? How much did you have? And you immediately started working?

Love for the photo has appeared in 15 years. And I immediately began to shoot all my friends. Then there was still a popular site Tusese. And they laid out their photos there and signed that this is a photo of Marina Carries. I then realized that in order to be where to lay out my work to me, I need to make a site. And I did it completely with my own hands, and I had three visitor on the day, and I rushed around the apartment and screamed: "Mom, look! Three computers came to see my work! This is such a success! " I was so sincerely rejoiced ...

And once I called me ... "Hello, is it a photographer Marina Carpius?" And I answer: "one second, I can't talk." At this time, I closes the handset and shout at this: "Aaaaaaaa". And then with a calm face I continue: "Yes, this is a photographer Marina Karpius, I listen carefully to you." "I would like to give a photo session with my niece, how much do you have?".

And at that moment I realized that I had two options: the first one - from the surprise just throw the phone and the second - to take yourself in hand and call the price. I then chose the second and called the price of 100 dollars. My first client was glad of this price and said that she was suitable. So everything started.

And my first fee we 100% passed somewhere.

Do I understand correctly that your parents still support you anymore than not?

Well, mom - yes. And dad to the last doubted. My father is generally difficult to surprise something. When I got a gold medal at school, he perceived it as proper. He always saw someone else in me than just a photographer.

He always always said to me: "Marina, how can you not understand? The photographer is a man who runs behind the bride and groom! " And then I answered: "Dad, you just don't know, so it was sometime. And now this profession is very valued. The photographer is a man for whom they run the bride and groom. " ISEE, when 8 years have passed since that conversation, I remind him and say: "Look, dad, they called me today on the same date 12 pairs! I order a wedding photo session for the year! What do you think, is that man that runs behind the fiance and bride? "

Therefore, now he, of course, supports me, but still believes that my story is one on a million ...

Marie, you are happy, you are a sought-after photographer, how do you manage to combine these two things?

And I can not (laughs). My husband is in Georgia, and I'm here, and at the moment we have not seen him for three weeks for three weeks. And it is very hard.

But Gigi understands me very well. Because he sees that if I don't take pictures of a week - I'm leaving depressed.

I am not a housewife, I do not know how to cook. And after a week of a calm family life, I begin to sausage, walk and think: "MMMM, where can I go, what should I do this whom to shoot?" (laughs)

Even when I call my husband to Georgia, then our conversation most often begins with what I tell, at what wedding I worked today, what were the steep bride and groom. What was the awesome decor! And then I look, and we are already talking 30 minutes! Thank God, there is askype and I don't come kilometer bills (laughs). But Gigi understands that I live, I'm sorrow! Of course, I'm very tired, but this is my self-realization! It's like a slimming, do not eat anything, then you become on the scales - and there are cherished numbers! And you are satisfied! I want to eat, but you are satisfied!

How do you think success leads to happiness or happiness to success?

Happiness to success! Definite!

After your photo shoots are happy, as after a session of positive psychology. You are always cheerful and happy. Do you think it affects your work?

I am convinced of this. It is often said that my works are displaying me. They are transferred to my ease, kindness, positive. Sometimes friends share that even seeing the photo without a signature, it is immediately clear that this is me. Like, I want to turn into my work as in the plaid. It is always warm and sunny.

So thanks for the question. Yes this is true.

Since we touched the topic of the environment, let me ask how you form your own?

I surround myself with people with whom I don't have to pretend to me comfortably, which develop and inspire me.

One of these people is my gigi husband. He provided and continues to give me a strong influence in everything. But, probably, most of all he influenced me in relations. I was globally reviewed my understanding of the relationship between a man and a woman. Relationship is the key to a happy family life, and indeed life in general.

Taaapa. That's interesting! What are you talking about now?

Well, well .... I am now that before I always considered myself in the main relationship, I always solved all the problems, I was always ...

As if a man?

Yes, as if a little bit of a man was (laughs). And then I met Gigi and realized what could be different. And I changed very much, of course, in best side. And in principle, all the people who surround me, they change me for the better. Well, the photographer Kostya Zahariya changed me for the better. Somehow once we met with him, and he says: "And you, you don't know the programLightroom program?" I didn't even know about her existence. And this one question in the literal sense of this word has changed my life by 150%. Everything has become simple and easy, thanks to the two words of the bone.

Therefore, it is very important to build around yourself such an environment that gives you growth, and does not brake you.

Tell about photo tours of the carp.

You know, this is from the series "Never Say Never." I never shot before landscapes! And he said that he would never do it. As, by the way, I once shook weddings. But then you, Alla, came and asked to write your wedding! And you know how to inspire: "Marina, you will succeed, you can! The fact that you have never shot weddings before - only plus! It's just fine! So you will have your own vision! " (laughs) But it all started with this ...

So, phototour. Phototour is a great opportunity to learn not just look around, and input all the beauty. Learn to see her and feel! I have repeatedly said that I do not drink Georgian wine. This is all because I am drunk from Georgian air. And I immediately think that I remove fine landscapes ...

In Georgia, it is simply very beautiful and in order to make stunning pictures there, it is not necessary to be a photographer and have a camera, it is enough for you to have a cell with me. And this is true.

In this photo, I combined two things. The first is a trip with a non-standard tourist program. And this means that we will get up in 6 in the morning and just live the life of local people. Walk the shell in the pasture early in the morning, go fishing at dawn and so on.

And the second, it is, of course, photography. Do you know that cool? What you do not need to have a professional camera with you, you can simply take pictures on the iPhone, you do not want to the iPhone - like photos of your eyes!

Well, for those who have professional cameras, I prepared a surprise. We will learn to shoot, how the stars are moving.

Mountains, lake and flying stars over us. I can't wait!

What is the secret of the success of Marina Carpius?

This is love for your work! Here I am 100% like what I do. But love for his work does not mean that all the time everything will be cool and fun. There are some losses, failures ... But you understand that even you are happy, because without this, you just could not live.

It is also important to believe in a miracle, do not give up and not afraid. And even constantly learn, develop and experiment.

I personally it happens like this: I am inventing perfect photo processing. She likes everyone and everyone is happy. So I work for 2-3 weeks and I understand that here it is, my success and the limit of perfection! But after 3 weeks it becomes bored, I understand that I want something more. And for this you need to learn, communicate, inspire and develop. You need to do something differently! The main thing is to try.

You won't eat buckwheat every day. Right? Even if you have it just perfectly. Yes, it is very tasty and useful, but also unbearably live. Similarly, with knowledge. It is necessary to constantly develop and do something differently.

What are your plans for the future?

My husband and I dream of a child. And God will give, it will happen soon. I am already anticipating that I will start a new boom - a children's photo. It has never been my genre, but I am sure that it will be a new stage in my life - with little children, small butts, handles and legs ...

Marina Karpius is a Ukrainian photographer, the hero of the film "Air", the wife of the leader of the group MgzavRei Gigi Grandmazishvili.

Marina told us about the profession of the photographer, about the beloved frame, which remained only in memory, about honesty with him and others, as well as how important it is to go to your dream, contrary to all stereotypes and frameworks. Marina listens to the Mgzavrebi group and Coldplay, watching movies with Audrey Tutu and reads what Gigi advises her.

Each photographer has its own handwriting, unique taste.

The first acquaintance with the camera happened when I was four years old. It was then that I first took Polaroid into my hands and felt the magic - after all, I could simply press the button and after a few seconds to get the "moment" in the picture.

Polaroid brought dad from abroad. And after told about how the light is important for the photo and generally spoke of different specificationsI tried very hard to remember.

Each photographer has its own handwriting, unique taste. Many people think that I photograph only people, but it is worth admitting that after a trip to Georgia I liked to shoot landscapes. I understood how organically people interact with the terrain in which they live. Here, for example, how can people live with straight noses in the mountains? Right - in no way. :) This is me all jokes joking, of course, but in everything there is some kind of fine bond, which I like to catch and realize.

Recently, people lack some kind of directness, honesty. I do not hesitate to express my emotions. If I want to cry - I cry. If you want to laugh or scream - I do it. If you want to speak loudly in a cafe - why not? I am honest with you and others - in this, perhaps a feature and my creativity.

Recently, people lack some kind of directness, honesty. I do not hesitate to express my emotions.

In each photographer there should be a small psychologist. When I told me on the shooting, it is better to shoot "so", I will act like it in my own way. But I will do it very carefully, inventing the arguments in advance as a sign of my wrong. Maybe I and Catch, but I will create a beautiful, your frame. Of course, there are situations when you want to stop and say: "People, do not make me nerves." But this happens extremely rarely. You know, I never regret anything about anything. After all, if something does not work, it means I just didn't want it enough.

My parents were not against me to be a photographer, they just wanted me to have a major work, for example, in an international company.

Parents doubts are a challenge for me. After all, it was thanks to this situation that I could prove not so much close as myself that the photo is and there is my main profession. It was a turning point in life, because then everyone saw how much I want to be a photographer.

I studied at the institute exactly two weeks - and all the time on the pair I only did that I took pictures of students. It was my protest. I showed all my view that I don't want to learn at the Faculty of International Relations, but I just want to shoot people.

I am honest with you and others - in this, perhaps a feature and my creativity.

It seems to me that the people there is an opinion that the photographer is a man who runs behind the bride and groom in a T-shirt with a print of his site or phone logo, and all the time feels hungry, because no one wants to feed him at the wedding. Today I showed my loved ones that the real photographer is a person for which the wedding date is transferred only because it has not been free time for shooting. I still think that they are cheating when they say that the wedding in the ancient Chateau on the azure coast shifts for several days because of my dense schedule. This is a great honor for me.

My dad rarely says something or shows emotions to my account. But his tears at the premiere of my film "Air" were something inexplicable. I did not see how he cried and would hardly believe if I did not show a photo. Daddy tears - that I do not need any extra words. I understand everything.

When I bought a camera of my dream - Nikon, I slept with her in the literal sense. This feeling reminded me of the joy of the first donated rollers who brought parents from Poland. I liked so much that every night, when everyone had already seen dreams, I went to the hallway, put on them and went to bed in them.

In each photographer there should be a small psychologist.

I am always included in the "here and now" process and I want to learn some moments terribly. Here we are now sitting with you in a coffee shop, someone near the window reads a newspaper, Barista whips milk, and a young guy makes a beautiful cake, because the client has a birthday today. Such moments I want to memorize in photos.

Good photo can be done on mobile phone. You do not always need to have a backpack with a phototechnology, just just notice what is happening around.

I am very sorry that I do not know how to draw. Because there are times when I have a telephone discharged, there is no camera, but there is such a beautiful frame that, alas, remains only in memory. I remember when I flew out of Simferopol, I sat in the waiting room and watched the dawn window. Lil heavy rain, as suddenly I saw a tired man with an orange plastic checker in a cool work overalls. He went straight along the golden section towards an empty aircraft, looking at the dawn. I then almost exploded the brain from the picture I saw. Only now I understand that I needed to take the loudspeaker and say at the entire airport: "A person who has any photographic device, please go to the output number 5."

I studied at the institute exactly two weeks - and all the time on the pair I only did that I took pictures of students. It was my protest.

There are no laws in the photo. Very many legendary works were removed not according to the laws of the composition. That is why I like this sphere so much. Absolute freedom! It is very important!

I would really like to shoot Wahtang Kikabidze, because I am deeply delighted with him. But I still do not have enough courage or, in common, iron eggs to implement this dream. But I'm sure everything is not far from around the corner.

I listen to Mgzavrebi. I love and adore Ukrainian music - "Ocean Elzy", "Boombox".

My favorite group, of course, after Mgzavrebi, is COLDPLAY. I dream to get to their concert.

I am such a pop, I will not say anything new. But, given the fact that we are little watching Ukrainian cinema, I advise you to watch a film about the famous architect Sergei Makhno "Lyttya Idi".

My favorite film is "Forrest Gump". I also like to revise the paintings with Audrey Tutu - Amelie and the film "Rock Beauty".

The last book I read - "White Nights" Fedor Dostoevsky. I am ashamed to confess, but I did not read her at one time at school. By the way, all the book orders me a husband - thank you for it.

And I advise all the photographers to read the book by Alexander Lapina "Photograph of how."

I really like Tbilisi - there I always feel myself in my plate. In this city, I could raise children, take them to school, and then go to your favorite cafe and eat Adjara Khachapuri. After dinner, eat Hinkali or drink coffee on the roof overlooking Tbilisi.

I love Lviv very much - he is so cozy. I want to walk and love.

There are a lot of plans for which I can not tell.

We are waiting for the mountains, Hinki, Hinky Mountains, and Songs and Amazing People. But for a start - a brief briefing from the photographer Marina Carpius, which will lead you along the catches of one of the most delicious countries of the planet Earth.

What to shoot?

1) Old Tbilisi Photogenic at any time of the day and from any angle. Excellent panoramas are obtained from the top of Mtazminda and the walls of the fortress of the floor, which stands on the rock (for the first features, the cable car is laid on the second, and right above the old city).

Marina Karpiy

You need to catch the flavor on the streets of Old Tbilisi: here and carved balconies-Shushabadi, and the cream steps, and grapes on the walls - that neither the frame, then the postcard!

Let's go to Georgia in October!

2) Signals Easy to confuse with an Italian town. Covered tiled houses stand on the slopes of the hill, and the powerful roads run past them. Local architecture - all warm red and yellow tones - looks at the background of the sky and green valleys around, so try to accommodate in a frame and at home and surroundings.

Marina Karpiy

3) the shittomatic perspective on Mtskhetu - From the top of the mountain, on which the Djvari Monastery is. This place does not miss any traveler. The road here is short, the monastery is very beautiful, and most importantly, there is an amazing view of the valley: far below, at the foot of the mountain, the Aragvi and Kura merge and see the old town.

Marina Karpiy

When to go?

For the filming, any month is suitable - even winter, but especially well in Georgia in the fall: grapes and fruits have already matured, and the summer heat and crowds of tourists retreated.

In October 2018, Marina Karpius is a talented photographer, Ambassador Canon - will hold a phototour at the most beautiful corners of Georgia. It will be warm, beautiful, soulful and very tasty -

A talented Ukrainian photographer whose works can be watching forever. Marina has a unique ability to transfer not only the appearance of man in the photo, but also the soul. To get it as a photographer at weddings and other events dream of many, but the tight schedule allows you to do it not to everyone. Today, marina has many stunning wedding photos of Ukrainian Ceblebriti, and the handwriting of her work can be recognized even without knowing exactly who is the author of the pictures. Now Marina brings up the beauty of the daughter of Lizi, along with her husband, famous in our latitudes, Georgian musician Gigi Dedalamazishvili, soloist of the group MGVZAGREBI.

About choosing a profession

At the age of 16, I realized that any literature or magazines that came across in hand, I shed out, while paying attention exclusively in the pictures. And that in principle this world perceive in pictures. Once I thought: if everything is so interesting to me, then maybe I can create it? After graduated from all the courses, which at that time existed in Kiev, starting from the Kiev school photo. During this year, I realized that such a photo is arranged, how to work with light, how to see the right angle and create a composition. I began to apply knowledge in practice and realized that I want to be a professional.


I constantly say these banal things and repeat in all interviews. But for me is the truth: I think if you are doing your favorite thing, then this is the image of your life that you do not accept, like ordinary work. The photographer's photographer's photograph is a style of my life and I can not imagine myself. And it seems to me that this is a great success. And let you not have any super achievements, you still have pleasure from what you do, respectively, you are still in the plus.

About the difficulties in the work of the photographer

Of course, I would like to give a family more time. Back from the wedding is not 12 nights, but at 6 pm and have time to buy a child. Yes, and rather, it is not difficult, it is realities. Just you are ready to go to these sacrifices to achieve results and profits, in the end. On the other hand: I love weddings very much. And something for sacrificed is always, for example, free time or summer holidays, as summer is the wedding season.

On the first exhibition

The first my exhibition was called hot.doggy. It was 2007, the exhibition took place in the gallery "Khodgraf" and I was 17 years old. The history of the idea is: I was presented with a dog, and I dreamed of her all my life. And I broke me out, I just went crazy about how it's great and cool to realize that you are now responsible for someone. After that, I began to notice that all my friends and their dogs are very similar. I wanted to transfer this similarity of dogs and their owners using photo portrait.

About curious cases in work

Such, in fact, a million. The most memorable when I was told to go to the bride in the morning in the village of Cherry and not to the end clarified, what area it is. I arrived at this village, 15 minutes before the appointed time, but it turned out that it was with such a name in the Kiev region about 9. In general, I was at the other end of the city, 60 km from the bride 15 minutes before the start of the shooting. This, of course, was no longer repeated, and now I always ask to clarify the address. But such difficulties go advantage and perceive them as life lessons.

About how the shooting of the wedding jamala

It was just incredibly cool, and this is one of my favorite weddings. Earlier, I was not familiar with Jamala, we met at her wedding. I had certain expectations - after all, a popular person, a star. I did not think that it would be so simple. She turned out to be a beautiful friend and the brightest person I know. I am her fan not only as a performer, but also as a person. Bekir (Husband Jamala's singer, - ed.) Also a stunning person, they found each other. Of course, for me it was a huge responsibility, because I was entrusted to capture such an important event their lives. By the way, I put my own record - took off the wedding, which lasted 17 hours. It was a real Tatar wedding. Tatars have a tradition: young must be danced with each guest, and if guests are 100 - respectively with each of them.

About attitude to popularity

About how the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project # phototurbines came

How starts and ends day

My shooting day starts at 8 am. I have breakfast, dress and leaving. Returning late when my daughter and family are already sleeping. After each shooting, I definitely drain all the photos on the laptop: I can't sleep until I look after everything that has shot per day.

I spend the weekend from the morning with the child. At 12 Lizzie dining dream, and while she sleeps, I can work about 3 hours. I take a photo, edit and watch my grandfather. Then the daughter wakes up and we invent some kind of occupation, for example, take a walk, go to the children's room or jump on the trampoline. Then we return home, dinner and I swim it. This is our rule: when I am at home, I always wash it myself. I lay the baby to sleep and can continue to engage in my works.

About acquaintance with her husband

The husband organized his first concert in Kiev. I came to walk with the girls, and met his wife (laughs). Further took me to Tbilisi - I went there to celebrate New Year, I did not leave for about a month. I remember my mother was very worried about this, all the time called, worried and waited for me at home. By the way, now my mother and her husband are the best friends.

About how it turns out to be combined

Does not work. But as for the care of themselves, it is still sometimes it turns out to break out hair painting. My care for me is as follows: Hair painting is primarily. For me it is important, I can skip the visit to the beautician - but my roots should always be fine. Otherwise, I feel uncomfortable.

I also try to regularly visit the cosmetologist, about once a month. The last visit cost expensive, apparently, I need old and the procedures. Probably the next time I will not soon come back to her office (laughs).

At home I take care of the skin yourself. All my leaving cosmetics from the Institut Esthederm brand. This is quite expensive brand, but this is the best cosmetics I have ever used.

Periodically, I have a small rash on the chin, for this I have one very cool tool, which I nano locally - the brand clare Lacrima. In the morning I wake up with an ideal face. This is therapeutic professional cosmetics and it is very like me.

Without the last place takes care of hair. My master advised me the brand La Biosthetique and I am pleased - I have a whole leak of this brand. We still use Moroccanoil hair mask.

On the peculiarities of care during the flight

The only thing I do in flight is moisturizing the eyes with the help of artificial tears, since I wear optical lenses. And also try to just drink plenty of water in the plane. So to speak, moisturizing the skin from the inside.

About how it happened to come the form after childbirth

I didn't do anything for this, moreover, I left the maternity hospital with a child on hand 2 kilograms less than I weighed before pregnancy. How it happened - I do not know. Probably the essence is that I worked, being a pregnant, 3 times more than usual. I was so thin after childbirth that I was already even thinking about, and would not get pregnant to me again to lose weight (laughs). But it is, of course, a joke.

About beloved cosmetics

I am a fan of explosives. My favorite Clarins BB Skin Detox Fluid. It perfectly falls, it is not visible on the skin. I also like the consillion to this brand. Well, in general, I practically do not use cosmetics.

By the way, I will tell you about my recent find. I didn't know how to live in my life and did not like to paint the eyes of the shadows. Recently, my girlfriend, Georgian makeup artist Jan Belataniani, inflicted in my eyelids, the liquid shadows of Armani in 11 shades, which are all the money of the world and I had to buy them! They are just very comfortable in applying. All you need is just to apply a small number of shadows on your fingers and then transfer them to a closed eyelid in chaotic order. And you beauty!

I do not use ink, I wear contact lenses and I have very sensitive eyes. Output One: Spites for lining eyelashes. If I do not forget to do it in the morning - then all day I have beautiful eyelashes.

About how to indulge yourself on a day off

Of course, I could now say that myself is hiking in the spa, but no. On your day off I try to spend all the time with the child. Well, or, for example, as today - I can get out to paint your hair.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: