Internet modem for laptop What is better than the operator. Basic specifications. How to increase battery life

The modem is a USB device that allows you to provide a wireless connection to the network. The latest generation of networks is 4G, and, today, it is 4G modems give the best result in terms of speed. But what modem is better to purchase to connect to the network? Variants mass, and you need the fastest and most reliable. Finding a suitable device is more complicated, especially when each second manufacturer is engaged in their release. Today we decided to present you a rating of modem modem for the Internet so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

№10 - Huawei E3276

Price: 1500 rubles

Huawei E3276 is the cheapest modem that offers a GPRS, EDGE, 3G and LTE connection. Despite low priceThis model provides good reception, compared with competitors from the same price segment.

The device is interested in the presence of microSD card reader and two connectors under the CRC9 antenna. For greater amenities, a turning mechanism is implemented here. The main advantage of the modem is excellent compatibility.

When buying this model, you should be attentively and specifying all the details from the seller, because Huawei E3276 is available in different versions, among which there are those that do not support LTE.

№9 - ZTE MF823D

Price: 1990 rubles

ZTE MF823D is characterized by a simple installation, not heated when working, and also provides a very quick connection in the 4th generation networks, which is not interrupted and does not slow down.

The price of this modem is quite low, although in stability it can give odds to many more expensive models. Especially pleased simplicity and ease of use, as well as versatility.

There are ZTE MF823D and some problems, among which are non-working telnet access with standard firmware. This port on default is simply closed, so you need to flash access to get access to it, and it is quite difficult to implement and there is a risk to turn the modem into a useless piece of metal and plastic.

№8 - MegaFon M150-2

Price: 2591 ruble

The Russian operator MegaFon released its LTE modem that works according to GPRS and 3G standards. M150-2 has a memory card slot, excellent sensitivity and possibility of connecting an external antenna.

Also, the modem is quite easy to reflash, and its speed is really at height for their money, Ping is quite small, if compared with other operators.

At the same time, no required additional settingYou can use the gadget immediately after purchase. M150-2 is a very good modem, but he has a serious problem - a binding to MegaFon. If you want to use this model with any SIM cards with comfort, you will have to immediately reflash it.

Megaphone M150-2

№7 - Huawei E3272

Price: 2100 rubles

Huawei E3272 is adapted to work with Russian cellular operators, and also has a memory card slots and SIM.

The main plus of this model is versatility. The modem is perfectly compatible with any SIM cards, and also supports work even with budget routers, which is relevant to the Russian market.

In this case, the speed of reception is excellent, and the signal is quite stable. In addition, the modem practically does not heat up, which ensures its durability, and the price is enough humane.

The problem of the model consists in high power consumption and rare cases of loss of communication with the port. In addition, you can notice the low rate of return, but this problem is relevant for almost all devices.

№6 - Alcatel Link Key

Price: 2190 rubles

Alcatel Link. Key is a universal LTE modem with 2 GB of integrated memory. This model It features its compactness and ease, which provides excellent communication quality.

The modem is practically not heated when working, even if there is a large load on it. The device is configured through the browser, which is an undoubted plus, since it is not necessary to install a special program.

At the same time, the device has one significant disadvantage - bad compatibility with some routers. So, before buying, you know exactly whether the synchronization of your devices is possible or pick the router under the modem.

Alcatel Link Key.

№5 - ZTE MF79

Price: 2420 rubles

This model, in addition to standard functions, supports the installation of memory cards to 32 GB.

This device is easy to use and easy tuning with which even an inexperienceful user can cope. In addition, the modem is perfectly catches the connection, providing a reliable connection and stable Internet speed.

Unlike many competitors, especially if you take into account other Chinese models, no problems with freezing are detected. The modem is quite universal and easy to work with any models of routers, as well as all Russian cellular operators.

Among the minuses it is worth allocating not the highest quality body made of cheap plastic. Because of this, the device is not so durable, as I would like, and, as a result, often breaks. At the same time, find a suitable service center not so easy. Also, there is no exit for additional antennas.

№4 - Huawei E8372

Price: 2500 rubles

Huawei E8372 is a router with a built-in router and a Wi-Fi transmitter, which allows you to simultaneously connect up to ten different devices.

It supports such standards as GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, LTE. This model confidently keeps connecting in various networks and is suitable for distributing wireless Internet to different devices, so it does not need an additional Wi-Fi router.

At the same time, the connection is stable on all conjugate devices at once, although the speed is naturally slightly lower. In addition, the modem does not require install any additional drivers for work. Also, the device is quite cold, unlike many old models.

E8372 is designed for home useAnd for serious tasks it is better to choose another model. This is about Wi-Fi Connectionthat will not be able to fully implement in public institutions.

№3 - SAMSUNG GT-B3730

Price: 3900 rubles

Samsung GT-B3730 modem is able to provide speed in the fourth generation networks up to 100 Mbps per second.

This device gives the user of any operating network to a stable Internet connection, because it works even on Mac OS and Ubuntu. It is great not only for LTE, but also for 2G and 3G, which makes it a universal modem.

In addition, it is equipped with a MIMO antenna connector. In Russian stores, the modem is already configured to work with all local communication operators, so that there will be no problems with the choice of SIM-card. The assembly is quite high, and the body of the model itself is made of strong and reliable materials.

The obvious disadvantage of Samsung GT-B3730 is the lack of a memory card slot. In principle, the work of the device and so quite stable, but I would like to be able to connect MicroSD. Also, the price is high enough, because many competitors offer almost the same devices one and a half times cheaper.


№2 - Huawei E392

Price: 4500 rubles

Huawei E392 is, if you can express it, the flagship Huawei among modems, which provides the highest speed and supports 3G and LTE standards.

This model has excellent stability and high connection speed. Here, unlike the previous option, there is support for memory cards, which is quite convenient.

You can connect external antennas, which, by the way, are included with the modem. There is even a cap on the lace so that such a small device is difficult to lose. The versatility of E392 is not exactly occupied, because it is triggered absolutely with all SIM cards.

The problem of this model is quite strong heating when working, which does not give hopes on his longevity. It is also not the most compact device, because the dimensions are small here. If you connect to a computer, due to the modem case, the adjacent USB ports may be blocked.


Price: 7875 rubles

MIKROTIK SXT LTE KIT is the best 4G modem with an Ethernet interface 10/100 BASE-T and router functions.

This model is not just a modem, but rather a whole set for connecting the Internet. Its feature is the presence of an antennas with a high gain, which allow you to connect to the network even at a large distance from the tap of cellular operators.

That is, the device is capable of catching the signal even where the usual phone is not capable. In this case, the modem does not need a router, it calmly distributes Wi-Fi on its own, and at speeds up to 150 Mbps per second.

Included with it, an external power supply is supplied to connect to the power grid, that is, no permanent connection to the computer is required.

The minus of this modem is that it is too bulky, so it's not entirely suitable for quickly connecting to the Internet. It is rather a device for country houses, which is intended for connecting the Internet in a location remote from civilization.

Mikrotik SXT LTE Kit

This rating featured the best and current modem to connect to the fourth-generation networks, which can now be found on the market. The main difference between them all from most competitors is stability, although the connection speed is different.

IN modern world Internet users receive information, explore the space of the Internet, without thinking about what they can do it. Almost always users are confused by a router with what is a modem. Let's look at this article what it is.

The ancestor of the current data transfer device appeared in 1962.. His the creator is At and T. At that time, the speed of information exchange was only three hundred bits per second. Then in 1991, these data increased to fourteen kilobit per second.

What is a modem

Modem is a device for receipt and departure Information through the telephone system. Information flows come to it, where they turn into the desired signal, which passes through the telephone line. He enters the other end of the wire, where one more such device already demodulates signals, turning them into computer, and they enter the computer, and then displays on the screen User. The word itself happened from the reduction of two English: modulator and demodulator.

What do these devices need

Modems are used for connections With the Internet via the telephone line. This device is a kind of bridge between the Internet and home or office equipment. Modern models can be used as a router, sharing the Internet between multiple devices.

It is worth noting that it will not be able to fully replace the router, since there is no possibility to receive the Internet by RJ45 from the provider.

Types and types of modems

All such gadgets can conditionally divided By types and types. Consider them more specifically:

  • By type of connection Modems are made by wired and wireless. Wireless Well used by laptop owners. Since they are connected to a laptop via USB connector.

Wired Connect to a computer using a cable.

  • According to the principle of work We are divided into hardware and software. Hardware differ from the software that all the functions of the signal processing performs the device itself. Software And give all the work of the computer processor.
  • By type of compoundthe devices are divided into telephone, mobile, Dial Up. Analog modems or Dial Up work via telephone network. Their speed reaches only 56 kilobit per second. ADSL technology came to replace the analog gadgets and now it is used everywhere. The information transfer rate through ADSL reaches 100 MB \\ s. Mobile includes - brave-produced. They work according to EDGE, 3G, 4G protocols. Data transfer rate in 3G is equal to 3.5 MB \\ s. While the speed of 4 g is equal to 100 MB \\ s.
  • Broadband. it ADSL modems. To date, the most high-speed data transfer devices.

Popular manufacturers

Modems produces many firms. But the most popular of them are Cisco, Zixel, TP Link, ASUS. These models are famous for the fact that they are full. Can work like router.

Often they are equipped with DLNA, file and ftp server. In addition, there are an interface to support up to 4 computers. Support web interface.

What is a modem

Almost only external hardware components are ports of inputs and outputs. These include universal, signal and modem processors, constant storage device, RAM and device status indicators.

Those functions that the device can perform are determined mainly by the activities of the universal processor and the program that is in the ROM. If a update ROM Or reprogram it, you can achieve the improvement of the functions of a device.

The signal processor turns incoming and outgoing signals to the desired device that is connected with it. Bufferized in RAM Incoming and outgoing data, compression algorithms occur and other functions. Adapters allow you to exchange data from one side between the modem and the line of the Internet, and on the other hand, between the computer and the modem.

Principle of operation

This machine (regardless of that USB or stationary) turns normal signal in digital. This device has a built-in a modulator that converts these signals. The modulator turns signals from the computer before you start transmitting information to such signals that the Internet requires. Then the data is transported. And the device at the other end already demodulates these signals under the ones that are necessary for the PC with which it is connected.

So the information required by the user is supplied.

What is the difference between the router from the modem

Many people confuse a router with a modem. it not identical devices. Routers are characterized by the following functions:

  • The demodulator modulator converts a signal, the router divides it between network users.
  • The first works with one user, a router with several.
  • The router, unlike the signals converter, is a multifunctional device.
  • Routers are assigned its own IP address.

Although it is worth noting that for the most recent models such differences are not relevant. Almost all the functions of the router and the modem are now identical, except that the router cannot transmit data through the telephone line. In modern devices, this can be considered the main and only difference.

There are several ways to transfer data: ADSL, Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE and 4G. We will talk about every one of them today. Rather, we will talk about best modem that provide universal connections. And also tell you what is better to pay attention to cover all your needs.

What modem for the Internet is better to buy?

The question is extensive. And the answer to it is very blurred. Before you buy a modem, you must decide with your needs. For what you need, you need to work at the hospital computer, to provide Wi-Fi with a wide coating so that all your devices have access to the Internet. Or, you need a portable modem that can be used on travel. All these nuances we will discuss in our ranking.

1. The best modem for the Internet 2018 - 2017 in the ADSL modems category: TP-LINK TD-8816 - Price 1 100 rubles.

TP-LINK TD-8816, this is the best modem for the Internet, if you do not want to spend time on settings, and you do not need additional options. Provides connection to the network according to ADSL2 + standards. Suitable for both the private sector and commercial. By purchasing ADSL2 +, you can just connect the Internet cable to it, and the second cable to the stationary computer. You need only a few minutes to customize the work at home or in the office. Simply the modem does not happen. The only minus of the TP-LINK TD-8816 modem, the presence, the sole RJ45 port. What provides a connection, only one computer. This fact can be safely attributed to minus the model, but on the other hand, it prevents you from buying an additional adapter with the desired number of ports.

We advise you to buy TP-LINK TD-8816 modem when you want to provide stable Internet connection at home, or establish a simple network of three or four computers in the office. Simple setup and connection, intuitively understandable. If you do not mean anything on the Internet networks, it does not prevent you with a modem competently.


  • Affordable price;
  • There are built-in protection of equipment from lightning strikes.


  • Sensitive to voltage drops;
  • Only one RJ45 port.

2. The best modem for the Internet 2018 - 2017 in the ADSL modems category with Wi-Fi: Zyxel Keenetic. DSL - price of 3,800 rubles.

The above model modem is quite simple and suited to those who use the Internet for business purposes. The ZyXEL Keenetic DSL modem is directed to advanced users. It allows you to create standard Internet Connections using wires, but also configure Wi-Fi Networkto all your devices, laptop, mobile phone And so on, had access to the global network.

We can safely call the Zyxel Keenetic DSL best modem for the Internet, thanks to high-speed data transmission and attractive device design. Regardless of where you plan to put a modem, at home or in the office, its design will perfectly fit into the interior of any room, and will not cut the eye. Wi-Fi coverage is large, enough on three bedroom apartment, and on a small office. In the case there are enough ports for connecting cables, there are USB ports. By and large, the Zyxel Keenetic DSL modem is the perfect option for any user or organization.


  • Multiple connection options, understandable setting;
  • There are USB ports;
  • Built-in torrent client;
  • File FTP, DLNA server.


  • Maximum bandwidth 100 megabit.

3. The best modem for the Internet 2018 - 2017 in the ADSL modems category with Wi-Fi: ASUS DSL-AC52U - the price of 7,500 rubles.

In our ranking the best modem for the Internet, the ASUS DSL-AC52U model takes a special position. First, the high price is justified, ASUS DSL-AC52U offers the best combination of price and quality. Secondly, the capabilities of the modem are wide and called a multifunctional device. ASUS DSL-AC52U allows you to make ADSL connection secondary when a provider of wired Internet has a connection problem. Supports everything cellular connections And guarantees uninterrupted Internet access with automatic switching to different networks. The high price of the ASUS DSL-AC52U modem is also due to the fact that it provides the same speed of Internet connections.

Best modem data transfer rate ceiling for the Internet ASUS DSL-AC52U, 733 megabytes, it is at least 7 times higher than that of standard models. We think that one of this information is enough for you to understand that the price of the ASUS DSL-AC52U modem is not so high for all its capabilities. If you want to cover the Internet big a private house Or a spacious office, then ASUS DSL-AC52U is exactly what you need.


  • Multifunctionality;
  • High data transfer rate;
  • Big coating in a wireless network;
  • Stable joint operation;
  • Beautiful body design.


  • High price.

4. The best modem for the Internet 2018 - 2017 in the 3G and LTE USB modems category: Huawei E3372H - the price of 3,200 rubles.

Want to always have access to the Internet, especially on traveling, then use modem Huawei. E3372H. You can say that this is for the device is, the Huawei E3372H modem, we never heard such a brand. The fact is that Russian operators MTS, Billine and MegaFon, sell Huawei E3372H under its own brand in Russia. It provides good Internet Connection in 3G and LTE networks. Great is suitable for both street and home use. For example, in the country where it is impossible to carry out a dedicated line.

Advanced users will like the best Huawei E3372H modem by the fact that it is easy to reconfigure and reflash. Remove the binding to a specific provider and use the way you want. Again, this applies to advanced users if you have never done similar things, it is better not to start, you can spoil the device. The device supports 3G and LTE network, you will always be accessing the Internet, wherever, not.


  • Verified and reliable device;
  • The ability to increase the signal due to the external antenna;
  • Supports all 3G and LTE network.


  • The case design overlaps neighboring ports.

5. The best modem for the Internet 2018 - 2017 in the category of USB modems 3G and LTE: ZTE MF823D - price of 2,900 rubles.

Another compact modem for connecting to the Internet on 3G and LTE networks. Compact sizes not exceeding the size of the standard flash card allow the user to constantly wear it with them. The ZTE MF823D modem model loses the previous Huawei model, only one point. It cannot be connected to an additional antenna and enhance the network signal. In another aspect, in compact sizes, ZTE MF823D looks greater. It does not overlap the neighboring ports, holds firmly in the nest and does not fly away.

There are no essential features in the modem to pay attention to. This is a simple, functional, mobile device for organizing an Internet connection on networks 3G and LTE.


  • Affordable price;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Quality connection.


  • There is no external antenna to enhance the signal.

Hard to imagine modern life Without the Internet, which can be obtained through a wired and wireless network. To pick up the best modem for yourself, it is worth considering some important aspects. First of all, you need to decide to buy an ADSL or 3G modem.

What adsl modem is better for the Internet for the computer?

There are several variants of these devices:

  1. For rooms that use multiple devices, the modem router is perfect, because you can create local network. Connection can be performed using a cord or use Wi-Fi.
  2. Speaking about what better online modemYou should say about the connection via USB. Such a device is only suitable for one computer or laptop. It is worth noting that there are often problems with the installation of drivers that need to be changed.
  3. Ethernet modems are very convenient to use, as well as easy to configure them. They are not connected with the phone. This option has high speed. A few users can be connected to this modem.

What 3G modem is better for the Internet?

A very popular device that allows access to the Internet anywhere. Such modems can boast a small size and ease of work. There are different options, so it is important to know which it is better to choose an Internet modem after 3G:

  1. The most convenient is the USB connection, suitable for both stationary, and laptops.
  2. To secure the modem from damage, give preference to rubberized modems.
  3. Pay attention not to the price, but on the most important parameters: the transfer rate, reception data, the presence of GPS and memory card.

View offers all operators to choose the most favorable option. It is recommended to navigate the map with the location of the coating zones.

The Internet in our life has become an integral component when working and conducting leisure. Often using a laptop, being out of office or outside the house, we need access to the Internet. A device that helps solve this problem is called - modem. Now there is a big variety of models of this device. Many people, purchasing a laptop computer immediately wondering: how to choose a good modem for a new laptop? To answer this question, it should be understood in the features of the structure and varieties of gadgets.

Select device type

In this section, we will talk about the methods of connecting a modem to a laptop, given its technical features. The most common are USB modems connected to a laptop using a USB connector. Such varieties are compact, practical, they have the ability to connect to various devices having a USB input. Among the outdated form factors are interface gadgets - PCMCIA and PCMCIA Express. Currently, in all laptops, this interface is already absent, therefore finding a device compatible with such a hardware stuffing is very difficult.

3G Wi-Fi Router

Another type of modem is 3G / Wi-Fi-routers. This type of gadget is convenient and practical to the fact that it can receive Internet on several devices that have a module - Wi-Fi. To work in the model inserts the SIM card. The device is powered directly from the connected device, or from the battery, depending on the species of the model. In the absence of the need for "distribution" of the Internet into several devices, you can do the usual 3G USB device.

Choosing a provider

The Russian market of providers is overcrowded by various proposals, and interesting conditions. The most popular are: Beeline, MTS and MegaFon. As already mentioned, the main feature of the successful use of a USB modem is the presence of network coverage. Large cities and megalopolises are provided with such a coating. In the suburbs, villages and towns, the Internet signal will be significantly lower. Consequently, being in a particular region you need to be prepared for the fact that the speed of the Internet will differ or will disappear. An important advice on the choice of a reliable device for a laptop is our recommendation - to consult the users who have time to evaluate the quality of communication and the speed of the Internet in the right region. Providers on their sites demonstrate the coverage of the network zone, but such information does not always be relevant. Therefore, you need to check this important item on your own example, to understand what gadget to choose. Forum on the manufacturer's website about a specific model, can give answers to all these questions.

Choosing a manufacturer

Another important advice on the choice of a reliable laptop modem is to be given preference to well-known manufacturers giving quality guarantee. The most popular devices manufacturers are ZTE and Huawei. Many providers sell gadgets with "sewn" in them with SIM cards. That is, buying a gadget in the mobile operator store, in the future you can use the services of only this operator. Consequently, not all models support the connection from all 3G-Internet providers present on the braid. The way out of such discomfort is possible by "flashing" modems, but it requires additional financial costs and time, and no one will give a guarantee about the quality of the work of such a "re-" modem. Universal modems are those who are capable of working with any provider. They are several times more expensive, but in return you get the opportunity to change the cards of providers without any problems.

3G standard

The choice of a good modem for a laptop is affected by its bandwidth. At the dawn of the appearance of 3G devices, their speed was relatively low - 3.6 Mbit / s, over time, providers increase all and increase throughputThereby purchasing more consumers. Currently, the 3G network, according to the stated technical characteristics, is from 15 to 30 Mbps. In practice, often the speed is somewhat lower, depending on your location, terrain, the range of acceptance antenna, etc., now all mobile operators and service providers - 3G-Internet offer Internet speed - 7.2 Mbps, which is A pretty good indicator, to work with small volume information. Innovation in the speed of the Internet has become a technology - 4G, which has specialized equipment that promotes the transfer of a large amount of information.

4G standard

A modem with a 4G-standard connection offers its consumer a speed of about 100 Mbps when moving (for example: in a moving train), and about 1 Gb / s - with its inpatient use. This type allows you to use fast and high-quality, as well as the best signal response, Internet. Standard - 4G today is basic technology mobile operators Most countries of the world. It is a convenient mobile way to access the Internet. Thus, inexpensive, but a good 4G modem - a device for quick data transfer of the 4th generation, has appearance The same as the 3G gadget, but at the same time it has a greater speed of the Internet.

Pros and cons of 4G devices:

  1. High data transfer rate
  2. Compactity
  3. Convenience connection
  4. 4G coating, is present only in big cities

Amplifier for modem

When you buy a modem for your laptop, the user can get into a situation where the Internet signal will be "to put it mildly". Consider how to solve this problem.

  • Buy a USB modem that has access to an external antenna. The choice of this type is small, but nevertheless you can find the desired gadget.
  • Buy an amplifier, which makes it possible to strengthen the receipt of an Internet signal. According to external features, such a device is similar to a plate with a USB extension. The cost of such an amplifier turns out to be the same as an ordinary USB modem.

The fiscal solution will be the purchase of a USB extension cord, and then you need to hang it on the window, waiting for a more strong signal. The listed major factors will directly affect the quality of communication, and therefore, the choice of a good gadget for a laptop.

Rating of modem for laptops 2018

We sorted out what modems and their manufacturers are. Well, if you doubt what company is better to buy a model, then read my rating of the best models.


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