My favorite profession is coach post. Who is a Coach? "Pitfalls", obvious cons

Big money is in big sports. This is understandable to anyone, even an unsportsmanlike person. This is probably why it seems to people that the golden rain is pouring not only on the stars of the NHL or Russian football, but also on those who are in the slightest degree involved in records and sports victories. There is some truth in this conviction - professionals who train champions, recover them from injuries or comment on their performances in front of a multi-million dollar TV audience, are in demand and, moreover, make good money.

1. Sports coach

This direction of training is intended for people with a large supply of vitality and energy, as well as with good physical fitness. A sports coach directs the training of teams or individual athletes. A huge responsibility rests on his shoulders: based on the physical abilities, psychology of a particular person, he needs to choose an individual plan of training and physical activity that will lead the athlete to the status of a champion. The duties of the trainer also include the development of tactics, a selection of the most effective work methods and exercises. In individual sports, the coach is not only a sports director, but also a close person to whom you can turn for help and advice. In team sports, this is a person who maintains a team spirit, an excellent strategist and psychologist. There is a separate conversation about the earnings of these specialists: an athletics coach at a children's sports school will receive about 10 thousand rubles a month, and the salaries of the coaches of leading football clubs are not even spoken out loud.


In Voronezh, there is a specialized university that trains personnel in the sports professional field - the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture (VGIFK). As a rule, entrance examinations for future coaches are biology, physical education and Russian, as well as an exam in the chosen specialization (for example, rhythmic gymnastics, football or skiing). And, finally, the most important thing: for admission to specialized universities, an applicant is required to have a sports category: for example, the Russian State University of Physical Culture (RGUFK) considers candidates not lower than the first category, and the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAFK) - not lower than the second. And even in spite of the high requirements, the competition in the leading sports universities is large - from 2 to 9 people per seat. The most popular specialty is a football coach.

What you need to know and be able to

Coaching is not easy, it requires organizational talent, confidence in their actions and leadership qualities.


Senior students undergo practical training in sports institutions - most often they are children's and youth sports schools, secondary schools or sports clubs. Beginners are willingly accepted here, but only a small circle of applicants - the pay is so low that most graduates do not work in their specialty. The place of work also directly depends on the qualifications of the athlete - those who have achieved great success in sports train children's and youth teams and thus begin to build a career. Today, graduates of coaching faculties can work as instructors in fitness, yoga, martial arts. The salary in private sports centers averages 20 thousand rubles, but again it fluctuates depending on the candidate's experience and often on the status of a fitness club.

2. Sports psychologist

Sports psychologists in our country are very rare. “The duties of a sports psychologist may include psychodiagnostics, monitoring the psycho-emotional state of athletes, developing individual psychological training programs, counseling, conducting psychological trainings and much more, for example, predicting sports results based on an analysis of the retrospective of individual records,” says Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Tiunova.


The direction of training "Psychology" exists only in one university in the capital - the Russian State University of Physical Culture. But you can graduate from the faculty of psychology of any university in the Chernozem region and in the future successfully specialize in the direction of sports psychology.

What you need to know and be able to

It is necessary to be a specialist in the field of practical psychology and understand the basics of physical education and sports, have leadership qualities, and be able to analyze a lot of diverse information.


There are practically no sports psychologists in the national teams of our country, let alone the sports school and other sports institutions. But their time has come! Athletes, coaches and heads of sports federations understand this. A sports psychologist can work not only with athletes, but also with the coaching staff, parents of young athletes and will always be useful to those people who set themselves highly significant personal or social tasks.

3. Sports journalist

Sports journalists can work in magazines, newspapers, broadcast programs and reports on radio and TV, as well as work as sports commentators and press specialists. Someone chooses a job in the state, and receives a fixed monthly salary, while others are freelancers and write for several publications at once. In this case, payment depends solely on the quality and quantity of the work performed.


Faculties of journalism exist in many universities of the Chernozem region, for example, VSU, BelSU, etc. At the faculty of journalism, within the framework of the professional retraining program, there are nine-month courses in the specialty "sports journalist", the cost is about 80 thousand rubles. The Department of Philology and Sports Journalism operates at the Russian State University of Physical Culture.

What you need to know and be able to

A sports journalist is required to have absolute knowledge of the sport with which he works. Correspondent of the Internet magazine Maria Ivanova says: “A person who wants to work in this area of ​​journalism needs to know the specifics of sports, terminology, and history. If you go to work, then you need to have connections in this area and regularly replenish your phone book. You must have your own independent opinion, and it must be interesting to people. Well, of course, you need to be obsessed with your profession - without this nothing will work. "


As a rule, training at the Faculty of Journalism implies regular practice: without a certain number of publications, it is impossible to get a diploma. Therefore, most of the students by the fifth year already have work experience. Graduates of the leading universities of the Central Black Earth Region are willingly hired both for student practice and for work in large publications and on TV channels. Starting salaries for those who graduated from such universities, as a rule, amount to 10-12 thousand rubles a month or more. In general, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism has many options for work - from the press service of a football club to an NTV + correspondent: everything depends only on the person and his professional acumen.

4. Sports doctor

As such, there are no sports doctors - this means a whole group of medical specialties related to sports. This group includes manual therapy, traumatology, physiotherapy exercises, sports pharmacology and much more. The work of a doctor in this area is well paid, but the salary directly depends on the place, work experience, and also an academic degree. It is worth noting that graduates of specialized medical universities, such as the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N.Burdenko (VGMA) and (KSMU).


To work as a doctor in the field of sports, you need to get education in the specialties of "Physical therapy and sports medicine", "Rehabilitation medicine" or, for example, "Manual therapy". But for this you need a higher education in the specialty "General Medicine" or "Pediatrics", as well as have several years of postgraduate education behind your back: internship and residency. Specialists in the last two named specialties are trained by VGMA and KSMU. Internship and residency training is carried out at the Medical Faculty of RUDN University. But not only medical universities are engaged in the training of sports doctors, the RSUPC also has the departments of Physical Therapy, Massage and Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Theory and Methods of Adaptive Physical Culture.

What you need to know and be able to

As a rule, physicians working in the sports field deal mainly with trauma and rehabilitation medicine. A doctor may specialize in first aid during a competition or long-term recovery work with injured athletes. The circle of knowledge required for this specialty is very extensive and requires many years of theory and practice.


Traumatologists, chiropractors, post-traumatic rehabilitation specialists can work, for example, in scientific and practical centers for sports medicine. A university graduate can get a job in a sports school, in the staff of support staff for sports teams, in a rehabilitation center, a city hospital, and even in a private fitness club. The salary gap is quite wide: for example, a chiropractor can earn up to 40-50 thousand a month, depending on work experience and academic degree, and the income of a traumatologist starts at 15 thousand rubles.

5. Sports manager

Today this specialty is a piece goods for our country. The tasks of a sports manager include solving a variety of problems: organizing the activities of sports clubs and athletes, working with journalists, solving issues of buying and selling players, and much more. Education in the specialty "Sports Management" can be obtained, for example, at VGIFK.

6. Greenkeeper

This is a rare, valuable and highly paid specialty taught in special courses. The greenkeeper is the person responsible for the quality of the sports turf. In golf, this is the highest category of agronomists who must have a whole body of knowledge to create playing fields, whose standards are very high. You can graduate from courses in this specialty at the training center "School of Greenkeepers" (Moscow). Higher education in the related field of "Agronomy" can be obtained at the Voronezh State Agrarian University.

7. Director of theatrical performances and holidays

The only institute that trains specialists in this area is the Russian State University of Physical Culture. Perhaps that is why there are very few such specialists. A person who graduated from the institute in the direction of training "Directing theatrical performances and holidays" can organize both children's sports events and Olympiads - it all depends on his work experience and, of course, professional level.

Despite the fact that very often coaches remain in the shadow of their star students, it is to them that athletes owe their achievements. This difficult and responsible work has many features and nuances, which we will talk about today.

In modern society, it is actively popularized healthy lifestyle, of which sports are an integral part. At the same time, regardless of whether you are involved in sports professionally or to maintain health, training is a certain set of exercises aimed at achieving the set goal. And only a coach can choose the most optimal and effective exercises that meet both your requirements and physical capabilities.

In other words, despite the fact that very often coaches remain in the shadow of their star students, it is to them that athletes owe their achievements. This difficult and responsible job has many features and nuances, and mastering it requires a lot of effort and knowledge from candidates not only in the field of sports, but also in pedagogy. Today we will talk about what a coach should know and be able to do, as well as about the varieties of this profession.

What is a coach?

(from English to train - to prepare, train) - a specialist professionally engaged in the education and training of athletes. As a rule, he is an expert in a particular sport, and his duties include identifying, developing and improving the abilities of the wards.

The history of the emergence of the profession goes back to the distant past. Even in ancient times, people organized various sports competitions, and their participants were trained according to special methods that allow them to train strength and endurance. Let us recall the famous gladiator fights in the Colosseum, for the preparation of which experienced military instructors were invited, or the tradition of holding the Olympics in Ancient Greece, which resumed in the 20th century and is still maintained. Every victory or achievement has always been largely the credit of the coach.

Today, there are two main types of this profession: a sports coach and fitness trainer.

A fitness trainer is an expert in healthy living who helps his client achieve the desired results, such as gaining muscle mass, losing weight, or becoming more enduring. They usually work in sports facilities and conduct either individual or group lessons. Today, trainers in fitness, pilates, aerobics, yoga, sports dance, etc. are very popular. The main responsibilities of a fitness trainer include:

  • identifying the needs of the client;
  • drawing up a training program (individual selection of the necessary exercises and the volume of loads);
  • demonstration of the correct implementation of a set of exercises;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the client's training;
  • selection of an appropriate diet.

Coach- a person who works with beginners and professional athletes, on whose efforts their sporting achievements and future career depend. His responsibilities vary depending on the sport in which he specializes, but most often the work is multifaceted and requires a wide range of knowledge and skills from the professional. The main responsibilities of a sports coach include:

  • competent selection of a training regime, load distribution, determination of an effective set of exercises;
  • drawing up a nutrition plan, diet;
    theoretical and psychological preparation of athletes, motivation;
  • control of the correctness and regularity of exercises;
  • preparation for competitions and participation in them;
  • primary medical care in case of injury, monitoring the health status of the ward.

What personal qualities should a coach have?

A coach is, first of all, a standard and an example to follow. That's why mentor he himself must be a professional in his field. Physical and mental health is very important in the profession. The coach should always:

  • be in good shape
  • watch yourself,
  • improve regularly,
  • demonstrate willpower, physical strength and endurance.

A professional trainer has a high reaction rate, good coordination and motor memory.

Since not every competition ends with success for an athlete, among the key qualities of a coach are the ability to overcome failures, be restrained and support the athlete, motivating him for more intensive training.

You can only contribute to the achievement of sports results by being a purposeful person. Need to love sport, but at the same time not be a fanatic, rationally assessing the situation, the abilities of your ward and your own work. The coach must be able to influence the athlete, as well as know when to stop in time to avoid negative consequences.

Other important qualities of a coach include communication skills, education and good manners. In the work of a sports coach, it is very often necessary to interact not only with the athletes whom he trains, but also with representatives of the media, various organizations and institutions, and communication skills in this case play an important role.

Often, the traveling nature of work and a busy training schedule lead to a large psycho-emotional load, which requires a high level of stress resistance from the coach, the ability to concentrate and continue to work in extreme situations.

Benefits of being a coach

Most coaches consider the high results of their students to be the best reward for their work. During any competition they worry about their team or a particular athlete and sometimes rejoice at the victory even more than the participants themselves. They love sports and get a lot of moral satisfaction from the opportunity to be a part of it.

For sports coaches, public recognition and an increase in reputation in the sports field are a great advantage. They are interviewed, take into account the opinion on a particular sporting event, listen to advice and recommendations.

Note that with each victory of an athlete, the demand for the services of his mentor increases significantly, therefore, the cost of the work of a particular coach also rises. A world-class professional can count on a multi-million dollar contract and work in the most famous sports clubs.

Being a fitness trainer can also be classified as a lucrative activity. And although his income is directly influenced not so much by the sporting achievements of clients as by the number of classes, a real professional can easily make money on a sandwich with black caviar. A good coach has classes scheduled many weeks in advance, and with many clients he conducts individual classes that are much more expensive than group ones. On average, the salary of a fitness trainer ranges from 300-700 rubles per hour, but it all depends on his experience and qualifications. There is also an opportunity to get a job as a personal instructor of public people, and thus significantly increase your income.

Having a lot of experience coaching, own awards and achievements, you can think about starting your own business. Today, sports clubs or clubs are in great demand among the population, so a properly built position will bring good profits.

Disadvantages of the profession of a trainer

The disadvantages of the profession include great physical and emotional stress. Usually the coach has a very busy training schedule, and in the periods of preparation for the competition he lacks such concepts as a day off or a holiday.

Participation in regional / regional competitions, national or world championships involves business trips and requires a lot of time spent on the road. Therefore, the coach cannot plan personal leisure time and is often away from the family.

Since there are not only victories in sports, but also defeats, the coach sometimes has to go through difficult periods filled with critical comments from fans directed at him and disappointment of athletes. In some cases, the wards are seriously injured or leave the sport of their own free will, and then the coach has to look for a new "sports star".

It is difficult to become a good coach if you don't have the necessary experience. Education alone is not enough here; you also need to have your own achievements in sports. Success in this field of activity comes already in adulthood.

Where can you get the profession of a trainer?

Coaching staff consists mainly of former athletes who do not want to give up what they love. However, not every athlete can retrain as a coach.

A coach is, first of all, a teacher. This means that he must have special pedagogical skills that allow him to train athletes. In addition, he must possess knowledge of medicine, psychology and basic physiology.

To become a professional trainer, you need to get a higher education either at a specialized university or at one of the universities where there is Faculty of Physical Education... The most popular specialized educational institutions in Russia are:

  • National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after PF Lesgaft (St. Petersburg);
  • Kuban State University of Physical Education;
  • Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports (Omsk).

Sources of images:,,,


Achieving your goals in life is much easier if you take an example from any person, because at the same time it is better to see where you need to go and what to strive for, what the results can be. Best of all, if such a person becomes a teacher or coach. A coach is a specialist in some kind of business or sport with experience, certificates, awards or titles, transferring his knowledge and skills to his students.

The history of the emergence of the profession Trainer How did the profession come about? How did the profession develop?

The history of this profession begins in ancient times, when people first appeared. Some of them were more experienced in hunting, others in collecting herbs and roots. They passed on their knowledge to other people, spread it, developed and improved it. After all, students often surpass their teachers and coaches if the latter are really good at teaching. In the modern world, many people are interested in playing sports, building a business. Therefore, the professions of not only sports, but also a business coach have gained wide popularity.

Significance to society Importance, significance and social status of the profession

The profession of a coach is very important for the development of society. This person teaches others by example how to reach the heights of success. Today the director is successfully managing his company, because yesterday the business coach gave him valuable advice, helped him to look at his business with a different perspective. The goal of a sports coach is to introduce young people to sports, a healthy life, without smoking and alcohol, by their own example.

Features of the profession Trainer The uniqueness and perspective of the profession

: The main thing for a coach is to be a professional in his field. If he is an athlete, then he should have sporting victories, achievements, perhaps even medals and titles. A business coach needs experience in one of the management positions in their field. Mandatory for a trainer is not only practical, but also theoretical training, knowledge of psychology, the ability to lead a team, pedagogical abilities.

"Pitfalls" of the profession Trainer All pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

The main risk of the profession is when a coach overestimates his strength. Not every professional is given the ability to teach other people. If people who come to training or training see the coach's uncertainty, his gaps in knowledge, this can result in the loss of clients and a damaged reputation.

Where and how to get the profession Trainer Where are the professions taught?

You can become a coach not as a result of a diploma received, but on the basis of experience and knowledge. In his work, a teacher or psychological education may be useful to a trainer, which will help the learning process.

Sports coach is one of the most respected professions in the world. It can be quite difficult to get into it, but in the case of great success in this field, the material reward will fully correspond to the effort expended. It is worth remembering the fees of famous coaches of football teams and boxers in order to understand how high a coach can "fly". Although, in any case, not higher than those whom he trains. But here, too, everything is relative.

Any coach is, first of all, a teacher

The profession of a coach is complex in the full sense of the word. Often you have to work hard not only to improve the physiological indicators of an athlete, but also to form a personality, concepts of responsibility, team spirit, sports ethics, and so on. This is especially true for coaches of children's and youth teams and national teams, where an educational and pedagogical component is added to the coach's usual activities.

However, any coach is, first of all, a teacher, no matter how old his wards are - 40 or 14. And it is always necessary to prepare for the corresponding difficulties in advance. If teaching and improving someone is your vocation, then you can safely strive for coaching.

The profession of a trainer is also good because you can immediately see the results of your work. It is high motivation that is more important for many coaches than high salary. It is good that in the modern world you can combine both. It is also important to be a strong personality, able to "attract" people to yourself, to inspire respect.

The coach is the "benchmark" that every athlete strives to surpass. And it is the coaches who prove that nothing is impossible in the sports world, because the main thing is work and willpower, to improve which they work every day.

Pros and cons of being a coach

To paraphrase a well-known statement, sport requires sacrifice. When choosing the career of a coach, be prepared for irregular working days, a very busy schedule (especially during the period of competitions or preparation for them), and work even on weekends (not always). This is a known flaw in the profession. But on the other hand, flexibility leaves room for "maneuvers".

Coaching athletes is an interesting and in many ways even creative work. And it may well become a favorite thing in your life.

Also, this article will help you prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession.

Your profession is a coach

The modern system of sports training is a multifactorial system, which corresponds to the interrelated and interdependent parts and sections of the book. But before talking about the structure of sports training, about its parts and sections, I consider it necessary to speak especially about the role of a professional coach.
You are a coach. Sports teacher. Educator. Sports youth teacher. You give her not only the joy of the achievements in sports, but also great, incomparable satisfaction from the feeling of strength, endurance, dexterity, from the acquired excellent health and high working capacity, from the consciousness of developed will. Dear trainer! What called you to this difficult but noble work of educating young people? I have talked about this with many coaches, beginners and established. For the most part, the answer was “by the calling of the heart”. This is very correct. After all, the profession of a coach is, first of all, a vocation determined by a kind attitude and love for students, a desire to train and educate them in the spirit of moral purity, spiritual wealth, physical and sports perfection. The lack of this kind of focus in the work of a person who wants to become a coach should be an insurmountable obstacle to choosing this profession. The biggest misconception is to see in the trainer only a narrow specialist who prepares his pets for sports records. Unfortunately, this not only erroneous, but also harmful approach to the work of a coach still occurs. Evaluating the activities of a sports mentor, one must understand that not all of his students become great athletes. But everyone, without exception, must become comprehensively developed, strong and courageous people. A highly qualified coach can be a person who has dedicated his life to this profession. It is not necessary that he has had success in sports before. But it is always important for a future coach to go through the path of mastering the chosen sport in order to have sufficiently specific ideas about it. Of course, there are cases when a person who does not have physical education and has not been involved in sports becomes a public trainer. I know those who work with passion and success. But for this they had to work hard, mastering the required knowledge and skills in the course of self-education. By the way, social coaches have a great opportunity to study in absentia at the Institute of Physical Education and, upon graduation, to receive a diploma of higher education and the profession of a coach. Your path to professional excellence may take more than one year. But as long as you have the strength and the desire to educate young people does not run out, you will constantly improve your knowledge, gain more and more experience, your plans will be more promising, the success of your students will be more significant. And the more interesting and exciting your work will be. You can say - I have a desire, I am not afraid of work, and I love the guys, but there is no stadium, no swimming pool, no arena. .. and in general, there is nothing for classes! But many coaches started from scratch. The most important thing to start with is the desire to study - yours and your students. As I write these lines, I see the image of Viktor Ilyich Alekseev, a great coach, a great worker, who has gone from a beginner in work with athletes to an internationally recognized sports teacher (for the first number he was issued a certificate of an honored trainer of the USSR). I think it will be interesting and instructive for you to hear about the beginning of his path. It was in the summer in Leningrad. As a participant in the match between the teams of athletes from Leningrad and Moscow, I left the stadium named after V.I. IN AND. Lenin. In a vacant lot, not far from the stands, I suddenly saw a motley group of teenagers, listening attentively to the strongest spear thrower at that time, Viktor Alekseev. He taught them athletics - to run, jump, throw, using the most primitive conditions and homemade shells. When I asked about this group, Viktor Ilyich said: “More than once I watched the guys chase a rag ball and a tin can, enthusiastically throwing a stick, who next, and how ineptly they did it. I felt sorry for the guys, - continued Viktor Ilyich, - that they spend their time so disorganized. And if their energy is directed into the mainstream of training in athletics and education by work, and by the team. Probably, it can be very useful for them, for growth, physical development and in general for the formation of real people. " Now I am writing from memory, conveying the words of Viktor Ilyich, but I remember well the enthusiasm with which he spoke about the prospects of his work. No, he didn’t think about training record holders then. This came later, of course, when the experience and knowledge accumulated by Viktor Ilyich were fused with the labor and enthusiasm of his students.

At the first stage of his work, he formed a group, which soon became a friendly team, in which all students learned the technique of athletics. Everyone trained in the same vacant lot near the stadium, only occasionally, by hook or by crook, did they train in the sports arena. Viktor Ilyich loved to train on the ground, outside the city, in Kavgolovo. He began to take his pets there, doing this years later, when his group turned into a famous sports school, with assistant coaches - pupils of Viktor Ilyich. His famous student, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports Galina Zybina told me about the atmosphere of goodwill and enthusiasm that prevailed during these Sunday trips to Kavgolovo. Here training was combined with rest, lunch by the fire, learning songs, interesting conversations. There were usually two workouts a day. We returned home late in the evening joyful, with a feeling of pleasant fatigue. Organizational abilities of Viktor Ilyich, or rather his irrepressible desire, helped him to transfer his "amateur" group to the category of a sports school, to get places for classes and expand the composition of groups by inviting students from nearby schools. In our country, Viktor Ilyich Alekseev is remembered as a wonderful sports teacher who possessed great knowledge, experience and significant creative potential, who knew how to see a beautiful swan in the “ugly duckling” and skillfully applied modern methods according to the individual characteristics of students. Today the famous sports school in St. Petersburg is named after V.I. Alekseeva and continues to work in the traditions of her mentor, educating athletes with excellent results and high moral qualities. Of course, you will have to learn to read special literature, learn in practice the methods of teaching and training, delve into the individual characteristics of your wards, creatively apply the training system. Therefore, they say that a modern coach, even of the highest rank, is constantly learning and must have extensive knowledge. First of all, it is necessary to know the general provisions of the theory and methods of sports training, which will help to correctly build classes with students, successfully educate and lead them to high sports results. At present, it can be argued with good reason that a modern, scientifically grounded and practice-tested system of sports training (SSP) should be applied in any group of people involved. Such a system is needed by everyone - from beginners to highly qualified athletes. Another thing is that the flexibility of the system allows you to work in accordance with the individual characteristics of the trainees (gender, age, character, level of preparedness). The main thing that changes in the system is the load on the organism and the mental sphere of the student. Your role, the role of a coach, mentor of sports youth remains unchanged in the training system of any athletes. Therefore, in the first section of this chapter, I consider it necessary to talk about your role, about what you should be. For the rest of my life, I have remembered the arrival of two physical education instructors who graduated from the General Education courses to our school, where I studied in 1920. They taught us boys to do exercises on gymnastic apparatus, ski, run and jump. These young, slender people, so cleverly showing various exercises, seemed extraordinary to us. We looked at them with admiration and boundless trust, caught every word, we wanted to imitate them, to be like them, to be the same as them - dexterous, smart. Today, many years later, when I see one or another honored coach surrounded by young students and young people, I think less about the galaxy of athletes they have trained, and more about the good things that they have given them as educators. Of course, the coach must lead students to the heights of sportsmanship, physical development and health. But how important it is not to lose sight of our first task - the task of educating a person. There are very high demands on you, the future coach. You are a teacher who educates morality, a psychologist who forms her strong-willed qualities, a hygienist who determines the regime of athletes, a physiologist who understands the processes that occur under the influence of training loads. You must perfectly know the theory of your sport, technique and tactics, teaching methods, means and methods of training strength and endurance, speed and dexterity, courage and determination, planning, determining the magnitude of the load and much more. Special knowledge is needed to prepare an athlete or a team for the competition, so that on the right day and hour they can achieve the highest sports form. You should know that every coach, who is in love with his profession and is fully devoted to the noble cause of educating young people, can achieve the highest result - to prepare international-class masters, to replenish the national team of the country. This is confirmed by the expanding geography of the highest sportsmanship, the new names of famous coaches, the increasing representation of republics and cities in the Olympic teams. The athletic training system discussed in this book is not a recipe. Only a creative understanding of the theoretical provisions, in relation to the individual characteristics of an athlete, to age and sex, character, physical and technical readiness, gives its results. You simply have to constantly study your students, their behavior and functionality, get acquainted with the conditions of life, work and study, find the optimal balance of training work and rest. You must be aware of all the interests and aspirations of your pets. If we add to this that the system of sports training does not stand still, but is constantly being improved, that the flow of scientific and methodological literature is increasing, and the coach needs to constantly learn, then it becomes clear how complex and diverse the activities of a sports teacher are. You should be aware that the rapid rise in sportsmanship is due to many factors. Here and the development of mass, and the search for gifted youth, and the organization of special training of the strongest athletes and much more. But the main role in this is played by the sports training system. The more perfect it is, the more effective its application, the higher the achievements of athletes. This is why thousands of scientists, trainers, physicians, athletes and other professionals around the world are constantly working on the problems of the training system. The practical application of this system is the coach's business, your business. A doctor will assist you. The participation of scientists is also desirable. But you are the main, irreplaceable carrier of scientific and methodological knowledge, pedagogical teaching and practical experience. You equip students with technique and tactics, give them strength and endurance, enrich with knowledge and experience. You are the athlete's teacher, friend and advisor. And no matter what heights he reaches (on this path, the athlete will also acquire great knowledge and experience), you are a mentor for him, always a support, always more knowledgeable. I will not tire of repeating how important your knowledge of the theory and methodology of sports plays. They are the fundamental basis for a deeper understanding of the principles and provisions of the methodology, for its more effective implementation in practice. In this book, you will find a lot of what you need in your work. But this does not mean that you have to stop at this level. It is necessary to constantly improve the training of your athletes, bring them to new results, master new levels of loads, combine them with optimal recovery, improve technique and tactics, and much more. features of technique and tactics that are important for you, methods of developing qualities corresponding to the sport. And there is the magnitude of the loads, expressed in numbers, and specific planning times, and much more. It also deals with special training, the choice of means, methods and loads for it, examples of training the strongest athletes and teams are given. The area of ​​your knowledge also includes the possession of an arsenal of technical means used in modern sports. You must be proficient in the means of measuring the actions and movements of athletes. Undoubtedly, you will really need the ability to use various equipment for fixing the technique of movements, measuring speed, strength and endurance, obtaining kinematic and dynamic characteristics, to determine ergometric costs and other indicators. Coaches in modern sports are increasingly using electronic equipment that not only records and controls, but also accumulates data about athletes in a personal computer and predicts their potential. In the future, I will talk more than once about various devices and equipment used in the learning and training process. Here, I just drew your attention to the need to gradually acquire the appropriate equipment and learn to work with it. You should also know the design and capabilities of the equipment, equipment and simulators required in your sport. As you can see, in all matters of sports training, you cannot do without a scientific approach. You will become more and more convinced of how important it is to rely not only on the theory and methodology of sports training, but also on related sciences: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, psychology. And never miss the opportunity to read books on pedagogy. A broad scientific outlook will certainly contribute to the emergence of new thoughts and ideas aimed at improving the process of education and sports training of your students. This is your creativity and it must be developed in every possible way. Do not shy away from the new ways and means that you have developed, but always remain on the solid basis of scientifically and practically based provisions of the sports training system. Do not forget to create something new - you need to know well what was created earlier. As you can see, the requirements for a coach's knowledge are very high. But don't be upset. After all, even the greatest coaches started from scratch. There would be a desire and hard work, and success in educating your students will not keep you waiting! A few words about the coach's intuition. Having her is considered the privilege of talented coaches. It's not about talent. Intuition (from the Latin "gazing intently") - cognition without detailed reasoning. Proceeding from dialectical materialism, intuition is the result of previously acquired experience, skills, knowledge. The accumulated knowledge, experience and constant reflections on the main business of his life give the coach those insights that seem unexpected only at first glance. A coach is a sports teacher and mentor who has an influence on his students, often more significant than school and parents. However, in all cases, the coach must work with them in contact. But when thinking about influencing students, you should start with yourself. You are the indisputable authority for your students, and always be an example for them. You should always keep an eye on your appearance. Fitted, clean athletic form in class is a must for you as well. Students will not forgive you for appearing at least once in a messy state. Even outside of class. And, of course, you shouldn't smoke, drink alcohol. I want to give you some advice on your discipline, smartness, manners. Maintain the correct posture - a straight back, open shoulders, a slightly raised head. A perfect example is the artistic gymnastics coaches and the gymnasts themselves. Pay attention to your gait - it should be light and natural. Avoid sweeping gestures - let them be stingy, but expressive enough. Of course, when showing exercises, the range of motion is appropriate. When talking, do not exaggerate facial expressions, do not laugh too loudly. Do not be pretentious in manners, do not try to be like anyone. Each has its own characteristics, and you be yourself. Equally significant is your speech, its turns, intonation. Talk kindly to students as you would to your children, do not be verbose. Know how to listen, understand what was said and then answer. Haste is a poor helper in your communication with students. Be discreet. Never raise your voice, shout or scare. Do not use slang words and phrases. The excellent Russian language is also your strong pedagogical weapon. Do not punish the students with any abusive words or physically (this is already punishable for you). You may have to take action for misconduct or violation of discipline in the classroom, at home, at school. To do this, you have powerful tools: suspension from training, participation in a competition, travel with the team out of town. And the most important tool is group discussion. In his relationship with students, the coach should remember the famous dictum of Sophocles: "Do not always say what you think, but always think what you say." Learn to be strict when circumstances call for it. But your benevolence, attachment to the students requires from you in all cases to discuss violations, calmness and wise decisions that allow the guilty to correct. Be able not to notice a small violation of the accepted routine, do not make comments on trifles. Take into account the cheerfulness inherent in youth, playfulness, unintentional deviations from the rules. If you often make remarks and reprimands, you will lose a lot in your authority. Don't show your reaction to your team's loss or student's defeat in a competition. As much as you feel uncomfortable, be discreet both during and after the competition. Any defeat in sports requires careful analysis and conclusions to improve the fitness of athletes. Therefore, they say that "defeat is the path to victory." There is nothing worse than scolding and negative criticism of defeat. This is not pedagogical and interferes with the proper education of athletes. Always proceed from the fact that the athletes really wanted to win, to achieve success. There are always objective reasons for victory and failure, including a significant portion of your participation. Coaching flaws always affect the students. So be fair, kind and objective. Do not understand the troubles that have occurred at the competition site, in the locker room, on the bus, refrain from hasty assessments, comments and conclusions. Give yourself time to think and give the students time to discuss. Remember the words of popular wisdom: "A good word heals, and an evil one cripples." At one time I really liked the decision of the sports leadership of the GDR, when at the end of the Olympiad it arranged a reception for the losers and, having analyzed their preparedness and participation in competitions, wished them success in the future. In your work, you yourself should feel how the students inspired by you are leading the training with even more persistence. Do not miss the opportunity to praise the student if he deserves it. A kind word is one of the strongest means of education. Your student can hear gratitude in front of the formation, as well as the right to sew on the sleeve a ribbon - "merit" and the emblem of the club. These are great rewards. Give special honor to the student who is the winner of any competition. A praise in front of the formation, a message in a wall newspaper or a large circulation, a diploma, a modest souvenir (their honored coach of the USSR V.I.Alekseev acquired at his own expense) is a great moral incentive for your athletes. It's good when you have developed a rewarding ritual. But do not get carried away by praising only the strongest, the most successful. It is very important to support the laggards in time, giving them a feasible task and praising them for what they have done. Pay particular attention to the realization of the principles of consciousness and activity. I will talk about them later, but here I remind you of the essential importance of the independence of athletes, which you need to create and maintain. You should be concerned with the conscientiousness of your students, for there should not be any mechanical thoughtless execution of the training program by them. An athlete educates himself, develops, improves in all components of readiness. You instruct, explain, and help. The principle of conscience requires the athlete to know and understand everything that he does in connection with training and participating in competition. The words of the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov: "Every soldier must understand his maneuver." You should go to ensure that your newcomers from year to year become more knowledgeable, experienced, and this is the key to their sports growth. Of course, it's easy for me to give advice, having behind my back many years of work, first as a physical education instructor, then as a beginner's coach, and then as a mentor of the strongest in the national athletics team of the country. By the way, my fifteen-year public work as chairman of the State Coaching Council under the USSR State Sports Committee provided rich opportunities to get to know coaches and their work in different sports. Therefore, my advice and recommendations reflect not only my personal experience, but also the generalized experience of leading domestic trainers. Yes, the work of a coach is not easy. Until late in the evening, you will have to develop training plans, write control materials in a journal, look through the latest methodological literature, prepare for the next classes, try to find new ways to progress your students. And so, day after day, month after month. And almost seven days a week. After all, on Saturdays and Sundays, either competitions or control estimates are usually held. But, believe me, this is not a burden. On the contrary, if you work honestly, creatively, fruitfully, then all worries are immediately forgotten, it is only necessary for your students to achieve at least small successes, to rise one more step in their skill. Love for young people, the desire to help her become strong, skillful and enduring - this is what leads a coach to a feat of labor! And what could be more beautiful than seeing the tangible results of your labor, seeing how physically weak, angular boys and girls turn, like clay in the hands of a skilled sculptor, into beautifully built, strong and courageous young people! That is why the veteran trainers are so proud of their pupils, who during the Great Patriotic War showed not only excellent physical fitness, but also great moral strength, courage and heroism. That is why today's coaches are so proud of their students, who are achieving great success in production, science, and education. Enthusiasm, boundless love for your profession - that's what will make you a real teacher!

^ The structure of the sports training system

If we outline the SSP as a whole, then this is a long-term, year-round, specially organized and controlled process of upbringing, education and training according to the individual characteristics of an athlete and carried out with his vigorous activity under the conditions of pedagogical guidance and control, scientific biomedical and material-technical support, use means of recovery and effective organization. All these parts of the BSC are shown in Fig. 1. All parts of the MTP are inextricably linked and are implemented on the basis of the provisions, principles and rules set forth in the following. This system is used in all sports from beginner to the highest sportsmanship. In short, the system of sports training is regular training sessions and competitions, during which your students master technique and tactics, develop strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, educate moral and volitional qualities, gain experience and special knowledge. In a word, they increase their sports capabilities. And all this for a number of years. Add to this regular self-monitoring and medical examinations, as well as adherence to the correct routine and hygiene requirements. Finally, take into account the conditions of the class. Features of the structure of the SSP in connection with the sport are possible (for example, a combination in a single system of training a rider and a horse in equestrian sports, a special role of technology in shooting, auto moto and gliding, increased requirements for the education of strong-willed qualities and ensuring safety in hang gliding and parachuting, and etc.). On the BSC diagram, you can see that the path to the set goal (sports result, victory in the competition) lies through the solution of a number of tasks expressed in specific indicators.

goals that determine the desired model characteristics of an athlete through the formulation of specific tasks for all types of upcoming training, the choice of means, methods and values ​​of loads, their distribution by forms of classes and training days, through planning based on microcycles (MC), stages, periods and large cycles for over the years. The solution of problems occurs in the process of preparation, organically related to certain conditions and management. At the same time, the training process most often consists of the relationship and interaction of moral, psychological, technical-tactical, theoretical and integral, general and special physical training. The main of all types of training is exercise in the chosen kind of sport, synthesizing the results of the application of all other types of training. For example, in sports games, this is game preparation; in wrestling, boxing, fencing - fighting; in athletics - exercise in a chosen form, etc. I called this training integral. The implementation of all types of training is carried out through education, education and training. Let me briefly characterize these aspects of sports training. Education is the process of the influence of a teacher, team, public organizations, the media, many external conditions aimed at the consciousness and psyche of an athlete in order to form his personality and character, high ideological convictions and moral qualities, the ability to manifest courage and diligence, will and aspiration to victory. Education is always associated with the comprehension of pedagogical influences, introspection, conclusions and decision-making. Therefore, self-education plays such an important role. Learning is a teacher-guided process of students acquiring technical and tactical skills and abilities, developing physical qualities and mastering competitive abilities, theoretical knowledge, etc. Learning based on the conscious perception of pedagogical influences and an active attitude to this process is always associated with self-learning. Training is a process of systematic fulfillment of exercises in order to increase their effectiveness and increase the performance of the corresponding organs and systems of the athlete. You are in charge of the training, but it can be successfully carried out by an athlete with special knowledge and experience. This side of self-training must be constantly paid attention to. Here I will emphasize the interaction of the parts: while teaching, you educate to a certain extent, while training, you teach and educate. Therefore, the division into education, upbringing and training is carried out on the basis of a predominant impact, a predominant orientation. As you know, exercise * is the main preparation. In the diagram, they are divided into groups and performed using specific methods and load values. Recovering agents are also indicated. The following are the main forms of educational and training sessions and the microcycles made up of them. In turn, stages are composed of microcycles, and of them are periods combined within a year into one or more large cycles. The scheme is completed by many years of preparation. The presented diagram gives only a general idea of ​​the structure of training. In the future, this will be described in detail in a manner convenient for assimilation and implementation. All parts and links of the SSP interact with each other through mental and physiological manifestations, through movement

sportsman's activity, through the whole mode of his life. Consequently, only the athlete himself, learning, exercising, participating in competitions, etc., practically implements the SSP (Fig. 2). Before moving on to the content of sports training, I considered it necessary to dwell on some of the reasons for the process of acquiring an athlete's fitness. This will help your students understand the reasons and mechanisms for positive changes in them, and will also help you train athletes at a higher level. Possibilities of your students in loads and laws of adaptation I have always told my students that "if they want, they will certainly achieve high sportsmanship and excellent physical development." This statement is based not only on the indisputable fact that almost everyone has a natural inclination to any kind of sport. Talent is great, but I'll talk about it later. Sports experience shows that work is most important. Our body, especially a growing one, has a remarkable ability to change, develop and improve under the influence of sports training. The basis of sports training, as you know, is the repeated performance of exercises, the transfer of various kinds of loads, the repeated manifestation of the increased functions of the organs and systems of the athlete's body, including his consciousness and psyche, to various outwardly unusual and unfamiliar influences. All this is a functional load for the athlete, in response to which the athlete's body adapts to new requirements, improving and strengthening the performance of the organs and systems involved, that is, the body adapts (adapts) to the increased requirements imposed on it.


Scientists once made such an experiment. The tip of the "bashful mimosa" leaf was connected with a silk thread with a microdynamometer. You know that if you touch a mimosa leaf, it folds. So scientists have measured the strength of the leaf in this movement. Then they threw the thread over a small block and attached a weight to its end. During the day, the experimenter touched the mimosa leaf several hundred times. The leaf first raised the load, then lowered it, and thus trained. And the load was increasing every day. And now, after a month of daily training, the strength of the sheet was again measured with a microdynamometer. You know, how many times it increased - "400! For what I remembered this. So that you tell your students about this wonderful ability of all living things to change, improve under the influence of external The scientists called this ability adaptation, that is, the adaptation of the organism to the conditions of the environment in which it is located, to the requirements that are imposed on it. the process of any adaptation of the body, including in sports.It seems that nothing remains in the body that would not change in one way or another, in relation to new requirements under the influence of new loads. students, as a result of physical exercises, the volume of muscles increases, their strength increases, the heart is strengthened and Its frequency of contractions increases, lung capacity increases, and blood pressure decreases. Other changes for the better are also taking place. It is well known that a person can get used to significant physical activity: high altitude conditions, tropical heat and cold of the Arctic. At the heart of this is adaptation. An increase in the functional capabilities of your athletes, the development of motor qualities, the upbringing of will and character, the development of sports technique and tactics - everything that will make up their sports readiness in a complex - is also the result of adaptation under the influence of repeated and increasing demands and effects of sports training. And here's what's important. The features of this adaptation exactly correspond to the type and nature of the work. For example, multiple repetition of jumping exercises to the greatest extent increases the explosive strength of muscles, their elasticity, and develops the ability to concentrate efforts when pushing off. Long-term work mainly strengthens and increases the capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, fosters endurance and will. But exercises with a barbell significantly increase muscle volume and strength. Such adequacy (strict correspondence) is considered the most important pattern of adaptation. This is what allows you to accurately and directionally guide the training process. Two points follow from this pattern. First, the choice of tools, methods and loads must strictly correspond to the tasks set. Therefore, each exercise, each training work, each step in the preparation of your student should give only what he needs in connection with the improvement in the chosen sport, which contributes to the improvement of sports skills. Work that does not correspond to the tasks of training is not just superfluous, it is a waste of energy and neuropsychic forces, which must be so carefully spent in training a modern athlete. Therefore, you must be fully aware of the tasks set, of what you want to achieve. The second is the growth of special training loads and influences, including. exceeding the competitive ones, should be carried out in compliance with the adequacy of the chosen kind of sport, with an understanding of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics * of training exercises, adequate to the competitive ones. They are quite mobile and retain their essential features only in a certain range. The size of the range differs from sport to sport. For example, the range is very large in running, where the basic essence of the action does not change at low and at maximum speeds. But in performing somersaults, the range is very small, it is only necessary to weaken the efforts when pushing off, and the exercise will not be done completely, i.e. the essence of the action will change. It follows from the above that the exercises aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the athlete and the associated technical skill and mental qualities should be performed in the range of adequacy.

* With regard to sports, kinematics is a section of biomechanics, in which the movement of the body and its parts is studied from the geometric side, distracting from the causes that cause it. Based on the kinematic data, positions, amplitudes and trajectories of movement of individual points of the athlete's body, angular and linear velocities and accelerations are determined. The external picture of sports technique, which expresses the entire kinematics of the athlete's movements, is often called the form of movements. With regard to the movements of an athlete, dynamics is a section of biomechanics in which these movements are studied taking into account the internal and external forces acting in them. The dynamic characteristic includes: muscle strength manifested in different modes, resistance of antagonistic muscles, elasticity and elasticity of muscle tissues, gravity and inertia, interaction of body weight, reaction forces, dynamic
Features of the dynamics of adaptation The dynamics of adaptation is shown in the figures only conditionally. In fact, the development of these processes is much more complicated. But from the point of view of sports practice, it is especially important to accurately determine the phase of hypercompensation, in which it is possible to set a similar or greater load


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