Excavations are done by science. Who is the archaeologist? requirements for specialists. Where to study archaeology

Archeology still has an aura of romance and awe-inspiring discoveries, which perhaps explains why you chose this course, which is what this book is for in the first place. Pretty soon you will learn that archeology, while often fascinating and sometimes practiced in distant places, is a highly technical science in which spectacular discoveries are very rare and few in number. Indeed, sometimes reports of discoveries such as the burial of the Moche rulers at Sipan or the Uluburun shipwreck appear on the front pages of newspapers, but the fact remains that most archaeologists work away from the public eye, often on unattractive and monotonous monuments and on vague problems. Of course, a character like Indiana Jones is not suitable for archaeology. And never came up. Indiana Jones is a complete fiction, a character based on the stories of the well-known early archaeologists of the early twentieth century, whose discoveries and adventures were truly larger than life. Today's archaeologist is very far from Professor Jones and works far from academic halls. So what are the qualities that make a good archaeologist in these days of highly specialized research and wide choice professions for a career? Character traits are just as important as academic background, otherwise you won't succeed as an archaeologist. This profession has its own unique virtues. Money is not one of them (see box “The Practice of Archeology”).

If you decide to become an archaeologist

Many become archaeologists almost by accident. A little bit of field work experience during their studies could be interesting and they wanted something more. Archaeologists are not made like priests, nurses or soldiers - in these cases, you need a lot of initial interest. You can ease your way into a specialty while having fun.

Almost everyone working in archeology today either encountered it in school or became interested in it by choosing an introductory archeology course as a college or university subject. Many were lucky - they got a good teacher - one of those that sparks interest in a specialty about which they knew nothing before. So what do you do when you become interested in the past?


Any person who wishes to become an archaeologist needs much more than a university degree. Here are some of the necessary qualities.

Enthusiasm, even a passion for archeology and the past is the main thing for anyone who goes into the field. Archeology is based on enthusiasm, the best archaeologists are those who have a kind of "heat in the chest" that gives them the strength to overcome practical obstacles and routine, get money and do their job. Personal charisma breeds good archaeologist leaders, provided they have the patience to deal with small things.

Endless Patience in the field and other work that requires slow, methodical, often repetitive actions. Sometimes you have to deal with difficult people.

Attention to detail. There are a lot of little things and details in archeology - you need not to miss the tiny features of a stone tool or a clay shard, you need to study tiny fragments of the past for weeks, analyze computer data. Both excavation and other research, not to mention laboratory work, require the greatest patience and desire to scrupulously delve into the details.

Adaptability, the ability to adapt to long journeys, to adapt to uncomfortable working conditions in the field and to primitive living conditions. You need to be ready to travel long distances and be able to be smart in difficult and sometimes extreme conditions. Imagine, for example, that your Land Rover breaks down a few hundred miles from the nearest service station.

Developed organizational skills, because in archeology, the logistics and organization of field teams, the maintenance of archives, even kitchens in the camp, play a big role. Organizational ability is a great asset.

Susceptibility to other cultures and forms of existence, as well as the ability to communicate are simply necessary. Many successful practicing archaeologists spend a lot of time working and interacting with Native Americans and other peoples. This requires patience and receptivity, which in the long run will be of undoubted benefit, and not only in professionally. This is one of the reasons why knowledge of the basics of anthropology is so important for an archaeologist.

It also requires commitment ethical standards archeology. Don't aspire to be a professional unless you're prepared to follow the rules, some of which are outlined in Chapter 2.

Sense of humor really very important. Because many archaeologists take themselves too seriously. You haven't had to work for a whole week on an article and suddenly your computer crashes. And you didn't save the text. Similar cases occur with enviable constancy during field research. That is why a sense of humor is required, because in professional activity Rarely does everything go as planned.

The most important traits are enthusiasm and dedication. They will help you get through almost anything.

First, choose as many archeology courses as possible from different instructors. Start with the fundamental course, which most fully discloses and systematizes the applied methods and theories. (If it doesn't discourage you from continuing, then you're on the right track, as these courses aren't very exciting.) areas. Do not forget that if you are aiming for graduate school, then you need to understand which area the topic of your future dissertation will be devoted to.

Secondly, try to gain as much knowledge as possible in general biological and cultural anthropology in order to narrow your area of ​​​​interest and understand whether you are more interested in people of the present or the past. If you continue on your path to becoming a pro, you will never regret the time you spent on it.

Third, attend as many related courses as possible. This will develop your understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of archeology. For example, one of the most interesting and important problems in archeology is the emergence Agriculture, and its resolution can only be approached from a multidisciplinary perspective. Most projects within the framework of cultural resource management are multidisciplinary in nature.

And the last thing - gain experience in the field and in laboratories, while still on the student's bench. Such an experience, especially general, useful for those who apply for graduate studies. And even more importantly, it will allow you to experience the challenges and realities of working in the field and in the lab before it becomes your job (and graduate school should be seen as a job).

If you take the trouble to gain work experience in archeology as a student, then you will be well-prepared for graduate studies and further professional careers.

Field work experience

“How can I take part in the excavation?” - we are often asked this question, especially by undergraduate students. The good news is that there are more opportunities to work in the field now than ever before. Provided that you make some effort to find them. Start by attending a fieldwork course, if your faculty offers one, use your personal contacts, refer to the bulletin board (see the Practicing Archeology section).

Career Opportunities in Archeology

Now is not the best time to become an academic archaeologist, as places are few and competition is high. But a great time to consider a career as an archaeologist in the public or private sectors, which is where most of the research in North America.

academic archeology
. This area is on the verge of extinction. A generation ago, almost all archaeologists were members of academic institutions or worked in research institutes and museums. Purely academic archeology still dominates the training of both undergraduate and graduate students. Many young people entering educational establishments, have a firm intention to become a "traditional" scientist. But growth in academic careers is now very slow. Some programs are being cut (Zeitlin, 1997).


There are many such opportunities, if you worry and look for them. Here are some options:

Voluntary participation in excavations or surveys conducted by your own institute. Ask your teachers when they see what you have serious intentions, then they may well be invited to work in the field or in the laboratory.

Voluntary work in the field sponsored by local or national organizations such as historical society, museum or government agency. Many of our students have worked as interns for the National Park Service and other organizations. The Internet can be a useful source of information, as can your department's bulletin board. See the list of sources of information at the end of the chapter.

Visiting field schools. Many institutions sponsor summer credit field schools. Most best schools are very popular, you can get into them on a competitive basis. Field schools are useful because they combine excavation, laboratory works, academic learning. The camaraderie in such establishments can be remembered for a long time. Very often, the experience of attending such a school leads to qualifications that allow you to get a summer job in a research institute or a private company. The American Archaeological Society (see end of chapter for useful addresses) sends out mailing lists, including to your faculty. Choose your field school carefully! Not all are the same and you should consult your instructors before making a decision. I warn you, beware of field schools that offer to participate in excavations in distant lands, especially in the eastern Mediterranean, they charge high fees and use students as unqualified work force you won't learn anything there. Before signing paperwork, insist that you be given details of previous students and contact them.

Participation in professional excavations abroad. The American Archaeological Institute and the British Archaeological Council (see useful addresses) provide lists of professional excavations to which serious volunteers are invited. Sometimes they provide cheap or even free accommodation.

Voluntary participation in excavations within cultural resource management projects. This is where many of our students get their first fieldwork experience. First it is voluntary, and then paid work. It is definitely worth finding out about private companies operating in this area in your area, as well as consulting with your teachers, who may have such information.

Most archaeological research in North America and many parts of Europe is now carried out under RBM projects, many of which are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law. This means that more and more (certainly not all) of the academic archaeological projects of American universities are taking place outside the US, but in Europe, Central America and the Andes. In such well-known fields as the study of Central America, there is fierce competition for rare academic positions and even more applicants for academic positions in North American archeology.

Only 35% of American archaeologists work on academic projects, and this number is declining every year (Zeitlin, 1997). The conclusion is simple: if you want to become an academic archaeologist, prepare for super-specialization or work in areas where there are already too many specialists, and leave your many skills in reserve.

It is difficult to find work in museums, especially purely research work. Working in museums is good and requires special skills in conservation, organization of exhibitions, preservation of collections.

Cultural Resource Management and Public Archaeology. For people wishing to pursue a career in the conservation and management of archaeological resources, the possibilities are almost limitless (Green and Doershuk, 1998). The greatest opportunities for an archaeologist are found in public archeology and the private sector, where the problems to be solved are much more complex than traditional academic tasks.

If you are interested in public archeology or RBM, then you have a choice: work for a government or non-governmental organization engaged in RBM projects. These organizations can be non-profit organizations attached to a museum or university, or for-profit organizations operating exclusively in the private sector. The latter may vary in organization and size. Large companies can offer good opportunities and prospects, especially for beginning archaeologists. Most of the activities of public archeology are carried out state companies although there are also private firms.

If you choose the public sector, you will have opportunities to work for many federal government agencies such as the National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Many archaeologists work on archaeological projects commissioned by states or historical societies. For example, the Ohio State Historical Society frequently employs archaeologists.

Huge knowledge of history, special equipment and excellent physical shape - all this is necessary for a professional archaeologist.

An archaeologist is a person who explores the past with the help of material sources, such as: buildings, objects of art and everyday life. The carrier of this profession is accompanied by exciting excavations of ancient cities, settlements and burials.

In contact with


We all understand that working in the field of archeology is interesting and, one might say, even romantic, but to master such a seemingly easy profession, you need to do a lot of scientific work.

Also, do not forget that an archaeologist spends most of his working time in extreme conditions, and there is a long list of medical contraindications for this profession.

Do not forget that an archaeologist must have distinctive character traits that will undoubtedly help him in difficult situations.

Who is an archaeologist for?

  • Unpretentious at home. It should be understood that a person with such a profession is constantly on a business trip and lives in a tent. The ability to provide first aid - will be a good addition to the diploma;
  • Sociable. Archeology, like no other field of activity, is built on teamwork. Also, the need to constantly exchange information with colleagues will not pass by.
  • Good memory- the best assistant archaeologist;
  • Patient and analytical mind. This character trait is sure to help out while working with documentation and data processing.

How to get the profession of archaeologist, you ask? What exams to take and where to apply?

Mastering the specialization "archeology" is possible only in the last year of the Faculty of History. But in order to become a truly professional, you will have to start working on yourself long before entering the institute.

To successfully master archeology, you need:

Also, the ability to take pictures and draw well will always be a plus.

Where to study archaeology?

In this, as in many other things, google or yandex will help you. In the search engine, you can drive in the numbers of the following specialties and add the word “history” to them: 050401, 030400, 030401. Or you can enter the code 030402 and add “Historical and Archival Studies”. After that, you will be given a whole list of universities in different cities where you can get an education related to history. Among this huge list, choose universities where you can get a bachelor's, teacher's or master's degree in history. Then choose the department, which has a specialization "Archaeology". Also, on the website of a particular university you will find a list of exam certificates that are needed for admission.

Is it possible to become an archaeologist without a proper diploma?

To be honest, only a person with a higher education can make a career in the field of archeology. In this case, we are talking about leadership positions and archaeological supervision. Unfortunately, without higher education Don't become an archaeologist.

Where and how do archaeologists work?

An archaeologist is a very painstaking, unhurried and assiduous person. Having worked hard for the whole day, representatives of such an interesting place do not mind spending the evening by the fire with colleagues. Immerse yourself in the discussion of flights and falls, play a couple of songs on the guitar.

What does an archaeologist do?

But, the very first thing an archaeologist starts working with is search for a place for the expedition. So you can sit for months studying various maps and papyri. After the place is chosen, it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. And only then can the long-awaited study begin.

And this process requires the finest work. As soon as the so-called archaeological "excavation" was laid, the study began. The entire excavation area is divided into squares. Each of which is carefully and accurately cleaned. The found objects are photographed and “preserved” in a special solution, since in the open air, the find can be severely damaged.

A shovel is not the only attribute of excavations. There are many subtle research tools so as not to damage the found artifacts. When all the finds have already been raised, a long process of their inspection, analysis, photographing and filling out reports begins. After that, the artifacts are put into boxes and delivered to laboratories and museums.

Excavations can last from a few hours to several years.

Salary of an archaeologist in Russia

The minimum salary of a Russian archaeologist is 13.300 rubles, the maximum is 74.000 rubles. Total average salary archaeologist in Russia - 27.600 rub.

The history of mankind has many dark spots. Not all events found their reflection in the chronicles. Sometimes, in order to find out any details, it is necessary to look for individual elements belonging to a particular period. It is this activity that guides the archaeologist.

What does an archaeologist do

What does an archaeologist do and what does he do? Many people think that archeology is an exciting adventure that involves the search for treasures and a lot of impressions. This stereotype was formed under the influence of Hollywood films. In part, this presentation of information is truthful, but without a lot of embellishment. A person who wants to master the profession of an archaeologist must first of all be a fan of his work.

Finding artifacts is not particularly simple process. All of them are in most cases reliably hidden from the human eye. Sometimes for great discoveries it is necessary to descend into the water depths (which is what marine archeology does). Field archeology involves conducting excavations far from amenities and civilization. Often found relics need to be examined or conserved right on the spot.

It is also worth noting that the lack of proper living conditions may not be such a pleasant moment. It is not always possible to wash your face or even brush your teeth. The profession of an archaeologist is associated with the implementation of a strict schedule: early rise and late lights out with short breaks for rest is an integral part of this specialization.

Pros and cons of being an archaeologist


  • endlessly interesting profession;
  • the opportunity to visit the most remote corners of the planet;
  • a touch of antiquity;
  • the social significance of the profession. Each specialist can go down in history as a discoverer of something.


  • life is not always in comfortable conditions (lack of the opportunity to eat right, sleep in a tent, lack of a shower, toilet);
  • exhausting work;
  • frequent business trips can interfere with personal life;
  • there are no guarantees of successful completion of the expedition.

Do not miss:

How to become an archaeologist

Time spares nothing. That is why all the items found during excavations are characterized by high fragility. The slightest wrong move can lead to irreparable consequences. Accuracy in the work of an archaeologist occupies a special place.

Artifacts alone can't tell anything. It is necessary to know a lot of information about the area where the research is being conducted.

Very often, scientists involved in archeology turn into narrow specialists, orienting themselves only in a certain period of history. The finds cannot be torn out of the general picture of reality. Therefore, it is very important to know the historical background of this or that phenomenon.

In addition to deep knowledge of this complex science, an archaeologist should also learn the elementary basics of drawing and photography. All found items must be sealed. You never know what might happen to them in the future. Knowledge of ancient languages ​​will also be an important addition.

The value of a discovery loses all meaning if it is not communicated to people. In this case, the ability to analyze all your observations and express thoughts in articles or scientific publications will come in handy.

Where to study archaeology

  • Moscow Archaeological Institute
  • National Research Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
  • Novosibirsk National Research State University
  • Volgograd State University

An archaeologist is someone who is called a historian who allows you to study the life and culture of people who lived in the period under study. For this, various artifacts are used, as well as historical monuments of architecture.

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Features of the profession

Archeology is a part of applied history and source studies. In this case, a variety of found artifacts are used. According to the definition, it is worth saying that it will be an object of artificial origin and processed by human hands.

The artifacts themselves will be material evidence and sources to determine the period when it was made and in what period of time it was used. Professional archaeologists study a variety of buildings and tools, different kinds household utensils and decorations.

During excavations, they find a variety of weapons and remains of household items, sites of ancient people and other evidence that allows us to talk about human activity. There may also be a variety of written sources, with the help of which the features of a person’s life and work in the period under study are determined.

Requirements for specialists

Due to the peculiarities of the work, the archaeologist must be able to find a variety of documents and objects that have been preserved since ancient times. In addition, he must be able to work not only at the excavation site, but also in special laboratories. It will be necessary to be able to classify and restore a variety of damaged items.

In the study of found artifacts and architectural monuments, archaeologists will use a variety of data.

In this case, the specialist must be able to take into account not only the time of creation, but also the period to which the found thing will relate.

Moreover, in archeology there is no room for fantasy, since it is very important to focus on facts and evidence.

Basic professional qualities

A professional archaeologist will have to possess the following professional qualities:

  1. analytical skills;
  2. have good deduction;
  3. be able to get a single picture;
  4. be able to compare a variety of disparate data;
  5. be able to conduct laboratory and field research;
  6. skillfully use numerous works written earlier.

Archaeologists must be able to conduct a variety of excavations, both on land and under. It is for this reason that you will need to have good physical shape and endurance, excellent memory and excellent vision.

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What knowledge is needed

To conduct archaeological research, the following knowledge and skills should be taken into account:

  • the proper level of historical knowledge;
  • you should be well versed in the era to which the artifacts found will belong;
  • you need to have the skills of scientific restoration;
  • understand paleosolology;
  • have experience in paleogeography.

If you need to know who the profession of an archaeologist is, then it will be a highly qualified professional and a generalist scientist who can be trusted with historical materials.

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The documented chronicles that have survived to our time are not enough to get a clear idea of ​​the events, life, and culture of the past. An archaeologist is a historian who is called upon to fill existing gaps through excavation. To work in this area, it is recommended to have good health, extensive knowledge in a number of compulsory disciplines, and specific personal qualities. In practice, archeology is not as simple and romantic as it seems to many. But this is a necessary, useful, interesting profession that allows you to get a lot of important information about the past of mankind.

People who have chosen the profession of an archaeologist are engaged in the search, study, restoration and documentation of artifacts. This is the collective name for material sources of historical knowledge created or processed by man. This impressive list includes household items, buildings, weapons, tools, money and even bones. A separate group includes written sources - products with inscriptions on the surface.

Types of archeology, their features:

  • field - excavation of the remains of human settlements and the study of traces of their stay on land;
  • underwater - the study of the remains of ships, cities that have gone under water, the rise of sunken artifacts;
  • experimental - restoration of destroyed or very old things important for history by reconstructing using innovative techniques.

It is rare to find a general archaeologist. Typically, members of the profession have narrow specialization with an emphasis on a specific time period, region, historical period, or even a specific country, nationality.

What personal qualities should an archaeologist have?

Effective work with artifacts requires the applicant for a position to have a number of basic, specialized, narrowly focused knowledge. Also, the profession of an archaeologist often involves certain difficulties, which not everyone is able to cope with.

Qualities an archaeologist should have:

  • readiness to work in not the most comfortable conditions - often excavations are carried out far from civilization, where even with basic amenities there are problems;
  • patience and the ability to do monotonous work for a long time - many historians' day "in the fields" consists of waving a shovel, brush or brush;
  • sociability, the ability to get along well with others - it often takes months to excavate, during which you have to communicate with a narrow circle of people;
  • focus on performing not only intellectual tasks, but also hard physical exercises - for many archaeologists, the working day consists of carrying weights, being in an uncomfortable position;
  • dedication to one's work, readiness to constantly learn - if these qualities are not present, then the difficulties associated with the direction will quickly block all its positive aspects;
  • the ability to notice little things, analyze them, draw conclusions from not the most obvious signs;
  • the ability to compare a lot of different data, to operate with large amounts of information, to make quick decisions;
  • accuracy, pedantry - most of the artifacts are in a vulnerable position in front of a person. Any careless movement can destroy the historical heritage;
  • lack of imagination or the ability to restrain it - archaeologists work only with obvious things. They must be able to abstract from theory, drawing conclusions only on proven facts.

A field or underwater archaeologist needs good physical fitness and stamina. Representatives of the profession often have to work in adverse conditions, with critical indicators of temperature and humidity, and the absence of basic amenities. Doctors identify a number of medical contraindications for applicants for the specialty: heart disease, blood pressure drops, convulsions, hearing or speech problems, diabetes mellitus, blood disorders, dermatitis, chronic infections. It is also necessary that there are no allergic reactions to various irritants - from dust or insect bites to chemical reagents.

Where to study archaeology

Contrary to popular belief, to start working in a specialty, it is not enough to get to the excavations as an assistant or worker. To become an archaeologist, you need to get an academic education in the profile. Most major cities have universities with history departments. It is better to initially choose the department of archeology, then during the mandatory practical trips the student will have a chance to assess the specifics of the chosen direction.

Each university decides which USE exams taken into account upon admission. Most often it is the Russian language, social studies, history. Sometimes you need to take additional disciplines at the discretion of the faculty and in accordance with its specifics. It can be drawing, computer science, biology, physics or chemistry. Such requirements arise from the need for the archaeologist to have a number of skills that he will need in the future for work.

A good archaeologist should be able to:

  • draw, draw, make plans and diagrams, make sketches;
  • manage photographic equipment;
  • master the skills of conservation, preliminary processing, restoration of artifacts, based on their material;
  • handle climber's or diver's equipment as needed.

For successful work in archeology knowledge of history is not enough. An artifact seeker must be proficient in geology, geodesy, anthropology, ethnography, paleography, and a number of related disciplines. Knowledge of physics, chemistry, textual criticism, numismatics, heraldry and other areas is required.

True professionals never stop learning to be an archaeologist. After graduation, they study the works of their colleagues, attend seminars and conferences, expand the range of their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Where and how archaeologists work

Excavations are far from the only place of work for an artifact seeker. Active practical actions in the area of ​​possible presence of relics are considered more of a rarity than a system.

The functions of an archaeologist are not limited to clearing a piece of land in which there may be objects important for history. It all starts with the search for a suitable area according to historical sources, which involves a long painstaking work with papers.

After the artifact search zone is established, a group equipped with everything necessary leaves for the place. In addition to archaeologists, it includes workers, laboratory assistants, assistants, technologists, and other specialists. Usually their working day begins at sunrise, continues throughout the daylight hours, during which short breaks are made for rest. In some areas, you have to act very carefully, which is why some professionals spend hours almost jewelerly removing layers of earth from found objects.

Most of their working life, archaeologists work in offices, laboratories, libraries. They collect information, analyze it, compare facts. If necessary, specialists are engaged in the restoration of destroyed objects, their study using modern technical approaches. They spend no less time exchanging information with colleagues, documenting the data received.

Salary of an archaeologist in Russia

The income of scientists depends on the place of their work, the availability of a scientific degree, type of activity, degree of activity. On average, the salary of a candidate of sciences is 30-40 thousand rubles. The holder of a scientific degree can count on 50-60 thousand rubles. The salary of an archaeologist can be significantly increased if he has weight in the scientific community, is engaged in writing articles or publishing books. Professionals with a well-known name in their field are often invited to lecture, act as a consultant on film sets, act as a censor of educational or popular science literature. Abroad, an archaeologist often receives an order of magnitude more, but in other countries there are enough of their own specialists, so only a few manage to find a place somewhere.

Benefits of being an archaeologist

Archeology - interesting science, which attracts hundreds of thousands of people with the mere chance to participate in revealing the secrets of history. Her admirers see many more advantages in the profession of an archaeologist, but they are all subjective. Scientists have a chance to find something significant, to make a discovery, to go down in history themselves. Every year, interest in the direction is growing more and more, there are interesting government programs travel financing. A professional with a vast store of knowledge has many ways to make good money on archeology - articles, seminars, lectures, books, television programs.

Increasingly, non-state structures are becoming interested in conducting research. For savvy and ambitious artefact seekers, there is a chance to engage in private excavations in various climatic conditions. Archeology requires a scientist continuous development, does not allow you to relax, encourages you to acquire fresh knowledge, master new skills.

Disadvantages of being an archaeologist

Today, Russian archeology is not in a decadent state, as it was half a century ago, but it is still not considered an advanced field in science. History faculties graduate thousands of young professionals who often experience difficulty finding employment. The salary of inexperienced personnel may initially be so low that it does not satisfy basic needs. Beginning archaeologists have to spend a lot of time to prove themselves in the direction - after 4 years of bachelor's degree, 2 years of master's degree and 3 years of postgraduate study, at least 5 years of experience is required. Only after that it is advisable to start writing articles or books, try to get a job in an international group.

Some archaeologists point to the difficulty of combining profession with personal life. This is especially true for women who dream of having children. True, there are options for working without frequent business trips. Not every time the excavations are successful, which can undermine the morale. Travel conditions are often not very comfortable, which many people can cope with. modern people fails. Make a bright career in archeology with the resultant financial well-being only a few succeed.

The profession of an archaeologist is not a 100% chance to make money and achieve fame. Representatives of the direction consider it a vocation for those who are in love with science, long for romance, and are not afraid of hard work and possible disappointments.


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