Improvement of industrial enterprises. Improvement of industrial territory

Improvement of the territory- part of the solution master plan industrial enterprise, including measures to improve the functional and aesthetic qualities of buildings. When landscaping the territory, a set of issues is being addressed to create operational, sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic conditions for workers.

TO the main elements of improvement include green spaces; places for rest; sports grounds; sidewalks; parking for personal vehicles; bike paths; small architectural forms; elements of visual information and monumental decorative art; fountains; decorative reservoirs; covering of roads, driveways, platforms, sidewalks; elements of artificial lighting. Attention should be paid to the solution of the color environment - buildings, structures, open equipment, pipelines and vehicles.

The improvement of the industrial territory is developed on the basis of the architectural and planning solution of the master plan, taking into account the production characteristics of the enterprise, climatic and landscape conditions.

Landscaping the territories are provided in the form of lawns, flower beds, ordinary or group plantings of trees and shrubs. The area of ​​areas intended for landscaping within the fence of the enterprise should be taken at the rate of at least 3 m 2 per worker in the most numerous shift. The maximum size of such areas should not exceed 15% of the site of the enterprise. Green spaces are most actively used in pre-plant areas, along the main highways and main pedestrian paths, near administrative buildings, on recreation sites, in all free areas without a hard surface, as well as along the territory fence (Fig. 9.4).

The territory of the industrial zone is in most cases separated from the pre-factory strip of green spaces. In the production area, along the highways, driveways, lawns and all kinds of various compositions of loose planting of trees and shrubs are arranged. The distance between the axes of tree trunks is 3-6 m, between rows of trees - at least 3 m, shrubs - at least 0.4-1 m, depending on the height of the shrubs. The minimum distance from the outer edges of the walls to the axes of tree trunks should be 5 m, shrubs - 1.5 m; from the roadside to the axes of tree trunks - 2 m, shrubs - 1.2 m.

Rice. 9.4.

/ - recreation area in front of the entrances to the factory; 2 - recreation area on the territory of the factory; 3 - landscaping in free areas and along the fence; 4 - playground

Species of trees and shrubs must be selected taking into account climatic and soil conditions, sanitary-protective and decorative properties of rocks, taking into account the requirements fire safety and the impact of industrial hazards on plantings.

For example, given the fire hazard of coniferous trees, they cannot be planted within the normative fire distances between buildings. At compressor and machine testing stations, trees should not be planted that give flakes, fibers and pubescent seeds (poplar, willow) during flowering. On the areas of enterprises that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, it is not allowed to place tree and shrub plantations in the form of groups and stripes that cause the accumulation of harmful substances.

For landscaping, trees should not be planted along the windows of industrial buildings without sufficient reason, so as not to darken the premises, not to obstruct natural ventilation, not to narrow the viewing area, not to reduce the effect of aeration of the area and not to complicate its cleaning.

Decorative pools, fountains, sprinklers used as elements of improvement in enterprises where there are no intense dust and aerosols.

Sidewalks provide along the main roads in all cases, along driveways and entrances - when the traffic intensity on them is more than 100 people. per shift. The width of the sidewalks is taken at least 1.5 m.On areas with a low intensity of pedestrian traffic (up to 100 people per hour), the width of the sidewalk may be reduced to 1 m.When placing the sidewalk along the road, there must be a dividing strip between them with a width of at least 0, 8 m, used for arranging lawns. The location of sidewalks close to the carriageway of the motor road is allowed only in conditions of reconstruction of enterprises. In this case, the sidewalk surface must be at least 0.15 m above the level of the carriageway surface.

Sidewalks can be located close to the building line in the event that the drainage of water from the covering of the building is organized. In this case, the width of the sidewalk is increased by 0.5 m. In case of unorganized drainage of water from the coatings of buildings, the sidewalks should be located at least 1.5 m from the building line.

Private car parks are placed in front of the pre-factory area at the rate of at least 10 places per 100 workers in the two most numerous shifts, parking for motorcycles and bicycles - at the rate of 100 places per 1000 workers. The area of ​​one parking space for a car is assumed to be 25 m 2, a motorcycle - 8 m 2, a bicycle - 0.9 m 2. In guarded parking lots for individual cars, the minimum settlement rate for one place take 30 ... 35 m 2.

On the territory of most enterprises, it is advisable to provide bicycle paths (1.5 m wide) and bicycle parking in the depths of the territory, directly at the shops of utility rooms.

Vertical layout is one of the important measures for the engineering preparation of the territory of the enterprise for development. Such planning is carried out in order to bring the natural topography of the area in line with the requirements of construction and to ensure the removal of atmospheric water from the site of the enterprise.

When designing the master plan, the planning marks of the territory of the enterprise are assigned taking into account the following requirements: preservation, if possible, of the natural relief, soil cover and green spaces; ensuring the removal of surface water at a rate that excludes erosion processes; observance, if possible, of a zero balance in the volumes of excavation and embankment within the limits of the planned site.

Solid vertical layout the territory of the enterprise is carried out with a building density of more than 25%, as well as with a high saturation of the enterprise site with roads and engineering networks. In other cases, you should apply selective vertical layout with the implementation of planning work only in areas where buildings and structures are located.

The slopes of the site surface are taken from 0.03 to 0.05 for clayey soils; 0.03 - for sandy soils; 0.01 - for loess and fine sands; 0.03 - for permafrost soils.

It is customary to place the floor level of the first floor of the building at least 0.15 m above the planning mark of the areas adjacent to the buildings. It is advisable to take the floor level of the basement at least 0.5 m above the groundwater level. ... When buried premises are located below the existing or expected groundwater level, additional reinforced waterproofing of the premises or lowering the groundwater level should be provided.

Along the outer walls of the building, blind areas are arranged with a width exceeding the removal of the cornice by 0.2 m, but not less than 0.5 m, with a slope of 0.03 ... 1.0 directed from the walls of the building.

At the sites of enterprises, as a rule, they provide closed network storm sewer. In the absence of a drainage network, ditches with a width of 0.3 m and a depth of 0.4 m are arranged.

If it is necessary to drain water along buildings in the absence of sidewalks, trays should be arranged near the blind area.

Green spaces, fountains, sports grounds and other elements of the improvement and decoration of the plant are placed in such a way that do not lengthen cargo flows or impede the movement of pedestrians on the production site. For example, between workshops that are closely interconnected during production, shrubs, lawn strips or flowers are placed along the sidewalk and against the walls of buildings, but so that plantings do not increase the gaps between buildings. It is impractical to plant tall trees between interconnected workshops, since according to fire and agrotechnical standards, the optimal distance between them and the walls of buildings should be at least 7 m. Compliance with this rule will lead to an increase in gaps between workshops and, accordingly, to lengthen the path of movement of goods.

The placement of in-plant footpaths should not increase the shortest distances between individual points. The separation of pedestrian and freight traffic is also of fundamental importance.

The main purpose of green spaces on the territory industrial enterprises comes down to weakening the harmful to human health effect of dust and gas mixtures released into the atmosphere by production workshops. An important role is played by the protection of the territory of the enterprise and the adjacent areas from unfavorable natural and climatic conditions, to the organization of recreation places for workers and the decorative design of the plant buildings and adjacent territories.

The design and planning solution of these tasks in each specific case is determined by the operating conditions of a particular production, the nature of the location of workshops and other buildings on the territory of production, the arrangement of underground communications, etc.

When landscaping the territories of industrial enterprises, you should pay Special attention for the laying of green spaces on the main access roads, the pre-plant area, as well as on the roads of the plant territory.

On the territory of the enterprise, the widest should be the roads starting from the main entrance, along which the bulk of the workers move. Passages intended for transport services of production should have a wide width. Roads connecting individual workshops or production areas can be smaller, i.e., the width of the carriageway is 6-9 m and the adjacent sidewalk green strips are 4-8 m.

Highly decorative species are planted along the main thoroughfares and roads: Norway maple, linden, horse chestnut, birch, sycamore, poplar, etc. Shrubs are used to arrange borders: privet, svidina, currant, hawthorn, honeysuckle, etc.

Plantings created on the pre-plant area and in other places on the border with settlements should be given a particularly decorative character. In the area between individual workshops and warehouses, they should mainly serve to protect workplaces from the harmful effects of gases, dust, etc.

At the plant sanitary protection zones separating industrial enterprises from residential areas, where the width of the zones is quite large, it is advisable to establish plantations such as forest crops, creating in the middle part of their decorative boulevard, alleys for servicing the pedestrian traffic of workers and employees of enterprises.

On the territory of enterprises, along its outer borders, a 2-row planting of trees and shrubs of such species as poplar, gleditsia, elk, etc. is carried out.

It is advisable to lay a decorative garden on the territory where office buildings and public service premises are located - a canteen, a club or a red corner, an enterprise management office.

In gardens, squares and main alleys, flower decoration and lawn arrangement should be widely used.

The placement of all green objects should be combined with the accepted system of organization of the territory and architectural and decorative design. To avoid monotony, each type of plantation, if possible, should have its own architectural and compositional solution through the appropriate selection of species and types of plantings, the nature of the adopted flower arrangement, etc.

When selecting species for landscaping the territory of industrial enterprises exposed to harmful gases, preference should be given to trees and shrubs that are most resistant to harmful gases. These species include the following: ash-leaved maple, western carcass, gleditsia, black poplar (poplar), Japanese sophora, black alder, maklifa, white acacia, snowberry, tamarix, scumpia, amorph, svidina, narrow-leaved oak, other Pennsylvanian cherries and other cherries.

Given that harmful gases emitted by industrial enterprises can spread quite far, such enterprises are usually located at a distance of more than 500 m from residential buildings. settlement... This area also needs to be landscaped. In this case, in the zone of the gap between industrial enterprises and residential buildings, green spaces are laid in the form of wide strips. They are not objects intended for organizing cultural events in them, so they should be created like ordinary forest crops or field-protective plantations.

Landscaping of the production area has the following purpose: technological (establishment of fire and windbreak strips); sanitary and hygienic (maintaining natural microclimatic conditions); aesthetic (creation of an overall attractive panorama of the settlement, linked to its main development).

The objects of improvement and landscaping are the spaces formed in the zones of industrial buildings (SNiP 2.07.01-89 *, SanPiN 2.2.1 /

When developing integrated improvement projects, public spaces should be isolated as much as possible from work sites by protective plantations (rows of trees, hedges, "green walls", etc.). Various structures can also serve as protection - carriers of sound and color information warning of danger, permanent or temporary fences different types... Landscaping and gardening on the territories of enterprises should be closely interconnected with human activities. The architectural and landscape environment of industrial territories should be linked to the environment of the settlement.

The formation of a landscape composition during planting of greenery on industrial territories, primarily vegetation, is determined by its resistance to the hazards emitted by production. Therefore, the landscape organization of industrial enterprises necessarily provides for an analysis of the impact of a particular production on the environment and the development of the most effective measures to reduce negative factors.

When solving complex landscaping and landscaping, social, economic and production, architectural and landscape requirements for the production environment are taken into account. The methods of forming a landscaping system are influenced by:

urban planning factors, including the location of an industrial area and an industrial enterprise in planning structure settlement and the importance of the object;

features of the climate and microclimate of the area;

features of the terrain (the nature of the relief and microrelief, the presence of water surfaces, existing plantings and their gas resistance);

environmental factors, including the mutual influence of humans, fauna, flora and the environment;

economic factors, including a reduction in the cost of the initial and operating costs for the improvement and landscaping of an industrial enterprise without limiting the necessary measures for air purification;

factors contributing to the improvement of technology and other measures to protect the environment;

factors that have a negative impact on the environment (emission of harmful gases, dust, noise, vibration, odors, etc.);

architectural and planning factors, including the specifics and space-planning solution of individual buildings and structures, zoning of territories, conditions of visual perception of the entire enterprise and its individual elements;

production and technological factors, such as the type of enterprise, its capacity, production technology; freight, passenger and pedestrian connections with the city and other enterprises, places of extraction of raw materials and its nature of storage, as well as materials for production; the intensity of traffic flows and pedestrians; the main means of transport used; freight turnover and distribution of its flows over the territory; the number and composition of workers (general and by shifts), the main pedestrian flows; saturation of the territory with engineering and technological communications;

working conditions in the main production shops and on the territory of the enterprise; fire (explosive) hazard, composition and concentration, zones of distribution of pollution, aeration features of the territory, pollution of soil and water bodies;

socio-psychological factors, such as the nature of the behavior and activities of people in a given work environment.

Taking these factors into account in the design contributes to the development of solutions to improve mood and well-being, preserve the health of workers, and better adapt workers to the rhythm production activities, increase labor productivity and quality of products, as well as better protect against noise, pollution and other harmful and dangerous factors residential area.

Open spaces make up most of the industrial area. Among them, the main ones are distinguished, such as: sanitary protection zones; pre-factory areas; the territory of the production zone; areas for short-term rest.

The pre-factory zone is a free space of a manufacturing enterprise intended for holding public events. The area, as a rule, is located at the administrative (main) industrial building or at the main checkpoints both within the boundaries of industrial territories, and in the adjacent public areas of the city. The size of the pre-plant area is taken at the rate of 0.6 ... 0.9 hectares per 1000 people working at the enterprise. Pos placement of improvement elements and green spaces should be allocated to 40 ... 50% of the area (SNiP 2.07.01 - 89 *). The obligatory list of elements of complex improvement on the territory of the pre-plant area includes: various types of green spaces (lawn, flower beds, groups of shrubs, tapeworms from trees); paving from hard surface types with interface elements different surfaces(lawn, playgrounds, highways, etc.); benches, urns and small containers for the toe; flagpoles, lighting equipment; carriers of information design of the enterprise.

When landscaping and landscaping the production area, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the enterprise, the influence of psychophysiological loads during working day... First of all, it is necessary to organize the rest of the workers on the territory. The introduction of vegetation elements, water devices, stationary and portable flower beds, green walls and islets, roof gardens into the production environment is of great importance. When organizing rest on the territory of the industrial zone, it is necessary to take into account: organization of rest inside the workshops; organization of places for short-term rest directly on the territory adjacent to the workshops; organization of places of mass recreation; organization of sites for periodic (2-3 times a week) sports.

The organization of places of short-term rest is based on the fact that the nature, working conditions, the contingent of workers and environment at enterprises of different industries are different.

Regardless of the type of production, plants must act as a buffer layer, a kind of border between the enterprise and the surrounding area.

Their function should be sanitary and health-improving, protecting the soil, nearby reservoirs and air space from pollution and waste of the enterprise.

Fulfilling all these tasks, planting of greenery on the territory of the enterprise should contribute to the most optimal working conditions and production activities.

This means that the location and place for disembarkation must be strictly calculated so as not to interfere with transport and pedestrian traffic.

When planning the planting of plants, it is also necessary to take into account the places for rest, in order to create the most favorable atmosphere for workers and visitors.

Important! If your enterprise is industrial and there are premises with increased noise, gas and dust generation, they must be isolated from the rest of the buildings with specialized coutomers:

  • Hawthorn
  • Snowberry
  • Cotoneaster
  • Shrub lindens

When landscaping the territory of enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the general architectonics and placement of plants, which should not impede the outflow of polluted air.

For effective work"Green area" of the enterprise, it is necessary that at least 30% of the entire territory of the enterprise is allocated for its area.

Landscaping is part of the design code manufacturing enterprises.

All work must be carried out strictly in accordance with GOST and SNIP, here are some of them:

  • GOST 28329-89 Greening of cities. He contains general provisions(gardening norms, green spaces, green space sustainability, etc.), as well as the classification of green areas.
  • GOST 25769-83 - seedlings of coniferous trees for urban greening, technical conditions.
  • GOST 28055-89 - seedlings of trees and shrubs (garden and architectural forms, technical conditions).
  • GOST 27610-88 - Saplings of evergreen deciduous trees and shrubs, specifications.
  • GOST 27635-88 - Saplings of varietal roses and lilacs, specifications.
  • SNIP III-10-75 - improvement of the territory.
  • SNIP III-K.2-67 - landscaping, rules for production and acceptance of works.

According to the norms and standards of GOST and SNIP:

  • The entire territory must be planted around the perimeter with two rows of trees, maintaining driveways and aisles. Optimal for this: Common maple. Small-leaved linden, ash-leaved maple, common ash, common poplar, common spruce
  • It is necessary to plant tall trees near the premises opposite the windows, and tall shrubs between the windows. Optimal for this: Trees can be used from the first list, shrubs: common lilac, common mock orange, Hungarian lilac, rugosa rose, hawthorn
  • Climbing plants and hedges are recommended only against blank walls. Optimal for this: maiden grapes, honeysuckle, honeysuckle, brilliant cotoneaster, hawthorn

Cost and terms of work

The landscape company "Russian Park" specializes in landscaping and landscaping the territories of enterprises and offers you an individual comprehensive approach and low prices for services.

The calculation of the cost of work is carried out by our specialists based on your requirements for planting plants (season, choice of plants, number), their volume, characteristics of the site and the specifics of production.

For your convenience, we offer a free visit of a designer-measurer who will help you determine the optimal composition of work and plants, as well as make the necessary measurements, after which a basic design project will be prepared for you and its cost calculated.

  • The minimum cost of landscaping the territory of the enterprise in our company is from 50,000 rubles.
  • Minimum terms of work performance: from 10 days.

So that you can navigate in prices, we give you examples of calculating the cost of landscaping and landscaping, depending on the type of enterprise and the specifics of the project:

Enterprise type Object characteristics Types of jobs Types and number of plants Terms, days Cost, rubles
Logistics Planting large-sized Scotch pine 30 pcs, Norway spruce 30 pcs 14 150000
Logistics Logistic warehouse, area of ​​about 50 hectares Planting large trees and hedges Norway spruce 40 pcs, Common lilac 50 pcs 14 150000
Plant Assembly production, 100 hectares Planting large-sized Thuja western 50 pcs, Poplar pyramidal 20 pcs, Ornamental shrub, flowers 21 500000
Plant Assembly production, 20 hectares Flower bed decoration Thuja western 20 pcs, deciduous shrubs, conifers 40 pcs, flowers 50 pcs 5 80000

The organization of the relief and improvement of the industrial area includes a set of works: vertical planning; organization of drainage of atmospheric waters; construction of roads and sidewalks, travel and pedestrian bridges and bridges; planting green spaces; installation of fences; platforms, reservoirs, fountains, external stairs, ramps, individual retaining walls and fortified slopes; installation of lighting devices, signs, landmarks, etc. Typical elements of landscaping are: small forms (fences, railings, walkways, lanterns, ventilation mines, benches, etc.). Architectural elements - fountains, ponds and other reservoirs for humidification and air ionization. During the improvement, special areas are provided for rest away from noise and hazards.

Vertical layout of the industrial area

1) sets the marks of the floors of buildings and structures;

2) is necessary for the construction of railway tracks, agreed
profile of trackless roads and driveways with railway track marks
and floors of buildings and structures;

3) it is necessary to ensure the drainage of atmospheric waters from the territories of enterprises, to prevent an increase in the level of groundwater; devices and complex relief of terraces, stairs, ramps, retaining walls, etc.; coordination of the depth of the foundations, determination of the volume of earthworks at the site of the enterprise and the territory of the industrial region. Depending on the type of buildings and the building density of the territory, a continuous, selective or local and mixed system of vertical planning is used. The continuous system of vertical planning provides for the implementation of planning work throughout the territory; this system is used when building large blocks and a building ratio of more than 25%, as well as when the territory is highly saturated with roads and engineering networks.

For pavilion types of buildings, selective or local planning is used. The mixed system provides for a continuous layout of individual zones and a selective layout of the rest of the territory. A terraced vertical layout scheme is used in the absence of significant slopes of the relief, terraced - with steep (more than 0.03) slopes. The terraced arrangement of buildings and structures complicates the arrangement of rail and road transport. The projected slopes of a freely planned territory should be at least 0.004 and in difficult conditions at least 0.003. The level of the floors of the first floor of industrial enterprises should be 150 mm higher than the planning mark of the territories. A module with a vertical layout of 0.3 (0.15) m. On the main drawing of a vertical layout project, a grid of squares with sides from 20 to 100 m is indicated (depending on the size of the site, the complexity of the relief). The sides are indicated by "black" (natural), "red" projected), "working" (the difference between "black" and "red") marks. A cartogram of earthworks is being compiled. The calculation of the volume of earthworks on a grid of squares is determined by multiplying the average "working" mark by the area of ​​the square. Excavation works are calculated from cross-sections. Typical drawing The vertical planning project is the organization of the site relief, showing the elevations of the floors of buildings and structures, railway and trackless roads, slopes and break points of the longitudinal profiles of roads, the direction of the slopes of the territory for surface drainage of atmospheric waters.

Greening of industrial areas

Landscaping is a natural filter that protects residential areas adjacent to production from dust, soot and harmful gases. Landscaping area should occupy more than 15% of the area of ​​production enterprises. Landscaping should be designed as economically as possible and meet production, sanitary and hygienic, artistic and decorative requirements. The architecture of green spaces is inseparable from the general architectural solution of an industrial area and an industrial enterprise.

Cable-stayed coatings in OPZ

Cable-stayed trusses can be erected both on a round and on a rectangular plan: they are two-belt prestressed cable-stayed systems. In the round version, in the center of the coating there is a drum, consisting of two stretched metal rings, upper and lower, interconnected by racks or a metal wall. Carrying cables are attached to the lower ring, stabilizing, pre-stressed ones to the upper ring; spacers are installed between the cables, and the cables themselves from the outer side of the cover are fixed in a contour compressed ring, usually made of reinforced concrete. This cable-stayed covering is called "bicycle wheel". Later, this type of coverage received some improvement: the coverage over the Yubileiny gym in Leningrad has load-bearing and stabilizing cables that intersect in the span. This made it possible to reduce the height of the pavement by almost two times in comparison with systems with non-overlapping cables, without reducing the arrows of the sagging of the bearing and stabilizing cables. String structures consist of cables, tightly stretched on massive end supports and covered with light metal roofing sheets. To reduce the deflection of the strings along the entire length between the end supports, they are supported by frames installed with a step of up to 12 m. With this design, the deflections of the coating do not exceed 1/50 ... 1/100 of the step of the intermediate supports. This design is used to cover warehouses and long train station platforms.


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