Reading is the best teaching. Reading is the best teaching. Can a computer replace a book?

“Reading is the best teaching!” Pushkin A. S.

Our country used to be the most reading country in the world! And now? The world, of course, is changing, but we must not forget about books! It is no coincidence that folk wisdom says:

A book is a man's friend.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

One book teaches a thousand people.

A book is a small window, through which you can see the whole world.

A book is the best gift.

Living with a book is a breeze.

A house without a book is a day without sun.

Here's what they said famous people about books and reading:

“Reading is the best teaching!” Pushkin A. S.

“If the crowns of all the kingdoms of the world were laid at my feet in exchange for my books and my love of reading, I would reject them all.” Francois Fenelon

“To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure.” Montesquieu

“Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest." Dostoevsky F. M.

“Reading good books is talking to the most the best people past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.” Descartes

“Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“There is no better way to refresh the mind than reading the ancient classics; “As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had been refreshed by bathing in a clean spring.” Schopenhauer A.

“People stop thinking when they stop reading.” Diderot D.

“Reading was for me the best remedy against troubles in life; there was no such grief that an hour of reading did not dispel.” Montesquieu

“The entire life of mankind was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained.” A.I. Herzen

“Most of human knowledge in all branches exists only on paper, in books, this paper memory of humanity. Therefore, only a collection of books, a library, is the only hope and indestructible memory of the human race.” A. Schopenhauer

“No failures of history and blind spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.” K.G. Paustovsky

“A book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.” N.A.Morozov

“Exercising with books nourishes youth, amuses old age, embellishes happiness, provides refuge and consolation in misfortune, delights at home, does not disturb outside the home...” Marcus Tulius Cicero

“A book is the purest essence of the human soul.” Thomas Carlyle

“Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.” Petrarch F.

“In books we read voraciously about things we don’t pay attention to in life.” Emil Krotky

“Reading a book on time is a huge success. She can change life, but she won't change it best friend or mentor." Pavlenko P.A.

“Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.” Francis Bacon

“A book is a vessel that fills us, but does not empty itself.”

“I judge a city by the number of bookstores it has.” A.G. Rubinstein

“Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and the arts, of all the great consequences of the amazing development of technology, printing stands in the first place.” Charles Dickens

"All good books are similar in one thing - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever: good and bad, delights, sorrows and regrets, people and places, and what the weather was like.” E. Hemingway

“There is no entertainment cheaper and no longer lasting pleasure than reading.” Mary Wortley Montague

“One of the truths of my pedagogical faith is the boundless faith in the educational power of the book. School is first and foremost a book. Education is, first of all, words, books, living human relationships. A book is a powerful weapon. A smart, inspired book often decides a person’s fate.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“Books collect the pearls of human thought and pass them on to posterity.” Aibek

“When I see around me how people, not knowing what to do with their free time, are looking for the most miserable activities and entertainment, I look for a book and say internally: this alone is enough for a whole life” F.M. Dostoevsky
  • Tags:

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


  • repeat the topic “Oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings";
  • promote the assimilation and deepening of students’ knowledge of ancient Russian literature;
  • give the concept of chronicle and chronicle writing in Rus';


  • increase the creative activity of students, develop interest in the study of ancient Russian chronicles;
  • improve the grammatical structure of speech, enrich the vocabulary of students’ language.

Educational: nurturing a conscious need for knowledge contained in books, sensitivity and attentiveness to words, and a love of reading.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material.

Place of this lesson in the topic: The first lesson in this topic.

Method: Combined, integrated using computer technology.


  • computer;
  • multimedia equipment;
  • lesson presentation<Annex 1>
  • drawings, illustrations;
  • book exhibition “A Book in Your Life”:
  1. Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N. Learn to read quickly. A book for high school students. – M.: Education, 1991.
  2. Granik G.G., Bondarenko S.M. When a book teaches. – M.: Pedagogika, 1991.
  3. Datskevich V. How a book is made. – M.: Children's literature, 1987.
  4. Linkova I.Ya. You and your book. A book to read. – M.: Education, 1981.
  5. Nikolaeva L.A. Learn to be a reader. A high school student about the culture of working with scientific and popular science books. – M.: Education, 1982.
  6. Nemirovsky E.P. Journey to the origins of Russian book printing. Book for students. – M.: Education, 1991.
  7. Smirnov-Sokolsky Nick. Stories about books. – M.: Book, 1977.
  8. Pavlov I. About your book. – L.: Children's literature, 1991.
  9. Timaev R. Live, book! Practical advice about how to extend the life of a book. – M.: Young Guard, 1978.
  10. Chirva A. The book is in your hands. Book for students. – M.: Education, 1985.
  11. Tsyurupa E. Can you read? A book about books and the people who wrote them. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1967.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.Slide 1

1. Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting the task. Slide 2

Teacher.“Reading is the best teaching.” This is the name of our literature lesson, and the epigraph to it will be the proverb: “A book is a small window, through it the whole world is visible.”

What's happened proverb? (a short wise saying containing a complete thought).

What proverbs about the book do you know?

2. Examination homework(students read proverbs).

Living with a book is a breeze.
One book teaches thousands of people.
A house without a book is a day without sun.
From a stream there is a river, from books - knowledge.
A book is your best friend.<Slide3>

II. Creating a problematic situation.

Teacher. Let's remember the theme of our lesson: “Reading is the best teaching.” Can this statement be called a proverb? These are the words of Pushkin, who devoted his entire life to books. Many Russian poets and writers, including Paustovsky, spoke about the significance of the book and its role in human life. Slide 4.

People have thought about the benefits of “book learning” at all times, ever since they learned to read. When do you think the following phrase could have been uttered?<Slide 5> « ...Great is the benefit of book teaching... These are the rivers that water the Universe, these are the sources of wisdom... with them we console ourselves in sorrow..." ( From "The Tale of Bygone Years")

Frontal survey:

Name the capital Ancient Rus'? (Kyiv)

Under which prince did Kyiv become the cultural center of Ancient Rus'? (Yaroslav the Wise)

In what century did chronicle writing begin in Rus'? (in the 11th century)

What is a chronicle? (description of events by year)

Who was the first Russian chronicler? (Kiev-Pechersk monk Nikon, in 1073, compiled a chronicle, his work was continued by others; in 1113, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor compiled “The Tale of Bygone Years”; a revised version, rewritten by the monk of the Vydubetsky Monastery Sylvester, has reached us).

III. Explanation of a new topic.

A story about Russian chronicles. Slide 6.

Work with illustrations “Sylvester, a monk of the Vydubetsky monastery, writes a chronicle” (page 56 of the textbook “Literature” 6th grade) and a reproduction of a painting by the 19th century artist V. Vasnetsov “Nestor the Chronicler” (endpaper of the textbook).

Teacher. Works of ancient Russian art - icons, book miniatures - differed from paintings and drawings by artists of our time. Let’s compare the ancient Russian miniature “Sylvester, a monk of the Vydubetsky monastery, writes a chronicle” (p. 56) and a reproduction of a painting by the 19th century artist V. Vasnetsov “Nestor the Chronicler” (endpaper). The topic is the same, but the depiction of the monk-chronicler is different.

Vasnetsov depicts what we would see if we entered the cell of the chronicler monk. Heavy vaults of the monastery building, stone floor slabs, thick books on them. An old man sits in front of an inclined table and writes quill pen in the book. He is completely engrossed in his work. The details of the clothes, the table and everything that is on it are written out in detail. Behind the chronicler is a window through which distant fields, a city with temples, the sky, and clouds are visible.

Let's take a closer look at ancient Russian miniature. Is this a cell? Why is she outside the monastery? Why is the table somewhere behind the chronicler? Why doesn’t the chronicler write, but rather listens to something?

Before ancient Russian artist there are special tasks: not to capture what is seen, but to indicate what visible world there is an invisible world. The chronicler does not just record the facts of life, but fulfills God’s will and conveys the Highest truth to people.

That is why he listens to the Word of truth coming from heaven. In the upper left corner of the miniature we see this Sky, from which rays stretch to the ear of the chronicler, and his pose and facial expression are filled with deep reverent attention. On the scroll, which seems to float in the air, it is written: “In the beginning was the Word” - this is how the Gospel of John begins.

Objects are depicted only to indicate the main thing (there is no plausible and accurate depiction of details). In the center is the figure of the chronicler, and everything else is located around him to indicate that this is a chronicler. A table with two inkwells (black and red ink), a penknife (for mending feathers), a chair and a footstool ( workplace chronicler) - everything is indicated precisely, although it is located unusually. The monastery building is behind, as if outside the walls - to indicate that the chronicle was written in the monastery: this is this monk.

How were the first books written? How were books treated in Ancient Rus'? Let's listen to your classmates.

IV. Student messages.

Red line(student reads). Slide 7.

Writing in Rus' appeared at the end of the 10th century. At that time, books were written by hand.

The words in the book were not separated from each other. When a copyist wanted to separate one part from another, he indented it from the left edge of the page. In place of the indentation, he drew the first letter with a red line or several colors. He did it much more than the others.

The indented line on which the scribe drew the initial letter was called the red line.

In the 16th century, printing appeared in Rus'. Books continued to be indented to highlight a new thought, but the initial letter was no longer painted. However, the indented line was still called the red line. Later, the word “paragraph” appeared, which began to denote both an indent and a part of the text.

Typography(student reads). <Слайд 8>

The invention of printing is one of the amazing creations of the human mind. Centuries have not been kind to many inventions that seemed unsurpassed to contemporaries, but the basic principles of printing have remained unchanged for centuries.

Of course, modern rotary presses are incomparable to Johannes Gutenberg's first printing press, which resembled a grape press. But the basics of typography are punch And matrix, mobile letters, printed form and the book block have been preserved.

The book is and will be the basis of the spiritual life of the people. Black imprints of letters on white paper, sheets collected in a book are the best universal repository of thoughts, an inspiring source of new ideas.

Pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov(student reads). <Слайд 9>

In the center of Moscow there is a monument: a middle-aged man, dressed in a long caftan, holds in his hands a freshly printed sheet of a future book. This is a monument to Ivan Fedorov. Why was a monument erected to him in the capital of our Motherland?

Let's fast forward to the 16th century. In those days, Russia did not yet know how to print books. They were copied by hand for many months by special copyists - scribes. Handwritten books were few and far between, and they were expensive.

And so, in 1553, the first book printing house was built in Moscow, and Ivan Fedorov became the first printer.

The font of Ivan Fedorov's printed books was similar to the letters of handwritten books. He highlighted the first letter of the chapter with red paint. There are so many red letters, so many chapters in the book. Ivan Fedorov decorated the beginning of the chapter with magnificent ornamental headpieces.

Ivan Fedorov published many books during his life.

V. Librarian<Слайд10>

In the 16th century, after the emergence of printing and the appearance of the first printed book by Ivan Fedorov, no more than 50 book titles were published in Russia until the end of the century; in the 17th century - about 1000; in the 18th century - up to 500 thousand titles.

Every 4th copy of books now published all over the world is a book published in our country. The world of knowledge and spiritual wealth has opened wide for everyone.

The poet A. Blok noted: “A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it.” To use a book means to know what it consists of. Every school year, in the first lesson, you become familiar with the textbook and remember the main elements of the book. Look carefully at the screen. Are all the words familiar to you? <Слайд 11>

VI. Teacher. Vocabulary work.

Frontispiece<Слайд 12>. Comes from two Latin words frontis - “forehead” and aspiecio - “to look” - a drawing reflecting the main idea or the most characteristic moments of the content of the book and placed on one spread (next to) the title page.

VII. Librarian.

The book, according to M. Gorky, “is the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by mankind.” And these words will be confirmed by the entertaining page of our lesson.

1. Did you know? The book is a giant.<Слайд 13>. The book is two floors high. You will say: there are no such books. And you will be wrong! There are such books! Some of them are in Mongolia. One of these books has 236 volumes. These books were created in ancient times. In those days, craftsmen had to completely cut out the text of each page on a wooden board. The same amount of work was put into the illustrations, which still amaze us with the subtlety of the design and the richness of color.

2. This is interesting! "From board to board."<Слайд 14>, Old handwritten books were worth their weight in gold. To make them better preserved and more convenient to use, the bindings were made from wooden planks. They were covered with thin leather or expensive fabric. The expression “from board to board” has been preserved. It is reminiscent of these tablets and means “read a book from beginning to end.”

3. Something to think about. A symbol of the well-being of our people. <Слайд 15>. In Ancient Rus', books were written in goose, swan, peacock feathers. The covers were made from boards covered with leather. And they decorated it with precious stones, gold and silver clasps. This book was worth big money. One book could be exchanged for a herd of horses, a whole herd of cows. This means that a book was a symbol of prosperity in Ancient Rus'. And in the twentieth century? 60s - TV; 70s – tape recorder; 80s - video; early 90s - computer; beginning of the 21st century - Internet . What will the Future be like??? Will there be a place for a book in it?

VII. Teacher.

You already know that in preparation for the All-Russian action " Public lesson reading" among students in grades 5-11 and parents in the gymnasium, a survey was conducted on the topic "Can a computer replace a book?" The overall results for the school have not yet been summed up. I will introduce you to the results of our class survey and read out the most interesting statements from your parents.

Can a computer replace a book?

From parents' statements: “Reading a book is more interesting, but when you need to learn something or get some information, you can do it faster and easier with a computer” (Alina S.’s mother); “A book is something living, and a computer is a screen that radiates. It cannot be read for a long time. This is an artificial leaf” (Lilia M.’s mother); “You can find any information on a computer and different texts books, but it’s more pleasant and interesting to read while holding a book in your hands” (Elvira F.’s mother); “Thanks to the book, we become more educated, wiser, and better understand the world around us” (Elmira G.’s mother).

VIII. Librarian. Review of the book exhibition: “A Book in Your Life”

IX. Teacher.

Let's pay attention to one more epigraph to our lesson.

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor,
A book is a close comrade and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book. (V. Bokov)

“Great is the benefit of book learning...” How right the ancient chronicler was! The events and people of Ancient Rus' come to life under his pen in The Tale of Bygone Years. We will also read excerpts from this book.

The Best of Freud

From the book Moral Animal by Wright Robert

The best of Freud The best of Freud's views is his awareness of the paradoxical nature of being a highly social animal: being basically voluptuous, greedy and generally selfish, man is nevertheless forced to live in a civilized manner with other people and is forced to go to


From the book of Anti-Akhmatov author Kataeva Tamara

“THE BEST ABOUT ME” Through the power of her personality, Akhmatova influenced people. And in accordance with the quality of this personality, this influence was corrupting. (For those who saw only the show, Akhmatova’s message seemed uplifting. For the weak, the inattentive, it was great. Not

Reading is the best learning

From the book Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov author Trofimov Zhores Alexandrovich

Reading is the best teaching...One evening Anna, with a somewhat mysterious look, invited her parents into the living room. When everyone was seated, Alexander appeared and solemnly placed a large folder on the table, on the cover of which was written in large letters: “Subbotnik.” That's what they called it

Part 3 Zervanism - the doctrine of time, the sacred teaching of magicians

From the book Teachings of the Ancient Aryans author Globa Pavel Pavlovich

Part 3 Zervanism - the doctrine of time, sacred doctrine

§ 98. The mode of being of the noema. The doctrine of the forms of noes. The doctrine of the forms of noemas

From the book Ideas to Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Book 1 author Husserl Edmund

§ 98. The mode of being of the noema. The doctrine of the forms of noes. The Teaching of the Forms of Noemas However, there is still a need for important additions. First of all, we must pay attention to the fact that any transition from a phenomenon to reflection, which itself actually analyzes it, or to something completely different

Second reading, or reading on Jubilate Sunday about the newest "poets"

From the book Preparatory School of Aesthetics author Richter Jean-Paul

West and East: origins and classical image God (religious doctrine) Nirvana (teachings of Gotama Buddha) Evolving man (teachings of Sri Aurobindo) Developing world (teachings of Rudolf Steiner, “Essay on Occult Science”)

author Rozin Vadim Markovich

West and East: origins and classical image God (religious doctrine) Nirvana (teachings of Gotama Buddha) Evolving man (teachings of Sri Aurobindo) Developing world (teachings of Rudolf Steiner, “Essay”

Christian mystery or Zen freedom Esoteric culture (Daniil Andreev. “Rose of the World”) Esoteric consciousness (Zen teachings) Esoteric freedom (Krishnamurti teachings)

From the book Esoteric World. Semantics of sacred text author Rozin Vadim Markovich

Christian mystery or Zen freedom Esoteric culture (Daniil Andreev. “Rose of the World”) Esoteric consciousness (Zen teachings) Esoteric freedom (Krishnamurti teachings) Doctor Nikita Danilov Best recollection of a participant in the esoteric seminar Vadim Rozin

Reading is the best teaching

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Reading is the best teaching From a letter (dated July 21, 1822) from A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) to his brother. Lev Sergeevich. It was partially published in 1855, in full - in 1858. In the original: “...They will tell you: study, the service will not be lost. But I tell you: serve - the teaching will not be lost... Reading - here

Appendix The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles The Teaching of the Lord through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations

From the book New Testament Apocrypha (collection) author Ershov Sergey A.

Appendix The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles The Teaching of the Lord through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations Chapter I. There are two paths: one - life and one - death; great is the difference between both paths. And this is the path of life: first, love God who created you, secondly, your neighbor,

All the best


Everything is the best. When Banzan was walking through the market, he overheard a conversation between a buyer and a butcher. “Give me the best piece of meat,” said the buyer. “Everything I have in my shop is the best,” answered the butcher. “You won’t be able to find it.” what piece of meat would be the best?

Best Teaching

From the book Proverbs of Humanity author Lavsky Viktor Vladimirovich

The Best Teaching Many students gathered around one respected teacher. The classes went well, but then a rumor spread that another teacher had appeared in a distant city. Such information gradually instilled doubt in the students, split thinking, weakened their attention and

Chapter IV. External life of Jesus. Open teaching and esoteric teaching. Miracles. Apostles. Women

From the book Great Initiates. Essay on the esotericism of religions author Shure Edward

Chapter IV. External life of Jesus. Open teaching and esoteric teaching. Miracles. Apostles. Women Until now, I have sought to illuminate with the light of Jesus Christ himself that part of His life that in the Gospels remains in the shadows, or is hidden under the veil of legend. I tried to point out

Best time, best place

From the book All ages and secrets of happiness author Efimov Georgy Mikhailovich

Best time, the best place Have you noticed one curious thing - in order to start acting, we wait for ideal conditions: an ideal internal state, an ideal situation, an ideal attitude of other people. Until everything is perfect, for some reason we act

The Best of Freud

From the book Moral Animal by Wright Robert

The best of Freud The best of Freud's views is his awareness of the paradoxical nature of being a highly social animal: being basically voluptuous, greedy and generally selfish, man is nevertheless forced to live in a civilized manner with other people and is forced to go to


From the book of Anti-Akhmatov author Kataeva Tamara

“THE BEST ABOUT ME” Through the power of her personality, Akhmatova influenced people. And in accordance with the quality of this personality, this influence was corrupting. (For those who saw only the show, Akhmatova’s message seemed uplifting. For the weak, the inattentive, it was great. Not

Reading is the best learning

From the book Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov author Trofimov Zhores Alexandrovich

Reading is the best teaching...One evening Anna, with a somewhat mysterious look, invited her parents into the living room. When everyone was seated, Alexander appeared and solemnly placed a large folder on the table, on the cover of which was written in large letters: “Subbotnik.” That's what they called it

Part 3 Zervanism - the doctrine of time, the sacred teaching of magicians

From the book Teachings of the Ancient Aryans author Globa Pavel Pavlovich

Part 3 Zervanism - the doctrine of time, sacred doctrine

§ 98. The mode of being of the noema. The doctrine of the forms of noes. The doctrine of the forms of noemas

From the book Ideas to Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Book 1 author Husserl Edmund

§ 98. The mode of being of the noema. The doctrine of the forms of noes. The Teaching of the Forms of Noemas However, there is still a need for important additions. First of all, we must pay attention to the fact that any transition from a phenomenon to reflection, which itself actually analyzes it, or to something completely different

Second reading, or reading on Jubilate Sunday about the newest "poets"

From the book Preparatory School of Aesthetics author Richter Jean-Paul

West and East: origins and classical image God (religious doctrine) Nirvana (teachings of Gotama Buddha) Evolving man (teachings of Sri Aurobindo) Developing world (teachings of Rudolf Steiner, “Essay on Occult Science”)

author Rozin Vadim Markovich

West and East: origins and classical image God (religious doctrine) Nirvana (teachings of Gotama Buddha) Evolving man (teachings of Sri Aurobindo) Developing world (teachings of Rudolf Steiner, “Essay”

Christian mystery or Zen freedom Esoteric culture (Daniil Andreev. “Rose of the World”) Esoteric consciousness (Zen teachings) Esoteric freedom (Krishnamurti teachings)

From the book Esoteric World. Semantics of sacred text author Rozin Vadim Markovich

Christian mystery or Zen freedom Esoteric culture (Daniil Andreev. “Rose of the World”) Esoteric consciousness (Zen teachings) Esoteric freedom (Krishnamurti teachings) Doctor Nikita Danilov Best recollection of a participant in the esoteric seminar Vadim Rozin

Reading is the best teaching

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Reading is the best teaching From a letter (dated July 21, 1822) from A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) to his brother. Lev Sergeevich. It was partially published in 1855, in full - in 1858. In the original: “...They will tell you: study, the service will not be lost. But I tell you: serve - the teaching will not be lost... Reading - here

Appendix The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles The Teaching of the Lord through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations

From the book New Testament Apocrypha (collection) author Ershov Sergey A.

Appendix The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles The Teaching of the Lord through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations Chapter I. There are two paths: one - life and one - death; great is the difference between both paths. And this is the path of life: first, love God who created you, secondly, your neighbor,

All the best


Everything is the best. When Banzan was walking through the market, he overheard a conversation between a buyer and a butcher. “Give me the best piece of meat,” said the buyer. “Everything I have in my shop is the best,” answered the butcher. “You won’t be able to find it.” what piece of meat would be the best?

Best Teaching

From the book Proverbs of Humanity author Lavsky Viktor Vladimirovich

The Best Teaching Many students gathered around one respected teacher. The classes went well, but then a rumor spread that another teacher had appeared in a distant city. Such information gradually instilled doubt in the students, split thinking, weakened their attention and

Chapter IV. External life of Jesus. Open teaching and esoteric teaching. Miracles. Apostles. Women

From the book Great Initiates. Essay on the esotericism of religions author Shure Edward

Chapter IV. External life of Jesus. Open teaching and esoteric teaching. Miracles. Apostles. Women Until now, I have sought to illuminate with the light of Jesus Christ himself that part of His life that in the Gospels remains in the shadows, or is hidden under the veil of legend. I tried to point out

Best time, best place

From the book All ages and secrets of happiness author Efimov Georgy Mikhailovich

The best time, the best place You have noticed one curious thing - in order to start acting, we wait for ideal conditions: an ideal internal state, an ideal situation, an ideal attitude of other people. Until everything is perfect, for some reason we act

We continue the series of articles in support of reading, whose main task is to foster a strong interest in reading and a reading culture among the younger generation. These materials contain specific recommendations, scripts for literary events, games, exercises and much, much more (links to all articles are provided at the end of the page).

Dear friends! We hope that you are also concerned about problems related to reading, which have arisen as a result of a decrease in interest in reading among our fellow citizens, a drop in the level of reading culture and literacy. Especially in children and teenagers.

Today, reading is not a necessity of life for many people, and the Book has ceased to be a friend, a moral authority, or an educator. Traditions associated with reading, including family traditions, on which previous generations relied, are gradually disappearing. It is known that in the old days books were kept very carefully, passed on from generation to generation as a priceless gift. After all, books contain wise thoughts and important information accumulated by humanity; they are the best interlocutors and healers of the soul. In most families, not only an adult library, but also a children's library was collected, and the habit of family reading was formed, especially before bedtime. Both children and adults read, read aloud. It was customary to give books as gifts and discuss what they read together.

What about today? But today the book is losing its meaning. As a result, spiritual experience and traditions accumulated over generations are lost, which leads to a significant decrease in the level of literacy of the population, a sharp drop in the general culture of the individual, disunity of people, and feeblemindedness. “People stop thinking when they stop reading,” teaches Denis Diderot, a French writer and educational philosopher. At all times in Rus', enlightened people considered the Book a source of knowledge, the main teacher. And it’s not for nothing that we titled our article famous saying A.S. Pushkin “Reading is the best teaching!”.

And today, it is those who are directly related to the upbringing of the younger generation who have already sounded the alarm. And we are among them. With our appeals we try to attract the attention of the public, and with our articles of practical value (recommendations, games, exercises, event scenarios, literary competitions, etc.), - to instill an interest in reading and teach to read, but not to add letters, but to read thoughtfully, productively, enjoying the process itself.

It is known that education love of reading and culture of reading occurs in an emotionally favorable environment, often using certain methods and techniques stimulating interest in reading and improving reading techniques (they are described in sufficient detail in the articles below). Fascinating and well-organized events (both at school and within the family circle) can solve the problems of most modern schoolchildren associated with lack of habit of reading thoughtfully, develop their need for independent reading. Any teacher, educator, parent, or library worker, if desired, can contribute to this extremely noble cause. Even turning classes on overcoming reading difficulties into an unforgettable, exciting game for a thinking person will not be difficult. And we are always ready to help.

We plan to continue our literary competition for schoolchildren “I am a writer” as soon as we find a founder or simply a sponsor (). When this happens, the Competition Regulations will appear immediately on the main page of the site. Follow. One of the topics of the author’s creative work will definitely be, along with the topic “My contribution to supporting the Russian language,” and the topic “My contribution to supporting reading.”
And you, dear schoolchildren, you can now send your essays to This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.. And already now best works we will publish it on the pages of our website in compliance with your authorship (do not forget to indicate your full name, surname, class, name and place of educational institution). And then, when the competition starts, these essays will definitely be considered by our jury. Last season, we published very interesting works by schoolchildren-competitors on this topic in an article. Read on, they are extraordinary.

To make our intentions and actions even more convincing, here are 17 reasons to read, as described by the Swedish Academy of Children's Books.

  • The book is fun and adventure. She can make us cry and laugh. The book can comfort and suggest a way out of a difficult situation.
  • The book develops our speech and expands our vocabulary.
  • The book awakens our imagination and teaches us to think in images.
  • The book gives us new questions that are worth thinking about.
  • The book develops our thinking. From it we learn concepts that help us think and new ideas. It expands the horizons of our world.
  • From books we learn about other countries, who lives where and how, about nature, technology, history - about everything in the world that interests us.
  • The book teaches us to empathize. It allows us to feel in the other person's position and understand what he feels.
  • The book encourages us to think about what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.
  • The book explains to us how the world works and how everything in it is interconnected.
  • The book reveals to us that there can be several answers to one question and that any problem can be looked at from different angles.
  • The book helps us understand ourselves. You are more confident in yourself when you know that there are people who think and feel the same way as you.
  • The book reveals to us that all people are different. Reading books written in different eras and in different cultures, you become more tolerant, learn to overcome prejudices.
  • A book is the best remedy for loneliness. It can be read anywhere. Books can be borrowed for free from the library.
  • A book is part of cultural heritage. It gives us a commonality of impressions and knowledge.
  • A good children's book makes you want to read it out loud. This kind of reading brings joy to both children and adults. A book is a bridge between generations.
  • A children's book is the result of the work of many people: a writer, artist, editor, printer, designer, proofreader, photographer, librarian, publisher, bookstore seller, etc. It enriches the cultural environment. The book is an important cultural export and represents our country abroad.
  • A children's book is the first meeting with literature - an endless world that stays with us for life.

Let us add that a person who is not familiar with a book can hardly be an interesting interlocutor whose speech is rich in aphorisms, comparisons, phraseological units, etc. Let us note, for example, that the result of a student’s work on proverbs and phraseological units very well reflects the quality and frequency of his communication with the book.

Let's give an example of exercises that are suitable material for testing (O. Kholodova. To young smart people and smart girls. 3rd grade. Workbook, part 2).

1. Make pairs by matching phraseological units from the first column close in meaning

2. Make pairs by matching phraseological units from the first column opposite in meaning phraseological units from the second column.


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