How to create motivation to learn. How to motivate students to achieve success. Motivation of schoolchildren: stages of motivation

Motivation and motives

As a sports psychologist, I practically study with each athlete his personal sports motivation... Self-exploration is an incendiary thing, I tell you! It often gives answers to what and what kind of motivation I found or how I lost along with the goal. When you exclaim: “I have some kind of motivation, but I’m not sure of it,” I understand that we will now form a research dialogue about the needs, goals and internal resources, their rational use, and the disclosure of new ones. Here I recall Theodore Roosevelt's expression "Do what you can with what you have, where you are."

So, to create a motivation system, we define:

1. Need
2. The goal, having achieved which, we will satisfy the need. It is written in the present tense in the first person in the indicative mood. It must be real (at least 50%)! If it’s too far from the early accomplishments that you are proud of, you become more anxious and lose motivational power (perhaps a later goal).
3. Available internal resources (skills, personal qualities, reflections, etc.)
4. Motives: this is something objectified and meaningful, satisfying a person's need.

The more motivated the athlete, the more effective he is. If the goal is not fixed or imposed, then personal resources are not in the system for achieving the goal and, accordingly, can always "turn on" in the head "I want, but I can not ... then I will not", which will lead to further loss of motivation and, therefore, to the end of classes in general or to complete futility.

Important: the goal comes from own desires and needs, and it's best to visualize it!


Imagine a young girl visiting for the first time gym... The coach may ask what brought her, what she wants from classes. She wants to "get lean by the summer and tighten her muscles." With these words, she expresses her need to look good, but expresses in general outline, since I am not yet familiar with specific types of exercises and loads. Clarification "for the summer" has a time interval set by the subconscious. The desire to look good forms a goal that is measurable for her (perhaps in kilograms or centimeters).

A wise coach will help with goal-setting from the first lesson and fix, for example, the following goal: "I weigh 55 kilograms on June 1"! What is its internal resource ( driving forces), which she identified in herself to achieve goals and motives? Resources can be: time (I set aside 2 hours three times a week), past sports (systemic training skill), interest in high cardio loads, and so on. And the motives, for example, can be: striving for excellence (increasing one's self-confidence), increasing social status (an elite fitness club) and new acquaintances.

Acceptance of motivation

Motivation, even if it is clear and purposeful, must be perfectly accepted within you. If you experience the slightest resistance to motivation, let it go immediately. How can this be detected? Remember your goal, the motives for achieving the goal and the entire system of motivation that you intend to apply to yourself in relation to time. If at any point (or time period) you feel at least a little internal resistance (force yourself, deprive yourself, impose on yourself, etc.) or feel insecure about your resources (in a month I have a session / business trip and I will not be able to follow the schedule of classes - everything will fail), this must be worked out, namely, accept the resistance and, then, remove it.

The motivation must be perfectly accepted within you.

How to remove the overwhelm? Start by asking yourself this question: "What will happen to me if I accept resistance?" Imagine. And accept this state. Yes, we can accept different ourselves, our different sensations and states! Now ask yourself, "Can I let go of the resistance?" And try to imagine your feelings that will accompany parting with the previously accepted. Once you feel free, then you have done it, and there is no resistance. You understand that you don’t owe anything, don’t owe someone, contrary to your desires, and move forward towards the goal, not limiting yourself internally, not hindering your own motivation. That is, you cannot let go of the balloon if you didn’t take it in your hand before! Take it and let it go! Work through and let go of serious thoughts - "constraints":

1. "I can't"
2. "I do not know how",
3. “I can't handle it” and others.

There is an important nuance here! You can easily lose your goal, and therefore your motivation, if your goal is not in harmony with other goals or resource disruptions are "planned". Resource gaps that emerge from the subconscious can often be compensated for by replacing them with others. Signs that your motivation is working without resistance, you will immediately feel inside: you are in control of your time, you separate the essential from the insignificant, you are in control of the tasks on the way to the goal.

Working out demotivators

It is naive to think that a beautifully written goal is easy to implement. No, no one warned that it would be easy. And the most tricky thing about motivation is demotivators. One of them is fear. Fear of failure, inability to achieve a goal, rejection, which are often formed in childhood and are manifested in adulthood by conditioned reactions to any external factors... Hypersensitivity to other people's opinions, critical comments or fear of making a mistake can really demotivate and push you away from goals. The ability to perceive temporary difficulties or negative factors certainly without changing your motivation - the most advantageous position! And a sports psychologist can come to the rescue in this matter.

Fear of failure is one of the most common demotivators.

Let us summarize: needs give rise to desires and motives leading to the goal. When they are realized, the mechanism of activity is launched at the required level of activity. You imagine how to achieve the goal and get where you want, having the resources that you have "here and now" and involving new resources. The more conscious the goals, the more objectively the capabilities and ability of the athlete's resources to adapt (qualitative, temporal, etc.), the stronger the motivation. A systematic approach is helpful in maintaining motivation. The initiator of the creation of the system is usually a trainer. And who can we entrust this to? Only more competent than ourselves!

So the first of September is noisy! You took your child to school, rejoicing for him. And deep down, anxiety flashed again that it would be difficult for your student. Two or three weeks will pass and the childish feeling of joy will be replaced by the blues of a complete loss of motivation to learn.

How do you form a student's desire to learn? How to make sure that he does not lose his inner incentive to learn new things, regardless of how much effort will have to be made for this? How to motivate a student to learn who thinks school is boring? In this article, we will try to understand how motivation to learn is formed and works, and what you can do to make your child enjoy learning and improve school performance.

Ways to Increase Learning Motivation: The Experience of Parents

Parents talk in different forums to list many ways to increase their children's motivation to learn. They offer to set the example of today's millionaires, scare them with work as a janitor and a loader, and someone is sure that a child's interest in learning depends on teachers and psychologists. Some parents suggest radical ways: punish for poor grades, deprive the computer, walks and goodies for every grade below 4.

Now we will not analyze the validity of such methods of forming motivation for learning in a schoolchild.

There are many opinions, but we would like to invite you to look at the issue of motivation to learn from a student from several angles.

Learning motivation: a scientific approach

First, we will look at the scientific approach and look at the origins of the term "motivation".

This term comes from English "Movere" - "move"... In other words, motivation is what drives a person, makes him, with enviable perseverance and perseverance, perform this or that task and go towards the set goal. Motivated person easily achieves intellectual, sports and creative success.

Surely, you yourself could have observed signs of motivation for learning in your child: his eyes were shining, he was concentrating on doing his homework or learning something, getting incomparable pleasure from it!

The motivation for learning is programmed in us by nature: the knowledge gained or the mastery of a new skill is rewarded with a surge of happiness hormones. Learning can even turn into an obsession, so the correct dosage of stimulation is very important. If the child does not know for sure whether he will be able to complete the task, and, nevertheless, copes with the work, the degree of success is highest. And, of course, the student's motivation to learn becomes very strong.

But if the expected reward or praise does not follow or if excessive demands are made, the reward system bursts. The same happens when success is taken for granted. And in this case, it will be almost impossible to form a student's desire to learn.

You probably noticed this phenomenon in your child: the first time, having managed to correctly arrange the cubes, he was very proud of himself, and the fifth time, he remained completely calm.

This is how motivation to learn from a scientific point of view looks like. And it does not arise at all at school, but much earlier - even in infancy at home. It is the parents who develop in the child the desire to comprehend new things and form his desire to learn. Many of us, when raising children, choose different ways to increase the motivation for learning. Each of these methods has different results, each of them has positive and negative sides.

So, summing up the results of our scientific block, we can conclude that the motivation to learn is laid from infancy and stimulates us to self-improvement throughout our life.

Learning motivation: psychological aspect

The next stage in the study of the formation of a student's desire to learn is the psychological aspect, which will slightly open the veil of mystery in matters of building a motivational line in children.

The result of the formation of motivation to learn is school performance. But for many students and their parents, the time allotted for homework is a daily test of patience. Parents have to urge their child to sit down for lessons many times. Instead of doing homework, the student looks out the window, draws little people in a notebook, or chews on a pencil. Parents lose patience, and - word for word - a scandal flares up. The child does not enjoy learning, being under constant pressure from adults and, as a result, completely loses interest and desire to learn. It is more and more difficult for parents to find reasons to increase the motivation for learning, because in the child's understanding, confidence is affirmed: school is hard labor.

This happens to many children, and it’s not a lack of ability, but a lack of motivation to learn. School successes and failures are not an indicator of purely mental development and abilities of a student. Rather, school performance is the sum of skills, knowledge, and desire to learn. It is very difficult for a child who is not interested in learning to gain knowledge and be able to apply it in practice.

As part of the study of this problem, studies were carried out, the result of which was disappointing conclusions: every year, the majority of students strive for academic achievement and motivation to learn decreases. And if earlier, mainly adolescents fell into this category of children - in connection with the transition period - now the motivation for learning is steadily decreasing, even among toddlers in primary school.

Motivation to learn is not a constant value, it changes depending on the situation, mood, subject of study, but there is not a single child who could not be "interested" in school disciplines. Each person has powers that enable him to learn, and it’s a shame that these forces are not always directed towards mathematics or geography. But everything can be changed - including, and form a student's desire to learn. It is only necessary to guide the child, give him independence and develop in him an understanding of the chain of motivational interaction.

How to form a student's desire to learn?

To understand how to motivate a child to learn, you need to understand what prevents the awakening of his interest in learning and prevents him from making full use of his resources. Among such factors the following stand out:

Lack of independence in decision-making and the consequences of their own actions;

Lack of real help in understanding complex learning processes;

Absence unified system behavior of adults in demanding in relation to themselves and to the child.

By setting the rules above for yourself, you can give your child the opportunity to be responsible for their actions, teach him to trust you, and be able to control the situation. Speak controversial points with children, do not solve them unilaterally. The child needs to create an attitude towards the result, which does not happen without difficulty. Try not to create false goals for your child using the Give-to-Give method. It is very important to provide the child with the opportunity to show independence, because, it is one of the most important components of success. What is the student's independence?

In the opinion of many teachers, the independence of a student lies, first of all, in the ability to set various educational tasks for himself and to solve them without external stimulation. when the teacher or parents stand above the soul and repeat: "Do this ...", "Do this ...". The child should do something on his own meaningful motivation: "I need to do this ...", "I'm interested in this." Here, such qualities of a child as interest, initiative, cognitive activity, the ability to set goals, plan their work are important. It is in this case that the student's motivation for learning can be formed.

You might argue that Small child is not yet able to make plans and decisions on his own. But the help of an adult consists in helping the child to reveal these qualities, not to suppress them by constant overprotection.

To foster independence, you can offer at first (until the child learns to set goals for himself) options for action: “You are not getting the task. What will you do?" (options: do first those lessons that are obtained; call a classmate; postpone until the arrival of a parent who can help, etc.); “You have a dictation in the Russian language tomorrow. What should you repeat first? What to look for during a dictation? What should be done at the end of the dictation? "

These algorithms are very useful for developing independent actions of children, as they teach the child to develop their own algorithm in different situations. To form a student's motivation for learning, write down the algorithms of his actions in the form of diagrams and hang this sheet over the child's desk so that he can check with it.

Very important in learning activities and the formation of the student's desire to learn the skill of self-control. It's no secret that many mistakes in children arise from carelessness. And if the child has learned to check himself after this or that type of activity, the number of mistakes is sharply reduced - and if there are fewer mistakes, then the motivation for new achievements becomes greater. Play games with your child, where he is a teacher and checks your assignment. The child should know how to check the correctness of mathematical calculations, how to search for the spelling of a word in the dictionary, how to find out if he has memorized the content of a paragraph. It is in the teaching that many of the child's business qualities begin to take shape, which then clearly manifest themselves in adolescence, and on which the motivation for achieving success depends. At this moment, it is very important that the parents do not jerk, do not push their child, do not get annoyed. Otherwise, you will not be able to form a student's desire to learn.

A well-thought-out reward system for a child plays a big role. for successes, and not those successes that are easy for the child, depending on his abilities, but those that are difficult and completely dependent on the efforts that the child will spend on performing this type of activity. The motivation for learning in this case will only increase.

Also, a very important point is whether the child believes in their success or not. The teacher and parents must constantly support the child's faith in themselves, and the lower the child's self-esteem and level of aspirations, the more strong the support should be from those involved in raising children. After all, if a child, who already feels his weakness, is also urged on, you will not only be unable to form his motivation to learn, but also destroy all the interest in learning that he had.

We hope that every interested parent and teacher, having understood the mechanisms and applying the information received in practice, will be able to form a student's desire to learn. After all, only with the motivation to learn and develop can a child grow up as a purposeful person capable of responsible decisions. We wish you good luck!

Harmony Development Center.

We work for children and adults.

The problem of children's lack of desire to learn and gain knowledge is relevant in many families. In some children, the motivation for the educational process disappears before it appears, in others it is lost over time for various reasons.

How can a wise parent help a child develop motivation to learn? Let's figure it out together.

First advice. Monitor the process and take into account individual abilities

Usually, parents of first graders are advised to have complete control. studying proccess during the adaptation of the child to school. The kid has not yet got used to it, it is difficult for him to set the daily routine on his own, to start his homework on time, which is why adults come to the rescue. But what if the middle-level student does not have the skills to organize educational activities? Then you need to forget about the age of the student, and again help him, as in elementary school.

Parents should take into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is easier for someone to sit down for lessons right after school, while someone definitely needs a "quiet hour", or a change in learning activity for some other.

Basically, learning skills must start over again. Does the child write poorly? Let him do the writing exercises. Can't retell the text? Patiently explain that first you need to make a plan for this text, highlight main idea and only then proceed to retelling.

Second advice. Indicate short-term prospects, but don't do anything for the child.

You should not put too distant prospects in front of your child: "If you study badly, you will never find a normal job." Children cannot look that far. Mark the nearest development zone. If a child has problems with math, you need to learn how to solve typical tasks, and already it will be a success. In no case should you do the work for the child. You can check what has been done and indicate how many errors it contains. And looking for and fixing them is a student's business.

Psychologists have proven that children with low self-esteem are less motivated to learn. Children with high self-esteem do not admit their mistakes, which also negatively affects the learning process. Therefore, self-esteem must be consistent with the child's abilities. If it is underestimated, do not forget to cheer your child up for non-academic knowledge. If it is too high, indicate errors. And do not forget that with any requirements for the educational process, the child should receive love, care and warmth from the family.

The word and the school "grade" have something in common, but they are not the same thing. Perhaps the child's progress in school will be assessed as unsatisfactory. But there are also personal successes - more or less mistakes were made in the task, the child felt confident or uncertain when answering. Therefore, it is not always worth paying attention to the numbers. Focus on progress. It will also help your child develop adequate self-esteem. Support your child, believe in his success. Without this, the formation of motivation is impossible.

Many parents reward their children financially for good grades. But this is not always an option that leads to success. What if a child picks up textbooks only for money? Therefore, the optimal reward is an interesting joint leisure, which the child will be happy with. Theater, cinema, karting or something else - proceed from the desires of your child.

Formation of motivation to study is not a matter of one day. There will be misses, there will be failures. But systematic joint work parent and child to increase motivation to learn - sooner or later will bear fruit.

Parents will not always be able to control the educational process. And if we are talking about a teenager, then control should have been completely reduced to nothing. The child should be able to test himself. In order to develop attentiveness, you can play games where the child is a teacher and checks himself homework... That being said, it is important not to turn the game into an exercise. Do not be annoyed, even if the child does not succeed in something.

In general, the child's motivation to initial stage completely dependent on the parents. It is important to listen to each other and explain to the child that the process of developing the ability to learn is long, but necessary. Do not bore the kid with lectures, but rely on his curiosity. Then study will become a joyful discovery for the child, and the circle of interests will gradually expand.

Vladlena Vorona

How to motivate young people to volunteer?

Yulia Kachalova

The aim of the study was to provide recommendations for public organizations motivating young people to volunteer.

List of participants

There were 3 focus groups with young people aged 18 to 23 years. The average age of the participants in each focus group is 20 years.

The first focus group, which took place on 26.04.02, consisted of young people, mainly students, living in the city of Moscow and from time to time attending the club. Jerry Rubin. The group consisted of 5 men and 2 women.

The second focus group, which took place on 23.06.02, before the start of our educational program, consisted of young employees or volunteers of non-profit organizations working with children and youth in the cities of Penza, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Moscow. The group consisted of 3 men and 6 women.

The third focus group, which took place on June 29, 2002, after the end of our educational program, consisted of young employees or volunteers of non-profit organizations working with children and youth in the cities of Penza, Rostov-on-Don, Novorossiysk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Moscow. The group consisted of 1 man and 7 women.

Key issues discussed at the focus group:

What is the meaning of the participants in the concept of "lifestyle".

How do the participants describe their own lifestyle?

What lifestyles help you experience uplifting states?

What prompted you to join NGOs and keep them in organizations?

What motivates you to do good, good deeds?

What could motivate you to join the work of another organization?

What would you do if you received $ 10,000,000?

Below is only an analysis of the participants' statements, as well as conclusions and recommendations. The statements of the youth focus group participants can be found in Appendix 1.

1. What is the meaning of the participants in the concept of "lifestyle".

The concept of “lifestyle”, obviously due to the philological lack of clarity, caused difficulties in all focus groups. Very often it was identified with the concepts of "meaning of life", "life purpose", "life activity", "lifestyle", "rhythm of life". Some of the participants do not see the difference between "lifestyle" and "lifestyle". While the other part, although it cannot clearly express the difference, emphasizes a more individual connotation of the concept of "lifestyle".

If we summarize the entire set of opinions, then we can define a lifestyle as a way of adapting an individual with all his biological and psychological characteristics and needs to specific social conditions, including a set of:


identification (s)

feelings of life

attitude towards people around, events, phenomena, the world as a whole;

behavior; stereotyped reactions, actions, habits.

At the same time, the lifestyle, on the one hand, is determined by certain biological, psycho-emotional and intellectual characteristics of a person, on the other hand, it is determined by belonging to a certain socio-cultural environment. This environment contributes to the accumulation of a person's experience of a very specific kind, on the basis of which values, identifications, perceptions, beliefs, behavior, and attitudes are formed (or adjusted when the environment changes).

2. How do the participants describe their own lifestyle?

It follows from the most common responses of youth focus group participants that for most young people the need to “worship material values” and take constant active steps to comply with the canons of a consumer society is a source of internal tension. They get rid of this tension in different ways.

They identify themselves with losers, but the word “loser” begins to “sound proudly” in its own interpretation: I am a loser not because I fail to bring anything “to mind”, but because I set myself too high a bar.

I'm not chasing material assets, because in fact I give myself to my creativity.

I don’t chase anything at all and don’t think about it. Here's another!

I am not chasing material values ​​and this is different from others, which means that I am not a trivial and interesting person.

I am not chasing after material values, because I have no time - I am already on the move all the time.

I am not chasing material values, because I already feel good and have fun, and this is the main thing.

It is important to note that in the third focus group some of the participants not only reject the lifestyle determined by the pursuit of the values ​​of the consumer society, but put forward an alternative style based on receiving a set of good feelings from life: “living easily and joyfully every day”; “To love people and yourself”; maintain a "cheerful attitude towards life, a sense of humor."

Judging by the statements, the most attractive qualities of an authoritative person (leader) for young people are:

The presence of spiritual values.

Goal setting, perseverance, ability to achieve set goals.

A responsibility.

Creative character and inner freedom.

Self-awareness: serenity, calmness, the ability to notice the good and rejoice

4. What in life style helps to experience good emotional states?

The main source of positive emotions for young people who participated in all three focus groups is communication with people who:

They just accept you with your failures, and among them you don't feel so lonely.

Share your values ​​(or do not accept those values ​​that you do not accept).

They strive for something.

They are a storehouse of energy, ideas.

They support, trust, believe in you

They can take over something from you.

In addition, the following were mentioned:

Novelty ( new idea, new activity, new knowledge, new environment, new sensations)

Confidence (in yourself, your righteousness, your business, your friends).

Achievement of goals, small victories.

Laughter, humor.

The ability to express different aspects of your own personality.

Active movement.

5. What prompted you to join NPOs and keep them in organizations?

The answers to these questions help to clarify the needs young people have, which they are trying to meet by joining non-profit organizations... It:

The need for constant communication, solving the problem loneliness and boredom (finding an accessible place and people with whom you can "kill time")

The need for spiritual values, the feeling of their acute deficit.

The need for acceptance, recognition, encouragement

The need for novelty (new people, new activities, new ideas, new skills, new places, new sensations, etc.)

The need for self-expression (as a person, as a professional)

In terms of what keeps young people together, the overwhelming majority of focus group participants named the “atmosphere” created in the organization in the first place. Its distinctive features, again:

Acceptance, naturalness.

Possibility of interesting communication

Kindness, spirituality, culture

Recognition, a sense of being needed

Other restraining motives were mentioned:

Attachment to a leader or member of the organization

Realizing your own ambitions

Subject (area) of the organization

Own strength, time and energy invested in the organization.

6. What motivates you to do good, good deeds?

The question served to clarify the motives of the involvement of young people in the activities of NGOs. It was addressed to the participants of the focus group held on 26.04.02, since, unlike the participants in the steel 2 youth focus groups, they were not “producers” of NPO services, but rather their “consumers”. The responses received overlap with the responses given to the previous question, but provide a broader understanding of how unsuccessful youth can be motivated to join an NGO.

In the first place is the authority of the leader of the organization and trust in him. If he (a) enjoys authority and trust among young people, then there is a very high probability that young people will respond to the call to join this or that business, action, event. At the same time, the leader of the organization acts as a guarantor that the cause for which he (a) calls will be really useful and kind.

The second point, mentioned in almost all the answers, is the availability of free time, which must be put somewhere. At the same time, young people willingly respond to the call to participate in a good deed, considering it as an alternative to the aimless "time killing".

The need to do good is really inherent in a person, however, young people simply do not know how to satisfy it. As they say, "there is no reason." NPO creates a "pretext", and also relieves young people from the need to puzzle themselves and invent something, everything has already been invented and organized - all that remains is to join.

Another emphasis was placed precisely on the joint actions of young people. For a metropolis with a fragmented, nuclear way of life, in which the opportunities to establish and develop relationships are rather limited, the offer to participate in some business together with other young people - it is better to get to know someone, to get to know someone, to strengthen relationships with someone , just show yourself with your strong side- looks tempting enough.


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