What to consider when choosing cameras. Which camera is better for a beginner photographer to buy at the initial stage? What are the cameras

Do you want to buy digital camera but you don't understand them at all. In this article, we will tell you how to choose a digital camera and give some recommendations for buying.

If you are standing in the middle of the store and you have no time to understand the intricacies and nuances digital photography, below is a list of quality cameras in various categories.

  • Budget DSLR: Nikon D3300
  • General purpose compact camera: Panasonic Lumix ZS100
  • Camera with superzoom lens: Panasonic Lumix FZ1000
  • Expensive compact camera: Panasonic Lumix LX100
  • Semi-professional SLR: Nikon D750
  • One of the best interchangeable lens cameras: Sony A7R II
  • Megapixels (sensor resolution) are not as important as people think. The final quality of photos is more affected by the size of the sensor, the system auto focus and optical image stabilization.
  • Don't cling to the "best" or newest camera. Cameras of the same class and in the same price category rarely stand out from the general group. Typically, a camera is judged on four criteria: image quality, performance, features, and design. On the other hand, cameras latest releases usually not much superior to previous models.
  • If you buy a camera in a store, then you have a good opportunity to independently evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. Make sure the camera is comfortable and not so big and heavy that you'd rather leave it at home. Enjoy the convenience of buttons, display brightness, menus and other features of the camera. In models with a touch screen, the menu is not logical or poorly organized.

Why buy a camera if your smartphone can take pictures?

Many cameras have optical zoom, which is far superior to the digital zoom of mobile devices. Even if your smartphone has a dual camera, the lens of a compact camera will still be better than optics mobile phone or tablet.

Mobile camera technology has come a long way in the last few years. However, it should be borne in mind that a camera that was specifically designed for photography surpasses mobile devices in quality, speed and functionality. Therefore, even novice photographers prefer cameras for shooting events, holidays or travel.

Cameras with interchangeable lenses

Digital cameras with interchangeable lenses are divided into SLR cameras and cameras without a mirror. Cameras with interchangeable lenses have several advantages:

  • you have the option to buy a better quality lens or a lens that suits your purposes better
  • you can buy a lens with a wider or narrower field of view

Among single-lens cameras, pseudo-reflex cameras and compact cameras are distinguished. Pseudo SLR cameras are very similar to DSLRs and are usually equipped with high-quality optics.

Single lens cameras have the following advantages:

  • they are compact and lighter in weight
  • The optics of pseudo-reflex cameras in terms of quality and capabilities correspond to expensive lenses, but at the same time it costs less and weighs less
  • changing lens is not always convenient
  • many use only one lens

SLR camera or camera without a mirror?

If you decide to buy a camera with interchangeable lenses, you need to decide whether to choose a SLR camera or a camera without a mirror. Many people think that the SLR camera is the only right choice. This is not always true. The quality of photographs taken with a mirrorless camera and a DSLR is very close, provided that similar sensors and optics are used. SLR cameras with interchangeable lenses of medium and high class are equipped with productive, modern electronics, complex system autofocus and are characterized by a high burst rate. Keep in mind that the quality of the pictures is more affected by an expensive lens than an expensive body.

The following are the advantages of SLR cameras:

  • the viewfinder of an inexpensive SLR camera is significantly better than the viewfinder of an inexpensive camera without a mirror
  • the battery life of an SLR camera is usually longer than that of a camera without a mirror
  • no adapter needed to use older lenses with a DSLR
  • inexpensive DSLRs cost less than interchangeable lens cameras without a mirror in the same price range

Cameras with interchangeable lenses without a mirror also have a number of positive qualities:

  • these cameras are usually smaller and lighter than DSLRs. Lenses for them are also smaller and lighter.
  • interchangeable lens cameras without a mirror are better for shooting video
  • the image stabilization system of cameras without a mirror is usually better than that of SLR cameras

What to look for when buying a camera

If you need very high quality photos - pay attention to the size of the sensor. The larger the sensor, the better. However, with the size of the sensor, the price of the camera also increases.

What is important for shooting video

If you plan to shoot video, look for cameras with a good autofocus system. On sale there are also cameras with the ability to shoot video with a resolution of 4K and with a large number of frames per second.

How important is light sensitivity?

If you plan to shoot a lot in low light conditions, pay attention to the ISO of the camera. For these purposes, cameras with a large sensor and a good image stabilization system are better suited.

How important is zoom

Cameras with a high zoom factor are good for travel, as you can get close to distant objects. If you plan to shoot sports, then you will need a camera with a very good autofocus system.

The main types of lenses are listed below:

  • ultra wide angle lens (less than 18mm) - suitable for shooting large scenes
  • wide-angle lens (18 to 30 mm) - suitable for group photography, landscape and street photography
  • standard lens (30 to 70 mm) - suitable for portraits
  • telephoto lens (70 to 300 mm) - suitable for portraits and sports
  • super telephoto lens (over 300mm) suitable for shooting sports events and wildlife

How important is shooting speed?

Shooting speed is important if you plan to photograph action or moving objects. In this case, pay attention to the autofocus system and the speed of the camera when taking a series of photos. You should also learn about the quality of pictures at high ISO values ​​​​(ISO 800 - ISO 6400).

What is important for wildlife photography

If you plan to photograph wildlife, then your camera should have a dust and moisture resistant body. Some models are also adapted for photography at low temperatures. On sale there are compact cameras for shooting underwater. Also keep in mind that a SLR camera has a longer battery life than an interchangeable lens camera without a mirror. You will also need spare batteries, memory cards, and a good, handy bag for your camera and accessories.

How important is the viewfinder

The viewfinder is very important, especially if you have to shoot in bright conditions. In bright sunlight, using the LCD display is extremely inconvenient.

How important is Wi-Fi

Many cameras are equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth for communication with a computer or mobile device, allowing you to quickly upload photos. Keep in mind that these communication systems are not always user-friendly. Before buying a camera, we recommend that you read consumer reviews on the Internet and watch video reviews.

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Have you decided to buy a digital camera? Let me congratulate you. This is one of the best ways to make a gaping hole in family budget. It is most likely useless to dissuade you, so I will simply tell you how to choose a digital camera so that this choice causes you minimal financial and psychological damage.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give unambiguous, universal recommendations for choosing a camera for an abstract novice photographer, since the needs of all photographers are different. Different photographic tasks require different equipment. A camera that suits me perfectly may not be right for you. Despite this, I will still try to highlight here specific models of digital cameras that, in my opinion, meet the requirements of the widest range of photographers.

What you should pay attention to

Marketers do not get tired of brainwashing naive amateur photographers with those camera parameters that can be easily measured numerically (resolution, ISO, zoom ratio, etc.), although they just say very little about the suitability of the camera for real shooting outside the walls of a photo store.

The resolution of a camera (more precisely, its matrix) is measured in megapixels (Mp), i.e. in the number of dots that make up the camera's matrix, and hence the images obtained with it. Today, the resolution of digital cameras exceeds the capabilities of their lenses, and, sadder, far exceeds the capabilities of most photographers shooting with these cameras. Ten megapixels is enough for anyone, and today it is difficult to find a camera with a lower resolution. Instead of resolution, pay more attention to the physical size of the matrix - the larger the size (i.e., the smaller the crop factor of the matrix), the better. Other things being equal, a larger sensor is more sensitive to light, has a greater dynamic range, and is less noisy.

ISO is a standard for the sensitivity of photographic material (in our case, a digital matrix) to light. The maximum ISO value indirectly characterizes the camera's ability to shoot in low light conditions, but we should not forget that increasing the sensitivity inevitably leads to noise. What is the use of the manufacturer's declared maximum value of ISO 102400 if it cannot be used in practice, since the image will be a solid red and blue mess? Compact cameras with small sensors always behave horribly at high ISOs. SLR cameras look much better, but also require sanity.

Zoom ratio is simply the ratio between the maximum and minimum focal lengths of a zoom lens. For example, a lens with a focal length of 18-55 mm is essentially a 3x zoom (55 ÷ 18 ≈ 3), although the concept of a zoom factor is more often used in relation to fixed lenses of compact cameras. Taken without regard focal length the zoom factor number does not make any sense and certainly should not serve as a criterion when choosing a camera or lens, and here's why: firstly, it says nothing about specific focal lengths. For example, two completely different lenses can turn out to be equally 5x zooms: 24-120 mm and 80-400 mm. Secondly, you have to pay for versatility with quality - 30x ultrazooms physically cannot provide decent sharpness, and their aperture ratio is not high; and therefore do not chase zoom lenses with exorbitant multiplicity. A convenient set of focal lengths is much more important than the zoom factor. To compare lenses, it is appropriate to use the concept of equivalent focal length, because it allows you to take into account the difference in the size of the sensors of different cameras.

Digital zoom is not only useless, but even somewhat harmful. Having nothing to do with optics, digital zoom simply stretches part of the image. software tools camera, which creates the illusion of zoom, but leads to a noticeable loss of quality. Similarly, you can enlarge the image in Photoshop.

The most important and most stubbornly ignored parameter when choosing a camera by sellers is ergonomics - how comfortable the camera fits in the hand, how quickly it allows you to respond to changing shooting conditions, how thoughtful the management of the most important settings is and whether menu navigation takes too much time. Convenience is an individual matter. You can finally make sure that a particular camera is right for you only by picking it up.

Some parameters just need to be able to interpret. For example, heavy weight is not a virtue in itself, but it can indirectly indicate the mechanical strength and reliability of the camera, and a high burst shooting speed almost always indicates that the camera is suitable for reportage work.

And one more important tip: never listen to consultants in photo equipment stores. Their goal is to sell you a camera, and preferably at a higher price, not to improve your photographs. Only a practicing photographer can know which camera is really good and which is not.

For more detailed information on what criteria should be followed when choosing a digital camera and optics for it, you can learn from the following articles: "What is a professional camera", "Camera options" and "Criteria for choosing lenses". About what else, besides the camera, the amateur photographer will have to acquire, is described in the article “Starting kit for photographic equipment”.

SLR cameras

Nikon FX

Nikon currently releases five full-frame models: D610, D750, Df, D810 and D5. Camera sales around the world are now falling, and if you do decide to buy a digital camera, Nikon will prefer that this camera is necessarily full-frame - simply because it is more expensive.

Of course, we are all very sad that the poor Japanese capitalists are suffering losses, but do you really need a full frame? The difference in image quality between DX and FX devices is minimal today, and is mainly manifested by a slightly lower level of FX noise at high ISO values.

Canon APS-C

Canon APS-C cameras have a 1.6 crop factor sensor, i.e. slightly smaller than the Nikon DX. Canon cameras are better suited for shooting video, and this is a reason to take a closer look at them if you are interested in video shooting. I myself am skeptical about shooting video on a SLR camera, but you are entitled to your own opinion.

Canon has seven current APS-C format models: 4000D, 2000D, 200D, 800D, 77D, 80D and 7D Mark II.

4000D, 2000D, 200D and 800D are amateur cameras. The Canon EOS 2000D is a great camera for a beginner photographer - small, light and not too expensive. Canon EOS 200D is even more compact, but in this regard, it has only a minimum of external controls, which, however, is partly offset by the presence of a touch screen. Canon EOS 800D is a slightly more advanced, but still amateur model. The Canon EOS 4000D is a cut down (not to say worse) version of the 2000D.

Canon Full Frame

Today Canon releases four full-frame models: 6D Mark II, 5D Mark IV, 5Ds and 1D X Mark II. The Canon EOS 1D C doesn't count because it's designed for video, not photography.

Compact cameras

No compact camera can match a DSLR in speed of operation, and few can match in image quality, but when a camera is required to fit in a pocket, DSLRs are completely unacceptable due to their size.

Obviously, if you only need compactness, without regard to image quality and ergonomics, then the camera built into a mobile phone may well replace a real camera. Another thing is that even the simplest soap dish is still more convenient to shoot than the most advanced smartphone.

By the simplest soap dish, I mean something like Nikon Coolpix A10. This ultra-budget camera costs $150, has a 1/2.3" sensor (crop factor 6), a good universal zoom lens and shoots much better than most phones, and besides, it runs on standard AA batteries, which helps a lot on trips.

The problem is that if a person is satisfied with the quality of the image obtained using a 1 / 2.3 "matrix (well, or 1 / 1.7" for more expensive soap dishes), then in most cases he will be satisfied with the quality that the mobile phone matrix produces - for social networks any rubbish will do. As for ease of use, a rare smartphone owner will agree to pay extra for a separate device with real buttons. He is accustomed to the touch screen and does not know that in some situations the archaic buttons are much more convenient.

However, fans of extreme recreation and tourism may like one of the protected compacts, say, Olympus Tough TG-5 for $ 500, which has a waterproof shock-resistant case, built-in GPS receiver and thermometer, as well as a small 1 / 2.3-format matrix.

I don’t recommend advanced ultrazoom compacts to anyone for the reason that their matrices are still tiny, but in terms of size and price, ultrazooms come close to budget DSLRs. It is possible that I do not understand something, but, in my opinion, if the camera looks and costs like a DSLR, but shoots like a cheap soap dish, then this is a bad camera and you should not buy it.

More expensive compact cameras with large matrices stand apart. The idea of ​​such cameras is to get the maximum image quality with the minimum size of the device.

Editors' Choice - Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II for $650, equipped with a 1" sensor (crop factor 2.7) and a zoom lens with an equivalent focal length of 24-100 mm at f / 1.8-2.8 aperture. Why exactly 1"? After all, there are compact cameras and a larger format, up to full-frame ones? That's how it is, but more and more serious compacts have dimensions that no longer allow us to consider them truly compact. And if the camera ceases to fit in your pocket, is it not better to buy a real SLR instead of it for less money and enjoy life? At the same time, the G7 X and other similar cameras provide image quality quite comparable to DSLRs, but at the same time, they practically do not differ in size from ordinary point-and-shoot cameras.

Mirrorless cameras

In principle, it is difficult for me to recommend one of the mirrorless systems to a novice photographer. Their functional advantages even over the simplest SLR cameras are not quite obvious, and the price of mirrorless cameras is still quite high. A person who switches to a mirrorless system should do this consciously and be well aware of what he is losing and what he is gaining. A classic DSLR always has a better price/performance ratio than a similar class mirrorless camera. The only unconditional advantage of mirrorless cameras is their relative lightness and compactness, for which you actually pay an additional premium.

If you have come to this life, then I would advise you to choose between the Olympus Micro 4/3, Fujifilm X, Sony α and maybe Canon EOS M systems. The Olympus system has the most thoughtful ergonomics and a wonderful variety of lenses, but the Olympus sensor is small (crop factor 2). Sony has both cropped and full frame models, but the choice of lenses leaves a lot to be desired. The Fuji system is the golden mean. The Canon EOS M system is hardly mature, but Canon mirrorless cameras are compatible (with an adapter) with lenses for EF and EF-S SLR cameras. Mirrorless cameras from other manufacturers are nothing more than compacts with interchangeable lenses and an enlarged matrix. For serious photography, they are of little use.

Thanks for attention!

Vasily A.

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Photography is much more than just a hobby. This seemingly harmless occupation requires a decent investment, most of which is spent on acquiring a good camera. Professional photographers Those who have made a hobby their main job need expensive equipment that not only has high performance, but also includes a number of subtle, and often completely redundant functions and settings. However, if you are a beginner photographer, we recommend that you pay attention to the following key parameters device:

  • Type. Many masters of photography complain that compact digital cameras are ideal for beginners, the development of which is much easier than learning DSLRs. However, the opposite is also true: if you learn how to work with SLR cameras once, then the photographer will have a device with a large set of functions and settings that are not available to digital counterparts.
  • Price. This factor should not be overlooked either, since the price inseparably follows the choice of model. It so happened that digital cameras are much cheaper than DSLRs, even with comparable (or superior) parameters. However, the latter give greater freedom of creativity, which is a decisive factor in determining the type and price range.
  • Availability of reference data. Recently, most SLR cameras are equipped with a built-in guide function, thereby making life easier for beginners in the world of photography. If you are one of them, look for a model with a similar “chip”.
  • The physical dimensions of the matrix. You shouldn't pay much attention to the clever advertising trick about megapixels, since this function is not so important in DSLRs. It is much more important to understand what dimensions the matrix has - the larger its dimensions (even at a resolution of 10 megapixels, which is enough for high quality photos), the better the color reproduction, the higher the sensitivity and the less noise even at high ISO values.
  • Zoom. A beginner's camera should have at least 3x zoom, as well as the ability to change lenses. These factors will significantly expand the possibilities of the photographer, at least several times.
  • Battery life. Even professionals sometimes need to take several shots in order to achieve the desired effect from a photo. Beginners often experience problems with the first frame, so autonomy, which determines the number of possible shots on one full battery charge, is one of the key parameters.
  • Availability of automatic settings. At the very beginning of using the DSLR, it will be very difficult for the user to navigate the settings. Therefore, you should give preference to cameras with ready-made parameters for different kinds shooting, be it landscape, portrait or sports.
  • Autofocus and exposure detection. The implementation of these two functions in automatic mode will greatly simplify the process of photography for a beginner.

The best Canon DSLRs for beginner photographers

4 Canon EOS 800D Kit

"Golden mean" between amateur and semi-professional class. Swivel screen
The country:
Average price: 37,450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Compared to classic DSLRs for beginners, the model is clearly striving for the big leagues. 45 cross-type dots are used by the camera to achieve perfect sharpness when viewed through the viewfinder. There is no direct focus point selection. The swivel screen with electronic level will not allow the horizon to collapse, even if the photographer is shooting from an uncomfortable position. Settings can be controlled remotely via a smartphone running the Canon Camera Connect app. An important point: for this model, the location function is not available.

The comments are actively discussing the pros and cons of the device. On the positive note, the transformation of the LCD into a full-fledged control element, high image quality at ISO up to 3200, 1080p video recording at 60 frames / sec in NTSC format. In addition, there is a digital video stabilization mode and a 3.5 mm audio jack for an external microphone. There is no input for monitor headphones. There is also no dust and moisture protection.

3 Canon EOS 1300D Kit

Quick turn on. Large buffer size in JPEG
The country: Japan (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: 23,800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

As the reviewers say, this is an excellent representative of the "anti-crisis" DSLRs with the potential to move from amateur photography to a more serious level. The owner will be able to enthusiastically experiment with all manual settings, shoot with a blurry background in moderately difficult conditions. After exploring the capabilities of a whale lens, you can switch to fast optics and take a fresh look at the camera.

There is a lot of talk on the net about the speed of work. Don't be put off by the slow loading of information on the screen after activating the device, the camera is ready to shoot after half a second after switching on (this already includes the time spent on autofocus). With proper reaction, you will not miss a single valuable dynamic frame. But here's another point: in RAW format, a series of 7 shots is taken at a speed of 3 frames / sec., And then the clipboard is filled. You have to wait until the photos are saved on the memory card. There is a way out - shoot in JPEG at maximum quality.

2 Canon EOS 80D Kit

The best shooting parameters (matrix 25.8 MP)
Country: Japan
Average price: 54,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A mid-range DSLR that can be a great “learning device” for beginners, and is also guaranteed to not get lost among advanced gadgets. Studying the Canon EOS 80D Kit can take a very long time - sorting through all the possible modes and functions (especially with an extended set of lenses) can captivate novice photographers for several days. However, the result of such a "harsh" study can exceed all expectations: naturally talented beginner photographers can see impressive results from the very first work.

But purely technically, the Canon EOS 80D Kit does not bring anything new to the middle link. While other semi-budget cameras are equipped with the ability to shoot video in 4k, this model serves as a passing improvement of the earlier EOS 70D, and, alas, does not show anything more than this.


  • availability of wireless connectivity with other devices;
  • good dynamic design at low ISOs;
  • the presence of a built-in interval timer (dedicated to fans of shooting time-lapses).


  • has purely average technical capabilities;
  • high price.

1 Canon EOS 200D Kit

One of the smallest DSLRs around. Balance in cost and features
The country: Japan (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: 27,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The camera weighs only 450 g with parameters of 122.4x92.6x69.8 cm (length, width, height, respectively). The creators thoughtfully approached the development of a camera for beginners. This model provides the solution that beginners are looking for at the beginning of their journey: the maximum set of technical features at an affordable price. DSLR with swivel touch screen supports NFC, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, shoots at 5 fps, CMOS AF sensor tracks the subject of video footage smoothly. It's nice to have these features and technologies from the world of professional photography on an amateur camera.

Users also liked the new graphical interface. Colored icons suggest what effect you will achieve when adjusting the aperture and shutter speed. This makes life much easier during the learning phase, and later you can switch to standard view. On sale there are models in black, white and silver, so that the DSLR easily turns into a fashion accessory.

The best Nikon DSLRs for beginner photographers

4 Nikon D610 Body

24MP full frame sensor. Two SD memory card slots
The country:
Average price: 62,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The camera has a full-frame CMOS sensor 24x36 mm with a resolution of 24 megapixels. In combination with the Expeed 3 processor, this guarantees high image detail and minimal noise at ISO up to 3200. A large matrix makes it possible to flexibly work out the depth of field in the frame, and this is a big plus for portrait scenes. Working with a pair of SD drives opens up additional opportunities for the photographer: you can set up data recording one by one, as the media fills up, or in parallel to two flash drives. And you can also spread the JPG record on one card, and RAW on the next one, in order to pull everything you need from the frames.

Positive impressions in the reviews are centered around the ergonomic body, high quality viewfinder and quiet video shooting mode. The relative disadvantages include large dimensions, but for full-frame SLR devices this is a variant of the norm. You will also have to get used to the features of autofocus: its points are grouped close to the center of the frame.

3 Nikon D7200 Body

Time-lapse video function. Magnesium dust and water resistant housing
The country: Japan (manufactured in Thailand)
Average price: 54,300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Time-lapse video shooting or, in other words, “Time Lapse” is implemented here - slow-motion frame-by-frame shooting with automatically set time intervals between frames. In this mode, auto exposure leveling is available, which is important when shooting for many hours with changes in lighting. The owner has the opportunity to record Full HD video 1920x1080 at up to 60 frames / sec. The video settings are very conveniently located - this is a whole separate tab in the menu. For high-quality sound recording, you can attach an external microphone to the 3.5 mm jack, besides, its sensitivity is manually adjusted in the camera menu.

If you choose a SLR for years, this one is just right for complex operation - there is dust and moisture protection. The owners allocate a set fine tuning, confusing for a beginner, but in the future will serve as a space for creative experiments. Therefore, Nikon's "semi-professional" is considered best device with the prospect of development in the field of photo and videography.

2 Nikon D3500 Kit

The best "friendly" camera for a beginner. Powerful battery
The country: Japan (manufactured in Thailand)
Average price: 31,200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The information screen is designed with the novice photographer in mind to comfortably get used to the SLR camera. Several themes are provided, a large icon for displaying the opening / closing of the aperture, highlighting overexposed areas, the “?” with help and advice for specific shooting situations in Guide mode. The "i" button takes you to the quick menu, through which you can control ISO, autofocus, white balance.

The EN-EL14a 1230 mAh battery has proven itself very well. The declared 1550 frames on a single charge are confirmed by practice, while users do not deny themselves either long bursts or the use of built-in flash and Live View mode, and also easily connect to a smartphone via a wireless interface. Commentators also note a wide range of photo processing options right in the device: brightness, effects, cropping, correcting distorted perspective, etc.

1 Nikon D5300 Body

best budget DSLR
Country: Japan
Average price: 26,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An amateur-level camera, created in the image and likeness of the D3300 model. Despite the already brilliant ergonomics of the mentioned camera, the Nikon D5300 Body was worked out additionally, fortunately, not for the worse. The main changes affected the internal filling and related technical specifications. The resolution of the new matrix was 24.78 megapixels, which clearly indicates an internal corporate struggle for every hundredth of a pixel in order to improve the final photo result. The painstaking work on the balance of settings is designed for the same effect in order to enhance color reproduction and related aspects. Another qualitative leap was made in the “weak link” of all budget-middle Nikon DSLRs: good sensitivity finally allows you to shoot at ISO 1600, bypassing the graininess and quality loss. Considering this amount of useful work, buying Nikon The D5300 Body can be a great investment.


  • adjustment of the sensitivity of the matrix and the possibility of high-quality shooting at ISO 1600;
  • the presence of a time-lapse function;
  • high quality photos.


  • still the same slow Live View mode.

The best other brands of DSLRs for beginner photographers

3 Sony Alpha ILCA-68 Kit

The best shooting quality
Country: Japan
Average price: 54,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Some users claim that the redesigned version of the Alpha ILCA-77 Kit series camera is still professional, although it lacks many key functions. In fact, the light version of the device is a device of a completely different level, closer to beginners or amateurs than to true masters of photography.

As in all models from Sony, the Alpha ILCA-68 Kit clearly stands out for all character traits of the branded device is a small 2.7-inch swivel screen, a reduced width dimension, and a lightweight body in this way, which adds convenience when taking pictures. By the way, you can shoot high-quality photos at ISO values ​​up to 1600 and only in jpeg format. If noise reduction still somehow works here, it is completely absent in the RAW format, which is more convenient for subsequent processing (and storage). 24 megapixel resolutions are realized perfectly - with the right settings, you can achieve an excellent balance of color depth and naturalness, which is so lacking in many competitive cameras.

2 Pentax KP Kit

Elaborate personalization with interchangeable pads. High light sensitivity
The country: Japan (manufactured in the Philippines)
Average price: 76,150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

At Pentax, we see the most respectful approach to the buyer and ergonomics. The manufacturer supplements the package with three interchangeable grips of different configurations so that each photographer can adapt the body to his hand. To do this, you only need a hex wrench and a minute of free time. A lot of installation options in the menu, a large number of function buttons on the camera are a guarantee of a fun pastime for fans of the brand and photography enthusiasts.

The matrix was "brought" to ISO 819 200: of course, at the maximum values ​​of sensitivity, the picture will be noisy. The point here is different - you get the highest quality at medium and low shutter speeds. It follows from the reviews that on a PC monitor, noise clearly manifests itself with ISO6400, and photo printing on A3 format shows a decent picture even with ISO 12800. Landscape photography lovers will like the automatic horizon leveling function: the matrix can correct the tilt angle up to 1.5⁰.

1 Pentax K-70 Kit

Better image clarity. Pixel Shift Resolution Technology
The country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 69,300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most interesting features of a DSRL camera is the viewfinder - it displays 100% of the frame area. The field of view is slightly darkened, which will seem an advantage in bright light and a relative disadvantage in the dark. The manufacturer claims to have used hundreds of seals for the magnesium body, so the SLR camera will withstand even the conditions of a tropical downpour with dignity.

Now about the main thing - the quality of photos. Implemented technology "Pixel Shift Resolution" with a movable matrix mount. Thus, image stabilization and the highest clarity in all details are achieved. To get an ultra-clear frame, the camera seems to “stitch” 4 shots - the result is sharp and more voluminous. Users suggest that you get the perfect effect when shooting static: objects, architecture, landscapes, especially in combination with a tripod, self-timer, remote control and mirror lockup.

The best mirrorless camera for beginner photographers

4 Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III Kit

Advanced Photo - a block of programs for technically complex photos
The country: Japan (produced in Vietnam)
Average price: 46,860 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The device is small and comfortable, the grip is thought out to the smallest detail: three fingers right hand rest on the frontal part, and on the opposite side there is an expressive protrusion for the thumb. The control wheels remain as large as on older models - a very practical move. The camera is not much larger than a smartphone in terms of dimensions and weight, it fits in a pocket and a handbag, even during a long excursion, the owner will not experience any discomfort from carrying. The standard M.Zuiko Digital ED 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 EZ lens is a miniature "pancake", that is, the diameter exceeds the length.

In the Advanced Photo menu, beginners will try their hand at collage mode (stitching multiple frames), Live Time (shooting with a shutter speed "bulb"), multiple exposure (a series of photos and their sequential overlay), HDR (high dynamic range), silent shooting (only electronic shutter), panorama, distortion correction, focus bracketing (expansion of depth of field).

3 Fujifilm X-T100 Kit

Original retro design. Diopter adjustment
The country: Japan (made in Indonesia)
Average price: 41,890 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Introducing a camera stylized as a classic film technique. At the base of the "carcass" is plastic, and on top - aluminum with an anodized black, gold or black-silver color. Aesthetes will definitely be satisfied with the appearance of the device. The electronic viewfinder has a diopter adjustment wheel so that photographers with vision problems do not experience discomfort.

All Fujifilm mirrorless cameras have built-in presets (saved sets of settings) with an imitation of the legendary branded film. It is very interesting to experiment with film effect modeling in photo and video mode, PROVIA / STANDARD, VELVIA / VIVID, ASTIA / SOFT, CLASSIC CHROME, PRO Neg Hi, PRO Neg variations are available. Std, Sepia and five monochromes. Conclusion: despite all the vintage "atmosphere", the device is quite accessible to the understanding of the new generation with their love for smartphones, blogs and video broadcasts. Auto mode and scene programs give a very decent result.

2 Canon EOS M50 Kit

The best feature set. Entry-level mirrorless camera with 4K video recording
Country: Japan
Average price: 42,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The main advantage of the new DIGIC 8 processor is the ability to shoot video in 4K format (3840x2160 pixels at 25 fps). Note that this is not a flagship model, but equipment for amateurs at an adequate price. There is an autofocus function for the eyes, but it only works with stationary people, in classic portrait photography, for example. In general, there are 3 methods of autofocus here: zone, on the selected point and tracking the object.

The owners call the inability to recharge the battery via USB an annoying trifle, for this purpose a network charger is used. Lightweight polycarbonate body and compact dimensions allow you to carry the model even in your hands, even in a jacket pocket. The buyer can choose from two color versions: in the usual black design and expressive white with gray accents. The bright device looks non-standard and attracts the attention of passers-by, especially when combined with a proprietary silver lens.

1 Sony Alpha ILCE-6000 Kit

4D autofocus. Shooting speed. "Open" bayonet
The country: Japan (manufactured in Thailand)
Average price: 38,490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Let's start with the main advantage of a mirrorless camera, namely, the shooting speed, which reaches 11 frames / sec. Mirror analogues at a similar price are simply not able to give such indicators. Further - more: Sony engineers have created an "open" E mount, that is, third-party optics developers can develop fully compatible lenses. The working length of the mount is very small, only 18 mm, which means that any optic from your arsenal will work with the adapter.

4D focus, which replaced contrast autofocus, has become a real breakthrough in mirrorless technology. Its essence lies in the improved operation of automation, immediately in 4 dimensions. 179 phase detection sensors interact with the object, which cover 92% of the width and 91% of the height of the frame, the distance to the object is also controlled, and the future direction of movement in the next second is taken into account. Tracking focus works excellently with a trajectory of movement of any complexity. The best choice for dynamic scenes.

Nikon D5600 can shoot up to 4 frames per second. The Expeed 4 processor ensures high-quality shooting even at extreme ISO values ​​- this distinguishes the camera from competitors.

In its price range, the camera stands out with a 39-point auto focus system, so even novice photographers will get sharp pictures.

The Nikon D5600 is easy to operate with a swivel touch screen. Built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi allow you to immediately upload photos to your smartphone or tablet.

Full HD video can be recorded at up to 60 frames per second.

Up to 100,000 rubles - Canon EOS 80D

  • The matrix: APS-C, 24.2 MP.
  • Viewfinder: mirror (TTL), field of view 100%.
  • Display:
  • Battery: Canon LP-E6N, 1865 mAh, 960 shots per charge.
  • Price: 49,590 rubles for Body, 53,900 rubles for Kit.
  • Alternatives: Canon EOS 800D, Nikon D7200, Canon EOS 77D.

The sensor in the Canon EOS 80D works great at high ISOs (up to 6400) and can shoot at 7 fps. The high-performance Digic 6 processor is responsible for image processing.

The built-in Dual Pixel CMOS AF features improved tracking capability and excellent 45-point autofocus. The sensitivity of the Canon EOS 80D module is not inferior to professional cameras.

The swivel touch display provides ease of use, and the rubber inserts on the plastic body eliminate the bulkiness of the camera.

From 100,000 rubles - Nikon D850

  • The matrix: Full frame, 45.7 MP.
  • Viewfinder: Mirror (TTL), 100% field of view.
  • Display:
  • Battery: EN-EL15a, 1900 mAh, 1840 shots per charge.
  • Price: 229,990 rubles for Body, 223,900 rubles for Kit.
  • Alternatives: Canon EOS 6D Mark II, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Nikon D7500.

This is an expensive and extremely advanced SLR camera for real professionals. Its full-frame FX-format sensor delivers incredible image quality. The Nikon D850 has a wide dynamic range and low noise at high ISOs. Shooting speed - 9 frames per second.

The Expeed 5 processor processes images. The 153-point autofocus system provides ultra-precise pointing and sharpness.

The camera is equipped with a double slot for memory cards. Video shooting is supported in Full HD (up to 120 frames per second), 4K (30 frames per second) and TimeLapse 8K.

The waterproof and dustproof housing allows you to use the Nikon D850 even in bad weather.

The best mirrorless cameras

Up to 50,000 rubles - Canon EOS M50

  • The matrix: APS-C, 24.1 MP.
  • Viewfinder:
  • Display:
  • Battery: Canon LP-E12, 875 mAh, 235 shots per charge.
  • Price: 37,162 rubles for Body, 42,990 rubles for Kit.
  • Alternatives: Fujifilm X-T100, Olympus Pen E-PL9.

The Canon EOS M50 is capable of capturing up to 10 frames per second with a high degree of detail. The heart of the camera is a Digic 8 processor that supports the improved CR3 recording format. High-quality pictures are provided by a 143-point autofocus system and a five-axis matrix stabilizer.

The camera is quite compact and very easy to use. With a touchscreen display and a thoughtful grip, the Canon EOS M50 makes it easy to shoot or record 4K (30fps) and Full HD (60fps) video at arm's length.

Of course, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are also supported.

Up to 100,000 rubles - Sony Alpha 6500

  • The matrix: APS-C, 24.2 MP.
  • Viewfinder: electronic, field of view 100%.
  • Display: 3 inches, touch, rotary.
  • Battery: NP-FW50, 1020 mAh, 350 shots per charge.
  • Price: 85,990 rubles for Body, 93,900 rubles for Kit.
  • Alternatives: Sony Alpha 6300, Fujifilm X-T20.

Sony Alpha 6500 with built-in five-axis stabilization can shoot 11 frames per second. ISO operating values ​​reach 3200.

The Bionz X processor supports advanced processing algorithms, so that the photos are bright and juicy even in mediocre lighting.

The camera has 425 phase and 169 contrast AF points. To control, simply move your finger across the touch screen.

The camera can shoot video in 4K (30 fps) and Full HD (120 fps).

The Sony Alpha 6500's compact, ergonomic body makes it comfortable to hold.

From 100,000 rubles - Sony Alpha7 III

  • The matrix: Full frame, 24.3 MP.
  • Viewfinder: electronic, field of view 100%.
  • Display: 3 inches, touch, rotary.
  • Battery: Sony NP-FZ100, 2280 mAh, 610 shots per charge.
  • Price: 154,990 rubles for Body, 166,990 rubles for Kit.
  • Alternatives: Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm X-T2, Sony Alpha ILCE-7RM3, Canon EOS R, Nikon Z 6.

Premium mirrorless camera capable of 10 frames per second. The camera has high working ISO (up to 5000-6400), excellent color reproduction and noise reduction.

The Bionz X processor has a high image reading speed. The hybrid autofocus has as many as 693 focus points and a bunch of settings: there is face recognition, and aiming at the eyes, and other subtleties. Add to this the five-axis stabilization of the matrix and excellent image detail.

In addition, the camera can shoot video in Full HD (120 frames per second) and 4K (30 frames per second).

Sony Alpha7 III is equipped with two USB connectors: Type-C and Micro USB. They can both transfer data and charge the camera. Another nice little thing is the double slot for .

The case is made of magnesium and protected from moisture and dust.

The best compact cameras

Up to 50,000 rubles - Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II

  • The matrix: 1 inch, 20.2 MP.
  • Viewfinder: no.
  • Display: 3 inches, touch.
  • Battery: Canon NB-13L, 1250 mAh, 235 shots per charge.
  • Price: 28 990 rubles.
  • Alternatives: Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ101, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX80, Fujifilm XF10, Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II.

This premium compact from Canon has a 20.2 megapixel sensor and fast zoom. Even for beginners, the camera allows you to effortlessly take high-quality pictures. In auto exposure mode, the camera selects the best sharpness and color reproduction. Shooting speed - up to 8.2 frames per second.

Image processing is performed by a Digic 7 processor with improved autofocus and noise reduction.

31-point Intelligent AF supports face detection even in group shots. The camera is very light and comfortable. However, people with large hands with this crumb may have a hard time.

In addition to the 3-inch touch screen, there is another control tool - a ring around the lens that adjusts aperture, shutter speed and exposure. Using the built-in Bluetooth module, you can not only upload pictures from the camera to other devices, but also control shooting from a smartphone or tablet.

Videos can be shot in Full HD at 60 frames per second.

Up to 100,000 rubles - Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VI

  • The matrix: 1 inch, 20.1 MP.
  • Viewfinder: electronic, retractable, field of view 100%.
  • Display: 3 inches, rotary, touch.
  • Battery: Sony NP-BX1, 1240 mAh, 240 shots per charge.
  • Price: 94 990 rubles.
  • Alternatives: Panasonic DC-LX100 II.

compact Sony Cyber-shot The DSC-RX100 VI can capture up to 24 frames per second. The camera has good image stabilization.

The improved lens allows for an 8.3x zoom - impressive for such a small thing. The equivalent focal length can vary from 24mm to 200mm.

The Bionz X processor guarantees low noise and high speed image processing.

The DSC-RX100 VI supports instant eye and smile AF for portraits and wide coverage of moving subjects. To control the focus, simply move your finger across the touch screen. The phase focusing system has 315 points.

You can record video in 4K at 30 frames per second. There is an HFR mode with an impressive 1,000 frames per second.

The LCD display rotates 180 degrees up and 90 degrees down. If necessary, you can release the shutter not with a button, but with a sensor.

From 100,000 rubles - Sony DSC-RX1

  • The matrix: Full frame, 24.3 MP.
  • Viewfinder: electronic, field of view 100%.
  • Display: 3 inches, touch.
  • Battery: Sony NP-BX1, 1240 mAh, 270 shots per charge.
  • Price: 89 990 rubles.
  • Alternatives: Leica D-Lux (Type 109) .

Very compact premium camera. The Full frame sensor combined with the powerful Bionz X processor guarantees excellent image quality, brightness and detail.

Clear pictures are obtained even at high ISO levels (up to 102,400). This is facilitated by the Multi Frame NR noise reduction mode.

The Sony DSC-RX1 is equipped with a fast autofocus system with a width of 315 points. Shooting speed - 5 frames per second.

It is very convenient to control the camera thanks to the aperture and focus rings, as well as the adjustment buttons, which are located right under the photographer's fingers. There is also a dial switch for exposure adjustment, and a custom button on which you can hang your own actions of your choice.

A nice feature of the Sony DSC-RX1 is a bunch of interface connectors. You can connect an external flash, viewfinder, control buttons or even an optional LCD monitor to them.

In addition, the camera shoots Full HD video at 60 frames per second.

  • Display: 3" swivel.
  • Battery: EN-EL23, 1850 mAh, 350 shots per charge.
  • Price: 29 990 rubles.
  • Alternatives: Nikon Coolpix B500, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX350.
  • Nikon Coolpix B700 is equipped with proprietary Nikkor with 60x optical zoom and can shoot at 5 frames per second. Thanks to the Dynamic Fine Zoom function, you can increase the zoom up to 120x.

    A powerful autofocus system ensures high-precision shooting. The zoom ranges from 24mm wide to 1440mm super telephoto. In addition, with such a camera, you can also perform macro photography of objects located at a distance of 1 cm from the lens.

    The Nikon Coolpix B700 has an electronic viewfinder as well as a vari-angle display. The Dual Detect Optical VR vibration reduction system allows you to take clear pictures even without a tripod.

    • The matrix: 1/2.3 inch, 16.79MP
    • Viewfinder: electronic, field of view 100%.
    • Display: 3.2 inches, swivel, touch.
    • Battery: EN-EL20a, 1110 mAh, 250 shots per charge.
    • Price: 78 490 rubles.
    • Alternatives: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10M3.

    The Nikkor lens has a 125x optical zoom that ranges from 24mm at wide angle to a record-breaking 3000mm. There is a digital zoom function equal to 250. The lens has an optical stabilizer with five stops of jitter correction.

    An Expeed processor is responsible for image processing, processing images at a speed of 7 frames per second.

    Nikon Coolpix P1000 contrast focusing system can track objects and faces. The camera has special shooting modes. For example, to watch birds and the moon.

    The camera has a 3.2-inch vari-angle touchscreen with anti-reflective coating and electronic viewfinder. The body of the Coolpix P1000 is quite massive, but has comfortable ergonomics.

  • Viewfinder: electronic, field of view 100%.
  • Display: 3 inches, rotary, touch.
  • Battery: NP-FW50, 1020 mAh, 370 shots per charge.
  • Price: 129 990 rubles.
  • Alternatives: Leica V-Lux (Type 114).
  • The Sony DSC-RX10M4 has a 25x zoom lens and can capture 24 frames per second. The camera also has optical SteadyShot stabilization with electronic compensation.

    Fast and accurate autofocus is provided by 25 contrast and 315 phase sensors. There are single-frame, auto, tracking, direct and manual focus modes.

    There is a function to transfer pictures wirelessly, as well as remote control camera through . Supports 4K video recording at 30 frames per second.

    Housing Sony DSC-RX10M4 is made of composite material and protected from dust and moisture.

    The modern world is a constant movement, a sea of ​​colors, events, travels. Social networks, pages on the Internet, websites - nothing is complete without photos. Accordingly, one of the most common gadgets should be considered a digital compact camera. It is easy to use, versatile, compact, affordable. Even children are able to manage many models of digital compacts. Marketers anticipate all the desires of the buyer, introducing more and more unique features. In this regard, the range of digital cameras is simply huge, and it is not so easy for an inexperienced person to find a model that suits their needs.

    Digital compact camera or smartphone camera?

    There are at least three reasons why you should opt for a digital compact:

    1. Matrix size.

    Not every smartphone can afford to install a matrix of the same size as in an average compact camera. Modern phones are aiming for thin and user-friendly forms. The matrix, in turn, requires a lot of space, which the manufacturer is not ready to sacrifice. After all, a phone is, first of all, a multifunctional device, and its functions do not end with taking photos and videos. The camera is not so versatile, but with similar indicators and conditions, the picture quality of the camera will always be better. You can claim as much as you like that the phone takes a beautiful picture and everything suits you, but this is exactly until the moment you start viewing photos on a screen of 30 inches or more. And it will immediately become clear that photos from the phone are not suitable for installation on a desktop or in a family archive, and when printing, there is a high probability of getting fuzzy contours due to insufficient detail and sharpness.

    2. Settings and functions.

    Agree, not every smartphone has an abundance of shooting settings. Often, even if there are settings, they are reset when turned off. Digital cameras, in turn, have a number of features that are not available to simple phone cameras. As an example, let's take the most common ones: ISO, shutter speed, red-eye removal, autofocus in motion, zoom, etc. This indicates that the processor of even the most sophisticated phone is "sharpened" for completely different needs. And the camera is focused on only one thing: to create a high-quality picture under any circumstances.

    3. Energy.

    All portable gadgets are limited by battery capacity. Suppose you went on a trip with your smartphone, leaving the camera at home in a dark corner. Upon arrival, the cultural program begins, hiking, trips, excursions. I want to shoot everything, record a video, time to watch, call, turn on the Internet. Suddenly, the battery runs out, and not only the photo, but also all the other functions of the phone are gone. A separate device is much more practical.

    We conclude: the phone is a universal device for many operations, but in terms of photography it is not so convenient. Ask yourself: are phone photos enough for you? Perhaps this is enough for social networks, but not an option for family photo sessions, archiving holidays and trips. Moreover, it is rare when photos from the phone are stored in the cloud storage or on a PC. You run the risk of never seeing that piece of life that was captured on a smartphone photo again. Cameras are less likely to be lost, broken and are not a permanent storage of pictures, you always want to view photos on a PC.

    But, despite all the disadvantages, there is one big plus - the smartphone is always at hand. This argument is used by supporters of camera phones. Of course, when the camera is in hand, there are more chances to catch a good shot, take a picture of the necessary documents or announcements, passing by. In addition to a good shot, there will be a lot of streaming daily photos of food, fittings, ads, etc. in the phone folder. Not everyone is willing to take the time to "separate the wheat from the chaff."

    Digital compact or SLR camera?

    If you are a demanding person in photography and expect a high-quality picture from a camera, then you undoubtedly wondered: a compact or a SLR camera?

    There are many arguments in favor of a SLR camera, but what are the advantages of a digital compact compared to a “DSLR”:

    - Dimensions. SLR cameras are heavy, and compact SLRs do not exist at all and are unlikely to appear. In addition to a weighty carcass, the dimensions and weight are added by a lens and an external flash. With such a system, you don’t really want to bother every time to capture everyday moments of life. On tourist trips, hiking or just walking with friends, a SLR camera is also not always appropriate, it is an extra bag or an expensive load hanging around your neck.

    - Customization. To a large extent, digital compact cameras are easier to handle. They are designed for convenience and ease of use. Intuitive menu settings make life easier for the user. That is, having bought a digital compact, you can go outside and immediately start taking pictures. With SLR cameras, the situation is much more complicated. On the one hand, the auto-shoot function is also on the SLR camera. But there will be no strong differences in the process of shooting in auto mode on a digital compact and a DSLR. In both cases, the camera thinks for you, you will not be able to control the process. Therefore, if your interests do not include the study of manual mode, composition, chiaroscuro, then why pay more?

    - Versatility. Despite the advantages of SLR cameras, they are not universal because of the lenses. Each genre has its own lens, which differs in focal length, aperture, etc. This entails additional costs, lack of mobility. To meet the needs of the consumer, manufacturers have equipped digital compacts for all shooting occasions. This approach allows you to shoot not only portraits, but also landscapes, animals, insects, objects.

    If you have discovered in yourself a talent and craving for photography, for learning something new, a desire for art, then a SLR camera is your choice. For those who are not ready to go beyond auto mode, for your own good, it is better to choose a compact camera. The compact requires a minimum of time to study the instructions and small investments. While easy to manage, high-quality photos will allow you to keep captured moments for a lifetime.

    Key considerations when choosing a compact camera

    Once you have decided that a compact camera is the best option for you, the question arises on what criteria to make a choice. Being more specific will save you money and time. There are not so many indicators influencing the choice. Some characteristics are of a secondary nature and are often exclusive to the manufacturer.

    About the matrix and megapixels

    Very often, buyers do not pay attention to the size of the matrix. But it is the size of the matrix that affects the quality of the final image. When choosing a camera, follow the rule - the larger the matrix in inches, the better.

    The matrix is ​​one of the most important components of the camera; in fact, it is a digital film. Only the matrix, unlike the film, does not store the picture, but transmits electrical signals to the camera's processor for processing and then saving the picture.

    However, manufacturers rarely focus on the size of the matrices, thereby leading the buyer away from the truth. The size affects the image resolution, color, amount of noise.

    What is a matrix and how does it work? A matrix is ​​a microcircuit consisting of many light-sensitive elements (pixels). Compact cameras are often characterized by a large number of megapixels. A camera of 16 megapixels and above is already considered average and affordable for any buyer. However, in this case, quality is more important than quantity.

    Modern digital compacts are equipped with matrices:

    1/3” - a class of economy cameras, they are not much better than the cameras of a modern smartphone.

    1/1.7” - the average level for an undemanding user, the camera with this size of the matrix retains its compactness, and the quality of images is an order of magnitude higher than budget models.

    1” or more- among models with a large matrix, compacts are less common. By appearance they are reminiscent of SLR cameras, although they are still lighter and smaller in size. The cost of digital cameras in this category is similar to the cost of SLR cameras, the image quality pleases with its color reproduction and detail. Despite their characteristics, expensive models in rare cases allow you to adjust the depth of field (depth of field of the imaged space), focusing on the subject, as is possible in SLR cameras.

    In addition, matrices differ not only in size, but also in type.

    Depending on the technology used, there are:

    1. CCD (CCD)– the charge reading technology is based on the principle of line-by-line movement and subsequent charge transfer to the edge of the matrix, where the amplifier is located. The amplifier sends the signal to the ADC (analogue-to-digital converter) and then to the processor.

    CCD matrices provide high-quality images in daylight. The technology provides for a dense placement of pixels, which increases the sharpness and detail of the image (with sufficient illumination), the quality of color reproduction.

    Technology cons:

    High noise level at higher ISO, i.e. shooting in low light obliges the user to use a flash;

    Low reading speed, cameras with this technology take longer to form a picture, which increases power consumption;

    Expensive production compared to CMOS matrices.

    2. CMOS (CMOS)- the charge is read from each pixel individually, thereby reducing the number of operations compared to CCD technology. Due to the reduction in processing steps, energy costs are significantly lower, which is a significant plus for a portable device. The performance is also an order of magnitude higher, the speed of shooting and recording increases.

    There are also disadvantages:

    Reading technology entails heating of transistors, in connection with this, digital noise occurs;

    Low light sensitivity of the matrix;

    Large matrix dimensions compared to CCD.

    Only after choosing the physical size and type of matrix does it make sense to think about the number of megapixels. In fact, manufacturers are misleading the buyer, focusing on the number of megapixels.

    The larger size of megapixels entails not only pluses, but also minuses, in the form of a large resolution and weight of photos. Processing large-sized photos takes more time for conversion, requires a capacious external memory. For the average user, such bells and whistles will only add to the inconvenience.


    The choice of a digital compact camera should be treated carefully, if only because the device is not collapsible and does not allow you to change the optics. Therefore, the preference should be for the most universal models "both in the feast and in the world."

    Some of the most important indicators:

    - Focal length. Since the digital compact gadget is universal, its focal length range is quite large. That allows you to photograph both landscapes and portraits. The focal length primarily affects the viewing angle. Let's say you need to take a picture of the whole family at the table in a small room. If the minimum focal length of the camera is 18 mm, then the probability of “capturing” everyone in the frame increases. A focal length of 50 mm already forces people to crowd into each other.

    In addition to the above, it is worth considering the fact that the smallest focal length guarantees strong distortion (geometric distortion of lines), which can be partially removed in a graphics editor.

    - Aperture. The aperture is responsible for the light sensitivity of the lens, that is, it regulates the amount of transmitted light and is designated F / 3.5-5.6 (for example). In digital compact cameras, the aperture value is in the range from 2.8 to 7.0, it is rare to find a model with a high ISO of F / 1.4.

    When choosing a digital compact, first of all pay attention to the first indicator: the lower it is, the more sensitive the lens to light. It is easier for the user to focus, it becomes possible to shoot at low ISOs in the evening or under artificial lighting.

    - zoom. A feature that absolutely all digital compact cameras are equipped with. It may seem to an inexperienced user that the possibility of multiple zooming will allow shooting while standing still, simply by zooming in and out of objects on the camera. Which is fundamentally wrong!

    Zoom is digital and optical. Optical zoom is a more significant feature. Approximation occurs due to optics up to the maximum focal length. Optical zoom increases the distance to the object by a maximum of 3-5 times, while not affecting the image quality in any way (not taking into account the geometric distortions of the lens).

    The digital zoom zooms in on the subject using the processor's built-in technologies. In fact, the image is simply stretched, detail is lost, soapiness and noise appear. Digital zoom is better not to use unless absolutely necessary, with the same success, you can enlarge the finished image on the computer screen.

    Additional features

    Once you have focused on the most important indicators, additional criteria can be considered. Manufacturers with great diligence “stuff” digital compact cameras with all sorts of functions and technologies. Often they are very helpful.

    Shooting video

    Modern models of digital compacts allow you to shoot video even in 4K, which, accordingly, entails an increase in the cost of the model. Decide how often you need this function, and whether you are ready to purchase a capacious flash card and an external battery in addition. The high-definition video recording function quickly "eats up" both memory and battery power.

    In addition, digital compacts mostly record only short clips, which is more suitable for touching moments or short Youtube reviews. For frequent use of video recording, pay attention to the presence of a stabilizer. The stabilizer can be optical (in the lens) or digital (in the body). In both cases, its presence will only be a plus. However, when stabilization is installed by the manufacturer, the power consumption and size of the digital camera increase.

    Overpaying or not is up to you, but you must understand that even the most expensive digital compact will not allow you to shoot a video at a professional level.

    Viewfinder and LCD screen

    Regardless of the cost and “stuffing”, all digital compact cameras are equipped with an LCD screen and rarely a viewfinder. These elements of the camera allow the user to see and control the shooting process. A menu is displayed on the screen, you can view photos before you transfer them to a PC.

    The viewfinder is no less important - on a bright sunny day it is difficult to see anything on the screen. In this case, the viewfinder will help to control the process, to make sure that autofocus is set correctly.

    Built-in flash

    Any, even the most budget camera, is equipped with a built-in flash. For cameras with low light sensitivity, this is a good option to capture a significant moment. Although most likely the photo will not claim to be artistic and will not be suitable for installation in a frame. At the time of purchase of the camera, go to the menu and make sure that the flash can be turned on or off forcibly. In cheap models, it only works on the machine, which is not always convenient.

    For example, when photographing indoors, the flash turns on by itself, even if the photos are relatively bright without it. In this case, it is better to remove the flash forcibly and raise the exposure in the editor. But it will increase the likelihood of maintaining volume and avoiding glare.

    Another situation in which forced flash control is indispensable is shooting against a light source. If the subject is on a light background and the light comes from behind, then the picture without a flash is doomed to death. The subject will come out as a black silhouette in the image, so you need to turn on the flash manually for additional illumination.

    Flashes of compact cameras are not designed for long-range action, they illuminate objects at a distance of 2-5 meters, no more.

    Plus, the flash will be an addition in the form of a red-eye reduction mode. All mid-range cameras are equipped with it, but it does not always work.

    It is rare that models have the ability to install an external flash. Either way, the feature is pretty useless. An external flash can cost as much as a camera, and the quality of the pictures will remain at the “amateur” level.


    Summing up, I would like to note that, first of all, it is necessary to choose a digital compact camera within the budget. There are several price categories of digital cameras:

    Soap dish from 2000 to 10000 rubles.

    This is a kind of photo recorder for lovers of photo chronicles of personal life. The pictures do not claim to be artistic, but still an order of magnitude higher than selfies from a budget smartphone. Soap dishes easily fit in your hand and are no larger than a smartphone. They won't take up much space in a traveler's luggage or a blogger's pocket.

    Top compact from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.

    In this price segment, there are no longer just palm-sized compacts, but also cameras with a large body resembling a SLR. This is explained by an increase in the size of the matrix, better optics and the presence of additional "buns". The top-compact is universal in its purpose and capabilities, it does not put limits and restrictions on the user. A great option for those who like to take pictures, but are not ready to make a business out of it.

    And a separate price category should be allocated digital cameras that claim to be professional. The cost of the models is corresponding, from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles. The physical size of the matrix is ​​not inferior to SLR cameras, although the dimensions are still smaller. Expensive models allow you to focus on the subject in manual mode, have creative and manual modes. Models will suit both those who appreciate simplicity (powerful processors work on correct focusing, exposure, white balance), and for creative people(Shooting in manual mode offers complete freedom of choice of add-ons).


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