How to make money on weight loss - Weight loss program - Energy Slim? Products for weight loss: how to do online sales without leaving your home How to make money on your own weight loss example

This business idea does not imply the creation of a pharmacy, pharmacy or kiosk. The assortment of the store consists of goods that do not require a special license. What can this category of goods include? We can recommend the following assortment:

  • products for pregnant and lactating women;
  • baby food and baby hygiene items;
  • goods for patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • various medicinal drinks;
  • medical cosmetics;
  • aromatic oils;
  • massagers, corsets, magnetic therapy items, etc .;
  • ionizers, ultraviolet lamps, inhalers, etc .;
  • feminine hygiene items;
  • literature: on the prevention of various diseases, a healthy lifestyle, advice for pregnant women and recommendations for caring for a child, medical literature, etc.

In order to make the store popular, it is advisable to choose a wide range of goods, but at the initial stage of organizing your own business, you can limit yourself to only some of the points listed above.

Starting a business will require costs for premises, equipment, purchase of goods, salaries, electricity bills, advertising and some other expenses. To organize a store "Goods for Health" you will need a room of 30-100 sq. meters. It is desirable that it be located in a busy place with high traffic. It is possible to rent an area in a large shopping center.

The equipment includes various pieces of furniture (racks, cabinets, showcases, etc.), refrigeration equipment (depending on the assortment you have chosen), a cash register.

A big plus for your business will be the presence of a special consultant on the staff (in addition to the seller), who can organize a workplace in the hall where visitors can sit, ask questions, drink a phyto-cocktail, get acquainted with the literature and advertising materials of various goods.

Mothers with small children will be happy to visit the Health Products store, so provide them with a changing table and set aside a small corner with toys.

Of course, a lot will depend on the space you have, but such details will greatly contribute to the prosperity of your business, increasing the efficiency of the business and its profitability.

Constantly expand the assortment of the store.

In the future, you can obtain a license and additionally open a pharmacy (if there is a need to expand a new business in this direction).

To purchase goods, contact large wholesale suppliers. For example, the Pharmateg company (Moscow) is engaged in the supply of food additives, the Fora-Pharm company (Moscow) supplies a wide range of health products (dietary supplements, herbal teas, magnetic therapy products, medicinal cosmetics, etc.), LLC "Healthy Product" (Moscow) provides delivery of diabetic food products, protein-free products and gluten-free products to the regions.

The average mark-up on a product is about 30%. Be sure to organize advertising of your business in various media (print, Internet). Initial costs: from 500 thousand rubles. Monthly income: from 150 thousand rubles.

How to make money on your own weight loss?

It can be argued that the initiative of one of the largest US insurance companies will find the most lively response in the hearts of Americans. Now the company's clients who have been able to lose weight and maintain a normal weight will receive cash bonuses.

Residents of the American state of Colorado (Colorado) got an additional chance to earn some "pocket money": those of them who became a participant in the new "Weigh and Win" program can replenish their budget by different amounts every 3 months - from 15 to 150 dollars, and the amount depends primarily on the will of the participants themselves.

The Weigh and Win project is developed and implemented by the insurance company Kaiser Permanente Colorado. On the territory of the state there are special kiosks equipped with scales and video cameras. Such "points" are located not only in medical institutions, but also in libraries, concert halls and even furniture stores.

After registration, everyone becomes a member of the program. Before the start, the new participant is weighed, after which he is told the number of kilograms and the length of the period during which he undertakes to lose weight by a certain number of kilograms. He is also told as an incentive the amount he will receive if he succeeds in losing weight.

Then check weighing is carried out regularly in the mentioned specialized kiosks.

In case of overfulfillment of the plan, the participant will receive additional payments, but modest achievements are paid more modestly.

The know-how of the Weigh and Win program is the opportunity to earn money after completing a weight loss plan. To do this, the participant needs to maintain a stable healthy weight and weigh regularly - in which case success is rewarded with money.

The project began in April, and at least 9,000 state residents have signed up to participate. On average, each of them has already lost almost 5 kg.

Natural healing of people


Take 5 minutes of your attention and you will realize that this is the best business idea of ​​all.

Let's start with the process of its occurrence: as a 17-year-old teenager, I seriously thought about my health, since at a young age I was sick with many diseases: Vegetovascular dystonia, initial stage dystrophy, acne, headaches, curvature of the spine, decreased appetite, constant fatigue and gastritis. Like all normal sane people, I wanted to be healthy and strong, but with such diseases, it was impossible.

After some deliberation, it was decided to go to the hospital. As a result of 3 years of persistent treatment (including inpatient treatment) with the best doctors of the region (chief doctors of the regional hospital and other respected specialists), the positive result was scanty. The effect of the treatment was negligible and practically not noticeable, it would have been noticeable if it had happened in 1 week! In addition, as a result of 3 years of treatment, the work of the liver and intestinal tract deteriorated sharply, problems with bone tissue appeared and vision fell. I received all this in 3 years of treatment, despite the fact that many attending doctors are familiar people! As a result, tens of thousands of rubles were spent, for which I did not get a tangible healing effect, but only worsened my health!

At the same time, he lost 3 years of a healthy life!

Only after 3 years of persistent treatment it became clear that the doctors would not be able to help me, like many others. Giving up and getting sick for the rest of your life is not an option. Thinking again about personal health, I decided to apply alternative medicine treatment methods to my health, and due to my ignorance I had to spend as much as 2 years on treatment! However, the result justified the efforts, expectations and work on improvement, because in 2 years I turned into a healthy young man! At the moment I am 29 years old, I feel great, all my acquaintances, relatives and friends, like me, never get sick! If you want to know how this is possible, keep reading.

I had to treat my body for 2 years, just because I did not have sufficient knowledge about HOW to treat my body. Knowing the basics of the body's life support, it would take only 6-8 months of treatment and 2-3 thousand rubles to become completely healthy, but this did not happen, and I had to learn from my mistakes. Now, being a healthy person, I help other people in the Moscow region, so that those who find themselves in a similar situation to me can help!

From these motives, there was a desire to publish this article in order to:
1. People who want to be healthy have not made the mistakes that were made by me.
2. There are more people with good health, and maybe together we can make Russia a healthy nation!
3. People in crisis could earn on really useful things - on helping people to recover.
4. Improving people's health is my mission, that is why I help people to become healthy naturally, limiting myself to 2-3 thousand rubles a year, after which spending only 500-1000 rubles a year on prevention.

You can be anyone: a businessman, an engineer, a salesman, a doctor, a manager, ..., and your activity will not interfere with your activity to improve your health and help return it to other people. This is a very attractive offer when you consider that you can also make good money from it. You have the opportunity to engage in this business idea without fear for the result, since the result is guaranteed! Even people who have little contact with people and do not have knowledge in the field of medicine (knowledge can be obtained very easily and quickly if one is looking for exactly the necessary knowledge) can embody the idea of ​​improving the health of the population, because this business is very simple to organize, but extremely profitable and in demand ... During a crisis, most people worry about 2 things: home (to have their own apartment and have something to eat) and the health of their families! Therefore, now is the best time to implement this business idea, especially if you start this business, you yourself will become healthy and protect your family and loved ones from various harmful diseases.

Any business idea will only be profitable if it solves a specific problem! Tell me, among your friends there is at least one person over 20-22 years old who has not complained of health at least once? Not among mine, although many athletes, track and field athletes, swimmers, bodybuilders and just ordinary people are in my social circle, each of them complained. If there are complaints (demand for health services), then there is a problem, and it must be addressed! It follows from this that there is an organization of the case. By offering a service to solve the problem under discussion, you can earn quite a lot of money.

Evaluate the situation even from your point of view, for sure you are often sick in winter, or your friend has a serious illness, or his wife's allergy, simply interferes with your life. For all these problems, doctors shrug their shoulders and prescribe more and more expensive drugs, which, if they help, then for a short period of time, and more often simply worsen the condition of the body. Tell me, wouldn't you personally sign up for a session with a person if he guaranteed you a cure for your diseases? Moreover, naming the cost of the service 500-1000 rubles, I think that any person will be happy to contact, this is exactly what many years of practice show.

If you have been looking for a business idea for a long time and you have questions in your head: is it worth starting a business or not? what to choose? if it doesn’t work, how can you get your money back? What idea to choose in order to be 100% sure of its profitability?, Then know that this is exactly the business idea that is easy to implement, because it practically does not require investment (which means you are safe from force majeure and other reasons (crisis and the like)) and solves a very important problem. Are you worried that you do not have a medical education and you will not be able to cope? This is not so, believe me, for a period from 1 to 5 months, anyone can find out enough of the necessary information to be able to heal people, if in doubt, write to me and I will help you!

Starting a business in absolutely any field, being 100% sure of the demand, is 100% guaranteed success if you put in the necessary efforts. The idea is unique, since a comprehensive course is offered for its use, which you can learn about by writing an email to the email address: [email protected]... Are you full of strength and determination? Are you a person who wants to HELP PEOPLE and GET WORTHY MONEY FOR IT? No need to wait, the time for your triumph has come, it's time to embody the idea of ​​comprehensive recovery right now. Each postponed day that you wait, hoping for a "miracle - an idea" to appear, only postpones your "material freedom". Stop for 1 minute and just think: is it worth it to miss the opportunity now? Or is it still better to drop excuses, fears and do the right thing? The choice is yours. Remember, any person can become independent, especially if you start your own business path, or continue it with the idea of ​​improving the health of the population.

The essence of the idea: To study the basics of traditional medicine and healing. Then provide services for the NATURAL RESTORATION OF HUMAN HEALTH! Pay attention, it is the natural restoration of health, this implies a certain approach, using only it you will surpass all competitors, if they are available in your city. Any question regarding the article and health issues you can ask by e-mail [email protected], also if you decide to implement this business idea, then I will definitely help you.

Anticipating how many people "point a finger" and are indignant: yes, for this you need to study for many years! here everything is already divided! Without a medical education, nowhere and so on, so on.

Think about it, are the owners of the most prestigious cafes and restaurants - chefs? Are the owners of grocery store chains a commodity expert? NO, the founders and owners of a business are people who competently organize a business, having certain knowledge, but it is not at all necessary that the person organizing the business received a diploma at one time in this particular industry.

One smart man said: “Anyone who wants to make money is looking for ideas. Anyone who does not want to earn money is looking for reasons! "

Flaws can be found in any idea, but not everyone is capable of assessing the ratio of pros and cons adequately. Write to me and I will answer your questions, moreover, if you decide to start this type of business, I will provide you with consulting support, for any time you need, for free.

I will try to briefly answer some questions:

1. If you can cure all diseases in 1 year, while limiting yourself to 3-5 thousand rubles, then why then do they teach doctors for 6 years?

Doctors learn from clinical experiments (that is, on corpses), healers have always learned exclusively from living people. All traditional medicine is built on money. To be brief, I will give an example: the turnover in 2007 in eye surgery and vitamins for the organs of vision alone amounted to 50 billion dollars! However, there is a method of restoring vision, with which you can improve your vision at home from -3 to 1 in 1-2 months, without much bothering, for FREE, just by doing exercises. And this is just one example.

A few more examples: the increase and correction of the member - in 2008, the turnover in this industry in the Russian Federation amounted to about 32 billion USD. , however, there is a technique that allows, using simple exercises, to change the shape of the penis and increase it in length and thickness by 1 cm per month, while spending 20 minutes a day, without pills and without surgery, in a natural way.

Women's breasts are an object of temptation for men and pride for women, I will not name a figure that reflects the amount of money turnover in this industry, but believe me, in order to enlarge breasts and change it for the better, people simply spend huge amounts of money. However, there is a method by which my wife personally enlarged her breasts by 2 sizes, while she did not drink medicine, did not go to doctors and did not spend money, and everything is natural and natural. So dear readers, everything is real and everything is possible! Making sure you never get sick again is also possible!

Now you understand that if all people find out HOW it is easy to cure themselves without spending money, they will thank you so that you will be satisfied, because they will no longer have to go to doctors and spend insane amounts of money on medications and doctor visits, everyone will be win!

For this reason, true cures and natural healing techniques that do cure are hidden from the public eye.

2. How long does it take to learn this?

You can learn a lot in 1 month, this is possible thanks to a specially designed health improvement course (write a letter to [email protected] and I'll tell you about it in detail)! If you have a desire, then you will be able to earn money in 1 month! With the right approach, you can earn about 150 thousand rubles in cities up to 1 million inhabitants! And reach such an income in 5-6 months. Naturally, you will constantly have to improve your skills, because you will be dealing with the health of people, but believe me, everything is much easier than it seems.

The essence of the business idea was outlined. Knowing the mentality of our society firsthand, I will give an approximate possible income if you start to implement the idea with common sense, based on my recommendations!

1st month: 0 rubles (you study, practice for free)
2nd month: 5000-10000 rubles (this is the money that will be shoved into you, whether you like it or not, for your help)
3rd month: 12000-18000 rubles (on average, you will have 2 clients per day - this is MINIMUM !! if there are more than 300 thousand people in your city), the cost is 200-300 rubles.
4th month: 21000-42000 (2-4 people) cost 300-350
5th month: from 30,000 and above, depending on your knowledge.

It should be noted that the above calculation is the practical minimum profitability. You can make a lot more money if you devote enough time and a little intelligence to it.

It also does not take into account earnings on the goods you sell, because you will tell people what to buy, and if you immediately offer them this, they will buy from you, the only wish is not to overcharge the price, be people and you will be treated according to -humanly!

It is also necessary to take into account that it is better to register this activity, although at first (3-8 months) you can safely work without registration.

If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]... I will answer any question that interests you. Best regards, Dmitry Ivanovich!

Especially for

The world is obsessed with a healthy lifestyle! But while some are furiously pedaling in a cycling studio and dine on an eco-dietary “something”, others ... make money on it! Five heroines told us how to turn their passion for healthy lifestyle into a successful business. We swing the press, drink smoothies and take notes!

Marina Martyanova, 23 years old

Project: Candice Cake diet desserts

The idea came up ...

…by chance. Walking around the market in Boston, I saw a pastry shop selling beautiful desserts, but with a terrible composition: dyes, butter, cream, sugar ... I thought: "If they were useful, I would give any money!" This thought sunk into my soul. I went to study in Canada, where I shared my idea with the teacher of the course on startups. He liked the idea, and we brought to mind the model of the project. I returned to St. Petersburg, clearly knowing what to do. I rented a workshop with equipment, found a pastry chef, developed prototypes of desserts with her, and with a refrigerator bag went to offer them to investors.

The hardest part is

combine the skills and knowledge of different people. At the initial stage, I was one for many: a marketer, an accountant, and a courier. But if you are burning with an idea, your energy supply is unlimited!

Serious error -

being afraid to make a mistake. We have an unspoken rule: always learn. Did you miss? Stumbled? Analyze the situation and draw conclusions!

The main achievement is

our products made it to Starbucks. Making a giant company believe in what you do was not easy! I am also proud that in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are already more than 190 points where our products are presented.

calculate everything well! In business, inspiration alone is not enough; clear numbers are needed.

Tatiana Fedorishcheva, 26 years old

Project: TGYM training system

The idea came up ...

... thanks to my husband. I started to play sports only when I met him. Before that, she was an ordinary girl with complexes, not complete, but without elastic buttocks and a flat tummy. And then a man appeared, for whose sake I wanted to become the most beautiful. Gradually, I got carried away by an active lifestyle: I went to dances, trained at home, studied the technique of performing exercises. My husband noticed my passion for sports and offered to create a YouTube channel, which we have been running for five years now.

My parents still can't figure out how you can make money on videos that you post on the Internet for free. In fact, everything is simple: monetization comes through advertising in front of the videos and the integration of partner products into training. But it is important for me to advise only what I trust infinitely. Well, a separate income - master classes and offline workouts.

The hardest part is

accept and let go of negativity. Unfortunately, there is a lot of it on social networks. I used to read all the comments, and some of them just made me want to cry. Anonymous Internet users don't care that you spent twelve hours editing a video, they only notice your crookedly painted left eye. I stopped paying attention to this and learned to focus only on positive feedback. They are my main motivation!

Serious error -

to think that you will make everything perfect from the very beginning. For the first six months, I did not know how to correctly name the videos in order to attract attention, how to distribute them to playlists. I was embarrassed to ask to subscribe to our channel and put "likes", but many people forget about it.

The main achievement is

thanks to those who, with the help of my program, changed not only the body, but also the life. I am also very proud to host the most popular Russian-language channel about fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

the best way to become popular is to be yourself. Talk about things that excite you, share personal experiences, and do not copy the content of famous bloggers.

Maria Kravtsova, 32 years old

Project: healthy food delivery d-light

The idea came up ...

... at the same time as my family. After marriage, I began to cook many "male" dishes - steaks, pasta, rich soups - and often happily shared a meal with my beloved.

Everything would be fine, but soon I noticed that my favorite things were somehow "addicted". I did not stop cooking for my husband, but I myself had to try the ration of all dietary food delivery services. But nothing suited me: somewhere I didn't like the quality of the dishes, somewhere - the price or service. And then I realized that I was ripe to create my own company. I defined the task as follows - not just to come up with healthy dishes, but to make them truly tasty.

The hardest part is

make others believe in your dream as sincerely as you believe in it, and find professionals you can trust.

Serious error -

try to independently control literally all processes. I am a perfectionist by nature and used to rely on my own strength. And at first it was really difficult for me to delegate authority, but over time I realized how important it is to correctly distribute work in a team.

The main achievement is

we managed to break the common stereotype: diet is pain. Now food has become almost a crime, and we are trying to "decriminalize" it. Judging by the growing number of our clients, many share a positive approach to nutrition.

do not waste your time! Today, the wait-and-see position is a losing one. If you are sure that your idea is really good, then immediately start implementing it, otherwise it will be done by someone more agile.

Alexandra Gerasimova, 26 years old

Project: online aggregator FITMOST

The idea came up ...

... thanks to my main passions - digital innovation and sports. Online aggregators like Fitmost have been around for a long time abroad. I wanted to make sports more accessible, and the process of finding a fitness club convenient. So that you do not have to run in search of the best hall within walking distance, but everything would be solved with a couple of clicks. I did not immediately understand where to start, and went to the Skolkovo startup academy, where they helped me bring the business model to the stage of implementation.

The hardest part is

convince the first fitness clubs to become our partners. Their owners not only did not trust us as young entrepreneurs, but also did not believe that such a system could work, and even bring money.

Serious error -

we were too careful. We were slowly connecting partners to the program, slowly groping for our audience, which is why we lost a lot of time.

The main achievement is

we have become leaders in our segment and have broken the record for training records - more than 10 thousand of them are carried out through Fitmost per month!

try to do something useful, not just make money, only then your business will become successful.

Olga Alexandrova, 33 years old

Project: sportswear brand Sport Angel

The idea came up ...

… In Los Angeles, California - the Mecca of healthy lifestyle adherents. High-rise sports-only stores, from world leaders to tiny signature brands. I literally lost my head and made a note in my notebook: "Sport Angel". So I brought a business plan to create a new fitness brand.

The hardest part is

create a unique product and clearly define the target audience. It was very difficult to choose a textile supplier. We studied the products of hundreds of factories in different countries, as a result we managed to get to the best Italian company.

Serious mistake ...

... usually consists of a combination of several misses. You can misjudge a market trend, make a mistake with a financial model, or overexpose an idea.

Being overweight is the # 1 problem for many. And it does not lose its relevance: the number of people who are overweight is growing from year to year. Accordingly, the number of those wishing to lose weight also increases.

After all, being overweight is not only not fashionable, it is also unhealthy. How to lose those extra pounds? The answer to this question is known not only by doctors, but also ... enterprising people.

So how to make money from losing weight? Currently, there is a whole business industry that has huge profits from the promotion of various products and methods for losing weight.

If you try to somehow sort it out on the shelves, you can distinguish the following main ways to make money on weight loss:

  • Weight loss medical centers opened
  • Production and distribution of specialty drugs that reduce weight
  • Creation and promotion of fitness techniques
  • Invention and sale of exercise equipment for weight loss
  • Manufacture of dietetic food
  • Sale of thermal underwear for weight loss
  • Production and sale of cosmetics: anti-cellulite and fat-burning creams, masks, etc.
  • Special treatments: body wrap, various types of massage, acupuncture, others
  • Obesity coding
  • Plastic surgery
  • Dissemination of literature promoting various types of diets and weight loss aids

In a word, almost everyone can earn on losing weight. This can also be done by those who themselves have extra pounds. For example, you can get income from participation in advertising campaigns of companies promoting their product or any means for weight loss on the market.

To do this, you need to find such an organization and offer it your services. True, you will have to work hard and really lose weight by the time they will appoint, and this can be achieved by proven means, and not advertised. The fact of losing weight is usually confirmed by photography on a "before" and "after" basis.

Many lucky people who know how to lose weight and have already lost weight have invented another way to make money. It is certainly not original, but it still exists, and in several versions. The most important thing is to come up with a weight loss method.

For the first option, we still need a support group that would actively help to promote this “invention”: it would lure people to presentations, conduct classes, talks with clients, sell literature, etc.

Another option is easier. It needs a small Internet site that would offer customers a miracle technique for a reasonable fee that gives amazing results in just a few weeks.

Or another option: conduct online counseling for people who want to lose weight. First you need to place your advertisement on the Internet and recruit clients. By the way, this is very convenient for clients: no need to go somewhere, waste time visiting doctors. Yes, and psychologically more comfortable: there is no such feeling of shyness and insecurity that many people have when they have to talk about their lack to strangers. Communication via the Internet easily solves both one problem and the second.

Of course, not all of the listed methods of losing weight are just a commercial gimmick. Among them there are many proven and justified, and most importantly - not harmful to human health. It is just that the choice of this or that remedy must be approached with caution.

The activity is associated with people who want to get in shape. That is, to draw up training and nutrition programs for people. This type of activity will absolutely always be relevant. In the future, from this, you can build a business with employees and trainers, create a team.

I work on Instagram and Vkontakte (promotion, development and exhaust are much better on Instagram). How your page will develop and how many customers will come depends only on you.

What you need to work:

  1. Instagram page (start with one social network, do not register in several at once, usually it ends with the pages not being properly designed and filled, and this scares off many clients).
  2. Viber (many clients need a connection outside of Instagram, where they can write to you at any time).
  3. Several fake pages for spam and fake reviews.
  4. Unique picture for decoration (create yourself in Photoshop or order).
  5. Service for cheating subscribers.
  6. Head on shoulders and arms.

Step 1: Create an account

I recommend registering a female account, people trust girls more. I worked with two profiles (female and male), and settled on a female account. It is also easier to find pictures for a girl than for a man.

It is better to register the page yourself. Purchased items can be restored, and you will simply waste your time, you will have to do everything again.
Don't be lazy!

When registering, enter any name, for example - (first name) annafitnes or (last name) stujikfitnes.

Step 2: Filling your account

For example: Fitness at home; I run fitness marathons; In pursuit of harmony; Compilation of programs "Lose weight forever", etc. (Fantasy to help you).

For the avatar, choose a photo of a girl with a beautiful figure so that the face is practically invisible. The main accent should be a beautiful, athletic figure.

Weight loss content

After you have filled out your profile with a description, we proceed to the next stage - this is CONTENT, which will introduce the client to you and the work that you provide.

You will fill your account with ordinary photos from the network, but the photos must be of high quality.

I think you are familiar with the “Before” and “After” photographs, and you will publish such photographs. Here is one of the Vk publics where you can take a photo before / after:

We pass these photographs off as our clients who have overcome their shortcomings. We come up with an ordinary story of how a person (girl / man) approached you with a problem, acquired a course and coped with excess weight thanks to the service and your recommendations:

I'm sure you have some questions: Where to get training? How to make up the right food?
Do not worry, we will not deceive anyone! You will really make recommendations and make money from it.

All the material is on the Internet, it's just that people are too lazy to look for something on their own, to study something - it's easier to pay money and be happy.

Of course, not everyone follows your recommendations and training, you just have to pay money, read everything and make a promise to yourself that I will start on Monday. In our work, you need to get used to this and treat each client with understanding. Many are looking for excuses for themselves, but in the end they will not live a day according to your recommendations. Nowadays, people are ruled by food and laziness.

Unique content to attract customers

You must understand that not only the content must be unique, but also the design must be mandatory.

V additional folder You can see an example of the pictures. Design is the initial key to success. You will need to create your pictures in Photoshop or order.

Once every 2-4 days, publish a similar picture and write in the description how important protein is for our body, or carbohydrates and their effect on our body:

You also publish the rest of the pictures (see the example in the folder) and come up with an interesting text so that there are more than just photos and reviews.

Healthy recipes can be posted several times a month. There are many articles on the Internet, select what is important, interesting so that the selected text works for you.

New services and keywords

This is one of the important topics that you should be aware of.

Keywords are words that trigger a viral response. After such words, people turn to services better.

You need to be able to choose the right words. Direct thoughts in the right direction.

For example: "Lose weight in 30 days","Start today and lose weight in a month"... Women fly like flies to such keywords, they always have a desire to lose weight faster. Any new service can be made from these words. Marathon / Program with which women will lose weight in a month. Let's call it "Mega weight loss""Express weight loss"lose weight in a month with us! And put the price of 1000 rubles for the course.

Step 3. Promotion. Potential customer trap

Now you have come to the most important component in our work.

1. First you need to wind up users. Subscribers must be LIVE !!! No bots! We wind up neatly 200 - 500 per day. (I promoted an account of 5000 subscribers. How much to cheat you - decide for yourself, but not less than 500-600 subscribers).
I recommend these sites for promotion:


2. After cheating, you need to spam- this is not very good, but the result is not bad. Run in groups where people are losing weight and write good comments. The social network in which you work has spam without a link, otherwise the profile will be blocked.

Comments can be bought on smmlaba for all social networks, but you do not know from which page they will write it, so it is better to buy accounts or register yourself, arrange them, fill them somehow with information (well, of course, information about how you lost weight, photo Do not be lazy, fill in the page, as often the client goes to the spam page, starts asking questions. It is necessary that the design does not scare the client away).

You can buy accounts here:


Important: we do not spam from the working page - they will block!

For example:

I lost 10 kg in a month thanks to ... [link to Instagram account]

Such a post is suitable for VK and Odnoklassniki

You go to the pages on Instagram about fitness and there you enter into communication in the comments - there, many people complain about something or ask for advice:

I had problems, weighed 90 kg, threw off 20 and the weight stopped, which I just didn’t do and nothing worked. Then they helped me find training and the weight began to go away again. And now I weigh 58 kg. At one point, I wanted to give up and give up everything. Therefore, do not be lazy, work on yourself and do not give up.

Such a comment is suitable for Instagram - for this they will not block and the advertisement is hidden.

After that, they begin to write to direct (private messages) and ask - what did you do, who helped? In general, you need to rub into trust, write stories and direct will be overwhelmed with questions.

3. You can also leave fake reviews using fake accounts. But do not get carried away, publish a post-review on fake pages a maximum of 2 times a month.

Step 4. Promotions for slimming services

We all know that a promotion is a marketing ploy. A piece increase in prices, then we slowly introduce "shares" and the goods quickly go away for the original cost, which was before the action. You will do the same if you want more money.

Do not overstate the prices too much, there are people who are not stupid, and then they begin to endure your brain.

For example:

You place a picture on which it will be written "Beautiful and elastic ass", in the description for the picture you write:

Attention! We have a special offer for the package "Beautiful and elastic ass" for 2000 rubles instead of 2500 rubles! Hurry up to order our individual program and be content with your result.

Step 5. Working with the client

When starting to work with people, not everyone can first show themselves from a professional side. In order to avoid such mistakes, I have highlighted several important rules for you:

  1. Address the client with respect and “you”, without exception. If you see that the client is not going to buy a marathon, but simply takes out the brain with strange questions, then without insults, explain that you have spent a lot of time, you need to work with other people. Be patient and polite.
  2. Try to answer your Viber and Direct messages on time. Do not keep the client waiting for an answer for more than an hour. If you could not answer on time, apologize for making you wait.
  3. Learn to speak less and put meaning in your words (read the information on the Internet).
  4. When talking with a client, always give reasons and facts. Example:

    I had a woman whom I helped to lose 15 kg in 2.5 months. She is now consistently holding weight and we are working on the development of beautiful shapes. Nothing is impossible. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

    You can think of anything and people will believe. Motivate the client. Say that the client will definitely be able to lose weight, that he / she is very strong and will be able to go through everything that you help him and will not give up.

If you can make the client become “addicted” to fitness, from making the right nutrition by you, then clients will become yours for the longest possible period + you will have Viber, where the client can write to you at any time and you will support him, usually he / she gets hooked on support and in the future it is difficult for them without guidance.

To be a successful fitness instructor, your main task at the first stage of communication is to get as much information as possible about the client, about his lifestyle. The more data you can collect, the more accurately you can solve the fitness problem.

Questions to ask the client:

  • How often do you eat (how many times a day, what you eat, how often there are sweets, fast food in your diet)?
  • What are your goals (to what weight / shape does he want to come to)? How do you plan to achieve them (diet, exercise)?
  • How do you motivate yourself to lose weight?
  • Your height and weight?
  • Do you have allergies, contraindications to sports, nutrition, health problems?
  • Have you been exercising in the last year?

This is a simple, standard procedure before purchasing an activity and diet regimen.

After you have received all the information, tell another story:

Clients under my leadership lose 5 kg or more in a month (those who do not violate my recommendations). Those who follow their weaknesses (often sweet and lazy) and do not follow the recommendations - there are only 10% of them. If you are ready to start working for a beautiful body, for excellent health and improvement of your health, then welcome to my marathon.

You can also describe that a person will receive a training plan, recommendations for proper nutrition and round-the-clock support, for example, in Viber (they will not write around the clock, do not worry).

After payment, you provide the client with a worked out questionnaire, you will find it in the folder that is attached to this manual.

If the client answered all the questions in the questionnaire and hesitates to send a photo or not, it's okay, then we work without a photo - you will compare measurements and monitor nutrition. Require measurements to be sent every week. If you are running a marathon, they usually last 21 days or months. Regular weight loss programs - lead a person for 1 month.

How Marathon works: a group of people is recruited. Exercises, dietary recommendations are the same for everyone. Create a separate page for these people, where you will publish exercises and nutritional rules, or throw them off to each separately in Viber (better a general group).

How the individual program works: a program is drawn up individually for the client. Food and exercise are selected. Submit the questionnaire, get acquainted with the client's data.

How you will work, decide for yourself, all methods are working and in demand.

After the client has filled out the questionnaire, read it and determine the main wishes of the client. Well, when you understand what the client wants, you go to search the sites for a ready-made program. Yes, the programs are already ready, you just need to search.

And so, we found the program. Reread everything carefully and write in your own words. We do not copy the original sources(a person can copy part of the text from your weight loss program and find the full text through a Yandex search, for example. Therefore, always rewrite in your own words).

Yes, it works. At first it may be difficult for you, but then the programs will all be rewritten and saved on your computer in a separate folder, you just have to copy and supervise the client, come up with new promotions. All your efforts will not be in vain and you will fully take your own.

An example of drawing up a program for a client

A woman who has problems with weight turned to you, for example 15 kg extra, but she thinks that her problem area is her stomach, everything else suits her.

Well, you are not trying to convince her that one zone cannot be worked out. We listened to her wishes and went to prepare meals and training.

Training - we put the main emphasis on the press, but do not forget about the legs, nuts, arms.

Be sure to pay attention to whether the client is doing physical exercises or not. If you make the training program very difficult, the client will not master it.

We go to the site and look for the right diet and workout.

How to pump up the press at home (very rarely a client has a desire to go to the gym, the complexes do not allow) - I recommend the site - here we select the section "Lifestyle" and look for what suits us. As a rule, on the site, gif pictures are attached to the description of the exercise, take scissors and cut out the exercises you need, so they will understand you faster and ask fewer questions.

The main thing is not to stop at one site, look for information, connect.

We will compose an example of training and nutrition for our client - you will find an example for 1 week in the folder that is attached to the manual.

  • And so, the client believes that she needs to lose 15 kg, and the problem area itself is the stomach.
  • I haven’t done physical exercises before (beginner).
  • Eats what he wants, loves sweets.

We draw up a training and nutrition plan for a month, the client can be discounted by weeks, not necessarily all at once.

There are two ways to work:

  1. To a figurehead (we find a beautiful, athletic girl and take her photo, just do not choose very popular ones).
  2. You can find a girl in your environment and start the page using her face, recording exercises with her, invitations and other interesting videos. The main thing is to choose a girl who, for small gratitude, will be able to do the photo shoots that you need (swimsuits, show your ass in tight clothes) and will not mind that the photos will be exhibited to a large audience (it is better to tell right away why the photo, video ...).

If you will work in the second way, then do not register a page for the girl's data (do not use her last name or first name), come up with another name for the project. For example: “BodyWater”. When a person begins to count how much money you earn from him, problems begin, so you need to immediately protect yourself from blockages and other things.

Introduce this girl as a project coach. You come up with 2 coaches in the team who make up the workouts, the nutritionist who chooses the nutrition.

The second option of work is more suitable for marathons (where a bunch of people gather and train for one workout, you don’t choose trainings and nutrition for each), which you will run once a month, on average, 200 - 600 people come to one marathon. It is better to set the price of 1000 rubles for marathons.

Sites useful for you:

  1. - select the section "Lifestyle".
  2. - men's magazine. Lots of information and useful articles.
  4. - women's magazine. A lot of useful information.
  5. is a very good site. There is all the information that is needed in the work.
  6. - there is some useful information.
  7. Appendix to this scheme of earnings

Exercises for women and men are identical, so do not be afraid to take information from men's sites when drawing up a program for a woman.

I hope I helped you in organizing your white business.

Spring has come and many women, and often men, are concerned that soon those extra pounds will have to be put on public display, and right now they are looking for the best way to lose weight quickly and preferably without much effort. So why don't we make money from this? Having scoured the Internet, I collected in a handful a lot of options on how you can make money on the desire to lose extra pounds and systematized them in different industries and types of business. Original business ideas for weight loss are constantly invented, and they all find their consumer. So you need to come up with something of your own or use someone else's idea to promote your business, using the desire of people to look beautiful.

Catering and food trade

Usually, we go to a cafe or restaurant, already firmly knowing that the extra calories are provided to us. This is very annoying for someone who is on a diet and is determined to lose weight. Imagine how happy it will be female, which will find on the menu that the restaurant offers, in addition to the usual assortment, slimming dishes with a calorie intake of no more than 475 calories. This ingenious business idea has been successfully implemented by Darden Restaurants' Seasons 52. Why don't we use it, because developing and preparing a low-calorie dish is no more difficult than a high-calorie one?

Skinny Mixes Supplements

In addition, in addition to sugar, you can offer stevia for tea, then those who are on a diet will distinguish your institution among its kind. It is also known that there are low-calorie cola and other common foods that are lower in calories than usual. A woman entrepreneur from the United States, Jordan Engelhardt, has achieved success by inventing and patenting Skinny Mixes additives, which turn alcoholic cocktails (we remember that they are scary in calories!) Into harmless 5-calorie drinks.

Everyone knows how junk food chips are, but Keith Belling and Pat Tepin are behind the original Popchips business idea. They are not fried in oil, but made using great pressure and heat. Popchips is free from cholesterol, trans fat and artificial food additives. At the same time, they taste no worse than ordinary chips. On the packs of this product, the composition is indicated: potatoes, 3 g of fat, 100 kcal.

Trade in industrial goods

Robot Autom

Weight loss products invented innumerable. These are various exercise equipment, underwear for weight loss, as well as such original business ideas as a spoon-electronic scales, screaming scales, belts that remove fat from the abdomen, etc.

Intuitive Automata has created a robot that can keep the conversation going about the right lifestyle. She believes that communicating with Autom, this is the best way to lose weight fast.

In addition, people have invented innumerable weight loss cosmetics. Basically, these are a variety of anti-cellulite products, fat-burning creams, belly lotions, etc.

A special niche is things that help hide extra pounds - corsets, braces, modeling and corrective underwear. I think their place should be next to weight loss products.

Fitness club

In the spring, the number of people wishing to visit fitness clubs noticeably increases, but, unfortunately, not all of them reach them. They can be offered a special program - to lose so many kilograms in a short time and conduct classes at home. Such short-term fitness courses, which guarantee a positive result, will definitely not leave a single woman indifferent.

Aerobics or dancing for weight loss are no less relevant, and when doing this type of business, you should always have in stock programs that help get rid of extra pounds.

MLM (network companies)

Many network companies offer products to get rid of those extra pounds. These are various cocktails, dietary supplements, slimming patches, exercise equipment, etc. Spring is just the time when it is worth paying the main attention to them. Many companies themselves know about the surge in demand for such products, and therefore in the season I make discounts on it, offer bonuses and gifts. This is definitely worth taking advantage of. Of course, those who have been in this business for a long time take into account this moment, but newcomers are not always in the know, so this information is more likely for them.

Earnings on the Internet

If people want to lose weight, you can earn money on the Internet. Here you can do the following:

  1. Create a weight loss website, where there will be information about the latest diets, about low-calorie foods, exercise complexes and where women will share stories of how they managed to lose weight after childbirth or fit into their favorite dress. Earning money on a site of this type comes mainly from contextual advertising, placing banners, affiliate programs and writing paid articles praising this or that means for losing weight.
  2. Selling your own information products... You are recording a video of a fitness course or writing a book about the best way to lose weight fast and advertise them on the Internet. Moreover, not only yourself, but also through an affiliate program that you have created, which helps to attract thousands of people to the distribution of your product.
  3. Online store... A weight loss business can be built by creating a platform on the network that specializes in the sale of exactly weight loss products. Since virtual stores are truly unlimited in size, you can safely sell all of the above, and at the same time thousands of other items of goods.

Spoon-electronic scales

As you can see, there are many ways to make money on people's desire to lose weight, you just have to offer them. Business gurus teach us that you can make big money only by offering people what they need, this is just a classic case. There is no doubt about the prosperity of such business ideas, because the number of those who suffer from excess weight is increasing every year.

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The problem of excess weight for many women is one of the most painful and problematic places. The fair sex is ready to make any "sacrifices" in order to lose at least a few unnecessary pounds. So why not help the lovely ladies?

Moreover, this can be a good business. Of course, we are not talking about the sale of illegal or unhealthy drugs. Everything is legal and legal.

The main problem of many women who set themselves the task of losing weight is the lack of willpower and the lack of a sufficient level of motivation. But losing weight is much easier if you solve such a problem with a group of people. Throughout Europe, special services for losing weight are gaining popularity. What is the essence of their activities? How to organize such a business?

This type of business is quite simple and does not require any significant investment. The essence of the activity is to organize a special service that assists in losing weight through the involvement of qualified nutritionists and fitness trainers.

In addition, the course of the program includes psychological support. When ordering this service, a woman is provided with her own trainer, who controls the entire process of losing weight. In addition, the specialist gives recommendations regarding physical activity, power systems, and so on. More often than not, such efforts have an incredible effect.

Working with a personal trainer takes place in an atmosphere of complete trust. A woman pays money to see real results, so she will do whatever the coach says. The main thing is to achieve results.

Investments and income

The costs of starting a business are minimal. In most cases, you can get by in the amount of 6-7 thousand US dollars. As for the probable income, they amount to about 7-8 thousand US dollars per month. Many people do not start such a business, considering it unclaimed. There is no need to be afraid of this. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, women are in great need of help, and the effectiveness of such a business has been proven by European entrepreneurs.

Room selection

Of course, the opening of such a service is impossible without its own premises. It is advisable to find a place that would be located in the city center or in the surrounding areas. Such an office is simply necessary for consulting and registering clients. It is important to make sure that there are no catering establishments nearby (restaurants, cafes, etc.) that will once again tempt women to "sin".

There should be no sources of noise near the office. The ideal space is warm and cozy, with at least two rooms. In one of them, you need to schedule consultations, and in the other - professional training.

Where to get money to start your own business? This is the problem that 95% of aspiring entrepreneurs face! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to get start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Equipment purchase

When arranging a room, it is necessary to do everything possible to guarantee the maximum comfort to the clients. The environment itself should be as close to home as possible. The main costs will go to the purchase of desks, upholstered furniture, lighting and heating systems.

The more welcoming the environment, the better. In conspicuous places you can place nutrition programs, various literary publications on the topic. You can post pictures with clients who have achieved results (with their consent, of course).

Features of recruiting

One of the most important points in organizing this type of business is the choice of personnel. This is an extremely important point, because employees must conduct individual consultations every day and several times a day. The staff of the service should be stress-resistant, responsive and always friendly.

At the initial stage, it is not necessary to assemble too large a team - two fitness trainers, one psychologist and three nutritionists are enough. If you can find fitness trainers with knowledge of dietary nutrition, then this is only a plus. Graduates of physical culture and medical higher educational institutions may be suitable as workers. When selecting specialists, special attention should be paid to their physical condition.

You do not need any special documents to conduct such activities. The main requirement is that the employees of the organization have the appropriate certificates and diplomas. If you have the mentioned papers, you can apply for a license.

Price policy

Particular attention should be paid to the pricing policy of the organization. The cost of services should be determined immediately after the submission of the application by the client, who expresses his wishes in relation to the services provided. This is followed by a series of interviews aimed at identifying the main problems of the woman. In some cases, you may need to talk to a psychologist.

From the next day, full-fledged joint work begins - physical training is carried out, the psychological state and diet are monitored.

It is very important that the client's dietary and exercise performance is constantly monitored. At the same time, a weekly course of classes, for example, in the United States costs 400-500 dollars. Believe me, this price may seem high only at first glance. In fact, an overweight person spends a lot more on fighting the "illness" and, of course, buying food.


Thus, the business of helping to lose weight is quite in demand, because women will always struggle with being overweight. It remains to competently establish activities and start earning.


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