Essay on the topic of start in professional life. Active life position is a secret of success. How to develop an active life position? Where to begin

Active life position - start in success
My life is a solid series of events. I take off, then I fall, then I find it, then losing ...

Since childhood, I was so laid. I was not sitting on the spot. I constantly wanted to recognize something new. I ran, jumped, and did not notice my carefree childhood. But here it was seven years old, and I went to the first class.

I still remember my first step towards active life. My favorite school helped him. Of course, and did not cost without rehearsals with Nina Arone Gubareva. I read the poem of E. Uspensky's poem "My puppy". Eight years I was then. And now fifteen.

Time flies very quickly, very unnoticed. Also, our life will fly. Do not have time to blink with the eye, and everything was - already behind. I do not understand those people who stop on one and do not want to take off on, do not want to discover new talents and opportunities. After all, our reality is so boring, probably, so I chose creativity. There is nothing more beautiful in the world, than excitement before the concert, or rehearsals with full display.

Everyone finds himself in different ways, and everyone finds himself idols. My cumier, here the fourth year remains Dmitry Bikbaev. Recently, I'm more and more and more starting to appreciate him and respect, and very often I tell him a huge human thank you! His words are very encouraged me. And the poems give "breaking" thoughts into the light.

There is only one meaning in life

But she is empty

If there is no development

Endless desire

To the unattainable ideal ...

It is his words ... she "crushed" my soul so much that I have changed. And I began to notice that after Dmitry's creativity - a man becomes better. Sometimes even you begin to forget about such words as "Kleva", "cool" from the mouth, the words of admiration "Great" are broken down

Probably you are reading it now, and do not understand what I'm talking about? Just Dmitry Bikbaev was born in an ordinary family, in Ussuriysk. As I, at eight years, began to participate everywhere, sought up, and then I came to Moscow and entered Gitis (rati). Imagine a simple parenchy from Ussuriysk entered one of the most prestigious theater universities in the world! And not just came, but finished him with a red diploma. But I started like everything. From school matineers.

After reading, burn,

As before, I was burned.

And after memory, tell me

Why so passionately you love pictured ...

This is also the work of Dmitry Bikbayev. At the moment he produces his own book.

And what will happen to me? I, alas, I do not know. But I strive to continue the foundation for your future profession.

Two years ago, I realized what theater was. I understood how great and immortal! I realized that at the moment - the theater is my life. Yes, yes, I know that it is still very early to talk about such great things, but still in my list it is written in large letters: enter the NGTI !!! Who would have thought that that contest for eight years would help me make a start in success! Start to the future! And let me in study, I am not strong, and the letters "H" sometimes appear in the class journal. I am happy - because I do not sit on the spot for a long time. I have a favorite thing! I have your favorite friends and loved ones! I have a lot of hobbies! In addition to reading poems, music entails me. In the fifth grade graduated from a music school in the Accordion class. Recently mastered several chords on the guitar. And thanks to Dmitry Bikbaev met the poetry not as a reader, but as a poet. I hope that in the near future, many will hear my "abstract rhymes".

Active life position - start in success

My life is a solid series of events. Yatovzletya, nasty, pound, Tomerya ...

Still sites are so laid. I was not enough. I constantly wanted to recognize something new. Yabegala, jumped, insisted his carefree childhood. The new year I was seven years old, the first class.

Porpi's poisoner I remember your first step of scoring a caverium life. My favorite school helped him. Fourthily, it was also used without rehearsals with a decrease in the arona gubareva. I didn't think the poem of E. Uspensky "My puppy". Eight years I was then. Assex to fifteen.

Time flies very quickly, very unnoticed. Also, life will fly. You may not blink with the eye, Avxo what was - already behind. Ineponymoma of those people who stop at the same way to take off on, would not want to open new talents of the opportunity. After all, our reality is so boring, probably, therefore, Iavlected creativity. There is nothing more beautiful than the excitement before the concert, or the rehearsal of the Complete.

Everyone finds himself with an ambulance, and finds himself idiot. My cumier, here the fourth year remains Dmitry Bikbaev. In the early time, the time of the man is more and starting to appreciate him to follow it, ash, very often I tell him a huge human thank you! His words are very encouraged me. Astihi give "breaking out" of thoughts.

There is only one meaning of the Vzhizni

Excys this- Love

Noone empty

If there is no development

Endless desire

Kednostazham ideal ...

This is his words ... she so much "crushed" my soul that was changing. I scribes to notice that after creativity, Dmitry - a man becomes better. Sometimes you even start to forget about such words as "Kleva", "cool" extended the words of admiration "great"

Probably, will you spend this read it, and I really think you? Just Dmitry Bikbaev was born in a kind family, Vussuriysk. As well as Javvosheight began to participate everywhere, sought up, the apotom came to Vgitis (rati). Imagine a simple Pareniek of Izussuryska entered the desired prestigious theater universities in the world! Andprosto came, Azacut him with a packed diploma. Avteda began like IVS. Communion Matins.

Unread, burn,

As before, I was burned.

I say the memory of memory,

Why so passionately, I portrayed ...

This is also the work of Dmitry Bikbayev. Nadded moment atves his own book.

Achrome will be somewhat? I, alas, I don `t know. It is already nosed now to lay the foundation of the future profession.

Two years ago japanese what theater is. Japanese as it is great ibassmery! Japanese that Nadded moment Theater is my life. Yes, yes, I know that it is still very early to talk to the wonderful things, the new things are written in the cat in large letters: enter in inti !!! The kotobi might think that the competition of renovate years will help me make a certain start of whispe! Start willbid! The wake of the letter "H" sometimes appears in the Imblass Journal. Clearly, after all, I will wear a long time. Summary is a favorite thing! I have a beloved friends like people! We have a lot of hobbies! In addition to reading poems, music entails me. Having treated the classroom graduated from the Music School Pharmacek Accordion. Recently mastered several chords by Nagitar. Ablagodary Dmitry Bikbaev met Spoesia Neckak Reader, Akak Poet. I hope that many will hear my "abstract rhymes" by the future.

Ivplans We have a lot of a lot of people who have been unknown! Which I exercise Japneen. Hygiamko I can shout: "Active life position - warp twitch!"

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Active life position - start in success

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Love Vladimirovna

Active life position - start in success.

Have you ever asked yourself that you are for a person how do you want to become? Now I am at that age (I am 15 years old), when it is important to choose, determine for yourself those moral laws for which I will strive to live. In my age it is difficult to do, but you need to try. And to deal with these difficult issues to many people help diaries.

I've been leading a diary from the seventh grade. Own! For yourself! I make observation and thoughts into it, I write down what I was interested in which I got acquainted that interesting and useful was in the lessons, what people play a significant role in my life than they attract me. The diary of the young thick. The moral code of Yesenin ... A wonderful example of how a person forms himself, his personality.

I try to be a person. So, one day of my life.

Early morning, run from the entrance of the house in a sports suit, heading for the stadium. My neighbors are already sitting on the bench - grandmothers, sit down: "The poor child, so early gets up!" What is I poor? I have a wonderful mood, I am Bodra, full of strength. Smiling, greets with neighbors, they break into a smile: "Hello, daughter". The French philosopher D. Didro believed: "The happiest person is one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people" (recording from my diary). You see: I am happy - people are smiling around me.

"A person who is closely related to people is responsible and the debt is before them, that is, there must be a citizen - I hear a calm, measured voice of my social studies teacher, - in the famous poem A. Nekrasov there is a phrase:" The Fatherland of the Decent Son. " What are the high words! Sons are all born, but not every son becomes worthy. Who is guilty? And I hear: "Where do parents look? Also the school is not engaged in education ... "you need to do self-education. The earlier the better. To engage in the small years, and especially during the self-affirmation, that is, in the period of adolescence and youth (again I remembered the story of the Tolstoy, his main character - Nikolek Artemieva). But I am interspersed in the everyday sense of Nekrasovsky definition of a citizen. I am a student, a person, inevitably subordinate to parents and teachers. The framework of my life is quite tough, so where is the field where citizenship can be shown?

Please have a simple situation: today Saturday is declared at school, everyone goes to clean the territory. Someone participates in this matter, as it is afraid of punishment, and someone living according to the principle: "If not me, then who?" (Recording from my diary), aware of your participation. Here is this formula "if not me, then who?" It will help determine the degree of my civil maturity: if I define from little pleasant things under a trifle pretext, it means that I have no citizenship. You need to participate in public affairs, then you just can not live in the other, then you will feel happy and you will be successful in life.

An active person must have many human advantages, develop these advantages, because "the properties of one worthy person become a common property, create an active position of man, then a group of people, and then society" (recording from my diary). I am waiting for my friends, we have older today! That's where interesting people, live, inquisitive, souls suffering for a common cause! The decade of the elderly - of course, we will help teachers - veterans of pedagogical work, the day of the teacher - we draw an unusual bright newspaper, the action "White Flowers" - will help children, sick tuberculosis. Each who wants, there is a case of the soul, just do not stand aside.

Our school principal always says: "Small knowledge, unfair studies - signs of the future of a bad worker, which means a citizen." And if you are a bad citizen, you can not work for the benefit of people, it means that success in life do not achieve you. My mother is a successful person, it works for people, in the name of the future life. Every day she "takes" a new life - a newborn, what is the happiness! And, following her example, I study perfectly, I fond of anatomy, I dream to become a children's doctor.

I once, like a broom, "confess in love" a sofa, and after the lessons I run to the Central Library to prepare for the All-Russian competition "We are building your world for yourself." With classmates under the guidance of our teacher of literature, we are preparing the social project "My choice: how to live today to see tomorrow." I do not know if we have this research work, but "Tomorrow" I see beautiful, like this golden autumn, like these "in the bazhret and gold dressed forests" (literature and art there is a place in my life).

In ancient book, I read: "The absolute property of life is an incessant movement. It is the great breath of the universe, the boundless space "(recording from my diary). In the evening - training in your favorite sports complex. No, I do not have high awards in the sport, I just want to "be in the form", beautiful and soul, and body. And our coach is one pleasure to communicate with such a wise, albeit a strict but fair mentor!

Returning home late in the evening, on the bench the same neighbor - old women and again I hear: "Poor, when she rests?!"

I am the richest man in the world: I have loved parents who believe in me teachers who help me. "I'm standing, and rag, and I go, and I think - I am a person" (Mikhail's favorite stiffers).

I take a diary - no strength to write in it today, but I have a "whole" Sunday! From the seventh grade, I lead a diary that helps me live.

Have you ever asked yourself that you are for a person how do you want to become? I want to be personality, which means not to lose face.Vladimir Solovyov wrote: "Live the life of a whole, Sliding in all directions of my little one," Take to the heart "the case of others and the matter of everyone ... And you will see the meaning of life ...".

And last. I consider myself a person who leads an active healthy lifestyle, did not yet think about success (there is no successful in my life), but I think: you need to have much!

I, Stepanov Elizabeth Alekseevna, student of the 11th grade lyceum number 1 of the city of Nefteyugansk. I live in a little, but but a very beautiful town, which is not designated on any map ... But this does not mean that my life is small, boring. Every day I gladly go to school, my favorite items are English, mathematics, social studies, Russian, literature and physical education. I strive to develop in many directions.

I easily give me a study at school. The ninth grade I ended with a special sample certificate, which is very important for me. A huge work has been done to prepare for exams and an excellent completion of high school. All items seem interesting to me, they expand my horizons. In mathematics, I feel myself a scientist, which displays the formula and deftly drawn with complex equations and tasks. English is given to me particularly easy, because I love to travel through countries and practice your linguistic skills. I love to take part in debates that make it possible to argued to prove their life position or protect a certain point of view in a foreign language. Literature I consider the most important subject that helps us like to solve them in life. The formation of a person is impossible without reading the classic literature. Sports is a separate line, I get to run quickly, so on physical education I can give odds to any boy. None of the sports competitions do not pass without my participation. First school stadium, noise, movement, revival, tension. We are ready. We are ready to run for the victory at least on the edge of the world. We are a lyceum team, a participant in the city cross "Golden Autumn". Behind the training, anxiety, now the main thing is to gather, overcome the excitement and demonstrate everything you can. The fear was not, because there were their own near, and not the first time fled. But this tremendous success has reached for the first time, we are the first in the city! Moral support for friends, teachers were shouting, they shouted with us. And they fled at a distance of 500 meters, it was difficult, it was very high competition. We will remember these competitions for a long time. But everything ended. Soothed breathing, let others run ... there was some strange feeling. On the one hand, it was easily, because they died ... And on the other, the excitement from what I wanted to know the result, we only learned it the next day and delighted incredible! I remembered this day, because such sensations experienced for the first time. Ahead of the new "Golden Autumn"

I am pleased to take part in various Olympics, because they give an objective assessment of our knowledge. Try yourself in a certain subject area - it is always interesting. As a rule, I participate in the Olympics in social science, physical education, Russian and English languages, mathematics. Preparation, participation, long-awaited result - from everything I enjoy.

I am interested not only in school, but also in sports results. Often I go to the All-Russian competitions, and managed to establish yourself on the treadmill. I recently ranked first in the All-Russian race "Zelentsova.cup"In the city of Omsk. Regularly win the district competitions. Sport helps me to distract from mental loads, I am glad that I often win victory. This is an indescribable feeling when the heart beats more often, adrenaline is elevated, and you finish the first with a big margin on important competitions for you.

In early May 2010, I was fortunate enough to participate in the final competitions of the second open championship of Russia on the universal all-around member. Participation in such competitions is a great honor and responsibility, because I imagined my educators and teachers, your city and district. 340 educational institutions from 59 regions of Russia and CIS countries sent their best athletes to the competition. I managed to bypass rivals and show two third results.

But I didn't always do athletics. Basketball, sports and ballroom dancing, tennis, acrobatics, swimming - in everything I tried to find myself. Thanks to the sport, I traveled a lot of cities in Russia and found a lot of good friends.

I practiced ballroom dancing for three years. It was an unforgettable time. Dancing is the perfect lesson for romantic girls. They develop plastic, learn to listen and feel music.

Classes, which I prefer, do not end in sports and study. Not once, my writings were printed in urban and school newspapers. The topics were always different, ranging from my own interests, ending with reflections on complex socially important problems. The life position is not necessary to hide, you need to be able to defend it ... A person is having a pleasant feeling when his thoughts are heard, and not just heard, but printed ... Feel that you are not just the gravestone in it a huge, boiling life with the limitless ocean, but Part of the country's young generation.

I am proud that my name in 2012 was designated in the Russian encyclopedia of children's achievements. It is nice to realize that now you need someone and is interesting that people will learn about your successes. I am glad that my children and grandchildren will be able to be proud of my results, holding this encyclopedia in their hands.

Erudenity, readiness, reasonable, responsibility - these are the qualities I appreciate in people. If you are surrounded by such personalities, then you are big lucky. As for my circle of communication, the parents, teachers and classmates can support any, even a very difficult or simply relevant topic. I am grateful to them for support!

In this school year, as the best educational institutional institutions of the city of Nefteyugansk, a grant of the mayor was awarded. It is nice to realize that my desire to success was so highly appreciated.

I am interested in playing on stage. The ability to naturally feel very important in public. Artistic reading (Shakespeare's sonnets in English), participation in the drapes ... Since I study in a lyceum, a very important place in our educational institution is paid to culture, morality issues. We have a literary living room in October, a kind of event, where everyone can find themselves , show your talent. I consider it my duty to take an active part in it.

If we talk about my views on life, the family play a huge role for me. Our family has a book in which the biography of all my grandparents and grandmothers are recorded to the fifth knee. I'm proud of my family. Parents always support, together with me are experiencing important moments of life. And always proud of me. Without them, there would be no my success, and the taste of victory would not be so sweet, always feel their support, this is my support ...

I love the edge in which it was born and live. He is rich and fertile. I am proud that I live in Siberia.

I am a patriot of my country, I want to make it better, I want Russia to occupy a leading position in all spheres of life, especially in the economy, and I intend to engage in economic policies. As a Russian citizen, I am proud of my country, culture and will contribute to its prosperity.


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