How to analyze a job seeker after the interview. Practical advice for a successful interview. Use of rights and power

Posted On 31.05.2018

Personnel Management \\ Technologies of search, selection and adaptation of personnel in the company

6.1. Preparing for the interview

Interviewing is the most crucial stage in recruiting personnel, playing a key role in making a final decision, even in cases when other assessment methods are used along with it. Therefore, serious and thorough preparation for the interview is required.
The interviewer must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe vacant position that will be discussed during the conversation: duties, tasks, methods and means of solving them, scope of work, responsibility, rights, service relationships, conditions and place of work.
In addition, the specialist who will talk with the future employee must have the following information:
1. Information about the company (name, form of ownership, history, size, profile, products and indicators of its volume, place on the market, corporate culture).
2. Information about the unit in which the employee is selected, about his leader and group norms of behavior in the team.
3. Professional and personal requirements for candidates, desirable previous experience; data on the work of the employee who held this position before.
4. Compensation package (salary and the procedure for its calculation, bonuses, insurance, provision of a car, reimbursement of expenses for the use of personal transport, meals, etc.).
5. Opportunities for advanced training, professional and job growth.
It is necessary to schedule an interview, prepare a suitable room, a questionnaire that the candidate will fill out before the conversation, study his resume and outline key questions. The interviewer should be aware of the procedure, procedures and timing for evaluating the submitted applicants, as well as the personal characteristics of those people who will make the hiring decision.

6.2. Interview strategy and tactics

The job interview is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • assessment of the candidate's abilities for a certain type of activity;
  • comparative analysis of the competence of job seekers for the position;
  • providing the candidate with information about the organization in order to help him make a decision about employment.

Given the uniqueness of the interview as a method for assessing and selecting candidates, it is necessary to achieve its maximum efficiency, which depends on the technology of its conduct, the professionalism of the interviewer.
Structuring both the hiring decision-making process and the interview technique will help to avoid possible serious mistakes.

Internal Effects Making Interview Difficult

First impressions. Interviewers often draw conclusions about a candidate's personality within minutes of the very beginning of a conversation. For the rest of the time, they gather information to support the first impression. This is the case when a person “hears only what he wants to hear” and makes an unreasonable choice.
Stereotypes. Some interviewers believe that certain groups of people have special characteristics (for example, bearded men do not inspire confidence, and women with glasses are smart).
Edge effect (primary - recency). More attention is paid to the information that sounded at the beginning of the conversation than to the following. This can be explained by the properties of memory or the strength of the first impression.
Contrast effect. An interviewer's opinion of a candidate depends on his or her judgment of previous applicants. On the one hand, this means that the best of them will be chosen, on the other, they are compared with each other, evaluated in relation to each other, and not to the requirements of the work.
The same as me. Interviewers are more supportive of people who are similar to themselves in upbringing, education, and work experience. There is even evidence that they prefer applicants with non-verbal behaviors similar to their own (eye movements, posture, etc.).
Negative information. Negative information makes a stronger impression on interviewers than positive information. This is especially noticeable if negative information appears at the beginning of the interview, after which they automatically start looking for additional confirmation of the negative.
Personal sympathy. A higher score is given to those candidates who evoke sympathy, regardless of other factors related to the job. This is a natural reaction of a person, but, perhaps, it does not guarantee the selection of the best applicant for the position.
Copying. Personality preference interviewers choose the right people regardless of their other characteristics. This interferes with the conversation and may result in the person selected being unsuitable for the job.
Foreign or local accent. Jobseekers with a foreign or local accent often find themselves in less favorable terms than those with no special accent. However, this effect appears less often when it comes to "not too prestigious" positions, and people with some local accent are even preferred for working with clients.
Real time effect. Interviewers believe that the candidate behaves during the meeting in the same way as in life. This is a serious mistake as people tend to get nervous during interviews. And vice versa: some applicants know how to "show off" and throughout the conversation demonstrate qualities that they do not have in reality.
Gender preferences. Women candidates are often rated much more picky than men, especially if men are preferred for the job. Although there is information that this tendency is more characteristic of female interviewers, who consider the representatives of the strong half of humanity to be more competent, while for the latter, it seems, gender does not matter.

6.3. Interview technique

Build your communication with the candidate in such a way that he can speak with you openly and you can get the information you need. To do this, encourage, support, take initiative and at the same time be tough where necessary.

Remember that 80-90% of the time in the first stage of the interview, the applicant should speak.

In order to properly use the results of the conversation, you need to record the data received. Write down key points and phrases, as well as their comments about the features of human behavior.

For each competency, it is necessary to collect at least 2-3 facts from the candidate's experience. It is desirable that this be both positive and negative information.

Evaluate the applicant only after the end of the interview.

Don't suggest answers. Your interlocutor should not get the impression that there are right and wrong answers.

Interview structure diagram

Stage 1. Introduction, establishing contact

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Outline the purpose and procedure of the interview.
3. Tell the candidate that you will be taking notes.
4. Ask a general introductory question (for example, "Where have you worked before?").

Stage 2. The main part of the interview

1. Explore the competencies assessed.
2. Invite the candidate to add information about himself at his discretion.
3. Provide an opportunity to ask questions to you.
The more you learn about the applicant before the interview, the less time you will have to spend on clarifying this information during it. Preparation includes:
Review of documents. Collect all available documents of the candidate - resume, questionnaires, recorded results telephone conversations - and select from their content information about the work experience that is most important for this position.
Experience. Review the information that matches the job seeker's work experience you are interested in. Make a note of what is unclear to you, about which you would like more information.
Gaps in labor activity... Mark for yourself the gaps in the candidate's employment or educational background. During the interview, you will be able to discuss this with him in order to establish their cause and draw conclusions about the candidate's track record.
The main purpose of the experience review is to get only general information, while spending no more than 5-8 minutes. If the other person begins to delve into details, politely remind him that on this stage this information is not essential for you yet.
After completing the overview, move on to the prepared behavioral questions. Tell the candidate that the further conversation will be more dynamic, and it is desirable that he answers as detailed as possible.


Do not try to form a final impression of the applicant at this stage. Write down the main findings so that you can return to them later.

Pay more attention to recent study and work experience that is most relevant and relevant to the position in question. Don't ask too many questions about past events.

If a candidate talks about what they liked or disliked in their previous job, this will help you gauge their motivation.

Don't tell yourself that your job gap is a bad sign. It is necessary to find out their reasons.

Stage 3. Completion of the interview

1. Provide the candidate with information about the vacancy.
2. Tell us about the next steps and selection procedures. To end the interview, you must:

  • review your notes to determine if you need more information or any clarification (if necessary, ask questions immediately);
  • test (if required);
  • tell about the position and company, answer the candidate's questions;
  • end the interview: explain the further procedure and thank the interviewee.

6.4. Development of an interview structure in accordance with the specifics of the vacancy

One of the main factors in the success of an interview is its well-thought-out structure. In order to form a list of questions to identify the necessary competencies of the candidate, it is proposed to use the following table.

Formulate questions based on the assessment of the tasks corresponding to the position, the method of solving them and the required competencies.

Top 10 interview questions

1. Introduce yourself using only adjectives.
2. What is your biggest success and biggest mistake in your career?
3. What has been the most severe criticism ever addressed to you?
4. Please describe the best of your supervisors or subordinates with whom you have worked.
5. What would your last boss try to improve in you?
6. If the last ten years of your career were repeated, what would you do differently?
7. Describe the most difficult decision you have ever made. In retrospect, was your solution the best possible solution? Why yes or why no?
8. If I spoke to your supervisor (current or former), what are your strengths and weaknesses he would point out?
9. Suppose you already worked for our company three to six months ago, but things are not going well. What do you think may not work out and for what reasons?
10. What can make your working day really good? If by the evening you are upset, what could lead you to this state?

Ten most "uncomfortable" interview questions

1. What management beliefs have you developed?
2. What is more important to you - truth or comfort?
3. What did you learn more from: your successes or mistakes?
5. How condescending was your attitude to the mistakes of your subordinates revealed during the year?
6. What do you think is the main strength of your organization? Why?
7. Under what circumstances could you cheat?
8. Is the client always right?
9. If you could organize the world according to one of three principles - no flaws or shortages, no problems, no rules - how would you arrange it?
10. Can, in your opinion, all business relationships be absolutely clear, in particular, on the timing of the fulfillment of obligations?

6.5. Technique for evaluating information during the interview

In order to properly assess the incoming information, use as many interview methods as possible.
1. Questions to the candidate (open, closed, alternative, repeated, clarifying, consistently clarifying - chains in which each new question follows from the answer to the previous one).
2. Request examples from personal experience.
3. Specific situations for analysis.
4. Role-playing games.
5. Tests and tasks built into the interview.
6. Written assignments.
7. Provocations.
8. Invite the candidate to ask questions.

6.6. Analysis of the effectiveness of the interview

The effectiveness of the interview directly depends on its results, that is, the amount of information received and the time spent on it. Possible interview results:
1. Conclusion on the candidate for presentation to the position in question.
2. Recorded conclusions about the applicant for an invitation to possible positions in the future.
3. Obtaining useful business information from the candidate.
4. Establishing contact with the applicant as a potential partner.
5. Exit through it to new interesting contacts.
6. Conclusion on the fundamental inexpediency of further work with
given person. Conclusions:
1. An interview is not useless if at least one of the possible results is obtained.
2. The quantity and quality of the results of the conversation are determined:

  • the skill of the interviewer;
  • the duration of the conversation;
  • the value of the candidate.

3. Ideally, the structure of the interview should include specific questions to obtain all possible data.
4. The limited time of the interview should be used primarily to achieve the result, which is its main goal.
The main results of the interview should be recorded in writing and saved for future work. If this is not done, then the data is lost, and the effectiveness of such activities decreases.

6.7. Technique for preparing interview reports

It will take you some time to prepare your interview materials.
1. In order not to miss the details, during the interview you should take your notes on the interview sheets. If other persons (direct supervisor, mentor) are participating in the interview, record their questions and answers to them. You can assign a secretary or colleague to take the minutes of the interview.
2. Analyze the information received.
3. Immediately after the interview, discuss the results with all interviewees.
4. Evaluate the information.
5. Summarize, record in the protocol.
6. Try to schedule interviews in the morning in order to draw up a report on the interview in the second and coordinate it with all interview participants.
7. After agreeing on the report with the interview participants, file all materials collected for the candidate into a folder. To make a final decision on the candidate, the manager will need to analyze all the data collected.


Interview REPORT

"____" ___________ 200

An interview with the candidate Ivanov I.I.
for the vacant position of the head of the sales department
The professional experience is extensive and is quite consistent with the proposed position (seven years of work in sales, of which five - in management positions).
The candidate was actively pursuing his opportunities for promotion. The need for career growth and success is expressed. Ambitious. Capable of taking reasonable risks.
Intelligence is high and corresponds to education. Creative thinking, capable of a non-standard approach to problem solving. Speaking and writing are highly developed. The vocabulary is extensive. Critical to information. He adequately assesses his intellectual abilities, seeks to use them in business.
The mood is even, the level of self-control is high. Restrained. Low anxiety. Sometimes quick-tempered, but quick-witted. Comes across as an emotionally mature person.
Sociable, knows how to establish and maintain interpersonal contacts. Prefers group activities. Active in communication. Quickly adapts in a team and strives to take on the role of a leader. Sometimes he is intractable, does not yield to group pressure, but he is quite tolerant of the opinions and shortcomings of other people. Readily accepts responsibility for joint actions.
Self-esteem is adequate. The level of claims is high. Understands the ulterior motives of others. Shows an active interest in people.
The current place of work does not satisfy his ambitious plans, but he respects the management with respect. Purposeful, persistent, initiative. Capable of clear strategic planning. Quickly grasps the essence of the matter, we teach. Understands and can apply in practice the mechanisms of his business. Fully accepts responsibility for their actions. Knows how to work in a team. As a manager, she is equally focused on personnel and on a task. In tense conditions, he adheres to an authoritarian style of leadership, in more calm - democratic. Knows how to delegate authority and distribute responsibility between subordinates.
The appearance is neat. The style of dress is appropriate for the situation. The manner of being open, on an equal footing. The pose is mostly open. The answer is expanded. Has a presentable appearance.

The interview was conducted by the HR manager _________________

Attended by ___________________________________________

Head of Procurement Department ________________

Marketing director________________


Typical mistakes of specialists when conducting an unstructured interview:

  • ambiguity and heterogeneity of the grounds for making a decision on hiring;
  • intuitive choice;
  • overestimation of the importance of some factors to the detriment of others;
  • preference for candidates who are similar to themselves and rejection of dissimilar ones;
  • "hanging" on the applicant of certain characteristics that are considered typical in connection with his age, social or gender identity, as well as based on the subjective opinion of the interviewer, based on various psychological positions;
  • attributing to the applicant skills that are considered typical of people with similar work experience;
  • comparison of candidates with each other, and not relative to the criteria of success in this work.


Test task number 1

Choose from the list of five questions that can be used to assess the candidate's ability to effectively perform the required work.
1. What are you particularly good at? Why do you think so?
2. Please describe the best of your supervisors or subordinates with whom you have worked.
3. Please name your three main roles or responsibilities in your last job that you have measured your performance against.
4. Is honesty always the best policy?
5. What knowledge do you lack or lacked in your previous job?
6. Please provide an example of a well-prepared document.
7. How many times a day do you walk your dog?
8. How did you feel after your last layoff?
9. Please describe your working day. For example, yesterday.
10. What is it about your former colleagues that made you jealous?

Test task number 2

Choose from the list of five questions that can be used to assess the real interest of the candidate in the work in question.
1. Why do you always work with female bosses?
2. What job would suit you the most?
3. What kind of training do you intend to undergo in the near future?
4. Where do you see yourself in five years?
5. How and by what criteria are you going to make a decision on employment in a new place?
6. Describe a situation where you made the wrong decision.
7. What could keep you from changing your job?
8. What benefits can employees receive by assuming additional authority?
9. How did you identify the reasons for the poor performance of a subordinate?
10. In what case would you refuse our offer?

Test task number 3

Select from the list below five expressions related to manageability and compatibility that can be assessed for the candidate.
1. Factors that tie a person to the company.
2. Attitude towards negative statements addressed to you.
3. Self-criticism of a person and adequacy in his opinion about himself.
4. The way of making a decision on choosing a new job.
5. Health of the applicant.
6. Habits and expectations of group behavior.
7. Personal circumstances and factors ( marital status, place of residence, etc.), affecting the ability to perform the required duties.
8. Education and level of theoretical preparedness.
9. Experience of forming relationships with others.
10. Motives for moving to another job.
11. The applicant's talkativeness.
12. Formation of a generalized assessment of the controllability and compatibility of the applicant.


Test task number 1
Answers: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9
Test task number 2
Replies: 2, 4, 5, 7, 10
Test task number 3
Answers: 2, 3, 6, 9, 12

Technologies used uCoz

personnel selection and screening interview

personnel Selection and Screening Interview 2.2 Post-Interview Candidate Evaluation This form of candidate evaluation will be convenient if you follow the recommended interview pattern.

Job interview protocol

it will allow you to compare the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare the desired and the actual.

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4 main criteria by which to evaluate a person in an interview

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  3. four correct criteria for evaluating applicants

when evaluating applicants, directors and hr-managers, as a rule, put the personal qualities of the applicant, the amount of his knowledge and skills in the first place.

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how to evaluate and test the moral values \u200b\u200bor purposefulness of an employee during an interview: how does a sample protocol help? identifying the personal characteristics of a candidate for a vacant position is one of the most important goals of a recruiter. do not forget about the complexity of this task, since most applicants hide their flaws and embellish their advantages.

it is sometimes difficult to decide on the choice of a candidate and carry out a proper analysis, therefore there are methods for evaluating a candidate for an interview that will lead the applicant to clean water.

employee scorecard form

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src \u003d "" \u003d "" alt \u003d "Job Applicant Evaluation Sheet"\u003e

Candidate Job Interview Evaluation Sheet

Evaluation sheet for the interview of a candidate for the position Conformity assessment is put on a 5 - point scale for each parameter: X * (arithmetic mean) is found according to the formula: X * \u003d (conformity assessment / for the number of parameters).

The candidate obtained a personal interview with the employer. Recommendations: an approximate list of questions is offered that can most often be asked during an interview (it is necessary to answer questions briefly, easily and naturally).

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And everything seems to be fine, if not for one "but".

Final score sheet at the interview

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By clicking on the "Download archive" button, you will download the file you need for free.

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Post-interview candidate evaluation form

As soon as the door slams behind the candidate, without putting it on the back burner, until fresh impressions have evaporated, evaluate him. After the form below is completed (and pre-printed according to the sample), put it in the personal file of the candidate.
This form of candidate assessment will be useful if you have followed the recommended interview design. It will allow you to compare the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare the desired and the actual.
Candidate evaluation form
FULL NAME. candidate: _______________________________________________ ________________
Position: _____________________________________________________ ________________
Date of interview: "_________" ____________ 200__
The set start time of the interview _____________________________ ________________
Actual time of arrival of the candidate (if late, indicate the reason for the delay) ______________________________________________________ ________________
№ _____________________________________________________________ _________
Characteristic "Ideal" candidate (in this column the desired qualities are entered in advance after the examination of the vacancy) __________________________________________________________
The relevant data of the candidate (the actual qualities of the candidate are entered in this column) __ ________________________________________________________________ _____________ _

    1. Gender _____________________________________________________________ ________________
    2. Age __________________________________________ _______________ _____________
    3. Family status ______________________________________________ _____________
    4. Names educational institutionswhere the candidate could receive the necessary for the successful fulfillment of their functional responsibilities knowledge. Its desirable
      specialization and additional education ________________________ ______________________________________________________
    5. Names of possible positions held by the candidate ._______
    6. Profile and names of companies where the candidate could acquire and master the skills necessary for the vacancy.
    7. Minimum work experience.
    8. List of job duties that the candidate had to fulfill.
    9. The degree of possession of office equipment (PC, copier, fax, etc.), knowledge of software products.

10. Degree of proficiency in a foreign language _______________
11. Professional knowledge and skills required by the candidate.

    1. Availability of a car, driver's license indicating the category, driving experience.
    2. Availability of housing, desirable place of residence.
    3. Psychological qualities that will help to successfully cope with job responsibilities and learn new skills.
    4. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position
    5. Psychological characteristics that allow achieving compatibility with employees directly related to the future employee and appropriate corporate culture organizations.
    6. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this company
    7. Additional requirements.

Brief information and opinion of the official who conducted the initial interview (i.e.

Interview protocol sample

your informal assessment of the candidate) is also very important. Below is the form by which you can rate the applicant. To fill out this form, circle the appropriate (your, if possible, objective opinion about the candidate) number in each line. Calculate the overall mark, the maximum score is 60, the minimum is 12. The optimal score will be obtained if the candidate scored no more than three triples, provided that the remaining marks are 4 and 5.
When assessing, do not confuse the appearance with the cost of clothes and the personal taste of the candidate, in the column appearance we mean the neatness of the hairstyle, adequate makeup and manicure (if you have a woman in front of you), clean, tidy, appropriate clothing, unobtrusive accessories. In addition to the timbre of the voice, you need to pay attention to the rate of speech, possible defects in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, the use of slang words.

In the box for physical condition, be especially careful about women and the elderly. It is also necessary to distinguish the qualities necessary when applying for a job, from those that can be quickly acquired in the process of adaptation in the workplace (critical conditions).

    1. Untidy
    2. Negligence in clothing
    3. Neat
    4. Gives special attention his appearance
    1. Harsh, annoying
    2. Indistinct
    3. Pleasant
    1. Clear, understandable
    2. Expressive, energetic


    1. Unpleasant, unhealthy appearance
    2. Unnerved, apathetic
    3. Good physical shape, good looks
    4. Cheerful, energetic
    5. Very energetic, in great shape


    1. Nervous
    2. Shy
    3. Mannered
    4. Tense
    5. Embarrassed
    6. Calm
    7. Adequate
    8. Unusually seasoned


    1. Shy
    2. Arrogant
    3. Consistent, evidence-based
    4. Confident enough
    5. Rectilinear
    6. Demonstrates Confidence
    7. Unusually self-confident


    1. Illogical
    2. Uncertain
    3. Unclear
    4. Sprayed over trifles
    5. It is clearly expressed, words are adequate to meanings
    6. Convincing
    7. Logical
    8. Extraordinary ability in the logic of thought


    1. Slow-thinking, slow-thinking
    2. Indifferently perceives what is said
    3. Attentive, expresses his thoughts clearly
    4. Smart, asks adequate questions
    5. Unusual acuity of mind, perceives a complex of ideas


    1. Lethargic, not ambitious
    2. Lack of interest in self-development
    3. Demonstrates a desire for self-development
    4. Defines future goals, wants to succeed
    5. High ambitions, self-development


    1. Doesn't match the position
    2. Not relevant, but useful
    3. Compliant
    4. Above required
    5. Particularly suitable
    6. Continues to learn, level up


    1. Immature, impulsive
    2. Stubborn
    3. Reasonable, mature
    4. Cooperative
    5. Responsible
    6. Mature, self-sufficient


    1. Strongly negative
    2. Shows dissatisfaction
    3. Shies away from direct questions
    4. Expresses a positive attitude
    5. Demonstrates positive, objectively evaluates "+" and "-"


    1. Expresses extreme embarrassment or aggression
    2. Visibly nervous
    3. Does not express discomfort, does not seek to continue the conversation
    4. Demonstrates calm demeanor, continues dialogue
    5. Reacts appropriately, looking for ways to continue the conversation

Decision made: "Accept" (), "Refuse" ()

They joke that a person is never as close to perfection as when they were writing a resume. Research shows that 24% of job interviewers mislead potential employers by embellishing and exaggerating their success, merit, personality, or experience. How can you determine who is really in front of you? Consider a few quick questions to help you get a fresh perspective on the job seeker.

Finding out if a person knows what is the product of his work

Boris Petrov,
cEO company "Petrocomplex", St. Petersburg

I usually interview top candidates: CTO, Deputy CEO and CFO. Conversations usually last no more than 15 minutes. I'll tell you what I pay attention to during the meeting.

  • Language of the body.During a conversation, I follow the behavior of the candidate - this way you can find out if he is telling the truth or dissembling. For example, according to my observations, when a person tells a lie, he hides the palms of his hands (squeezes between his knees, puts on the table), does not look into his eyes, scratches his ears. If a candidate for a top position has never looked a potential leader in the eye during the interview, it says a lot. It happened that for these reasons I ended a conversation after five minutes: if I see that a person is not frank with me, then I will not waste time figuring out what exactly he is hiding. I would rather devote my energy and time to working with employees.
  • How does an applicant answer the question “Why did you get paid for previous location work? " Another variation of this question is "What is the product of your work?" In my opinion, every employee - from an ordinary to a general director - produces this or that product, for which he receives a salary: someone has a piece of hardware, someone has a document ... But it is important to take into account one nuance: just a piece of iron or a document is not enough - to complete the business, they must be exchanged for something of value to the company. Then the job is done. For example, an accountant can prepare reports without errors and on time, but if he does not submit them on time to the IFTS and does not receive a mark that it has been accepted, then the price of such reports is worthless.

Surprisingly, I have not heard so many answers from candidates! Say, the first question is answered like this: “For coming to work”, “For fulfilling official duties”. Why do I need such leaders? However, there was a case that stuck in my mind - I recommended the head of the department to immediately hire that candidate. True, he applied for an ordinary technical position. A young man came to the interview, he was 23 years old. It would seem that there was not much to expect: he simply did not have enough time to gain experience. Nevertheless, when asked about the result of his activities in the company, he answered: the developed software, installed in the industrial controller, the tested functionality of the entire system and put into operation at the customer's ACS.

Niyaz Latypov,
cEO and owner of Cuper, Kazan

I don't have one single question that helps to understand a person instantly. I'm just taking a specific approach.

  1. I assess the competence level of the candidate. The lowest level is when the employee needs to chew everything (“Go to such and such a street, house number five, third floor, office 314, find Marya Ivanovna there and hand this paper to her personally”). The next level - the task can no longer be so specific, it is enough to name only the address, room number, name. I need people who, having received a task, are able to determine intermediate goals themselves and draw up an action plan. The level of competence is easy to identify: the most advanced are those who know how to make decisions quickly, and they are the same as I would have made in a similar situation. Questions about a person's experience, past problems and methods of solving them help me to understand this. For example, I might ask what goals the management set for him, whether the scale of the tasks changed over time, how the candidate approached them, and how long it usually took him.
  2. I analyze whether the applicant is able to think outside the box and is ready to receive new knowledge. If a person lacks knowledge, then he should not be ashamed to admit this and fill the gap - to take the literature on the topic and study the issue. To find out if a candidate has these qualities, I ask what problems are the most interesting of those that he has ever solved (it does not matter, at work or in his personal life); how familiar he was with the topic at the time the problem arose, what was the plan of action, whether it was necessary to learn something further. The essence of the tasks and the approach to their solution demonstrate very well whether a person knows how to be creative in any business.
  3. I find out if this is a keen person.I am interested in what the candidate does in his free time, what is his hobby. Once the habit of talking about it with everyone (not only in job interviews) helped me find a wonderful technical director, and the person did not even think about changing jobs before meeting me. And the fact that he agreed to accept my offer was proof of his passion. He was the mayor of a small (about 100 thousand inhabitants) town, in the administration of which I was brought to work. We got to talking: it turned out that during the day he served as an official, and in the evening he became an inventor, spent all the time in the laboratory, which he set up in the garage. This self-taught (he did not have a specialized technical education) has already received several patents! I convinced him that you shouldn't waste your life on boring work - you should devote yourself to what your heart is in.

I analyze whether a person knows how to draw conclusions from his mistakes

Evgeny Demin,
cEO and co-owner of Splat, Moscow

I conduct interviews with all candidates for vacancies in the head office and for key positions in the regions and other countries. I try to consider as many candidates as possible personally, since the values \u200b\u200bof each employee should coincide with the values \u200b\u200bof the company: when you select people who are close in spirit, then you do not need to waste time convincing them. I try to hold a meeting with the applicant quickly (it takes from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the position). This is what I find out in the course of the conversation.

Vladimir Saburov,general Director of the company "Clay processing", Bryansk
I personally conduct interviews with candidates for the positions of chief specialists, heads of departments, services. The meeting lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. During this period, it is necessary to evaluate the desire of candidates to work and the ability to achieve their goals. At the same time, I ask a lot of questions, but I don't give time for thinking: this way you can learn more about a person. Here are the topics that help me figure out what's important to me.

  1. Where work (or study) the applicant's closest relatives (wife or husband, parents, children), their age. From the answers, one can understand whether a person has an incentive, whether it is customary in his environment to work hard, with interest and responsibility to deal with the matter.
  2. I ask you to prioritize in descending order when choosing a job: career, money (benefits), psychological climate in the team, independence, work intensity, proximity to home, prestige of the company, gaining experience and knowledge, the complexity of the tasks.
  3. Your supervisor has assigned you a job that is not part of your job responsibilities. What will you do? If he refuses, then this is not our person. Such people, as a rule, do not strive for development, problems will constantly arise with them. If you take such people to work, then only to the accounting department.
  4. I accompany the candidate (if he is applying for a position in the production service) to the shops.After the tour, many immediately leave, as they expected to work in an air-conditioned office.
  5. I ask what a person is generally interested in in life.Once we hired the head of the procurement and logistics service (procurement for production, communication between manufacturing enterprise and a trading house, building logistics for shipments). A young applicant (23 years old) with an economic education came to us for an interview. In the conversation, it turned out that he is actively involved in sports, while still training children. This means that he must have both firmness and endurance, and the ability to plan time, which will be useful in work. Despite the age of the candidate, I invited him to work - and I was not mistaken. Over the course of a year, he managed to achieve global positive changes in the work of the service: he created a monitoring system for suppliers, a harmonious scheme of interaction between the services of the enterprise, as a result, we significantly reduced the costs of purchasing components and transporting finished products.
  6. Honesty check.The question sounds like this: “You have plans for the evening - you are going to go somewhere with your family (with a girl, a young man), but you get an urgent task, for the execution of which you will have to stay late at work. This will lead to the cancellation of personal plans. What will you do. " I expect a truthful answer. Falsity is always felt here. Another question: “You are faced with unfair reproaches from the management against you. How do you react? " I appreciate the answer in the same way.
  7. What is the candidate's self-esteem? To understand this, I ask this provocative question: “You did a great job, spent a lot of time and energy, but the results were unclaimed (everything that you did was put on the shelf). How will you feel, what will be your reaction? " A person with low self-esteem will think that they have wasted their time and effort and that no one appreciates them.
  8. Does he know how to lead.I ask the question: “The subordinate did not complete the task on time. Your actions?". If the answer follows “In the interests of the company, I will do it myself”, then you can immediately refuse to cooperate with such a candidate, and it does not matter what he adds to what was said (for example, what will punish a subordinate). There was once a candidate for the post of chief engineer who answered that way - I didn't even bother to continue the conversation. A manager should not perform work for subordinates.
  9. Is he a tough leader.The question is: “Your subordinate was rude to you. What will you do? ”. If the candidate answers “I will educate, explain that the rude person acted wrong,” this is not our person. Such a response is a reason for refusing applicants for middle management positions who work directly in production. There must be tough discipline, employees must be ready to obey unconditionally. I expect an answer: “I will severely suppress, I will impose a penalty; I will fire him on the second occasion ”. There should be no liberalism in production.
  10. Is there any interest in what the plant does.We make cat litter, so I always ask if a candidate has a cat. I am sure that the cat lover will try to do everything perfectly, because his beloved pet will use our products.
  11. Are the life principles of the candidate consistent with those promoted by our company?For example, once at an interview with a candidate for the position of production director, I did not ask him what he meant by the culture of production. At our enterprise, maintaining cleanliness and order is one of the most important factors on which wages depend. Also, production culture implies honesty in work. So, new director showed good results, knew how to communicate with people, organize them. But he had a drawback - secrecy, constant attempts to hide flaws in his work. And most of all it was depressing that there was always a mess in the workshops in the shops. I struggled with this until someone from the staff visited his house and told him that there was also a mess. I concluded that it was useless to educate him, and we had to part. After all, if everything in production facilities is upside down and there is no cleanliness, this leads to injuries, equipment breakdowns, and additional costs. And the workers treat the enterprise in a completely different way, if they are surrounded by order, and they themselves maintain it.

Applicants must know exactly what the company can give and what the company will give them

Dmitry Fedoseev,
owner and CEO of Aibolit Plus, Moscow

I conduct five to seven interviews a week (with veterinarians, managers, promoters), and not only in Moscow, but also in the regions. For me, this is not work, but pleasure (although useful). All meetings last for three hours: I'm not used to rushing, so I approach the choice without haste. What do I expect from candidates?

  1. Desire to work and earn. His favorite questions “Why do we need you” and “Why do you need us” help to identify it. Answers to them give the best idea of \u200b\u200bthe candidate, and sometimes open up new opportunities. For example, there was such a significant case. For several months in a row, we were approached by a girl who wanted to get a job as a call center operator. The first time I told her that the vacancy appears or does not appear from the 1st to the 5th day of the month. And she called for four months in a row, and on the fifth I, surprised by her persistence, asked why she wanted to work with us (already started to think that these were the intrigues of competitors), - asked the question “Why do you need us?”. The girl directly replied that she most of all liked the free schedule and remote work, she lives next to our office (if necessary, you can appear there without wasting time on the road). She also liked that we advised to call every month, and not just let us know that there was no vacancy. This answer surprised me, and I asked how she could be useful to us (“Why do you need us?”). It turned out that she has experience in HR, but because of the desire to work from home and on a free schedule, she is considering other vacancies. And just before that, I read about a company that attracts a freelancer to find personnel - this saves money and allows for better selection of employees. And I decided that we should try this too. Therefore, after two days we entered staffing table the position of recruiting specialist and hired a persistent girl for work. By the way, we have already filled several vacancies with her help.
  2. Is the person ready to look for new opportunities.I recently went to the opening of our veterinary center in Novosibirsk and conducted several interviews there with applicants for the position of manager. One of them decided to prove herself by starting to criticize our strategy and approaches to work: she said, for example, that a Moscow company had nothing to do in the region. Apart from criticism, I heard nothing, although I asked why the applicant thinks so and what he offers. The conclusion is this: the applicant saw only the bad (as it seemed to her), but did not offer options for how to do better. This indicates that a person will always find reasons why the plan is not being fulfilled, the branch is not developing. Needless to say, I didn't take her to work?
  3. Integrity and adequacy.I like to ask provocative questions. For example, I offer the candidate a higher position (my deputy, not the clinic manager), noting that such and such an employee is currently working in this position. If the candidate is interested in where I will put the current deputy, I answer that I will castling. I am looking at the reaction: will he be delighted with the opportunity to get into the company immediately for a high position and sit up another one - will he doubt the presence of the necessary experience - after all, he applied for another position - will he ask what his duties will be, what tasks will he have? This says a lot: can I trust a person, what principles he is guided by in life, does he adequately assess his capabilities.
  4. Real experience.I also have one more provocative proposal for candidates for managers: if a person is filled with a nightingale talking about his achievements at a previous job, I ask if he is ready to start working on a project from tomorrow (to open a clinic in a new place). The braggart will immediately find thousands of excuses why it won't work now.

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1. The essence of the interview as a whole

1.1 The concept of an interview, its goals and objectives

In essence, an interview is a two-way communication tool. Its main purpose is to ensure the exchange of information in such a way as to determine the appropriate direction for the future. An interview is different from a simple message (which it may unfortunately turn into) a two-way flow of information. The prefix "inter" in the word interview (interview) means "between". An interview is possible not only when applying for a job, an interview is often used as a form of examination, including a qualifying examination for certification. Appraisal interview - identifying people with the necessary abilities and goals, who could become good employees of the organization. Most interviews have specific goals. Personnel assessment interviews can include issues such as building and improving rapport between a manager and his subordinate, or changing the attitude of a subordinate to a particular problem or aspect of his work. In a recruitment interview, the challenge may be to select (by the organization) a candidate with the most appropriate level of ability and motivation to do the job in accordance with the requirements and select (by the candidate) an organization as a suitable place to apply their abilities. The overall goal of any interview is to find the facts, and on this basis - formulate appropriate decisions and develop action plans that both parties take for execution. The concept of bilateral commitment is central to achieving interview goals. The interview succeeds or fails by the action it determines, and where there is no commitment, this action either does not occur or it is unsatisfactory. This theory may seem unrealistic or meaningless to those who are accustomed to viewing the interview as an opportunity to exercise their authority, or as a case where the interviewee can be forced to walk on a line of words before the interviewer makes his undeniable (and possibly a foregone conclusion). During the recruitment interview, a meeting with a potential employer or his representative takes place. The purpose of such an interview is to get to know each other personally, to understand how the employer and the applicant are suitable for each other, and also to discuss the details of cooperation. During the interview, the employer asks questions about the applicant's education, experience, skills and knowledge acquired. Also, personal questions are possible: goals, aspirations in life, what the applicant wants to achieve, what are his plans. The job interview is critical in the recruiting process. It consists in the selection of a suitable person for the job on the basis of objective criteria that are applied to the candidate in a balanced and fair manner.

The interview has two main goals:

1) help the organization evaluate candidates for suitability for the position;

2) help candidates evaluate the organization as a future place of work.

Interview is one of the most common methods of personnel selection and assessment. Despite the apparent simplicity of its use, it is one of the most labor-intensive processes that requires the obligatory training of the employee conducting it.

The main purpose of the interview is to obtain information that will allow:

1) assess how the given candidate is suitable for the proposed position (that is, assess the professional suitability of the applicant (his professional knowledge and skills, business, individual psychological and psychophysiological qualities);

2) determine how the given candidate stands out from all those who have announced their candidacy for the vacant position, what qualities and skills prevail. And which, on the contrary, need further development; how important these qualities are for a vacant position; is it possible to hire an employee with the condition of further growth; whether the vacant position will be a "step forward" for the applicant or he has long "outgrown" the proposed position;

3) to establish whether the information provided by the candidate is reliable (meaning only the initial assessment of the reliability of the information). Recently, more and more attention is paid not only to determining the compliance of the candidate with the required qualifications, but also to finding out how much a new person will "fit" into the corporate culture of the organization, whether he will be able to accept the principles and norms of conduct in the organization.

1.2 Interview rules

To successfully conduct the interview, the interviewer needs to have: - a checklist of candidates with criteria and space for notes; - model (professiogram) of the workplace or position, or brief requirements for the candidate for the position; - job descriptions; - interview plan; - questions prepared in advance for the interview - a set of forms for recording the candidates' answers; - the allocated time at the rate of at least 30 minutes for each candidate; - prepared room (separate room, chairs in the corridor for those who are waiting, etc.). It is necessary to make the room as comfortable as possible, do not conduct interviews while sitting at the desk. Some HR managers find this approach to be quite appropriate, but research has shown that a physical barrier inevitably creates a psychological barrier. This is especially important if the interviewer is interviewing with assistants. Experienced interviewers ask applicants to sit on a chair (armchair, sofa) that stands to the side of the table and often sit next to the candidate. According to psychologists, this demonstrates friendliness and respect from the interlocutor to the applicant. This arrangement allows the interviewer to see well the eyes and gestures of the applicant and creates in the latter a sense of his own importance, freedom and natural behavior, stimulates openness and sincerity when answering questions. Psychologists have found that no matter how long the conversation lasts, the interviewer usually develops a positive or negative opinion about the candidate within the first 3-4 minutes of the conversation. After that, the interviewer asks questions depending on the prevailing opinion: with a positive - allowing a person to open up from the best side, with a negative - “to fill in”. That is, the interviewer consciously or unconsciously creates the conditions for his initial opinion to be supported by subsequent facts. Knowing about this psychological trap, the interviewer should avoid it in every possible way. It is better to use the first minutes of the interview not to obtain any information from the candidate, but to create a calm and comfortable atmosphere (for both parties), psychological liberation of the candidate, and to establish positive and constructive relationships of mutual understanding, in which productive work can be carried out. In the first few minutes it is also advisable to make a clear and concise introduction; the purpose of the interview should be clearly communicated to the candidate along with a summary of the form of the interview, its duration, etc. An agreed agenda can go a long way towards establishing psychological contact during an interview. The interviewer should avoid long introductory lectures about the organization or the work itself, as this can elicit flattering or well-directed responses. It is better to postpone this topic until the end of the interview in order to inform the applicant about the specifics of the job only after the candidate answers questions about his abilities, past achievements and experience. It is best to give specific information about the company at the end of the interview, answering the candidate's questions. In general, it is very important to give the candidate the opportunity to ask their questions. This provides valuable insight into which factors are prioritized for a particular person. The interview schedule should include at least a 30-minute break before starting the interview with the next candidate. This is necessary to neutralize the psychological effects of perception when the impression from the previous candidate is projected onto the next one. So, against the background of an openly weak candidate, a very mediocre specialist may seem to the interviewer “quite suitable” and vice versa. There should also be time for recording and assessing the candidate's responses, as well as a break for the interviewer's rest. An effective interview usually requires a lot of energy, so it's important to maintain your ability to think clearly. The number of interviews that the interviewer can effectively conduct during the working day is no more than five.

2. Techniques for conducting an interview

2.1 Types and types of interview

There are several types of interviews with candidates, the choice of which depends on the traditions of the organization, the characteristics of the candidate, the vacant position, and the individual preference of the interviewing employee. The results of the interview should be documented. Most organizations use special forms for assessing candidates, if such forms do not exist, you can use the portrait of an ideal employee as a kind of assessment sheet. The results of the interview should contain an assessment of the candidate and a proposal - to continue or stop working with him. The opinion of the interviewing employee is passed on to the head of the department with the vacancy, who decides on further actions in relation to this candidate. In order to better assess the professional and personal qualities of a candidate, organizations can seek information from people and organizations who know him for joint studies, work, sports, etc. The human resources department may ask the candidate himself to name the names of people who could characterize him, and then talk with these people. In both cases - oral or written recommendation, there is a problem of obtaining objective information, since the people chosen by the candidate usually emphasize only its positive aspects. You can also get information about a candidate by contacting directly the organizations in which he previously worked or studied (their names are indicated in his curriculum vitae or resume). However, the human resources department must be extremely careful when assessing the characteristics of the candidate obtained as a result of such contacts - the employees providing information may be biased, it is not enough to know the candidate well, etc. Interview with a line manager. If the head of the department is satisfied with the results of the interview conducted by the employee of the human resources department, he makes an appointment with the candidate. Unlike interviews with human resources specialists, this interview should allow assessing, first of all, the professional qualities of the candidate, his ability to perform production functions... At the same time, the manager assesses the degree of his personal professional compatibility with the candidate and the likelihood of successful integration of the latter into the department. In addition, the manager provides the candidate with detailed information about his department, the vacant position, the functions that the candidate will have to perform if he is hired. The results of the interview are recorded by the manager using a standard form for this.

The most common type of interview is a one-on-one interview, during which one representative of the organization meets with one candidate. However, today other types of interviews are used, during which one representative of the organization meets with several candidates, several representatives of the organization talk with one candidate, several representatives of the organization interview several candidates.

In the first case, the interviewer is given the opportunity to simultaneously (and not in absentia) evaluate several candidates and observe them in a stressful situation (the presence of several applicants for the same position), although it is much more difficult to talk with several candidates simultaneously. The participation of several representatives of the organization increases the objectivity of the assessment and the quality of the interview itself, but can create additional stress for the candidate and increase the costs of the organization. The presence of several people on both sides significantly increases the complexity of the interview process and requires careful preparation and consistent behavior of the interviewers.

The ability to professionally and competently conduct interviews is the key to the success of not only hr-managers and recruiters of recruitment agencies, but also the owners own business and staff in management positions.

Every day, the recruitment toolkit is replenished with new developments in the field of assessing the professional and personal qualities of applicants, as well as analyzing previous work experience. Nevertheless, today there are several main types of interviews (interviews) that are used on a daily basis by millions of employers around the world.

By functionality:

· Screening interview;

· Selection interview;

· Final interview.

By the structure of the event:

· Free interview;

· Situational interview (situational interview);

· Stressful interview (stressful interview);

· Interview on competencies (interview on competencies);

· Mixed interview.

By the format of the event:

· Telephone / video interview;

· Individual interview;

· Mass interview.

Screening interviews are usually conducted by telephone. The main purpose of this event is indicated in its very name - to weed out random candidates who clearly do not meet the stated criteria and expectations of the employer. The screening interview is the next stage in the interaction of a recruiter with candidates who have passed the screening filter. During this type of interview, the bulk of information about applicants for a vacant position is assessed: work experience, personal qualities, main motives, salary expectations, readiness to go to work, etc. Depending on the number of applicants admitted to the selection interview and the number of persons who decide on further interaction with applicants, the number of meetings with each specific person is also determined. Thus, at this stage, one candidate can be assigned from one to several meetings with representatives of the employer's company. The overall result of the selection interview is the selection of several specialists for the final (final) stage of recruiting.

Final interview. Here we can distinguish two more options for the functionality of this type of interview: making a final decision on approving one of the most suitable candidates for replacement open vacancy of several finalists and if there is only one finalist - the formal procedure for introducing a new employee to the position. Free interview. Some of the most common types of interviews. This type of interview can be used for one of two reasons: the lack of staff assessment skills of the specialist responsible for the selection or the absence of the need for a detailed study of the candidate's business biography, since the selection criteria are minimal. One way or another, the content of a free interview is more like the process of one person getting to know another, with the only exception that one person (the applicant) speaks most of the time. Here, the main task of a company employee is to determine whether he wants to work with the candidate, whether the candidate will be able to get used to the team, etc. In other words, during a free interview, informal selection criteria are checked. Situational interview. The methodology is based on the study of human behavior in certain situations (real situations at previous jobs, simulated situations). The information received from the candidate makes it possible to predict his behavior in the company, and, therefore, to determine how successful the evaluated specialist may be in the position in question. Stressful interview. One of the most difficult interviewing techniques. To use it correctly, you need to be a highly qualified specialist in the field of recruiting and motivating personnel. The essence of the technique is to create a stressful situation for the candidate and evaluate his behavior and actions in conditions of emotional irritation. The difficulty of conducting such an interview lies in the ability of a recruiter to subtly use irritants, and not, succumbing to excitement, ruin the mood of himself and his interlocutor, depriving himself of the possibility of further interaction with the applicant. Due to the inept use of this tool by employers, it is infamous with candidates. Competency interview. One of the most common interview methods. Its main task is to compare the level of professional skills and knowledge (competencies) of the applicant with the stated data necessary for the successful performance of his functions in the position for which the applicant is applying. In the process of conducting this interview, information from previous jobs is used: results, achievements, problems, useful lessons learned from their mistakes with a detailed description of situations and reasoning of their actions. Various professional questionnaires, tests, assignments, cases, etc. are also used here. Most often, the direct heads of departments, departments, services, etc. are invited to conduct such interviews. for a substantive discussion of specific skills and knowledge. Mixed interview. This approach to the construction of assessment activities is based on a comprehensive study of the professional and personal data of the applicant for a vacant position and may include any (or even all) of the above methods. The disadvantages of this type of interview can be attributed to the high time resource consumption: it takes a lot of time to communicate with each candidate, time to process the information obtained during the communication and to interpret the results. Phone / video interview (preview). The first step to the interaction of the employer with the applicant. At this stage, the level of general interest of the applicant in considering the proposed vacant position, screening out candidates that are unsuitable on formal grounds, is determined. Sometimes, such an interview is singled out as an independent recruiting tool and is called personnel screening. Meanwhile, a video interview can also be a form of communication between an applicant and employers at the stage of selection of applicants in the event that it is a matter of remote (regional selection). Individual interview. An interview conducted with one single specific candidate. There are two options for organizing this event: an interview with a precisely designated time (for example: 02/11/2012, Monday, 11:00) and an interview with a conditionally designated time (for example: 02/11/2012, Monday, from 11 : 00 to 18:00). Mass interview. An interview conducted by an employee or employees of the company with several applicants at the same time. It is most often used in the mass recruitment of personnel for low-level positions (low-skilled personnel) to reduce the time for preliminary contacts with candidates and increase coverage.

2.2 Interview Techniques

During the interview, the following are assessed: individual characteristics of the candidate; communication skills; possession oral speech; oratorical skills; analytical thinking; ability to impress. IN different methods interviews can be evaluated for other qualities of the candidate. But it should be borne in mind that the interview does not evaluate the candidate's written speech, his practical skills and abilities. It is impossible during the interview and to adequately assess the qualification level of the applicant, since when talking with the candidate, the person conducting the interview cannot devote enough time to studying the documents submitted for the candidate confirming his level of training and work experience. In this regard, the authors strongly advise against drawing conclusions immediately following the results of the interview.

It is best to use interviews along with other techniques as part of the candidate assessment process.

Historically, the following interviewing techniques have developed:

1. The British interview method is based on a personal conversation with a candidate member of the staffing committee. Interviewers are interested in biography, family traditions and the place where he was educated: “Are you a relative of the Duke of Sommerset? Which family member served in the Royal Navy? Where did you study - not at Oxford? " If the candidate successfully answers the questions asked, then he is quickly accepted.

2. The German method is based on the preliminary preparation by candidates of a significant number of documents with mandatory written recommendations of well-known specialists, scientists, leaders, politicians. An expert commission of competent persons analyzes the submitted documents, monitors the correctness of their execution. Applicants for vacant positions go through a number of mandatory, rigorous procedures prior to direct interviews.

3. The American interview method boils down to testing intellectual and creative abilities, psychological testing using computers and observing candidates in an informal setting. For this, the candidate is invited, for example, to a weekend, presentation, lunch. At the same time, much attention is paid to the potential of a person and the shortcomings of his personality, which does not always confirm the possibility of a manager selected in this way in a team. However, this method allows you to identify hidden personality flaws that may be unacceptable for work in a particular firm. 4. The Chinese method is based on preliminary written examinations and has a long historical tradition. Candidates write a number of essays, proving their knowledge of the classics, literacy of writing, knowledge of history. Those who successfully passed all the exams, and there are several percent of those who participate in the competition, write the final essay on the topic of future work. Those who passed this exam are allowed to be directly interviewed. In the case of hiring, their official position often depends on the grade obtained in the exams.

One of the interview techniques was developed by Sergei Iosifovich Faibushevich, candidate economic sciences, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.

Key points:

1. The candidate must receive in advance (in writing or by phone) information about the date and time of the interview with clear instructions on how to get there.

2. The secretary must be notified of the name of the visitor and the time of the visit in order to meet him and, if necessary, order a pass.

3. Take some time to read the candidate's bio before the interview. This will save you time.

4. Identify the questions you intend to ask. If you don't, the candidate may start interviewing you.

5. Try to be in the right mood. If you are tired or annoyed, you will not be able to appreciate the candidate.

6. Plan the conversation so that nothing distracts your attention (phone calls, visits from strangers, etc.).

7. Don't show bias. First impressions are often prejudiced and can be completely unfounded.

8. Make sure the candidate knows who you are - your name and title.

9. Immediately call the candidate by name and patronymic and do it more often.

10. Smile! Be Friendly: A frightened candidate will not be able to demonstrate his worth to you.

11. Treat the candidate the way you would like to be treated if you switched roles.

12. Give the candidate information about the position, both attractive and unpleasant. This includes requirements for an employee, working hours, working conditions, career opportunities, etc.

13. Speak slowly and clearly, give the candidate enough time to understand what is being said. In a situation where the candidate is experiencing a lot of nervous tension, it may be difficult for him to perceive you.

14. Do not brag about your firm or proposed position as in the bazaar. Don't make promises that you can't keep. Don't exaggerate your career opportunities. If there are no such opportunities, a frustrated employee may be offended by you, which will affect his work. One more method of conducting successful interview cited by Galina Nemchenko, partner of the recruiting company SuccessLink. First, let's decide what goals you face. They usually look like this: assess how a given candidate is suitable for the proposed position (that is, assess his professional knowledge and skills, business, individual psychological and psychophysiological qualities); determine how this candidate differs from all the others who have announced their candidacy. That is, which character traits and skills prevail, and which, on the contrary, need further development. It is necessary to take into account how important these qualities are for a vacant position; find out what motivates the job seeker, whether he is really satisfied with the conditions offered by the employer; “Sell” a vacancy to the candidate, clarify what the company is interested in, what are the prospects and why the candidate should want to spend his life on this job. Prepare your questions well in advance.

Start the interview with simple questions about the candidate's background, his studies, his hometown, etc. This will remove tension and allow the applicant to be more open and relaxed when talking with you. When interviewing, let the person speak and listen carefully. Ask open-ended questions. The question "Did you like your previous job?" will not provide much information. It is more preferable to ask: "What did you dislike about your previous job?"

Be kind, open, attentive to the interlocutor. Sample interview questions. Tell about yourself (let the person, without interrupting him, say what he thinks is necessary for a couple of minutes). Note to yourself what he emphasizes when answering this question. Where were you born? What is your favorite job? Why did you decide to leave your previous job? What did you like about your previous job? What were your responsibilities in your previous job? Were you easily dismissed from your previous job? Were you appreciated? For what? What was the team like? What are your special achievements in recent years? What difficulties, problems were in your work and how did you solve them? What was your worst (or worst) mistake? What attracts you to the work in question? Why did you choose our vacancy? Do you have any ideas for this job? How would you start your work if we chose you? Have you done this kind of work before? Why do you think you are the right fit for the job? What salary do you expect? What is most important for you when choosing a place to work? How do you see your job in 5 years? How do you envision your professional future? What is the ideal career for you (what are you striving for in your career)? How did your relationship with your manager develop? What do you value most in a leader? What traits and characteristics of a leader would be unacceptable to you? What are your three main business qualities that make you a valuable employee for this position? What difficulties may arise in interaction with you? What would you like to change in yourself? Under what conditions do you work most effectively? Your strengths (Why do you value yourself as a specialist?) If you could start all over again, what would you do? What are your interests besides work? How do you spend your vacation? What are your core values \u200b\u200bin life? Having asked your questions, give the applicant the opportunity to ask their own. If during the interview you see that a person is not suitable for your vacancy, in my opinion, it is better to openly tell him about this (especially for recruiters). Give your recommendations for further interviews, what to look out for. At the end of the interview, make it clear that the meeting is over. Thank the person for the visit and the time they took, and tell them how you will communicate the results / next steps. Walk the other person to the door. Smile when you say goodbye. Record your impressions of the applicant immediately. Your notes will be invaluable when you have to make a decision to choose one single person from several applicants who have been interviewed.

2.3 Evaluation and final decision

The final decision stage is the final result that you worked for during the selection procedure; Who, if any, of the declared, interviewed, tested and surveyed candidates will be accepted? The result is important for the organization - its investment in the newcomer will increase dramatically from the moment he is hired. It is also important for other applicants: they are all likely to be upset when they receive a rejection, in whatever pleasant words it is. Your decision is more likely to be a good decision if it is well informed. So now is the time to look back at all the information that you received during the assessment phase.

This involves the following steps:

a) Develop a candidate scorecard, making sure that the results of all stages of selection are covered.

b) Make sure that there is enough information about each candidate to fairly evaluate his score sheet.

c) Evaluate the available information, taking into account earlier comments about bias and limitations in tests and recommendations.

d) Fill out the scorecards, one for each candidate, making sure that the criteria used are personality specifications and the decisions that are made about what constitutes effective work behavior.

e) Recall, as far as possible, the applicant's reactions and assess the likelihood that he is interested in the job and organization. This is important if you want to avoid the hassle of offering a job to one candidate only to find that he rejects it right away or leaves after a few weeks. (If you've learned a collaborative problem-solving approach during the interview, this part of the process should be pretty straightforward.)

f) When all doubts have been resolved, it is necessary to communicate the final result to candidates, both successful and unlucky. (If no one really has approached the Company-defined personality specification, it might be better to reject all applicants, rethink the job or your hiring methods, or both, and start over. Only if the difference between what the candidates are now and the requirements specifications are very small, it would make sense to consider someone who does not satisfy them exactly.Additional training can eliminate some lack of knowledge and experience, but is unlikely to transform someone's personality overnight.

Example of a final scorecard.

2. Position (vacant).

AND. General form (behavior, manner of speaking, state of health, energy).

B. Characteristics (stability, hard work, perseverance, loyalty, tolerance, self-confidence, ability to lead)

B. Intelligence, ability.

D. Relevant experience and / or knowledge.

E. Ability of Expression.

E. Education.

J. Propensities, interests.

3. Willingness to perform duties immediately.

4. Overall acceptability (taking into account the future needs of the organization).

5. Overall assessment.

Date / Signature. Against each assessment, you should put your own assessment in points on a five-point system. Summarize the score in column "5".

Sometimes the assessment of a candidate can be performed not in the form of a form, but in the form of a kind of report - a verbal portrait of a person sent upstairs to make a final decision. Below I have given the main points that an employer may need when writing this report: Work experience, Education, Education records, in addition to a direct answer to job requirements, provide information about the persistence, motivation and interests of the candidate. Traits.

Both lucky and unlucky applicants should be notified of the employer's decision as soon as possible. As general rule, it would be impolite to keep candidates on hold for more than a week before being notified of the final result, so any preliminary negotiations with the most likely candidate should be carried out at a


interview personnel management

The job interview is critical in the recruiting process. It consists in the selection of a suitable person for the job on the basis of objective criteria that are applied to the candidate in a balanced and fair manner. The interview has two main goals:

Help the organization evaluate candidates for suitability for the position;

Help candidates evaluate the organization as a future place of work.

Putting a person in the wrong place was never considered good HR practice, and it led to adverse consequences for the organization if the practice was repeated. However, what is a person correctly appointed to a position? This is a person who is able and willing to work, who has a sense of the team I manage, a professional who corresponds to the organizational image and who is compatible with the place it occupies on the evolutionary scale of development. And, of course, an emotionally mature person capable of making correct and rational judgments will be a necessity in your organization.

Since there is never a perfect choice, there must be a compromise and careful evaluation. When sifting through candidates from the list, you need to identify a few top candidates. Why? Because the appraisal interview process is a two-way street and your first choice may not be attractive to both you and the candidate. Since an interview usually affects the past, present and future, it is in this aspect that the interviewer's questions should be built. It should always be remembered that the person asking the questions controls the process and determines his future in the most serious way.

Personnel interview (interview) is, apparently, the most universal way of assessing personnel, and can be the basis for both its selection and subsequent certification. The environment in which the personnel interview is conducted should coincide with the environment in which the person will work, in order to ensure his compatibility not with the interviewer, but with future colleagues.

Few people decide how to offer or hire them behind the eyes, so the interview is a vital process for both parties, within which the missing information is exchanged. In addition, virtually everyone considers interviewing to be the fairest selection method, especially if there are several interviewers.

Interviews can take place one-on-one or with a group of applicants; an applicant or a group can be interviewed simultaneously by several people (a line manager who has undergone special training in the selection of applicants and interview methods; a psychologist, who is now on the staff of any medium, and even more so a large Western firm; HR manager; representative of the team). Group interviews provide a more objective and fair assessment of candidates, although they create psychologically difficult situations.

A face-to-face conversation is psychologically more comfortable, relaxed, since the situation is better controlled here, it is easier to organize, but the results may turn out to be subjective and the assessment is erroneous. For example, external attractiveness significantly influences the positive opinion of the interviewees (the stereotype of "prettiness", which belongs to both men and women in equal measure). People with good looks are more likely to be considered more socially desirable. In 70% of cases, employment is carried out on the basis of personal sympathy.

Other mistakes in interviews include making inadequate demands and influencing irrational factors such as mood.

It is believed that during the preparation of the preliminary interview it is necessary to find out the following basic questions:

1. What personal qualities of the candidate (knowledge, experience, attitudes) are required to perform a particular job.

2. With the help of what questions, asked to all candidates, without exception, it is possible to extract the necessary information and narrow the circle of the latter to the limit.

3. Who should be involved as interviewers: one person or several in what form to conduct the interview. If a group interview is preferred, which is considered more reliable, the question arises about the chairman of the commission. He introduces experts to candidates, explains the procedure for conducting an interview, removes psychological barriers and creates the necessary atmosphere, makes the final decision in case of disagreement. In general, interviews allow assessing intelligence, professionalism, erudition, quick wit, etc. And yet, for subjective reasons, they are not a very reliable way of selecting personnel, since, as already mentioned, most decisions are made on the basis of personal likes or dislikes, and not objective criteria, because they are usually made not by those with whom the given candidate will have to work later.


1. Averchenko L.K., Zalesov G.M., Mokshantsev R.I., Nikolaenko V.M. Psychology of management: Course of lectures. - Novosibirsk: NSAEiU; M .: INFRA-M, 2003.- 150s.

2. Belyaev M.K. Enterprise personnel management: a tutorial. - Volgograd: VolgGASA, 2005.

3. Bern E.V. Games People Play. Psychology of human relationships. The psychology of human destiny. - SPb .: Lenizdat, 2002 .-- 296s.

4. Bizyukova I.V. Management personnel: selection and evaluation. - M., 2008.

5. Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management. - M., 2006.

6. Vikhansky O.S. Management: person, strategy, process. - M., 2001.

7. Goncharov V.V. In search of management excellence. - M., 2003.

8. Dessler G. Personnel Management. - M .: Publishing house Binom, 1997.- 432s.

9. Personnel management of the organization. Workshop: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002. - 296s.

10. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management.- M .: Masterstvo, 2002. - 224p.

11. Kafidov V.V. Personnel Management .- SPb .: Peter, 2009. - 240p.

12. Korolevsky M.I. Search and selection of personnel. - M .: Business school "Intel-Sintez", 2008. - 254p.

13. Egorshin A.P. Personnel Management. - Novgorod: NIMB, 2003.- 607s.

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This form candidate evaluation, compiled on the basis of basic competencies, will allow comparing the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare the desired and the actual.

Candidate evaluation form

FULL NAME. candidate: _________________________________________________________

Applicants for vacancy: ___________________________________________________

Date of interview: "_________" ____________ 20__

Set start time for interview: ____________________________________

Actual time of arrival of the candidate (if late, indicate the reason for the delay): _________

First impression of the candidate: ______________________________________________

Psychological qualities that will help to successfully cope with job duties and learn new skills: _______________________________________

Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position: _________

Psychological characteristics that allow achieving compatibility with employees directly related to the future employee and corresponding to the corporate culture of the organization: __________________________

Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this company: ___________

Compliance with additional requirements: ____________________________________

Below is the form by which you can rate the applicant. To fill out this form, circle the appropriate (your, if possible, objective opinion about the candidate) number in each line.


1. Unkempt.
2. Carelessness in dress.
3. Neat.
4. Pays special attention to his appearance.
5. Flawless.

1. Harsh, annoying.
2. Indistinct.
3. Pleasant.
4. Clear, understandable.
5. Expressive, energetic.

The physical state

1. Unpleasant, unhealthy appearance.
2. Unnerved, apathetic.
3. Good physical shape, good looks.
4. Cheerful, energetic.
5. Very energetic, in great shape.


1. Nervous.
2. Shy.
3. Manner.
4. Tense.
5. Confused.
6. Calm.
7. Adequate.
8. Unusually seasoned.


1. Shy.
2. Arrogant.
3. Consistent, evidence-based.
4. Sufficiently self-confident.
5. Straightforward.
6. Demonstrates confidence.
7. Extremely self-confident.

The way of thinking

1. Illegal.
2. Uncertain.
3. Unclear.
4. Sprayed on trifles.
5. It is clearly expressed, words are adequate to meanings.
6. Convincing.
7. Logical.
8. An extraordinary ability in the logic of thought.

Flexibility of mind

1. Slow-thinking, slow-thinking.
2. Indifferently perceives what has been said.
3. Attentive, clearly expresses his thoughts.
4. Smart, asks adequate questions.
5. Unusual sharpness of mind, perceives a complex of ideas.

Motivation and ambition

1. Sluggish, not ambitious.
2. Lack of interest in self-development.
3. Demonstrates a desire for self-development.
4. Determines future goals, wants to achieve success.
5. High ambitions, self-development.

Work experience, education

1. Do not correspond to the position.
2. Not relevant, but useful.
3. Compliant.
4. Higher than required.
5. Particularly suitable.
6. Continues to learn, level up.

Personality of the candidate

1. Immature, impulsive.
2. Stubborn.
3. Reasonable, mature.
4. Cooperative.
5. Responsible.
6. Mature, self-sufficient.

Attitude towards the previous place of work

1. Strongly negative.
2. Demonstrates dissatisfaction.
3. Shies away from direct questions.
4. Expresses a positive attitude.
5. Demonstrates positive, objectively evaluates "+" and "-".

Practical experience

1. No practical experience.
2. Practical experience is very small and completely insufficient to cope with the work.
3. Practical experience is insufficient and it happens, interferes with the successful performance of the assigned duties.
4. Practical experience is sufficient for satisfactory performance of duties.
5. Has sufficient practical work experience, which allows him to successfully cope with the work.
6. Has extensive practical experience.
7. Possesses exceptionally extensive practical experience.

Professional knowledge

1. Professional knowledge is practically absent.
2. Professional knowledge is superficial, does not have the necessary professional knowledge.
3. Does not have sufficient professional knowledge, which affects practice.
4. Professional knowledge sufficient to satisfactorily resolve practical professional issues.
5. There is sufficient professional knowledge of the issues for work.
6. Professional knowledge is solid, deep, make it easy to understand practical professional issues.
7. Professional knowledge is extremely deep and extensive, well versed in many practical professional issues.

Ability to plan

1. Doesn't know how to plan even simple work.
2. Poor job scheduling.
3. Not good enough to plan.
4. Ability to plan work is moderately developed, planning satisfactorily.
5. Ability to plan work to the extent required.
6. Good job planning.
7. Perfectly knows how to plan work.

Ability to process information

1. The ability to process information is practically absent. Letters, drawings, documents necessary for work can lie on the table for months.
2. The received information assimilates and transfers very slowly, documents unnecessarily stale.
3. Usually it is quite slow to receive, analyze and transmit information, which sometimes slows down the work of others.
4. The ability to process the information necessary for work is developed in an average degree.
5. Usually it receives, analyzes, transmits, transmits information at the speed necessary for work.
6. The ability to process current information is well developed, which helps to successfully cope with work.
7. Exceptionally quickly and efficiently processes the information necessary for work.

Organizational skills

1. Organizational skills are practically absent.
2. Organizational skills are poorly developed. He does organized work with difficulty and mistakes.
3. Organizational skills are not well developed. Can't always organize the work of people.
4. Organizational skills are sufficient to satisfactorily address organized issues.
5. Has the necessary organizational skills, can organize the work of people.
6. A good organizer, knows how to correctly and quickly organize the effective work of people.
7. An excellent organizer knows how to organize effective work of people.

Use of rights and power

1. Absolutely does not know and does not know how to use his rights and power.
2. Rarely uses his rights and power.
3. Uses his rights and powers insufficiently for work.
4. Knows his rights and powers, satisfactorily uses them in practice.
5. Knows well and makes full use of his rights and powers, but never exceeds them.
6. Knows well and fully and fully uses his rights and powers, sometimes even slightly exceeding them.
7. He knows very well, makes full use of his rights and powers. Often exceeds them.

Behavior in stressful situations

1. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is absent.
2. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is poorly developed. There is clearly not enough character to find a way out.
3. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is not sufficiently developed. Sometimes there is not enough character to find a way out.
4. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is moderately developed. There is not always enough character to find a way out.
5. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is well developed. Most often, there is enough character to find a way out.
6. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is well developed. Usually enough character to find a way out.
7. The ability to find a way out in a stressful situation is very well developed. He has a strong character and can even break out of a hopeless situation.

Leadership ability

1. Leadership skills are practically absent. Lacking official power, he cannot organize and lead people.
2. Clearly lacking leadership skills.
3. Sometimes there is a lack of leadership skills to organize work with people.
4. Leadership skills are moderately developed.
5. Leadership skills are sufficiently developed to organize the work of people.
6. Has good leadership skills.
7. Exceptional leadership ability. Even without having official power, he organizes work perfectly.


1. Cannot solve simple questions on his own.
2. Obviously lacks independence. Constantly needs help, tips, instructions.
3. Sometimes there is a lack of independence and then help is needed in the work.
4. Independence is moderately developed.
5. Self-reliance is well developed. Solves many issues related to work.
6. Has great independence in dealing with issues related to work.
7. Possesses exceptional independence in work. Solves all issues without waiting for anyone's help.

Culture level

1. The level of culture is extremely low, primitive interests and needs.
2. The level of culture is rather low.
3. The level of culture is not very high.
4. Has an average level of culture inherent in many people.
5. Has a fairly high cultural level.
6. Has a high cultural level.
7. Has a very high cultural level.

The ability to understand the essence of the matter

1. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is practically absent. Even a simple thing has to be explained many times.
2. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is poorly developed. Often, when studying a particular issue, he cannot distinguish the main from the secondary.
3. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is not sufficiently developed. When studying this or that issue, it is difficult to distinguish the main from the secondary.
4. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is developed moderately, satisfactorily distinguishes the main from the secondary in the study of various issues.
5. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is developed above the average level, can quickly figure out a particular issue and highlight the main thing.
6. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is well developed. Can quickly grasp the essence of the matter and distinguish from the secondary.
7. The ability to understand the essence of the matter is very well developed. He has an exceptional ability to instantly grasp the essence of the issue, immediately understand the situation, highlight the main thing.

Ability to solve complex problems

1. The ability to solve complex problems is practically absent. Can solve only the most primitive tasks.
2. The ability to solve complex tasks is poorly developed, can only perform simple tasks.
3. The ability to solve complex problems is not sufficiently developed for the job.
4. The ability to solve complex problems is developed satisfactorily.
5. The ability to solve complex problems is sufficient for the job.
6. The ability to solve complex problems is well developed. Copes with work of high complexity.
7. Has an excellent ability to perform the most difficult tasks.

Striving for the new

1. The desire for the new is practically absent, it opposes any innovations.
2. He is skeptical about innovations and reorganizations, tries to stay away from them.
3. Sometimes he can support a useful undertaking, although he does not particularly like it.
4. Refers to innovation, reorganization quite calmly.
5. Seeks to support many endeavors, innovations and reorganizations.
6. Usually he is too fond of various innovations and reorganizations, wants to live and work in a new way.
7. Great innovator. He is sick of the new with his soul, he cannot imagine how one can live and work in the old way.

Having your own opinion

1. Even on trivial matters, he does not have his own opinion.
2. Usually avoids expressing his own opinion, even on secondary issues.
3. Rarely expresses his own opinion, even when he has one.
4. He especially expresses his own opinion only when asked about him.
5. Usually avoids expressing his own opinion, sometimes even when it is not well thought out.
6. Often expresses his own opinion, even on issues in which he is not very well versed.
7. Seeks to express his own opinion on any issues, even on those in which he absolutely does not understand.

Ability to see perspective

1. Ability to see the perspective is absent. Sees only the current moment.
2. The ability to see the perspective is limited. Current issues are so urgent that there is no time to look into the distance, to see the perspective.
3. The ability to see the perspective is not developed enough for work.
4. The ability to see the perspective is average, like most people.
5. Sees the perspective quite fully and in a timely manner.
6. He sees well and understands the future, knows how to timely predict the development of events in the future.
7. Has an exceptional ability to see the future and take action in advance, taking into account the development of future events.


1. Purposefulness is practically absent. Lives without a specific goal, only for today.
2. Usually he does not set any long-term goals in life, any plans extend only to the next month.
3. The goals set in life and work can rather be called dreams, since they are unrealistic.
4. From time to time sets goals for himself for several months of his life and tries to fulfill them.
5. Sets quite realistic achievable goals, usually for the next year of life.
6. Has a system of life goals tactical for the coming years, shows sufficient persistence to achieve them.
7. Purposefulness is extremely strongly developed. He sets himself both strategic goals for life and tactical goals for the coming years. Shows rare tenacity and ingenuity to achieve them.


1. Determination is absent, hesitates and hesitates for a long time before solving the simplest issue.
2. Determination is poorly developed. It is clearly not enough, cannot make a decision in a timely manner.
3. Determination is not sufficiently developed. Sometimes he cannot make a decision in a timely manner.
4. Determination is moderately developed. Determination is not always enough, but it cannot be called indecisive.
5. Determination is sufficiently developed. Most often, there is enough decisiveness even when solving rather difficult issues.
6. Determination is highly developed. Takes decisions in a timely manner on difficult issues.
7. Determination is highly developed. Possesses exceptional speed of decision making.

Perseverance and tenacity

1. Perseverance and tenacity is practically absent. He cannot show persistence and perseverance in any way to bring the matter to the end.
2. Obviously there is not enough persistence and perseverance to bring the matter to the end.
3. Sometimes there is not enough persistence and perseverance to bring the matter to the end.
4. Perseverance and tenacity are moderately developed.
5. Most often, there is enough persistence and perseverance to bring the matter to the end.
6. Possesses great persistence and perseverance, does not like to stop until the matter is completed.
7. Has a very great persistence and perseverance, will not stop until he reaches the goal.


1. Self-esteem is extremely low, always underestimates his abilities and capabilities.
2. Quite low self-esteem, often underestimates their abilities and capabilities.
3. Self-esteem is below average. It happens that he underestimates his abilities and capabilities.
4. Self-esteem of the average level. He considers himself no worse, but no better than most people.
5. Evaluates himself above average. Sometimes he overestimates his abilities and capabilities a little.
6. High self-esteem. Overly arrogant, often overestimates his abilities and capabilities.
7. Very a high self-evaluation... Extremely arrogant, constantly overestimates his abilities and capabilities.

Diligence, discipline

1. Diligence, discipline are practically absent. Carries out orders at his own discretion, without considering himself to be obliged.
2. Obviously there is a lack of diligence and discipline, often does not follow the orders of the management.
3. Sometimes there is a lack of diligence and discipline, it happens that he does not fulfill individual orders, finding various explanations for this.
4. Diligence and discipline are moderately developed.
5. Enough diligence and discipline, tries to accurately follow the orders of the management.
6. High diligence and discipline, even in the smallest detail does not want to deviate from the orders of the management.
7. Very high diligence and discipline, any request from the management is perceived as an order and is accepted to carry it out, even if he sees a more rational decision.

Demanding to yourself

1. Demanding to oneself is practically absent. Forgives himself any mistakes and wrongdoing.
2. Obviously there is not enough self-exactingness.
3. Sometimes there is a lack of self-exactingness.
4. Self-exactingness is expressed in an average measure.
5. Most often it is quite demanding of yourself.
6. Possesses high demands on himself.
7. Extremely demanding of himself, worries heavily about his minor mistakes and misdeeds.


1. Constant isolation, focus on your thoughts and experiences prevents you from finding a common language with other people.
2. With difficulty finds a common language, but does not know how to win over people and work with them.
3. Communication skills are not developed enough for work, can not always win over people and find a common language.
4. Communication skills are moderately developed. Although not always, he can find a common language with people.
5. Sociability is quite developed, in most cases it can win over people, and finds a common language with them.
6. Easily disposes of people and finds a common language with him.
7. Perfectly knows how to win over people and find a common language with them.

Commitment to professional development

1. Absolutely not interested in improving his qualifications, refuses any form of education.
2. Usually not interested in raising their qualifications.
3. Little is interested in improving their qualifications, and only in the forms of education convenient for themselves.
4. He regards professional development as necessary for work, although he learns without much desire.
5. Ready for advanced training, willingly studies at various courses, faculties.
6. Seeks to improve skills in the most different forms, studies independently, willingly studies at various courses, faculties.
7. He considers advanced training to be his professional duty, is intensively engaged in self-training, always willingly studies at various courses, faculties.

Ability to build business relationships

1. Absolutely not able to establish business relations with other enterprises, as well as with other divisions of his enterprise.
2. There is clearly a lack of ability to establish business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as with other divisions of their enterprise.
3. Sometimes you lack the ability to establish business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other departments of your enterprise.
4. The ability to establish business relations with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other divisions of their enterprise, is developed in an average degree.
5. Ability to establish the necessary business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other departments of the enterprise.
6. Ability to establish good business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other divisions of the enterprise.
7. Ability to establish excellent business relationships with other enterprises and organizations, as well as other departments of the enterprise.


1. There is no fairness in dealing with other people.
2. There is a clear lack of fairness towards other people.
3. Sometimes there is a lack of fairness in dealing with other people.
4. Fairness in relationships with other people is manifested as often as in others.
5. Usually fair enough in evaluating other people.
6. Often shows fairness in evaluating other people.
7. Always shows fairness in dealing with other people.

Politeness and tact

1. Politeness and tact is practically absent. Often rude and tactless towards other people.
2. Obviously lacks politeness and tact in dealing with people.
3. Sometimes there is a lack of politeness and tact in dealing with people.
4. Politeness and tact in relations with people are shown to an average extent.
5. Usually behaves with people politely and tactfully.
6. Often behaves with people quite politely and tactfully.
7. Always behaves with people extremely politely and tactfully.

Business orientation

1. There is no business orientation. Interests are always in the last place for business, they are remembered only when it is profitable.
2. The focus on business is poorly expressed. When solving certain issues, he is rarely guided by the interests of the case.
3. The focus on the cause is not sufficiently expressed. When solving certain issues, he is not sufficiently guided by the interests of the case.
4. The focus on business is expressed in an average measure. When solving certain issues, he moderately takes into account the interests of the case.
5. The focus on business is quite pronounced. In most cases, when solving various issues, he tries to proceed from the interests of the case.
6. The focus on business is strongly expressed. When solving various issues, he is guided only by the interests of the case.
7. The focus on business is very strong. Exclusively devoted to the interests of the cause.


1. The performance is very low. Works very sluggishly, gets tired quickly.
2. The performance is low. It works rather slowly, with long rest breaks.
3. Performance is below average. It does not work very intensively.
4. Performance is not worse than others, works with satisfactory intensity.
5. Performance is above average. It works with sufficient intensity.
6. Work capacity is high, can work much faster, more intensively and with greater efficiency than most people.
7. Amazing performance, practically for a few people.

Attitude to work

1. Absolutely dislikes work and suffers from it.
2. Dislikes his work, dislikes its nature and content.
3. I don't really like the work, although some of its elements are attractive.
4. In general, I like the work, although I do one part of the work with pleasure.
5. I like work, treats it with interest.
6. I like work very much.
7. Loves his job very much, devotes almost all his free time to it.

Steadfastness of morality

1. There is no moral stability. Does not comply with the moral requirements of society.
2. There is a clear lack of stable moral values.
3. Sometimes there are gaps in moral education.
4. The attitude to morality and values \u200b\u200bof society is the same as that of most people.
5. It is characterized by moral stability, respect and observance of social values.
6. It is characterized by high moral stability, respect and strict observance of social values.
7. It is characterized by a very high moral stability, respect and very precise observance of all social values.

Decision: "Accept" (), "Refuse" ()

The article was first published on on December 26, 2006 under the heading “Creativity without cuts”. Re-announced in the content block withinspecial project edition


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