Business etiquette concept essence types. Business etiquette: essence, structure, functions Mamina Raisa Ibragimovna. Business telephone etiquette

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  • Introduction
    • Conclusion


Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. Business communication promotes the establishment and development of relationships of cooperation and partnership between colleagues at work, managers and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors.

The ethics of business communication is based on the rules and norms of behavior of partners. The meaning of these rules and norms is to strengthen mutual trust, to constantly inform the partner about their intentions and actions.

The direct connection of ethics with life practice is well traced in the sphere of so-called professional ethics, which is a system of moral requirements for professional activity person. One of the types of professional ethics is ethics business relationship... It arose relatively late on the basis of a common labor morality. In turn, the main place in business ethics is business ethics. It includes management ethics, business communication ethics, conduct ethics.

The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that the ability to behave properly, to observe etiquette has become one of the most important conditions and ways to get ahead and maintain leadership in business. Compliance with business etiquette is now one of the elements of professional strategy.

The purpose of writing test work is the study of the basic rules and regulations of business ethics in business.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are being solved:

1. Analysis of the features of management ethics in modern Russia;

2. Studying the essence, basic principles and requirements for business etiquette;

3. Determination of the main components, norms and rules of modern business etiquette.

When writing the work, the following were used: scientific and educational literature of Russian and foreign authors on the research topic, Internet resources.

1. Business etiquette in modern Russia

Each nation has its own customs, traditions, culture, political and state structure. They define the essence of the manager's behavior.

The sources of the Subscribe information channel formulate some features of management ethics in Russia:

1. The presence of a command system in organizations. Their leaders still suppress the initiative of their subordinates. Such a system prevents organizations from adapting to new economic conditions, and they are forced to mark time.

2. Top managers avoid delegating authority and responsibility to the second echelon of management, trying to do everything themselves, personally control. The reasons for this are: distrust of subordinates, insufficient qualifications of the latter, but the main thing is the inability to effectively motivate hired managers.

3. Significant dependence of conditions and wages employees from relationships with managers, and not from their qualifications and performance.

4. Disrespect for people and ignorance of management ethics. Each of them can be fired without explaining the reasons and paying the money earned.

5. Laws, regulations and rules are not binding. Rules and laws can be deliberately ignored depending on the situation and the people applying them.

6. There is more focus on overall goals and relatively little on how you can do it. But this issue is key for business development.

7. Avoid the risk that leads to limited initiative. Most managers in a risk situation prefer to choose the option of lower profit with less risk.

8. In some cases, a sharp change in moods towards a partner: from the manifestation of friendliness to an extremely cold official attitude. The emotional side is an important part of Russians.

9. Promotion and training of employees in terms of professional development, acquisition of new skills and knowledge in Russia is not particularly common.

10. The selection of new employees is not carried out on the basis of business qualities.

11. No decision is made without a boss.

12. The management of organizations focuses on the implementation of control functions.

13. The specific attitude of managers to mistakes. The reasons that led to the mistake are rarely analyzed, no one, as a rule, is interested in what can be learned from this or that mistake, or the question - what should be done in order not to repeat the mistake in the future.

14. As for increasing labor productivity, Russia also has its own specifics. Why should a highly qualified specialist work with full dedication if he receives a market salary, and does not earn.

Modern business in Russia, having specific business behavior, is trying to form a different culture in compliance with the rules and regulations of the world business etiquette, which allows it to successfully gain a foothold in the world market.

2. Business etiquette. Essence, requirements, principles

Modern business etiquette determines the norms of behavior in various circumstances: on the street, at work, at a party, at official receptions.

Business etiquette is a set of rules and norms for the appropriate conduct of partners in a joint business, ensuring respect for the human person and strict observance of legal, financial and ethical obligations.

There are five main principles of business etiquette:

1. The principle of reasonable egoism: respect the opinion of the interlocutor, but at the same time remain unconvinced.

2. The principle of positivity - creating a pleasant impression of yourself while communicating with colleagues and partners.

3. The principle of predictability of behavior in various business situations.

4. The principle of relevance: following the rules at a certain time, in a certain place, with certain people.

5. The principle of stability: have the qualities of reliability, constancy, always fulfill their obligations.

The ability to behave properly, to observe etiquette, has become one of the most important conditions and ways to get ahead and maintain leadership in business. Compliance with business etiquette is now one of the elements of professional strategy.

Business etiquette is the most important side of the professional behavior of a business person, an entrepreneur, and knowledge of etiquette turns out to be necessary professional quality, requiring constant assimilation, repetition and improvement. Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people related to the performance of their official duties, and is the most important aspect of the moral behavior of a business person.

The rules of business etiquette established for specific situations and different social groups, dictate a sequence of actions down to ritual details and are developed by humanity in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and find mutual understanding for survival and comfortable existence. business etiquette principle norm

Modern business etiquette regulates the behavior of people in the office, in public places and on the street, as well as at official events - receptions, conversations, ceremonies, negotiations.

3. Basic norms and rules of modern business etiquette

AT modern business compliance with the rules of etiquette plays an important role. There are several basic norms of business etiquette:

1. Punctuality. Planning and getting everything done on time is the key to success. A business person should know and master the basics of time management, be able to plan his working day, correctly sort things into important and urgent, delegate some of the routine tasks and control the course of events.

2. Ability to listen and hear the opponent. It is impossible to successfully conduct business without taking into account the thoughts and interests of partners, clients, buyers. It is very important to be patient with your opponent or partner, learn to listen and explain your point of view.

3. Dress code. Clothing is a demonstration of taste and status in society. Appearance is the first aspect that a person pays attention to and this immediately sets him up in the appropriate mood.

4. Competent speech, business writing style. Everything that is said and written must be expressed in beautiful language, correctly. The ability to communicate, correctly conduct a discussion and convince an opponent is very important for negotiation. Be sure to monitor pronunciation, diction and intonation. Never use obscene language and offensive language.

5. Respect for the interlocutor, partner, client. The ability to respect other people's opinions is an important component of business etiquette.

6. Telephone etiquette. Business communication is impossible without telephone conversations, ethics in this case helps to quickly establish relations and conduct negotiations with dignity.

7. Etiquette of communication on the Internet. Ability to communicate in correspondence on e-mail, commenting on business articles and responding to customer requests and applications on the company's website shows the business level of the employee.

8. Reception of delegations. The protocol reception of delegations is a separate part of business etiquette, including a long list of actions for meeting, accommodation, presentation, acquaintance of delegation members with representatives of the host side.

9. Business negotiations. Ability to conduct competent negotiations, bring them to a specific result.

10. Supervisor-subordinate relationship. According to the rules of business etiquette, a manager should treat all employees equally, equally, while maintaining a reasonable distance.

11. Relationships in the team between employees. The microclimate in the team largely depends on what kind of relationship has developed in the company between colleagues. Equal, benevolent, respectful relationships are the basis of a healthy team.

To achieve success in business, you should adhere to several basic rules:

1. Common Sense: It is common sense that business etiquette is about organizing and maintaining order, saving time, and other reasonable goals.

2. Freedom: in spite of the fact that the rules and norms of business etiquette exist and are enforced, they should not hinder the freedom of choice of business partners, the freedom to choose methods for the execution of agreements between the parties.

3. Ethics: business etiquette is oriented towards goodness and inherently must be moral.

4. Convenience: the rules and regulations of business etiquette imply convenience for business partners; they should not shackle business people, hinder the development of business relations.

5. Appropriateness: Each prescription of business etiquette serves specific goals, since the types of business relationships (presentation, negotiations, business conversation, etc.) have specific goals.

6. Cost-effective: The organization's protocol department needs to be guided by "reasonable cost" because business ethics should not be too costly for the organization.

7. Conservatism: reliability, stability, strength - these are traits that are attractive in the business world. Conservatism in dress, manners, adherence to tradition evokes a sense of solidity and durability.

8. Ease: the norms of etiquette are natural, used without tension, with ease. Their observance should not be imposed, lead to psychological rejection, create discomfort in etiquette.

9. Versatility: The norms of business etiquette address many aspects of a business relationship.

10. Efficiency: business relations standards help to shorten the terms of contract execution, reduce conflicts in the organization.

Modern business etiquette is the knowledge of decency, the ability to keep oneself in a team so as to earn universal respect and not offend another with your behavior. By the culture of behavior of an employee of the company and by his ability to communicate with clients, one can judge the entire team of this company.

4. The main components of business etiquette

A person's observance of etiquette or protocol norms in communication, his competence in the field of communication, the choice of an adequate demeanor in various situations will help to achieve success in any area of \u200b\u200binterpersonal, group and mass communication.

There are several main components of business etiquette:

1. Demeanor - gestures and movements. Demeanor is the same way to show respect for the people around you, like neat clothes, polite handling in conversation, tact. Gestures and movements are part of the image. It often happens that it is the gesture that shows the mood, the person's face, even when he himself does not want it.

2. Etiquette of using business cards. Business communication begins with the exchange of business cards. The main purpose of a business card is to represent officials, business partners, in the process of negotiations, visits, meetings. A business card is indispensable for meeting people, communicating at banquets, receptions, conferences, presentations, exhibitions.

3. Business telephone etiquette. A business conversation on the phone is the fastest business contact that requires special skill. A telephone conversation has one important advantage over a letter: it provides a continuous two-way exchange of information, regardless of distance. Very often, a telephone conversation becomes the first step towards concluding a business contract.

4. Etiquette of receiving employees, visitors. The ability to conduct a business conversation is mandatory for every employee, it is his direct job responsibility.

5. Business etiquette. Negotiations are interdependent processes of developing, exchanging and fulfilling certain sets of promises that satisfy the basic interests of the contracting parties.

6. Workplace etiquette. To provide an employee with a decent workplace, it is necessary, guided by the organizational chart of the enterprise, to take into account the "protocol features" of the given official position allocated for the employee of this position.

7. Business letter etiquette. Time is the most precious thing in business. Therefore, a business letter should be short and to the point. Business correspondence rarely covers multiple topics. If, nevertheless, several questions need to be covered in the letter, then it is desirable to separate them from one another visually, that is, to number them. Best option - when a business letter contains an answer to any one question or similar information. In this case, the letter is accurate and concise.

8. Table conversation etiquette. General rule - you need to talk at the table about something calm, you should not touch on sensitive topics, a witty and light conversation is preferable.

9. Business travel etiquette. While on a business trip, on a business trip, an employee must properly plan and spend time, both on the way and at the place of arrival. It must be remembered that a business trip is not the right time to enjoy life and mindless entertainment. Etiquette and decency must always be observed.

10. Souvenirs and gifts in business. Gifts can be given by an employee to an employee, colleagues to an employee, employees to a boss (manager), a manager to a secretary, a firm to employees, a firm to a firm.

In modern business practice, it is customary to give gifts on the occasion.

In the business sphere, it is customary to use the following things as gifts: notebooks, diaries, business calendars, fountain pens, ashtrays, key chains, lighters and other items used mainly in the workplace.

In addition, engraving, printmaking is a good gift, especially if their content reminds of something related to a specific date, locality, company, country.

A book (gift edition) can be a perfectly acceptable gift, and it is good if it is related to the interests of the employee to whom the gift is intended: books on hunting, fishing, books with reproductions of paintings by famous artists, etc.

A good gift is a box of expensive chocolates.

Flowers as a gift are always appropriate.

The success of any company largely depends on the ability of its employees, on their ability to work together to achieve common goal... Knowledge of etiquette, culture of behavior are key conditions for successful work in any organization.


Thus, modern business etiquette has been formed for millennia and has incorporated the norms selected and tested by time. There is nothing superfluous in business etiquette. There is nothing to make it difficult business communication and got in the way of doing business. On the contrary, business etiquette is a tool that increases the effectiveness of communication, gives positive emotions and joy. Business etiquette builds the loyalty of external and internal customers. Many successful companies, forming their form style, relied on the impeccable manners of their employees and thus created a competitive advantage for themselves, distinguishing them favorably from competitors.

It was economic practice that required the approval of general norms of business conduct: honesty, truthfulness, commitment, diligence, keeping promises and contracts. On the one hand, they impose restrictions on the behavior of market participants, and on the other, they create the basis for market relations, forming expectations that provide a sufficient level of trust.

Compliance with the rules of business etiquette is the basis business activities... Organizations should have rules of conduct that should be regulated so that employees can apply them equally in communication between themselves and the organization's customers. Compliance with the rules helps to converge the economic and financial interests of business people, businessmen.

Business etiquette is one of the most complex and multifaceted phenomena with its own characteristics and specifics. Knowledge of business etiquette is very important for doing business, like knowledge in any other field, and goes on par with such personal qualitiesas creativity, sociability, initiative and will allow you to get ahead and maintain leadership in business.

List of sources used

1. Beringova N.V. Business communication: a tutorial / N.V. Beringov. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2010 .-- 160 p.

2. Korotkov, E.M. K 66 Management: textbook / E.M. Korotkov. - M .: Yurayt Publishing House; ID Yurayt, 2011 .-- 640 p.

3. M.G. Podoprigora, Business Ethics, Study Guide. Taganrog: TTI SFU Publishing House, 2012. - 116 p.

4. Shepeleva A.Yu. Modern business protocol and etiquette / A.Yu. Shepeleva. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2009 .-- 164 p.

5. Ethics and etiquette in business / Dave Collins; artist design by A. Kirichen: - Rostov n / a 6 Phoenix, 2006 .-- 160 p.

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Not only a career, but also a person's life often depended on the knowledge of etiquette, the implementation of its rules.

Etiquette has always performed and continues to perform certain functions. Division according to ranks, estates, nobility of the family, titles, property status. The rules of etiquette were especially strictly observed in the countries of the Far and Middle East.

While the rest of Europe was drowning in civil strife, and the feudal order was still in full force, Italy was a country of a new culture. This country deserves to be called the homeland of etiquette by justice.

The peoples of each country make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, conditioned by the social system of the country, the specifics of its historical structure, national traditions and customs.

Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules and forms of the most appropriate behavior that contributed to the success in business relationships. Business etiquette is an important component of business relations, based on centuries-old wisdom that defines the concept of spiritual values \u200b\u200b(justice, honesty, fidelity to the word and values \u200b\u200bof material organization, high design level).

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 1. Common sense: Business etiquette should be consistent with common sense, and common sense dictates that business etiquette in general is aimed at maintaining order, organization, saving time and other reasonable goals.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 2. Freedom: it means that the rules and norms of business etiquette, although they exist and are very zealously enforced, nevertheless should not interfere with the free expression of the will of each business partner, freedom of choice of business partners, freedom selection of methods and methods of execution of agreements between the parties.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 3. Ethics: the whole complex of norms, standards, requirements, recommendations that make up business etiquette, by its very essence and content, simply must be ethical and moral.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 4. Convenience: the norms of business etiquette are not fetters, shackles, shackles on the hands and feet of business partners, they should not shackle business people, thereby interfering with business relations and slowing down the development of the economy.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 5. Appropriateness: The essence of this principle is that each prescription of business etiquette should serve a specific purpose.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 6. Economy: Business ethics should not be too expensive. Reasonable cost is a consideration that should guide the organization's protocol department.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 7. Conservatism: this principle is self-evident, so the roots of business etiquette are in state etiquette, which has a centuries-old history, in military etiquette, (of the same venerable age), in secular (civil) etiquette, which although it has existed not so long ago, his concepts have won a firm place in the life of society and have become classical.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 8. Ease: the norms of business etiquette should be such that their observance does not turn into something imposed, psychologically rejected; they are natural, performed with ease and without tension.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 9. Universalism: this means that you should try to ensure that each recommendation or norm of business etiquette is directed to many aspects of the business relationship.

Business etiquette is based on the following principles: 10. Efficiency: the essence of this principle is that business relations standards should help to shorten the terms of execution of contracts, conclude more contracts, reduce the number of conflicts in the team, etc.

Functions of business etiquette Formation of such rules of conduct in society that promote mutual understanding between people in the process of communication; Convenience function, that is, expediency and practicality.

Etiquette is one of the main "tools" for forming an image. Firms that don't follow etiquette lose a lot. Where etiquette is involved, higher productivity, better results.


A modern person is constantly in communication situations - at home, at work, on the street, in transport, with close people and completely strangers. As much as we would like, we are a part of society and are inextricably linked, inseparable. Our whole life is interaction, contact with the rest of the world. And, of course, the huge number of contacts that a person enters into every day requires him to comply with a number of conditions and rules. These rules are called etiquette. They cover permissions and prohibitions that form moral and ethical norms in general: protect the younger ones, respect the elders, be kind to others, do not offend those who depend on you, be hardworking, etc.

Exists different kinds etiquette - the rules of communication in different areas: official or business, diplomatic, church (Orthodox), (by the way, the most clearly important for humanity ethical standards expressed in Christianity), military, pedagogical, secular, medical, etiquette in public places, courtier, etc.

In this paper, we will consider the concept, essence, principles of business etiquette, as well as norms and rules of conduct for a business person.

Concept, essence, principles of business etiquette

The requirements of etiquette have evolved over many centuries and are based on common sense, a sense of beauty and order. Etiquette is understood as a set of rules of behavior concerning the external manifestation of attitudes towards people (treatment of others, forms of treatment and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothing), an integral part of the external culture of society (culture of behavior). Etiquette can be seen as part of normative ethics.

Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people associated with the performance of their official duties, in public places and on the street, at various kinds of official events (receptions, ceremonies, negotiations).

A modern business person needs to know both official and secular etiquette, because business communication is not limited to the framework of society. A civilized manager, leader, entrepreneur must be able to organize and conduct a reception, including at home, to know the peculiarities of behavior in a theater, restaurant, at the opening day, etc.

Modern business etiquette consists in the ability to adapt to a specific life situation without losing your social status; not in literal adherence to the rules of conduct, in the ability, if necessary, to break them.

There are the following principles of business etiquette :

  • · The principle of reasonable egoism (while performing your work functions, do not interfere with others to fulfill theirs).
  • · The principle of positivity (if there is nothing pleasant or positive to say, it is better to remain silent).
  • · The principle of predictability of behavior in various situations (following the rules of business etiquette, you tell others: "I am constant and reliable, I always fulfill my obligations, I know how to behave")
  • There are no men and women at work, there are only status differences (the basic rules of civil etiquette are not transferred to business etiquette, for example, business women should, if necessary, not only open the doors themselves, but also let others go ahead, and regardless of whether a man is or a woman).
  • The principle of appropriateness - certain rules at a certain time, in a certain place, with certain people (for example, for a business dinner with a person of the opposite sex, a woman should not wear an evening dress, so as not to create the impression that she has a personal interest in her partner) ).

Jen Yager in the book "Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Succeed in the Business World" identifies six principles of business etiquette: Business Ethics: A Textbook / Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - M .: INFRA - M, 2009.- p. 310

  • 1. Punctuality. Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be trusted. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all service tasks. Experts studying the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work.
  • 2. Confidentiality. The secrets of an institution, corporation, or a particular transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. There is also no need to retell to anyone what they have heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their work or personal life.
  • 3. Courtesy, kindness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, customers, customers and colleagues in a polite, friendly and benevolent manner. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.
  • 4. Attention to others. Attention to others should extend to co-workers, bosses and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, bosses, and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value the thoughts and experiences of others. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.
  • 5. Appearance. The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within that environment, into the contingent of employees at your level. you need to look your best, i.e. dress tastefully, choosing colors to suit your face. Carefully selected accessories are essential.
  • 6. Literacy. Internal documents or letters sent outside the organization must be written in good language, and all proper names are conveyed without errors. You can not use swear words. Even if you quote another person's words, they will be perceived by others as part of your own vocabulary.

Use the following guidelines for informal communication with colleagues.

Avoid the following topics: Business Ethics: A Textbook / Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - M .: INFRA - M, 2009.- p. 311

  • Bad news such as car accidents, cancer
  • Belonging to a certain religion
  • Political extremes
  • Your health, good or bad
  • Your promotion or lack thereof
  • The cost of things
  • Mistakes of others

Don't ask about:

  • About the age of a person if he is over 30
  • Overweight or underweight
  • Cosmetic operations
  • About pregnancy or the reasons for the long absence of children
  • About court cases, divorces
  • About sexual life
  • About serious illnesses

Suitable topics for discussion

  • Enlargement or change of head office
  • The latest achievements in the field of your favorite sport
  • The latest industry achievements
  • Measures taken against the growth of crime
  • New performances, exhibitions
  • · Interesting films that you have watched, etc.

In business communication it is not accepted: Ethics: a study guide. V.G. Ivanov, -SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- p. 19

  • · Put yourself and your clothes in order, straighten your tie, hair, clean your nails;
  • · Scratch yourself (including ruffling your hair);
  • · Click the knuckles of the fingers;
  • · Rub your hands;
  • · To pull up clothes;
  • · Constantly "purr" something;
  • • violent manifestations, offensive, rude words to reveal their anger and indignation;
  • • stand or sit with your hands in your pockets, behind your back;
  • · Excessively gesticulating with your hands;
  • • shrug your shoulders;
  • Shake your head instead of negative 4
  • · Look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • · Accompany speech with antics;
  • · Fingering or touching something with your fingers;
  • · Touch the interlocutor, put your hands on his knees or shoulder, take by the sleeves or by the buttons of the jacket;
  • · Turn your back to the interlocutor;
  • · Often glance at the clock, yawning. This is regarded as a sign that you are extremely tired of communicating with the interlocutor, and you want to end the conversation with him as soon as possible;
  • · End your statement with a burst of laughter.

business man etiquette

Etiquette - This is a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of treatment and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothing). Courteous treatment of a woman, respectful attitude towards elders, forms of treatment and greetings, rules for conducting a conversation, behavior at the table, handling guests - all these laws of decency embody general ideas about human dignity.

Etiquette is an integral part of the external culture of a person and society. In modern society, etiquette is greatly simplified, it becomes freer and more natural. There are several types of etiquette: court, diplomatic, military, civil, business etiquette. Business Etiquette is the established order of conduct in the field of business and business contacts.

Functions of business etiquette:

Etiquette facilitates the establishment of contacts, promotes mutual understanding, creates good, stable relationships;

    creates convenience, brings expediency and practicality to business;

    in the field of business, etiquette is the main tool in the formation of the image of an organization, a leader;

    good manners are profitable because where there is etiquette, productivity is higher;

    etiquette creates a pleasant psychol. team climate, sustainability of relationships.

Principles of Business Etiquette:

    the principle of reasonable egoism - when performing your work functions, do not interfere with others in fulfilling theirs;

    respectfulness - respect the society as a whole and each one individually, treat the way you want to be treated;

    the principle of positivity - if there is nothing pleasant or positive to say, it is better to be silent;

    the principle of predictability of behavior in various business situations;

    the principle of relevance: certain rules at a certain time, in a certain place, with certain people;

    the ability to create a sense of significance in another person;

    compliance with the rules of conduct of the country of the business partner.

Business etiquette includes the rules of verbal and non-verbal communication, presentation and greetings in the business sphere, peculiarities of design and presentation of business cards, rules for telephone conversation and written business communication, office and office design, presentation of souvenirs and gifts, presentation etiquette, business receptions, etc.

(100) 3. Etiquette attributes.

Business paraphernalia - things and objects used in the business sphere and requiring compliance with etiquette norms. Includes: Business Cards, Appearances in Various Places Business Gifts, The Art of Bouquet .

In business practice, it is often necessary to give and receive gifts and souvenirs. This improves business ties, demonstrates a benevolent relationship, and testifies to good relationships between colleagues at work.

Gifts can do an employee to an employee, a colleague to an employee, an employee to a boss, a manager to a secretary, a firm to an employee, a firm to a firm. In modern business practice, it is customary to give gifts on the occasion of: anniversaries in the business life of an employee, anniversaries in the life of the company, state. holidays, personal holidays in the life of an employee, global holidays, business meetings with foreign partners - representatives of the receiving party are the first to present a gift.

A gift for an official - an author's picture, a business partner - a box, a notebook, a pen. Of the souvenirs, the ones that are worn by the national are preferable character: nesting dolls, khokhloma, gzhel. Don’t give: icons, nose scarves. Pearls, knives, watches. A cash gift is allowed in an envelope. In addition to gifts, flowers are appropriate, but you need to know their symbolism. Gift db well packed, db the greeting text is attached in the form of a postcard or on business card... When choosing a gift for foreigners. firms must be taken into account nat. peculiarities of countries. For a gift you need to thank orally or send a fax.

Business card -appeared in France in the 17th century. Proves your identity. TYPES: standard, executive, family. Functions- 1. Introduction of business partners 2. Confirmation of interest in business contacts 3. Informing about the company, about its Children 4. Making business contacts. Business card size 5x8 Location of the text in Russian and English on the back. All requisites are indicated. right hand, and with your left you need to make a gesture as if you were supporting the card from a possible fall, you should take someone else's card with your left hand. Having accepted the interlocutor's card, it is imperative to clarify the data contained on the business card. When handing over your business card, you should say your coordinates out loud. Do not exchange business cards - among business Japanese this is a violation of a taboo, for them this fact will be a good reason to suspect you of untidiness and unrespectability. It is also considered bad form to send a business card by mail.

Business etiquette: its origin and development

England and France are commonly called "classic countries of etiquette." However, they cannot be called the birthplace of etiquette. Rudeness of morals, ignorance, worship of brute force, etc. in the 15th century they dominate in both countries.

The ennobling of the mores of Italian society began already in the 14th century. Man passed from feudal manners to the spirit of modern times, and this transition began in Italy earlier than in other countries.

If we compare Italy in the 15th century with other peoples of Europe, then a higher degree of education, wealth, and the ability to decorate one's life are immediately striking.

And at the same time, England, having finished one war, is involved in another, remaining until the middle of the 16th century a country of barbarians.

In Germany, the fierce and irreconcilable war of the Hussites was raging, the nobility was ignorant, the rule of fist rule, the resolution of all disputes by force.

France was enslaved and devastated by the British, the French did not recognize any merits, except for military ones, they not only did not respect science, but even disdained them and considered all scientists the most insignificant of people.

Italy was a land of a new culture. This country deserves to be called the homeland of etiquette by justice.

The established norms of morality are the result of a long-term process of establishing relationships between people. Without observance of these norms, political, economic, and cultural relations are impossible, for one cannot exist without respecting each other, without imposing certain restrictions on oneself.

Etiquette is a French word for demeanor. It includes the rules of courtesy and politeness adopted in society.

Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all peoples from the hoary antiquity to the present day. Basically, these rules of behavior are universal, since they are observed by all representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems that exist in the modern world.

Modern etiquette regulates the behavior of people in everyday life, at work, in public places and on the street, at a party and at various kinds of official events - receptions, ceremonies, negotiations.

Etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, morality in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement, everyday expediency - in the field of material culture.

Modern business etiquette consists in the ability to adapt to a specific life situation without losing your social status.

Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people in the service, in public places and on the street, at various kinds of official events - receptions, negotiations.

There are many rules in business etiquette that must be followed. For example: the rules of table etiquette.

the rules of business etiquette are the same for men and women (in contrast to secular etiquette);

every person you deal with in business must always be treated with respect;

if one of the partners has any awkwardness or difficulties in communication, then the other partner must definitely help him get out of the situation.

Thus, courtesy and tact, attentiveness, receiving and providing help are the main features of business etiquette for everyone - for both men and women.

There are other principles as well:

everything is always done in due time (do not be late, warn);

know how to keep technological, personnel and other secrets of legal entities. or physical the person you work for and know how to keep the details of your personal life;

think not only about yourself;

a business person must speak and write in a competent language;

clothing and footwear should be tastefully selected and in line with business fashion;

treat others the way you would like to be treated;

do not forget about polite words.

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the professional conduct of a business person. Knowledge of etiquette is a necessary business quality that must be acquired and constantly improved.

At work and in everyday life, a person is constantly faced with repetitive standard situations (hello, phone call, goodbye).

For them, forms and rules of behavior of employees of the enterprise in relation to customers and the basis for the relationship of all personnel with each other are developed.

Business etiquette principles:

Common sense (saving working time, maintaining order at the enterprise, maintaining the organization of personnel);

Freedom (free expression of opinion);



Feasibility (each requirement meets the goal);



Efficiency, etc.

The use of the principles of business ethics is economically beneficial and has a significant impact on improving the efficiency of the enterprise. For an employee of a company, ignorance of etiquette can also cost a loss of respect from colleagues, deprivation of wages and even dismissal, depending on who and how he was rude. And given that the contingent of clients of reputable companies is most often rich and influential people, possibly VIP, then in these conditions it becomes the most urgent and urgent need not only to know and apply the rules of business etiquette, but also to be a master in it.

Business etiquette occupies a special place in the art of behavior.

If you violate the norms of behavior in everyday life or in society, then you risk mainly the reputation of a well-bred person, while in management such mistakes can cost a lot of money and even a career.

Etiquette for typical cases suggests wide choose rules and recommendations for cultural behavior.

But he requires their use with strict account of the peculiarities of specific communication in this specific situation,

in an official or informal setting, it happens,

on whose territory

what is the official status and social prestige of its participants, their age, gender, cultural and educational level,

what are the features of national and regional psychology,

finally, what is the degree of acquaintance between partners.

The democratization of etiquette is currently taking place. Business etiquette here is greatly simplified, it becomes incomparably freer and more natural, acquires the meaning of an everyday, benevolent and respectful attitude towards all people, regardless of their position and social status.

Communication etiquette.

Communication etiquette - basic theoretical provisions

Etiquette (from the French. Etiquette) is an established order of conduct anywhere. This is the most general definition etiquette.

The significant role of etiquette in the life of society is explained by a number of functions it performs: regulatory, identification, identification, communicative, ethical, aesthetic, educational. Etiquette is based on moral, ethical and formal organizational foundations.

In addition to the rules of general cultural behavior, there is also professional etiquette. In life, there have always been and will remain relationships that ensure the highest efficiency in the performance of professional functions. Participants in any interaction always try to maintain the most optimal forms of this interaction and rules of behavior. For example, in an organization, a newcomer will be required to strictly adhere to well-established and proven rules of business communication, as they facilitate the performance of professional functions, contribute to the achievement of goals.

Business etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules and forms of the most appropriate behavior that contributed to the success in business relationships.

Jen Yager, in his book Business Etiquette: How to Survive and Succeed in the Business World, outlines the following six core principles:

1. Punctuality. Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be trusted. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all service tasks.

2. Confidentiality. The secrets of an institution, corporation, or a particular transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. There is also no need to retell to anyone what they have heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3. Courtesy, kindness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, customers, customers and colleagues in a polite, friendly and benevolent manner. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Attention to others. Attention to others should extend to co-workers, bosses and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, bosses, and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value the thoughts and experiences of others. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress properly). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within that environment, into the contingent of employees at your level. It is necessary to look in the best possible way, that is, dress tastefully, choosing a color scheme to suit your face. Carefully selected accessories are essential.

6. Literacy. Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names are transmitted without errors. You can not use swear words. Even if you just quote the words of another person, they will be perceived by others as part of your own vocabulary.

The effectiveness of a businessman, entrepreneur, manager, management and any person depends not only on his personal psychophysical characteristics and performance, business abilities and preparedness, but also on the results of his interaction with other people, with employees, subordinates, partners, clients.

In order to avoid serious conflicts and prevent those that can disrupt the achievement of goals, you should know how relationships are formed between people, how informal roles are distributed in a group, how a conflict begins and how to prevent it, stop it if it has already begun. A manager of any level should be able to organize joint activities of people, approve acceptable norms of communication, coordinate the internal goals of the organization and personnel.

Business partners begin to engage in communication long before the first word is pronounced. Mutual influence on the state and activity of each other begins with the establishment of psychological contact and ends with its break. In the act of communication between two people, four stages can be distinguished.

At the first stage, there is a switch from communicating with oneself to communicating with a partner. Partner study and evaluation begins. All previous cases are interrupted, finished or pushed into the background. It is worth turning off the TV, radio and, if possible, turn off the phone

At the second stage, contact is established. Contact is established when both partners are confident in mutual participation in communication. Contact is most often established by non-verbal means: by the direction of the gaze, by turning the head, by facial expression, by reducing the physical distance, etc. When this does not work, the words are turned on: "Sergei Alexandrovich!", "Listen! .." The same means simultaneously give a signal about the chosen type of situation - play, work, intimate.

At the third stage, partners choose the correct language and fundamental style, and specific formulations of arguments are formed. In terms of time, the exchange of verbal texts usually occupies the bulk of the act of communication, but one can imagine an act in which most of the time is spent on establishing contact, for example, during courtship.

The fourth stage - breaking contact, requires certain preparatory actions that take seconds, less often minutes. Preparation for a break goes on two levels simultaneously - on the verbal level (exhausting the topic of conversation or forcibly interrupting it with a phrase like “Sorry, I have an appointment in ten minutes”) and on the non-verbal level (turning the torso, lowering intonation, fixing the gaze on a foreign object, etc. etc.).

These stages of communication in time may overlap. The most common mistake in business communication is focusing on the third, verbal stage and underestimating the rest of the stages.

The main reasons for poor communication are usually:

Lack of understanding of the importance of communication;

Incorrect attitude of consciousness, for example, indifference;

Poor construction of the message itself;

Weak memory

Unsuccessful formation of feedback

Some managers take the view that lower and middle level employees do not have to know about the situation in general. They are confident that those who are below should do what they are told and not ask unnecessary questions. However, research shows that awareness of the general state of affairs is considered one of critical factorsaffecting their work. At the same time, when managers prioritize the factors that determine the morale of their subordinates, they tend to prioritize employee awareness of the state of affairs in the organization. In order to overcome this barrier to business communication, it is necessary to quickly transmit the necessary information to those who are below.


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